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Mary Help of Christians School (Cebu), Inc.

Minglanilla Cebu

First Quarter

Prepared by: Ms. Crista Claire V. Ycong

Course Description
This course introduces the students to the different health issues and concerns – these include the height and
weight, hearing, vision, skin, hair and nail, posture and spine disorder, and dental problems. With that, they will be
aware of their personal health and realize within themselves the different health issues and concerns they
experienced. In response to that, the are taught about the prevention and management of personal health issues
and concerns.

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

a. make a poster that promotes the health resources and facilities in their community.

Unit 1.1 – Personal Health
Lesson 1.1.1 – Personal Health Issues and Concerns
Lesson 1.1.2 – Prevention and Management of Personal Health Issues and Concerns

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the prevention and management of
personal health issues and concerns, utilizing school and community resources.

The learners demonstrate understanding that learning the personal issues and concerns are important in order to come
up a significant prevention and management to avoid these issues and concerns.

Performance Standard
The learners will make a poster that promotes the health resources and facilities in their community.

Formation Standard
The learners become self-disciplined and personally responsible.

Formation Standard
The learners will independently use their learning to make a poster that promotes the health resources and facilities in
their community, thus becoming BMH who are self-disciplined and personally responsible.

Practical Examination

Health awareness month is approaching. As an active member of the community, you are tasked to make a poster that
promotes the health resources and facilities in your community. Include in your poster the prevention and management of
personal health issues and concerns.

G – Your goal is to make a poster that promotes the health resources and facilities in your community.
R – An active member in the community
A – Members of the community
S – Health awareness month is approaching. As an active member of the community, you are tasked to make a poster
that promotes the health resources and facilities in your community.
P – A poster
S – See rubrics below.

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Content is accurate Content is accurate Content is either Content is inaccurate.
and all required but some required questionable or Information is
information like the information like the incomplete. incomplete, inaccurate,
Content health awareness is health awareness is Information is not or not presented in a
(30%) presented in a missing and/or not presented in a logical logical order, making it
logical order. presented in a order, making it difficult difficult to follow.
logical order, but is to follow.
still generally easy
to follow.
The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is poor
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably attractive distractingly messy or
attractive in terms of of design, layout, though it may be a bit very poorly designed.
design, layout, and and neatness. messy. It is not attractive.
Images drawn in Images drawn in Images are No images or artwork
artwork are colorful, artwork are mostly inappropriate and included.
and appropriate to colorful and artwork shows little, if
the topic. Layout appropriate. Layout any, creativity. The
flows well, shows may show some layout is messy,
creativity, and is degree of creativity disorganized or
pleasing to the eye. but is not organized cluttered.
logically and/or is
All items of Almost all items of Many items on the Labels are too small to
Labels importance on the importance on the poster are clearly view or no important
(20%) poster are clearly poster are clearly labeled. items were labeled.
labeled. labeled.
Graphics are all in Most graphics are Some graphics are not All graphics are not in
focus and the in focus and the in focus and the focus and the content
Graphics Clarity
content easily content easily content cannot be cannot be easily
viewed and viewed and easily viewed and viewed and identified.
identified. identified. identified.
Total Points: 20 points

General Guidelines:

1. You are always expected to uphold academic integrity and intellectual honesty as a student.
2. Observe deadlines. Follow the schedule of course activities and submit your assignments, activities, and other
requirements on time.
3. Quizzes are conducted through LMS. Make sure to have stable internet connectivity and a device in your access
to the quizzes of your subject and follow the given examination schedule.

Grading System
 Written Work ----------------------------------------- 20%
 Performance Task---------------------------------- 45%
-Performance Task
 Practical Examination ---------------------------- 35%
-Practical Examination
                                              TOTAL -------100%
Introduce Yourself

Hello! I am Crista Claire V. Ycong, your teacher in Arts, PE, and Health. Just a little background, I have been
teaching in Mary Help of Christians School (Cebu), Inc. for a year already. I love music, and I am into singing and
dancing. I also love making creative artworks.

For this school year, I will be teaching Arts, Physical Education, and Health for Grades 4-6. Together, this
academic year, we will be making creative artworks, demonstrating some physical activities such as sports and
dance, and we will be achieving a good quality of living through developing positive health attitudes.

If you have concerns, you can send a message to my email –

May I know a brief background from you? Please introduce yourself by providing answers to the following

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your name? Where are you from? What are your interests in life? What are your
2. Think of an object that describes yourself. Give a brief explanation.
3. Write a short message to yourself. 😊

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Good luck and enjoy your journey!

