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MEIL : (yung mga sagot nasa taas ng tanong paki intindi nalang :)

mass media
The widespread _________________of in the current age should not be
True or false:
Our exposure to media has been something like an essential part of the background: we
are not aware of its influence and its many uses for us but it seems like it has always
been there.
an average person spends around __________% of his waking hours with media.
True or false:
With the continuous development of media over the years, we have grown more prone
to media multi-tasking.
overlap or complement
The concepts of both information literacy and media literacy __________or
______________each other.
True or false:
interdependence of media and people is inevitable.
Personal dependence
there are people who have come to depend on media for their convenience.
Personal dependence
We use media for almost everything. For example, people tend to watch, to listen or to
read about weather forecasts to alert us.
Personal dependence
This swift transmission of information is what entices people to use media.
delivered through mass media comes in various forms. It may be in print: in the form of
brochures (letting you know about the benefits of consuming this herbal tea), and in the
form of newspapers, (letting you know about the current state of the country and the
It may also come in the form of broadcasted material (through newscasts) or in digital
form (through articles and pieces of news distributed through the internet).
News in whatever form makes information about the world more accessible. Without it,
we have to live through word of mouth or by hearsay.
As humans, we thrive on _______________and it is important for us to make decisions,
make informed opinions, and contribute something important to discussions.
Before media emerged, people have invented ways to entertain themselves through
actual movement and interaction (storytelling, dancing and singing).
Now, we have movies, television, and music, mostly distributed through digital means.
With the recent rise of social media, entertainment came in the form of videos, photos,
stories shared from one user to another.
It will probably be hard to find a person who hasn't had some kind of encounter with this
kind of media in the past week as a distraction or entertainment
intended to captivate an audience and keep them engaged
shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people

