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ㄷ Irregular Verbs List

Here is a list of irregular ㄷ verbs followed by a list of regular ㄷ verbs

Irregular ㄷ Verbs
Irregular Verbs Meaning
걷다 to walk
듣다 to listen
묻다 to ask
싣다 to load
깨닫다 to realize
붇다 to swell up (with water)
긷다 to draw water
Regular ㄷ Verbs
닫다 to close
믿다 to believe
받다 to receive
얻다 to get
묻다 to bury
쏟다 to pour
돋다 to rise
곧다 to be straight
굳다 to harden
딛다 to step

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