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1 Week 3 Format 1
Skills outer activities

What type of hobbies What specific activities are you doing this year related to that
do you practice? hobby?

Example 1: Reading I am reading one book per month.

Example 2: Televisión I am watching 2 hours of TV per day.

Doing exercise My hobbit is doing exercise, I love it, I try to practice it minimum 3-4
days in the week, for approximately 1 hour each one. I divide up my
days in the following way: Monday (squats and glutes), Tuesday
(shoulders, chest, biceps, and abdominal muscles) Friday (Hams
and glutes) and Saturday (Cardio).

Playing volleyball I am practicing volleyball in my free time, like when I and my friends
have time between classes in the university

Reading I like to read books of Mario Mendoza. For the moment I am not
reading some one but the last was Lady massacre.

Baking healthy recipes I am baking healthy recipes like healthy cupcakes, banana cakes,
healthy brownies, cookies, and cinnamon rolls. I cook it in weekends

Watching series in I am watching series in Netflix in weekends with my mom and my

Netflix younger sister we are watching astrological guide for broke hearts.

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