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Chapter I: A new deal

Frankly, at the start of the year, we could do better! I had managed, these last twelve months, to
get out of all possible and imaginable messes more or less without harm ... well with a lot of
injuries, but I was still whole, it was already that. What a long way since Griffith High School!
Indeed, before taking myself for John Rambo, I was an ordinary librarian whose only goal in life
was to avoid as much as possible chance encounters with a German teacher whom everyone,
pupils and teachers alike, called "Cruella" Angermann, because of her ability to lower you lower
than earth in one sentence. Most of the time, I managed to get through her murderous remarks
and took refuge where no one could reach me: in the world of books. Always passionate about
reading, I had wanted to become a writer, but I had missed everything and chose this profession
to stay in this universe. My library did not attract many people so I could read as much as I
wanted, no one came to see me ... This also applied in everyday life for that matter ...
Completely transparent, I had not had, for twenty - nine years of existence, neither friends nor
lovers, and that suited me well because more than anything, I was afraid of being rejected. My
parents, who had died in a car accident a few years ago, had unconditional love for me, but also
exclusive. By preferring that I play with them rather than with the kids in the neighborhood, they
prevented me from learning to forge social ties. As a result, I had become an eternal loner. I
didn't blame them because they had shown me exhibitions, museums, films or concerts and
every Sunday we went with the family to the Williamsburg Amusement Park, an hour from
Kentwood, my hometown. I adored them ... and their absence was sorely felt at times,
especially when my insipid life had taken a turn at one hundred and eighty degrees ... Just after
the new year, when I returned home somewhat annoyed by the soap that I had. had spent
Cruella several hours before, I had come across a vampire… The term “fall” does not seem
appropriate to me; in fact, I was thrown at him. He was an angel ... Oh, not one of those in
Heaven with wings and a halo and full of love in his heart. That was what the vampire
community called the right-hand men of the area leaders. And Phoenix was one of the most
respected. Under the orders of the powerful masters of the county of Kerington, Talanus and
Ysis, both two thousand years old and having rubbed shoulders for one Augustus and the other
Cleopatra, he had decided not to bother with administrative paperwork. that he loathed and to
secure the services of an assistant, me. I really had no choice. By virtue of keeping the Secret
of their existence, it was either that or be executed. I had difficulty accepting it, it could be
understood ... But I had learned that the one I took for a blood-drinking monster had the function
of preserving human lives by enforcing the strict application of the Great Change. . Let me
explain: the vampires had realized that they no longer needed to murder humans for food;
fortunately, because the progress of the scientific police began to worry them seriously. An open
war was out of the question then the Greats, the ten most powerful and oldest members of their
species, responsible for ensuring the preservation of the Secret, had decided on a radical
change in the mode of consumption: now, it was necessary to provide in closely supervised
blood banks, hospitals or dispensaries. The angels were thus responsible for executing all those
who were resistant to the established order. Well, that was only valid in rich countries ... It was
sad to say, but where chaos reigned (civil wars, corruption, famines), those who refused to
comply with these new rules could give it to their heart's content and slaughter whoever they
wanted. However, that did not always seem sufficient given the extent of the blood traffic that
my new boss and I had thwarted at the risk of our lives. The rate of disappearances in Kerington
County had increased so much that the Greats had almost eliminated us all for our
incompetence to find the brains of this plot. Fortunately, the creator of Phoenix, Finn Jorgensen,
the oldest vampire in existence, got involved and we managed to get out of it by finding out that
the real people in charge were in fact Karl Sarlsberg, my boss's near “brother”. himself under
the orders of Talanus' best friend, Ichimi Ritsuye. Both had struggled to recover from this double
betrayal. Finally, I was happy to have been spared, but more than anything, I was relieved that
the one who had dragged me into this, was too ... Indeed, the fear and the anger of having been
kidnapped , my feelings towards Phoenix had first evolved into recognition for allowing me to be
someone else through his training and guidance. Then I realized that more than an employer,
he had become a mentor, and a true friend. He was always there for me and I knew I meant a
lot to him too. It was exceptional, moreover, as vampires are very independent and reluctant to
care about other people than themselves, let alone mortals. In short, I was now happy in
Scarborough, my host city where I had met extraordinary people: Danny, the cook of "Bon
appétit chez Danny" and his adopted son, Matthew, who with Angela, were my closest. human
friends. Ginger Wood, who ran the local candy store, always gave me my favorite candies to
thank me for fixing (awkwardly) her relationship with her daughter, Valerie. And finally, François,
vampire and former musketeer of Louis XIV who had come to help us in our investigation and
who, instead of returning to France, had left his luggage at the castle where we lived with my
employer, determined not to leave that place. who he had fallen in love with and who was aware
of his true nature: Angela. The August-December period had therefore been pure happiness for
me because I felt respected in life as in my work and I was surrounded by people I loved. Of
course, things had gone off considerably. It had started with the episode under the mistletoe… I
had wanted to celebrate Christmas with dignity and I had decorated the room with garlands and
a tree. When Phoenix had arrived, this traitor of Francis had insisted that we respect tradition
and that we kiss each other under this little ball that he had hung sneakily and that I had not
noticed. He wanted to test us, sure, to prove his idiotic theory that his friend and I loved each
other… That kiss… I had managed to not think about it until New Years Eve. I made my boss
promise not to come home too late from his business meeting in Pembroke, so that I could wish
him a Happy New Year on his return; I even declined all my invitations because I only wanted to
spend this moment with him. A little later, I realized that he had taken my cell phone instead of
his and thanks to the satellite tracking, I had obtained the exact address to return it to him in
person. All that for this ! Instead of finding him in the middle of a work meeting, I had discovered
him in a hotel room completely naked, in the company of a young woman in a thong who looked
like me… much, much better! I really did not see it coming, that one! For a humiliation, it was a
humiliation, and to be written down in the annals! I had stammered incomprehensible excuses
before storming out of this damn suite. Phoenix had caught up with me in the hallway and tried
to explain, but I felt so betrayed in the confidence I had in him that I had preferred to abandon
him to his lies and return to Scarborough. On the way back, I believed that a hurricane, an
earthquake and a tsunami had swept through me at the same time to devastate me from within.
In fact, the truth had finally appeared to me… The violence of my reaction to Phoenix's betrayal
made me understand that what I really felt for him, what I had always felt since we met, was not.
was not friendship… All this time, I had refused to see the obvious… This revelation had taken
precedence over my concentration as a driver, and I had only seen the doe on which I was
rushing at full speed. at the last moment. All I remembered before the black hole was this huge
tree that I walked helplessly towards, and whose branches seemed outstretched to welcome me
and welcome me to death.

* For… a long time, an eternity I would say, I had drifted in the dark, floating in nothingness. I
didn't know where I was or where I was going, I didn't even know if I was still alive. All I
remembered was this huge trunk that I had run into with my Buick. Who could survive this? In
any case, if I had died, I had had another idea of Heaven. Maybe I was in Purgatory and they
were going to punish me for my sins? Yeah… it didn't really add up. I was there in my thoughts
when a strange and distant voice reached me. - Your time has not arrived because it is you
whom I chose among all… You must join him… And before I could ask who belonged this voice
and what it meant, I felt suddenly sucked into the void, terror stifling my howl ... Suddenly, I land
in reality. Even though I couldn't see anything, I was convinced that my consciousness had
regained possession of my body because I was feeling things again: the softness of the
mattress and the pillow, the sheets that kept me warm, the strange smell and the little electronic
beeps that I immediately associated with an intensive care room in a hospital. I had to be clear
about it… - She moved…! cried a female voice. - What? Are you sure? answered another male
voice. - I assure you that I saw her hand move and OH MY GOD! NURSE!!! The sound of an
overturned chair told me that my efforts to lift my eyelids had not been in vain. Suddenly, a
powerful hand closed around mine. The first thing that came to my mind was the image of
Phoenix, devoured with worry at my bedside. - Shit? You hear me? I smiled, but that voice
wasn't what I expected, it was Matthew's. - ANGELA! SHE IS RECOVERING
CONSCIOUSNESS! he yelled, as if seized with hysterical hope and missing adding my
eardrums to the list of my injured organs. Far from being disappointed, the desire to see my
friends again made me redouble my efforts to finally wake up fully and I opened my eyes just in
time to see Angela, two doctors and two nurses storming into my room, a rather comical
stampede. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't have the strength. - Shit! We were so scared!
exclaimed Matthew who squeezed my hand to crush it while looking at me, tears in his eyes,
soon joined by an Angela who was crying without restraint. Overwhelmed by their presence and
their relief to see me alive again, sobs began to invade my throat when suddenly, a searing pain
pierced my ribs, making me cry out horribly. - We have to examine it. It's too emotional, you
better go out for now. You can then tell the rest of his family. The doctor's tone was final. My
friends would have to wait before they could enter my room again. But what worried me was
what he said at the end; on telling the rest of my family. There was one person whose gaze I
wasn't sure I could face and when I thought about it, it was good that the pain kept me from
crying. Otherwise, I believe that at that moment I would not have been able to stop…

* I had woken up around noon. While I was undergoing a whole battery of exams, Angela and
Matthew had called Danny to tell him the news. He would be sure to let Scarborough know
about it, starting with Ginger gnawing at him and harassing him whenever she saw him, to see if
I was getting well. My friends had then spent the whole afternoon by my side, managing the
conversation between them, unable that I was to utter a word. So they told me that I had been in
a deep coma for four days and that they were desperate to see me resurface one day. The
accident had been more than violent ... At dawn, a motorist had seen the damage to the
guardrail and, guided by her instinct, had stopped to take a closer look. He had followed the trail
made by my Buick before meeting us again, it smashed against this gigantic trunk, and I, also
smashed, but still alive and unconscious, a few meters away. I was not far from death to tell the
truth because in the ambulance, my heart had stopped twice. On top of that, I had suffered a
broken leg and numerous ribs, bruises all over the place and a head trauma. There had been
complications when I arrived at the hospital and it was really close… but I was still in this world.
In fact, I was as much an enigma for the firefighters who did not understand how I had managed
not to end up crushed and crushed against this tree, as for the members of the medical
profession who had been rather pessimistic about my survival. Of course, they couldn't have
known that the Phoenix imprint in my body was having some weird, one-off effects, including
making me more resilient. Still, I remembered perfectly that feeling of floating in another world,
and that voice that said my time had not yet arrived… Was it really a dream? Better that I avoid
thinking about it. I was there, it was essential! The firefighters had rummaged through my bag
and tried to call Phoenix's cell phone whose number they had found. Unfortunately, Peter
Stratford / Livingstone's phone had broken up in a hotel room and couldn't ring. But that, too,
they couldn't know. Suddenly, they had fallen back on a photo of Angela and me. Since I had
put her name on the back, they had managed to warn her. The rest, she gave it to me, taking
advantage of Matthew's absence to go to the bathroom. She told me that she had worked hard
until sunset and then threw herself on her phone to call Francois. With my boss, they were on
their way to look for me when she informed them. Phoenix could hear him perfectly, although he
was not holding the receiver, and François indicated to my friend who had not yet finished her
sentence, that he had already gone like a rocket towards the hospital, by way of tunes. He'd
added that it would be best if Matthew and my employer weren't in the same room to avoid
unnecessary questions, and since then Angela had always made sure their visits didn't overlap
with theirs. - He didn't leave you for a single moment… except to protect himself from the sun,
she confided to me, all smiles, unaware that this information was doing me more harm than
good. He just must have been feeling guilty… We didn't go any further on this lot because
Matthew had returned from the bathroom. Even though I couldn't speak, my friends stayed by
my side for several more hours, preventing me from worrying about the confrontation that would
soon come to pass. The sun was already setting… Angela did make a few attempts to get
Matthew to accompany her to the exit, but Matthew continued to linger, never tiring of keeping
my hand in his. I must say that her comfort warmed my heart and that it would have been rude
to take it away from her. However, I hadn't expected my boss to find us like this. When I looked
up at the doorframe and my attention until then occupied by Matthew's jokes easily identified the
person standing there, my heart completely derailed and its disordered beating set off all the
alarms of the monitoring . I had to turn pale for fear of meeting Phoenix's gaze and blush with
shame at setting off all the uproar; in fact, I must have looked silly. A leaden silence fell in the
room when the alarms died down and the doctors left after checking that I had not had a heart
attack. No one dared to speak because Matthew was staring at this stranger suspiciously, not
realizing that the latter was staring at his hand which was clutching mine, with a murderous glint
in his blue eyes. - Who are you? my servant knight asked curtly, mistaking my visitor for a
potential rival. Phoenix did not need to answer because Francois saw fit to take the lead to
avoid a massacre. - It's Aydan. I called him. Last year, François and Karl pretended to be my
cousins during a movie outing and this filthy german (dubbed an assassin) wanted to embarrass
me by making Matthew believe that I was in love with a certain Phoenix. To make up for it, I lied,
saying that his real name was Aydan and that our fresh separation had traumatized me.
Matthew shouldn't expect to be in front of my "ex" and raised his eyebrows, seeming to gauge
his "opponent" to figure out what I had found in him. Then: - You shouldn't be here, he said
harshly. You are no longer part of her life! This time, François does not manage to get ahead of
my employer. - Who are you to judge who should be at her bedside and who should not? You
are nobody, so broom! His icy, contemptuous tone made me fear the worst, especially when
Matthew jumped up to face him. Forgetting to be careful, I straightened up to grab him by the
arm and prevent him from taking a further step towards Phoenix, and in doing so, my bruised
body remembered my fond memories as I pulled out a howl of pain from me, and forcing me to
go back to bed violently, moaning miserably. Immediately, angry nurses arrived, threatening to
fire everyone if my visitors didn't spare me more. Angela took advantage of this signal to show
firmness and threaten Matthew to leave without him since it was she who had taken them.
Trapped, he surrendered his arms. However, instead of waving to me like my friend, he leaned
over and gave me a soft, long kiss on the forehead. He smiled at me, walked for the exit and I
don't know what he did to Phoenix when he left, but Francois grabbed his arm to dissuade him
from going and gutting him. I really wondered what fly was stinging him and I could feel the
anger rising in me. He preferred to take care of his pride rather than inquire about my state of
health! No but, what a nerve! However, the irritation was quickly washed away by the bluish
glow in his eyes as they landed on me again. I no longer knew how to react. - I leave you. If you
need me, I won't be far, said Francois, leaving the room in his turn and closing the door. We
were both alone and I couldn't hide. What was he going to tell me? - You must hate me. I raised
my eyebrows as he stared at me as I awaited my verdict. What could I say to him? I will never
be able to hate you because my heart, my mind, my whole being is imbued with you and… and I
love you… I love you more than anything in the world? No. For the good of both of us, I had to
and I should muzzle my feelings, even though it was torture on a daily basis because it was
unthinkable for me to leave him. Phoenix would never love me and I didn't want to make him
uncomfortable about it, so I had to shut up. Desperate, I looked down in order to save time, but
my resolve was shattered when Phoenix came and sat on the bed and leaned towards me to
free a strand that fell in front of my face. Defeated, I let him do it when he grabbed my chin to
make me face him. - Sam, I… He doesn't finish his sentence. Instead, he took my hand in his
and stroked it before bringing it to his mouth. I held my breath so as not to lose all control when
he kissed her gently and at this contact, I was crossed by a powerful electric shock, the usual
consequence of all our reconciliations. His soft lips pressed to my skin made me dizzy and it
took all my self-control not to throw myself into his arms, in defiance of the pain I would feel. My
inner struggle was so hard that I couldn't stop my tears from streaming down my cheeks, nor
Phoenix from seeing them when he looked back at me. I thought I saw a glimmer of sorrow, but
trying to detect his emotions was always an impossible task. - I'm only hurting you… I'm
unworthy of your friendship. Sure enough, the memory of Pembroke's hotel room was still
stinging and painful. Even though I knew he didn't love me, so that he didn't belong to me, I
couldn't help feeling an intense jealousy towards the young woman he was about to embrace in
her perfect nakedness. , as well as anger at the one who had preferred to lie to me rather than
admit to me that I was not sufficiently to his liking to satisfy his carnal appetites. Besides,
thinking of this type of connection with Phoenix suddenly made me flush my cheeks because I
had never thought of it until then. If it had been otherwise between us, would I have taken the
plunge with him? A vampire? Knowing that it was possible and experiencing it were two different
things! However, now I fully understood my feelings for him and the answer to this question was
crystal clear. At the idea, I felt the fire take hold squarely in my cheeks and spread all over my
face; of shame, and also to hide my confusion, I buried it in my hands. - I shouldn't have come,
I'll let you rest… This statement, coming from a velvet voice with a wounded accent that was
already moving away towards the exit, horrified me so much that I wanted to shout at him. don't
give up on me. No sound reaching the threshold of my lips, Phoenix walked through the door
without seeing that from my bed, I tried in vain to hold him close to me. Suddenly, a force
coming from the depths of my being overwhelmed me and allowed me to come out of my
helplessness. Like a fury, I ripped the electrodes from my chest, reserving the same treatment
for my infusion. I only had a few moments before the doctors came running to see if I was dead,
so I jumped out of bed as fast and as far as I could. I was caught in the air by a searing pain in
my chest, soon reinforced by that of my leg in a cast which had not appreciated the fall. My
vision clouded and I almost remained nailed to the ground, but it was without counting this force
which animated me and pushed me to act. With a superhuman effort, I managed to get up and
open the door, ignoring the dumbfounded looks of the nurses who froze at my sight. Panicked
by the absence of my employer in my field of vision, I only had one solution left. - PHOENIX!!!! I
yelled, hanging on the doorframe so as not to fall. I had been so afraid that he would not hear
me that I had gathered all the power that remained to me in this desperate cry; the result was a
high-pitched howl that petrified everyone there. I was starting to wobble, looking madly in all
directions, when suddenly he appeared to me, having almost torn off the doors to the stairs. I
did not wait for the audience of this ubiquitous show to come to their senses and forgetting my
injuries, I rushed as best I could towards the one who was already running to come to meet
me ... A caregiver gave a little cry when my legs betrayed me and ducked under me, but she
hadn't finished exhaling as Phoenix had kept me from crashing to the ground by catching me in
his strong arms. Relief and a lot of other feelings came over me completely as he carried me to
my room, and it took a whole treasure of patience and heartwarming words for me to finally
deign to let go of his shirt. gripped me like a madwoman, to allow the doctors to check my

* No sooner had they left the room than my boss joined me. It must be said that I had struggled
so much when they had ordered him to leave me alone that they thought it best to let him
exceed the statutory visiting hours. Phoenix took his place before leaving and smiled at me,
both scolding and happy. - You're so impulsive… I smiled back at her, glad to have her next to
me again. However, I was in so much pain that the pain somewhat spoiled my pleasure. It
couldn't last, so I concentrated and inhaled, "Want to… come back." Those two simple words
had triggered unbearable tingles throughout my chest, making me wince, but I forced myself to
stare at Phoenix so he understood the implications of my words. It was a success, he widened
his eyes: - No, Sam. It's out of the question! This refusal made my blood boil and I glared at
him. Rather than take the fly, my employer had fun, which didn't really help his business given
the wild expression I gave him. He defended himself: - You think I haven't thought about it?! I
almost destroyed everything in frustration during your coma when I saw that you were being
watched so much that I couldn't even give you my blood! And you want me to do it now, when
anyone can come in? Even if the logic of his speech was relentless, it was absolutely out of the
question that I would drag on here in rehabilitation and treatment for weeks on end. I had better
things to do, and it was in Scarborough, home. Phoenix didn't seem like it at all, but I wouldn't
let go. I decided to have it otherwise. - Must ... that! It was really a low blow; leaning on his guilt
feeling was my last option and I admit that in doing so, I felt a certain satisfaction mixed with
perversity at his crestfallen look. - Do you remember what happened the last time? he retorted.
Ah yes, the last time I drank his blood, a strange phenomenon had occurred. My eyes had
changed color from deep black to a black tinged with red like the liquid that healed me, and I
had behaved like a prehistoric nymphomaniac adept at arm wrestling. I thought I was dying of
shame when Ysis brought this memory to the surface. - Want to ... go home! My stubborn look
made him sigh. - I have never met such a mule head in five hundred years of existence! He
growled as he took off his jacket and rolled his shirt sleeve up his arm. I had no fear as to what
was to follow because I knew and especially because I no longer had any doubts about the link
that united me to my donor. No matter what happened, I wanted to be on my feet again, which
is why the sight of his fangs hurting his flesh caused me neither fear nor disgust, but rather ill-
contained impatience. He checked one last time that no one was watching us before holding out
his wrist to me, which I grabbed and sucked in without delay. If he was surprised by my
boldness, he didn't show it. At least until things got out of hand again… for a change… At a rate
much faster than other times, I felt my bones come together and my strength come back to me.
I no longer felt any pain in my chest, which allowed me to sit up in a sitting position, close to my
employer, without stopping drinking the precious liquid. Everything was going well until Phoenix
wanted to stop me. There, my eyes almost turned red like last time, causing my boss to gasp in
surprise, but only I was fully aware of my actions. My recent discoveries must have been a
game-changer because the desire I felt at that time for Phoenix was mine, not that of some
foreign entity that would have taken control of my hormones. The senses panicked by the
proximity of the one who made my heart beat, I had nevertheless kept a cool head ... and I let
go. My partner seemed to have more difficulty recovering from all that and to give himself a
countenance, with a calculated slowness the arm of his shirt. - We will have to understand one
day where this phenomenon comes from, he whispered to himself, his lips pursed. - At least it's
effective. Abruptly, Phoenix lifted his head to gaze at me, amazed at my speed of healing.
Delighted to have regained the use of speech, I offered him a smile that disarmed him. - Hmm…
That might be a problem. We will wonder how this miracle happened. - Remember, I'm an
excellent actress, I'll handle this. But I have my conditions! I want to pretend I'm in bad shape for
three more days, then you can take me home. - You are worse than the worst merchant! he
laughed. But I accept ... if only so as not to have to cross this pretentious young moron! -
Matthew? He didn't do anything to you! He raised his eyebrows. - Yes, good ! He was not very
warm when you arrived, but you know why, so no need to put yourself in such a state! His face
took on that indecipherable and enigmatic expression that formed an insurmountable barrier to
anyone who wanted to know his thoughts. It was really annoying! - Bah! Let's stop talking about
it. Three days, can you hear me? Not one more! Then you will have to put up with me again!
Phoenix relaxed and gave me a warm smile. - Three days, I promise. In the meantime, develop
your acting game. He stayed with me for a while longer, informing me that he had completely
forgotten to tell me that, on the stairs earlier, he had asked Francois to postpone his visit. In
truth, his presence in the vicinity had been obscured by someone else and I had hardly cared
about his absence. When the four of the doctors arrived, trembling like leaves to tell my
impressive boss that he had to go, the latter kissed my hand one last time and swore to me in a
low voice that he would keep his promise, before leave me, and miss me.

* - Leave me alone, I tell you!! Dammit, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! Boom! Bam! The two
interns had just enough time to close the door to avoid the slippers that I had thrown at them,
enraged that I had become for three days the beast of the hospital. I really wondered how John
Merrick had put up with this for so long, me, I had the urge to murder! Indeed, after Phoenix
healed me, I had pretended to be asleep to prevent me from being tested again. It had worked
because I slept like a baby, especially since I knew the next day would be difficult. For sure!
When the doctors noticed my miraculous recovery, they literally bombarded me with questions
before forcing me to undergo a whole bunch of tests to figure out what had happened. It was
true that there was something to be surprised at! The day before, I was broken all over and
there, all my bones had come together flawlessly, it was just incredible. So incredible that it was
a real parade that followed. From the simple trainee to the director of the hospital, all the
medical profession wanted to see "the flash recovery", despite my state of weakness simulated
to perfection, and which should have made them backtrack in order to let me rest. It was like
being in a circus or in a zoo! Even Matthew got annoyed the second day because we couldn't sit
still for two minutes without being interrupted by curious people. In fact, he had sharply sent a
surgeon for a walk who was visiting the students' department and who had decided to make a
detour through my room. Despite his amazement, my friend had had the good sense not to
overdo it and to accept the fact or rather the lie that I had absolutely no idea what had
happened. Obviously, for Angela, it was something else. When she came to see me after her
work, she was also stunned when she noticed my recovery, without buying into this miracle
story. She knew the truth about Phoenix and once I was alone, she imposed a formal
questioning on me. - If I understand correctly, he made you drink his blood? How do you feel,
really I mean? - I asked him… I feel good, maybe a little too much because it is true that my
recovery was a little faster than expected, but everything is as before. - Aren't you afraid to get
media attention with this story? Vampires might not like it. - I'll be out of here before it goes out,
and then what's done is done. We could not know it was going to go wrong again. - You mean
your eyes have changed color again? What did you do? How did he react? I want to know
everything ! Pff! She wasn't going to let go and I didn't want to talk about this episode because it
might lead me to a subject I wasn't prepared to share with her, well not at this moment. - I did
nothing at all, I stayed me. The only catch was that his blood acted too quickly for it to remain
discreet! - It's still strange… The strange was my daily life for a year so somewhere, I was not
very worried. Only, the parade of curious people seriously raised my adrenaline rate and my
patience reached its limits when the two interns had allowed themselves to enter without
knocking as I finished dressing. Even though Phoenix and Francois urged me to be calm each
time they came and found me on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I could no longer contain
my rage, and literally set them on fire, shouting a string of horrible curses in the process. and so
violent that I will not repeat them here. Stunned, the two doctors froze instead of taking their
legs and their necks out of my room, which made me explode and throw my slippers at them. I
couldn't stand it any longer, I phoned Angela to come get me or I swore my gods I would walk
home after devastating the intensive care unit at Pembroke Hospital. So Phoenix and Francois
found us both in the living room playing chess, and seeing them arrive, I saw the latter hand a
note to his friend. - I told you she would cause a scandal… This woman is more volcanic than
the Pacific Ring of Fire. - At first glance she seems so nice. It's your fault Phoenix, by always
provoking her, she has become a real tigress! I dreamed ! They had bet that I would go crazy
and leave the hospital earlier than expected! I turned to Angela who was carefully avoiding my
gaze. - Did you get soaked in that? I hissed threateningly. She shrugged sheepishly. Phoenix
came over to me, putting the note back in his pocket. - Don't be angry, you lasted longer than I
thought, congratulations! Humpf! I almost answered him sharply, but my attention was grabbed
by two other people. Angela got up and joined Francois who hugged her. As if the world no
longer existed around them, they kissed for a long enough time that I stopped yawning like a
fool watching this scene, and my morale took a serious hit after taking a look. to my boss whose
disapproval was clearly visible on his face. My heart sank… Feeling watched, Phoenix turned to
me, but I had the good idea to contemplate my shoes. Damn, as long as he hasn't noticed! I
was going to have to play tight now, there was no way he would find out about my feelings
because imagining him pulling away from me because of it would trigger knots in my stomach
and irregular heart palpitations. I should work this too. - Hmm… I'm going to get us a drink, I
announced before slipping away at lightning speed. In the kitchen, I was able to come to my
senses. Until then, I had never seen these two show their affection other than with enamored
looks, so the shock had been severe. And then… I didn't understand why it bothered Phoenix
so much, after all, Francois was free to love whoever he wanted. Bah! There was no point
wiggling the knife in the wound so I let go of my bad thoughts and made fresh blood and soda
for everyone. Coming back with my tray, I displayed a wide toothpaste smile, trying to reproduce
as well as possible the one Angela had naturally. - And There you go ! A + for Phoenix, B + for
François and Coke for us. Everyone helped himself and François toasted to celebrate my
recovery and my return. I had started to take a few sips when Angela thought of asking a stupid
question. - Funny, you seem to really prefer A + and that's Sam's blood type. Is her blood calling
you? Pfffffffffttt! I had just spit out all the liquid my mouth contained in a formidable and oh so
unwelcome geyser. Damn it! I was not living with the romantic Edward Cullen, known to refrain
from drinking from the neck of his beloved Bella whose blood was turning his head! Argh! Her
question also implied that if it did, Phoenix would have feelings for me. But what had happened
to him?! - Oh! Francois, I'm sorry, I'll fix this! In the story, I had reached the height of ridicule by
sprinkling postilions in Coke on the branded costume of our former musketeer whose disgusted
face made me want to dig a hole and hibernate there! What a draw! I thought as I ran to get a
wet towel in the kitchen. I still had time to hear the answer Phoenix offered to my curious friend.
- No, I don't feel anything special when I'm around Sam. I sometimes want to kill her, but it has
nothing to do with her blood. I could guess his smile without seeing it, but that information didn't
amuse me at all; more like a slap in the face. I had just had confirmation of what I was thinking,
however, imagining it and hearing it verbally were two different things. When I arrived at the
sink, I was caught by a searing pain in my chest that made me squeal in surprise. - Shit! I
swore, recognizing the white-hot blade that had stabbed me in the hallway of Pembroke's hotel
and leaning against the counter to make it pass. Ulcerated by my own reactions, I kicked the
dishwasher hard, only succeeding in hurting my big toe. I was about to pull out a whole string of
the most horrible swear words I knew when a voice behind me made me jump. - Everything is
fine? You're all pale, asked Francois, whose formidable insight was going to be hard to fool. -
Um yes. I just slipped. Completely pitiful apology. Name name! - I didn't want to embarrass you
so I came to join you to see if we could remove these stains with water. Francis, decidedly, was
a saint. How could I blame him for arriving at the wrong time? - I must be the most ridiculous
human you've ever met, I'm so sorry, I said, taking off his jacket. - I think you're doing well. I
shrug my shoulders and turn on the faucet to repair my mess. - Too kind, but your judgment is
flawed. You are my friend and you are a saint so I consider that you want to spare me. - You are
too hard on yourself, and then rare are the humans who have managed to impress the Greats.
The proposal that Egire made to you spread like wildfire among the vampires ... Last July, when
the Greats had landed to massacre us, the devotion I had shown towards my employer. had
particularly challenged and a named Égire had offered me a position with them - a kind of Grand
Assistant in short - but I had refused, and this, in front of an audience of curious people who
drank each of our words. - Yeah. You're worse than gossips, you vampires… Sorry, but I think
I'll have to pay you back for your jacket, it's ruined. - It doesn't matter… Sam, I'm really happy
that you're back with us, I was very worried. Touched by his sincerity, I threw myself into his
arms. Francois was not used to this kind of contact with me and although he was surprised, he
patted me gently on the back, like the friend he was. - Um… Phoenix was standing in the
doorway and putting his new cell phone in his pocket. His closed face told me something was
wrong. - What's going on? I asked, stepping away from our musketeer. - You're not going to like
it… Talanus just called and he summons us both to Kerington. I raised my eyebrows. - Now? -
On the field. He is furious, he told me that I had better fly as quickly as possible towards their
domain or his anger would have no limits. At the time, only one piece of information reached
me, and frankly, this was not the one I should have remembered. - Fly?! Pale, I turned greenish.
I hated this mode of transportation. Phoenix, at my reaction, laughed without joy… - I told you
you wouldn't like it…

