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LISTENING: PRACTICE TEST 1 Exannple, Jane is cancelling her plans with her friend. Why can't she meet her? ‘The train is late There's an emergency She's not feeling well She's busy gae> 1. Listen to the call from your friend to make lunch plans. What class does she have on Thursday afternoons? A Pilates class An art class A dance class A music class Snp> ‘Your classmate calls to say where the class will be. Where is room 205? A. On the left of the hall 8. On the ground floar C. After the vending machine D. In the main hall Listen to a message that Sonia left you about looking after her son Eric. What does he usually for dinner on Fridays? A. Cereals 8. Fish C. Vegetables D. Meat to 2 message from your colleague Sally. What is the problem? A. The budget & The calculations ‘The recommendations about making cuts 5. Listen to the message. What is Liz's phone number? A. 01557424224 B. 01557424221 c. 01575424212 D. 01557424212 6. You overhear two friends discussing their plans for the evening. What are they planning to do? A. Go fora long walk B. Goto the aardens C. Goto the beach D. Goto the pool 7. Listen to Sam talking about his plans after leaving school. What does he want to do? A. Go straight to university B. Go travelling C. Getajob D. Stay with his family 8. You hear a mar and @ wornan discussing their holiday plans. Where do they decide to go? A. Afriend’s house B. Morocco C. Spain or Portugal D. Their usual holiday 9. Listen to a birthday announcement on the radio. Who has a birthday today? Pete Harry Ringo Katie gne> 10. Listen to two friends speaking about the man's new job. What does he find challenging about it A. The responsibilty B. The long hours €. The dally commute D. Working with the other staff members 50 11. Listen to the airport announcement. What time will the plane now depart? 06:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 goe> 12. You hear an announcement about promotions in a large department store. Which items have the best discount at the moment? A. Kitchen appliances B. TVs & DVDs C. Sports shoes D. Beauty products 13. Listen to a book review on the radio. What is the critic's opinion of the book? Inspirational Avul Uncomplicated Unbelievable goeP 14, You hear a message about an event. What type of event is it this year? An art exhibition Amusic festival A folk festival A costume festival one 'S. You hear information about a sporting event. Where and when will the ladies’ event start? The Boathouse at 2 o'clock The Main gate at 8:30 The South Gate at 830 The Main gate at 10 o'clock on@> ‘You can hear a paragliding instructor give instructions. Which route is the safest? A. Ashigh as possible Along the mountains 17, 18. 19, 20. Listen to a radio show. What's the most important advice given? A. Think about your objectives B. Create a plan C. Acton feedback D. Study the market You hear news report on the radio about a robbery. What did the thieves steal? Abank Money Documents Acar goe> You can hear two friends speaking about a book. What do they think of it? Disappointing Dull Convoluted Outdated pce> Listen to a radio programme about a man living in the country. What does he think about the country? 21. 22. He's really happy about getting a VISA He's really sad about going to university He loves everything He feels discouraged by bureaucracy poPp> Listen to the recorded message. What is Julie Knight's telephone number? A. 07789678876 B. 07789788876 C. 07798678876 D. 07789788886 Listen to two friends discussing a theatrical play. What does Mike think of it? Emotional Difficult to follow Educational Boring ooe> 2 23, Listen to two friends talking about films. What type of films does James’ friend recommend? ‘A. Unpredictable B. Unforgettable = C. Thilling D. Emotional 24, Listen to a conversation between Safia and Lee. What does Safia want to buy for Lorna? A. Abook B. Ascarf C. Abelt D. Acinema voucher 25. Listen to two friends discussing a film. What's the woman's view of it? A, Improbable B. Unoriginal C. Entertaining D. Passionate LISTENING: PRACTICE TEST 2 Example: Jane is cancelling her plans with her friend, Why can't she meet her? The train is late There's an emergency She's not feeling well She's busy poe> 1. James calls his friend. When does he want his friend to go to his house? For lunch After 3pm. After lunch In the moming Soe> 2, Your old friend Ali calls to meet for lunch, What day does he suggest meeting up? Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Sa@P 3. Your boss calls you to arrange an evaluation meeting. What time does he want to meet? 12:00 pm 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am Dne> 4. Gemma calls you to cancel the party. What day will the party now be on? Saturday Thursday Friday: Tuesday GaeP 4 5. Listen to the message from your aunt. What do you need to buy? A. Apresent 8. Drinks C. Dessert D. Astarter 6. Listen to two friends speaking about their plans for the weekend. What are they going to do? A. Go to a music festival B. Go to the beach C. Do the same as last weekend D. Go to a restaurant 7. You overhear a woman in a furniture shop. What type of table does she want to buy? ‘A. Anantique table 8. Aglass-topped table C. An expensive table D. Alarge table 8. A girl is leaving a message for a friend. What is the purpose of her message? A. To arrange a party 8. To arrange to meet up ©. To say goodbye to him D. To say that she’s sorry 9. Listen to two friends speaking about the man's job. Where did he used to work? a factory 2 shopping centre a school an insurance company poe> 10. Listen to Stephanie talking to her Personal Assistant. When is the car going to pick her up? 11:30 10:45 1 o'clock 3 o'clock poe 11. You hear a conversation between two friends about the new French teacher. What is the best word to describe her? Fair Strict Unfair Funny gcr> 12, You hear a Health Centre advertisement. When are the cross-training classes? Every day Monday to Friday ‘Tuesdays and Thursdays Mondays and Wednesdays one 13, Listen to a new store announcement and answer the question. What type of customers will ik this store? A. Enjoy sweet treats B. Love good deals C. Like to play games D. Like new technology 14, Listen to a radio program about journalism. What does the speaker say about news stories? A. That the stories are recent B, That the stories are deceptive C. That the stories are newsworthy D. That the stories are interesting 15, Listen to the staff announcement at Baltimore School. What is happening on Wednesday? A. Aschool inspection B, A charity event C. A staff meeting D. A school assembly 16, Listen to the information given by your bus tour guide. Where will you stop for lunch? A, Theold castle B. The woods C. The ancient bridge D. The museum 58 17. A teacher recalls his first day at school. What was he frightened of? Not making any friends His classmates The older students The teacher's severity 9N@P 18. Amelia's friend gives her some advice about health treatments. What's the best treatment for injuries? A. Asports massage B. A healthy diet C. Stretching after exercise D. Taking magnesium tablets 19. Listen to the message that Adi left for Samantha. Why is Adi calling? A. Say sorry B. Say thank you C. Say goodbye D. Say hi 20. Ahmed is speaking with his colleague about his holiday. Did he enjoy it? Wasn't the best he's had Can't wait to go back Doesn't have an opinion Abit frustrating at times gne> 21. Listen to a man describing his holidays. How is he going to get there? By train By car By using different transport By bus pae> 22. Listen to the information about meeting arrangements. Where is Marie going to meet Abdul? ‘At the station In the square ‘Ata concert At Marie's sister's house Soe> 7 23. You can hear a radio interview. What is the main problem for charities nowadays? Lack of donors Lack of media support Unhelpful politicians Lack of volunteers Soe 24. A couple of friends are planning a birthday party. What are they quite concerned about? The food The cake The invitations How many people will come on@> 25, Listen to the team manager Jessica speaking about Fernando. Why doesn't she want to offer him the promotion? He isn’t efficient enough He doesn’t have enough experience He is indecisive and unsure of himself He is unpopular with others pap

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