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Lesson 1.1.1 – Personal Health Issues and Concerns

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different personal health issues and concerns;
b. describe the personal health issues and concerns; and
c. share their views on the importance of learning the different personal health issues and concerns.

Essential Question:
 Why is there a need for us to be aware of our health issues and concerns?

Values Focus:
 To develop the value of awareness of one’s personal health
 To develop the value of responsibility in taking care of one’s health

Things Needed:
 Notebook
 Pen

Lesson Proper:


Write the number in the basket if the image shows good health practices and write the number in the
trash bin if it does not show good health practices.

1 2 3 4 5

Process Questions:

1. What will happen to us if we will follow the practices in the basket?

2. What will happen to us if we will follow the practices in the trash bin?


All of us are unique individuals. We were born with different skin, hair, and eye colors. We speak in different
languages and we have different cultures and traditions. We live in different countries with different climates yet
as we grow up, all of us yearn to look good, be healthy, and to live happily and peacefully in our respective
environments. Thus, it is very essential to monitor the physical changes that occur in our body such as weight
gain and weight loss. Knowing if you are underweight, overweight, or have a normal weight, it is important to
determine if you are absorbing enough nutrients needed by the body to stay healthy and fit.


 Stunted growth – a condition that primarily affects people who suffer malnutrition during their
childhood. They have short height and low body masses for their age group.
 Overweight or obesity affects children emotionally and socially. Health authorities attribute obesity
to children’s eating habits. More children are addicted to eating fast foods which lack the proper
nutrients fit for growing kids. Some ads and food commercials are irresistible to children and even
 Malnutrition is very common to children who are below the poverty line. But don’t be misled by this
fact because children who are surrounded with food but aren’t eating healthily can also suffer from

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malnutrition. These children who stuff themselves with sweets, fried and junk foods become obese or
too fat. Obesity is a form of overnutrition because the intake of nutrition is over supplied.
 Impacted cerumen occurs when earwax becomes hard and blocks the ear canal.
 Otitis externa or swimmer’s ear is a painful condition caused by trapped water in your ears. It can
result infection.
 Otitis Media occurs when bacteria become present to infections. It can lead to accumulation of pus
and mucus behind the eardrum.
Some common problems of the eyes:
 Astigmatism – the eyes are out of focus. Both distance and near visions are affected.
 Myopia or nearsightedness – objects are clear when close to sight while far away objects become
 Hyperopia or farsightedness – can see distant objects very well but finds difficulty to focus on close
 Xeropthalmia – a condition of the eyes to produce tears due to Vitamin A deficiency.
 Strabismus – abnormal alignment of the eyes. It is also commonly known as cross-eyed because the
eyes do not point in one direction.


Do you know how to take good care of your skin, hair, and nail? Too much sun exposure and lack of
vitamins may cause problems like sunburn, dandruff, corns, blisters, calluses, and ingrown toenails. These
problems are very irritating and painful. Being informed about these will develop awareness and a bigger
chance of prevention.
 Sunburn is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun that affects the tissues of the
skin. Common symptoms include redness of the skin that is hot to the touch.
 Dandruff is a typical ski problem characterized by shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.
Symptoms include unusually large amount of dead skin cell flaking which is accompanied by redness,
itching, and irritation.
 Corn is a painful conical thickening of skin that results from repeated pressure on thin skin. It usually
occurs on bony prominences like the fifth toe.
 Blister is a raised area of clear liquid within the skin which is commonly caused by burning, chemical
exposure, injury, and infection.
 Callus is a toughened area of the skin which has thickened and hardened due to repeated friction,
pressure, and other irritation.
 Ingrown toenail is a typical nail disease in which the sharp edge of the toenail may dig into and
injure one or both sides of the nail bed. This does not normally occur on habitual barefoot people
since it requires downward pressure on the nail by a shoe. The affected toe becomes red, swollen,
and painful.
 Posture is the position of your body while standing or sitting. It shows how your muscles and
skeletons hold your body. Some common disorders of the posture are:
- Scoliosis – an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.
- Lordosis – excessive inward curvature of the spine
- Kyphosis – excessive outward curvature of the spine. The common term for this is hunchback.
 Cavities – are common dental problem but this form of tooth decay can be prevented if you brush
and floss your teeth daily.
 Gingivitis or gum disease – is due to the effects of the plaque deposits on your teeth.
 Periodontitis – is the inflammation of the tissues around the teeth causing the shrinkage of thee gum
and loosening of the teeth.
 Halitosis or bad breath – can result from poor dental habits or maybe the cause of an illness.