* I cursed myself! Instead of focusing on the air travel, I should have prepared myself
psychologically for what I was going to have to endure in Kerington because what awaited me
there would have even traumatized the Incredible Hulk. The ride had gone pretty well. I had put
on warm clothes and had avoided looking down ... Well, being hooked around the neck of
Phoenix, whose strong arms hugged me to his body with its bewitching fragrance and softness,
had been a real ordeal to support. However, I would have preferred to travel another three
thousand kilometers and endure the wrath of Talanus. We were directed to his private office
where he was waiting for us, his eyes already shining with rage that was hard to contain.
Already without being angry this man was impressive, but there, Phoenix had to push me
straight forward so that my body petrified by terror would want to move. - Both of you sit down
and watch this screen! It will be very informative. The order had cracked like a whip. Another
push from Phoenix made me obey orders and watch the television set that I hadn't noticed yet.
Talanus lit it and stepped aside to let us see footage from a report by a reporter posted at the
foot of Pembroke Hospital. She was talking about a nosocomial illness case and I thought her
story ended with the statistics of cases like this in the county, but just when I was wondering
where our Roman general was going, the woman concluded with a positive note with, in his
words, "hospital miracles". - Indeed, after a terrible car accident and four days of coma, a young
woman suffering from multiple fractures ended up waking up. So far, nothing extraordinary.
Well, think again! By the next day, all of her bones had come together again and despite being
in shock and general weakness, she left the scene on both legs. Kept by professional secrecy,
the nursing staff did not want to reveal their identity to us, so if you can hear us, Miss Miracule,
do not hesitate to let you know, I will be delighted to interview you! It was Rowena Mac
Cormack, for KC News. Silence fell over the room. Believing my last hour had arrived, I did not
know what to say or what to do in my defense. All I was able to do was slip my hand into
Phoenix's nearby, cursing myself for being so selfish… By refusing to be a normal
convalescent, I had attracted the attention of the press on us, and endangered the life of the
person I cared about more than anything. I finally stand up to face Talanus. - It's all my fault. I
will accept your punishment, but please don't punish Phoenix, it's nothing to do with it. I wanted
to protect him, but he wouldn't let me. - Do not listen to her, I am the only one responsible, he
said, getting up in turn, his face indecipherable. Talanus, who was pacing like a lion in a cage,
glared at us. - "Miss Miracle"?! he fumed. If you hadn't been so useful to me, Phoenix, and if
Ysis didn't have this strange faith in you, Miss Watkins, I would have had you both executed on
the spot! Your unconsciousness is unacceptable, you could have reduced to nothing the work of
several millennia! - But they didn't, did they? interrupted a female voice. Come on, I think they
got the lesson, Talanus, there's no need to add more. Ysis had just joined us, resplendent in her
long black satin dress, and placed herself next to her companion, whose anger had not yet
passed. - They need a good lesson! The preservation of the Secret is our most important
mission and they almost ruined everything because of this madness that binds them both! - My
beloved, on this level we would be badly placed to lecture them. Ysis tenderly stroked Talanus'
cheek. When he turned to her and kissed her hand, his gaze had changed and fury had given
way to an expression of deep attachment. I should have been moved by this scene ...
nevertheless, it was the second time in the same evening that I had to endure the expressions
of affection from enamored couples while me, it would only be in my fantasies that I would have
the right to be loved. I felt all my hairs stand on end as my nerves twisted and Phoenix's
statement nearly set off a rampage of apocalyptic fury. - If I saved Sam, it's because she asked
me to. She wanted to resume her work and above all, leave this hospital where the doctors
tended to ask too many questions. My actions were guided only by my practical sense and not
because of this madness of which you accuse me! Since the time you know me, I thought you
understood that I was above all that! he cursed. This justification seemed to satisfy the Chiefs
who stood before him, but also had the effect of stabbing me again with that white-hot blade.
Overwhelmed by the pain, I couldn't channel it and fell heavily on the sofa, doubled over. When
Phoenix came up to me to inquire about my condition, I had the greatest difficulty in not giving
him the punch he deserved by shouting at him that it was his fault that I was suffering like this.
In a superhuman effort, I managed to contain my gesture and the rage that possessed me,
without succeeding in remaining correct. - It's nothing, it must be in a hurry to get back to work, I
replied in a very aggressive tone. I stood up and faced his superiors. - Don't worry, I got the
lesson. Next time, I'll take my knives and slit the throats of all the witnesses, including the
journalists. If you don't need me anymore, I'll take a taxi home, since riding a bat is not very
suitable for the preservation of the Big Secret. Royally ignoring my boss's expression of
disbelief as much as Ysis's arm which, without stopping laughing, held back that of a murderous
Talanus, I left, and like none of the guards I passed. did not jump on me to kill me, I deduced,
when I got to the portal, that my execution had not yet been stopped. I had to get out of the
secure area to be able to hail a taxi which I asked to drop me off in front of the first restaurant he
could find. Having the nerves, that made you hungry, and I was literally hungry ... A few times
later, seeing the shabby sign of the grub of this dismal avenue where we had stopped, I thought
it best to get out of the car to avoid physically attacking the driver, but by the time I came to his
level to signify in very rude terms the incorrectness of his behavior, I screamed when after a
violent shock, I felt transported in the air at an incredible speed… Phoenix had taken me by
surprise and the wind which stung my face froze me to the bone. Already nauseous after our
take-off, I felt my stomach rise metaphorically up to my throat as it began our nose-down
descent. The species of…! I was sure he was doing it on purpose! However, I preferred to keep
to myself all the insanities that came to my mind for fear that by opening my mouth, I would end
up expelling my guts. Ugh, yes, I know! The landing on the roof of a disused building a few
blocks away was brutal and made me realize that if I was angry someone else was too. - May I
know what got into you?! Phoenix asked, putting me down gently in front of him. His voice was
freezing. He never used that tone with me… he must have been really pissed off. It was bad, I
was pissed off! - And you? You are sick?! It is not because you are dead that you should
prevent me from going to dinner, by nearly frightening me at the same time! I shouted. - Having
dinner? In this slum?! he cried in the same tone. - What, I should have asked your opinion
perhaps ?! I am not your slave, I do what I want! - You could have at least told me where you
were going! I found you thanks to the indications of the guards of the security post, I suspected
that you were going to find yourself again in big trouble and I was not mistaken! It is as if you
are doing it on purpose, I will not be there all the time to save you! How dare he?! - I didn't ask
you anything! I yelled, losing all control. Contrary to what you think, I can manage without you, I
am not defenseless, I call you back! You are not the only one with a practical sense! The
nostrils almost quivering, my boss crossed his arms and eyed me. - Here we are! You are upset
because of what I said to Talanus and Ysis to justify your healing. Have you not yet understood
that an angel should not show any weakness? If my own bosses believe that my feelings
towards a human interfere with my judgment, imagine what others will think! The shock of his
words cut off my legs. Was that how he saw our friendship, like a loophole to hide? So that was
why he disapproved of Francois and his displays of affection towards Angela and that was why
he became so aggressive when he dared to comment on our link ... Knowing that he considered
me his friend filled me with joy, but it was before I understood that he was also ashamed of it. -
Weakness ... is not taking responsibility for your choices. Courage is fighting for those who are
dear to us. I fought for you… I cried, pointing an accusing finger in her direction. - You are not in
my place! I must preserve my reputation! I walked over to him and looked him straight in the eye
despite the blade amuse itself piercing my heart over and over again, as if following the beat of
a jig. I spoke very coldly: - You give a lot of importance to the opinions of other vampires…
Does it make you nauseous to think that people think you love me? Would it be so bad in your
eyes if this were the case? Completely taken aback, he stared at me for a long time, frowning
and seeming to search for his words. I got ahead of him: - You were right in the hospital. I really
wonder if you are worthy of my friendship, I concluded, turning away. - Hush! I froze. I was
dreaming where he curtly ordered me to shut up?! - What? - Shut up, something's going on
down there! Seeing him like that, with my finger in the air and my gaze far away, my blood only
swirled. - Oh no! You won't get off that easily, I… I couldn't finish my sentence because he
jumped into the void, abandoning me like an idiot and leaving me to fend for myself to get down
from the roof. Pff! - Damn it! I'm sick of this place, I'm sick of never being able to place one, I'm
sick of vampires and I'm sick of being in love with this one! I cursed as I went to find the external
fire escape. I also cursed myself for not being able to hold my tongue and showing Phoenix how
much his opinion of our relationship hurt me. After all, during our meeting, he had told me about
the particular mentality of members of his species and their allergy to any form of attachment ...
but I believed that what he had told me that evening in wood, on the fact that he felt alive thanks
to me, well I naively thought he was proud of it. Eventually, I wondered if I wasn't happier in a
coma. Lost in my thoughts, the detonation made me jump. I didn't know what was going on, but
it looked like a shot had been fired in the street from the building I was in. I took out my gun and
silently descended the last steps leading to the ground floor, wondering what the hell was up to
my boss, whose absence worried me. As long as he has nothing… As I reached the building's
emergency exit, the door swung open on a man armed with a rifle. I leaped back to avoid him
and aimed at him. With our guns pointed at each other, it looked like we were in a bad crime
film, but the advantage was that I could perfectly detail the shooter. Considering the size, I was
happy that he did not get into me! Appearing in his forties, he was at least five feet tall. He also
had a funny tattoo on the back of his hand that reminded me of a car wheel. - Who are you? he
called in my direction. - I… The stranger deprived me of the joy of making the introductions
because he threw himself on me with impressive speed, making us both fall over the railing of
the stairs. Fortunately, we weren't far from the ground and my fall was cushioned by his body,
but in the fight, I dropped my gun. Not him. He tried to aim at me but I was faster. I was sure he
would kill me if he could and even though I knew I was no match for the imprint, I struggled with
all my might, trying to grab the knife that I was always keeping in my belt. When I finally
managed to grab it, I received a punch that sent me rolling on the asphalt, my nose bleeding
and my rage increased tenfold. Holding my gun firmly, I was about to jump at this guy's throat
when, seeing my injury, he seemed to be seeing me for the first time. - I thought you were one
of them. This war does not concern you. And with these words, he fled into the night. I hesitated
to pursue him but I didn't really see the point in view of the speed with which he had scampered
away. Besides, I was worried about Phoenix. It cost me to admit it, but it was true that he always
arrived in time usually to get me out of a bad situation and there, he did not reappear. My
decision made, I ran around the building. It was dark and the neighborhood was very dark. No
one was walking in the streets, whether on foot or in a car. Phoenix was on the road directly in
front of the building, about a hundred yards, and was kneeling next to a woman lying on the
ground. Closing the distance between us in a few seconds, I joined him near the victim whose
blood was pouring out from a neck wound, despite the pressure of my employer's hand to stop
him. - My God, what happened? I asked, noting at his feet the small pile of dust that was
already starting to scatter in the wind. He quickly raised his head and surveyed my blood-
smeared face and scruffy demeanor. "Rather, it is you who must be asked that," he replied in a
tone that did not announce anything good. - You first. - One of us attacked this woman… - And
you killed her. Icy gaze. Oops! - No, I was not really sure of her intentions until she tried to
escape. I didn't have time to do anything, he got shot. Silver, no doubt. "The man with the gun,"
I whispered, slapping my forehead with the palm of my hand. - Considering your condition, I
suppose you tried to stop him. - Uh ... As I felt the flush of confusion rise to my cheeks, the
woman let out a funny gurgling sound that swept away our previous conversation. - What can
we do for her? I said, taking his hand and staring at my boss in desperation. - Nothing at all,
she's dead. I widened my eyes when I heard this cold observation, but I could only agree with
this opinion, looking at the unfortunate woman. Life had definitely left her. - You could have
given him your blood! I attacked immediately. Phoenix sighed, wiping his hands on a tissue. - In
the middle of the street, with all the blood she had already lost? Samantha, we are vampires,
not vigilantes. We can't save everyone. - But you saved me! He preferred not to get up and
focused on the ashes of the dead vampire. Frustrated, I wanted to give my hand back to this
poor woman, but in doing so, something called out to me. - Gosh, she has the same tattoo as
the shooter! I hadn't noticed it immediately because it wasn't in the same place. There it was on
the inside of her wrist, but it was unmistakably the same: a circle with oblique rays facing
inward, all pointing to another all-black circle. Phoenix grabbed him and watched him before
looking up at me. - Are you sure? - Certainly. What are we doing? My employer began to turn
his head in all directions, his eyes closed. Then: - I listened to the conversations and the
heartbeat of the neighborhood, no one heard the gunshot or witnessed what followed. - Is that
so? The abilities of his kind compared to ours were impressive… and frightening. - I'm going
back to Talanus and Ysis. Since I can't carry you both, I want you to join me as quickly as you
can. - What now? After what I told them? - Do not argue and be very careful. I will wait for you
there. He soared into the clouds with his burden at breakneck speed. Definitely our reunion
tasted bitter and I sadly thought back to when Phoenix had placed that kiss on my hand in the
hospital. A few weeks earlier, I would have just felt that electric current flowing through me every
time her skin brushed against mine and that wouldn't have been a problem for me, unaware that
I was of my feelings and deep desires. Since I had woken up, the pain of the truth seemed not
to want to leave me anymore because the situation had certainly changed… but, I still did not
know how much.

Chapter II: The Circle of Mellindra

* - Take me to Harper Hill, please, I'm in a hurry. I hadn't expected to find myself facing Talanus
so quickly and I was really wondering if he was going to wait until someone was in private to
strangle me or if he was just going to jump on me as soon as I got there. Despite my fear, I still
asked the taxi driver to drive me there as quickly as possible. I hadn't liked my employer's
expression when I told him about the similarity of the gunman and victim's tattoos, nor the aura
of worry he had given off before taking off through the air. Something was wrong, it was
obvious. You will tell me that a vampire reduced to dust by a sniper, it was already not trivial, it's
true! But I didn't think that simple fact would have been enough to make Phoenix's usual
phlegmatic mask crumble to such an extent. Something was wrong going on, and it had to do
with that kind of car hubcap imprinted on the woman's wrist. "Hello, Miss Jones," the guard on
duty outside the gate greeted me when I reached my destination. He nodded to me, soon
followed by the five colleagues who held this post with him. In returning them their salute, I was
still amazed to have won the esteem of the vampiric gente. At first, I believed that these
courtesies were related to my position as their angel's assistant, but Phoenix had informed me
that the courage I had shown last summer to save their leaders had cleanly impressed
everyone. world and suddenly, despite my humanity, I was accepted. It was a shame! A bunch
of predators with extraordinarily dangerous powers had offered me what my own kind had
always denied me: respect. And I owed it in large part to my boss, the same one who was
waiting for me on the porch of the huge villa, pacing up and down. Since I didn't have the super
speed of vampires, he must have been boiling impatiently seeing me walk so slowly. - They are
waiting for us, he declared without preamble, when I had reached his height. - Are you sure
you're okay? If you weren't already dead I would say you saw a ghost. My note of humor was
meant to lighten the mood because his palpable nervousness made me damn uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, it was a total oven. I was trying my best to keep up with his pace, but obviously
he had forgotten that I was not a sprinter. Morality, when we reached the private apartments of
Talanus and Ysis, I was completely out of breath. Phoenix knocked on the door. - Come in !
Recognizing a devastating rage in the voice of the Roman general, my instincts took
precedence over my sanity and I turned around. I hadn't taken two steps before my employer
grabbed me by the collar of my coat and turned me around to the room where I was going to be
judged and punished for my insolence. This one didn't measure his strength well and instead of
pushing me gently, he literally propelled me inside, so that taking my feet in addition to the
carpet, I made my landing on the chest of Talanus. Horrified, petrified, paralyzed, all of these
adjectives were good at describing my utter lack of movement in the arms of the Kerington
County Area Chief, my mouth hanging open in a bewildered, ridiculously gaping grimace.
Talanus' eyes seemed loaded like rifles and I wondered when they would pour their murderous
fire on me…

* Maybe I should gloss over this episode, branded in the most awful moments of all my life. life.
But that would not be very honest…. His steel grips holding my arms and his gaze still on me, I
was trapped in a nightmare and I believed my last hour had arrived (again). However, the
situation took a completely unexpected turn. Indeed, I was still under the fire of his eyes when
suddenly: - Ha! Waaaaaaahahahahaaaaa! What was my amazement when Talanus' head shot
back, releasing a howl of laughter unlike any I had ever heard and which almost struck me with
shame in the process. Realizing that I was the unintentional cause of his hilarity, I turned scarlet
and my change in color only made matters worse; my executioner was writhing with laughter.
Damn it! - You mmmmmhh! A powerful yet incredibly soft hand pressed firmly over my mouth
and made the insult incomprehensible. - Houuuuuuhouhouhouhou!!! the other laughed again.
Lucky for my life, Phoenix had anticipated my reaction and stepped in before the point of no
return. As Ysis patted the back of her husband who was having some difficulty recovering, I
could reflect on the situation. What should I prefer after the behavior I had had during our
previous interview? Another scratch and not the least of my self-esteem, or a punishment in due
form? Hm ... Something told me that the first proposal would be less painful after all, and then, I
was used to making fun of myself so I could take that punishment. Unless Talanus decides to
take revenge anyway… My knees shook. - Phew! he said, wiping a nonexistent tear away. If I
expected… It had been two centuries since I had laughed like this. - If not, added Ysis, smiling
tenderly. - Miss Watkins, just for that, I forgive you your glare of earlier… Pfiouuuu! I was not far
from the disaster. -… but if you repeat this kind of insolence, I will have you quartered! Gloups! I
was really, really close to the disaster… - Well, that said, we have other things to do. Follow us,
both of you. Matching talk, Talanus and his mate walked to another door and Phoenix and I
followed suit. After a few corridors, and a staircase, we arrived in the basements. - Are we going
to the dungeons? I inquired, a little nervous about what I would see there. - No, in the cold
room, Ysis informed me. The dungeons are located a little further, behind a lead door ... to
cover the sound of screaming. - I understand. - In truth, it is better for you that you do not
understand. Talanus was definitely in a good mood, he was having fun making me imagine the
worst of what had to happen in there. Better that I return my attention to the cold room. She was
huge. - This villa is the center of our sector. Large amounts of blood are being stored here, due
to the number of people who reside there or are passing through, Phoenix tells me. Shivering
from the temperature, I could make out a little further on a metal table like one could see in the
morgues, with the naked corpse of the woman from earlier on it. Faced with this sad spectacle,
the debriefing began. - Phoenix brought us this body without really giving us details because he
wanted to wait for you. Now that we are all together, you can tell us what is going on. - Without
offending you, master, I think that you and Ysis will be better able to confirm or not my
suspicions. Look… My boss grabbed the woman's wrist and exposed the tattoo to them,
seeming to expect some reaction from them. - What is that? they asked at the same time. - You
don't know this tattoo? - No. Why should we know him? Phoenix frowned. "Maybe I was wrong
after all," he mumbled. - Can you be clearer? Talanus said impatiently. - I was thinking of
Mellindra's Circle. The reaction of his superiors made me jump with its violence and
promptness. Both in attack position as I looked around, there were no enemies on the horizon,
they seemed ready to do battle, eyes bright and fangs sticking out. - Impossible, he was
destroyed! - What happened tonight makes me think otherwise. Completely confused by all this,
I observed Talanus' paces on one side and Ysis on the other, with total amazement. Unable to
take any more, I resolved to ask the question that burned my lips. -Uh… forgive my ignorance,
but… what is Melinda's circle? It was the Egyptian princess who answered me. - The Circle of
Mellindra! she spat. Because of these madmen, we came close to destroying the Secret and a
war between your kind and ours! Seeing that I still did not understand anything, she continued,
as if caught in her memories. - It was in 1899, in Springfield, before the Great Change. One of
our own had attacked a young girl named Mellindra Malovich. Her bloodless and excruciatingly
mutilated corpse was found in an alley, near a pile of garbage. At that time, the police were not
as efficient as they are now and there was no shortage of news items. Unfortunately, this moron
had assaulted the wrong person. Mellindra's family was made up of very wealthy traders and
our species having had to deal with them on business, they knew of our existence. - You didn't
kill them? I wondered, for that was their general policy. - No, they were useful to us and they
also found it in their interest to be around us. Until this tragic mistake ... Should I point out to
Ysis that her speech suggested that she did not regret that a human had been killed but rather
that she deplored that it was this girl? Tss… - These people were very close-knit and they knew
perfectly well that this murder was the work of a vampire so they demanded justice. Our laws, at
the time, did not prevent feeding by killing, so the Springfield County area chief rejected their
request and left the culprit free. Everything seemed to be back to normal, but that was without
counting the Mellindra clan's thirst for revenge and its desire to protect your species from ours.
This story was absolutely fascinating. Ysis was an extraordinary narrator, but in this moment I
would have had a hard time throwing the first stone at the Malovich family. I had always told
myself that if I had children I should protect them from evil and if someone got out on them I
would shamelessly gut them. After my violent experiences the previous year, this certainty had
grown stronger. Some perverts in this world deserve a good torture session in the experienced
and terribly efficient hands of Finn, the creator of my boss ... It might be more deterrent than jail.
But I digress… - They created what they called the Circle of Mellindra and recruited, from all
over the country, people who had also lost a member of their family because of us. It took them
a while, but they assembled a real army that was very well equipped and very well trained. The
hunt for vampires lasted long enough for the Greats to get involved and "dismiss" the Springfield
area chief who had not made the connection between these assassinations and the Malovich
family. You know what that means, Samantha. Yes I knew it. The vampire dismissal was not a
transitional step towards another job: there, you were struck off the team and wiped off the map
at the same time. It was not customary for the Greats to be forgiving. - Springfield County is
next to Kerington County. Rather than putting a new incompetent in charge, the Big ones called
on us to fix the problem. When we managed to identify the leaders of these attacks against our
species, the hunt was reversed and nearly all the Circle members were hunted down and killed.
The Malovichs had managed to find the support of three hundred people, it was a real slaughter
... Vampires are violent, Miss Watkins, but we are not monsters either. This event was the
trigger for the decision of the Greats to pronounce the coming of the Great Change, for with the
advancement of science and the ever-sharper insight of humans, it was only a matter of time
before the Secret is not disclosed. We were in 1905… The Greats organized negotiations with
the survivors of the Circle. They offered to spare them after having explained to them that the
murders of humans would now be prohibited. They agreed but swore that if the vampires let
themselves go again to their low instincts; the war would resume. The truce has therefore been
decided. After several decades, no longer having any contact with them, we believed that the
Circle had dissolved… I was literally drinking her words, but I felt that there was a problem. -
From your expression, I deduce that the story is not over. Ysis sighed. - Effectively. - Bill Miller,
Phoenix interjected. I turned to him, surprised. Miller, owner of the filthy and oh so ridiculous
strip bar, the "Sexy String Show", died last year by setting a trap for my employer to get away
from me while Karl Sarlsberg took advantage. to try to settle my account. - Thirsty? What is he
doing in there? This time, Phoenix took it upon himself to finish the tale. - You remember I told
you Miller had gathered supporters to quench their thirst for blood. - Yes, you tracked down and
killed them, except the Thirsty one who turned his jacket over at the last moment. - That was
just thirty years ago. In fact, his small rebellion made us realize that the Circle of Mellindra was
not dead as we thought but had been watching us for generations. A new war has broken out,
much shorter, but also very deadly. Talanus assigned me to take care of Miller and his minions
while Ichimi was to take care of the Circle. This time, no one was spared, the preservation of the
Secret entailed their annihilation. After Phoenix's speech, a question came to my mind: what if
children had been involved in the Circle? The gloomy face of my employer gave me the answer.
Rejected, I did not see who to blame: their assassins only, or also their parents who had
involved them in a conflict in which they had nothing to do? I mentally brushed aside those
thoughts that were too awful to focus on the present. "So you think the shooter and the woman
knew each other?" - His behavior was strange. It was clear that the man behind her had bad
intentions, but she did not run away. It looked like she was waiting for him ... It was only when
he released her fangs that she freed herself, without however running. "A reel," Talanus
whispered, once again resting his eyes on the woman whose gaping wound on her neck was
utterly disgusting. - Who tells us that they belong to this Circle? I asked again. - Ichimi! Ysis said
angrily. This rat continues to want our skin, even in the grave! - Huh? - The disappearances in
the county have not gone unnoticed. If one of the members of the Circle survived thirty years
ago and reconstituted it, we can expect more murders. Grownups won't be as lenient as last
time around if it reaches their ears and personally I care about my head, Phoenix explained.
Talanus breathed in and announced his sentence. - Phoenix, I charge you to find these people
for me and eliminate them for good. Consider that all your other business is on hold until this
one is resolved. You will act in absolute secrecy, is that clear? - Perfectly. - Can I count on you
too, Samantha? I dared not open my mouth, lest my answer rekindle the anger Talanus had
against me, but Ysis noticed my confusion. - Do you have a problem? Don't be afraid, you can
talk. I felt my knees wobble but I had no choice, I had to say what was on my mind. - I don't
want to condone a massacre. "You had to think about it before you became our angel's
assistant," Talanus snapped. - I didn't ask anything if you remember! Instead of fueling hatred
between you and these people, maybe you should parley or it will escalate and ultimately your
existence will be exposed! - Ysis, talk to him, I'm losing my patience! - She is right, my beloved.
- What?! he roared. - If they believe that the Great Change has been abolished, they will resume
their vampire hunting activities, that's for sure, but by trying to eradicate them we are running
into disaster. Samantha is right, we must first try to negotiate a new truce. Talanus didn't seem
convinced but as always, his mate's charm worked its magic on him. - All right, find them and try
to restore peace. If that doesn't work, you know what to do, Phoenix. - I will not disappoint you.
Samantha, said the latter, turning to me, your computer skills will be useful to us. Get out while I
take the victim's prints. I was going to follow his instructions when: - Not so fast! Ysis walked
towards me. - I have to read your mind to portray the man who hurt you. Oh no! The last time, it
had gone badly and I had no desire to repeat the experience. Guessing my reluctance, she
smiled. - I'll be softer than last time. Yeah, always talk, sweet or not, I hated it! But hey, I had no
choice anyway because the only drawings I succeeded in were the good old stickmen with a
circle for the head and sticks for the limbs. - Alright Alright!! I tried to relax as much as possible
by closing my eyes and modulating my breathing. I was doubly motivated to keep control of my
memories because I wanted to avoid a wave of murders at first, but more selfishly, I should
never let pass extraneous thoughts that Ysis might pick up (like the discovery of my true
feelings for his angel). - I am ready. When I felt the cold hands of the Egyptian princess on my
temples, I began my story, being careful not to bring up the discussion on the roof of the
building. I lingered on the physical description of the stranger before summarizing our struggle
and ending with his last words. - He took me for a vampire, probably because of the imprint
Phoenix left on me. I was no stronger than him, but my resistance was confusing. It was only
when he saw my bloody nose that he understood that I was like him and before running away,
he told me that this war was not about me. - It confirms what we thought, said Ysis, withdrawing
his hands and going to get the notebook and the pen placed near the dead woman. In a second,
she drew my attacker's face as I remembered it and handed me the sheet. - You can leave,
Miss Watkins, Phoenix will join you as soon as he is finished with the prints of Madame. - Uh
thank you. Goodbye. The backward path to the portal should have been marked by the relief
that I had gotten out of it so cheaply, but instead a feeling of unease seized me. I didn't know
what would happen, but this new investigation didn't ring a bell.

* Normally, when Phoenix and I were summoned late to Kerington, I spent the way home dozing
in the backseat. Sometimes I would wake up in my bed after my boss took pity on me and
carried me in his arms to my room. Why was he so nice? Maybe it would make it easier if he
wasn't such a gentleman… No. Even if he got on my nerves like tonight, he was stronger than
me, I needed him. - You are very silent. The landscape passed before my eyes as I emerged
from my gloomy thoughts. - Sorry, I was thinking of the investigation ahead. I have a bad
feeling. - Danger had not been part of our missions for some time. I won't hide it from you, this
mission will be perilous. - To think that I just got out of the hospital… I breathed. Phoenix didn't
answer and I realized he wasn't sure how to react. Maybe it was time to change the
conversation, by tackling an abscess that was going to have to be burst sooner or later. - This
woman… is it common for you? - No, I do not meet every day corpses slaughtered in poor
neighborhoods. Obviously, I was so uncomfortable about this discussion that I couldn't even
express myself clearly. I had to do better than that. - I was talking about the one who looked like
me… Silence. Obviously this time, Phoenix had understood where I was coming from and I
could guess his inner conflict just from his clenched jaws. You could almost hear his teeth
grinding. - Why do you want to talk about it? - Why don't we talk about it? - I… We had to
negotiate an unimportant contract for Talanus and Ysis… In general, it is in the restaurant of this
hotel that I deal with this kind of market… She… I… It was only an adventure, he didn't 'there is
nothing to say. - Except that you lied to me. This time I clearly heard his teeth grinding. - I didn't
want to tell you… because… An angel passed… All these silences ended up becoming
deafening! "It doesn't matter, it's none of my business anyway," I said, turning away from him to
admire the scenery again and internally calling myself a sadistic fool who takes pleasure in
suffering. - I didn't want you to think badly of me. I chuckled nervously at his admission. - It
wouldn't have been the case… because you would have been honest with me. Instead, I felt
humiliated and betrayed. Is it so hard to trust me? Am I so ridiculous that you are afraid to
assume our friendship in front of your fellows? And There you go. It was not planned in the
program, but I had emptied my bag, well almost. It was already enough for Phoenix, who was
holding the wheel so firmly that I thought he was going to crush it. - You are not ridiculous and I
trust you more than you think. But my job forces me to keep my distance from you in public. -
It's silly, we're not even lovers! I exclaimed out loud, it seemed so unfair to me, but immediately I
flushed my skin and looked away. For a moment, I saw us again during our exchange of blood
after Karl had broken my jaw… luckily we had kept our clothes on… The memory made me turn
scarlet and I had to pivot on the side so that my employer does not see my disorder. - Why are
you blushing? Missed. - I'm not blushing! I yelp. - Your heart has sped up like in a Formula 1
race, it happens every time your cheeks get inflamed. - Uh… Don't change the subject! I heard
him sigh. - No matter the nature of our feelings, I have to appear untouchable so that people
continue to believe me ruthless. For the rest, I beg your pardon, he said. - I forgive you…
again… What he did not know was that at the disordered rhythm of my noisy musician followed
a pain which I was beginning to be accustomed to and which plunged me back into dark
thoughts until we let's finally be back in Scarborough.

* - Tell me I'm dreaming! Sam, what happened to you again? Despite the late hour, Angela had
waited for our return from Kerington because she was worried about the reason for Talanus'
summons, and rightly so. So after having crossed the threshold of the castle behind my boss,
my friend came to meet us and could see my clothes stained with blood: mine and that of the
dead woman. Naturally calm and gentle, I must say that her reaction to this moment totally
surprised me because before I could even answer, she turned to Phoenix, pressing an accusing
finger on her chest and glaring at him. - How did you dare to let them attack her?! After all the
times she saved your life, you could have stood up for her in front of your employers. You don't
deserve it, you coward! she cried with such anger in her voice that I was speechless. - Uh…
Angela… Talanus didn't hit me. In fact, uh ... I tripped over a rug again and fell badly. The
Roman general had been clear, our mission was marked by the seal of secrecy so I had to keep
Angela out of it all, even if it meant lying to her. Clumsy as I was, it was quite believable and she
flushed with embarrassment when she understood the mistake she had made. "Oh, sorry," she
said, putting her finger away sheepishly. This kind of outburst, facing a vampire, was not very
smart considering the possibility that they had to dismember you in a flash if the mood took
them and seeing the face of Francois, it was obvious that 'he was thinking exactly the same as I
was: if there was one vampire on earth who shouldn't be tickled, it was Phoenix. - It's nothing.
Having the courage to stand up against me in defense of your friend is admirable, but next time
you might need to educate yourself first before you throw out the indiscriminate accusations, he
concludes. I suppressed a burst of laughter when she lowered her head like a child and
whispered a pitiful "Yes, sir". We went into the living room where my boss could explain (in part)
to our friends the tenor of our meeting with his bosses and he was particularly expansive about
how I had collapsed in Talanus' arms after tripping, and how he twisted with laughter at my
bewildered look. I understood that by doing this, Phoenix put their suspicion to sleep, but it was
still very embarrassing! - Sam, you're incorrigible! How many times have I told you to watch
where you step foot? The last time was when you slipped in the park and dragged Matthew
down. Hahaha! I can see you both rolling in the grass and… um… Be careful what! Strangely,
Angela had stopped in the middle of her sentence after turning her head towards my employer
who didn't seem at all, but then not at all, taste the anecdote, I didn't know why. As for me, at
this memory, I couldn't help but laugh. - Hehe! You remember, he landed in a pile of wet leaves
and had some stuck all over his face, and ... um ... yeah, I'll be careful. This time his icy gaze
prompted me to close the chapter and admire the fireplace. Damn it! What a killjoy! I thought,
yawning. - Come on Angela, you're working tomorrow and I wouldn't want you to be able to get
up; I'll take you home. François had stood up and extended a hand to his lover who did not
need to be asked to take her and join him. - Good night then. - Good night, I wished him. She
was going to disappear from my sight when: - Ah! I forgot! Do not wait to stop by Danny, he
wants to celebrate your return too. - Tell him I'll come the day after tomorrow. - Heard. Rest well
while you wait! She said by way of farewell, glancing firmly at my boss signifying that he had no
interest in making me work again anytime soon. When they were gone, Phoenix came and sat
down next to me. - I like your friend, she has guts. - Finally, you like when people stand up to
you, right? I asked, smiling mischievously. - I have nothing against strong characters, I just hate
that I get screwed and you are an expert. I couldn't suppress another smile before I snuggled up
against him. - You missed me, huh? He put an arm around my shoulders and groaned. It was
an answer that suited me perfectly.

* The next day, I had some difficulty getting up at a respectable hour. I was so happy to be back
in my soft bed that I almost fell into a coma and woke up only around three o'clock. Suffice to
say that I wouldn't do much all day. After my toiletries and a little snack, I decided to do some
research on the Internet to see if Google magic would bring up Mellindra Malovich's name.
Obviously, that would have been too good! For two hours, I therefore surfed the web by
consulting all the sites I found on vampires, excluding those of the fans who described in detail
the anatomy of the sublime actors of Interview with a vampire or more recently, of the Twilight
saga. . I was forced to note that the craze for these mythical monsters only intensified,
sometimes going as far as sheer stupidity. Indeed, there were outright groups of people who
gathered to celebrate satanic rituals where they drank goat blood! No but, frankly! Others still
had fun sleeping in cemetery vaults and had their picture taken dressed like Dracula. I was sure
that if real bloodsuckers knew this, they would view this ridiculousness as complete disrespect
worthy of severe punishment. It was crazy knowing that there were so many people wanting to
die to become one of their own, without even having an idea of the implications of this
transformation. I knew, and honestly, even though I was in love with a member of this species, I
still wanted to be myself, to continue to enjoy the sun and good solid meals. My eyes starting to
sting, I put an end to my work and decided to relax in the large library. I didn't know what
Phoenix had planned for tonight and wanted to be in good shape to go with him. In fact, I
passed the time, slumped on the sofa with a book on the life of Joan of Arc when I fell asleep. At
first I had dreams without a tail or a head but I didn't mind seeing Barack Obama in a robe,
eating a lobster sitting on a whale, bawling bawdy songs; I used to. However, this scene
vanished to give way to total darkness, an infinite darkness in which I was floating. - At the end
of this quest, you will know. After that, soon you will come to me. The same voice I had heard
during my coma echoed in my mind and to that was added the sensation of an unspeakable
pain that took hold of every cell of my being, transforming it from within. Louding myself over
and over, I thought I would never see the end of my nightmare and my voice was lost in an
abyss of abominable pain until repeated shaking made me open my eyes. Completely terrified
and not yet come back to reality, I struggled like a madman. A Herculean force slammed me
onto the sofa, while a velvet voice urged me to calm down. I realized it was Phoenix who was
trying to help me and I stopped moving. Heart about to come out of my chest, I managed to sit
up, trying my best to regain normal breathing. My hair was stuck to my face with perspiration
and the cold I felt had nothing to do with the freezing temperatures outside. I was upside down. -
Son-of-a-bitch, Sam! I ran as soon as I could hear you screaming at death and I had a hard time
waking you up! What happened? I must have been really in shock because my boss, seeing
that the answer to his question was not coming, sat down next to me and pulled me to him. - I-
am-vi-vi-alive? - Of course you're alive! - I thought… I thought that I was being burned from the
inside! I have never had this pain in my entire life. Phoenix bent down and picked up my book. -
If you fall asleep thinking of poor Joan of Arc burnt alive, it's normal to have nightmares. - Y-you
don't understand, it was more than-a nightmare! There was that voice and… the pain was
unbearable, I had the impression that all the cells in my body were catching fire to become
something else… I don't know what. Phoenix suddenly stiffened, and he grabbed me by the
shoulders to face him. - You were burning from the inside and you felt like you were changing?
The emotion linked to this experience being still very strong, I just nodded. When Phoenix
suddenly stood up to pace in front of me, a strange feeling came over me. - Incredible… he
whispered. It's impossible and yet… - What? He came and sat down and gazed into mine. The
intensity and especially the closeness with which he was staring at me made me flush my
cheeks, especially when I realized that I was only waiting for one thing, that he came closer.
Embarrassed, I looked away. - What's the matter with you? I say in a whisper. - Tell me that
voice. Would he take me for a fool if I did so, knowing it wasn't the first time I'd heard him? -
There is nothing to say. You were right, I just had a bad dream. Hmm ... aren't you hungry? I'm
starving and… Here, where is François? As I stood up to escape this discussion, Phoenix held
me back. His eyes pierced me with their bluish glow and I stiffened at the disappointment on his
face. - Francois is sleeping at Angela's. Sam, I thought I heard you talk about the importance of
trust. I am surprised to see that your principles only work in one direction. The accusation, as
real as it was shocking, struck me like a punch. He was right ; what I demanded of him, he was
entitled to ask me too. Defeated, I returned to the sofa. - This is the second time that I hear it…
The first time, it was during my coma. I was in complete darkness when that strange voice out of
nowhere told me that my hour had not yet struck because it had chosen me. I found it smarter
not to mention the fact that she had also ordered me to join Phoenix. It could be confusing and I
really didn't need it. - There, she said to me: “At the end of this quest, you will know. After that,
soon you will come to me. I didn't have time to wonder about the meaning of this riddle because
then I was devoured by flames. My employer was silent for a few seconds which seemed
interminable to me. His eyebrows were furrowed to the max and he seemed lost in thought.
Finally. - The pain you felt, I know it from having experienced it myself. - Ah yes? What was
that? I asked, my curiosity piqued. - The pain any vampire feels when they lose their humanity
and become one of us after the Blood Exchange. I widened my eyes. There were two types of
blood exchange: one caused increased sexual desire in partners, the other was of a much less
pleasurable nature. - You mean… that I experienced the pain you experienced when Finn
transformed you? Phoenix had explained to me that in order to become a vampire, a human
had to be bloodless first, which in itself was an excruciating experience. Once at the gates of
death, the victim received the blood of his executioner and had to endure real torture before
waking up in a new light… or rather, a new night. Many did not resist, which explained the
reduced number of members of their species. In light of this revelation, I felt tears rise to my
eyes as I thought about what Phoenix had gone through. He had already experienced a real
ordeal seeing his family being murdered before his eyes, then being sold to Finn who had
slashed his back to punish him for wanting to escape before his transformation. But this hell… I
had hardly touched it and yet, I imagined how awful it must have been. The emotion taking
precedence over my reason, I threw myself on him, hugging him with all my strength and
bursting into tears. - I have so much trouble for you! I stammered, sniffling. Completely caught
off guard, Phoenix didn't react. I tried to convince myself that this embrace was purely
compassionate, but pressed like I was against him, odd ideas flooded my mind. When I finally
agreed to release him from the grip of my arms and pull myself free enough to be able to speak
to him face to face, I was surprised at his gaze on me. It only lasted a microsecond and maybe
it was just my imagination, but I thought I saw a flash of tenderness in his eyes. It didn't take
longer for me to feel my body temperature rise exponentially and feel tingling all over my spine.
Realizing that it was better to let my reason take the reins of my body, I moved away sharply,
blushing, aware of the ridiculousness of my reactions. - Sorry. I always forget that vampires
don't like outpouring and whining. Unfortunately, you came across a real walking fountain. My
boss seemed more amused than offended. - I know you well now, yet you always manage to
surprise me. It is you who have endured this suffering and yet the tears you shed are for my sad
and distant experience. I don't understand it, you are able to emasculate a thug and kill a
hysterical vampire in cold blood without the slightest remorse, but you are crying for something
that took place over five hundred years ago. - I know, I know, there is something wrong with me.
I even have tears in my eyes at an advertisement for baby diapers! And there is nothing moving
about it! Shit! Once, Angela and Matthew had toast me during the commercial in question,
where we saw a happy mother to clean the butt of her adorable baby, and they had laughed at
me for a week. The worst part was that the information had reached the ears of Danny, who
offered me one day that I ate at his place a packet of diapers and another of tissues for dessert.
Shame! - Come, we'll continue this conversation during your meal. My stomach had just
reminded the world of its existence, growling like a hungry jungle predator. He did not calm
down until I was seated with my plate of fish and vegetables. Phoenix sat in front of me with his
journal without opening it. He put his hands together and stared at me. - I suppose you
remember like me what Ysis told you when you met. How to forget it?! - Yes. According to her, I
would have been chosen by the "Night". The problem with Ysis is that she is never clear in her
words and that when her prophecies come true, you only realize it after the fact. Besides, what
is this “Night”? She talks about it as if it were a divinity! I… - She's the mother of all vampires…
he cut me off. -… The interruption of my employer was effective, it had cut me the whistle. So,
the "Night" did exist! Last year, when I thought his boss was rambling on top of having an
addiction to hallucinogenic substances, he hadn't seen fit to tell me the truth? -… and before
you unleash the fury that I see rising in your eyes, know that this is only a myth and that very
few people believe it. Her name was Léthalée. Tired of the human species to which she
belonged and the scorching sun of this futile and fragile life, she implored the Moon to help her
find meaning in her existence. She told her that her wish had been heard and that she would
become the mother of a people of unparalleled power. She sent him one of her guardians and
from their union was born the first of us. Lethalée soon realized that her child had other needs
than other babies and began by donating animal blood. This worked for a few years, during
which they lived apart from the outside world. But when the boy began to perish dangerously,
she didn't hesitate a second and slit her throat to offer him her own blood. Just before, she
made him promise to find a way to perpetuate her lineage by never stooping to reveal herself to
humans, considered too primitive. When she breathed her last, the Moon welcomed her as her
daughter and renamed her "Night". She was subsequently venerated by the heirs of this son
who had made a point of respecting his vows. - What did he become? Does it only have a
name? - Nobody knows it. This cult is almost gone, however, there are still vampires who
believe in it today. - You're not one of them? This legend was appallingly ridiculous, but it was
not the first time in history that we heard that an entire species descended from a single
woman ... - No and Talanus either, but if that gives pleasure to Ysis, he said nothing. Although
she is respected and her gift is recognized, she is somewhat considered… an original. - Do you
see that! She almost tore your head off when she found out you left your mark on me by digging
into my memory. Unpleasant memory by the way! So excuse my insolence, but the term
"original" does not seem really appropriate! - Yet she was right when she forced you to stay at
the castle, she knew Finn would disembark. And then, that voice that you heard… just before
you felt the effect of a transformation. That's a lot of coincidences. - Oh, please! You're not
going to do it, either! Ok, for the pain, I admit it's a mystery, but from there to think that I will
soon join your great-great and I pass great-grandmother, incidentally human while your kind just
finds us good to eat, frankly! This is all ridiculous! I'm not planning on hiding in the next shuttle
to the moon, sorry! We have other more pressing issues than my dreams, don't you think?
Phoenix smiles. - Are you already ready to go back to work? I stood up proudly and eyed him,
pointing at him. - I don't sleep like a lump during the day, goodsir! I did some research for our
business! Adopting a more comfortable posture, he crossed his legs. - And you saw fit to start
with the life of Joan of Arc, slumped on a sofa… - GodDamn! I hadn't seen her arrive, that one! -
Before that… um… I looked on the Net if there was anything on the Circle of Mellindra. - And? -
Uh… there was nothing obviously, but we had to start somewhere! - Certainly, replied my boss
in a tone of false seriousness that made me bristle. - Well, okay, I didn't find much. As a return
to work, can do better. This time, Phoenix frankly smiles. - Did you think that I will have to
answer to Angela if I allow you to work again tonight? At the memory of his scathing reaction in
the lobby the day before, I laughed. - My heart stopped beating when she argued with you. You
should have seen Francois' face! He pouted. - I'm not a monster anyway, I know how to hold
back! - Perhaps, however, one cannot say that you are very inclined to accept to be criticized so
openly. - You don't think that in your company, I had plenty of time to perfect my self-control?
While clearing away the leftovers of my meal, I laughed at the accuracy of his words. I was not
always very gentle with him. - You see that you learn things thanks to me. - Humpf! - This is my
line! Bursting out in laughter this time, I ran the water in the sink to do my dishes, watching with
pleasure as he opened his newspaper with a quick, grumbling gesture. - Gnnmmhh… pest! This
kind of verbal jousting delighted me, especially when it was I who won. In fact, I completely
forgot my nightmare and the story of Lethalée, and sang an old song from the Blues Brothers,
morale again high despite the investigation that awaited us.

