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Was resuming face-to-face classes at the university a wise

In my opinion, returning to the university in person was necessary, I believe that in
this way greater interaction is achieved when carrying out work, practices and class
exercises among students; this encourages socialization due to the interaction and
exchange of ideas.
I think that as a student we can establish study routines and classes, which helps to
form and resume habits.
I feel that face-to-face classes are more dynamic and encourage the participation of
all students, since it is easier for teachers to adapt their strategies to the needs of
the group
I prefer this modality, despite the fact that they are not yet 100% face-to-face, the
hybrid model and the accessibility of teachers in this situation is something that in
my case and in that of many colleagues allows me to feel once again a productive
part of society and I love meeting up with my friends and socializing with them.

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