Performance Task 1.1 – Health Concerns

I. Objective:
 To be able to identify the health concern
 To be able to discuss the best treatment for the said health concern
II. Material:
 MS Word/Google Docs
III. Procedures:

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1. Write your reflection about the situation provided below. Use the guide questions in writing your reflection.


            While you were eating lunch with your friend, you’ve noticed that his hand got blisters. You asked him,
what happened to his hand. Then, he told you that the hot water spilled accidentally to his hand. You asked
him if he had treated the blisters already. He said yes, he just put a toothpaste on his blisters, yet he did not
see any improvement on it.

Guide Questions:

a. What medical problem is your friend experiencing?

b. Why do you think his blisters did not heal after putting it with a toothpaste?
c. Is toothpaste the best remedy for treating blisters?
d. What advice can you tell him?

2. Submit your output to this email,

3. Leave a message to the activity resource so that it will be marked complete.


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Depth of Reflection Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates
(40%) an in-depth reflection a general reflection a minimal reflection lack of reflection on
on the ways on how on the ways on how on the ways on how the ways on how to
to treat the blisters to treat the blisters to treat the blisters treat the blisters that
that his/her friend is that his/her friend is that his/her friend is his/her friend is
experiencing, experiencing, experiencing, experiencing, with no
including supporting including some including a few details.
details and examples. supporting details supporting details
and examples. and examples.
Structure and Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is unclear, Writing unclear,
Organization concise, and well- clear, concise, and and thoughts are not disorganized.
(20%) organized with the organized with the well-organized. Thoughts make little
use of excellent use of excellent Thoughts are not to no sense.
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a logical
structure. Thoughts structure. Thoughts manner.
are expressed in a are expressed in a
logical manner. logical manner.
Sentence Fluency The writing has an The writing mostly The text hums along The text seems
(10%) easy flow and flows, and usually with a steady beat, choppy and is not
rhythm. Sentences invites oral reading. but tends to be more easy to read orally.
are well-built, with businesslike than
strong and varied musical, more
structure that invites mechanical than fluid.
expressive oral
Conventions The writer The write The writer shows The writer seems to
(10%) demonstrates a good understands good reasonable control have made little effort
grasp of standard writing conventions over a limited range to use conventions:
writing conventions and usually uses of standard writing spelling, punctuation,
(e.g., spelling, them correctly. Paper conventions. capitalization, usage,
punctuation, is easily read and Conventions are grammar and/or
capitalization, errors are rare; minor sometimes handled paragraphing have
grammar, usage, touch-ups would get well and enhance multiple errors.
paragraphing) and this piece ready to readability; at other
uses conventions publish. times, errors are
effectively to enhance distracting and impair
readability. readability.
Presentation The form and The format only has a The writer's message The writer's message
(20%) presentation of the few mistakes and is is understandable in is only
text enhances the generally easy to this format. understandable
ability for the reader read and pleasing to occasionally, and
to understand and the eye. paper is messily
connect with the written.
message. It is
pleasing to the eye.

Total Points: 20 points

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Lesson 1.1.2 – Prevention and Management of Personal Health Issues and Concerns

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different health appraisal procedures;
b. identify the duties and responsibilities of medical practitioners; and
c. share their views on the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures.

Essential Question:
 Why do we need to follow carefully the different health appraisal procedures?

Values Focus:
 To develop the value of awareness of one’s personal health
 To develop the value of responsibility in taking care of one’s health

Things Needed:
 Notebook
 Pen

Lesson Proper:


Look at the picture above.

Process Questions:
1. What have you observed in the pictures?
2. What health issues can be prevented on each picture shown?


Developing Self-management Skills

Self- management skills are essential in the development of an individual. It helps you to become a
responsible person. If you practice good nutrition, proper hygiene, regular physical exercise, enough rest and
sleep, good posture, and oral care, you will develop habits which will keep you healthy and fit for many years.