Chapter III: Rivalries

Do you have all your equipment? - I only stayed in a coma for four days! I haven't forgotten how
to do my job! On the way to Drake Hill, my boss kept asking me if I was okay. At first I found this
worry charming, but after a while I thought it was good to point out to him that he had better
change the record. - I'm fine and I'm ready to go see Kiro, so if you don't mind, focus on driving
instead. You are driving in the wrong lane. - Oops! I couldn't help but smile despite the nausea
caused by his sudden steering wheel. - If you could see your face! I laughed. An animal growl
answered me, which just made me laugh out loud. Phoenix was the most susceptible being in
Creation and I was sure that even God, from where He was, must have been laughing as much
as I was. - You really are a top-notch pest! When I ignore you you get angry and when I worry
about you you send me off. - We have to find the right balance, don't you think? - If it's to hear
that, I'd rather turn on the radio. So in order to protect himself from my sarcasm, my employer
found us a music station whose DJ was a fan of has-been and vulgar rap songs. His smirk at
this find assured me that he had chosen it on purpose to attack my ears, but I had not said my
last word. Whistling in rhythm, I waited for him to tire of his little game. I knew that with his five
hundred years, he was in great danger of winning this war of patience, however, given the poor
quality of sound that invaded our cabin, I had all my chances. We had just arrived in the street
where Kiro lived when he almost hit his fist in the car radio. - Damn it! Turn this off for me before
I do a massacre! Complying, I returned his hideous smirk. - Such is taken who believed to
take… Stuck between rage and amusement, Phoenix parked without softness in front of the
shop of his old Japanese informant. We left at the same time, greeted by the icy January
breeze, and by the owner of the premises. - Phoenix! And… and… shit, fucking old age from… I
forgot your name! Come in, come in, come and get warm! I should have been upset that Kiro
doesn't remember my surname, but his way of blaming himself for his own senility was quite
entertaining, so I passed in the towel. Although ... No sooner had I taken off my coat than this
old eccentric fell back into his old ways; he immediately began to ogle in my cleavage. - I
wished! I moaned, feeling Phoenix's soothing hand on my shoulder. - Wow! Me too… Kiro
breathed as he came closer. Even though I was being brought up to respect my elders, luckily
my boss pulled me back otherwise I would have slapped this vicious old man. - Kiro… hold on
please. His admonition took effect, the other recoiled and apologized, without being very
repentant. - Oh, you better do better than that, you perverted and obsessed old scent! I have
seen everything ! You are going to apologize to the lady as it should or I swear that I will knock
you out with pots and pans on the head! a high-pitched voice intervened. What to say except
that I was once again a spectator of the unleashing of a Japanese fury, with the difference that it
was neither Kaiko (whom I had killed) nor a vampire, but quite simply the old woman wife of our
host, who had landed in the store like a tornado, brandishing above her white permed hair a
wooden spatula still full of rice. Kiro was already not very tall, nevertheless, at this moment, he
seemed to shrivel even more in the face of the devastating anger of his dear and tender. -
Aoki… You see that Phoenix is there and… - Phoenix! What a pleasure to see you again! she
said cheerfully. She turned to her husband. - As for you, it could be the pope himself and all his
cardinals together that wouldn't prevent me from telling you how shameful your behavior is!
Then, smiling and rolling her hips like a young girl, she bluntly pushed Kiro out of her way and
stood in front of my boss, smirking. - You rarely give us the pleasure of your visit. Last time I
wasn't even there! - I promise to come back soon, he answered, kissing her hand. - Houhouhou!
Great seducer and proud liar! You know my granddaughter saw you once and has been madly
in love with you ever since? She swore to her great gods that you would be the only man she
would agree to marry, can you imagine? This discussion was seriously starting to get on my
nerves. When she was supposed to help me Aoki, ignoring me in this way, behaved as rudely
as her husband. Besides, imagining myself as a younger, more exotic rival is enough to arouse
my jealousy and bad humor. - Phoeniiiiiiiiix! This brainless groupie cry made me jump. As if this
grotesque situation weren't enough for my misfortune, the granddaughter in question was
rushing towards us from the back room. Seeing her arrive, with her long silky black hair, her
hazel almond eyes and the waist thirty-six of a beautiful young woman of about twenty-two,
aware of being a weapon of mass seduction, I made myself the effect of an old badly mouthed
goat. Without any concern for propriety, she threw herself into my boss's arms and kissed him
on the cheek. This one seemed to catch my evil gaze, which, if he had been that of an angry
vampire, surely could have lit up a whole room; he thought it best to move away from his
admirer. - Asako! After five years, I did not expect such a reception. - Phoenix, you haven't
changed, you're still beautiful. My grandfather told me that you took care of the two rapists in the
neighborhood last year. We never saw them again! I dare to go out and make myself beautiful
now… thanks to you… Don't you think that I have changed since the last time? The naughty
wink she offered him may have escaped her grandparents, but neither the person concerned,
nor me. If I had been a dragon, sprays of flame would have come out of my nostrils instantly to
teach this tease that there were risks in playing with fire! No but, what was that crazy family! In
addition, her fancies were not addressed to the right person since it was I who had put out of
harm's way Bouffi and Vérolé, the two terrible ones who had allowed me to pass my trial period.
It was time to end this reunion! With a very unsightly clearing of my throat, I recalled my
existence. "All these outpourings are moving, but we have work to do," I said in a cold voice that
did not bode well. From the way he was looking at me, I could tell that Phoenix had sensed that
I was seething with rage. My reaction might have dashed my efforts to hide my feelings for him,
but at the time, I was so on edge that this issue didn't bother me. The truth, I had a mad desire
to wring the neck of this little Asian bitch who was detailing me with an infinitely superior air,
irritated at having been interrupted in her intensive flirting by the old 30-year-old and
cantankerous assistant that the man had chosen for herself of her dreams. She had to tell
herself that his choice had fallen on me because, without any sex appeal, he was unlikely to
want to seduce me. The worst part was that this idea had also, and for a long time, made its
way into my mind. Grrrr! It was better that she quickly cleared my field of vision, that one! - Oh
yes, yes! You wouldn't be here if it wasn't important. I must excuse them, Miss Jones (well, he
remembered my name), after all, they're just women. Come, follow me. Fortunately, he turned
his back on me because his spike on the female intelligence had almost been the trigger of a
hurricane. Phoenix walked past me giving me a questioning look, but I brushed off his silent
question with a wave of my hand and curtly waved him forward. We had work to do.

* - Do you recognize this man? my employer asked after we had settled into a quiet corner. Kiro
grabbed the drawing of the tattooed shooter that I handed him and concentrated to make out its
features despite his poor eyesight. - Hm. Never seen, but I can inquire. - He had this tattoo on.
Shit? - There, I said, scribbling it quickly in my notebook and tearing the page to give it to Kiro. -
What is that? A steering wheel? I sighed. Kiro and I had had the same reaction to this strange
shape. Of course, if this tattoo had to have a symbolism, the one who drew it had been badly
inspired. - Surely not. Still, we found it on two people. One is a rotting corpse, the other is this
man we're looking for. "Why, when you come to see me, Phoenix, do we only talk about the
dead or the missing?" It would be nice if one day we discuss other things, like football, the
weather… or the fact that you caught the eye of my little Asako. Kiro finished his sentence by
turning to me, sporting a mocking smile that made me want to make him eat his glasses. -
Asako is far too young and carefree, she'll be fine. - You wouldn't be so intransigent if your heart
wasn't already taken… Damn! Without giving my boss time to answer, I stood up abruptly,
nearly overturning my chair. I wasn't at all in the mood to hear him say how ridiculous a love
affair between us seemed to him again, so I grabbed my bag and stuffed my notepad in it. - You
have everything you need to conduct your research. I leave you, if you no longer need me.
Phoenix could have gotten angry and made me stay, but he didn't. His silence allowed me to
leave the place, his disapproving look promised me a good explanation later. It didn't matter, I,
who was giving myself a party to go back to work, had only one desire, to go back to bed. As I
left, I passed Aoki who was chatting with her granddaughter. The latter seemed to ignore her
royally, too busy staring at her reflection in her pocket mirror to see if she would be at the height
of her Asian beauty when she saw my boss again. The old lady finally noticed me: - Oh, are you
going already? Well, please, Miss uh… Jones, right? - Yes that's it. Goodbye, Aoki, thank you
for having us. - Miss? What, at your age, you're not yet married? Asako interjected, putting on a
layer of garish lipstick and snickering behind her grandmother's back. She turned and berated
her in Japanese before asking me to apologize in her phrase, "youthful rudeness." - It's nothing,
it was a pleasure to meet you, Aoki, and you too, Asako ... Ah, by the way, you have lots of red
on your cheek ... Goodbye. I left smiling internally because this gourd had swallowed my lie and
hastened to grab her mirror before realizing that I had fooled her. It was bitterly cold outside and
I was hoping it wouldn't take too long for my employer to reach me, especially when I realized
that I had forgotten to ask him to give me the keys to the car. Tss ... I was going to have to wait
for him in the middle of the night in a poor neighborhood, when it was not more than one degree
in temperature. What an idiot! Badly, I kicked a stone, damaging my big toe at the same time. -
Fuck! I am fed up with all that! - Is that so? I stopped hopping around holding my boot, hearing
the velvet voice of the one I loved. His indecipherable expression when he showed me the key
to the Camaro didn't help my feeling of being an eternal fool. - I suppose with this, it will be
easier… he said, activating the opening mechanism. I sat down in silence. - You're welcome.
Wow! I slammed the door, aware that I was behaving like a retarded teenager. I was really
dreading the discussion that was to follow, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't calm down. I
had never been jealous of anyone, this feeling was brand new to me. I never believed he would
invade me so much, much less compared to a girl who, it seemed, meant nothing to Phoenix.
The return to Scarborough did not look good because I was going to have to put on a good face
for more than an hour in front of someone who had proved to be a master to capture my
emotions. Unfortunately or fortunately, after getting behind the wheel, the latter locked himself in
a silence that dragged on. As we walked out of Drake Hill, I was starting to wonder if this
showdown would take place. Far from satisfying me, this silence only increased my
nervousness, which manifested itself in sighs as well as repeated crossing and uncrossing of
legs. Unable to hold it any longer, I exploded: - Good, okay! I have been incredibly rude and
incompetent tonight. Okay with you?! Phoenix raised his eyebrows. - I haven't told you anything
yet. - Oh, don't do it to me, eh! You are doing it on purpose to stay silent like a carp because
you know I can't stand it! His smile irritated me even more. - What do you want me to tell you?
You yourself have judged your behavior. He was right. I hated prolonged silences, preferring
frank and expeditious explanations. My boss knew me well, he took me where he wanted: to my
self-humiliation. - Gngnmmmgnmmm. Vexed, I crossed my arms, cursing myself for being so
predictable. - These borborygmes are entertaining, but I do not understand it. Enlighten me on
their meaning. - I understand why you are ashamed of me, I am a walking disaster. He huffed. -
How many times should I tell you?! I am NOT ashamed of you! - Isn't that what you were about
to say to Kiro when he hinted at him, maybe? Seeing where I was going, Phoenix frowns. - So
that's why you left. I tucked my head into my shoulders, contemplating the road bathed in the
glow of the headlights and that of the moon. We were the only ones driving at this late hour. -
Listen. I know that your conception of romantic relationships is limited to short-lived adventures
and we can say that in this area you have the choice since all the women seem ready to fall into
your arms ... But me ... I have no one and everything my life has been a nameless sentimental
desert. So when you defend yourself so passionately against those who give us more than
friendly feelings, I confess that it reminds me of how undesirable I am. Asako was right… to be
thirty without being married or without having known a single man is totally ridiculous. When my
employer riveted his eyes on mine, forgetting the road, I was afraid for a moment that he would
send us into the background. - Like I said, Asako is still young and… stupid. Sam, forgive me. I
didn't understand on the roof of the building… when you were angry with me. I explained my
reasons to you and I did not want to hear yours. I'll be careful… even if I don't agree with you at
all. - What do you mean? - When I got to know you, you thought you were worthless and you
realized after all the trials that you courageously went through, that it was wrong; the entire
Kerington vampire community can attest to this. Added to this is the idea that you are not
desirable on the pretext that you are not married. Excuse me, but you haven't looked at yourself
well in the mirror. You caused a sensation at Talanus and Ysis, many of my fellows think you
are magnificent. The glare in his eyes grew more intense and I had the feeling that there was
something he wasn't telling me. However, I could not wonder more because he began to look in
front of him again. - Plus there's one human you like: this Matthew. Again, the strange timbre of
his voice, at the mention of Danny's adopted son, puzzled me. He didn't like her, it felt. -
Matthew is my friend. - But you once told me that he wished he was more than that. It's still
relevant from what I saw in the hospital. The memory of this shattering encounter was
somewhat embarrassing. The two had behaved like complete idiots. In short, although his
words were intended to be soothing (Phoenix was trying to reassure me about my complexes
and his eloquence could have delighted anyone), I was not yet satisfied with his answers ...
Only one thing was missing: - And you? How do you find me? My question sounded like a
scared squeal but I had to ask it; for me. The silence seemed to stretch out as much as the road
and the forest around us and I had stopped breathing. - I have nothing to reproach you with. His
answer so hollow and so cold froze me. I would have preferred him to tell me that he did not find
me attractive rather than this kind of compliment which was not one. Ha, that! All the vampires
and Matthews in the world might think I was beautiful, but what an interest when the only one
whose opinion really mattered denied me access to his thoughts. It was clear. I was going to
have to move on if I didn't want to end up with a heart of stone from loving someone who didn't
see me the way I saw him. And it was with this bitter reflection that the evening ended. * The
next day, I had to honor a promise I had made: to go see Danny at his restaurant to reassure
him of my condition. So, forgetting my troubles of the day before, I happily got into Matthew's
car when he picked me up to take me to Scarborough. We had agreed with Angela to meet at
the restaurant at noon and I was happy to find her. When we reached the main avenue where
our meeting place was, I was surprised not to see anyone. I tried to see in the distance the team
of knitting grandmothers who, whatever the weather, occupied the bancs from the public
square, but nothing. Weird. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked to the opposite sidewalk and
pushed open the door to "Bon appétit Chef Danny". I did not hear the ringing of the bell because
a multitude of voices had mingled to shout… - SURPRISE!! … At my entrance. Stunned by the
profusion of faces smiling warmly at me, I remained petrified in the air. - Matthew, close that
door otherwise, barely out of the hospital, it will kill us! Danny yelled from behind his counter.
Laughing out loud, his son did so and pulled me by the arm to plunge me into this human tide. -
You would see your face! He didn't get a chance to laugh at me again as Ginger pulled him out
of her way to literally crush me against her generous chest. - Oooooooooh Sammy! How
worried I was for you! she said, trying to choke me in her too enthusiastic embrace. As far back
as I can remember, no one had called me Sammy, not even my parents, so it was funny to hear
it from the mouth of a woman I had only known for a year. - Gigi, stop, you're going to suffocate
her, poor thing! She is already all red! Leave some for others! I didn't know who said those
words, but I was very grateful to him when Ginger finally deigned to let go of me and I could see
who was there. It was truly mind-boggling. The restaurant was packed with people, it looked like
the whole town had gathered at Danny's to celebrate my return. There was Mike Newell, who
ran the movie rental store, Gary Show, the used car salesman, Valerie, Ginger's daughter who
had started to make her dream come true by studying fashion design, many others and of
course, Angela. True incarnation of the goddess Aphrodite, her smile reflected her personality
full of kindness and tenderness. After the shock of this vision, emotion came over me and I
began to cry without restraint, hugging all the people present, including old Alfred, an old
homeless man with questionable hygiene, who does not no longer had his head and that Danny
housed during the winter. I never thought so many people cared about me. Our host was right,
Scarborough was a unique city, a real heart catcher. Its inhabitants had taken advantage of their
lunch break to come and show me their friendship and sympathy, I who had only been part of
their life for a very short time. All my worries of the day before vanished and the white-hot blade
disappeared to give way to an authentic joie de vivre. I took advantage of everything and
everyone, with in my heart the joy of a child who receives her Christmas presents. It was
perfect. When everyone got back to work, it was just Matthew, Danny, Angela and me. Ah yes,
and old Alfred, but he decided to occupy himself by peeling potatoes. The owner of the place
hugged me again before detailing me from head to toe. - I can't believe you're in one piece after
what happened to you. I saw the wreckage that your car has become and frankly, the good Lord
has performed a damn miraculous miracle! I would have liked indeed, the good Lord was behind
all this, but something told me that another force had entered the chessboard of my survival. But
that I couldn't tell Danny. - So like that, "Miss Miracle", you heal in one night? Lord! Talanus
hadn't been the only one watching the TV news. The more I thought about it, the more I told
myself that I had been stupid to ask Phoenix to heal me with his blood because now I had
gained a notoriety that we could have done without. He could have refused to accede to my
request. He had done it anyway, knowing the trouble it would cause us…, for me. I brushed off
that idea, I had to stop thinking about him; seeing him every night was enough to make it hard
for me to turn the page. As I racked my brains for an appropriate response that would distract
from my quick healing, Angela got ahead of me. - There are things sometimes that cannot be
explained. There is good in letting the mystery hang out, she said, giving me a discreet wink. I
really had a golden friend! She knew my secret and was helping me protect it. - Mysterious
women are the most attractive ... Gulp! That sweet whisper in my ear came from Matthew
standing behind me. I had fully recovered from my coma, although I had slightly forgotten that
this tall, thirty-one-year-old fellow was also a particularly stubborn romantic. I wanted to turn to
him to reprimand him… Instead, I just stared at him stupidly. As if I saw it for the first time, I
realized how handsome he was: his slightly disheveled black hair and his perfect smile gave
him a childish look that was belied by his hazel eyes sparkling with intelligence, loaded with
tenderness as he was pointed at me. Completely taken aback, I felt myself blush and quickly
checked that my lace was not undone. The problem was that I didn't have a shoelace… - "By
the way, Dad, with all this outflowing of emotions, we didn't even eat!" Hooray, a diversion!
Matthew didn't seem to have noticed my confusion. - It's true, I'm starving! I exclaimed,
regaining my composure. - "Fart" chicken! called out an Angela who had ingested a little too
much of Danny's sangria and who it would do good to fill her stomach with anything other than
alcohol. So it was in the celebration and the general good humor that I left my friends after
sunset, to take care of my adored grandfather who must have been impatient when he saw the
clock turn. - You are late, I got worried. Phoenix was waiting for me on the doorstep of the
castle and his icy blue eyes riveted on me. He didn't seem happy at all. Great… I felt that my
beautiful day started so well was going to be properly ruined. - I was not in danger, I went to
Scarborough to see some friends. - Here, and by what means of transport? He didn't seem at all
determined to let me in until I answered his questions. Besides, what was this interrogation? We
weren't in North Korea that I know of! - Matthew volunteered to be my driver! Here, happy? Now
let me go, I'm cold. "You could have taken the Camaro," he observed without moving an inch. I
rolled my eyes at the mention of that gleaming red car. - You know very well that I don't like to
flaunt myself! I didn't have time to buy myself another car, so for the moment I'm doing it with
the means at hand. Honestly, I don't see how that concerns you! With these words, he
approached me and let his bad mood show by letting his fangs stick out. - This Matthew doesn't
have to come here, we've got a blanket to protect in case you forgot! he hissed. - He dropped
me off in front of the gate! I'm not stupid enough to bring him in! But anyway, what's the matter
with you? Despite my confidence that my boss wouldn't go so far as to bite me, I shudder at
those two sparkling and sharp blades, which, in other circumstances, were a painful and deadly
promise to whoever saw them. - This boy seems very curious to me, you shouldn't hang out
with him too much. Already being freshly welcomed in this way had not put me in the best
possible conditions with regard to my employer, but there he really crossed the line. - Is that an
order? I hissed, in my turn threatening. "That's advice," he replied, frowning. - Well thank you,
but I think my dating is my business. Matthew is my friend and I'll see him as much as I want,
whether you like it or not, is that clear? We glared at each other, each camping in their
positions. Nevertheless, I had not exaggerated, it was really very cold and I began to tremble,
cursing internally against this human weakness. His anger suddenly vanished, Phoenix stepped
aside to open the door. 'You may be a top-notch mule, but I don't want to see you turn into an
icicle on my porch. Come and warm up. Somewhat taken aback by this sudden turnaround, I
walked past him and entered. It was much better inside. I was starting to take off my coat when I
felt he was helping me with this maneuver. He hung it in the closet and then preceded me to the
living room without a word. His attitude was really weird. - Phoenix, are you okay? I couldn't help
but worry about him even though, right now, he deserved a good pair of slaps. He sat down on
the sofa and motioned for me to do the same. - I'm sorry for being rude. I got up with my left
foot, I think, he told me when I had joined him. Here then, excuses. For a change ... Anyway, I
had not managed to have fun and have a good day to see my mood darken because of yet
another argument with my boss. - Yeah ... Since it's usually me who gets on my nerves for
nothing, we could decide the status quo. - Your indulgence honors you, my friend. - I know, I'm
a pearl. As I nudged him gently, he finally deigned to smile. Perhaps the evening was not going
to end badly in the end. - Well, now that I'm home and you've let off steam, maybe you will tell
me what we have planned tonight? - Ichimi and Kaiko would have been the best help in our
investigation of the Circle of Mellindra, but they are dead. We're going to have to go and
interview someone who has dealt with them. - You never saw them? - No, I was too busy
hunting down Bill Miller and his minions. And then, when I settled this case, all the members of
the Circle were supposed to have been wiped out so… - I see. Who are we going to meet? -
Her name is Engara Rowe-Harrell, she's an old friend. Immediately the burn of jealousy kicked
in and I tensed, aghast at my own reaction. - One of your mistresses? I asked, trying to sound
just vaguely interested. Phoenix looked uncomfortable too and scowled. - Yes, only, sometimes
she has trouble forgetting that it is a thing of the past between us. - Ah. A bitter taste had
invaded my mouth, I suddenly wanted to put on my pajamas and slip under my covers while my
employer would go alone to reconnect with one of his groupies. - She was the first to negotiate
with the Circle when Talanus and Ysis identified her. She will explain to us what she knows
about it, it can be useful. - When do we leave? - As soon as you have dinner. - I'm not hungry
anyway, I ate late. It was the whole truth. To please Angela, Danny had made the chicken "fart"
and literally stuffed us with good meat. Out of politeness and greed, I had devoured everything;
my stomach did not need me to add a layer, it already had a lot to do with the meat, the fries,
the cheese and the tons of cookies I had eaten. "All right, fly over to Kentwood," Phoenix said,
standing up and holding out his hand for me to do the same. - Kentwood? Way of the air? I
repeated, ignoring his hand. - Engara is originally from this city, she was born there at the end of
the 18th century. Um… and I forgot to refuel the Camaro. Rather than face my gaze at this
revelation, he preferred to head for the exit. If I had had a machine gun instead of eyes, his
back, when I followed suit, would certainly have been riddled with bullets. - To say that he
makes me a scandal because I did not want to use this horror when he did not even have the
intelligence to refuel! I grumbled knowing full well that he could hear me perfectly. He stepped
out onto the porch waiting for me to get ready for our night out. Better that I plan enough not to
die frozen in the middle of the clouds ... The icy wind that greeted me when I arrived outside
took me by surprise and made me chatter despite my equipment against the cold of the altitude:
double thickness of socks, boots, padded coat, scarf, hat and woolen gloves. As I blew my nose
loudly after an equally inconspicuous sneeze, I glanced at Phoenix who was patiently gazing at
the moon. At the sight of it, I forgot to breathe on my handkerchief ... God, he was beautiful! His
face bathed in the light of the star of the night seemed made of porcelain as his hair fluttered
gently around him. Far from feeling embarrassed by this cold winter breeze, he seemed to like
her… His peaceful air made him look like an angel; an angel who would take me in his arms in
the seconds to follow… When he turned to me, holding out his hand, I was so impressed by his
charisma and his perfection that I had difficulty swallowing my saliva. - Come on, Sam.
Forgetting my dizziness and the coldness of the night, I accepted him without hesitation and
approached him. My heart leaped in my chest as it gently lifted me off the ground before
launching into the clouds at breakneck speed. Strangely, as I crocheted my arms around her
neck and breathed in her twilight scent, I didn't feel the blade of frustration or the bite of the
cold… rather an intense well-being that made me want to purr with happiness as we rushed
towards his former mistress and my old life.

* In order to avoid newspaper headlines mentioning the appearance of a UFO in the sky of
Kentwood, Phoenix took care to land in a vacant lot not far from the residence of his old friend.
He put me down gently, probing the place to be sure that no one had seen us arriving, then,
reassured, he began to move forward…… and had to stop when he saw that I was not following
him. - Ready? he called out to me, retracing his steps. Totally chilled, I was still standing despite
the numbness in my lower limbs, only because they were as stiff as blocks of ice cubes out of
the freezer. In fact, during the trip, I quickly became disillusioned and stopped mentally purring
to concentrate so as not to freeze to death; this theft had been a real ordeal to endure. As a
result, I was no longer capable of the slightest movement or the slightest word, only
uncontrollable tremors. - What an idiot! I should have told you to bring a blanket! In a second,
Phoenix took off his long coat and wrapped it around my shoulders before crashing into him,
rubbing my back vigorously. This closeness should have made me react, but my hormones,
which for once I would have needed to raise my body temperature, seemed to have been
anesthetized. It took a good few minutes of intense rubbing for me to wiggle my toes again. -
Mm-merrrrr-cccy, I finally articulate, feeling my blood flowing through my veins again. My boss
pulled back and laughed after checking my condition. - You are so different from all the humans
I have met that I sometimes forget that you can be fragile. - Try to tell you about it the next time,
otherwise you will send me straight to the cemetery, you big stupid one! He laughs again. - Oh
that! Even jelly you can't help but curse. What character! - On this point, I consider that I am
within my rights! The humor of the vampires was still special. Missing out on end frozen
because of his stupidity didn't really amuse me. - Come on. Engara doesn't live far away, you
can warm up there. - Tss. We set out on our way to this vampire's home, numbness gave way
to curiosity. What was this woman like and what could she tell us about the Circle of Mellindra? -
We are in the first avenue. Phoenix could have spared the trouble of telling me where we were, I
knew Kentwood like the back of my hand so I had already got my bearings. The fact that Engara
chose to live there didn't surprise me too much; it was the most affluent district of the city.
Before their accident, my parents dreamed of buying a house there. The problem was that its
inhabitants were a very closed club of wealthy owners and a simple manager of a very small
bank was not “in” enough to be admitted. My boss' friend must have been very, very rich. - It's
over there. Arrived at destination, I hissed in admiration at the Victorian-style building that
towered above us. Kentwood was a residential suburb of ten thousand inhabitants. Very calm, it
ensured a peaceful life for those who fled the noise and stress of large metropolises like
Kerington. In fact, in a few years, the city had attracted a whole swarm of people belonging to
the wealthy, even extremely wealthy class of the region, and the phenomenon continued to
grow to the point that the value of land had more than tripled in recent years. It was problematic
for those who could not afford the exorbitant taxes in certain neighborhoods and who had to
move where their means allowed. We call it spatial segregation, I think… Come on. Phoenix
rang the intercom to warn of his presence and less than a second later, the gate opened
silently, without a word being exchanged to know our identity. - Does she know we're coming? I
wondered, following him. - If you had arrived on time, you would have seen me calling him ...
Harhar ... His spike did not deserve that I wasted my saliva raising it; anyway, we arrived at the
front door. I was about to knock when a tall African American in his fifties with much too long
and graying legs opened the door for us. He was wearing a shirt and white gloves, with a sort of
neatly dressed fabric breastplate. - Welcome. My mistress is waiting for you in the small living
room on your right, at the end of the corridor. In the meantime, allow me to get rid of your coats.
Mistress? Small living room? What was this cinema? It looked like we were on a cotton
plantation before the Civil War. The butler swallowed up with his burden in a huge cupboard, I
grabbed my employer by the arm and whispered: - Does your friend know that slavery has been
abolished? He rolled his eyes, seeming to totally agree with me about the incongruity of this
situation. - I told you that Engara had some difficulty forgetting the past. Her family owned half
the city at the end of the 18th century, and they always used to get what they wanted… Except
me. She didn't take our separation very well, so I'm afraid she might be very aggressive towards
you. - Why? We are not… well you know, what! Every time I said the word "lovers", when talking
about the two of us, horribly erotic scenes popped up in my mind, so better he understood my
innuendo or I would die of shame again if he did. wondered why my heart was derailing again. -
You are a woman, you are attractive. For her, this is enough to arouse her jealousy. - I feel that
we will become great friends together, I said ironically. Phoenix grabbed my hands and forced
me to endure his steely gaze. - Above all, don't provoke her. She's the most likely vampire I've
ever met so don't give her a reason to have a grudge against you. The softness of his hands
making me uncomfortable, I gently pulled them away from him, looking away. - Ok… I'll muzzle
my piggy character. Relieved, Phoenix smiles: - I like it better. He preceded me to our
destination, reinforced in the idea that I would behave as a responsible adult. However, before
facing his "ex", I could not resist the urge to give him change for the spade earlier. - Susceptible,
eh? Well I understand now why you found it to your liking ... The repartee had hit the mark, he
huffed in exasperation while I wore a victorious smile that he could not see ... ... Fortunately
because otherwise, he would also have saw that same smile decompose in front of the fatal
blonde beauty with blue eyes who stared at us from her fireplace, with her five foot tall and
stiletto heels set with diamonds.

