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March 4, 2022

You will be given 30 problems to solve in 40 minutes. You may not use a calculator or any other tools
other than a pencil. Good luck!

1. What is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by 5 different prime numbers?

2. Helen makes $8 an hour at her new job. She works 7 hours a day and 5 days a week. How many weeks
will Helen need to work in order to buy a new car, costing $14000?

3. A line with slope 3 has an x intercept at (40, 0). What are the coordinates of the point on that line
that is equidistant from the x intercept and the y intercept? Express your answer as an ordered pair.

4. Liam is trying to count the number of seconds in his brother’s tennis match. However, Liam can’t count
seconds accurately. Whenever Liam counts 5 seconds, only 4 seconds have actually passed. Given that
his brother’s match was 3 hours long, how long did Liam think that the match was? Express your
answer in seconds.

20222 −112
5. What is the value of 20002 −112 ? Express your answer as a common fraction.

6. Liam has a set consisting of 400 different values whose average is 5. The average of the biggest 150 of
these numbers is 80. What is the average of the rest of the numbers?

7. Find the sum of all real values of x for which |x − 2|x + 5|| = 14.

8. Three points are selected at random from the perimeter of a square. What is the probability that those
points form a triangle with positive area? Express your answer as a common fraction.

9. In the diagram below, ABCD is a rectangle with area 15. Point Y bisects AB, and DX : CX = 1 : 2.
Find the area of the shaded region. Express your answer as a common fraction.



10. Positive numbers a, b, and c are in an geometric sequence, in that order. Their sum is 1234 and their
product is 1, 000, 000. What is the value of a + c?

11. Liam is pretty bad at basketball. After taking 40 shots, he only made 5 of them. How many shots
would he have to make in a row in order to improve his shot percentage to 98%?

12. The solution to the equation 6x = 2 is x ≈ 0.38685. Using this information, what is the value of y
satisfying 6y = 18? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest hundredth.

13. The numerical perimeter of a rhombus is equal to the numerical area of that rhombus. One of the
angles in the rhombus is 60◦ . What is the side length of the rhombus? Express your answer as a
common fraction in simplest radical form.

14. In a sequence of integers, every term after the first is the square of the previous term minus 6. How
many possible values of the first term are there given that the sequence never grows above 100?

15. Let a ⋆ b ⋆ c = a + b2 + c3 . x and y are positive numbers with 1 ⋆ x ⋆ y = 17 and 2 ⋆ 2x ⋆ 2y = 123. What
is the value of 4 ⋆ 4x ⋆ 4y?

16. 24 percent of the seniors and half of the juniors in Liam’s prealgebra class have dogs. Given that
Liam’s prealgebra class only consists of juniors and seniors, and 32 percent of his entire class has dogs,
what is the smallest number of people that could possibly be in the class?

x2 +5x+52
17. How many lattice points are on the graph of the equation y = x+3 ? Note: A lattice point is a
point whose coordinates are both integers.

18. ABCD is a rectangle with AD = 3 and CD = 6. Point E is on side CD with DE = 2, and BE

and AC intersect at F . What is the area of quadrilateral AF ED? Express your answer as a common

19. Liam just took a test with n equally weighted questions. He got m of those questions correct. His
teacher told him that he got 1% on the test, rounded to the nearest percent. What is the least possible
value of n?

20. 100 dots lie on a line, numbered from 1 to 100. Moab picks two random points on this line, and circles
them. Juab calculates the positive difference between the two numbers Moab circled, and then crossed
out that number on the number line. What is the probability that Juab’s crossed out number lies
strictly in between Moab’s two circled numbers? Express your answer as a common fraction.

21. How many integers x and y satisfy x2 + y 2 < 49?

22. When the sum of two three-digit positive integers is added to their product, the result is 53052. What
is the sum of those two integers?

23. 3, 999, 999 people are sitting in a large circle with 4, 000, 000 chairs, equally spaced around the circle.
Each minute, a person will get up and leave the table if and only if there is an unoccupied chair next
to them, or diametrically opposite them. How many minutes will it take for no one to be left sitting
at the table?

24. A circle
√ of radius 6 intersects a circle of radius 3. The distance between the centers
√ of these two circles
is 3 3. The area of the region common to both circles can be expressed as ab π − c, where a, b, and c
are positive integers and a and b are relatively prime. Find a + b + c.

25. Liam rolls one regular six sided die. His brother rolls 3 special four sided dice, with 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the
faces. What is the probability that the sum of his brother’s rolls is bigger than Liam’s roll? Express
your answer as a common fraction.

26. Liam and his brother have to do 6 chores between the both of them. Since Liam believes that all of his
life decisions should be resolved with a random number generator, he decides to randomly distribute
the chores among him and his brother. For each chore, there is a 12 chance that it is assigned to him,
and a 21 chance that it is assigned to his brother. At the end, if his brother is assigned more than 4
of the total 6 chores, he will get mad and force Liam to do all of the chores. What is the expected
number of chores that Liam ends up doing? Express your answer as a common fraction.

27. An equiangular hexagon is inscribed in a square, as shown. Compute the perimeter of the square.
Express your answer in simplest radical form.

28. Liam’s trail mix comes in packs of 60 pieces, consisting of 51 almonds and 9 emmandemms (what a
scam!). He picks a random piece from his pack of trail mix to eat, and repeats this until there are
no emmandemms left. Then, he throws away the rest of his trail mix, even if there are almonds left.
What is the expected number of almonds that he eats? Express your answer as a common fraction.

29. ABCD is a trapezoid with AB ∥ CD, AB = 1, and CD = 4. Points E and F lie on lines AB and CD,
respectively, so that E is closer to B than A and F is closer to D than C. The diagonals of ABCD
intersect at a point X, and segment EF intersects BD and AC at points Y and Z, respectively. Given
that EB = DF = 2, compute the ratio of the area of XY Z to the area of trapezoid ABCD. Express
your answer as a common fraction.

30. Liam has a plate of negligible thickness in the shape of a regular hexagon with sides of length 1. Being
the√weird person that he is, he holds the plate by two vertices of the hexagon that have a distance
of 3 between them, and spins the plate a full rotation around those two vertices, returning it to its
original position. What is the volume of the region that the plate swept through? Express your answer
as a common fraction in simplest radical form in terms of pi.

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