We are able to make our informed opinions and decisions on various topics through
competing with other ideas, or most commonly known as the marketplace of ideas.
marketplace of ideas
We are able to make our informed opinions and decisions on various topics through
competing with other ideas, or most commonly known as the _______________.
when different opinions and values are allowed to compete for acceptance among the
The marketplace of ideas is "the concept that a robust exchange of ideas, with none
barred, yields better consensus."
marketplace of ideas
The _______________________________ is "the concept that a robust exchange of
ideas, with none barred, yields better consensus."
In this age, we are witnesses to varying points-of-viewr and perspectives in a mass
media marketplace.
Vivian (2009)
Who said and when:
Stresses the importance of media persuasion in a country such as the Philippines
builds public policies based on the agreement of the public majority.
Social media
What media has sparked various discussions on pressing issues of the country, making
the people heard by the government and public officials.
Media Literacy
What Literacy?
Information, more than being available and easily at reach nowadays, come in large
amount The flow of information is seemingly endless.
_________________is merely a tool in the distribution of information
True or False:
It is up to a person to understand, filter and ponder on the information he consumes.
Martin and Madigan
Who said and when:
Technology is merely a tool in the distribution of information.
Martin and Madigan
Who said and when:
It is up to a person to understand, filter and
"The most common definition of _____________ the ability to read and write."
knowledge that relates to a specified subject.
Media literacy
"possession of knowledge to be competent in assessing messages carried by mass
Aufderheide (1992)
Who said and when:
"a movement, which is designed to help to understand, to produce, and negotiate
meanings in a culture of images, words and sounds."
• Media are constructed and construct reality;
• Media have commercial implications;
• Media have ideological and political implications
• Form and content are related in each medium, each of which has a unique aesthetic,
codes, and conventions;
• Receivers negotiate meaning in media.
5 qualities of media
European Commission (2007)
Who said and when:
"Media literacy is generally defined as the ability to access the media, to understand
and to critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media contents and to
create communications in a variety of contexts."
Vivian (2009)
Who and when:
enumerated the following factors to consider in media literacy
Factual Foundation
to understand media better, it is best for a person to learn the basics of the media at
Factual Foundation
to understand the complexity of the television, it is best to know how you change the
channel, volume, its display settings, and its various mechanisms. You must know its
uses and how it operates.
Media Dynamics
One such dynamic is economics which is the known primary driver of the behavior of
media companies.
Media economics
___________________ is tied with the media's need for an audience to thrive
True or False:
Knowing and understanding the media dynamics is one step in the better understanding
of the world
Media Dynamics
Medias for audience
Media Dynamics
One of these levels is the understanding of the dynamics of media that shape media
Media Effects
through media literacy, we can distinguish what concerns and issues must be significant
to us and what would bring the opposite effect
Media Effects
. Media literate individuals have the ability to "weed out truly dangerous media effects
from those that are disturbing but are perhaps inconsequential."
Media Issues
there are various opinions forming around significant topics all around us.
Media Issues
While it does contribute much to discussion, it still requires a fair amount of media
literacy to decipher which of these would be instrumental in the shaping of our society.
Vivian, 2009
Who said and when:
No one can become a complete media expert
Media literacy
is an education that is ultimately aimed at "increasing one's understanding and
enjoyment of how media works, how they produce meaning, how they are organized
and how they construct reality (Ontario Association for Media Literacy)."
Vivian, 2009
Who said and when:
This daunting task may be hard to overcome, but it is no excuse to not learn it.
Information Literacy
What literacy?
Information literate people are able to recognize what information, out of a huge pool, is
ALA, 1989
Who said and when:
Information literacy enables you to identify, locate, evaluate, and use information to
solve a particular problem.
Information Literacy
____________ literacy enables you to identify, locate, evaluate, and use information to
solve a particular problem.
Hobbs 2006
Who said and when:
described the nature of information literacy as education that emphasizes "critical
thinking, meta-cognitive, and procedural knowledge used to locate information in
specific domains, fields and contexts."
`Information Literacy
is mostly aimed at the recognition of the quality, authenticity and credibility of the
information/messages we receive from various sources.
Hobbs 2006
Who said and when:
Information literacy is mostly aimed at the recognition of the quality, authenticity and
credibility of the information/messages we receive from various sources.
Geisler, 2001
Who said and when:
While both information and media literacy are ways to function within complex
communicative situations and both require critical evaluation, information literacy has
been regarded as vital, especially for those in the academic and information field.
Information literacy
__________________ literacy focuses basically on information in print (like in books,
journals, newspapers, and including all forms of media and records such as films, web
pages, video and all sorts of electronic information as well as oral information.)
Media Literacy
______________ literacy's focal point is the mass media that does not include the
sources of information used.
Media Literacy
This type of literacy zeroes in on maximizing positive media effects and minimizing the
Martens, 2010
Media literacy's focal point is the mass media that does not include the sources of
information used.
Martens, 2010
Media literacy zeroes in on maximizing positive media effects and minimizing the
Information literacy
What literacy?
is concerned with more plain social issues than media literacy.
Lau 2013
information literacy focuses on the "objectivity and rational of information and to a great
extent on the research value of finding the 'truth' in documents."
Lau 2013_____________ Literacy focuses on the "objectivity and rational of information
and to a great extent on the research value of finding the 'truth' in documents."
Information Literacy
literacy revolves around the content and its ability to meet the set criteria of quality
mass media
generally affects most members of society in terms of shaping opinions, beliefs and
decisions (especially in health and education)
Information Literacy
______________literacy is concerned with the impact on education, science, economy
and health sectors.
Mass media
_________is overwhelmingly present in our everyday life, whereas information literacy
requires the search for good information in different formats and multiple repositories.
media literacy
____________ literacy emphasizes on the understanding of how- messages from the
media were constructed
Information literacy
focuses on information services which aim at objectivity (such as edited books and
other similar materials).
Technology Literacy
An emerging type of literacy
Technology literacy
__________ literacy has slowly crawled its way into essential knowledge.
Shaphiro and Hughes (1996)
Who said and when:
defined technology literacy as "the ability to ongoingly adapt to, understand, evaluate,
and make use of the continually emerging innovations in information technology so as
not to be a prisoner of prior tools and resources and to make intelligent decisions about
the adoption of new ones."
technology literacy
What Literacy?
"the ability to ongoingly adapt to, understand, evaluate, and make use of the continually
emerging innovations in information technology so as not to be a prisoner of prior tools
and resources and to make intelligent decisions about the adoption of new ones."
Who emphasizes that media is highly dependent on technology.
mass media
has opened various opportunities for wide reach of distribution of information, especially
for audiences in considerably far areas.
Who said:
Although for years, people have communicated without the use of technology, mass
media has opened various opportunities for wide reach of distribution of information,
especially for audiences in considerably far areas.
Media technology
is the product of human invention
Printing Technology
in the 1440s, the emerging of the printing press has spawned the creation of printed
materials such as books, newspapers and magazines.
Chemical Technology
Photography and films relies on chemical technology that continues to evolve until today
Electronic Technology
Some of the examples of _________ technology are sound recording, electricity, radio
and television
Digital Technology
___________ Technology the Internet adapted the traditional media types into digital
technology, coexisting with its original form.
traditional media
____________media has adopted digital technology to increase on capital and
audience, the digital medium has also opened
opportunities for more unique types of media such as social media, informational
websites and usable search engines.
Media multi-tasking
simultaneous exposure to messages from different media.
_____________ became a huge part of society's development, people have already
found ways to communicate

Prehistoric Age
there were no newspapers, radio and television around, people found ways to tell a

Prehistoric Age
Humans shared information by talking and making sounds, and it developed into
something later on.

Prehistoric Age
basically consisted of records created by our ancestors, long even before writing was
even invented.

Prehistoric Age
made use of stone tools to craft - and thus leave a record of their lives back in the old
The first traditional communication tools came in the form of ________________

the music and poetry spoken, the images and scriptures which our ancestors had
written to pass relevant knowledge to the future generation.