* Wearing a long blue satin dress that showed off her perfect curves, and whose vertiginous
cleavage was enough to make you dizzy, Engara, who must have been no more than twenty
when she was transformed, shook her golden curls, staring at me in disgust. - Red cheekbones,
wet nose and shapeless hair… No doubt, it's a human that you dare to drag to my place,
Phoenix. Wow! For an introduction, it was an introduction. Wait! It was not over! - I heard the
rumors, like everyone else… I have to say that I had a hard time believing it, but to see you
here, Miss no matter who you are, dripping and reeking with commoner blood in full nose, I
have to face the facts, the vipers' tongues were right; our angel has found a slave worthy of
taking out the trash for him. Even though I had promised to keep quiet, I felt all the hairs on my
arms stand on end as the rage bubbled through my veins. I had to be very careful, this harpy
Barbie was waiting for one thing: a pretext to reduce me to shreds. I might have been incredibly
angry, but I was basically smart nonetheless; it was out of the question that I lower myself to his
level, nor that I let such an insult pass. What would Voltaire have done, my master thinker, in my
situation? Suddenly inspired, I bypassed my employer by discreetly signaling him not to worry
and offered our hostess the most delightful smile I had in store, served on a face with an angelic
expression, symbol of innocence and silliness embodied. - Oooooh Ma daaaame, if you knew
like me too i'm delighted to meet you. Every time I take out the trash - between us, it is true that
I do it with a professionalism that commands respect - Phoenix can't help but think of you. It is
always at that moment that he tells me all the good things he thinks about your friendship. I had
adopted a honeyed, high-pitched tone that was absolutely ridiculous to anyone who knew me.
Nothing in my words or my attitude was disrespectful since I behaved like a fan meeting for the
first time her idol so, if as I believed, this big turkey doped with vanity did not see the deception,
I could hope to survive see you tonight. As expected, taken aback by my reaction, Engara
seemed lost between the possibility that I dare to laugh at her, which I was sure, had never
happened to her, or the idea that she had just aimed at accusing me of being a completely
retarded human. While waiting for his verdict, I was still grinning stupidly, praying that this
blonde devil hadn't heard the giggle that Phoenix couldn't help but get out of her throat and
caught up with in a pathetic cough. Indeed, a vampire being already dead, could not cough.
There was at least one who seemed to find this situation hilarious. When my rival curtly invited
us to sit down, I understood with relief that she could not get used to the idea that I had laughed
at her and her oversized ego, and that she took me for the last of the stupid ones. I hoped that
from where he was, my friend Voltaire appreciated this rhetorical pirouette. Once installed, she
in a ministerial chair, we in two very uncomfortable rattan chairs, she riveted her azure gaze on
my boss's. He had finally recovered his calm, so much the better for me. - You don't lack nerve,
Phoenix! You haven't given me any news for a year and a half and you dare to reappear in front
of me as if nothing had happened! You are lucky to be on a mission for Talanus and Ysis
because otherwise I would never have opened my door to you and your walking inflatable doll! I
stiffen. So their breakup went back to just before we met! No wonder she was so angry if he had
left her and then secured the services and friendship of a human whose race horrified her. I
would have seen Phoenix more gentlemanly with his conquests. Here I am starting again! But
why did I persist in imagining him with other women?! It only reopened a wound that was
impossible to heal, that of never being able to cherish the hope of being one of them. Mentally
shaking myself, I returned to the present discussion, part of which I had missed… Damn, I must
have really been lost in my thoughts not to have noticed that the two were glaring at each other,
eyes glowing and fangs visible. - Never dare you insult us again or this will be the last time you
will use your tongue! threatened my employer, tensed to crack. - Since when do you take the
defense of a member of our herd? So would you be so soft? she scoffed, the deadly flames of
jealousy aimed at me, dancing in the golden light emanating from her raging eyes. Without
having had time to make the slightest gesture, Engara found himself a good foot off the ground,
in the same position I had when Finn lifted me off the ground by the neck last year. The blinding
glow of my boss's steel blue pupils foreshadowed that he was simply going to kill her in front of
my eyes. Even though she had just called me an old cow just good to be devoured, I couldn't
bring myself to see her die just for behaving like the rejected and bitter woman she was. I stood
up as she still struggled between the merciless grip of her attacker ready to behead her, and
gently put my hand on the latter's arm. I knew in the furious state he was in, it was no use
screaming or begging him, so I did like the time he attacked me by biting my arm. - Phoenix… I
just whispered looking at him with all the affection I felt for him. Immediately, the blue-steel glow
moved towards me without my sketching the slightest movement of recoil. I was not afraid. I felt
that I had also caught the attention of Engara whose eyes seemed to be popping out of her
head, but I decided to ignore her and focus on my boss. As I tried to calm him down with the
force of my gaze, I put gentle pressure on his arm to make him loosen his grip. - Phoenix… you
don't really want to do that. Engara can help us. At first nothing happened, then, the fire in his
eyes seemed to diminish as my words made their way into his mind. He ended up extinguishing
completely to make way for an authentic wisdom tinged with thanks for the one who had helped
him regain control of himself. Lost in the bluish glow of this peaceful ocean, I felt a blissful smile
appear on my face without being able to prevent it. Even when I heard the characteristic dull
sound of someone collapsing to the ground (it was Engara freed from the grip of her fingers), I
couldn't tear myself away from the sight of that perfect face that continued. also to contemplate
me. - You… GET OFF OF ME IMMEDIATELY! It was only when this cry damaged my left
eardrum that I regained my foothold in the present. Engara struggled to her feet, rubbing her
neck and staring at us with such hatred that I backed away towards Phoenix, seeking the safety
of his invincible strength. The latter moved slightly so as to place me behind him and glared at
his former mistress. - You have information to give us! I will not leave without having obtained
what I came for! - It is out of the question that you stay one more minute in my house! I don't
care what Talanus and Ysis say! If you want information, go see Max Marroney, he'll tell you the
same thing as I did, since he helped me with the negotiations with the Circle. For my part, I want
you both to disappear! Phoenix looked like it was about to jump at his throat again, but I held
him back by the arm. - She gave us a name; she did her duty. Please… let's go. - We do not
refuse help to an angel on a mission. Far from giving up the game, I hugged him tighter. - And
an angel must be magnanimous enough to forgive the delusion of a wounded woman. With a
jerk of my chin, I showed him Engara. Curled up in her chair, staring into the distance, she
almost hurt me… - Mind your own business and get out of here, you and your nauseating
humanity! I never want to see you and Phoenix again. … Almost. Engara, hearing me, had risen
to her full height in her seat and was looking at me with clearly displayed disdain. Madame had
her pride… - Very well, said my boss. We're going. However, don't forget that if I didn't kill you,
it's only thanks to my assistant. If you still care so much about your name's reputation, don't you
dare touch it for revenge. Her silence appeared as a form of acquiescence and Phoenix took my
arm to lead me towards the hallway. As we left the room, she called out to us. - Know one thing.
I will not try to kill your human because tonight, I owe her my life; but if she gives Kentwood
even a foothold, I won't let my luck pass, no matter what! I shivered because, despite myself, I
had just created a deadly enemy for myself. Out of loving spite, she would stop at nothing to
assassinate me if I dared return to my hometown. This error would be a pretext to give free rein
to his resentment at my expense. She resented Phoenix terribly for rejecting her, and in a way I
could understand her anger, but the way she expressed it was just plain wrong. Once again, I
found myself the target of a capricious and jealous vampire, dress and heels as a bonus. I really
would have done better to stay in bed…

* - Surprising evening. It was not yet very late by vampire standards. We had left Scarborough
at around 8pm and arrived in Kentwood after 9pm. Our express meeting with Engara had not
lasted more than half an hour, in fact the night was not over. Phoenix wanted to go through
Kerington to find this Max Marroney and give him a formal interrogation. He had phoned him on
the way and the latter had arranged to meet him in his restaurant in the eastern quarters. This
time, Phoenix had warned me, he wouldn't be leaving without his information. - Thank you for
sparing her, I said to him once in the comfortable cabin of a 4x4 stolen for the occasion. Having
taken pity on me, my boss had agreed to move in the air only long enough to find a car that we
could "borrow" without being afraid of prying eyes. He curled his upper lip at me. - I'm starting to
tell myself that she and Karl were right… I've softened since I've known you. An angel is
supposed to be ruthless, I should have killed her. - Are you not aware that what you have just
said is an oxymoron? An angel, by definition, knows how to forgive. It should have been thought
about when your species created its hierarchical organization. In any case, you are not at all
softened, you did well to save his life. - Even though she promised to kill you at the first
opportunity? he mocked. - In a way, I feel pity for her… Okay, she behaved very badly! I
admitted seeing Phoenix banging his head with the palm of his hand like I had gone completely
nuts. But she loved you, and you left. Who can blame her for being angry? - Are you suggesting
it's my fault? The atmosphere seemed to suddenly grow heavy, better if I weigh my words if I
didn't want to piss him off once again. - I'm not judging you, I'm just saying that in his place, I
would have been so devastated if you didn't love me anymore. I realized that I had just made a
monumental blunder. A real drumbeat started in my chest and the characteristic tingling of
incipient redness appeared on my cheeks. The embarrassed silence that followed made me
think of the expression "an angel is passing" although there it must have been a real squadron
flying over us. If I could, I would have shriveled up to the point of confusing myself with the seat.
Phoenix cleared his throat and began to lead us back to the right line before we hit the semi-
trailer that was coming in front and honking the horn to warn us of the imminent collision. I
hadn't even noticed it. - If I left it is precisely because of that. I didn't have the same feelings for
her. And soon after, I met you… He did not finish his remarks. What was he suggesting?
Maybe… - Training was no easy task if you remember! he concludes. … Maybe not. And then
damn! - It doesn't matter, tonight, I am proud of you because you have overcome your
murderous instincts thanks, it must be said, to my incredible sense of persuasion. I had made
up my mind to regain my cheerfulness, but my boss' response exasperated me. - Normally, it is
impossible to stop a vampire about to kill and you did it twice ... Damn! I think I am humanizing
myself! - So that doesn't make you a plague victim! Good, very good! Next time, I'll let you bite
into me until you're thirsty or behead whoever you want, so you'll stop feeling sorry for yourself
by taking yourself for a vampire contaminated by my nauseating humanity! I cried, outraged. He
laughed. - You are so adorable when you are angry! Stunned by her remark that came out too
quickly to be considered or mocked, I stared at him with raised eyebrows. I could have missed
the tension that seized him suddenly if I had not seen his jaw contract to explode. Something
was happening… I felt that if the key moments in life existed, this was one of them and I
shouldn't let it go. Nerves on edge, I couldn't make up my mind to open my mouth or do
anything. My heart was pounding like mad in my rib cage and a kind of electric current ran
through my fingers as I flexed and unfolded them reluctantly to run them through the silky hair of
one I couldn't help but desire. He himself didn't move, seeming to expect or fear any reaction
from me. Would he push me away like he had pushed Engara away if I told him how much he
meant to me? Would he stop that damn car on the side of the road to pounce on me and kiss
me passionately like I dreamed of? Since our kiss under the mistletoe, I couldn't stop imagining
us repeating the act, me pressed against him, her lips on mine, her tongue exploring my mouth
and her hands on my body eager for her caresses. Every time I thought about it since waking up
in the hospital, it was as if a real fire broke out in my lower abdomen; and that was why I
systematically repressed this idea… so as not to be disappointed. Yet tonight he had let slip
something he would never normally have said. It was not his habit to call me adorable, and
especially not in this tone. Taking a risk for the first time in my miserable love life, I imperceptibly
moved my trembling hand toward the driver's seat. "We're coming to Kerington," he said in his
cold voice. I quickly put my hand away; the fateful moment had passed and somewhere I was
intensely relieved. I had no experience in the field of love, but I knew that the vague attractions
that I had felt for acquaintances or colleagues at work, were nothing compared to this feeling of
belonging to someone other than self that I felt whenever my boss was near me. All this scared
the hell out of me so I was happy to recognize in the city lights, a timely diversion. Back in work
mode, I inquired about our exact destination. - You will appreciate, he said, finding his smile. We
may come across old acquaintances. Before my questioning expression, Phoenix widened his
smile again. - We're only going a few blocks from your favorite motorcycle gang.

* Thinking back to Bobby the Eel did indeed warm my heart. This tall weakling with a hair as
thick as curly, was the leader of a gang of young thugs called the Dark Angels, who were trying
to give themselves a kind in the Middle but who, with their great banter and their sympathetic
faces although tattooed , had trouble breaking through. They had been of great help to us the
previous year by allowing us to trace the blood trafficking network that was taking place in the
region and had been largely compensated for their participation in this hunt. "I'm sure that with
all the money you gave them, they bought themselves new bikes that were brighter and more
upbeat than the old ones," I laughed as we headed for the eastern quarters. - Or they invested
in new jackets, adds my employer in the same tone. It is true that for a boss, sporting an old
black leather with two white wings on the back, was a little kitsch. - It won't take long for them to
realize that you can be scarier in a tailored suit than in dirty leather and studded boots. Phoenix
could have been dressed in an Easter bunny costume, he still would have terrified anyone who
got too close to his steely gaze. - They would also need very sharp canines… - Not to mention a
highly developed susceptibility. He looked up to heaven. - And especially not an impossible
assistant with the tongue too tight! - I must speak for two, you are as talkative as a concert of
carp! To say that you criticize François! I talk to him more in two hours than in two days with
you. - François has not been the same since he has been around you. First he becomes
infatuated with your best friend, then he discovers a passion for endless discussions. It's the
same with Talanus; I had never seen him laugh until the other night. And I am not talking about
Egire, there you amazed me. You have a really funny power over us vampires, Samantha. -
Yeah ... except that as far as you are concerned, apart from the one to annoy you prodigiously
or to offer you the opportunity to make fun of me, I do not see what power I have over you. His
enigmatic smile irritated me because once again, he forbade me access to his thoughts. I shrug
my shoulders and focus on the scenery. "We're coming," I observed, seeing the dilapidated
buildings and the prostitutes waiting for their clients. The eastern quarters of Kerington were
true cutthroats where the worst seed of society had taken up residence. Large traffics took place
there in full view of everyone, knowing that the police only very rarely came to certain blocks
armed like fortresses. Thus, cars rubbed shoulders with old jaw harp, and rich mafia with the
small fry selected from the destitute who had nothing more to lose except freedom or life.
Phoenix was therefore not worried about the 4x4 that he would park in front of Max Marroney's
restaurant, which used it as a den for his drug trafficking. Apparently he was well respected
among the thugs and his orders were not open to discussion unless he wanted to end up in the
concrete foundations of a construction site. For the thugs he led, Marroney passed for one of
the leaders of the Kerington Mafia that no law enforcement official had managed to put in jail. To
the vampire community, he was nothing more than a two hundred and fifty year old rookie
talented enough to do his crimes without endangering the Secret. There was therefore a law
which he could not escape, and an angel whose directives he was bound to obey. In front of the
Cinquecento, I exclaimed: - Marroney, it doesn't sound very Sicilian for a mafioso, and the place
deserves a good facelift. Not very classy for a gangster of this stature. The disgusted look of my
boss at the inspection of the premises, indicated to me that he thought exactly like me. - It's
actually not very fancy, but ideal for doing business here. - I find it hard to believe that Talanus
and Ysis sent this guy to negotiate with the Circle. In fact, I also don't understand why they gave
this mission to your hysterical ex. - Avoid that kind of thinking in front of Max. I forgot to tell you
something: he is Engara's brother. As I was about to get out of our car, I turned quickly to my
employer, slamming the door. - What? The latter just shrugged his shoulders, this information
did not seem to be of the slightest importance to him. - It makes sense, Engara and Marroney
have the same "vampire father". They were chosen by Ysis because their gift has proven to be
very useful in this conflict, they can influence a discussion to turn in their favor. - Huh? Phoenix
rolled his eyes. - Are you going to stop talking only in shocked monosyllables? It is nothing
extraordinary! It was impossible for our leaders to show their faces to humans. The vampire who
created Engara and Marroney was killed shortly before that. Having inherited his power as I
inherited mine, it was therefore reasonable to entrust them with the negotiations so that an
agreement could be found. "This is beyond me," I whispered. - Yet you move in my world with
an ease that honors you. Flattery wasn't the kind of house so I gladly accepted the compliment.
It was true that in one year, I had had my count of butchery, fangs and the supernatural. - Of
course it is better to have your heart hooked when you hear that instead of being at the end of
the food chain as the documentaries say, there is a species capable of reducing us to mush or
slavery thanks to to extraordinary abilities such as strength, clairvoyance, or the manipulation of
minds. How come Engara didn't turn our last discussion in her favor? She could have managed
to drag you to her feet ... or even make me dance a jig while screaming naked in the living room
earlier if she had wanted to! My reasoning made my boss smile. Once again, I made fun of the
horrible news he taught me; Anyway, it was either that or run away from this world of
degenerates and go to the only place where I belonged: in a lunatic asylum. - Her power only
works on humans. As she hates them deeply since her land was requisitioned and devastated
by the Yankees during the Civil War, she rarely meets them. The Great Change was a blessing
to her. Anyway, she did try something against you earlier, but it seems that it didn't work. This is
yet another mystery added to the long list of those around you already, Sam. Relieved, I
brushed off this riddle with the back of my hand. No need to expand on the subject of my quirks,
we had other concerns. - Okay. I understand why Marroney has carved out such a great place
for himself in the Middle while remaining free as the air, he has a trump card. The DEA must be
dreaming of catching him in their nets… - He does what he wants as long as he remains
discreet. Whether it's the DEA or the members of his cartel, hardly anyone knows his face and it
is better for his health if it stays that way. - That's why he brought us here. If the police make a
raid, the men who crisscross the area will immediately warn them. - Ah, did you notice them
too? I heard he hired a very efficient bodyguard with all the money it takes to protect himself
from a vampire competitor. - Or the angel who would come to put an end to his business… -
He's lucky I'm not here for that, he concludes, showing me his fangs before getting out of the
car. Brrrr. I had no difficulty imagining the terror of the vampire who knew he was doomed to be
executed by Phoenix. Just with his gaze, he could have provoked an attack on anyone. We
were greeted by two tall men in suits and ties, one Asian, the other Mediterranean type. The two
carried guns in their belts, proud as they were to pull their coats aside to show them to us. -
Very soft, gentlemen, we are expected. The velvet voice of my employer was recognized by
these pseudo-grooms for what it was: a deadly threat to anyone mad enough to provoke their
owner. Sensing the danger, the two mercenaries stepped aside to let us pass. This comedy was
only a test to verify who they were dealing with; well done, they had had the good idea not to
attack a vampire whose patience was not one of his main qualities. - The boss is waiting for you
in the back room, behind the bar, said the Asian, resuming a normal posture. Phoenix held the
door open for me and preceded me to the room in question. All the tables were empty, which
hardly surprised me considering the welcoming committee, and the Italian decoration left much
to be desired. I wondered what kind of vampire we were going to be dealing with. My employer
didn't bother knocking on the door where Marroney was supposed to be waiting for us and
entered. I suppressed a cry when about fifteen submachine guns pointed at us with a click of
massacre. - Bring them out, I do not like prying ears that must then be eliminated. It's a waste of
time ! No hello, not even a nod, just a curt, compelling order. If by welcoming us in this way,
Max wanted to look good in front of his henchmen, it was a failure; From the outset, Phoenix's
aura of power crushed that of his opponent, arousing some unease among those who aimed at
us. The latter understood it too because he curled his upper lip in an evil grin while indicating
with his head to his men, the direction of the exit. Once alone I expected an outburst of anger
and a competition of fangs and grunts, but the situation took an entirely unexpected turn. -
Phoenix! cried Marroney with a big smile. The last time I saw you you were in chains, ready to
face real death. Wow! We can say that you are damn varnished! For a moment, I thought his
speech was ironic, but I had to admit that only admiration pierced his voice. So like that, he had
witnessed him almost execution the year before. Just at the memory of the executioner's ax
slamming down on Phoenix's offered neck, I shivered; it had almost gone wrong. Max got up to
prepare two chairs for us and invite us to sit down. I thanked him after he had helped me take
my place like a perfect gentleman, his face showing only contentment and curiosity. - How
happy I am to finally meet you both! he exclaimed as he sat down. Engara called me right after
you, I'm delighted! I've waited for this for so long ! Phoenix cleared his throat, a little
embarrassed by this somewhat overflowing enthusiasm of a man who, in human age, could
have passed for his father. Indeed, although an athletic build, the fine wrinkles that marked his
face left no doubt about the age at which he had been transformed: around fifty well packed. -
Given the interview we had with Engara, I doubt your sister praised our merits. - Bah! It's
Engara! he swept away with the back of his hand. When I call her tonight, I'll tell her I've been
vile with you, that'll be enough to calm her down. Are you Samantha Jones? I found you very
courageous last summer. Nice to meet you. His greeting seemed sincere. How could a brother
and sister be so different? Where Engara was only pride and contempt, Max was kindness and
politeness. Yeah, well ... we should not forget that on the human side, he was still a reputed
ruthless drug dealer. Nor was he an altar boy, nor someone very frequent. So I nodded in his
direction, taking out my equipment; as long as it was over as soon as possible, I didn't want to
go on forever. Phoenix either. "Tell us everything you know about the Circle of Mellindra," he
ordered. Marroney straightened up as if to attention and proceeded to tell us the facts. - My
experience or that of Engara for that matter, is limited to negotiations, I want to warn you. Too
bad your predecessor is dead; he was the one who had done all the work upstream. I ticked off
this information. I had been living with the angel of the Kerington area managers for over a year,
who had taken office some fifty years before, and I never had the idea of asking him who was
the man who had preceded him in that position. I swore to myself that I would correct it when I
got home. - Tell me what you know, and it will be enough, sliced Phoenix. He was beginning to
get impatient… Marroney felt it because he immediately continued: - It was in 1905. Talanus
and Ysis summoned us, Engara and I, to influence the course of negotiations with the survivors
of the Circle massacre. They had agreed to listen to us but refused to believe that the vampire
world would change the way we consume. Our intervention unblocked the process, but it got
complicated when they wanted the Great Change to apply to all countries. They were not afraid
of dying; they guaranteed us that if we didn't find a way to stop the killings, the Circle would
reform immediately. They still had many supporters… We had to convince them of the merits of
the decision of the Greats and it was not an easy task. I thought we would never be able to
make them bend despite our powers ... Fortunately, we succeeded, and the truce was decided.
The prerogatives of the angels were extended so that they were empowered to hunt down and
execute anyone who gave free rein to their thirst for blood. The members of the Circle accepted
the rules of the Great Change but were adamant: a time would come when it should apply to all
human Nations if we wanted to live together peacefully. Externally, I did not let anything show at
the end of this story. Internally, I was in agreement with these people; we could not tolerate
people dying simply because their country was not developed enough to benefit from the Great
Change. On the other hand, the position of the vampires was understandable; to impose this
immediately on everyone and everywhere, it was chaos and the revelation of the Secret
assured. A compromise had therefore been found. At the beginning of my "career" I hated my
job because I thought I was betraying my own kind, but over time I realized that by helping
Phoenix, I was helping to protect many of my peers. I believed in what I was doing, but that
didn't stop me from understanding the motivations of the Circle of Mellindra and admiring their
determination. If he had reformed following the assassinations perpetrated by Ichimi and Karl, it
was to be in order to protect humanity from a race of predators with gigantic powers. It was
necessary at all costs to find its members and to parley with them otherwise, a new bloody war
would break out, in which I had no idea where my place would be… - What were your they
called? My employer's voice pulled me out of my dark thoughts. - There was a man and a
woman. The male was one of Mellindra's cousins, his name was Irwin Abarnikov. As for the
female, she had nothing to do with the Malovitch family; his great-grandfather had been killed by
one of us and revenge has skipped the generations. Her name was… Johnson, Rebecca
Johnson. That's all I know. Phoenix looked at me intently and I nodded to let him know that I
had written everything down. Then he got up; the interrogation was over. As he helped me put
on my coat, Marroney couldn't help but express his curiosity: - I know the state of your relations
with Engara. You wouldn't have gone to see her if it wasn't important, I know how she is… What
happens to Talanus and Ysis to take an interest in Mellindra's Circle again after thirty years?
Without giving him a look, my boss walked towards the door, where, in his cold and threatening
voice, he said: - Nothing that concerns you. As for our conversation, hold your tongue if you
want to keep your head! This goes for Engara too. After the shock of being so rudely thanked,
Max seemed to understand the implications of my employer's last words and I could have sworn
he had turned pale. He who had dreamed for a long time of a face to face with his idol had been
served! When his gaze fell on me, I realized that I had lingered too long and left to join Phoenix,
not without having granted a very gracious "goodbye" to our host in compensation for the
ingratitude of his angel. . The fools of the trigger had gathered outside and let us join our car
when we exited. "You could have thanked Marroney for his cooperation," I said once the
Eastern quarters were far behind us. You haven't been very nice to him. "I've already explained
the reason to you," he replied coldly. - Yes, yes, you must be ruthless. That doesn't prevent you
from being polite. - You're interested in the feelings of one of Kerington's most powerful drug
lords, that's interesting… Hm. Not false. - Seen from this angle ... Okay, what do we do now? -
We're going to Harper Hill to get some archives. While you play with your computer to establish
the genealogy of Abarnikov and Johnson, I will go through the reports of Thomas Coltrane. -
Who is that? - The angel who came before me. Having been on the front line, his experience
with the Circle could be useful to us. - Why not take Ichimi's reports if he took charge of the
previous Circle? And Coltrane, did you know him? How was he? My curiosity aroused, I eagerly
awaited to know if this stranger looked or differed from my own boss. - Ichimi is not an angel, he
was not required to write reports. He was able to derive the glory from the disappearance of the
Circle thirty years ago, but he was careful not to tell how he had done. And then, for Talanus at
that time, only the result mattered; the situation had been settled before the intervention of the
Great. Speaking of him, I got to know him and Ysis two hundred years ago. At that time, their
angel was a woman. - Really? - Her name was Bianca Castellani, her cruelty was known as far
as Europe. She had the dreadful habit of torturing her human or vampire victims despite
Talanus' sometimes strong remonstrances. He was keeping her alive because he knew her
parent, but she went too far the day she executed one of us without waiting for her master's
approval. She was beheaded and Coltrane took her place until fifty years ago. Phoenix glanced
at me and sighed at my disgusted look. This Bianca deserved her fate and I thought it was a
shame that she was only executed for her disrespect to the hierarchy. They could have
denounced his way of treating humans, I don't know, reminding him that you don't play with
food! - I hope that Coltrane had more regard for our species than his demonic colleague. - He
had it to the point of being killed for her. Phoenix's voice was as dark as his face at the memory.
- What happened ? I asked. - His enemies kidnapped and killed his human mistress before
sending her head by parcel post. I admired this man's strength and saw him sink into a downfall
that slowly led to real death. No longer focused on what he was doing, he made a mistake
during a mission and had his heart pierced by his opponent. That's how I got to his post… - And
that's why you swore to yourself never to attach yourself more than necessary to anyone… I
finished. He nodded in agreement. I understood now why he so strongly rejected the possibility
of such a close bond between us. If what appeared to be a weakness in his world was known to
everyone, I could be killed just to have him removed. It wasn't just a reputation story; by doing
this, Phoenix was trying to protect me. Touched, I put my hand on his arm and smiled gently at
him. - I understand better now, I should have trusted you rather than overwhelming you with
reproaches. The next time someone accuses us of being weak, I'll take it easy on them. - For
that, I trust you, he said, laughing. Later, we had stopped talking because we were traveling in
the air again. No need to be seen at Talanus with a stolen car, so Phoenix had abandoned the
4x4 in a deserted corner before taking me in his arms to our destination. We only stayed in
Harper Hill long enough to warm up and carry a large number of boxes of archives from the time
of the first war against the Circle of Mellindra. Then, my boss borrowed one of the cars from the
villa to return to Scarborough where exhausted by this second day of work, I fell asleep, my
forehead on the computer keyboard. I had just started my research on the genealogy of the
Johnson and Abarnikov families, whose descendants we had no reason to believe were related
to the current Circle of Mellindra. But we had to start somewhere… They were long, frustrating
and boring evenings in prospect, if we excepted the one, closer and closer, to my birthday…

