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Vincent College of Cabuyao

Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


QR Code Contact Tracing Vaccine


A Flexibility Study Presented To

The Faculty of College of Business Administration
St. Vincent College of Cabuyao

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



S.Y 2021-2022

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna




1st paragraph History of Company

SM Supermalls, owned by SM Prime Holdings, is a chain of shopping malls in

the Philippines that as of early 2021 has 76 malls located across the country and 26
more scheduled to be opened for an eventual total of 102 malls. It also has 7 malls
in China, including SM Tianjin which is the second largest in the world in terms of gross
leasable area (GLA). SM Supermalls has become one of the biggest mall operators
in Southeast Asia. Combined, the company has about 9.24 million square meters
of gross floor area (GFA). It has 17,230 tenants in the Philippines and 1,867 tenants in
China. The company that operates the malls was started by Henry Sy in 1958 as
Shoemart, with a store in Manila. In the 1960s, Shoemart expanded its shoe store
chain. By the 1970s, Shoemart was a full-line department store, shifting its name from
Shoemart to SM. In the 1980s, the company diversified and ventured into the
supermarket and home appliance store business. It opened the first "Supermall" store in
1985 in Quezon City called SM City North EDSA. In March 2020, all SM malls were
temporarily closed due to the enhanced community quarantines caused by the COVID-
19 pandemic, with the exception of essential businesses.

2nd paragraph Manual System they use

COVID-19 spreads rapidly every day, since the COVID-19 are one of the
primary concern in whole word reason to create a contact tracing strategy to record
and locate the person having symptoms of COVID-19 and also to stop the virus
infects the other person. To help open every business, contact tracing form is their
way to identify all customers entering the establishment if is not a carrier of the virus
and to help the government to track down quickly the person positive in COVID-19
and the efficacy of using this method is very useful but still dangerous for everyone.

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


Manually writing in contact tracing form is very prone in virus and also the
person who is assigned to do a contact tracing. Most of establishments or businesses
like malls, convenience store is using manual contact tracing form; this kind of
method can be dangerous for everyone. The tools that they were using are the one of
the ways to pass to another the virus which is very dangerous.

For the safety of everyone and the modernization of our world creates a
mobile contact tracing with QR code to scan, every QR code needs to fill up some
information that needs for contact tracing. This will help everyone to avoid virus
transmission through the objects, contact tracing forms through mobile, one of the
safety way to prevent COVID-19 infectious disease.

3rd paragraph Applying your System

QR scanning is the new method to create a contact tracing form through mobile a
safe way to fill up the information that needs to perform a contact tracing. Most of
Filipinos are now vaccinated especially the workers to keep safe, as the number of
vaccinated increases and usually uses QR Code Scanning. The system that will be
created will be applied for QR Code Scanning for contact tracing, once the QR code
scanned will be store in database, the system will can use even the smartphone has
only a free data, it will consume your time but it’s very safe for everyone.


This study aims to determine the importance of QR Code Contact Tracing

Vaccine Validation; specifically, this study seek to answer the following problems:

1. What is the importance of vaccination in our time of pandemic?

2. What are the Effects of implementing QR code to the consumers to conduct

a contact tracing in every establishment?

3. What could be the impact on consumers if others do not know how to use a
QR Code Scanner?

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna



The objective of this study was for all costumers to be given the acceptability
to perform contact tracing within the SM Mall. Not just for the costumers but also for
the managers, employees and staff who work inside such as:

1. The benefits of getting a COVID-19 Vaccine:

1.1 COVID-19 vaccines are non-experimental because they have gone
through all of the required stages of clinical trials and have been proven to
be safe and effective through thorough testing and monitoring.
1.2 COVID 19-vaccine is effective and safe because it can prevent the
spread of the virus caused by COVID-19.
1.3 COVID-19 vaccines can also help prevent serious illness even if you
get COVID-19.

2. Effective uses of QR Code Contact Tracing with consumers:

2.1 A QR code can be readily created without cost using an app or a

website. As a result, QR code advertising has become increasingly popular.

2.2 Consumers can avoid using manual writing when obtaining Safety
Health Protocol Contact Tracing outside the SM Mall.

2.3 By using the QR Code System shoppers can avoid crowding in line
outside the Mall.

3. Impact on Costumer of QR Code Contact Tracing

3.1 Perhaps others do not know how to use a QR Code, at all entrances of
the Mall there are security guards to guide how to use the system. And this
system does not need to consume a lot of data, they can open it even free
data or use SM Free Wi-Fi.

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


3.2 Some smart phones do not have a QR Scanner installed, so in front of
the entrance the security guards will post guidelines on how to install a QR
Scanner for consumers to follow.

3.3 Not everyone may have enough data to install an application, people
may ask for a copy of the application from the security guards in charge
outside so they can install it quickly.

3.4 If the customer does not know how to use QR Code Contact Tracing
they can approach the guard to guide them on how to use it properly.