True or false:
The simple talking and symbols evolved into something more complex in order to meet
the needs of the society.
the first to use symbols as a form of written communication.

used by the Sumerians, which they used not just to jot down important details

cuneiform is used by_________________

ancient civilizations used written communication in order to make the trade
more convenient This is what the _________________ became well-known for
Epic of Gilgamesh
famous Epic

they formed the alphabet which was adopted by the Greeks, who further developed it by
adding vowels.
who further developed the alphabets of Phoenicians it by adding vowels.

The spread of news was mainly by _______________; not everyone was able to read
or write, hence there were heralds who announce relevant events.

umalokohan or town crier

In the Philippines, the _____________________served as the messenger to the
people, making them aware of new laws or policies implemented by the datu.
Rome's written news came in the form of _________________
China written form which were government-produced new sheets circulated among
officials during the Han dynasty.
Han dynasty
China, on the other hand, have the tipao, which were government-produced new sheets
circulated among officials during the ____________ Dynasty
Media and literacy further evolved as
Medieval Age
books and other reading materials were written by hand, hence there were limited
number of literary materials which were mainly accessible to the clergy and the nobles.
Johannes Gutenberg
The German metallurgist _________________ was known for creating an important
milestone in the history of printing: the movable metal type,
movable metal type
a relevant invention that helped in the development of mass communication. While
printing has been a known technology in eastern Asia since the ancient times, it was
around mid-1440s in Europe that the mass production of words became possible for the
first time. By 1500s, there were around 40,000 books published all over Europe. This
revolutionary invention made it possible for more people to learn.
Industrial Age
Age was said to have begun around 18th century in Great Britain.
Great Britain
The Industrial Age was said to have begun around 18th century in
Industrial Age
It was a period that was characterized mainly by the revolutionized way of mass
production, as hand tools were gradually replaced by power driven machines like the
steam engine.
Industrial Age
During this period, there was a remarkable shift from agriculture and handcraft to
machine and machine manufacturing.
Industrial Age
What age is the creation of transportation (steam locomotive, steamship, and
automobiles) and machines utilizing new sources of energy (coal, steam engine,
electricity, petroleum, and combustion engine),
Industrial Age
was a brilliant age for numerous inventions which changed people's lives.
Thomas Edison
Who invented
William Dickinson
Who invented
motion picture camera
Alfred Vail
Samuel F.B. Morse
invented Morse Code
Morse Code
The __________ code was remarkable as it can transmit messages by means of on- off
tones which can be understood by a skilled listener
Industrial Age
Around this time books, newspapers and magazines became relevant in the spread of
Education became mass-based, hence there were more literate people than in the past
This age, of course, paved the way to further development in technology, media and
Guglielmo Marconi
In 1895, ______________________ transmitted the first radio waves.
Guglielmo Marconi was able to perfect a radio system which transmitted the Morse
Code system across the Atlantic Ocean.
. In ___________ Guglielmo Marconi transmitted the first radio waves.
radio waves
In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi transmitted the first______________
Atlantic Ocean
By 1901 he was able to perfect a radio system which transmitted the Morse Code
system across the
Communication was expedited in
Alexander Graham Bell
when the Scottish-born American scientist named ___________________ was granted
the first official patent for the telephone. This invention further revolutionized the spread
of information
The era of ______________began in 1927
Philo Taylor Farnsworth
when the use of the first electronic television designed by ______________ was
successfully demonstrated. It became an important medium of information and
entertainment ever since.
Information (New Media) Age
What Age that startled its development in the year 1969
was first created to aid the U.S. military in disseminating information.
Information (New Media) Age
During this period communication has become cheaper and better, thus making
information faster and more widespread than ever before.
the telephone evolved into something more portable, that is, the cellular phone.
cellular phone
In 1998, the telephone evolved into something more portable, that is called
one of the most important platforms for digital media today, an essential pathway which
helped spread information through millions of people every day.
Social networking sites
_________also occurred during New Media Age. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
other websites allow people all over the world to communicate and interact with each
other online, creating friends and other forms of connection via internet.
Information (New Media) Age
What Age
people continuously disseminate information in all parts of the world, making life faster,
better, and more efficient than ever. And despite all these things, the mass media still
continues to evolve
In the pre-colonial times the Filipinos already have a writing system which they use to
communicate, particularly on basic things such as documents and receipts for
Doctrina Cristiana
When the Spanish arrived and colonized the country, they also brought with them the
technology for printing used in Europe - which led to the _________________. ther first
published book in the Philippines
Succesos Felices
The first newspaper in the Philippines was the
Tomas Pinpin
The first newspaper in the Philippines was the Succesos Felices which was published
by ________________in 1637
La Solidaridad
most influential media in Philippine History was the newspaper, particularly
____________ which was written in Spanish and published in Spain.
La Solidaridad
A pre-revolutionary new-spaper, it was supported by Filipino intellectuals, the landed
natives, and even some Spaniards who sympathized with the Filipino cause for