* As I said, the days which followed our interview with Engara and Max Marroney were marked
by annoying gloom and frustration. We were crumbling under a mountain of archival boxes, as
naive as I was, I believed that the few copies that we had stuck hard in the trunk of the car
represented the totality of Thomas Coltrane's work. Phoenix had forgotten to tell me that this
man loved to write and that he could not help adopting the infinite and indigestible descriptive
style of an overly inspired Marcel Proust. The slightest mention of a cloud gave rise to twenty
pages of writing on the shape, color or even the altitude of the latter. Even with his super-speed,
my employer kept railing against the writer's outbursts of his predecessor whose lyrical
outbursts to describe the way he had torn a fellow creature froze my blood and made him want
to bang his head. head against the walls. Moreover, in addition to being incredibly talkative,
Coltrane wrote like a pig and had no sense of order. It made you wonder if Talanus and Ysis
had really leafed through these horrors. Finally, on my side, I considered myself luckier than
Phoenix since I spent my time on the computer trying to find by any means possible, the
descendants of the negotiators of 1905, while awaiting the results of the DNA samples and the
fingerprints taken from the dead. I was going around in circles and my eyes, after a while, kept
stinging me to make me understand that the light of the screen was bothering them. I once
wanted to go to the bathroom to freshened up my face and my damaged eyes, but in doing so, I
stumbled upon a stack of boxes that I hadn't seen and, sprawling over Phoenix, knocked down
a dozen more. He annoyed me when, appalled in front of the incredible mess I had caused, he
got carried away, telling me that he would have done better to let me crash to the ground to
prevent the catastrophe from happening. Although knowing that he was not authorized to come
into the office to listen at the doors because of the ultra confidential nature of this mission,
François had arrived in the room and found us in the middle of a thunderstorm. According to
him, we were shouting as loudly as each other, our finger raised, me towards Phoenix, him,
towards the boxes, accusing each other of being who a clumsy indecipherable, who a killjoy of
the worst kind, as unbearable as it is bad-mouthed. Francois had been tempted to make us
listen to reason, but he had changed his mind, thinking that if he had to intervene in each of our
arguments, he would not have a minute left. Suddenly, he preferred to move in with Angela,
who had timidly offered him a duplicate of the keys to his house an hour before. It was now
official, they lived as a couple. When they announced this news to us, I had jumped for joy and
hugged my friends, congratulating them and wishing them much happiness. Phoenix not making
up his mind to open his mouth, I threw him a huge punch on the shoulder knowing it wouldn't
have more effect on him than a flick, and threatened him with the worst torments if in the
second, he didn't say a kind word for our lovebirds. After ten minutes of a real shock, if it was
not for civilizations but at least for wills, he finally gave in and wished them good luck for their
life together. - Courage especially… there are women with whom living on a daily basis is a real
challenge! he grumbled loudly enough for Francois and Angela to burst out laughing and for me
to throw him a second punch that forced me to run and pass my impact-bruised hand under cold
water. We found each other every evening, in the silence of our research, interrupted only by
the training that Phoenix continued to impose on me to make me progress in the mastery of all
the forms of combat that he knew. Only one evening came when I had to ask him for a break ...
It was the evening of my thirtieth birthday. I hadn't dared to tell him about it because, honestly, I
was afraid of his reaction. At five hundred years old, he must have found it futile to celebrate
birthdays since, being immortal, he was way above it all. Me, on the contrary, I could not wait
any longer for this evening of January 15th when all my friends would meet at Danny's to
celebrate this event of which I would be the center. The year before, on his 30th birthday,
Matthew had been showered with gifts! I didn't want so much because the company of my
friends was enough for my happiness. For the first time, we would be more than three to blow
out my candles! However, for that, my boss would have to grant me my evening… On the
evening of the fifteenth, Phoenix frowned when he saw me arrive in the office all dapper and
smiling, like a teenage girl at her first prom. This was what I felt! I had put on a black sheath
dress with patent pumps of the same color, and I had accessorized the whole thing with a
necklace and earrings in gold and zirconium belonging to my mother. My complicated bun was
a success, my makeup accentuating the depth of my eyes. I thought I was pretty. Already
immersed in his reading, my boss did not ask the slightest question about the motivations of this
sudden elegance to peruse dusty old papers over a hundred years old. His indifference could
have irritated me if the childish joy that had taken hold of me at the idea of this evening had not
swept it away. - Well, I see you're ready. Your coach is waiting for you my dear… - Ahhh! My
piercing cry and my ridiculous leap to the side after the intervention of François, which I had not
heard arriving behind my back, made me blush with shame… Especially when I felt Phoenix's
steely gaze fixed on me, obviously waiting for me to clarify what his friend said. With a velvet
voice with an accent far too sweet to be safe, he asked: "And when were you going to tell me
you're going out, Samantha?" I didn't have time to answer because François' shocked voice
echoed in the air: - What? Didn't you tell him? Panicked, I turned scarlet and needed a seat to
hide the tremors in my knees. - Uh… That is to say that…. uh…. I stammered. - Tell me what?!
Phoenix impatiently stood up and put his hands on his hips. - It is her birthday. I glared at
Francois for throwing me like this to the lion's den, but the latter just stared at me sternly. - Don't
look at me like that, you should have told her about it! Phoenix, you have to come with us! The
weight of guilt suddenly fell on me when I realized he was right. I had been stupid for keeping
my birthday from him when I actually wanted him to share this moment with me. - It does not
matter, Francois, I have work anyway. Phoenix walked out into the hallway, but I followed him
and held him back by the hand. - Wait! Francois is right. I didn't dare tell you about it because I
was afraid you would find it ridiculous. (He raised his eyebrows) But actually, I was the one who
acted stupidly. You're welcome! If you are not there, it won't be the same… I felt he was
hesitating. How would I feel if he didn't come? The answer hit me like a punch; it would be the
worst birthday of my life. I had to convince him. Suddenly accentuating the pressure of my hand
on his, I repeated my request: - Please… for me… Without taking his eyes off me, he turned to
be in front of me and put his other hand on mine. I held my breath until he opened his mouth: -
It's okay. My tension flew away, replaced by intense euphoria and I threw myself on his neck. -
Thank you! I'm so happy! Realizing that I was behaving like a kid who had just been announced
a trip to Disneyland, I moved away from him, blushing and rocking from one foot to the other,
sheepishly. The shadow of a smile on his lips, he replied: - Go to the car, I have something to
take. I'm joining you. Without waiting, I turned around, rushing past Francois, grabbed my coat
and my bag and left, slamming the door. When my French musketeer joined me, the engine of
his Porsche Cayenne 4x4 was already running, the heating on full blast. Even though I was
elated by the idea of this evening, I was nonetheless receptive to the cold; the night was just
freezing cold. - But what is he doing? I moaned after only two minutes of waiting. My driver
laughed. - Relax! We'll be on time. - Excuse me, we are not thirty every day and then, it's the
first birthday that I will be celebrating with friends! - Really? Francois wondered. - Yes. Not very
cheerful, eh? I was in too good a mood to dwell on the sad story of my loneliness so I just
shrugged my shoulders as I watched Phoenix arrive on the porch. - Bah, I have you now! Gone
are the days when people laughed and thought I was crazy! - Your kind is really blind for not
realizing how honoring it is to be your friend, François decreed after a slight silence. His
statement surprised me as much as it delighted and moved me, I got up from the back seat to
go and kiss her on the cheek. - I love you too. If he could have blushed, my friend would have
blushed like a tomato when I pulled away from him. Anyone other than me wouldn't have
noticed, but I knew him too well now not to know that feminine displays of affection, apart from
Angela's, made him uncomfortable. I sat down laughing, amused by the tic he had of running
his hand through his hair when the embarrassment seized him. However, I stopped laughing as
soon as I turned my head towards the castle gate again. Phoenix was coming. In the headlights,
I could clearly make out his handsome black suit under his open coat, the wide sides of which
fluttered behind him. He moved with a grace that would have made the best star dancers pale,
and his beauty was breathtaking. His brown hair seemed to dance in the breeze as he took a
firm, determined step towards us; I couldn't see his eyes, but I suspected that the cold rekindled
that bluish glow in his eyes that I loved so much. The rate of my heartbeat quickened slightly as
he opened the door to slip into the passenger seat, which earned me an overly curious glance
from Francois through the interior mirror. Cursing my reactions, I gazed at the landscape, trying
to find a regular pulse. Fortunately, I succeeded and our short trip went quietly, with the hits of
the moment playing in the background. Like what, we could be three hundred years old and be
up to date ... We arrived in the main avenue around eight o'clock. When I got out of the
Porsche, my heart raced when I saw the lanterns and balloons hanging on the restaurant sign.
Even though I had told Danny not to overdo it, I knew deep down that he wouldn't listen to me;
and honestly, I was delighted. I was about to cross when Francois called me back. He stared at
us, Phoenix and I, before lecturing us like children. - Do not forget that you are ex-lovers who
have remained friends (I felt my cheeks ignite as soon as he said these words), then you will
have to be familiar with each other. As for you Phoenix, you will answer the name of Aydan (re-
ignition of the cheeks; François still did not know the real name of his friend that I had stupidly
revealed by inventing our false love story) and you will be lovable with everyone, including
Matthew Robertson. The glance that our French friend gave him did not escape me. For some
reason my boss had decided he hated Matthew and didn't want to hear about it, in fact I
applauded his warning speech. It was my birthday, these two asses had better keep each other.
Phoenix just shrugged his shoulders. Yeah… - Well, let's go. The ringing of the bell as the door
opened sounded like sweet music to my ears. Everyone was already there and we were greeted
with applause and "Happy Birthday!" very warmly. I felt a big smile form on my face as I greeted
everyone with a shy wave of my hand. As soon as I took off my coat, Angela jumped on me and
hugged me to suffocate. When she deigned to loosen her embrace and I could look at her
better, I was dazzled by her beauty. She wore a golden strapless dress recalling her free blonde
hair and cascading like an interminable fall down her back; she was resplendent. I glanced at
Francois who was coming back from the cupboard where he had stored our jackets; on seeing
his companion, he opened his mouth and tripped over a stool. His vampiric reflexes kept him
from falling, but I burst out laughing when I saw him stand up awkwardly. Angela, in heaven,
joined him and hugged him, calling him a big romantic booby. Far from being offended by what,
for a vampire, was the supreme insult, he also laughed and hugged her. Danny and Matthew
then walked over to give me a kiss (a big slobbery kiss for the first) and welcome me. - Who is
your friend? our host asked, looking over to my bodyguard. Phoenix hadn't moved or uttered a
word after greeting Angela. I put myself in his place: he who no longer met humans if it was not
occasionally and for work, did not know how to behave at a birthday party. - Danny, this is
Aydan. "He's Samantha's ex-fiancé," Matthew's harsh voice interrupted. Haven't you returned to
Seattle? Immediately I glared at the intruder. This idiot had decided to start hostilities, but he did
not know the strength of his opponent. It risked ending in a fist fight. - Nice to meet you. Sam
spoke highly of you and your son. The kind, quiet smile my boss was showing and the friendly
handshake he gave Danny almost knocked me out. He was all kindness and politeness. - A
break is not synonymous with hatred between the two parties. Sam and I remained friends and
came as soon as I heard she was in the hospital. My employer put me in charge of a few things
to take care of in Pembroke so I took the opportunity to make sure she was doing well. She was
kind enough to invite me this evening and I must say that I was devoured with curiosity at the
idea of coming here. The reputation of your establishment is well established in the region.
Sniffing and bulging his chest with pride, Danny was won over in a split second. Gratifying
Phoenix with a big slap on the back, he led her around the owner, obviously starting, by telling
him in detail, the story of his life. Seeing them leave together amused me a lot, yet my
enthusiasm faded when I returned my attention to Matthew. He didn't seem happy at all. - I don't
see why you are still tormenting yourself by bringing him here. You should forget about it and
move on. His remark, an almost perfect echo of Phoenix's a while ago, got on my nerves. - He
was there for me when I needed him and I don't need you to know what to do. It's my birthday
and his presence is important to me, get it in your head or go! My reply struck him as a slap in
the face, but I felt no remorse. I wouldn't let anyone ruin my evening. I planted it there and went
to join Ginger and Valerie who could not wait to give me their present: a dark chocolate Buick
cake, the same one I loved so much and which was nothing more than a bunch dented scrap. I
was incredibly touched. They had taken care of detail to the point of reproducing the little plush
Puss in Boots that I had hung on my rearview mirror and which must have ended up being
crushed at the same time as my car. - Ginger, Valérie… You shouldn't have, it's so nice! They
both kissed me before giving me another present. - Again? Oh no, it's too embarrassing, I can't
accept! - My little one, open it. I'm sure you'll take it, Ginger chirped. Defeated, I did so and
uttered a "Ouaaaah" of delighted surprise. It was a whole box of sweets, my favorites. There
were strawberry lollipops, marshmallows of all shapes and sizes, tangy passion fruit candies, in
short… enough to explode my waistline. - Thank you! I exclaimed, hugging them both at the
same time. - It's a pleasure. Afterwards, I went to greet the other guests and chat a little with
each one: Mike Newell and his wife Carmen, Gary Show and his companion Anthony. As Danny
had returned from his tour with my employer, he ordered us to sit down. In all, twelve people
were present. Phoenix sat on my right, Francois on my left. Angela and Matthew were facing me
and I could see that Matthew did not like this seating plan even though he was trying to hide it.
Danny presided over the festivities and as master of ceremonies stood up to toast. - Thirty
years! What does that mean? This is the age I was there ... um ... a very short time ago (his
pirouette made the assembly laugh), it is the age where all possibilities are possible, where
youth allies themselves to wisdom, well in its beginnings at least (new laughter), it is also the
age of our Samantha here present. It's been a year since you landed in our lives, you, the
volcanic Samantha, whose fire of anger is as impressive as that of your cheeks when they turn
red! Ah, besides you show it at this moment! Sure enough, his words had sparked a fire in my
face, embarrassed as I was to be the center of all eyes and Danny's insatiable public speaking
skills. - Shy and clumsy, bubbly and passionate, greedy with a voracious appetite who knows,
and I'm ashamed to say it, to make much better muffins than me, you entered our daily life for
our greatest pleasure. What could you blame you if not for not coming here often enough,
preferring to occupy yourself like a saint with this grandfather, who is as bad as he is
mysterious?! I couldn't help but glance at my neighbor to the right, who returned my gaze with
an amused glow. Our speaker continued. - I will tell you one thing: If Scarborough is your heart
catcher, know that you have conquered the hearts of all its inhabitants. I raise my glass for your
birthday, but especially for you. So over to you, Samantha! Combining words and actions,
Danny held up his champagne flute high and smiled at me. - To you, Samantha! everyone said
in unison. Unable to take it any longer, I burst into tears, overwhelmed by the emotion of this
incredible proof of friendship. It felt so good not to be alone anymore. Francois put an arm
around my shoulders and I felt Phoenix discreetly grab my hand under the table. - If you only
knew how happy I am… Each word had been interspersed with an unsightly snort, but the
message had passed, that was the main thing. Except that Angela started to cry too, followed
by Ginger, Valerie and even Danny who patted his eyes with a handkerchief. The situation was
quite funny. In short, after this humid moment, we feasted on a delicious meal to be written
down in the annals of gastronomy. Danny had cooked beef, vegetables and potatoes like an
expert, and the result was an explosion of flavors on the taste buds. Of course, he never
revealed his recipe. When he brought in my birthday cake, a huge cake made from little puffs
filled with custard, everyone in attendance gave an "Ooooh" of admiration, Phoenix included.
Despite its customary restraint, he could only go into ecstasies over this exact replica of the
castle in which we lived. “Stan and I made it from photos in a book Angela lent us,” Danny said.
Stan Bosseley was the Scarborough baker. Usually he was content with cupcakes. Danny must
have really put the pressure on him to convince him to achieve such a wonder. - It would almost
be a crime to eat it! Ginger exclaimed, doing like everyone else, strafing the artwork with his
camera. Disregarding his remark, our host undertook to serve each of us, without taking offense
at the lack of appetite of François or Phoenix. Both had used a recent release from a good
gastroenteritis as a pretext to persuade the other guests that they were not hungry; not very
tasty, but very effective. Hearing them justify themselves, Angela and I had been forced to leave
the table for a supposedly pressing urge. We didn't have a full bladder at all, it was just that we
were bursting into uncontrollable giggles that lasted a good fifteen minutes, wondering if we
could come back and stare our vampires in the face without starting over. Fortunately, we had
succeeded ... Cake hour also sounded the hour for gifts and for my thirtieth birthday, I had been
exceptionally spoiled. Mike Newell knowing my passion for cinema, gave me a whole set of old
recoloured and remastered films, Gary Show gave me an Mp3 car radio for my next car
purchase. From Angela and François, I got a professional make-up bag, since mine was no
more than an old plastic bag with eyeshadow and blush, lipstick and eyeliner in it. Danny had
bought me an Italian cookbook, and Matthew gave me silver earrings to match my mother's thin
necklace that I often wore. - They are beautiful, I am ecstatic. I had found this attention very
delicate since I had only mentioned the origin of the necklace once in his presence. He hadn't
forgotten. He's so sweet, I thought, giving him a beaming smile. I got up, holding my glass of
champagne and spoke to the company: - Thank you all for these wonderful presents even if my
greatest gift is to be there with you, to enjoy this incredible evening! - Hmm… This intervention
came from my neighbor on the right who stared at me with a mixture of amusement and
exasperation. - It seems to me that you have a present left to open, Sam. Surprised, I sat down
heavily in my seat. Phoenix had a present for me? "You… you… didn't have to," I stammered,
my heart pounding and my cheeks flushing. His friendly smile reassured me and he took out a
small blue velvet box from his jacket. Confused, I dared not touch him. - Open it, Sam. Realizing
that I was the object of all eyes, I recovered enough that my hands stopped shaking and
grabbed the box. When I opened it, I saw a small silver chain with a pendant in the shape of a
three-leaf clover which I immediately fell in love with. I had always loved the Irish culture of
which the shamrock was a symbol. I was overjoyed when I thanked Phoenix, but this one didn't
seem to be done. His expression grew distant, his voice nostalgic. - It's an inheritance… Gwen
O'Malley got it from her mother whose grandparents had had better financial luck and she
decided to give it to the one who was going to marry Thomas, her only son. Keira was so
overjoyed that she swore to Gwen to make girls very quickly to carry on this touching tradition.
His smile, linked to the memory of that moment, faded when other heartbreaking images
followed her. Aydan MacKinley adored his sister and even after all these years and his vampiric
nature, he still did. He must have suffered excruciatingly when the vile Lord Carson snatched
her from him along with all of his family. He had kept this necklace for five hundred years to
remember his cherished younger sister and yet today he had decided to give it to me.
Distraught and in shock, I lost myself completely in his azure eyes, whose glow of sadness
during his explanations had given way to genuine tenderness tinged with amusement as he saw
my eyes fill with tears. He knew as well as I did what was going to happen in the next hundredth
of a second ... It was as if Niagara Falls poured over my face to flood my dress, my hands still
holding the pendant, then, half a second later, my boss's white shirt. I literally threw myself on
his neck, hugging him with all my strength and continuing to sob despite his caresses on my
neck and his comforting words. I didn't even care about the whispers and snickers that came
with that somewhat pitiful sight, or the look of rage you could clearly see on Matthew's face. I
was simply enjoying the fullness that brought me the comfort of his arms as well as his heady
scent. The softness of his fingers on my neck gave me the effect of contact with silk, I felt good.
May be too much. Danny's amused throat clearing eventually brought me back down to earth,
forcing me to release my employer from the grip of my embrace, and the confusion I felt upon
returning wasn't so much triggered by the smiles of the other guests (less Matthew's who was
shooting a funeral head), than by the strange look with which Angela was staring at me. Good
God ! She understood! Phoenix's present had confused me so much that I hadn't paid enough
attention. As I hugged him, I must have let show the true nature of my feelings towards him. It
must have been fleeting, nevertheless, my best friend knew me too well not to have noticed.
Confused, I looked away to focus on the necklace I held like treasure. I had some difficulty in
passing it around my neck and again, I shivered in contact with the fairy fingers of the one who
was already busy helping me in this task. "Keira would be happy, it looks great on you," he
whispered. - I know what it means to you… I promise to always wear it, I replied in the same
tone. The warmth of his smile almost knocked me off my chair. Everything about him, at this
moment, was only tenderness, innocence and perfection. I was facing an angel… in the
religious sense of the word. My contemplation was suddenly interrupted by the baritone voice of
our host who had launched into a personal and opera version of the song "Happy Birthday to
you". At the end, everyone present took up the chorus with him, ending with a chorus of
applause and whistles in my direction. The rest of the evening passed more quietly, everyone
discussing everything and nothing with their neighbors. For my part, I had watered my birthday
a little too much and abused champagne; I was tipsy and needed to cool off. I headed for the
toilet and began to run my face under cold water to come to my senses. - Sam. A voice
surprised me as I was lowered, mouth wide open under the tap, very awkwardly taking a few
sips of water. Recognizing Matthew, I straightened up, drops dripping unpleasantly down my
cleavage. My friend passed me a towel, to my shame. - Can I ask you a question ? he said,
observing my drying operation. - I'm listening to you. - Are you… you going to do this again with
Aydan? What could I say to him? I couldn't just send him out for a walk blaming him for
bothering me with prying questions in the bathroom at my birthday party… the look of
disappointment in his eyes kept me from doing it. Although I didn't want to give him false hopes,
I didn't want to lie to him either; it made me sick. - No. - Are you sure ? Because your delighted
look during the meal and when he gave you this necklace made me assume otherwise. - No
matter what our respective feelings have been or are, we cannot be together. Aydan is leaving
tomorrow, I may never see him again. His relief should have made me happy, but the truth of
the words I had just spoken broke my heart. Even though I knew it, saying it out loud was very
difficult. Anyway, I couldn't see what else to say to continue to preserve our coverage. "Excuse
me," I said, stepping around Matthew to reach the great hall, a little irritated by our conversation.
As I left, I almost bumped into the brick wall that was my boss. His nature exempted him from
trivial needs like urinating so I couldn't see why he was there. Besides, the way he was staring
at me immediately made me shiver, as if I had done something stupid I should feel guilty about.
- You didn't come out of the bathroom. Since you're drunk, I came to see if everything was okay.
- Hey ! I'm not drunk, I growled. But thanks anyway. Great ! I thought as I went to sit down, him
on my heels. Already he must have heard my conversation with Matthew, besides, he knew that
I had drunk too much… it was embarrassing. Finally ... The rest of the evening was very
pleasant and around three in the morning, we decided it was time to go to bed. We parted in
laughter and good humor, each having promised to return as soon as possible to eat at
Danny's. When joining Phoenix, Francois and Angela, I turned around and hugged our host one
last time, thanking him for giving me the best birthday you could dream of. He kissed me on the
cheek and I left with a light heart. In front of his 4x4, Francois handed the keys to my employer
and to his questioning raised eyebrows, he put his arm around Angela's shoulders. - Our
evening is not over, I will pick up the car later. Having no idea what he meant by that, I stuck a
make-up that I hid by lifting my scarf. Phoenix saw it as the signal for the departure of a human
frozen to the bone; it was not wrong. On the way back, I expressed the joy that this celebration
had given me. - It was really magical! I still can't believe that I have such great friends and…
your gift is the most precious of all. Fearing to cry again, I changed the subject before he
opened his mouth to answer me. - What do you think Francois and Angela are doing right now?
Wow! Decidedly, every time I wanted to change the topic of conversation, I was going to look for
one more embarrassing. - Uh… forget it. Cheeks on fire, I suddenly admired the landscape. A
sneer made me turn to my driver. - Don't be so embarrassed! Knowing François, he will not
decide to take pleasure in the arms of a woman until he is married. And Angela doesn't seem to
be in a hurry to get there. Blushing more, I could not help but react. - But no priest will want to
marry them! - It's them that concerns, You can not find? - You are right. We arrived at the castle
and I was not at all tired. Having no desire to go to bed, I pondered my options as we unloaded
the chocolate Buick and the other gifts from the trunk of the car. Once warm, I dismissed the
idea of reading or watching TV; I was too excited. What to do? Seeing my boss put our coats in
the closet, I knew. - How about a little workout? I suggested when he joined me. - At this hour?
After this meal? You are not serious. - I don't want to go to sleep, I need to let off steam. Be
nice! - You won't be able to get up tomorrow, it's not a good idea. With a funny little pout, I put
my hands together and gave him a tearful look. - Please… He rolled his eyes but his smile told
me that I had won. Without giving him time to change his mind, I rushed up the stairs, shouting:
- I'll join you in five minutes, I'll change! Ready for intensive training, I actually arrived five
minutes later, barely out of breath from my marathon. Phoenix had granted my request a little
too quickly and I should have been wary. His program was worthy of the most seasoned
legionaries, but I stuck it out. When it was already past five in the morning, we had started a
fight with knives with steel blades. Finding myself on the mat for the umpteenth time, I burst out
laughing as my torturer went to get us some cold drinks. - It's the best night of my life, I said,
lying on my back to catch my breath. I'm happy to be in my thirties just for being surrounded by
all the people who are dear to me. Eh yes! You understand. Phoenix had come back from the
fridge and threw a bottle of water at me before sitting down next to me, wearing his everlasting
smirk. - I've been torturing you for more than two hours and I fall into this happy category? This
surprises me… - Do not play the poopers, you know that your presence tonight means a lot to
me, I said after having swallowed a few sips of the cooling liquid. - It was interesting. The
sarcastic glint in his eyes made me burst out laughing and then, lifting my chin to challenge him,
I rose to my feet to get my gun. - Oh, I will make you want to laugh at me! Without losing his
good humor, he did not make the slightest gesture and remained seated. "So try to reach me if
you can," he said, spreading his arms. This invitation did not fall on deaf ears. Neither one nor
two, I picked up my momentum and rushed at him. Even at top speed, I was no match for a
vampire. It moved so quickly that my human eye couldn't see the movement. I just felt that my
weight and momentum carried me forward, down to the ground, into stinging humiliation. The
problem was that instead of collapsing full length, I folded my arms towards me without being
able to control my fall. As I crashed onto the tatami mat, I gasped at the impact, of course, but
something else happened: a sharp, sudden pain radiated through my left thigh, making me cry
out. - Shit! Phoenix arrived in a thousandth of a second by my side, noticing as I did the deep
gash caused by the steel blade stuck in my flesh and which made my blood flow. - It's not true! I
whispered, fighting back my tears and gritting my teeth so as not to scream in pain. - This is
what happens when we are not sufficiently concentrated and we indulge in alcohol, he replied
sternly, removing the knife. I was in too much pain to get into an argument so I fell silent,
awaiting his verdict on the severity of the wound. - It's deep enough but the artery was not
affected. Phew! It would have been too stupid to die this way, what a shame! I hadn't escaped
Heath's tortures, Karl's rape, to the execution of the Grands and to a terrible car accident to find
myself in a coffin because of a stupid knife accident! As I wondered how we were going to cure
me, I got the answer when I saw him bite his hand. - But… I thought you shouldn't give me your
blood anymore? - I'm not going to leave you like this. Take off your pants. - What? Instinctively, I
brought my knees to my chest in a gesture of defense that exasperated him. - Shit! I've seen it
all anyway! Damn it! I did so reluctantly, shunning his amused gaze at my scarlet face and
nervously whistling an unfamiliar melody as he ran his hand over my wound. The intensity of the
feel of his fingers on my skin almost knocked me over and it took all my cool to keep myself in
control during the operation. It was one thing to be groomed half naked and passed out, quite
another to be groomed when one was conscious and head over heels in love with one's
benefactor. I closed my eyes and tried to distract myself by thinking of something else: a talking
donut? No. An innocent plush? No and no! It reminded me too much of the sweetness of his
caresses! Even the jig of the president of Venezuela dressed as a vahine and playing castanets
with coconuts failed to repress the wave of desire that was swelling in me ... Yet it would have
cooled anyone! "It's over," a velvet voice warned me. Cautiously, I opened one eye. Effectively,
my skin had become perfectly smooth again, as if nothing had happened. Reassured, I opened
the second, thanking Heaven for not having transformed me again into a nymphomaniac fury
drugged with vampire blood. - Can I get my pants back? I was in such a hurry to put a fabric
barrier between our two skins that I forgot to thank him. - You're welcome! You are so modest!
One day you will have to undress in front of your husband! he said, throwing my good that hit
me in the face. - Hey! What do I get involved! I bleated, excruciatingly embarrassed at the idea.
There is no harm in preferring to keep your clothes on rather than showing off your butt! - If you
say so. Well, it seems to me that it would be more reasonable to stop this training session to
allow you to go and sleep off the champagne you have drunk. Go to sleep, I'll take care of
tidying up. See you tomorrow. - Yes Dad! I growled, doing so however. Phew! What a party!
Despite a somewhat embarrassing conclusion, I was overwhelmed. I had for the first time
celebrated my birthday with friends and it was an unforgettable moment of joy and emotion.
Arrived in the hall, I stopped for a second to contemplate the new jewel that I had sworn never
to take off my neck. An expert would not have seen in this clover an artist's work but, knowing
its origin and its history, it was for me a gift of inestimable value. Phoenix's affection for his sister
was still rooted in him; he would never have given me this necklace if he had not considered me
worthy of it. I was beaming ... But going up the stairs to my room, I was seized with a strange
dizziness. I was very hot and my head was spinning. That was normal for a discomfort; where it
got weird was the tingling I felt in my thigh, all around where the knife had hurt me. I was not in
pain, but the effect was rather unpleasant. Fortunately, this feeling disappeared almost
immediately and I put it down to fatigue; a good shower would do me good before going to
sleep. As soon as I arrived, I tossed my clothes into the bathroom laundry basket and rushed
into the bathroom. I was very happy to feel clean again, savoring the massage sensation that
the water gave me on my body. However, As soon as I stepped out of the cabin, the tingling and
dizziness came back in force, associated with a sudden rise in my temperature, forcing me to sit
on the cold tiles, my wet hair dripping down my back. What was happening? Perhaps I had set
the shower to too high a water temperature and that was playing tricks on me. Yes, that had to
be it. Well, we weren't going to spend the day there! Despite my weakness, I went back to my
room to get some pajamas from my closet. I was going to need something light because I was
so hot I was suffocating. It looked like a fire was spreading over my body, but it didn't burn me;
nothing like my nightmare the other day. I was tempted to call my boss in case I was wrong, but
I changed my mind. He would still think humans were weak if I brought him in for a shower.
Besides, there was no way he could see me naked. Opening the underwear drawer, I was
looking for some simple panties to put on under my nightgown when the sudden appearance of
the red veil in front of my eyes took me by surprise. Then it was the black hole ...

* I still don't remember when I regained consciousness. This passage still remains today a heap
of shapeless images without tail or head, which refuse to appear clearly in my memory and
somewhere, I would also have preferred not to remember the rest. In short, having fainted in
front of my wardrobe, I had to get up and prepare myself for the rest of the events… My God…
From that moment on, I was in a daze, again grappling with the Phoenix imprint. The fact of
giving me his blood had a priori reactivated to its maximum power, that is to say by making me
do anything, like the time when I had almost died ... well in the list of all the times was when I
had licked my savior's wrist without realizing my actions. That night again, I no longer had
control of my body and the consequences were disastrous ... I see myself, descending the
steps, a smile floating on my serene face. I walked forward with a light heart, confident in what
was to come, the fabric of my long satin dressing gown touching my skin in an exquisite caress
with my every move. I see myself checking my reflection in one of the mirrors in the hallway
leading to the office and nodding in satisfaction at the perfection of my dark makeup,
highlighting and intensifying the effects of my hypnotic and bewitching dark gaze. I had dried my
hair and decided to let it cascade down my back in a shiny and silky brown mane, whose scents
of raspberries from my shampoo, mingled with the scent of red fruits of my perfume, embalming
me with 'an irresistible divine and sweet scent. Red… such was the color that characterized me
at that moment: the intense and sensual red of my lips, the incandescent red of my outfit, the
supernatural red that competed with the original black of my pupils. Abandoning my
contemplation, It was with absolute calm that I entered the study and made my way to the shelf
in the library where Candide was stored. Without any trembling or hesitation, I actuated the
mechanism of the door opening on the lair of the one who had confided the secret to me. As he
was not in sight, I did not wait for his authorization to enter and swiveled the musket hanging on
the wall which allowed the door to close on his privacy. When the operation was over, he finally
appeared… He came out of the bathroom, his bare chest still glistening with the last traces of
moisture on his skin. He was wearing black pants in light fabric that reminded me of the scene
from Dirty Dancing, when Baby joins Johnny in his room and asks him to dance with him… The
devastating beauty of perfection and virility of my Adonis completely eclipsed that of this
character who has become legendary for a whole generation of romantic women. All busy
drying my hair with a towel, I might have thought he hadn't noticed my presence, but I knew
very well that no sooner had I set foot in the room, he had heard my heartbeat. - Yes, Sam? As I
said nothing, he finally deigned to lose interest in that damn towel and finally look at me. Her
eyes, made brighter by the shower, were a clear blue that reminded me of the paradisiacal
waters of the Pacific Islands whose depth and beauty made you want to drown there. Despite
the impassiveness of his features, I noticed in him a slight start of surprise at my outfit. -
Everything is fine ? You look funny, he said, approaching. He was only a few steps away from
me and his proximity acts as a spur. I straightened up, loosening the belt of my robe. - I've
never felt so good. In a theatrical gesture, and above all skillfully calculated, I slid the fabric
down my arms and let it fall to the ground. I then felt a mocking pout at the corner of my lips, a
consequence of the satisfaction that the astonished and petrified face of Phoenix gave me,
whose wide eyes tried in vain to take the measure of this unprecedented and shocking situation.
How could it have been otherwise? I wore a red and black negligee set that was more than sexy
and more than stripped. The lace bra was prolonged by a light scalloped black veil, which
showed the navel, and the front and back of the panties were only attached together by an
elastic surrounded by satin frills. I had pushed the vice to match my outfit with stiletto heels
embellished with small rubies to accentuate the elegance. He who reproached me for being an
expert in prudishness, he had something to choke on surprise: I was more seductive than ever.
Radiating confidence in me, in stark contrast to the pillar of salt in front of me, I rolled my hips
towards my employer, letting him savor my walk. - I was going to bed when I realized that I had
forgotten an important thing: to wish you a good night… I came immediately, without taking the
time to dress me more. As I said these cheeky words, I got close enough to him to be able to
touch him. In fact, taking advantage of his silence, I placed my hand delicately on his shoulder,
placing myself on his right to whisper the last words in his ear. - Imagine, I could even have
come… quite naked… What a pleasure to feel him shiver! - Sam… This hesitant whisper
sounded like an invitation to my ears, it was now out of the question that I would back down. -
Phoenix… Slowly, I slid my fingers from his shoulder to his chest, delighting in the delicious
burning sensation that inflamed my lower abdomen at his touch, before moving around him and
continuing the movement towards his back. Slowly following with my index finger the line of the
deep scar which ran towards his left hip, I was ecstatic when I felt his rigid muscles under his
skin, pledges of an after all extraordinary power. Sensations heightened, I kissed his back with
every step I took, continuing to follow the line of his old wound until I reached the limit of the
waistband of his pants. He didn't move an inch. - Your skin is so soft… I love to touch it,
always… I whispered to him when I reached the other ear which I allowed myself to nibble on
the earlobe. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the arm to bring me back in front of him. My heart
thumped like mad in my chest when mad hope took hold of me, quickly showered by the
harshness of his expression. His gaze hinted at nothing of any inner conflict; It wasn't right, I
was going to have to redouble my efforts. - Sam, your eyes are red. You are not in your normal
state. - I'm fine since I'm in your arms, I served him, covering him with a glance of embers and
taking his hand which was squeezing my arm to bring it to my lips. With a technique learned in
Titanic, I meticulously kissed each of his fingers, completely intoxicated with the sensuality of
the action. Okay, it was downright hotter than in Titanic, but Rose wasn't under a vampire
imprint with thirty years of sexual frustration behind her! Phoenix didn't resist when I curled up
against him, stroking his chest and inhaling his intoxicating scent. He didn't resist either when I
stood up on my tiptoes and kissed his neck as I slowly ascended. - Sam… It's not a good idea. -
Chhhht, I whispered to him. My heart raced as my mouth passed from his ear to his cheek… I
dreamed of another kiss, I wanted him to kiss me again… My breathing quickened, for the first
time, my hands trembled… until my lips brushed his. A real foretaste of paradise, this simple
contact is enough to transport me beyond sensuality or voluptuousness; I had become a
volcano on the verge of exploding. I had the impression that desire was going to consume me at
any moment, to make me scream with pleasure. Forcing myself to remain gentle despite
everything, I was boiling impatiently waiting for his barriers to finally give way and for him to
return my kisses with passion. Suddenly something happened. First, Phoenix put his hands on
my arms and held me in a steel grip, hurting me. Gasping with surprise, I didn't have time to
protest as he crushed his lips to mine, before pulling me aside abruptly less than a hundredth of
a second later, letting out a low, threatening growl. - That's enough! he hissed. Shocked by his
rebuff, I let it go. Although… - But, what's wrong with you? - What's wrong with me? You are no
longer yourself, it is the imprint that dictates your movements! he cried. Anger followed shock
when he mentioned the damn consequence of our blood exchange. There was some truth in
what he said, but I was not ready to let myself be turned away for such a trifle! - Stop
brandishing this argument like a banner! Who tells you that's not what I actually want?! - The
imprint acts on your hormones and exacerbates your frustrations, in particular that of being still
a virgin at thirty! So there, the anger gave way to a real fury. Me, I had the right to complain
about it, but he had no right to talk about it as if it was a defect! I already felt stupid enough like
that! - And even if it was?! I offer myself to you and all you can do is rebuff me like a mess! He
turned away. - I will not take advantage of you, end of the discussion! The situation had slipped
dramatically and the confidence in me was gone the moment he pushed me away. For once, I
felt that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. - It is not possible! How to make you
understand that imprint or not, I want you! You won't take advantage of me since I want you! -
Well me not, he said, glacial. - I thought after what happened in Pembroke, you had needs to
meet. Is it because I am your assistant that you are refusing me? The fear that seeped from my
voice was pitiful. I trembled at the thought of hearing the truth come out, and yet I had to hear it.
- No, I have two reasons. The first is that I respect you too much to do this when you are out of
your mind. The second is that I don't want to do that with you… - But… that girl over there… she
looked like me. I played my all-out and my voice got lost on the last words, on my last chance to
push back the obvious. Phoenix's response broke my heart into a thousand pieces. - But she…
I wanted her. Suddenly, the white-hot blade reappeared with incredible violence, in proportion to
the wave of grief that hit me. The pain made me fall to my knees. In a split second, he was close
to me and supporting me without my strength to push him away. - Your eyes… they're back to
normal!! What did I do now that he had so clearly rejected me?! My pupils could have turned
green with yellow polka dots that the result would always be the same: Phoenix had never
wanted me and would never want me ... A great cold came over me suddenly and I began to
shiver, chattering teeth. I didn't care anymore… I didn't feel anything, not even the pain. - Sam,
I… Tomorrow, it will all be a bad memory, especially for you I think. Don't worry, it's okay, and
when we wake up we'll both laugh. I looked at him then, feeling my strength little by little
abandon me at the same time as my consciousness escaped. - You don't understand
anything ... And I faint.

Chapter IV: At the bottom of the hole

* What was this strange feeling? I had never had satin sheets because I had always been
afraid of falling off my bed with that kind of fabric and my awkwardness. Still, I felt a softness
under my fingers that had nothing to do with the flannel that usually kept me warm. There, I was
a little cold but… I was so good. I caressed the satin fabric without thinking, feasting on the
chills that contact caused along my spine. I must have been half dreaming ... Eyes still closed, I
savored the delight of enjoying the comfort of a soft bed and I wanted to bury my head in my
pillow to prolong my daze, stretching my numb legs. This simple movement caused me problem
in the sense that I realized that I had no room for maneuver; I couldn't move. What was
happening? My bubble of well-being exploded and internally cursing this lack of respect for my
laziness, I decided to open my eyelids ... Almighty God! When I realized that what I had taken
for satin sheets and had been stroking mechanically for several minutes was in fact the perfect
naked torso of Phoenix, whose angelic face with closed eyes was only a few inches from mine, I
almost died of cardiac arrest. Mouth open, completely panicked, I just stared in bewilderment at
the one who held me in his arms in a steel embrace, preventing any retreat. Damn it! What was
I doing there?! I didn't remember anything! In my head, my devilish clone all tail and fork
whispered languidly that I had no questions to ask myself and that I should take the opportunity
to fiddle with it; At the idea, my angelic mini-me appeared to remind me that my boss would
never take advantage of me being drunk and that if I had ended up there, it was for a good
reason. Listening to the voice of wisdom, I tried to understand what had happened by inspecting
my condition. Aaaarghh! What was that outfit?! Damn it! Why had I put on this negligee that the
mall had mistakenly delivered to me in place of an all-too-common nightgown?! Thinking that
my employer had seen me in this outfit, my head turned and I swallowed hard, pushing out of
my mind my evil and angelic lines that giggled endlessly. Besides, why was he not awake? I
finally observed him, without daring to make any sudden movement to free myself. Her hair fell
loosely over her perfectly featured face. Sleep gave him a serene air that I never knew him to
have, a certain innocence that he never had to show in the light of day to preserve his
reputation. However, it did not emit any fragility, rather a quiet strength ... His skin so soft in
contact with mine had the coldness of marble and the softness of silk, which explained my
strange awakening. His arms held me tightly against his muscled chest with the divinely
haunting scent. It was surely in breathing his perfume that memories flooded in. Livid and
nauseous, I saw the course of events of the day before, after my loss of consciousness in front
of the cupboard, scroll through my memory. The horror aroused by my words and my actions
petrified me the time to assimilate them and when it was done, I lost control of my emotions.
The breath had become struck by the rise of violent sobs that I tried in vain to suppress, I
wanted to flee far, very far from this room, from this bed, and especially from the man who had
rejected me. The memory of his reply: "But she, I wanted her," was sure to haunt me all my life,
aware that I was not being good enough for him, or for any man for that matter. Who would want
an ordinary girl with two left feet? Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to extricate
myself from my boss's embrace. I wanted to leave, right away! Or I was going to go mad. With
superhuman effort, I managed to lift one of his arms enough to free myself and catch my breath.
However, my maneuver had a dreadful consequence: Phoenix awoke. - Shit? Raspy voice and
half-closed eyes, he still kept his natural elegance and devastating beauty when he said my
name. Startled by this situation, which is as absurd as it is humiliating, I could no longer align
two coherent thoughts. Part of me was horribly embarrassed to be half-naked, another part was
hurt by my employer's indifference, and finally, a last, perhaps the strongest, was outraged at
being rejected so harshly. I oscillated between shame, horror and fury and failing to make up my
mind, I remained motionless in front of my executioner. Now fully awake, he noticed the traces
of tears on my cheeks and frowned. He was trying to decipher my emotions… - Sam… It's okay.
When he reached out to wipe away a tear that was still rolling lazily down my cheekbone, a
defense reflex guided my reaction. Indeed, brandishing my arm in front of me, I prevented his
gesture from reaching me by violently pushing it aside. - Do not touch me, I cut in a threatening
whisper, before (finally) starting to retreat. Slowly backing up to the office door, arms
outstretched in warning, I felt such anger rise within me that if he got too close, I would have
been ready to rip his head off. - Sam, nothing happened! It does not matter! Every time, Phoenix
felt a nervous breakdown. So he quickly got out of bed and began to come towards me without
suspecting that his words, instead of appeasing me, were galvanizing my rage. - I forbid you to
approach me! I cried, stopping him in his tracks and searching for something that might have
told me the time. Ah! I had found his cell phone on the nightstand. It was three o'clock. Perfect, I
could leave the place without him following me; in the state I was in, I had to put as much
distance as possible between us at all costs. Grabbing the dressing gown lying on the floor, I
covered it up before activating the opening mechanism of the room. Immediately, a ray of
sunlight enveloped me entirely, missing the grill in passing, the one who, despite my prohibition,
had wanted to prevent me from moving away from him. Bathed in this natural protection and oh
so deadly for a vampire, I turned to my boss who had taken refuge in the shadows and whose
scorched shoulders were still smoking. Focusing on him a terrible look charged with a reddening
fury, I said: - If for you this situation is normal and you expected me to laugh at it, it is because I
was completely wrong on your account . In fact, you were right from the start; I wanted to see
human feelings in you when in reality you are incapable of it. Oh, not because you're a
vampire… but because before you even became one, you already had no heart! I did not see
his reaction because hardly had I finished my burning indictment that I left. By the time I got to
the garage and grabbed the keys to the Camaro, a new change had taken place in me.
Ravaged, devastated, destroyed, I had the impression that what had served as my heart before,
was nothing more than a heap of ashes whose last embers consumed my ability to experience
feelings and would not leave, once dispersed, than an empty, soulless shell.

