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The picture describes about steps to use The Automatic Photo Booth. Generally, to use this
machine, you should know some part of this machine and several steps, there are three
main steps consist of: 1. Take a Photo 2, Customs Photo Size 3, Finish.
Before you use this machine to take photos, so important to analyse several parts such as:
Mirror, Light, adjustable stool, coin in, and small box for output the photo. Furthermore, to
begin take photos you can follow this phase:
Firstly, Take Photos, it is the first step to take your photo, you must insert coin first. Before
you take it important to prepare yourself to get good result. You must sit down in adjustable
stool, then you can use the mirror to know your face or expression. If you are ready to take
photos next steps is you can pull the rope and wait for light single flash after 3 seconds,
don’t forget to focus on eye level and must be closed when taking photos.
Secondly, after finished it, next step is customs format, this step you can arrange size of
photos into two format there are 1 large format and passport size for 4 photos. In this step
also you can customs your photos become black or colour photo (Passport photo).
Thirdly, this is final steps you can bring your photo. Take your photo from small box after 60

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