independence. Among the writers for La Solidaridad were Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez
Jaena (also La Solidaridad's first editor), Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and Mariano Ponce.
Traditional media
refers to the forms of mass communication that people utilized before the advent of new
media. They came in various forms which most of us wouldn't have realized.
Traditional media
What kind of media:
Traditional media
What kind of media:
Traditional media
What kind of media:
Traditional media
What kind of media:
New media is similar to traditional media in a way that they are both created to inform
Scholarly articles
This type of source is considered professional literature made by experts and scholars
of a particular field.
Select one:
a. Scholarly articles
b. Internet Incorrect
c. Books
d. Other periodicals
Complete this sentence about media convergence: "Media convergence is currently
happening as more messages and information are converted into ____."
All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is true about media convergence?
Select one:
a. Technological convergence is its most basic element.
b. It is a phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications
technologies, computer networks and media content. Incorrect
c. All of the given choices are correct
d. This has been brought by the evolving internet and the digitization of media content
Which of the following is NOT a component of the World Wide Web?
Select one:
b. HTML Incorrect
c. URL
d. Adobe
Art is not a form of traditional media.
Scholarly articles
Ysabelle was making a research paper on the relationship between poverty and child
labor, and she decided to rely on statistical data. Which of the following would ideally
provide her with the information she needs?
Select one:
a. Books
b. Other periodicals Incorrect
c. Scholarly articles
d. Internet
Radio programming originally started with the broadcast of news programs.
The media's power is higher than the three branches of the government.
Which of the following is not true about the role of media in a democratic society?
Select one:
a. The media serves as the nation's watchdogs, keeping an eye out for possible
wrongdoings made by the government officials
b. Media is considered as the Fourth Estate
c. Media is capable of changing people's opinions on certain matters
d. The media's power is higher than the three branches of the government.
All of the choices
The information is verified by sources and supporting evidence. This information is
considered ______.
Select one:
a. Valid Incorrect
b. Accurate
c. None of the choices
d. All of the choices
e. Reliable
Unlike traditional media, new media mainly relies on which of the following?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Internet
c. Paper
d. Oral
Radio audience has been said to be fragmenting due to the arrival of new networks.
A famous blogger made an article about his personal opinion towards war on drugs. He
encouraged readers to oppose the ongoing extrajudicial killings and defend human
rights. The blogger used media for which of the following reasons?
The foundation of the society's progress relies on humans' ability to understand the
knowledge distributed among them.
Information Literacy
This type of literacy emphasizes critical thinking, meta-cognitive and procedural
knowledge used to locate information in specific domains, fields and contexts.
Media Literacy
This literacy's focal point is assessment of messages delivered through mass media.
The information has responded to the purposes of your research. This information is
New Media only offers one-way communication.
All of the given choices
Which of the following should be considered when researching for the information you
Select one:
a. Relevance
b. All of the given choices Correct
c. Completeness
d. Accuracy
e. Reliability
The acta served as the Roman's medium to announce important political events and
military campaigns.
The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena
The Phenomenographic perspective on information literacy focuses on which of the
Select one:
a. The social practices of a certain culture
b. The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena
c. The process of performing information tasks
d. No correct answer
All of the given choices are correct
Why do books remain as the most common and often most reliable source of
Select one:
a. Books offer additional sources of information.
b. All of the given choices are correct
c. They often contain organized information
d. It is wise to obtain relevant background information from books.
Trade books
These are considered to be profitable if popular, thus, referred to as "high risk
It was able to transmit messages through on-off tones which can be understood by a
skilled listen
In what way did the Morse Code become useful in human communication?
Select one:
a. It was the language of commerce used by traders in the ancient times
b. It captures moving images
c. It was able to transmit messages through on-off tones which can be understood by a
skilled listener
d. No correct answer
It evolved into the smaller and more portable cellular phone
How did the telephone evolve in the New Media Age?
Select one:
a. It evolved into the smaller and more portable cellular phone Correct
b. It was able to transmit the Morse Code across the Atlantic Ocean
c. It increased the number of books published
d. No correct answer
Everyone can create information. People have the free will to create information and
manufacture this as something accurate even if it hasn't been verified.
Which of the following statements best depicts the negative effects of media on people?
Select one:
a. The spread of information has become easier. People can be updated on the latest
news with the digitized news media outlets distributing their reports through an online
b. Information is now easily within reach. You have no excuse to be unknowledgeable
about different topics. Incorrect
c. Children have become reliant on gadgets for learning how to read and write.
d. Everyone can create information. People have the free will to create information and
manufacture this as something accurate even if it hasn't been verified.
Once a person clicks on a hyperlink while researching, it will lead them to another
website containing information that may be relevant to his research.
Which of the following statements best depicts the positive effects of media on the
