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27th April 2020 update ---

Service started, for more information please email to


Knowledge into Wisdom ---

Deepak Sahney Services

Deepak Sahney (@sahneydeepak)

My Dear Friends,

I actively started trading in the stock market in the year 2007. The boom of 2007-08 and the
subsequent bust in 2008-09 taught me many life lessons. Like many, I too, lost a lot of
money. With no active business, I gave myself a second chance, and then a third and a
fourth. Taming the financial markets is not an easy task.

Amassing all my life experiences, I decided to become a student of the markets, in my 60s! I
closely watched every scrip in the room and studied its movement in detail. I correlated
every macro factor and its corresponding micro effect on a share price, down to the detail.

My Twitter Family...
To further expand my knowledge, my younger son introduced me to Twitter in 2013 and
asked me to follow some lesser known but honest and down to earth people. These past
seven years on Twitter, can be considered as my life’s second innings.

I was warned that Twitter can be a mean and self centred place. That any sane person can
lose his sanity with needless arguments with trollers. However, for me, Twitter has given
endless love and support, and I thank each and everyone of my followers for their

boundless compassion. I feel blessed, and offer my unconditional prayers to each one of

While I wont put any stats, I can proudly say that more often than not, my trading calls do
work, irrespective of market behavior or volatility. See my timeline for actual proof :)

They say, change is the only constant. The year 2020, so far, will be remembered for all the
wrong reasons. But history has taught us that humanity has emerged stronger in the face
of adversity.

For the first time in a long long time, humanity has come together, and we are all in one
team. As a team, we can pool our knowledge and come out stronger than before. While
there will be pain and bloodshed near term, I remain extremely hopeful that we will come
out of this soon and restart our lives with a clean slate, for a brighter tomorrow, learning
from our past mistakes.

Fresh Beginnings…
I wholeheartedly believe that the greatest wealth ever earned, is the wealth of trust. But we
cannot undermine the importance of monetary wealth, and its importance to lead a
normal life. Having said that, when the poison of greed takes over, it is akin to digging our
own grave. So stay vigilant!

With this in mind, I am inclined towards starting a stock market advisory service in
the not too distant future, after all, we do need to put food on the table and pay off
our bills :)

For now, it's just a thought. I have not taken any steps to fructify this decision. The
purpose of this letter is to get a response from all of you, my cherished comrades.
While I am yet to decide on the fee, I promise, it will not burn a hole in your pocket.
Imagine a casual coffee outing, imagine a fee, even less than that!

I hope I get a robust response from all of you, enabling me to take the first steps. Trust me,
I am a novice, and have very little knowledge of being a modern day entrepreneur. The
purpose of this startup is to generate equal distribution of wealth amongst my twitter
followers, and charge a small fee.

If I eventually do start, most of the trades will be under closed doors, accessible only to the
people who subscribe. This would mean less 1to1 interactions, and far fewer calls on
Twitter. But, I plan to not let go of Twitter, and will engage with people and share my trades
as and when I get the time.

I will pin this tweet, for all to see. Please share with your friends and family, and do
let me know on my timeline, if this indeed is a good idea. I look forward to your

For now, use this lockdown to unlock your potential. Stay home and stay safe.

With my best regards,

Deepak Sahney

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