* The now familiar bell rang like a bugle in the perpetual night of the abyss I had plunged into.
Just a few more yards and I would see the face I was looking for. - Yes, Mrs Morris, I ordered
you the last Danielle Steel and you will receive it within two days. There is no need to call me
back a fourth time… Yes? Yes ! I know you really like love stories… yes… no… no my boyfriend
hasn't proposed to me yet and… yes! He is wonderful like your Franckie and… Name of… I
remind you of Mrs. Morris!! Angela wasn't the type to send people off, let alone as charming and
somewhat spoiled as Mrs. Morris. However, she did not hesitate for a second to hang up on him
when she saw me. - My God, Sam! What happened to you? she cried, going around the counter
to run and grab me by the shoulders and take my poor carcass to her apartment, located just
above. She helped me undress and settle down on the sofa, surely fearing that I would collapse
at the slightest misstep. She was right to tell the truth, I was a real mess, emotionally and
physically speaking. As I left my employer's office, before getting into the Camaro, I ran to my
room to put on the first clothes that came. No shower, no brush, no makeup. As a result, I was
wearing a T-shirt and jeans full of paint stains waiting on my pile of dirty laundry, my disheveled
hair made me look like someone straight out of the insane asylum, who didn't had as a bonus,
not taken the time to tie his sneakers. Ah, and having forgotten to take my coat, my skin blued
by the cold added to all this a touch of color little in line with good health. - Are you going to
decide to speak or do I have to tear the worms out of your nose?! I've never seen you like this!
Phoenix had an accident? I felt a strange pressure in my chest at the mention. The white-hot
blade amused itself again by wanting to slice up my heart, but this time, however hard it was, I
felt no pain, as if, after what I had just experienced, nothing could no longer reach me. I could at
least take it as good news… At the idea, I gave a dry little snicker; in the abyss in which I found
myself, to conceive of the existence of even a tiny part of being on earth was quite impossible
for me. Not knowing the origin of my distress, Angela could not console me and helpless, she
was content to stay by my side waiting for me to make up my mind to speak or scream. In the
latter case, she could wait a long time… I had become dry and waterproof, both outside and
inside. Tired of war in the face of my silence, she decided to question me. - What happened,
Sam? You know you can tell me anything. When I answered her, I wasn't even surprised at how
calm I was. - I just opened my eyes. It hurt horribly, but it was necessary for hope to disappear.
Angela frowned. - What do you mean? I do not follow you. - François and you were right from
the start. I realize that I must have seemed totally stupid to you all these months. To think that I
had to see Phoenix in someone else's arms to understand how I felt for him; and that I had to
throw myself into his to see that on his side, he had never felt anything nor would never feel
anything for me… Silence. My friend was having trouble digesting my words; hard to imagine
considering that she had understood everything long before me. - You mean… you love him? -
Looks like that surprises you. - Yes… well… no… well, not really. I admit that your bickering has
often made me doubt the bond between you, but I was sure when he gave you this necklace in
the shape of a clover, yesterday. He seemed important to him. - It belonged to his sister… To
think that it all happened yesterday. Perhaps it was because of this idyllic evening that I had
reacted to the imprint. My subconscious must have said to itself: "Sam, he gave you a piece of
jewelry belonging to his beloved sister!" What are you waiting for, go for it! Hello shortcut! - You
say that you declared yourself and that he rejected you? I can not believe it. I smiled and
shrugged my shoulders. - Oh, actually I didn't really declare myself, I just took off my clothes
and tried to seduce him. - What? - I'll spare you the details, but I was still under the effect of the
imprint. Except this time it lasted longer and you know the rest. - But… if you weren't yourself
anymore, he probably didn't want to take advantage of the situation, that doesn't mean he didn't
care about you. - You weren't there. He was perfectly clear, he never wanted me. I'm not good
enough. Who could blame him for that matter? I myself agree with him! However, what hurt me
the most was seeing how… laughable it was for him. It was there that I realized that in reality,
Phoenix was not made to bond with other people, especially not a human. He's always been a
loner, even before he transformed, so my place on the chessboard of his life is hardly worth
more than that of a pawn. - Can you hear yourself talking? I can't believe what you say! I saw
how Phoenix was with you and I saw that you were not just a pawn for him! It's your bitterness
that reflects instead of your brain! - I didn't say he was playing a game, he really believes in our
friendship. The problem, is that his vampiric view of things is incompatible with my human
principles. In fact, it took me a while to see it, but we're not compatible… We're just good at
hurting each other; him because he doesn't realize anything, me because I resent him for being
so distant. That's how it is… You have to be right, that's all. - Your composure gives me
goosebumps. What will you do? Driven by a new determination, I straightened up, my gaze
hard, my voice sharp. - My job. Talanus and Ysis have given us an important mission, human
lives are at stake. I will help Phoenix complete it, then I will resign. It will be better, for him as for
me. Terrified, Angela put her hand on my shoulder, no doubt wishing to give me a comfort that
would not reach me. - I'm not sure he'll accept. Even though you think he doesn't have feelings
for you, I know he values you as his assistant and friend. - Precisely, in both cases, he owes me
that. He knows that I will never reveal the existence of his kind, so I will be free to rebuild my
life. - Do you think you'll be better off being away from him? If you love him the way I think you
do, it won't be possible. And then, he will be unhappy too! "I could at least give it a try," I said in
a voice from beyond the grave, as if the prospect of leaving Phoenix would be like giving up the
pleasures of life. He will find another girl to assist him. I only hope that she will be less stupid
than me… There was another heavy silence. Angela understood that by disappearing from my
employer's life, I also made the choice to disappear from that of all those who had become over
the months, my new family. She knew perfectly well what this sacrifice cost me. This is how we
reversed the roles. With this decision, I was no longer afraid to face the enormous emptiness of
my future existence. I knew what to expect ... My friend, she did not see it that way. By
accepting my departure, she accepted to lose the sister that like me, she had never had and it
was too hard. Angela collapsed in tears in my arms, as I stroked her back to comfort her. -
When (sniff) accounts (sniff) do you tell him (sniff)? - I'll wait for the right moment. Our mission is
dangerous and I do not want to distract it with secondary concerns. I would also like you to keep
this to yourself if you are able. I know Francois loves you above all else, but his friendship with
Phoenix is too old for him to hide my intentions from him. As for Matthew, I'll talk to him about it
in due course. - I will do what you want… I will miss you so much! she whimpered, hugging me
even tighter. We stayed like that for a long time, as if to anticipate the horrible but inevitable
farewells that would soon arrive. Because I was determined. Undoubtedly, I was at the bottom
of a hole, of an abyss, what can I say, of an abyss of suffering, thrown there by the indifference
mixed with amusement of the one who had trampled without regard to the love that I for him
offered. But from where I was, I knew there was no point in feeling sorry for my plight. Leaving
was the best solution, leaving was the only solution ... I was therefore truly determined to free
myself from the chains holding me back to the vampire who had to wait impatiently for sunset to
speak to me, and who, unless there was a flash of lucidity on human feminine feelings, in this
case mine, could not suspect the consequences of its truth.

* At around five o'clock, I made my way home, empty soul and mind despite the feeling of
comfort provided by the shower and the clothes provided by Angela. I had no worries about the
inevitable discussion that was to follow as Phoenix couldn't hurt me more than I already was. In
fact, I intended to quickly dispatch the thing to advance our investigation which had dragged on
too long. In fact, hardly arrived, I sat down at his desk and resumed my research on the
Johnson and Abarnikov families. Our science contact being a vampire, I couldn't hope to get the
results of the dead woman's fingerprints and DNA before sunset. I was going to have to take my
pain patiently. After an hour of unsuccessful searches, Google's magic finally seemed to take
place to give me a clue. Indeed, after going to get me a glass of lemonade, I noticed that the
name "Abarnikov" appeared on the Kerington University website. Driven by a sudden intuition, it
seemed essential for to me look. On searching carefully, I discovered that Professor Stanley
Finnigan, a 20th century trade historian, had written a book on the great dynasties of traders in
the region. As I searched further, I came across an article published by Finnigan, in which
Abarnikov's name appeared. Apparently, the family had grown their business to become one of
the wealthiest dynasties in the county. Although exceptional, this glory was also very short;
between the stock market crash of 1929 and the crisis that followed, they had lost everything.
That's why history quickly forgot about them… until a sixty-year-old scholar took an interest in
them. The website of the faculty does not provide her contact details, I decided to call him back
the next day to put us in touch. If anyone could give me any information on a very old line of
Russian traders, it would be him. While waiting to see him in person, I was reading some of his
articles published on the net in order to get an idea of the character and from which angle to
approach him, when all of a sudden… - Samantha… Hearing this voice, I stiffened, without
raising the eyes from the computer screen, watching for my own reaction. Had I expected the
pain of the white-hot blade that my "hopes" would have been dashed, nothing happened. The
soul as parched as the heart, no matter how hard I delved into myself, I only found an immense
void patiently waiting to engulf me in its depths. I was in a condition to face Phoenix. Slowly, I
lifted my head and stared at him. Under the weight of it, he flinched. - Sam, I… With a wave of
my hand, I interrupted him. - As for what happened this morning, I told you the bottom of my
mind. To this I have nothing to add. You and I are too different to be really on the same
wavelength and that's what prevents a real friendship between us. I don't want to argue with you
anymore, so it's better to distance ourselves. From now on, I will only be your assistant and I will
help you as best as possible to find the members of the Circle of Mellindra. It will stop there. I
said it all without catching my breath and without even blinking. I had said it like a robot, curtly,
without showing any sign of emotional weakness. A real automaton! My speech must have been
convincing because the expression of my boss, as and when I spoke, broke down into a
succession of grimaces, each more expressive than the next: shock, bewilderment, incredulity,
grief. I, who had always dreamed that the usual mask of impassiveness would crack to allow me
to unravel his feelings, yet I would never have wanted it to happen that way. I had deeply hurt
him… But I had to remain realistic because in the story, suffering was more my radius than his.
After all, he was a vampire, unlike me, he would get over it. Moreover, given the embarrassment
that was looming, it was time to change the subject. - I have news about the Abarnikov family, a
historian from Kerington mentions this name in one of his books. I was thinking of calling
Kerington University tomorrow morning to get their contact details and find out more about
Mellindra's family… Ah, and I was about to call Dennis in the lab for the DNA results of our
tattooed victim. Phoenix still looked stunned from our previous exchange and seemed about to
say something important. However, at the last moment, he changed his mind and reapplied his
eternal impenetrable mask. It was clear, therefore, that the chapter of our old friendship was

* - Dennis Obson. - Good evening, Dennis, this is Samantha Jones. I come to the news,
Phoenix is getting impatient. I understood perfectly, while evolving in the world of vampires, that
it was not governed by the same codes of civility as in humans. With them, to get satisfaction, it
was better to forget the polite "hello, thank you, goodbye" and instead choose to show the
fangs. Since I didn't have any, I just mentioned my boss' ones to people and in general, the
magic worked. That for sure, patience was not his forte, it was common knowledge. Dennis,
who by the way was pretty cool as a blood drinker, hastened to reassure me of our
expectations. - Uh yes, yes, yes! I made these tests a priority, you can tell Phoenix that! Uh,
don't move, I'll find the file for you and fax it to you. Bam! In a panic, Dennis had dropped the
phone and I could hear him opening all his desk drawers, cursing like a carter against his utter
lack of tidiness. Slightly stressed this boy… - That's it! I heard him yell through the receiver
before hearing a series of electronic beeps and squeals. Two seconds later he was talking to
me again. - The fax is gone. It took a while to find out who it was because his fingerprints were
not in the police database. We had to dig deeper with DNA testing, but we finally found it. Her
name is Theodora Callidge, forty years old, no family, no criminal record. - How did you know
who she was? - Her DNA was similar to that of a woman who went missing thirty years ago, her
name was Moïra Callidge. The police never clarified the case. I would say Theodora is his
daughter. I turned my gaze to Phoenix who had collected all the sheets in the file. With a simple
nod from him, I knew what to do. - Alright, Dennis, we'll take a closer look. Destroy all your
copies of the documents and forget about this story. - Oh, that's fine. I hate trouble and I know
that it is better not to get too involved in the affairs of angels if you do not want to navigate it
until the end. So goodbye, Miss Jones. - Goodbye. As I hung up, I couldn't help but think that
Dennis was definitely right. Living with the local vampire angel had given me more than his fair
share of problems and bad shots and I had stubbornly stayed by his side. Either I was a
masochist or I was a first-rate jerk… Damn! It was about time it stopped, I had to solve this
case! - The disappearance of Theodora's mother goes back thirty years, like the wave of
murders perpetrated by Bill Miller and his henchmen. This is no coincidence, I pointed out to my
employer, who was already reading the material sent by Dennis Obson. - I had the same
reflection, it is not by chance. It fits with our hypothesis of a new Circle of Mellindra. You have to
dig on this side. Look for anything that can give us clues about this woman. For my part, I will
continue to dig into Coltrane's reports, you never know. I didn't have time to answer because the
ringing of my cell phone interrupted us. "Samantha Jones," I said, a little irritated that I was
stopped in my tracks. - I'm Seamus O'Malley, I need to talk to Phoenix, it's urgent. - Sorry, but
he's busy. Tell me what's wrong and if necessary, he will get back to you directly. - I don't like
talking to underlings, he called out to me. - Phoenix already has a lot of urgent business going.
If he hired me, it is precisely to avoid having to gut the clever little ones who would like to freeze.
So either you go through me or you get by! For the management of pests, between humans and
vampires, it's all the same. Do not hesitate to put them in their place. - Alright Alright ! I have a
friend, Phil Heathborn, he called me the other night to tell me he felt like we were spying on him,
but he wasn't one of us. I laughed at him telling him that humans were too foolish to see
anything vampire around them. - But still? I grew impatient, feeling my capital of kindness melt
like snow in the sun. I had better things to do than listen to this guy talk about the incredible
stupidity of the human race of which I was a part. - I arrive there. I had been trying to call him for
two days when tonight I decided to go to his place. I went to see where he was sleeping. Oh, it
wasn't complicated, you couldn't say it was very discreet as a hiding place. Phil is not very
smart… Anyway, if you want to know everything, there is a nice pile of ashes on his bed. The
guy who executed him left him no chance and besides being a bastard, he's a coward. Phil
might not have been a light, but he knew how to fight and his opponent certainly wouldn't have
succeeded if he had been awakened! Do you think this is enough to tell Phoenix?! he finished
ironically. - Where is it? I asked without raising the insolence. My employer, hearing the
conversation, froze like a statue. We both knew this murder was not a settling of scores
between vampires… In the middle of the day, it only meant one thing… - At 541 26th Street,
West Kerington. Ah, I was going to forget, above his bed there is a funny drawing that has been
painted. - Describe it to me. - It's weird, it looks like a car wheel… Almost jostling me in passing,
Phoenix grabbed the receiver and in his sharpest and deadliest velvet voice, addressed
Seamus directly: - Stay where you are. Yes, we are coming.

* Five minutes later, I had put on my coat, hat and gloves, taking great care to protect my face
from the cold of the altitude with a large woolen scarf. It was obvious that we were going to take
the air route to the western quarters of Kerington and I didn't want to relive the icy experience of
the drive to Kentwood. Phoenix had gone to get a big blanket. While waiting for him on the
steps, I checked that I had all my equipment, while thanking the sky for being so kind to the
weather. It was cold, yes, but at least there was no wind. Looking up, I saw it was a full moon
night. Faced with this mysterious star and the legends it generated, I shuddered. The Moon has
always been associated with the supernatural, bathing in its strange clarity frightening creatures
of darkness such as vampires or werewolves. I admit having devoured since my youth dozens
of books belonging to the fantastic genre, savoring the chills that these readings gave me while
being relieved that nothing that was written was real. If only I had known ... Now I was having
one of those supernatural adventures, and honestly, somewhere, I would have been fine.
Between the corpses, the beatings received and my heart broken by my boss with long teeth, I
could not say that my entry into this world was most enjoyable. On the other hand, I couldn't
look at the moon without thinking about my dreams and what Ysis said. According to her, the
Night had chosen me. At the time, I had taken her for crazy, but since I woke up in the hospital, I
suspected that it was more complicated than that. The latest events may have put the fear I had
felt after my nightmare in the library into the background, but I knew that at one point or another
I was going to have to face it again and understand. what Lethalée wanted from me. I had tried
to put on a good face though, it was all terrifying. But… one problem at a time! Especially since
behind me, Phoenix closed the front door, holding in his left arm a huge woolen blanket full of
mites and probably full of dust, coming from a room in the cellar which he used as a storage
room. Great! Besides putting up with being dicked down in this thing, I was going to have to
forget about my allergies if I didn't want to look like an ice cube in the shape of an assistant,
dripping from my nose and eyes. Sighing, I walked over to him. - Good, how do we proceed? In
response, he came towards me so quickly that I did not perceive the movement and that before
even realizing his actions, he had enveloped me warm. Surprised, I felt like a hot dog sausage a
little too warm; downright distressing! - Don't move, I'll carry you, he said. The image of the
sausage instantly disappeared and I refocused on the present moment. My boss put one of his
arms behind my back before lifting my legs with the other. Unable to move, I was totally at his
mercy. Some time ago, the furious pounding in my rib cage would have been enough to make a
whole disco dance. A little while earlier, too, this closeness would not have been a problem
because I trusted him blindly. Looking at him, I realized he was thinking the same thing when a
shadow of regret passed over his face. The next second, his clenched jaw and the inflexibility of
his eyes on mine made me wince involuntarily. - That way, you won't be cold. Thus, I will keep
the promise I made to my assistant to always protect her… if only to do honor to the ghost of
our friendship, he cut in a voice capable of freezing an iceberg. Perhaps if I hadn't been as
devastated as a field of ruins after a battle, I would have felt remorse at this bitter statement
about the end of our friendship. Maybe if my heart had been accessible to emotions, I would
have felt pity for the one I betrayed in some way. If he hadn't hurt me so much, maybe I would
have stayed by his side, as I had planned to do at the beginning. Maybes don't make a life…
Mine had to change… Slowly, I looked away to contemplate the moon again. It was strange,
she seemed to shine brighter than before, as if to illuminate our new relationship. And it was on
this last reflection that Phoenix took its impetus to reach the sky, and new torments ...

Chapter V: Origins

* - The cow! How did you manage to arrive so quickly? And where is your box? Hmm… Either
Seamus O'Malley had lived in a crypt for the past fifty years, or he didn't talk much to his
fellows. All the same! It was no secret that Phoenix knew how to fly! Besides, it impressed more
than one! I had received phone calls several times from other sector heads in the country,
promising my employer all the riches he wanted if he agreed to come and work for them.
Wasted effort for whatever reason, he had unwavering loyalty to Talanus and Ysis. - Don't ask
stupid questions and take us inside. After being so roundly called to order, O'Malley frowns,
squaring his head in the shoulders before leading us to the scene of the crime. - You could be
kind at least, I warn you that if we find a clue, it will be because he called us, I whispered
discreetly to my arrogant neighbor, grabbing him by the arm. - I'm here to do my job and not to
make feelings. Besides, It seemed to me that this was your new policy too, so don't lecture me!
Stunned by his retort, I froze and didn't even react when he released his arm. Phoenix never
spoke in front of witnesses in his personal life and he was a master at masking his emotions,
especially anger. This is why this allusion to my distancing sounded like a real accusation
against me. He was angry with me… terribly. - Do you understand that something about you? -
Have you touched or moved anything since you found Phil? Phoenix asked, ignoring our
witness's question. - No, I spend my time watching CSI DVDs Las Vegas, Manhattan, Miami
and company, it's not the first vampire crime scene that I discover! - If I may, how old are you? I
dared to question our witness. - Uh… that will make me ninety next month. My creator seemed
in a hurry to give me my independence. I do not know why. He was a real Dexter fan. For
hemoglobin buffs like vampires, this was hardly surprising. As for this quick emancipation,
without wanting to be mean to our friend Seamus, it was hardly surprising either. While Phoenix
rummaged around the secret room and around the house, I had to endure over an hour of
elated talk about techniques for studying blood splatter in a murder. Apart from the fact that this
subject put me to sleep, he had an unfortunate tendency to remind me of bad memories, in
particular the one where Karl had fun throwing me all over the castle walls last year, decided it
was to disarticulate me before murdering me. I had been horrified when I saw the blood
spattering the length of the hallway leading to Phoenix's office. It was he who had cleaned
everything; after he was done he'd been silent for hours… Anyway, here Seamus was seriously
starting to get on my nerves. Claiming to go help my boss, I left him without remorse. - Did you
find something? - Where is he? - I told him it was better for him to wait outside, he complied. -
Perfect, this bastard is of no use to us, except to pollute our ears! Anyway the members of the
Circle did their job well, there is no clue. A vampire's sleep is very deep, Phil didn't stand a
chance. - I now understand all the secrecy which surrounds your retirement. - This is the day
that we are most vulnerable. I can tell you that this secret is not revealed lightly. An
embarrassed silence punctuated this last sentence. Indeed, Phoenix had shown me the place
where he was hiding to sleep, a place which, moreover, had saved my life in front of Karl. It was
a testament to an absolute trust and friendship that had unfortunately passed away, and we
both knew it. - Um… what are we doing about this crime scene? I say to change the
conversation. Phoenix picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. - It's Phoenix… yes. I
need a team of cleaners in the West neighborhoods ... 541, 26th Street. He hung up and put his
cell phone away before heading for the exit. - Who was it? I asked, following in her footsteps. -
Vampires are trained to live without arousing the suspicion of their human neighborhood. They
know that if they are smart, the angels will pay them a little visit to teach them to respect the
rules of the Secret. When the lesson is final, the cleaners are useful to erase all traces. -
Radical but effective… - As you say… he concluded, opening the door for me. Not wanting to
listen to Seamus again believing himself in an episode of his favorite series, I quickly moved
away to let Phoenix sort out the noise issue of this event. If our witness had a minimum of
savvy, he would prefer to plant himself a stake in the heart than to have to undergo the wrath of
his angel if this one learned that he had not been able to hold his tongue. Sitting on an old tree
stump at the end of the small garden, I picked up my notepad and began to sketch out a draft
report to write for the next day. A few scribbles later, I couldn't explain a sudden feeling of
unease. I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end in reaction to a strange and oh
so unpleasant feeling of being watched. Tense to the maximum, I turned slowly to scan the
surroundings in search of any voyeur. At this hour, there was not a cat and the darkness and
silence that reigned in this too quiet neighborhood was starting to give me goosebumps. No
matter how I looked, there was no one there. Besides, when Phoenix came up behind me
making me jump, he didn't seem to have spotted anything. Had I dreamed? If a five hundred
year old vampire hadn't noticed, maybe he did. Tss! Definitely, living in their world was
something to become paranoid! Getting up, I shook myself to chase away the last thrills of this
feeling of being spied on and gave a real smile to my means of transport. - I'm ready, we go
when you want. I would gloss over Seamus' scared look when he saw us take off at full speed
through the air, it was kind of funny. However, a few times later, I didn't laugh at all when I
learned that this feeling of being spied on in the garden that evening was not one…

* But let's not go too quickly … When we got back to the castle, Phoenix and I knew that time
was fighting against us now. Indeed, we were already on the second vampire murder and we
still had no leads to help us find the Mellindra Circle marker. We did have Thomas Coltrane's
reports, but honestly, if the protagonists had changed, I didn't see how they could really help us.
Our investigation therefore risked, in addition to the danger, to be long enough to attract the
attention of the Greats. In any case, for this evening, it was the dead end. - What do we do
now? Phoenix was already getting down to Coltrane's reports and ignoring me. - I see… Well
well, I'll look for Moira and Théodora Callidge. Police and FBI databases will be able to help
us ... Silence. It was starting to become unbearable, we had to burst the abscess that was
festering between us. I might have decided to leave after I solved this case, but I didn't want to
leave my boss on bad terms. Although I no longer felt any mood, it was impossible for me to
work in such a stifling atmosphere. After all, we had been friends, Phoenix had no right to ignore
me like I was the last of his minions. - Have you decided not to speak to me again until the end
of time? I don't mean to be disparaging, but it's going to be difficult helping you find Mellindra's
Circle if we don't communicate. I had spoken more sharply than I would have liked and the
reaction was immediate. Slowly, he got up to face me and look me down from his full height.
When he turned his gaze of icy, relentless steel to mine, I suddenly felt my mouth go dry, a
physiological reaction to the sudden tension that came over me. I suddenly realized that the
obvious disrespect for my remark was going to backfire. - I never said I needed your help to
manage this case. It has been more than fifty years that I exercise the function of angel and
while you were not even born, I was entrusted with missions which are beyond your
comprehension. So what is beyond me is that you can really believe that you have a role to play
in the success of this investigation. You forget that I employ you to take notes and write reports,
nothing more. His speech struck me like a slap in the face. - I know you do not mean what you
say just as I know that by distancing myself from you, I betray a hard-won friendship. Yet you
will have to face the facts, we cannot be close because we are only hurting each other. Even
François preferred to throw in the towel in the face of our incessant arguments! It is thus, one
cannot change it; accept it. Now, I'm just your assistant, sure, but I swore to help you my best to
find the Circle and that's what I will, whether you like it or not. Phoenix had not stopped staring
at me throughout my tirade, the blue of his eyes trying to pierce my will to force me into
silence… in vain. After a silence that seemed interminable to me, he finally spoke. - And after ?
he asked me harshly, a white flash crossing the perfect ocean of his irises. - After what ?
Without warning, he grabbed me by the arms and forced me to keep his scrutinizing gaze. -
Once you help me with the Circle, what will you do? Unable to endure this interrogation any
longer, I felt a blush take hold of my cheeks as the embarrassment made me bow my head. I
had not planned to go that far in my explanations, I was not ready. - I… I don't know. A vigorous
shake greeted this response and made me gasp before my boss forced me to confront him
again. With his eyes glowing, his fangs sticking out and the anger he radiated, it looked like an
aura of fire surrounded him. I was petrified. - I want the truth, Sam! What will you do when this is
all over? He had almost screamed. Trapped in the noose of his embrace as well as the flames
dancing in his eyes, the flight was unthinkable. - I'll leave… At that moment, it was as if the last
link that united us to each other had broken. Phoenix stood still for a few seconds, then gently
pushed me away, turning away. A leaden screed had fallen on us. I hadn't wanted to tell him
that I was leaving, I wanted to do it at the right time. In the end, I realized that there would never
have been a good time and that pushing back the deadline would only have broken us more.
Only he could not know how much it had already destroyed me or how much it would destroy
me again. Unlike him, I had a human heart, alive, beating… loving. My feelings are not shared,
it would have ended sooner or later by ruining our relationship… thus returning to our current
situation. At least now we knew what to expect… - I'm sorry… I whispered. I couldn't see his
face… Maybe it was better that way. Only his shoulders heaved and fell as if to catch a breath
he had lost for half a millennium. Finally: - I heard everything you said. When the time comes, I
will help you accomplish your will, no vampire will seek to harm you anymore. You will be able
to live a normal life again… without me. The bitter taste of pain invaded my mouth as he spoke
these words. For a moment, I thought I was able to burst into tears… but nothing came. It was
even worse. The feeling of a bottomless pit inside of me intensified to the point that I really
wondered if my soul had not disappeared there. In my loneliness to come, I would have
preferred to be a lost soul rather than an empty shell evolving in nothingness. - I think it's best
that you take your evening. For tonight, I'll manage on my own. Everything was said. There was
nothing more to do. - As you wish. By taking the way out, I noticed that the review of our
situation had not relieved me at all. As I drive the Camaro towards Scarborough, I tell myself
that whatever I do now, my life will have no more happiness, no pain, no flavor…

* - It's late. Everything is fine? - Actually, I'm not sure. I can enter? Matthew didn't hesitate a
moment and stepped aside to let me pass. He seemed to have put on his clothes in a hurry as a
section of his T-shirt protruded over his black jeans. It was a little after midnight, I must have
disturbed him while he was sleeping. - Excuse me for waking you up… I needed to see a
friendly face. Matthew gave me the smile I expected and then helped me take off my coat. He
was a real gentleman. - You don't have to apologize, my door is always open to you. It doesn't
matter what time. The advantage with his door, precisely, was that it opened onto an apartment
he occupied alone. He and Danny had done chores so that everyone had their personal space
at the end of the day. So they didn't feel like they were on top of each other all the time and they
never argued. After climbing the stairs to his estate, I settled into the comfortable black leather
sofa in the living room while my host left to get us drinks. - Forgive me if I only have lemonade
to offer you, Danny has raid my fridge. He had forgotten to do his shopping again, for a
change… The way in which he rolled his eyes with an exasperated look on his adoptive father's
carelessness touched me. There was a lot of love between them. - Tell me everything, said my
friend, sitting down. What to say? I couldn't tell him the truth or put him in danger. In fact, to
empty my bag, it would have been better if I chose Angela but I didn't want to be in the
presence of Francois. He wouldn't have understood my choice. Either way, Phoenix would talk
to him about it sooner or later then… - I don't think I am so happy to be in my thirties, I tried to
drown the fish. To be honest, I didn't want to let myself go, I just wanted to clear my mind in the
company of a friend. That was without counting Matthew, of course. - Perhaps it's also because
at thirty, you saw yourself married to Aydan and her departure after your birthday marked a
definitive break between you. Now you have to envision a future without him and this stranger
scares you. Mute by this analysis, I almost forgot that I was holding my glass two centimeters
from my mouth. Unbelievable… Despite all the lies I had served him, Matthew had put his finger
on the truth; this truth that had crushed me. I believed that by being away from the world of the
night, my friend could never understand me… In fact, he was the only one to have pierced me in
the daytime. And this without even knowing it. - Hmm… Sigmund Freud, get out of this body! I
joked to try to regain my composure. - In general, I am good at deciphering the emotions of the
people around me. - I see… Faced with my silence, he put an arm around my shoulders and
hugged me. - You'll see, it'll work out eventually. And then you're not alone, you have us, Angela
and me. - I've abandoned you a bit lately. - Do not talk nonsense. You have responsibilities
towards your grandfather, we are well aware of that. We stayed like that for a few minutes,
without speaking. Finding myself against him like this after his comforting words did me a lot of
good and I savored the feeling of peace that this closeness gave me. Besides, I realized that my
friend also smelled very good. His scent was unlike Phoenix's, but it was just as pleasant to be
enveloped in it. I felt good. - Thanks, Matthew. - And of what? - To be what you are. He
stiffened. The next moment, he had moved away from me, his face dark. - What I am… he
repeated. Slightly worried about this reversal, I took his hand in mine and with the other, gently
grabbed his chin to force him to face me. - Something is wrong? You know you can confide in
me too. Matthew hesitated for a second. - I tried to hide it, but it's been some time that morale is
not good. - We had to talk to us right away, to Angela or to me! - Angela is very busy after her
work, she spends all her time with François. I can't blame her, I'm too happy for her. As for you,
I didn't want to spoil your return and your birthday with my problems. - You knew how to listen to
me when I needed it, it's my turn to do it. Tell me what's bothering you. Matthew finished his
glass of lemonade and went to his bar for a bottle of gin. It was the first time I had seen him
drink alcohol, it really couldn't be too strong. After taking my last sips of soda, I handed him my
empty glass. - Serve me too, a double! After the discussion with my employer, I realized that I
really needed a pick-me-up. Matthew drained his glass all at once. Courageous but not
reckless, I preferred to refrain from imitating her immediately… - I start thinking about my
biological parents. This ignorance of my origins obsesses me and I see it badly. Without
thinking, I overrode my decision… and immediately regretted it. My friend had to slap me on the
back to help me get over the coughing fit triggered by the too rapid absorption of this twist. - I…
thought… that it was behind you and that you had made up your mind, I managed to say.
Matthew sighed. - I thought so too. I think when I went to see you at the hospital, I wondered
who I would like to see in my room if I had been you. There was Danny and you, of course… but
I realized that was not enough. He had looked away. I couldn't leave him like that without
reacting. - I'll help you find your parents. - It's nice, but no matter how much I did all the
administrative procedures possible, I failed. Without wanting to offend you, I don't see how you
would do it. A tear beaded on his right eye, finally sealing my determination. - To this I will only
answer you that I have means that you do not have. And before he formulated his question
aloud, I gently put my hand on his lips. - Don't ask a question, just accept the help I offer. It's the
least I can do. Despite the doubt hovering in her hazel eyes, he didn't try to counter-argue. My
hand had stayed in one place and we were staring at each other. He was my friend, I wanted to
do something for him; those were the thoughts that filled my mind at that moment. But to be
honest, I had to admit that being so close to him, I couldn't help but agree with the people of
Scarborough; Matthew was splendid, in every way ... - Alright, I'll show you all the documents
I've collected. He got up and went to get something in his TV cabinet. - In the meantime, he
continued, I offer you a DVD marathon. The Heroes have been lying around in my drawer for a
long time without having had time to remove the packaging. What do you think? Despite the
amount of work that awaited me the next day and the days to come, I could only smile at him
frankly. - If you're going to get us one of your boxes of Ginger candy, that's fine with me.

* When I awoke the next day, it was past ten o'clock. The sun bathed Matthew's living room in
soft light and a few birds could be heard singing. In fact, it was those feathered brawlers that
woke me from sleep. I loved animals but for some reason I didn't really appreciate birds… if it
wasn't on the plate. As I sat up, I stretched and yawned. Matthew had covered me with a plaid
and had gone very far in gallantry by slipping a pillow under my head. It has been a while since I
slept so well. My mind still a little cloudy, I stretch my legs as I walked around the room,
stopping in front of a small console on which were arranged many photo frames. I smiled when I
saw the one where he couldn't have been more than five years old. Danny was holding him on
his knees and tickling him. The two were laughing out loud. There were others, including the
one where he posed with his father to celebrate his graduation diploma. The tears of pride on
the latter's cheeks reflected the intense happiness of this shared moment. Finally, I grabbed a
frame that was smaller but more finely crafted than the others: it was a photo of our trio. The
three of us stood by the waist and each made a horrible face. Matthew squinted, Angela
wrinkled her nose and mouth into a snout, and as for me, I had pulled out an old classic: I was
touching my nose with the tip of my tongue. Real kids… I stopped the unfolding of my memories
when I heard the front door activate. Seconds later, Matthew appeared in the room, holding a
bag and a tray with cups. In both cases, the smell they exhaled was exquisite. - Breakfast! he
trumpeted, shaking the bag. Donuts and hot chocolate! - It's too nice, you shouldn't! I said as I
put down our grimacing portrait and walked over to him. - I tried not to make too much noise so
as not to wake you up when you went to work, but considering how you snored, I could have
played the jackhammer in the room without it disturbing you! - WHAT?! Damn, what a shame!
Matthew was writhing in laughter as he arranged the food on the table. No danger that I touch it,
my stomach could not stand the humiliation! - If you could see your face! Looks like you're
hesitating between tomato red and apple green! - And what would you do if we told you that you
were breathing like a Boeing engine? I offended myself. - Hehe Calm down, it was a joke! You
slept soundly, yes, but you didn't snore. I just wanted to see how you would react. You are so
quickly embarrassed! Relieved but not totally at ease, I glared at him. - Your sense of humor will
always surprise me! In response, Matthew stared at me cheerfully, biting into a donut. Rolling
my eyes, I sat down across from him and followed suit. - Have you been to Hamilton's? - Yes.
There's no denying it, this is the best cafe in the area. As I savored my lunch, I tell myself that I
definitely had an extraordinary friend. He had left his job to go stand in line at Hamilton and give
me a delicious morning. He was a perfect host. - I took advantage that Danny was busy in his
kitchen to recover the documents concerning my adoption and my biological family. I decided to
start all of this from scratch. - Don't forget that I promised to help you. - You don't have to, you
have to take care of your grandfather too. - My grandfather is going through a period where he
feels fit enough to give me more free time. How I want to spend this time is up to me. And I want
to help you. His gaze on me was crystal clear: he was touched by my proposal even though he
strongly doubted the success of our company. - Very well. I know you have to be home for the
sunset so I suggest you organize my schedule around yours. I will arrange to be free at the
beginning of the afternoon. Are you okay if we start tomorrow? - Are you sure it won't affect your
job? - No. Besides, Danny was already running this restaurant when I didn't know how to count,
he joked. - How do you think he's going to take it? - I'm not going to talk to him about it right
away, there's no point in worrying him. Matthew frowns. He deeply respected his adoptive father
and did not want to hurt him by reactivating his research on his origins. - As you wish. I wasn't
necessarily comfortable with other people's secrets (I already had a lot to do with that of
vampires' existence) so I hoped to quickly get this research done one way or the other. Matthew
had exhausted all recourse available to him, but I had computer, police, and vampire resources
he had no idea of. With a little luck… The problem was mostly my boss. Phoenix surely wouldn't
agree to endanger our cover for a simple case of human conscience already, but if on top of
that this came from Matthew, whom he hated, he would refuse all the more. Therefore, I couldn't
tell him anything immediately. I was going to have to play tight to handle it all. Basically, my
nights and mornings would be devoted to the Circle of Mellindra and my afternoons to
Matthew's parents. Strangely, at the end of this reflection, the donut I had greedily swallowed
gave me a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