Select one:
a. Once a person clicks on a hyperlink while researching, it will lead them to another
website containing information that may be relevant to his research.
b. Some news media outlets release unofficial photos of celebrities while on their day
offs for their fans' pleasure.
c. Anyone can contact you through social media accounts. People you barely know can
initiate conversations with you. Incorrect
d. A person can have access to different types of media through the internet. Some
items for purchase on official sites can even be downloaded for free.
Personal dependence
Nikolai always checks the news for the current weather forecast. He depends on media
for which of the following reasons?
Which of the following is the most ideal source for those who are looking for good
background information?
Select one:
a. Internet
b. Other periodicals
c. Books
d. Scholarly articles
Georgi is fond of watching movies. He loves going to theatres or have a movie
marathon at home, because it relaxes him. Georgi needs media for which of the
following purposes?
Select one:
a. Persuasion
b. Information
c. No correct answer
d. Entertainment
When it comes to media sources, Electronic sources are always better than print.
Yuko always reads magazines on fashion and makeup, because as a model she wants
to know the latest styles and trends today. Yuko makes use of media for which of the
following purposes?
Select one:
a. Entertainment
b. No correct answer
c. Information
d. Persuasion
All of the given choices are correct
What is the biggest downside of using internet as a source of information?
Select one:
a. All of the given choices are correct
b. They are difficult to cite
c. It contains information which was published but not reviewed.
d. It takes time to evaluate information from online sources
All of the given choices are correct
Why do books remain as the most common and often most reliable source of
Select one:
a. All of the given choices are correct
b. They often contain organized information
c. It is wise to obtain relevant background information from books. Incorrect
d. Books offer additional sources of information.
Mr. Feltsman watches television every night to be updated on the latest news. He is
depends on media for which of the following reasons?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Information Correct
c. Persuasion
d. Entertainment
the invention of the movable type
Which of the following helped change the spread of literacy in Medieval Europe?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. the Morse Code
c. the invention of computer
d. the invention of the movable type
The media only serves one role in the society.
The information in this type of magazine cannot be easily duplicated and exclusive only
for the industry it serves.
Unverified news articles from various websites are shared easily through blogs
Social media has opened various ways for people to communicate without considering
distance. Which of the following is not an advantage of acquiring social media for
Select one:
a. 140 characters in a tweet to a friend online
b. Unverified news articles from various websites are shared easily through blogs
c. Accessible chat applications of Facebook enable easy transmission of messages
d. Public opinions on statuses are reacted upon by various netizens.
Media Literacy and Information Literacy
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies
to two literacies, separate each literacy with an "and." If it applies to all three, answer
with "All of the literacies."
This literacy provides ways to function in complex communicative situations.
Information literate people know where to find legitimate sources needed to arrive at an
Questions needing answers are readily available online
Which of the following does not illustrate an effect of media on human communication?
Select one:
a. The government may form inferences based on the public majority's opinion.
b. People are more inclined to communicate online than face to face
c. The varied interaction of people from around the world in social media
d. Questions needing answers are readily available online
A media literate person has the ability to use information creatively.
Media literacy enables us to distinguish the issues that would be significant to us.
Media is highly _____________ on technology.
Technology Literacy
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies
to two literacies, separate each literacy with an "and." If it applies to all three, answer
with "All of the literacies."
This literacy emphasizes the need for understanding and adapting to continuously
evolving information technology.
Media Literacy
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies
to two literacies, separate each literacy with an "and." If it applies to all three, answer
with "All of the literacies."
The focal point of this literacy is on maximizing positive effects of media and decreasing
its negative effects.
Chemical Technology
Some examples of this type of technology are films or movies
Becoming media literate means you know how to select the truth from a large selection
of information.
Knowing economics, especially in media, will make you a media literate person as it
shows how media packages its content and messages.
Information Literacy
This literacy aims to distinguish the quality, authenticity and credibility of sources.
A media literate person does not need to learn the basics of media, but rather delve into
its dynamics to better understand it.
Phenomenographic Perspective
Which of the following theoretical perspectives view learning as an activity aiming to
construct meaning?
TRUE OR FALSE: The internet was initially created for military purposes.
Mass media serves as the nation's watchdogs
Which of the following is the best description of mass media's role as the Fourth Estate
of the country?
Select one:
a. Mass media provides news only to entertain. It doesn't matter if the news is true or
b. Mass media serves as the nation's watchdogs Correct
c. Mass media keeps an eye out for the good deeds of the government does and
disregards other events
d. Mass media today do not have to care for what the audience must know.
TRUE OR FALSE: Media has greatly influenced the society.
Which of the following is not a traditional media?
Select one:
a. Blog
b. Television
c. Books
d. Radio
It made it more possible for more people in Europe to learn
