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The Tet Offensive was a series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities

and outposts in South Vietnam that happened 52 years ago. This offensive changed
how people looked at the war and the war itself. Despite heavy casualties, North
Vietnam accomplished a strategic victory with it, as the attacks marked a turning
point in the Vietnam War and the beginning of the slow and painful American
withdrawal from the region. In February 1968, in the wake of this offensive, the
respected TV journalist Walter Cronkite, who went to observe the war's progress in
person, announced upon his return: “It seems, now more certain than ever, that the
bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate." and so it did. North Vietnam
consummated the victory, and with the victory the submission of South Vietnam into
a communist regime, but nowadays what both countries search for is a capitalist
system more than anything. This is quite ironic, if you ask me. They fought so hard
for so much time, and they won! But, for what? To realize that the regime they
defended so much was going to lead them into disaster and that the system they
were against was actually what they needed and what they need. All those lost lives,
all that violence, nothing of that was necessary. In conclusion, it is very sad.

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