The scope of the study is stated the following:

A. This study covers only within the SM Sta. Rosa Laguna.

B. The system should acquire all mangers, employees and staff including their
customers and visitors.
C. This system is required of all every SM Tenants within their store to maintain
the safety of the employees who will work here.


In this study was limited in the ability to provide their system to other malls that
they did not cover. Every mall should have such a system so that every management,
employee, staff, costumer and visitor can avoid using manual contact tracking, thus
preventing the contamination of each other.

A. QR Code Contact Tracing can be used in SM Sta. Rosa Laguna with the
management, employee, staff, costumer and visitor access.

B. QR Code Contact Tracing can be used inside the facility of the SM Sta. Rosa
for the identification of the customers.

C. The consumers are required to have Free Data or have an in charge guard to
support the consumer to share to the guest available for QR Code to avoid hassle to

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna



The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

A. QR codes are widely used to track information about products in a supply

chain, and they are frequently utilized in marketing and advertising efforts because
many smartphones have built-in QR scanners.

B. This system will help to more easily trace a potential suspect with symptoms
of COVID-19.

C. The benefits of this system are good examples to be distributed inside and
outside SM Mall for the safety of the people who shop here.

D. The possible result of this system can be known once they have tested it.
Evaluate a month if it will be more effective in general.


For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to the study, the
following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

Database- a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that

is accessible in various ways.

Modernizations - the process of adapting something to modern needs or


QR Code - QR stands for "Quick Response. the QR code should allow the
user to access information instantly hence why it's called a Quick Response

System - a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an

interconnecting network.

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna




This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in
familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Local Literature

Oliver (March 2020). There is substantial public health and epidemiological value
in mobile app generated data, especially for targeting and monitoring the impact of
public health measures to contain the virus. With location information, near real-time
data on mobility and hotspots can play an important role in understanding the impact
that lifting and reestablishing various measures may have on observable population
behaviors such as transport patterns. This evidence can be used to inform the optimal
combination and timing Hart et al., April 2020 state that the methodology required for
‘smart testing’ is a continual loop of testing and identification of those infected, finding
those who have been in contact with COVID-positive individuals and quarantining and
testing them, and finally identifying those who have recovered so they can safely work
in the economy. If this process is in place, the rate of infections can be kept low enough
for the medical system to cope and for the economy to continue without the lockdown
‘Lockdowns’ are assumed to start at 1% prevalence of the total population. of policy
measures (e.g., general mobility restrictions, school closures, banning of large
gatherings), and to balance these restrictions with aspects of economic vitality.

According to Karl Hapal, (April 2020) five weeks since Metro Manila and other
provinces were put under “enhanced community quarantine” (ECQ). Under ECQ, school
and university classes were suspended, mass gatherings were prohibited, government
offices were run with a skeletal workforce, businesses were closed except for those
providing essential goods and services, mass transportation was restricted, and people
were ordered to observe social distancing measures and to stay at home. At that time,

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


the Philippines had 6,456 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) confirmed cases, 426
deaths, and 612 recoveries. Quarantine rules specified that only one person was
authorized to go out and buy essential goods for the rest of their family. As the
designated “authorized person outside of residence” (APOR), I was given a “quarantine
pass,” a document issued by the barangay. With my quarantine pass securely kept in
my bag, I went out to buy food and medicine in a nearby market. Without any public
transportation, I walked for nearly thirty minutes to get to the market. The street leading
to the market was relatively empty. Apart from people who were, like me, walking
towards the market, very few vehicles plied the road. Occasionally, an ambulance would
pass by as well as illegal motorcycle taxis. As I neared the market, I saw slow-moving
vehicles occupying the street. It was as if I had gone back to the “old normal.” Soon I
saw police vehicles. I also saw several buses where people were being loaded. I
thought the buses were there to transport frontline workers. I was later told that the
buses were there to transport people apprehended for violating quarantine guidelines.
My brief encounter with the government’s campaign to apprehend violators of
quarantine guidelines is hardly an aberration. Elsewhere in the greater Metro Manila
area, the joint forces of the police and the military cracked down on erring individuals.

According to Maru, (2020) The Philippine response to COVID-19 has been

described as being one of the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world. Entire
provinces and cities were put into lockdown, mobility was restricted, and the wearing of
masks and social distancing were strictly enforced. Violations were met with punitive
action. The government relied heavily on the police and the military to ensure that order
was maintained and that all health protocols were followed. This has led some
observers and scholars to describe the government response as either “draconian,”
“militarized,” or “police-centric”.