How did the invention of the movable metal type improve literacy in Medieval Europe?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. It made it more possible for more people in Europe to learn Correct
c. It revolutionized the spread of information in the electronic age
d. It served as an important platform for new media
TRUE OR FALSE: Folk media is a form of new media aiming to pass the civilization's
culture to the next generation.
It analyzes the way people perform specific information tasks.
How does the Discourse Analysis Perspective help understand information literacy?
Select one:
a. It analyzes the way people perform specific information tasks. Correct
b. No correct answer
c. It studies various cultural tools in relation to information literacy.
d. It places its focus on the way people experience information literacy.
All of the given choices are correct
How do media affect people's decisions in choosing their presidential candidates?
Select one:
a. All of the given choices are correct
b. Media can provide information about the presidential candidates.
c. Media can provide essential information that can easily change people's opinions on
the candidates
d. Media reports incidents of corruption and other events regarding politicians
TRUE OR FALSE: The internet is one of the most relevant components in spreading
information today.
TRUE OR FALSE: New media relies mainly on the power of the computer and the
They sympathize with the Filipino cause for independence
Why do some Spaniards support La Solidaridad?
Select one:
a. They sympathize with the Filipino cause for independence Correct
b. They like to meddle in other people's business
c. They are, in reality, half-Filipinos
d. They hate their fellow Spaniards and the Spanish Crown
TRUE OR FALSE: Online News are a form of traditional media, as they share similar
content to the news written on newspapers
Hypertext markup language
This refers to the computer language used to create websites.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. All of the choices Incorrect
c. Universal markup language
d. Hypertext markup language
e. Hypertext transfer language
These are also called "long-form, word-driven media content."
The format of the content in which it is delivered is not considered vital in evaluating the
information or its source.
A type of magazine that contains news stories grouped into categories according to its
The data you found on the web meets specific standards and follows the correct rules.
This information is considered _______.
Reader's Digest is classified under ______.
Men's Magazines
Top Gear is classified under _____.
The consistency of the information is one of the qualities of needed information to
obtain. The information is _____.
None of the choices
Which of the following is not one of the three Cs that media convergence combines?
Select one:
a. Communication
b. Content
c. None of the choices
d. Computing
None of the choices
Which of the following is not a challenge in the age of media convergence?
Select one:
a. Meeting local content requirements
b. Diversity of ownership and content
c. Regulation of access
d. All of the choices
e. None of the choices
All of the choices
This type of information source is written by an expert in the field they are writing in.
Media convergence brings forth a new form of _____.
Universal resource locators
This is also called the foundation of the world wide web.
None of the choices
Which of the following is not a challenge in the age of media convergence?
Select one:
a. Diversity of ownership and content
b. Meeting local content requirements Incorrect
c. None of the choices
d. Regulation of access
e. All of the choices
Women's magazine
Mega magazine is classified under _______
In scouring new information surrounding a topic, this is one of the first things to search
Primary Source
Photographs are what type of information source?
Secondary source
One of the final requirements for the subject, Literature, is to critique a novel. The output
of this requirement will be what type of source of information?
They are direct receivers of the messages
Which of the following is not true about stakeholders?
Select one:
a. They actively participate in discussions about the messages that affect them
b. They discuss about the messages they receive
c. They are heavily affected by the actions of a group
d. They are direct receivers of the messages
Primary source
A convention has been conducted among the content team of a company for the next
issue of the newsletter. The minutes of the meeting the secretary has conjured will
belong under what type of source of information?
Secondary source
A professor wrote about the life and works of a famous author. His work would belong
under what type of source of information?
Unconditional love
The Jollibee commercials that aired early this year have touched the hearts of many
Filipinos. What is the common theme of these commercials?
Select one:
a. Unconditional love Correct
b. Unrequited love
c. Familial love
d. Mutual love
A Filipino using his hands to eat is considered a sign of appreciation for the food.
Which of the following statements is not true?
Select one:
a. A Filipino using his hands to eat is considered a sign of appreciation for the food.
b. "Mano po" is a gesture of respect for the elders.
c. According to customs, we need to stop what we're doing and face the flag while
singing the National Anthem
d. Using "po" and "opo" in between words is considered a sign of respect for older
Conventions are said to be ______ in nature, causing the audiences to attach a
meaning to a sign.
Combination of experiences
Which among the following is not a word related to codes?
Select one:
a. Symbols
b. Set of rules
c. System of signs
d. Combination of experiences
Secondary Source
Review of related literature in a thesis work belongs to what type of information source?
All of the given choices
what does the copyright law protect?
Select one:
a. The ownership rights to patents for media-related technologies.
b. All of the given choices
c. The ownership rights to original works and trademarks for various brands Incorrect
d. The ownership rights to intellectual property.
No correct answer
Which of the following is not being regulated by the Media Law?
Select one:
a. Internet and Online services Incorrect
b. No correct answer
c. Entertainment industry
d. Information Technology
e. Telecommunications industry
it refers to a work that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of
