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Culture is a set of ideas, customs and behaviors shared by a people or a given society.
Individuals are cultural beings who have been shaped by their culture and shared experiences.
Culture has a great influence on the individual and on their daily life, it allows us to
understand how people do things, how they see things, and what is important to them in their
everyday life.

Our habits are written into our culture. Culture has the most profound influence on our
behaviors, especially those that seem most obvious and natural to us. Our behaviors are driven
by deep meanings that go beyond our individual lives. The decisions and choices available are
not limitless.

Culture defines what is good to think about and what to consume, for example, culture defines
in food, what is good to eat or not - and eating is not just about eating, it is above all what is
good to think about.

Culture influences what we see, how we interpret things and how an environment should be
organized. It shapes our perceptions, the way we perceive brands, services, relationships. It
also governs our relationships with others, it is a structure of meaning that allows us to know
what a behavior or a word means according to each context, yet always different.

Depending on their culture, people classify things or behaviors according to what they think is
acceptable or not. Respecting this codification is a way of respecting others.

The cultural universe makes it possible to organize social life, has a certain order, a certain
logic, but it is not fixed once and for all. Cultural values are not reproduced in the same way.

Cultural values are not fixed, but they change more slowly than technological changes. They
are strongly anchored in mentalities and consciences. Individuals transmit and reproduce
cultural "constraints" because they have shaped their mental construction and represent a
universe of meaning.

Understanding culture means gaining predictability and visibility. It allows you to understand
the universe of others, in order to integrate into their reality gh It is a syncretic strategy, of
reciprocal accommodation.

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