Base on Article of Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 10) Digital COVID-19
vaccination certificates may be issued in early August with the help of local
governments, an official said Saturday. Information and Communications
Undersecretary Manny Cain tic said this target is possible if local governments are able
to submit the names of immunized people so data may be uploaded on the vaccine

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


information management system. The DICT's plan is to create a mobile application that
will contain a digital version of the vaccination card and a QR code that can be scanned
if people need to show proof of their COVID-19 immunization to enter an area, Health
Undersecretary Maria Verge ire said Friday. DICT committed yesterday in the IATF
meeting that we already have a system in place. But the local governments have to
cooperate and submit their lists of vaccinated individuals. These updates came after the
pandemic task force said local governments can now allow fully vaccinated individuals
to present their COVID-19 immunization cards instead of negative COVID-19 test
results before entry to their localities. Issues like tampering were also raised. The IATF
later clarified it is up to the local government to require fully vaccinated travelers to still
present negative test results.

Base on Article of Noemi Lardizabal-Dado (2021 June 27) National Task Force
Against Covid-19 spokesperson Restitute Padilla in an interview with CNN Philippines
mentioned that a Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
certification and/or vaccination card is enough to prove one is fully vaccinated. A few
weeks ago, DICT Undersecretary Emmanuel Rey Cantic, in a virtual town hall meeting
organized by the Department of Health (DoH), said the Philippine government would
issue Covid-19 vaccine passports for Filipinos for international sea and air travel.
Currently, the vaccination card issued by the local government unit is the only proof one
is vaccinated. I took digital copies, so I don't need to bring the physical card around. If
DICT plans to implement a Covid-19 passport, they could integrate the vaccine
certification or passport in Stay Safe, the official exposure notification app endorsed by
the DoH in the fight against Covid-19. However, the reliability and security of the
technology used in this app needs to be verified first. The Stay Safe app has been in my
phone for a year and not once was I alerted of any exposure. Developing a new app is
another option.

Foreign Literature

According to Ferretti (March 2020) and Hart (April 2020). The use of smartphone
technology for contact tracing has emerged as a potentially useful method for limiting
disease transmission during an epidemic or pandemic. (Yasaka et al., April 2020, Hart

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


et al., April 2020, Ferretti et al., March 2020, Hinch et al., April 2020). Besides, research
has been done on the role that a contact tracing app can play in the removal of mass
quarantine (‘lock down') measures by targeting those identified as being ‘at risk' and
enabling what some refer to as ‘smart testing,' or the most efficient use of available
testing resources.

According to Furukawa (2020). A fresh case is the starting point for contact
tracing. The case manifests symptoms or is suspected to be manifesting symptoms (by
being in close contact with another, confirmed case). While PR is symptomatic or
asymptomatic, the case can transmit the virus to others, hence haste is critical at this
stage. The case should be tested as soon as possible, and the results should be
conveyed as soon as practicable. Contact tracing becomes less successful if new cases
are not tested, wait to be tested, or wait for test findings to be relayed.

According to Tages Anzeiger, (11 May) It covers problems like as data

protection, privacy, and anonymity, as well as discussions about the collection, storage,
and access to data created by digital contact tracking programs. The question of
whether apps should store data centrally or decentralized was a major point of
contention, with arguments made for both approaches. According to one article, with a
centralized approach, “only an anonymized code is centrally recorded from infected
persons,” and the aggregated data could assist authorities. “To better understand the
virus and its spread and the effectiveness of their containment measures.” (NZZ, 17
April) Governments around the globe have started to develop and deploy digital contact
tracing apps to gain control over the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). The
appropriateness and usefulness of these technologies as a containment measure have
since sparked political and academic discussions globally. The present paper
contributes to this debate through an exploration of how the national daily newspapers
in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland reported on the development and adoption of
digital contact-tracing apps during early and after stages of the lockdown. These
countries were among the first in Europe to develop apps and were critical voices in the
debate of decentralized vs. centralized data processing.

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St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna


According to ECDC (2020). The US and European Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) recommend contact tracing every person you come in contact
with. Indeed, the US CDC states that “When a jurisdiction does not have the capacity to
investigate a majority of its new COVID-19 cases, should consider suspending or
scaling down contact tracing” (US CDC, 2020). On the other hand, the European CDC
advises that “Contact tracing should still be considered in areas of more widespread
transmission, wherever possible, and in conjunction with physical distancing measures”

According to Mahase (2020). Cases may not disclose, remember, or have

contact information for all contacts. Contact tracing manually over the telephone has a
number of limitations. For example, a pilot in Sheffield, UK, found that two thirds of
people contacted through tracing did not fully cooperate.

According to Laura Breeher (16 June 2020). Contact tracing is a critical

component of infectious disease containment, and it entails identifying, quarantining,
and tracking affected people's contacts. Despite the fact that contact tracing is a well-
known evidence-based method in the community, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted
the difficulties of adopting labor-intensive contact tracing in the workplace of large health
care systems and hospitals. In a major multistate health system in the United States
employing roughly 69,000 health care personnel, we provide a methodology for viable,
scalable COVID-19 contact tracking. The framework is shared with enough detail for
other health systems to adopt or adapt it. The framework is being improved, optimized,
and evaluated on a regular basis.

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St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid City of Cabuyao, Laguna



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