What does "unpublished work" mean, according to the guidelines of copyright
Select one:
a. Both of the given statements are correct
b. It refers to an unedited work that has been disseminated to the public at the time of
registration Incorrect
c. No correct answer
d. It refers to a work that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of
Posting of other people's personal and embarrassing photos on social media, for the
purpose of humiliating them
Which of the following is a form of cyberbullying?
Select one:
a. Posting of other people's personal and embarrassing photos on social media, for the
purpose of humiliating them
b. Kicking a member out of a Facebook group for disobeying the rules
c. Sending a private message to another person to correct him/her regarding the flame
comment he or she made on a post.
d. None of the choices
Stealing and passing off another person's idea as one's ownStealing and passing off
another person's idea as one's own
Which of the following is considered as an act of plagiarism?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Using another person's work and giving them proper credit for it Incorrect
c. Stealing and passing off another person's idea as one's own
d. Presenting a new and original idea
All of the given statements are correc
Why is it important to check the rules and regulations of forums and groups before
participating in their online activities?
Select one:
a. All of the given statements are correct
b. Because there may be standards which are permissible in one site that may be
forbidden in another
c. Because each forum have their own set of standards of behavior Incorrect
d. Because Netiquette varies from domain to domain
There is a limit to the amount of data that any piece of wiring can carry at any given
What should you keep in mind when communicating online?
Select one:
a. Take your time writing lengthy messages as the other party can wait Incorrect
b. There is a limit to the amount of data that any piece of wiring can carry at any given
c. It is alright to send the same messages multiple times to other people
d. It is best to make your messages ambiguous
Both of the given choices are correct
Why is it important to avoid spamming other people with messages?
Select one:
a. It is a waste of their time having to open the emails one by one
b. Both of the given choices are correct
c. It is a waste of their bandwidth Incorrect
d. No correct answer
Respecting other people's privacy
Snooping of other people's private messages and accounts is a violation of which of the
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Keeping flame wars under control Incorrect
c. Respecting other people's privacy
d. Sharing expert knowledge
e. Not abusing one's power
Inform them of their incorrect messages by sending a private message
Which of the following is the best example of correcting someone's errors online?
Select one:
a. Posting a screenshot of their erroneous message on your Facebook account
b. None of the given choices
c. Comment how hilarious their faulty their posts are. Incorrect
d. Inform them of their incorrect messages by sending a private message
True or False: Netiquette should always be followed regardless of the online
communication media that you use.
Respecting other people's privacy
Snooping of other people's private messages and accounts is a violation of which of the
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Not abusing one's power
c. Keeping flame wars under control
d. Respecting other people's privacy
e. Sharing expert knowledge
Both of the given choices are correct
Why is it important to avoid spamming other people with messages?
Select one:
a. Both of the given choices are correct Correct
b. It is a waste of their time having to open the emails one by one
c. It is a waste of their bandwidth
d. No correct answer
All of the choices
Republic Act 8293 covers which of the following?
Select one:
a. Patents
b. All of the choices
c. Geographic Indications
d. Industrial Designs
If the applicant is non-resident/foreigner, proprietor or a corporation, a photocopy of the
certificate of business name or SEC certificate (whichever is applicable) should be
attached to the application.
Which of the following is not a requirement for copyright registration?
Select one:
a. If the applicant is non-resident foreigner, he/she should appoint a local authorized
agent by a special power of attorney to complete the copyright application for and in
his/her behalf. Incorrect
b. Application should be accompanied by two (2) copies of the work as deposit, Two
Hundred Pesos (P200.00) as registration fee.
c. Application should be accomplished in duplicate, typewritten and the affidavit at the
back should be duly notarized and affixed with Fifteen Pesos (P15.00) documentary
d. If the applicant is non-resident/foreigner, proprietor or a corporation, a photocopy of
the certificate of business name or SEC certificate (whichever is applicable) should be
attached to the application.
Avoid spamming of emails and messages to other people
According to the Core Rules of Netiquette, which of the following demonstrates Rule 4?
Select one:
a. Avoid spamming of emails and messages to other people Correct
b. Checking the rules and regulations of a certain forum
c. Checking one's grammar and spelling before sending the text
d. Using one's authority as a group admin to kick out misbehaving members
Primary source
You are tasked to write a reaction paper on the president's state of the nation address.
The source you will use would fall under _____.
RA 8293
Which of the following is also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the
Select one:
a. Article III, Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution
b. RA 8293
c. Article IV, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution
d. RA 7610
Application should be accomplished as a single copy, typewritten and the affidavit at the
back should be duly notarized. Documentary stamp is not needed.
Which of the following is not a requirement needed for copyright registration?
Select one:
a. If the work applied for registration is published work, two (2) printed copies with
copyright notice printed in front or at the back of the title page if it is a book and on any
clear space thereof if non-book material, shall accompany the application
b. If the applicant is non-resident/foreigner, he/she should appoint a local authorized
agent by a special power of attorney to complete the copyright application for and in