Good Nutrition
How will you have a well-balanced diet?
First, you must learn to eat varieties of foods from each level of the food pyramid, from grains, vegetables,
fruits, oils, milk, meat, and beans, because no single food can supply all the nutrients which your body needs on a
daily basis. You must learn to eat food of all colors. Second, you must eat the right amount of food. Too much
consumption of unhealthy food my result in obesity. While eating less than the daily nutritional needs may result in

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Proper Hygiene
Proper hygiene is one of the ways of maintaining health and preventing illnesses. How do you keep
yourself clean and healthy? Here are some tips on how to achieve good hygiene.
1. Make it a habit to wash your hands before and after eating.
2. Take a bath every day.
3. Have your hair trimmed on a regular basis. Avoid sharing brushes and combs for this may cause outbreaks of
head lice.
4. Brush your teeth daily to avoid tooth decay.
5. Always wear clean socks, underwear, and clothes to avoid athlete’s foot and other similar fungi.

Regular Physical Activity

Exercise is an activity requires physical effort in order to maintain and improve your health. Do you
know the other benefits of exercise? Here are some benefits of exercise.

1. Exercise fights health conditions like heart disease.

2. Exercise helps you burn calories which can prevent you from becoming overweight. It also helps you in
maintaining a good body shape.
3. It can strengthen your muscles and help improve stamina.

Enough Rest and Sleep

Do you sleep for seven to eight hours? Having adequate sleep will help you feel better. Aside from
this, sleep can also keep your heart healthy, relieve stress, make you more alert, and boost your memory.
Sleep is very beneficial to your health. Without enough sleep, your judgment, mood, and the ability to learn
information are weakened.

Good Posture

What is posture? Posture is the position of the person’s body while sitting and standing. Maintaining
a good posture will keep your body align and can prevent common problems like back pain and neck pain.
Good posture while standing is having a straight back,
chin up, squared shoulders, stomach in, and feet

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A mam in good standing position

Oral Care
Do you visit your dentist regularly? Keeping your teeth clean is the key to prevent cavities. Make it a
habit to visit your dentist at least once a year. Oral care can also prevent gum problems. Consider the
following tips on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
2. Keep your brush clean. It also advisable to keep your toothbrush every two to three months. They
might be contaminated with oral microbial organisms that may cause illness.
3. Do not hesitate to visit your dentist when you experience toothache or swollen gums. Have a regular
checkup of your teeth and gums.

Undergoing Health Appraisal Procedures

Health Appraisal refers to a series of procedures to assess or determine the health status of the students
through the use of teacher's observations, screening tests, health histories or medical records, medical and dental
inspections and psychological tests. They are dependent upon the cooperative effort of parents, teachers,
physicians, dentists, health educators, nurses and others in the school program.

What are the different health examinations that assess a learner’s health?

1. Height and Weight Measurement

You may accurately measure the height of a person by following these steps.
a) Remove the shoes, bulky hair ornaments, and anything that interferes with the measurement.
b) Make sure to stand with feet flat and against the wall. Legs should be straight and arms at the
c) Look straight ahead. Eyes should look parallel with the floor.
d) Take the measurement. Use a flat headplace and lower it until it touches the head.
e) The measurer’s eyes should be at the same level with the headplace.
f) Record the result.

The procedures for getting height measurement

You may accurately measure the weight of a person by following these simple steps.
a) Use a digital scale for better results. Place the digital scale on a flat, firm surface.
b) Remove the shoes and heavy clothing such as coat or jacket.
c) Stand with both feet at the center of the scale.
d) Record the weight to the nearest decimal fraction.

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The procedures for getting weight measurement

To determine if you have a healthy weight, you may compare the results of your weight and height
following this chart.

2. Hearing Test
Can you easily recognize sounds? Or do you find it difficult to hear speech even in quiet places? The
hearing test is necessary for accurate detection of a person’s hearing defects. The evaluation is done
using a medical instrument called audiometer. You may also test the hearing sensitivity by whispering at a
distance of 8 feet, asking the person some questions or giving him or her commands. If he or she does
not respond to your questions, it is an indication that he or she might have hearing defects. Visit the
doctor for further screening test and evaluation.

3. Vision Test
Vision screening is a method used by doctors to determine if a person has visual impairment or eye
conditions which may lead to visual impairment. There are many methods used to screen a child’s vision.
An example is using a flashlight to inspect for abnormality in size or structure. It is performed by an
optometrist, who is an eye care professional.

