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Earl Gerald R Tacneng E.



Case Analysis

Although mystery shoppers can be an effective strategy to some extent, I don’t think this will be enough.
I see the concept of mystery employees to be more of extrinsic motivation rather than intrinsic. Doing a
job and being motivated all the time because of waiting mystery shoppers can affect employees’
commitment negatively. Workers will do their job because of waiting on these mystery shoppers rather

The expectancy theory of Victor Vroom suggests that motivation is directly proportional to the valence,
instrumentality and expectancy. For example, Lyna’s workers will work harder knowing that a mystery
shopper can come anytime and the will be evaluated. Workers expects that if the valuation is positive
they will have a foot forward in advancing in the company or be promoted

Instrumentality comes into play forcing workers to work harder and better for them to attain their
expected goal

Valence is whether the employee thinks that the reward is worth it or not.

In the case of Lynas, i don’t think mystery shoppers would be enough to be his motivation. They will be
doing their job in order to please these mystery shoppers rather than their intrinsic motivation

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