* After we finished our breakfast, Matthew and I decided it was time to get back to work. For my
part, I first needed a shower! Once home, I relaxed under the waves of my cabin in anticipation
of the hard work that awaited me. It was around half past eleven, I had to hurry to call Kerington
University. I put on a pantsuit and ballet flats, went down to Phoenix's office, and was surprised
to find a real dump there. Indeed, the boxes, still sealed and until then carefully stacked so as
not to mix them with those already treated, lay on the ground half-gutted, their contents
scattered on the ground. Puzzled, I wondered what could have happened here. Either a tornado
had hit the room, or my employer had spent his nerves on Coltrane's reports. At the same time,
even the sweetest of lambs would have ended up eating these files because they were so
horribly written. Tss! As if, in addition to my research, I needed to tidy up all this mess!
Shrugging, I stepped over it before grabbing the phone from the desk. I'll take care of that later.
Right now, I had to call college to get Stanley Finnigan's contact information. A few beeps and
secretaries later, I heard: - Mr. Finnigan's office, Maria, what can I do for you? - Hello, is it
possible to speak with Doctor Finnigan please? - I'm sorry, Mr. Finnigan doesn't want to be
disturbed. But you can leave me your message, name and contact details and he will call you
back as soon as he can. Great. Suffice to say that he would never call me back. From
experience, I knew that university teachers were so absorbed in their research that they forgot
the administrative side of their work. One of mine, moreover, tended to forget to come and teach
us all the time and we had to constantly go and get him from the library. My studies were over,
and there I didn't have time to play. I was going to have to pull out one more big lie to win my
case. - My name is Samantha Jones and I am a journalist. I recently did a report on a Russian
association of amateur historians based in Toura, Siberia, and I would like to hear Mr Finnigan's
reaction to their project to build a museum bearing his name. I guess he knows. There was a
silence during which his brain had to work at full speed. I held my breath. Playing with the
sometimes over-sized egos of some college tenors could be risky… - I'll see if Mr. Finnigan can
take you on the phone. … Or paid. A minute later, a male voice was heard. - Professor Stanley
Finnigan, to whom do I have the honor? A little pompous as a welcome ... Finally, I had done
well to play flattery, I had fallen on the right number in the matter. – Mr. Finnigan, Samantha
Jones. I apologize for disturbing you in the middle of your work, but as I told your secretary, I
would like to meet with you to discuss with you the plan of some inhabitants of the town of
Toura, in Siberia, to erect a museum. bearing your name. The quavering voice of false modesty,
he finally reacted: - Oh but, it's a great honor for someone like me. I don't understand… Well
let's see… Since he wanted compliments, we might as well put him in good conditions so that
he accepts to receive me. - It seems that your book on the genealogies of merchants pleased
them very much, especially since few people are interested in this field and even less in this
period. They were very satisfied to see the heart and the meticulousness that you put into your
work. Therefore, they have decided to open their museum of the sea by paying tribute to your
work. It seemed unnecessary to say that Toura was by no means a coastal town. I had to be
quick and the first point to have challenged me on a Siberian map drawn from the net, it was
this one. I didn't want to take the risk of talking about big cities either, because if he asked me
about it, he would have suspected that I had never set foot in Russia. Fortunately, my fears
were quickly assuaged. As Finnigan began to stammer with pleasure, I took the opportunity to
gain ground. - Besides, they were particularly interested in a family of Russian origin… Let me
check my notes… (to give the change, I waited a few seconds while scribbling in my notebook)
Ah yes! It's Aber… Abra… nikov, I believe. - The Abarnikov family? - Yes, that's it! They were
just disappointed that you didn't expand on the subject further because one of their members is
descended from the great-uncle of the grand-niece-in-law granddaughter of Irwin Abarnikov's
aunt. You might as well drown the fish in a pool of ancestors! - Uh… can you repeat that for
me? Won! The teacher was unsettled by my crazy genealogy, it was time to play it all for all. -
Before submitting their project to the town hall, the members of the association asked me to
contact you to find out a little more about this family. They are very kind old people so I
promised them that I would do my best to please them. It's okay to please old people, don't you
think? Purely rhetorical question, I wanted to play on the sensitive chord to force it to abound in
my direction. - It's obvious ... he said although a little hesitant. - Perfect. When are you available
for us to do our interview? Museum, tribute, interview… I had used the most beautiful words that
a researcher in need of recognition could hear. - Well… Come on, he had to make up his mind!
Damn, after all this cinema, I didn't see how to convince him anymore! Finally: - It's Tuesday. I'm
going to a seminar in Washington tomorrow… Monday 29th, I can block my morning for you.
Come at ten o'clock and talk to the reception of the university, they will direct you to me. - It's
perfect (I really meant it because during that time, I could help Matthew with his own
genealogy). So to January 29, professor. - Goodbye. I hung up quickly, proud of myself. It made
me wonder if I didn't have a knack for making people believe anything. I just had to get into
politics! Laughing at my own slyness, however, I had to regain my seriousness as I remembered
the mess that was patiently waiting to be tidied up. Honestly, it took me a good hour to tidy up
the office. Phoenix had really let off steam and shattered several boxes of Coltrane archives.
Fortunately, these had been in the "already searched" pile. We just had to hope that we wouldn't
need it in the future. I burned the torn pieces in the fireplace. Either way, their content was
unreadable; the angel Thomas must have been a repressed left-hander or something. Only a
vampire could read crushed fly paws for writing. Even there, my employer threw in the towel ...
violently, what's more. It was strange all the same, it was not like him to lose his temper like
this… especially for stories more interesting by their stylistic and lyrical flights than by their
content. Finally! The one who could tell what was going on in Phoenix's head had yet to be
born. I was sure that even Finn, his creator, didn't know him that well. Sherlock Holmes would
have been delighted to live with such a walking enigma… much stronger in the end than old
Moriarty, and much more dangerous. As I admired the result of my efforts, I hoped that the
cleanliness of the room would put my boss in a better mood than the day before. He would end
up accepting the prospect of my leaving. As I began to hear my stomach crying out for famine
around one o'clock, I set out to cook myself a good meal. So I grabbed a turkey cutlet from the
fridge and sautéed it in the pan with butter, cream and peas. While waiting for it to cook, I
nibbled on bread while listening to the news on the radio. I had dropped out of the football
section and I let my mind wander and savor the delicious aromas of cooking that tickled my
nose. I had come to my share of lemon pie later when another news flash caught my attention.
The reporter said that another child had been reported missing from Kerington and that police
feared the last four were kidnappings. The little ones were all under ten ... Disgusted by human
baseness, I got up to turn off the post. Hearing Cory Meaney's description had purely cut my
appetite. How could you go after children? Something escaped me… No matter what we said
about the beauty of the human race, animals were often less cruel to each other. As I put my
dishes away, I couldn't help but think that monstrosity, some humans were comparing it to the
most bloodthirsty vampires… Back in Phoenix's office, I spent the rest of the day to search in
the databases of the police and the FBI all the documents concerning Moïra and Théodora
Callidge. The second not having a criminal record, I had mainly focused on the first. Moïra had
disappeared on returning home, late at night. She worked as a waitress in a bar during the night
and was a cashier in a convenience store during the day. She had to hold two jobs in order to
be able to properly raise her ten-year-old daughter, Theodora, whose father had abandoned
them when the latter was born. After Moïra's death, her daughter was placed from foster home
to foster home, further destabilizing a childhood already marked by ordeal. She seemed to have
gotten through it though, because I discovered that she had become medical secretary at
Kentwood. We would have to go there with Phoenix to question his employers and his
neighbors after having searched his house. I should be discreet going there… Not that I would
be recognized! For sure, even Mr Schmidt, who lived next door to us, had never been able to
remember what I looked like! No, I was mainly thinking of Engara's threat. If she saw me in
Kentwood, she would kill me… it wasn't empty talk. As if I didn't already have enough worries in
my head! Speaking of which… - Hello, Sam, do you have any news? Looking up at my
employer, I scrutinized him to determine his mood. He had put on one of his beautiful black suits
and as usual, hadn't bothered to put on a tie. His white shirt was not buttoned to the top, which,
without taking away his elegance, on the contrary gave him a most effective sex appeal. His
steel eyes fixed on mine pierced me as if to challenge me to read them. It was looking bad.
Turning my attention back to Theodora Callidge's file, I replied: - Hello, Phoenix. I managed to
contact Professor Finnigan at Kerington University. We have an appointment in two weeks to
discuss the Abarnikov family, I hope he will give us some information on their descendants. And
I researched the Callidge. The daughter, Theodora, lived in Kentwood; I have her personal
address and that of the doctor's office where she worked. I checked the local police database, it
doesn't appear that we have reported her disappearance, so we can go and search her house.
We'll just have to be discreet because of your hysterical ex. Mad as she is, you should have
taken care of her before abandoning her, that one! I had mentioned Engara in this way to relax
a rather heavy atmosphere, but seeing him frown, I knew I had missed my point. - Looks like all
you remember about Engara is that we've been lovers. Why are you so interested in the
relationship I had with her? he asked as he approached me, gazing at me with disdain. I had to
find a solution to this trick question so as not to make a fool of myself, but something
unexpected happened: the flame of jealousy suddenly burned inside me, devouring me from the
inside, and pushing me to stand up to bury my accuser. under the reproach. - I don't care about
your sexual exploits if you want to know! I am simply amazed that with your five hundred years
and your life experience, you lacked so much discernment in the choice of your mistresses!
Come on, between a bitch in a thong and a merciless slave, we can say that you have a sacred
picture of hunting! Because of you and your natural callousness, I am in the crosshairs of one of
the many heartbreaking women! I did not deserve this! Phoenix pushed me back sharply in the
chair and leaned forward to come up to me. As he stood on the armrests, our faces were only
inches apart, expressing terror for mine, fury for his. Faced with the intensity of his gaze
stabbing me and the threat of his fangs, my heart raced to the point that for the first time in a
long time, I feared he would hurt me. His shoulders heaved and dropped as if he wanted to
regain his composure through a breathing exercise, but he couldn't suppress a low, violent
growl. - Where did you spend the night? Disconcerted by the incongruity of the request, I just
stared at Phoenix, shaking, which didn't help her mood. - Or?! he repeated, drawing his lips a
little closer to his already all too visible fangs. - Matthew's ... I stammered. Immediately his jaw
clenched as his eyes shone brighter. What scared me the most was seeing the knuckles of his
fingers turning white under the pressure he put on the armrests, the squeaks of which implied a
proper crush. He kept silence to contain himself, but at that moment, I would have preferred him
to insult me by yelling at me. Finally, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the light
had disappeared leaving instead an azure tinged with a bitterness that froze me. - You see,
that's the difference between us because despite the end of our friendship, I continue to respect
you. Yesterday, not seeing you come back, I thought you had left town, I even called François at
Angela's to find out if you had come to see them. Since he sensed that something was up, he
only decided to answer me when I told him about your decision to distance yourself. As a result,
he came to the castle and I had to endure an hour of sermon! I guarantee you that it took all my
self-control so that I didn't jump at his throat ... especially since I was grateful to him for letting
me know that he had seen the Camaro parked in front of the house of your friend. In short, all
this to say that in gratitude for worrying about you, you overwhelm me with reproaches, each
one more unfounded than the next! Even if it is none of your business what I'm about to say, I
want to dot the "i's". First, I did not sleep with the woman in the hotel and second, I was indeed
wrong about Engara, but I rectified my mistake when I understood how her cruelty was matched
only by her madness! I do not deny having difficulties expressing my feelings, nor having had
many short-lived adventures, but what you accuse me of ... If this is how you see me, I tell
myself that indeed, we have nothing in common, and that our friendship was only a vain illusion.
With that, Phoenix stared at me one last time, then left the room. His speech, an echo of the
one I had served him the day before, tore me far more than his reaction when I had tried to
seduce him, and in the nothingness of my heart, a flash of suffering of unimaginable violence ,
nailed me in place. Unable to hold it any longer, I unlocked the access to my eyes and the
shock caused by this discussion could pour out. For a long time, I let the sobs and tears make
their way out of me, only interrupting them to grab new tissues from the desk drawers. I realized
that in the story, I had only taken into account my pain, without thinking of his. My management
of it had pushed me to tell him horrors while deep down, I continued to love him in spite of
myself. I had left with the idea that he would put up with the situation very well and that he would
recover very quickly from my departure, hence my aggressive reactions towards him. However,
this was not the case. And it would be all the more difficult to leave him. I had to go find him. He
had to forgive me. I got up painfully, and managed to run my legs still numb with shock to go to
the kitchen, then to the living room without finding anyone there. I then went to inspect the cellar
to see if Phoenix hadn't chosen to run his nerves on his bag of sand; no one. Finally, I went
upstairs. The now familiar hallways of what I had considered my new home suddenly felt longer
as I approached my departure. I was going to miss everything here, starting with the owner. As I
walked past my room, I remembered when Karl had injured me, forcing Phoenix to perform the
blood exchange. Far from blushing, I only felt gratitude towards the one who had not hesitated
to weaken in order to heal me. And I no longer counted all the times he had done it. Suffering
had made me ungrateful. As I pushed open the library door, I remembered the first time I had
entered it. My new employer had directed me there to prevent me from running away ... perhaps
he also understood that by sharing the same passion for books, we would come to understand
each other, and that I would be able to accept my new responsibilities. It was therefore by
pushing open the library door that I resolved to behave towards him as he deserved. And it was
when I pushed open this door that I saw him… He was standing in front of the window, looking
out. I couldn't have said what he was thinking but I was sure I had really disappointed him.
Noticing my presence, he turned around. When our eyes met, all the excuses I had prepared
while searching for him seemed bland and inappropriate. The words, at that moment, would
have had no consistency. I only had one thing left to do ... I walked resolutely in his direction. He
must have thought I was going to speak because he was staring at me without understanding
my intentions. I didn't bother to explain them to him, I just threw myself in his arms… - I beg
your pardon, I behaved like an idiot. I squeezed Phoenix with all my strength, as if I wanted to
merge into him. All I wanted was for him to see me again as a trustworthy person, not a rude,
disrespectful ungrateful. I waited a long time like this, sniffing against his shoulder, before he
decided to put his arms around me and hug me back. At that moment, if he had crushed me
against him, I would have died relieved… - Sam, I… - Phoenix, I interrupted. I'm so sorry, I
behaved badly when you didn't deserve it. It is not your fault that we are so different. You are an
independent vampire and I am far too complicated a human. I believe that by making you
responsible for my disappointments, I was able to cope better with the situation. It was childish
of me. He put his hands on my arms to gently pull me away and in his velvet voice said: - You
don't have to go. Even though his statement warmed my heart (at least what was left of it), I
couldn't help but think that he might have asked me to stay. I gave him a weak smile. - It would
not be the best solution, your world is not mine. An awkward silence settled between us when
he nodded to signify his agreement to what would happen next. During this short period of time,
I felt emptiness settle in me again and my feelings repressed far into its abyss. The time would
come when I too would fall into its depths.

* - Come, it's time to go to Mrs. Callidge's to investigate her double life. I gladly accepted the
hand he held out to me and followed him out. The drive to Kentwood was much quicker than
last time in the sense that I could admire the scenery wrapped up in my big woolen blanket,
without fear of hypothermia. So we landed in the same wasteland and Phoenix hid the blanket
behind a tree. I had submitted to my employer my doubts about the choice of the place for the
landing given that we were very close to the home of Engara, but the latter only shrug his
shoulders: - Except parading in front of her mirror remembering the glorious days of cotton
plantations, she does not do much with her nights. No worries on that side. I raised my
eyebrows. Definitely, if he had ever carried Engara in his heart, it was really no longer relevant.
We took a good half hour before reaching our destination. It was about time we arrived because
I was starting to no longer feel my feet and my hands despite my protection against the cold.
Théodora Callidge lived a few blocks from my old neighborhood, in a bungalow of modest
dimensions, but with a welcoming feel with its small garden and vegetable patch. - There is no
one around… We will be able to enter from behind. While ordinary burglars should have used
tools to force the lock on the door in question, my employer just pushed lightly on it. The
ominous crackle of the wood told us that the operation was a success. Inside, we turned on our
flashlights and started walking in the dark. Phoenix was ahead of me. Arriving in the living room,
he informed me of the situation. - Someone came before us. When I joined him, I thought at first
that he was making me walk; nothing seemed to have been moved in the room and the home
theater was still in its place. However, on closer inspection, I saw that the desk drawers were
open and empty. They had been searched. - I have enough to take fingerprints. And on your
side? I wasn't surprised to hear my boss sniffing the space for suspicious smells. - I smell a
smell of perspiration, masked by a strong perfume. - It may be Theodora's. Phoenix inhaled
again, closing his eyes. - No, both are from the same man. There is an after-shave smell. It
seems to me that this woman lived alone, so it can only be a visitor. Following this very decided
verdict, I tried to feel something too. Phoenix saw me. - So? he asked me, smiling. - Pretentious
... I replied, returning to my prints. Some time later, I went to find him in our victim's room. - I did
not like it, the guy must be good. I did not find anything in the living room or in the kitchen. - The
guys… There were two of them. - Is that so? - The smell that reigns here is more pronounced,
especially on the bed. Looks like a mixture of musk and honey. In my opinion, this man had an
affair with Theodora and he erased all traces of her passage. He must have known that I would
end up coming here. Somewhat confused by the delicacy of the forensic analysis, I allowed
myself to ask a question: - I do not mind that his scent is more pronounced, but how do you
come to the conclusion that they were lovers? They could just be… say, friends. Although I was
used to it, seeing my employer roll my eyes at my manifest lack of intelligence made me cringe.
- I don't just smell like skin on the bed, Samantha… - Well then… oh, Oh! I exclaimed, blushing
furiously as the light finally dawned on my mind. Suddenly, I no longer felt I belonged in this
room. Searching through a dead woman's belongings was already pretty difficult, but talking
about her sex life made me feel sick. I wanted to go out. - Don't you have a job to do in this
room? an amused voice called me to order. God! I had to pass the product to reveal the prints.
Phoenix knew that and he would laugh at me if I blushed again. Out of the question! I was going
to show him that I was not a chick! Coming back, I scorned his smirk as I concentrated on my
task. But in vain I put my heart into the work, there too, I found no imprint. As if they were
making love with gloves on! I thought, frustrated at my failure. Then, I reflected on my boss's
remark about the smell of fluid he had smelled on Theodora's sheets. If the two lovers had had
sex before her death and the sheets had not been changed, maybe we had a possibility of
finding a DNA trace of his partner. With a little luck, this one was not a follower of the detective
series of all kinds which were diffused at the moment and had not thought to mask these traces
there. Without waiting, I put on more gloves and took off the bed set. My operation caught the
attention of my attendant who was watching me from the dressing room with a puzzled air. - I
knew you liked everything to be tidy, but not that you were that freakish. - Don't talk stupid! I
take the bedding and give it to Dennis Obson. If there's semen on it, he might be able to find the
owner. The look that my boss gave me, I could not help but give him a carnivorous smile. -
What! Don't tell me you haven't thought about it! Otherwise I don't see what use is your
Superman sense of smell. Rolling his eyes, he nevertheless came to help me fold everything. I
was proud of myself. - And now? I say after we have finished searching all the rooms. - We're
going to the lab. It's been a while since I've seen old Dennis in the flesh, he'll be happy to do me
a favor. Tomorrow, I will leave it to you to contact the doctor's office where this woman worked. -
Very well. Crossing the living room to reach the exit, I stopped in front of a display stand with a
single photo. A woman was holding a little girl with blond hair in her arms and kissing her on the
cheek. Immediately, I realized that it was the only memory Theodora had of her mother, who
had been murdered thirty years earlier. And I understood that if she had joined the Circle, it had
to be to avenge her. - We're not all monsters, Samantha… I hadn't heard Phoenix coming back
to me. He must have seen the mixed feelings that the Circle of Mellindra inspired in me because
no matter how much I fought it, part of me understood the motives of these people. If I had been
in their shoes, perhaps I would have acted like them. In a way, I should have been on their side
since I was human and therefore a potential prey for vampires, yet I didn't approve of them
placing hatred at the heart of their destiny. And then… the vampires I was around weren't
monsters, but my friends. I put the frame back on its plinth. My employer seemed to be watching
for my reaction, as if he was afraid that I would change sides. "I know, Phoenix," I reassured
him. Without regret, I left the place, passing in front of him. As we headed for Kerington, where
Dennis Obson's vampiric laboratory was located, we flew over my old neighborhood, let alone
the street of my childhood. - You want me to stop? I must have stopped breathing as I passed
over my old house because my mentor noticed my confusion. He knew me too well. - It does not
bother you? - Take the time you need. He lands. Although nervous, I thanked him with a smile
before facing my past. Despite the cold, I remained motionless in front of the family home, the
setting of a happy childhood although marked by loneliness. At that moment, the loss of my
parents was sorely felt even though my inner nothingness prevented me from crying. They had
always been there for me educating me, encouraging me, loving me. Their death had almost
destroyed me, especially in their absence, no one was paying attention to me. Somehow, by
kidnapping me, Phoenix had made me happier than I had ever been. But like everything else,
those days were over. Several months earlier, I had sold all my belongings, making everyone
believe that I was going to settle abroad. There had been no one to hear me… because no one
cared. At that point, it would have seemed inconceivable to me to leave Scarborough… I was
there in my thoughts when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. No need to wonder who it
belonged to, I just nodded in thanks. When I told him that I would be leaving after our
investigation, Phoenix understood that I wouldn't be coming back to Kentwood either, and that
in addition to abandoning loved ones, I would leave everything that made me who I was. I
grabbed his hand and squeezed it in mine. - I'm strong, everything will be fine. I promise you, I
whispered. - I know. On one last look at my old life, I let him wrap me in the "special night flight"
blanket, and remained silent the entire ride that brought me back to my present.

* - Good evening, Dennis, I still have work for you. It was very, very late when we arrived at the
Kerington underground vampire lab. Located in a secret wing inside a building belonging to
Talanus and Ysis, the place was a veritable fortress guarded by an elite of long-toothed security
guards. To get there, you had to enter an elevator which, at first glance, seemed quite normal,
but which, in fact, had the peculiarity of opening from both sides. Thus, the human workers in
the offices of the company that rented the floors entered and exited through the normal door,
while the others entered the apparatus without ever pressing the up button. Phoenix had
informed me of this ploy borrowed from the movie Men in Black and I found it very ingenious. Of
course, my enthusiasm faltered somewhat when one of the guards tried to get overzealous and
rushed at me all fangs out. Fortunately my employer had been faster; with a cuff on the back of
his neck, he knocked him out outright. I was sure to have heard neck cracking during the
operation ... His colleagues having recognized their angel, quickly understood that I was not just
a simple human too curious and let us pass by apologizing for the stupidity of their colleague.
The latter would wake up with a bad headache, but might still consider himself lucky that she
was still attached to the base of his neck. We must always think before acting ... In short, my
boss guided me through a maze of corridors leading to large rooms where worked guys in white
coats with test tubes. - What are all these people doing? I asked. - Talanus and Ysis have given
me permission to bring you to this place, but not to reveal its activities to you. He hadn't said
that to me badly, but I was a little disappointed that I couldn't satisfy my curiosity. - Maybe it's
better that way, he said, looking mysterious. His expression made me think I wouldn't like the
truth. Eventually, whatever was going on in that lab, I ended up agreeing with my guide: I didn't
want to know more. - Phoenix! Co… how good to see you! If Dennis weren't already dead, I
would have sworn, when we burst into the room he worked, that he had turned pale. Obviously,
he was terrified of my employer. Without preamble, the latter threw in his face all the bed set we
had taken from Theodora and did not feel embarrassed when poor Dennis almost fell
backwards. - There must be semen on it. Take a sample and tell me who owns this DNA, it's
urgent. - Talanus and Ysis gave me another job. If it's not done on time, I… - It will wait. My
business is priority, they will understand your delay. Phoenix was already turning around. For an
express visit, it was an express visit; I was a little confused. As we walked through the door I
heard: - You know DNA analysis takes time and if the person is not in the police databases it
will be difficult to identify him. I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee you anything. My boss's
reactions were much sharper than mine, so I couldn't brake my feet quickly enough and hit him
head-on when he turned to Dennis. Its eyes gleamed dangerously and its sharp fangs promised
excruciating pain and death to anyone who came too close. - In your interest, it would be
desirable for your work to be fast and efficient! If I myself shuddered at this threat which was not
addressed to me, I preferred not to turn around to see the reaction of its true recipient. In my
opinion, poor Dennis must have clung to his desk so as not to faint from fear. As I left the
building, I pointed it out to Phoenix and against all odds, he laughed out loud. - So there, I think
I'm not following you at all, I said, taken aback by this attitude. - As I told you when we met, my
work takes a lot of my time and I don't often have the opportunity to have fun. But every time I
come to his lab Dennis almost faint with fear just looking at me and that makes me howl with
laughter. Therefore, I'm always happy to go there because when I come out I'm in a great mood.
Smiling from ear to ear, Phoenix expected me to laugh with him. When he realized that I was
watching him with a look both surprised and dismayed, he frowned. - What? - Oh nothing,
nothing… I thought it was useless to point out to him the intense childishness of his behavior; he
would be annoyed. Ah, those vampires! Our return to the castle was rather pleasant. Phoenix
had gone to borrow a car from Talanus and turned on the radio. We were catching a pretty
funny nighttime show, presented by a pretty funny host too. We both needed to clear our heads
so while heartbreaking, the part on flagrant infidelity was entertaining. Among the presenter's
team, a girl was posing as a seductive so that the suspect offered her a date without knowing
that his real girlfriend was listening. One of the trapped guys even answered his phone while he
was in action with his mistress and the worst part was that he had dared to yell at his official
companion, outraged at having been disturbed. - Frankly, what garbage! I exclaimed when I
heard this mad man shout. - Sometimes I tell myself that my race is cruel, but that there are also
among yours people who are harmful to it. - For certain things, I would rather agree with you,
but there is no death of man. He's just an unfaithful moron who can't stand being caught with his
hand in the bag, if I could put it that way, I tempered my neighbor. - In my world, infidelity does
not exist. - Is that so? From what I understood, vampires enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh
about as much as blood so I was amazed at that, especially knowing their spirit of
independence. Phoenix gave me a quick glance before refocusing on the road. - I told you that
my race felt little or no love and that it was frowned upon among us. - Yes, you consider that a
weakness. I had managed to hide my bitterness. - Not only is it frowned upon, but it is also
feared because of its implications. - What implications? - A vampire who falls in love is for life…
Which, in our case, amounts to eternity. - You mean that there is no divorce among yours? - No,
because this feeling upsets everything that we were and a part of us disappears to make way
for that of the loved one. We are each half of the other, in the true sense of the word. We no
longer think that for ourselves, we must take into account the needs and desires of the soul
mate. Basically, we lose all independence. I let a silence run during which I took the measure of
his words. - I did not know that your engagement went so far. What happens if one of the two
dies? - It is rare that the other survives him very long. Dying for the person you love is seen in
humans as a heroic and romantic act; for us, it is not the end of our physical body that we fear,
but the end of our freedom. Despite a slight hesitation, I resolved to ask an unfortunate
question: - Does this work between vampires and humans? My driver's jaw twitched for a
second. - For a long time, I thought it was impossible. Understand, a creator only generates a
new vampire for two reasons: the desire to pass on his knowledge as for a child, or the desire to
have a companion or a companion. In the latter case, it is often the sexual desire which is at the
origin, more rarely a real attachment. From what I had heard, Absolute Love could only come
into play between two members of my species. Well, that's what I though. But I had to revise my
judgment by observing the downfall of Thomas Coltrane after the death of his human
companion. It was as if by killing her we had killed a part of him; and this is what led to his
downfall. Over time, I convinced myself that it was not possible and that my predecessor had
perhaps had enough of his long life… Until… A new heavy silence suddenly reigned in the
cabin. Phoenix searched for his words and I couldn't wait for him to finish his sentence or decide
to reduce the steering wheel to confetti, crushed as he was by the vice of his hands. - Until ? -
Until ... I see the behavior of François with your friend Angela. He almost exhaled as he finished
his remarks. I knew he didn't take the relationship between these two well, I had even openly
criticized him on his blinders. In fact, I hadn't understood that Francois' love for my friend
challenged beliefs he had taken for granted for hundreds of years. - Do you think he feels
Absolute Love? - For sure. Otherwise, he wouldn't be content to live like the kind husband of a
little librarian in a town too small to be on a national map. While the image of Scarborough and
Angela is harsh, you have to admit he wasn't wrong. Francois had chosen a life the opposite of
what a three hundred year old vampire should have led. My friend had introduced him to her
fellow countrymen as a worker working in a factory in Kerington, rising at dawn only to return at
sunset. People wondered at such times, but François had justified himself by invoking the
cadences set up in his company, after the crisis of 2008. What they did not know was that the
newcomer was staying the day in his sweetheart's cellar, for no 'come out that evening, to be
with her. According to Angela, they weren't doing much, they were learning to discover each
other. With the three hundred years of François' life, there was plenty to do at the same time ...
In any case, they had not yet addressed the most intimate question of their relationship, she had
told me. They were not yet ready to take this step and this situation satisfied them for the
moment. Come to think of it, I understood Phoenix. How can we believe that Francis accepted
all this wholeheartedly if he did not feel for Angela this Absolute Love so strange and so…
absolute that a vampire can feel? As for her, I had known for a long time that she had devoted
her heart to him. My personal misfortune did not prevent me from rejoicing for them. After all,
this bond didn't prevent happiness, right? Besides… - I understand that this love scares you so
much, however, I cannot conceive of it as a threat or a weakness. Look at Talanus and Ysis!
Phoenix thought for a few moments. - It is true that their authority cannot be contested as they
are effective and complementary to each other. - You only think in terms of power. Have you
never noticed how they behave towards each other? Talanus literally drinks his wife's words
and she can't help but touch him, even in public. They are not ashamed to show their affection
in front of their subjects. What do you think this implies? Phoenix thought for a few moments.
- ... That they are happy together, he concluded somewhat surprised by the angle of my
reasoning. - You see, it is not because you love that you become weak. You just see the world
differently, with someone who loves you by your side. - Hm. It's a nicer way of looking at it,
indeed. Even though Phoenix wasn't convinced by my optimistic outlook, I was glad I shared my
point of view with him. Honestly, although I understood the need for independence of his kind, I
saw no reason for her to be afraid of loving. After all, didn't the dictionary definition say that
people who only think about themselves are selfish? After that, we stopped talking about
vampire privacy and resumed listening to the radio until we returned. It was a good time;
Phoenix was relaxed and sometimes even laughed at the host's schoolboy jokes. From time to
time also, he bounced back on his words by telling me some anecdotes of his long life. So, I
learned that one day he was in Spain with François, in 1895, they had attended a nighttime
bullfighting show. That evening, in the arena, the crowd was jubilant and yelling encouragement
at his star bullfighter who was facing a huge beast, a miura 2 weighing at least seven hundred
kilograms. Between the cries of the audience and the wounds inflicted by its human
executioner, the animal was literally enraged and hit the ground hard with its hooves. As he
charged his opponent for the umpteenth time, the spike he received on his back made him mad
with fury and instead of turning around to face him again, he rushed straight into the wooden
fence which protected the spectators. This one shattered and in the stands, it was the general
rout. Everyone jostled and stomped on each other to flee the terrible horns of the bull that were
spoiled for choice to skewer anyone who approached them too closely. As the beast threatened
to charge children, Francis intervened between them and tried to calm it down with soothing
words; wasted effort. Target of choice, she rushed straight at him to inflict a fatal wound, but at
the last moment he quickly pulled back to lean on one of her horns and jump on her back.
Phoenix laughed so hard at the memory of this improvised rodeo that he wiped imaginary tears
from the corners of his eyes as he let the car drive itself, without worrying about the wheel.
Imagining Saint Francis as a Spanish cowboy on a raging bull was really hilarious and besides,
my driver-narrator admitted to me that it was one of the funniest moments of his life. Our
musketeer friend, hero that he was, had succeeded in knocking out the animal with a single
punch but had refused to finish it off or to allow it to be done for him. After many negotiations
with local authorities, he ended up buying him and reselling him as a breeder on a rural farm.
The bull had had a good life, without knowing that he owed it to a vampire, a predator, who, not
content with saving his life, had become his benefactor. - François is incredible! my boss
summed up when he arrived in front of our property. Indeed, for a vampire, my French friend
was out of tune: first, he protected rabid beasts, then he refused any carnal appetite until he
was married to his soul mate, and finally, the latter was revealed to be a simple human for
whom he agreed to settle down in a very small town without large scale. Phoenix was right,
Francois was amazing. How I will regret when I leave, I thought. * The next morning, I got up
early to continue my research on the Callidge family and the Johnson family, and report back for
Talanus and Ysis. So in the afternoon, I could help Matthew start his quest for his origins from
scratch, as I had promised him. - Hello, my name is Ellain Bonham and I work for George
Stanson, lawyer in Kerington. Mr. Stanson instructed me to contact Miss Callidge about the
succession of real estate located in the western districts of the city. Our file is currently
incomplete and no matter how much we try to reach her at her home, no one is responding, so I
thought you might help us. It was around ten o'clock in the morning when, finally, I managed to
contact the doctor's office where our victim worked. I had assumed a phony identity and pretext
to make her colleagues more inclined to give me information about her, but as a precaution, I
preferred to use the name of Stanson, the crooked lawyer who laundered the traffic money. of
Ichimi and Kaiko's blood last year, in case they think of checking it out. The voice of the person
who picked up the phone was young and upbeat and sympathetically redirected me to one of
the doctors apologizing for not being able to help me. - I'm sorry, but Theodora no longer works
here. Unlike his secretary, this doctor did not bother to be kind and felt a priori dispensed from
elementary politeness in front of someone who was not one of his patients. - Really ? However,
I was assured that this was the case barely a fortnight ago. Obviously, I knew Theodora hadn't
been able to show up for her post since she was dead, but I had to play the ignorant to get as
many elements as possible. - That was the case a fortnight ago, but we received her letter of
resignation with immediate effect. She said she was leaving town. This information was
important because it assumed that the Circle had sent this letter to avoid a police investigation
in the event that her employer reported the disappearance of Theodora. - Oh, and ... was this
letter delivered to you in person? - No, by mail. Heck, if someone had come to drop her off, I
could have asked the staff about her physical appearance and with my memories, Ysis could
have drawn a composite of this person. But all was not lost. - I'm sorry, but I will need a copy of
this letter for my file. Is it possible ? - Who did you say you worked for? - George Stanson. I
understand your reluctance so do not hesitate to call his office to verify that I am working well for
him and thus, you will no longer have any qualms about faxing me this letter. I'll give you the
number. In doing so, I told myself that it was better that I give dear George a call to confirm my
version. Even if his memories of me shouldn't be fond (after all, I had threatened to emasculate
him), he couldn't refuse me this little favor if he cared about life. - Very well, it is noted.
Something else? the doctor asked, more and more impatient. - While waiting for your reply, I
would like to continue my research to contact Miss Callidge. Do you know if she had any family
or a boyfriend who would be able to tell me where she is? There was a silence during which I
felt like hesitation on the other side of the receiver. - Theodora told me once that she was dating
someone, but she was very secretive. I only know his first name, a certain Richard. - That does
not help me much, you will agree. - That's all I can tell you. Theodora was a model employee
but very withdrawn. She never spoke about her private life and only mentioned this guy once, as
we were celebrating ten years since we opened our practice and she had drunk a little too
much. Now leave me alone, I have patients to see. - I understand, I say a little tense by my
failure. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thanks in advance for the fax. Goodbye. A second
later, he hung up on me. - Too kind… Stretching out my arms and legs, I wondered what I was
going to be able to get from Theodora's resignation letter as well as from her beloved Richard
mystery. What to do with only a first name? Annoyed, I nevertheless took the phone again. - Mr
Stanson's office, Stella, at your service. - Hello, this is Samantha Jones. I need to talk to your
employer, it's urgent. - Oh, uh or-or-yes, right now, don't quit. Stella's confusion was
understandable. The year before, it was she who had allowed me to make contact with Stanson,
the man who had led me to those who wanted our downfall. Ichimi and Kaiko had revealed their
true nature to him and forced him to proceed with the laundering of the money they made with
the blood of the people they had kidnapped and murdered. Although it was junk, he didn't
deserve to be killed to keep the Secret. Therefore, when he was questioned by Egire himself,
the latter had offered him a deal he could not refuse: to be executed or to work for other
vampires. It was not a choice, I had been there and Stella must have suffered the wrath of her
boss for having inadvertently opened the cage to the beasts. In short, since that day, this
renowned lawyer had passed under the authority of Talanus and Ysis, and also under mine. It
was a bit strange, moreover, to know that I had the right of life or death over this man. Phoenix
had made it clear to him, but after what I had done to him, it was a little pointless. He knew full
well, it could be heard in his voice at that precise moment. - Miss Jones? This ... It's been a long
time. It's a pleasure. If I had been cruel, I could have smiled imagining the drops of sweat that
must already bead on his bald forehead. But I was not like that. - Do not pretend you want, I will
not bore you for long. - Very ... very well, I'm listening to you. - A Kentwood doctor will call you.
He will ask you if a certain Ellain Bonham works for you. You will confirm by specifying that the
document concerning Mrs. Callidge will remain confidential. If he asks you further questions,
you will tell him that you are not authorized to divulge information to anyone. You understood? -
Yes. Guess I don't have to ask you who this Mrs. Callidge is either? he said, a bit sarcastic. -
You suppose well, unless you want to go back on the agreement made with my superiors.
Silence. - No. All sarcasm had disappeared from his voice at their mention and somewhere, I
blamed myself for having played this card. - Perfect, so do what I told you and you'll be fine. -
When should this doctor call me? - Today, I hope. - Very well, it will be done. - Goodbye, Mr.
Stanson. - Goodbye. When I hung up, I thought I was happy to have run into Phoenix because
when I thought about it, I realized that he had never treated me like a slave. Kiro was right,
others would not have had this courtesy ... Shuddering, I dismissed the idea and went back to
work. There were so many Johnson in America that ten years could go by without my being able
to run into the descendants of the one who negotiated the peace treaty between the Circle of
Mellindra and the vampires, it was really frustrating. It was after one o'clock when I finally
decided to go to lunch. The winter sun lit the kitchen with a soft white light and I waited
impatiently for better temperatures in order to enjoy the garden and the scent of its white rose
bushes. After swallowing a chicken thigh and pan-fried peas, I quickly gobbled up some vanilla
yogurt and put the dishes away. Matthew was supposed to pick me up around two o'clock, no
way to be late. A little before the appointed time, I checked my pace in the large mirror in the
hall. I had put on jeans, a sweater, boots, and to protect myself from the cold, my long black
coat, my gloves, my white scarf and cap. This time, I was very happy not to have to wrap myself
in this big woolen blanket reserved for the pleasures of the altitude. There Matthew would take
me in his car and I wouldn't have to be afraid of freezing to death. Satisfied with my reflection, I
left. Phoenix had been clear he didn't want my friend to even put a foot on his property, and I
wasn't mad enough to override this ban. So I told him to wait in front of the front door. And that's
where I found him. He was standing against his car and watching me come towards him,
smiling, that smile so innocent and tender it only reserved for me and Angela, his two best
friends. Still, as I walked towards him, I could only see that in his eyes, at that moment, there
was a spark that shone for me that never appeared in the presence of our favorite bookseller.
Strangely, I didn't feel as irritated as I had been in the past, but rather flattered. At the same
time, who wouldn't be? Matthew was the prettiest man in Scarborough and all the girls were
running after him. On top of that, with François, he was also the nicest man I knew. Without
realizing it, when I got to his height, I was smiling from ear to ear. - You are ahead. He winked at
me. - You are late. Laughing, I replied: - You are a liar! Both laughing, we got into his car and he
drove me back to town, to his place. "It's really about time I bought myself a car," I exclaimed as
I arrived. - Didn't you get the insurance money for your Buick? - Oh, if you want to talk about the
miserable sum they sent me after the hospital… I'm even sure they would have preferred that I
stay in a coma so as not to be ashamed by giving me my check ! Okay, this Buick was an
antique, but I liked it! - They are exaggerating! The body wasn't the freshest, but it was a solid,
well-maintained car. - What do you want?! I sigh. I think they said to themselves that with my
propensity to go straight into the scenery, it was better to push me to do more cycling! Matthew
laughed. - Without laughing, you will have to help me find another means of transport, I
continued. - Hm ... You know, given your clumsiness, the bicycle is not a bad idea after all. With
that, you won't risk killing someone! - Hey! I offended, punching him in the shoulder as he
preceded me down his stairs. - Samantha, the queen of cycling! To make fun more, he let me
pass in front of him with a graceful bow which irritated me to the highest degree. At the same
time, he was not wrong… A few months ago my friend had taken me for a long bike ride around
Scarborough. At first I found it pleasant, but I had begun to be disillusioned when he took me up
steep hills to show me the scenery from the plateau overlooking the city. It was beautiful, but all
I took away from the ride was the stabbing pain in my calves; the Phoenix workouts had
resculpted my body and made me more sporty, but you shouldn't overdo it. The height of the
ridiculous was reached when we embarked on a great descent leading directly to the city
center ... At one point, my two-wheeler decided to fork towards the cornfields of Nelson Colvert.
Besides the scratches and leaves caught in my excruciatingly tangled hair, I had to put up with
Matthew's giggles the whole way home which I had made a point of completing on foot. I had
been angry with him for days… Besides, faced with the black look I gave him, he also had to
remember it because he quickly put his smile back and went to look for the archive box
containing his file. adoption. From the bedroom, I heard him shout at me: - I've made lemonade.
If you want some, help yourself in the fridge! I was not particularly thirsty, but in winter as in
summer, I never refused a small glass of this sweet liquid so refreshing. Phoenix and Matthew
understood that because they both never forgot to bring me back when they came back to their
living room with their favorite drinks: blood and coke. In the refrigerator, I could only utter a half-
admiring, half-disapproving hiss when I saw the profusion of food. There was (among other
things) leftover pumpkin soup, Danny's chicken, beef stew, pecan pie, chocolate cake, and fruit
pastes. Taking the bottle of lemonade between the Coca Cola, the milk and the Sprite, I
exclaimed: - You would have to tell me how you do to swallow so much food without ever gain a
pound! It is not possible, you are not human! Arranging his documents on the table, Matthew
shrugged. - If I knew my real parents, maybe I could answer you. His cold and almost
aggressive tone startled me, I might have blundered but I did not deserve such repartee. He
must have realized it because: - Excuse me. The sadness and remorse I perceived in his voice
immediately swept away any sense of injustice I might have felt and setting the bottle of
lemonade on the table, I gently took his arm. - I don't like to see you like that. Guided by a
sudden impulse, I pulled him towards me to give him a hug. I was not good at nice consolation
speeches so that was all I could think of to assuage her pain. Matthew hugged me back and we
hugged for a few moments. Even though it was brief, it was nice… My friend smelled good and
his strong arms that held me so tightly against him gave me a sense of well-being and security
that I hadn't felt since the night of the new. year. I even felt him play with a lock of my hair… But
this contact reminded me of another embrace with another man and this memory was enough to
end that moment. - We'll find them, you'll see ... I whispered to him before turning to the stack of
papers and throwing: - Unless you continue to dawdle! Once seated and in working mode, we
set about resuming all of its documents. After three hours, we had gone through half of it,
putting aside unnecessary items like adoption brochures for retired couples, to keep only the
essentials, that is to say, not much. thing. A little discouraged, I took stock of this afternoon. -
Okay, let's resume. Danny found you in a dark alley in Kerington, walking out of his Italian friend
Rodrigo Scapatorre's night-time grocery store a little over thirty years ago, and you were nine
months old at that time according to the doctor who examined you afterwards. Scapatorre may
have questioned the neighborhood, no one saw anyone drop a baby there. At the same time, it
was around one in the morning so everyone had to sleep. Anyway, Danny went to the police but
no wanted notice seemed to have been filed for you so we assumed you had been intentionally
abandoned. It hurt me to wiggle the knife in my host's wound, but to start researching a good
angle of attack, it was necessary to see clearly and therefore, to take stock of the situation. - As
we offered to host you in an orphanage, Danny refused and asked to adopt you. The process
took a while, but social services finally agreed and you became Matthew Robertson. - In short,
that's it. If my presentation had made him uncomfortable, at least he did not show it and just
took a sip of Coke. - From what I see there, you were able to obtain all the documents that
validated your adoption, but there is nothing about your abandonment. - I told you, I fell apart at
eighteen so I do not see what will allow me to succeed this time. His defeatist look annoyed me.
My parents had always taught me that there was no point in indulging in gloom and that to
forget your worries, nothing was better than to kick yourself in the buttocks while going forward.
Maybe I had pampered Matthew too much earlier, it was time to stir him up. - Obviously, if you
reason like that, you will not achieve anything! A little nerves anyway! And I remind you that
now, you have a trump card up your sleeve! Raising an eyebrow, he stared at me with a mixture
of bewilderment and weariness. "I would like to know which one," he sighed. - Me, potato! I said,
patting him on the back of the head like Gibbs would have done with Dinozzo. I had perhaps
gone a little hard because my friend could not suppress a little cry of pain and had to massage
the back of his head to get it through. He glared at me. - Oops! I say, slightly embarrassed.
Damn footprint! Oh, and then, whatever! He had to be shaken up a bit! I had always known
Matthew as an unwavering rock who could back me up in times of need and selfishly I wanted
that to be the case again. It was out of the question that I left him in this state, I was determined
to make him regain his zest for life. - You did not go dead hand GI Joe! - Stop making the child,
you needed it! I defended myself. Matthew looked at me for a second and then smiled. "Sounds
like you have some hidden talents… and not entirely wrong." I understand… I will try to be more
positive. - That's better! The time of my departure being near, we still allowed ourselves time to
eat a piece of his delicious pecan pie while discussing something other than his adoption to end
our afternoon together. We talked about the relationship between Francois and Angela which
made us very happy for them, as well as the horrible negative temperatures outside. Matthew
was like me, he much preferred the summer sun to the long, cold winter nights; one more point
we had in common apart from an inordinate appetite for sweets and television series. In his old
gray Volvo, we had fun singing at the top of our lungs old songs from the fifties whose lyrics we
reinvented as we went on the soundtrack. The result was a horrible concerto of vocalizations
interspersed with giggles. It was a wonderful time. The height of gallantry, my friend got out of
the car first to open my door and walk me back to the castle's huge steel gate. - Thanks, Sam. I
had a great day because of you and I really appreciate your help, you know. A little moved, I
took his hands and replied: - It makes me happy, and then friends, it's used for that. At that
moment, I read a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, far from any disappointed reactions he might
have had previously when I spoke of my friendship with him. And with an enigmatic smile, he
leaned towards me, kissed me softly on the cheek. - See you tomorrow, Sam. He walked away
just as fleetingly, before I could even realize I hadn't said goodbye to him, before I even realized
that his lips were so soft and smooth that a feather had disturbed me