4. Scoliosis Test
A scoliosis test examines the condition of a person’s spine. It usually begins with history and physical
examination. Then, the forward bending test will follow, wherein the person bends forward from the waist
with arms hanging loosely to check for abnormalities such as a rib hump. If there is a significant curve of
the spine, an X-ray of the spine may be taken for further evaluation to prevent curve progression.

5. Dental Examination
Dental examination is very important to ensure the healthy teeth and gums. During the examination,
the dentist will inspect your teeth, identify gum problems or bone loss. The dentist will also check your
face and neck for abnormalities or lymph nodes. Your dentist will evaluate your risk of developing tooth
decay and discuss the proper diet and oral hygiene habits.

What are the good habits that you must develop to stay fit and healthy?


Medical Professionals or Practitioners

A medical practitioner prescribes medications and treatments necessary to restore health and prevent
the worsening of illness. He or she examines and diagnoses physical and mental illnesses. He or she also
analyzes medical or laboratory test results and other diagnostic images like x-rays. He or she works in school
clinics, health centers, and hospitals. Doctors, dentists, and nurses are examples of medical professionals or
A doctor or physician is a person who is licensed to practice medicine.
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A dentist is a licensed practitioner who specializes in treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of
diseases and injuries of the mouth, jaws, and teeth.
A nurse is a licensed health care professional who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health. He
or she is often supervised by a physician. He or she takes the blood pressure and body temperature of a
patient, and then, monitors the condition of a patient.

Health Facilities
Health facility, in general, refers to a place where health care is provided. Examples of health facilities
are small clinics, and large hospitals with emergency rooms, x-ray rooms, and trauma centers.

School Clinic
A school clinic is an example of a health care facility which is intended or devoted to the care of the

Barangay Health Station or Rural Health Unit

A barangay health station or rural health unit is a health care facility that offers free health services
and vaccines to the residents of the community. Its main objective is to provide first aid, maternal and child
health care, and other basic health services to all the members of the community it is serving.

Performance Task 1.2 – Medical Practitioners

I. Objectives:
 To be able to draw a medical practitioner
 To be able to identify the duties and responsibilities of a health practitioner
II. Materials:
 Bond paper
 Pencil
 Eraser
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 Coloring materials
III. Procedures:
1. Draw a medical practitioner or professional, and then, tell something about his or her duties and
responsibilities in your community.
2. Your explanation must have at least 8-10 sentences.
3. Write your explanation below the drawing.

Medical Practitioners


4. Submit your output to this email,

5. Leave a message to the activity resource so that it will be marked complete.


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
The student is able to The student is able to The student is, The student can
draw a medical draw a medical somehow, able to hardly draw a
practitioner or practitioner or draw a medical medical practitioner
professional with professional with practitioner or or professional.
colors exceptionally. colors. professional without
applying any colors
on it.
The student provides The student provides The student provides The student does not
an in-depth a general explanation a minimal explanation provide an
explanation about the about the duties and about the duties and explanation about the
duties and responsibilities of a responsibilities of a duties and
responsibilities of a medical practitioner medical practitioner responsibilities of a
medical practitioner or professional, or professional, medical practitioner
or professional, including some including a few or professional.
including supporting supporting details supporting details
details and examples. and examples. and examples.
The form and The format only has a The writer's message The writer's message
presentation of the few mistakes and is is understandable in is only
text enhances the generally easy to this format. understandable
Presentation ability for the reader read and pleasing to occasionally, and
(20%) to understand and the eye. paper is messily
connect with the written.
message. It is
pleasing to the eye.
Structure and Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is unclear, Writing unclear,
Organization concise, and well- clear, concise, and and thoughts are not disorganized.
(10%) organized with the organized with the well-organized. Thoughts make little
use of excellent use of excellent Thoughts are not to no sense.
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sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a logical
structure. Thoughts structure. Thoughts manner.
are expressed in a are expressed in a
logical manner. logical manner.
The writing has an The writing mostly The text hums along The text seems
easy flow and flows, and usually with a steady beat, choppy and is not
rhythm. Sentences invites oral reading. but tends to be more easy to read orally.
Sentence Fluency are well-built, with businesslike than
(10%) strong and varied musical, more
structure that invites mechanical than fluid.
expressive oral
Total Points: 20 points

Quiz 1.1


Agda, E., Agda, G., & et. al. (2017). Dynamic Series in MAPEH 6 (1st ed.). Jo-es Publishing House, Inc.

Castro, B. & De Vera, R. (2017). The Joys of MAPEH 6 (1st ed.). Ephesians Publishing Inc.

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