his/her behalf.
c. If the claimant is not the author, a document supporting the claim such as a deed of
assignment or a waiver of copyright ownership.
d. Application should be accomplished as a single copy, typewritten and the affidavit at
the back should be duly notarized. Documentary stamp is not needed.
Google Glass
Which of the following is an example of a Smart-Eyewear?
Select one:
a. iPhone
b. none of the choices
c. Google Glass
d. Google Chrome
Primary source
The original copies of Rizal's works are considered ____.
All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is true about fair use?
Select one:
a. It refers to the act of copying copyrighted material done for a limited and
"transformative" purpose
b. It can be done without the copyright owner's permission
c. All of the given choices are correct
d. It is often used as a defense against a claim of copyright infringement
None of the choices
Which of the following is not true about audiences?
Select one:
a. They are typically meant to receive messages without returning feedback
b. They are the receiver of messages
c. None of the choices
d. The audiences are expected to observe media only
Economic rights and Moral Rights
The Copyright provides two types of rights. What are these?
Select one:
a. Economic rights and Moral Rights
b. Education Rights and Moral Rights
c. Economic Rights only
d. Moral Rights only
It is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the telecommunications industry,
information technology, broadcasting, advertising, entertainment industry, and the
Which of the following is true about Media Law?
Select one:
a. It is limited to mass communication only.
b. It is limited to concerns about free speech and freedom of expression only.
c. It does not cover concerns related to the human Right to Privacy.
d. It is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the telecommunications industry,
information technology, broadcasting, advertising, entertainment industry, and the
Secondary source
As the leader of your research team, you assigned everyone to gather related studies
and literature to complete the second chapter. This part of your research is considered
They are more likely to use alcohol and drugs
Which are more likely to happen to victims of cyberbullying?
Select one:
a. They are more likely to become brave
b. They are more likely to use alcohol and drugs
c. They are more likely to become more artistic
d. They are more likely to be more fond of pets
All of the choices are correct
Why is cybercrime the most prevalent misuse of media in the present age?
Select one:
a. It attacks people from all walks of life - from the smallest individuals to high-earning
companies with their digital counterpart.
b. It is hard to guard important information from people
c. All of the choices are correct
d. Private and sensitive information are all at risk
Primary source
Memorandum distributed around the workplace is considered a ____.
Using another person's social media account to spread rumors
Which of the following is not an example of identity theft?
Select one:
a. Using another person's social media account to spread rumors
b. Commenting mean words onto another person's post.
c. Threatening a young lady to pay you or else you'll distribute her nude photos online
d. Creating a fake online shop that sells VIP tickets to an event to trick others into
paying you
Quoting certain parts of a book for a review
The fair use applies to which of the following?
Select one:
a. Copying a certain phrase from another book in writing your own novel
b. Using an information from another research without crediting the author
c. Quoting certain parts of a book for a review
d. Creating a cover of a song written by somebody else and claiming it as your own
Tertiary source
The authors of this particular source do not necessarily have to be an expert in the field
he/she chooses to write in but he/she must have a genuine interest in the subject to
research on it.
Making a parody of a popular television series
Fair use applies to which of the following?
Select one:
a. Using another author's quotes in your own script
b. Posting an artist's work on your website without asking permission, or citing the
c. Making a parody of a popular television series
d. Using another author's journal as a reference for your thesis, but not citing the source
They are the main sources of the messages
Which of the following statements is not true about stakeholders?
Select one:
a. They are the main sources of the messages
b. None of the choices
c. They can be groups or individuals actively participating in discussions regarding the
messages they receive
d. They are directly affected by the decisions made from the messages
Previous page
They are designed for various purposes aside from displaying time
Which of the following is true about Smartwatches?
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. They are merely digital watches that display time
c. They are designed for various purposes aside from displaying time
d. They cannot be used to keep track of a person's heart rate
Make yourself look good online
Anya knows the importance of making a good impression with clients. It is for this
reason that she always double checks her emails to the customers before sending
them. Anya follows which guideline of netiquette?
Select one:
a. Help keep flame wars under control
b. Share expert knowledge
c. Respect other people's privacy
d. Make yourself look good online
Remember the human
Anna always keeps in mind that she may hurt other people's feelings if she is not careful
when communicating through social media. She is always considerate to others when
communicating about a certain topic. Anna follows which of the following guidelines of
Select one:
a. Remember the human
b. Share expert knowledge
c. Respect other people's privacy
d. Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Help keep flame wars under control
A new article regarding LGBT rights posted on a group in Facebook sparked a social
media war between those who are pro-LGBT rights and those who are against it. The
admin who posted the article decided to turn the comments section off to tone down the
heated arguments between both parties. This is an example of which of the following
Select one:
a. Share expert knowledge
b. Respect other people's privacy
c. No correct answer
d. Help keep flame wars under control

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