Chapter VI: The Color of Blood

* The following two days were hardly prolific if we consider that on the side of the Mellindra
Circle, our investigation was at a standstill when we noted the uselessness of Theodora's
resignation letter provided by the doctor's office, pending the DNA results of Dennis Obson as
well as my meeting with Stanley Finnigan, and that on Matthew's side, we were still taking stock
of the elements he had gathered at the age of eighteen. To pass the time, Phoenix would take
me to sort out a few things he'd put on hold for our investigation. It was not very interesting: a
real estate transaction with an agent specializing in the rehabilitation of old public buildings and
a muscular callback to a passing vampire who had failed to report his presence in the territory of
Talanus and Ysis. My employer's network of informants was very effective as few newcomers to
the area could hope to go unnoticed, and when they forgot to abide by the very strict rules laid
down by the heads of the Kerington area, they were sure to receive a "angelic" visit to remind
them of them. It was not the first time that this kind of case had arisen then this time there, I was
content to wait while yawning that the lesson of morals with great reinforcements of mortal
threats terrorizes enough our guest so that it delivers me all the information we needed to
identify it. My boss had gone a little hard because the guy then told me squarely about his life
from his early childhood in Canada until the hour before our interview. I too had to threaten him
for him to give me a summary. Frankly! Vampires had extraordinary powers, but some really
weren't bright! The weekend also promised to be very quiet. Indeed, Matthew had warned me
that he was going with Danny to a family reunion, three hours away, and that they were not
going home until Sunday evening. In fact, I felt entitled to give myself a day of rest by starting
with a well-deserved lie-in, followed by a gargantuan breakfast of hot chocolate and toast,
covered with a good layer. of spread. I had no qualms about my figure since my outings with my
employer burned all the calories stored during the day. Living with an undead was perfect for
the diet-resistant! And then, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I no longer saw myself as an
ugly duckling; my functions and my new life had made me change internally, but also externally.
At Kentwood, I made no effort to show off and every day I sported the same old faded blue
jeans paired with white sneakers and a black top. I didn't wear makeup, other than a little
eyeliner every now and then, and I didn't put any research into my hairstyles; it was a ponytail
every day. Thanks to Phoenix, his training and his taste in branded clothing, I realized my
strengths and decided to put them forward. The few extra pounds that I had when we met had
quickly given way to a new silhouette sculpted by the long sessions of abdominals and melee
fights, so, without being flat like some models or actresses, I was slimmer. Having confidence in
myself had allowed me some adjustments: I put more colors, than I thought to match between
them, I dared to use eye shadow and lipstick, and, extraordinary thing, I managed to walk with
high heels ! If my parents saw me, they wouldn't recognize me! Nonetheless, I enjoyed casual
outfits for my rare downtime and while visiting Angela this Saturday afternoon, I wore simple
black pants with a red shirt and matching loafers. According to my friend, when we exchanged
our very limited and theoretical views on fashion, it was the shade that suited me best. - Stack
the color of your eyes when you lose the pedals. she exclaimed, laughing before flushing with
shame as she remembered the last time such a thing had happened to me. I hadn't taken it the
wrong way. Since my last explanation with Phoenix, my heart still refused to react to outside
stimuli, positive or negative. I had simply changed the subject. - So what do you want to see?
Adventure or romantic comedy? We had agreed to relax at the movies stuffing ourselves with
popcorn, but we hadn't chosen the movie yet. - How about the new Jason Statham? At the
mention of this action movie star, I raised my eyebrows. - You almost faint at the sight of a pearl
of blood and you would like to watch a guy lost in a hostile jungle fighting one against a hundred
with Burmese rebels? - You forget he has a bazooka! - Wouldn't it be his pecs and abdominals
that interest you? - There is nothing wrong with admiring the work of an expert in martial arts! -
What bad faith! Okay, if you agree, I'd rather avoid. I have enough blood under my nose during
work not to add more to my free time. - Ok, but if Alex O'Loughlin had appeared in the credits,
you would have rushed into the room without making a fuss! Come to think of it, I could only
agree with her, this actor was a walking fantasy factory. - Not false. Well, What do you think
about going to see the adventure film and reserve the action film for yourself for a date with
Matthew? He loves it. - If you want, but since it's like that, you'll pay for the popcorn! What do
you want? Even nice booksellers can be tough on business! Rejuvenated by this pleasant
morning and this afternoon with the girls, I returned to the castle whistling. When Phoenix came
out of his office at sunset, I was already waiting for him, sitting on the black leather couch facing
the back door, holding in my hand a glass of fresh blood and his journal. He greeted me politely,
as always, and gulped the glass I handed him before grabbing his daily paper to leaf through it
next to me. - Slept well? I asked amiably. A slight growl tells me yes. In general, when my boss
stood up with his left foot, he didn't bother to answer me and his jaw clenched in annoyance.
There, no problem, it was a good day. - How was your day with Angela, by the way? - Well, we
went to the movies and I made us watch a terrible film. Angela made me pay for it by forcing me
to buy her a large popcorn. A slight smile floated on his lips. - I see. - What are we doing
tonight? You do not have a date or a fellow creature to terrorize and I am still not moving
forward in my research on Mrs. Johnson. Phoenix thought for a few moments. - Well it seems to
me that it's been some time since I neglected your training. How about checking your knife
throwing skills? The last time I did the exercise, it had turned into a nightmare, turning me into a
failed seductress… Yet I shouldn't lose my hand if I didn't want to lose my life. - I'll change and
join you. No sooner said than done. Infinitely faster than me, Phoenix was already ready for
battle when I walked into the basement training room and as he was backless and shirtless, I
had a perfect view of the huge scar that was on him. disfigured. I couldn't take my eyes off the
long gash and I couldn't imagine how bad the pain must have been when Finn gave it to him.
Phoenix turned around and seemed to capture my feeling of pity as he smiled sadly at me. -
Time heals all wounds, Sam. Seeing it walk past me to put on a T-shirt and prepare our steel
blades, I could only disagree with him. Some physical and psychological wounds could be
overcome over the years, but not all, including the death of loved ones. Wasn't he still bitter at
the memory of his best friend's betrayal and execution the year before? Wasn't he still
saddened by the thought of his missing sister? In any case, that scar must remind him
continually of it, every time he saw himself in a mirror. Or every time he was in front of me,
wearing his necklace that never left me. "I'll try not to mess with you with my knives," I said to
distract from the topic of conversation. Without warning, he turned and threw one in my
direction, forcing me to roll on the ground to dodge it, understanding that he had started
hostilities. "Give it a try," he said, eyeing me defiantly. I felt the hint of a smile rise at the corners
of my lips, and I rushed to the other side of my opponent to grab a sword.

* I wouldn't have thought it possible given my condition, but the training did me a lot of good.
Concentrated on my task, I forgot my problems and put a new ardor in each gesture. The sword
seemed lighter to me than when I started, I aimed much better with my knives, and I never
missed my targets with my revolver. And even if against my boss vampire I had no chance of
winning a real hand-to-hand fight, I could have flattened any human in just a few holds of the
martial arts he was teaching me. Tirelessly, I chained all types of movements, all types of
exercises, so much so that it was Phoenix who had to put me down. - Take a break, you will
eventually collapse. - I'm not tired, I retorted despite my obvious shortness of breath. He smiled
and went to get a terry towel which he threw in my face. - You are stubborn ... And I'm the
teacher, so do what I tell you. Faced with this unmistakable authority, I bowed and went to grab
a bottle of water from the mini-fridge while wiping the sweat that was dripping through every
pore of my skin. Well, not very sexy, but very effective in removing all the popcorn I had eaten
before. - What will you do, Sam, after you leave Scarborough? Fortunately I was already
seated, especially since I almost choked on my sip of water. I didn't think Phoenix would want to
discuss it, he didn't like quarter hours of explanation and personally I was unable to answer his
question as I ignored him myself. - Why do you want to talk about it? - I do not know. An
awkward silence settled between us. It had been getting constant for some time and it was
downright embarrassing. "Well, there are two of us then," I sighed. I have no idea where I'm
going to go or what I'm going to do with my life. I'll leave, that's all. He frowned. 'But you have
friends here and as far as I know Scarborough adopted you. Are you ready to leave Angela
and… Matthew? He gritted his teeth as he said the last name. Why didn't he want to
understand? Were vampire men as blind as their human counterparts when it came to the
sentimental realm? I took another sip, I didn't like the turn of this conversation. - I took my
decision, I say a little more sharply than I would have liked. I hoped, however, that my evasion
would be enough to silence him or at least change the subject. Usually, Phoenix wasn't the type
to like outpourings, especially when they involved him and me, so I had a chance. But instead,
he looked at me strangely, a white lightning flashing through his irises, and he stepped towards
me. - Stand up. It wasn't an order, but at the sound of his voice, I flinched and did so. I didn't
know what to expect, the dangerous glint in his eyes made me uncomfortable and so close to
him, I couldn't hope to escape it. - You always complicate things, he sliced aggressive. - I do not
understand. Seeing Phoenix close his eyelids and take a breath to calm himself filled me with
concern for the rest of the discussion because I still remembered our argument in his office,
whose armrests of the chair had not been released. delivered. Besides, I was right to be afraid
because the next moment, he had grabbed my arms, squeezing them way too tight without
realizing it and unfortunately, I was too shocked to report it to him. - You are so annoying, so
stubborn, so… full of principles! You say and do whatever goes through your mind on the
pretext that you feel like it's what it takes and you're so skin-deep that even for negotiations with
the Dallas area manager, I hadn't walked so much on hot coals! Despite this, all the people of
Scarborough adore you, all vampires respect you and Ysis will strangle me when she finds out
you're leaving for what? for an unknown destination that will probably not make you happy. You
should stay but you are so stubborn that you won't listen to anyone and act as your heart tells
you! At the end, he was almost screaming and let his fangs stick out. The gleam in her eyes had
intensified to the point of forcing me to lower my gaze so as not to be dazzled, and the pressure
of his fingers was so painful that I was biting my lip so as not to moan. - And yet ... His voice
had changed again, the fire of his pupils died. I forced myself to lift my head and confront him,
and there I was surprised by the gravity of his features. -… these unbearable faults are also
qualities. I have never met someone who is so whole and dedicated, honest and funny… In fact,
I believe that I have never met someone like you in five hundred years of existence. I'd love to
blame you for leaving me, but I can't, because… because I… He paused, obviously reluctant to
continue. I held my breath, completely lost in the face of this change of attitude. First he
reproached me for my decision, blaming it on my innumerable character flaws, and then he
accepted it by complimenting me in passing on my qualities. What was wrong with him? What
couldn't he tell me? - Sam, I… This new blockage allowed me to take a breath of fresh air. Well
took it because I almost fainted when instead of expressing himself in words, Phoenix tried his
luck with deeds. Without taking his eyes off me, and as I widened mine, he brought me abruptly
against his bare chest, emptying the little air from my lungs. During training, I had grown
emboldened with my sword and almost skewered it, so much so that his torn front T-shirt didn't
cover the perfect skin it was meant to hide in any way, and in the position where I was, close to
him, my hands pressed against his chest, his touch so soft caused me to be traversed right
through by a powerful electric shock. Our faces were close, far too close… I managed to smell
its incredible scent which, each time, lost me in a clearing at sunset, caressed by a gentle spring
breeze, bearing promise for the future. There again, its smell carried me, so perfect, so
bewitching ... and I was drowning in the ocean of his eyes that the shade of hesitation they let
glimpse embellished more. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I could only wait. Wait for an
unexpected gesture, wait for a disappointing word ... In any case, I did not expect to hear our
two phones ringing! My reaction of surprise resulted in a start that allowed me to free myself
from the embrace of my partner, who hastened to resume a hard and closed face to answer. I
didn't really understand what had just happened between us and somewhere, I didn't want to
know. Phoenix was bewildering and elusive, his vampire nature making it difficult to help me
pinpoint him. Whatever his intentions, I decided, by going to pick up my cell phone, not to try to
grasp its meaning to avoid further disappointment. - Hello? - Sam, it's me, announced Francois.
I watch the news on TV and believe me it may be of interest to our mutual friend. - He's on the
phone with Talanus (it was a special ringtone), what's so important? - A house fire is being
broadcast live in the southern neighborhoods of Kerington. I was about to change the channel
when the name of the owner called out to me. It seems to me that I met him once at Talanus
and Ysis. - His name? I asked. - Seamus O'Malley. Immediately, I turned to Phoenix who had
just hung up. Considering his demeanor, Talanus had just told him the same thing as Francis
and I didn't need him to speak. Without waiting, I turned around and went back to my room as
quickly as possible to go and change, taking care to thank my friend, the musketeer, for having
warned us. Other flames awaited me, other than those which had danced in the eyes of the one
I wanted to stop loving. And again with death, I was going to be confronted.

* By following the info on my cell phone during my flight with Phoenix, I knew the progress of the
rescue work and could see that the show had drawn quite an impressive crowd. It was therefore
out of the question to land near the cameras, especially since as long as the fire raged, there
was nothing we could do. We would have to wait for the departure of journalists, the public and
the scientific police to conduct our own investigation. In fact, we made a detour to Talanus and
Ysis to borrow a car and walk quietly to the scene of the tragedy. Since I hadn't had dinner yet,
Phoenix stopped at a fast food restaurant and ordered me a hamburger and fries to go without
caring in the least that I had told him I wasn't hungry. Stubborn and in a bad mood, he had
managed to terrorize the guy who served us by reproaching him for having been too slow in a
tone so icy and dangerous, that my hair had stood on end on the back of my neck. - Leave the
poor boy alone! It's not his fault that you decided to take this detour through thick and thin! I
protested. - I'd rather waste time buying you food than hearing your stomach growl like a hungry
yeti when we get there! - Hey! Be polite! I would have liked to take the conversation further, but
the aroma that emanated from the bag of provisions had put an end to any hint of rebellion by
triggering a horrible stomach rumbling in me, a sign of a significant hunger that would take me
very soon. in the throes of voracity. I cursed myself! And I cursed my driver who had lifted his
chin and was suddenly driving very satisfied! Just enough time to swallow it all, and we had
reached a few blocks from the fire, whose sky-licking flames were visible from afar. - This fire is
really impressive, I said, exiting our car. - Seamus lived in a wooden house. I inquired about him
after our first meeting and from what his creator at Talanus told me, he didn't take much care of
his business; he preferred to play video games. Uninteresting as possible! - Some humans are
real addicts to these games, we call them geeks or no-life for the most affected. I was called no-
life one day… It's not very pleasant to hear. - Who told you that? - A girl in high school, she was
dating the most popular boy in our class I had fallen in love with, crazy as I was. I was sixteen
and already had no social life, I can't blame him for labeling me like that. - Hm… At sixteen, I
was already working in Lord Carson's fields. One day, one of the farm workers wanted to play
smart in front of his friends and tried to get me to give him the little I earned. - I guess you taught
him a good lesson. - He could only swallow soup for weeks. I laughed. - I am not surprised, I do
not imagine you letting yourself be trampled by anyone. - You should have put your fist in the
face of this girl, her boyfriend would have been so admiring that he would have fallen at your
feet! - We are no longer in the 15th century! Today boys can't stand dominant girls, either they
are afraid of them, or they feel obliged to play proudly so as not to sound like wimps, I rebuffed
him, giving him a nice punch in the face. the shoulder. - What proof of evolution! In Ireland, a
woman had to have character if she was to be respected by men and everyone feared Keira. I
twitched at this evocation. The two of us hadn't really spoken since I had distanced myself, but
he so rarely mentioned his sister that apart from the circumstances of her death, she was still an
enigma to me. - We still have a few streets ahead of us, please tell me about her. I would like to
know her. As always when he spoke of Keira, his face changed and the nostalgic serenity of his
features matched the childish smile that floated on his lips as he recalled those happy moments.
- She breathed the joy of living. Dedicated to her family, she also cared about the fate of others
and had tears in her eyes at every marriage. However, she was ruthless towards those who
preyed on the weakest and I remember that one day she knocked out a boy five years older
with a single punch for having stolen a toy from a little girl out of spite. Thomas, her fiancé, was
captivated from the first glance and despite all her suitors, it was him that she chose because
the feeling was mutual. Many of those she had turned away have eaten their hats on the
announcement of their nuptials. I smile. - I think Keira and I could have been very good friends.
Phoenix looked at the sky and the stars for a moment, then returned his attention to me. - I
believe so too. This moment of shared intimacy, although moving, was quickly swept away by
the spectacle that presented itself to us when we reached the corner of the street where
Seamus O'Malley lived. Not only did his house burn endlessly, but it had also set two of his
neighbors ablaze, making the scene feel like the end of the world shrouded in the blackness of
smoke and night. The atmosphere was stifling despite the cold, and the wind that slashed our
faces and slowed down the tiring work of the firefighters brought back puffs of hot and
suffocating air that made me cough. - My eyes sting! Phoenix looked around before taking me
by the arm and leading me towards his goal. - There is a quiet place over there, we can wait for
everyone to leave without being noticed. Although a little out of the way, the small children's
park, with its trees and its elevated position relative to the road, was an ideal vantage point
because it was too far away for the morbid curiosity of neighbors and journalists. Besides, apart
from a cat or a vampire, I could hardly see anyone risking climbing in the high branches of the
plant with the gigantic trunk which overshadowed the summer pleasures of the little ones. Along
the lines of police and the special envoys planted in front of their cameras with microphones in
hand, we arrived towards our destination which, luckily, was not downwind. Phoenix closed his
eyes and concentrated long enough to check, by the heartbeats around, if no one had noticed
us, then, reassured, he grabbed me in his arms and made a leap of several meters which lifted
me. stomach. The landing on the thickest, busiest branch was smooth, my boss making sure I
was well balanced to let go of my hand. As I was uncomfortable due to the vertigo, I did not
attempt to imitate him by venturing further up the branch; given its thickness, it would certainly
not have given way but on the off chance, I preferred to avoid it. After all, I couldn't fly and the
prospect of a dive from this height didn't appeal to me. Anyway, Phoenix seemed perfectly at
ease in his sights and when he came back to me, his confident walk made me regret clinging to
the trunk as if my life depended on it; I had to be ridiculous. - The fire is impressive, but it will not
last. The police are already there, in a few hours we will be able to enter the scene. As I wanted
to pivot towards him to answer him that in the meantime we would have as much time as
possible to be bored, I held back my words as I felt my foot slip on the bark and my weight drag
me back. For a hundredth of a second, I flapped my arms in vain to regain an already lost
balance, before falling into the void. Fortunately I could count on the reflexes and the super
speed of Phoenix who caught me in extremis by the collar of my coat and brought me back
abruptly to safety against him. Even though the shock would cost me a lump on my forehead, I
didn't care because I was safe, and my heart pounding, I hugged him to thank him as much as
to reassure myself. - Damn it, Sam! Can't you be careful?! - Sorry… I said, trembling with the
backlash. Sometimes I tell myself that it would be better if I became a vampire, it would prevent
me from breaking my neck every time my feet go crazy and mistake a big branch for an ice rink!
Without letting go, Phoenix led me against the trunk, where the branch was the largest and able
to support both of us. He sat down, his back against the bark, and pulled me to him, so that I
came to stand between his legs. He must have seen a flash of hesitation in my eyes because
he warned me: - We will have to wait, which will give you the opportunity to rest, but given your
previous stunt it would be best if it was safe. He was right, I was dead tired and I risked falling
asleep during our hideout. With my awkwardness and the height of this tree, sleep could be fatal
to me without protection. A little embarrassed by this position, I settled in my place. I squirmed
in all directions, not daring to take his chest for a pillow. - Stop playing manners, Sam. Phoenix
had grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to lean against him. I had to admit that this
sensation was in no way comparable with the hardness of the trunk I was clinging to earlier.
There it was comfortable… and warm. Gentleman to the end, he had taken off his coat and
covered it with me, not risking hypothermia. So, in the security of his arms, I could allow myself
a little rest, contemplating through the foliage the sky streaked with reddish gleams heralding
ash. - Thanks, Phoenix. “Oh, it was a pleasure really,” he said sarcastically. But if you want, I
can make your wish from earlier and turn you into a vampire to spare us that kind of
inconvenience in the future. I couldn't see him, but I could easily tell his smirk spread across his
face. I had fun pulling his coat up to my neck. - No way, I prefer myself that way. If I became
perfect, you wouldn't have the chance to laugh at me anymore and your evenings would be less
exciting. His laughter echoed in my ears like sweet music. - It is true that in spite of yourself, you
can be hilarious. - Glad you like the show, I replied, falsely annoyed, managing to nudge him in
the ribs. - Ouch! Stop assaulting me or I'll knock you down! - Alright Alright ! I'll try to get some
sleep, don't forget to wake me up when you want to stop playing Tarzan. - Have confidence, he
reassured me, settling more comfortably. - Jane trusts Tarzan, I concluded, closing my eyes.
Snuggled up against a vampire at the top of a huge tree, I felt good, enough to feel the stress of
the vertigo to give way after a while to the numbness preceding a restful sleep. My breathing
slowed, my heartbeat became smooth and regular, the fog of unconsciousness was
undoubtedly about to grab me. And had I already tipped over? that I felt, as in a dream, the
exquisite thrill of the touch of a hand caressing my forehead, whose expert fingers brushed my
skin with delicious slowness, a pledge of infinite delicacy, and that a velvet voice mingled
'accompanied towards the doors of sleep, whispering words to me that I would not remember
when I woke up: - Sleep, my love. I am protecting you.

* It was past four in the morning when Phoenix whispered to me that it was time to go to work.
This light breath in my ear was enough to wake me from the deep sleep I had slipped into and
immediately reminded me of my obligations. - The police left? I asked, stretching my aching
muscles. - Yes, an hour ago. - One hour?! You didn't wait to allow me to sleep! Romantic, but
not at all the style of the man. And at his smile, I had hit the nail on the head. - There were still
some curious who lingered despite the legal seals. - I thought also. He waited for me to check
that I had all my things before taking me down. Wasting no time, we made our way to the
blackened ruins of what had once been Seamus O'Malley's home. "Are you sure we'll have time
to search and get back to Scarborough before dawn?" I whispered, following him through the
rubble. - I do not know, I prefer to take my time here and collect all the clues. It will also be
necessary to go see Kiro so that he puts pressure on his contacts. Hm… You're right, it'll be just
to get back to Scarborough, we'll go to Talanus and Ysis. He helped me step over pieces of
beam that had piled up and with one hand pushed back a piece of wall that threatened to
collapse on us. I felt like I was following Superman. - I can just as well go home alone, I had a
good rest you know. - Very funny. I remind you that we must return the car we borrowed to
them. And then you will not make me believe that those few hours on a branch were enough to
make up for your lack of sleep. - I had a very good pillow! Oops! I had just slipped on a puddle
of water in what used to be a fitted kitchen. The pipes had exploded and that, plus the
firefighters' foam to smother the flames, made the ground very slippery. - It's okay? my guide
asked, turning around. - Yes. Where do you think we're going to find Seamus' hiding place? In a
hidden room in his dressing room, upstairs? - Too commonplace as a hiding place. No, this guy
loved his TV shows and video games more than anything. He had to create a hiding place in
which he could indulge his passion. - And he had to manage to run a wire through it and receive
the cable channels. Pathetic! - Exact. There is everything among vampires ... The living room
was nothing more than a tangle of charred furniture, surrounded by sections of wall whose
darkness and the beginning of crumbling suggested that they would soon collapse . - You must
not hang around there, I say. - Over there! The house stinks of gasoline, but the smell is
stronger in this corner. Phoenix walked over to the remains of the couch and pushed them aside
to look at what he was hiding. We had to be on the right track as the area was so charred that
even the firefighters had made a mark there to designate the location of the fire start. Except
that they hadn't had the idea of looking better under the floor which concealed a staircase giving
access to a small cellar. - I've seen this kind of hiding place before. It serves to buy the homes
of drug dealers. He jumped into the hole and held out his arms to urge me to do the same.
Cursing the disappearance of the stairs into the fire, I closed my eyes and launched myself. I
landed in Phoenix's arms, who then dropped me gently to the ground, and we watched the
situation. - How awful! I exclaim, disgusted. - That for sure, he had no chance. In front of us lay
on a still smoking pile of wood, the charred corpse of Seamus O'Malley. His blackened body
was shriveled like an old rag and his mouth was open to a cry of utter pain. He was covered in
chains and a metal stake could clearly be seen protruding from his chest. "He is burnt to death,"
Phoenix announced coldly. - The stake did not touch the heart? - No, otherwise it would have
turned to dust. Whoever assaulted him had to wait until sunset, and by the time Seamus woke
up, a stake was stuck in his lungs. The silver weakened him which allowed his tormentors to
immobilize him and cover him with gasoline. Fire kills us as effectively as silver. - It was risky!
Why not just pierce his heart? - It was a message to me and to that of Talanus and Ysis. This
murder will not be the last. Faced with the evidence of the coming war, we lost ourselves in the
silence. I didn't want to be the cause of a human massacre, but the Circle of Mellindra had to be
stopped. At all costs. "There's no clue," Phoenix said angry, kicking what had been a TV
cabinet. These dogs knew the fire would erase their tracks! - What shall we do now? - We do
what we said, we go to Kiro! He turned to me and lifted me towards the exit by gaining height.
However, as we entered the kitchen, a threatening creak echoed around us, coming from the
walls and ceiling. Before I figured out what was happening, Phoenix grabbed me brutally and
rushed at an amazing speed towards the entrance. Just in time. The instant he dropped me off
on the road a safe distance from the house, she collapsed. Startled, I remained silent in front of
this sight of desolation and unable to move, I thought of poor Seamus whose room of salvation
had finally turned out to be his tomb. - Come on, Sam, let's go to the car. The voice of my
employer managed to get me out of my stupor and I followed him silently to our car. This time
again, I seemed to be the only one to feel that curious impression that I had felt in Phil
Heathborn, the unpleasant sensation of the hairs which stand on the back of the neck when our
instincts tell us that we are being watched. But what was my instinct against that of a vampire?

* The trip to Drake Hill lasted twenty minutes; ten minutes to get out of Kerington, ten to pray to
God to keep me alive while Phoenix drove like hell to our destination. He was driving so fast that
I stayed glued to my seat, my teeth clenched. If the purpose of the maneuver was to prevent me
from speaking, it was successful. He had parked us fifty yards from Kiro's store, which we were
walking towards. He was definitely in a hurry. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive the car
back to Scarborough?" You will be safe in Talanus's house more quickly and I will come back
for you at sunset ... The sound of my voice was lost at the end of my proposal. My boss was
glaring at me and didn't appreciate my challenging his orders at all. - I'm saying that… it's to be
of service… I muttered all the same. Faced with my lack of discipline, he rolled his eyes. - You
can dispute as much as you want, you will not go anywhere but Harper Hill. - I can pretend to
accept and leave the place when you are asleep! I had retaliated out of pure rebellion because I
didn't like the fatherly tone of his sudden crisis of authority. - And I can just as easily tie you to
the bed and do not undo your ties until I wake up, that is to say twelve hours of immobilization
without the possibility of going to the bathroom. I grabbed his arm to force him to stop. - You
wouldn't dare! - Come on! he retorted before resuming his way. Deep down I knew he wasn't
bluffing. So it was with a scowl that I greeted Kiro when he opened the door for us. "It's nice of
you to let us in," Phoenix said politely. - Bah, you speak! You know my door is always open to
you! he said happily, letting us pass. Ha… as if I had a choice… Although he had whispered it, it
must have sounded like a bugle in the ears of his "guest". I suppressed a smile when I saw his
frown and the innocent look his accuser displayed when he led him to a small table at the back
of the store. My presence was not really necessary, if Kiro had heard from him, he would have
hastened to contact us. Therefore, I didn't necessarily want to witness Phoenix's admonition
about his slow research on the tattooed guy. - You disappoint me, Kiro, usually your informants
are reliable and efficient… It had started like this… After a few minutes, I got tired of hearing
them and preferred to take a look at the shelves. There were all kinds of aromatic herbs
classified by continent and by function: rheumatism, tonsillitis, anti-vomiting, constipation…
Interesting. Ah, a whole section of the wall was reserved for aphrodisiacs of all kinds, from
simple ginger to more elaborate essences whose labels repeated each time the words "toad
sap". - Yuck! To think there were people to buy all this nonsense! As I leaned over to look better
into a bottle containing a huge lizard, I didn't see the front door open, but the characteristic
ringing of the bell triggered my survival reflexes. In a flash, I turned around, drawing my gun
hidden in my belt and pointed the intruder, ready to riddle him with bullets at the slightest
suspicious gesture. - Ahhhh! This scream was so powerful that it blocked my ear and made me
realize with a few seconds delay of the person I was targeting mercilessly. Asako. Phoenix and
Kiro had immediately come running and the latter was trying to reassure his granddaughter who
was staring at me, while I put my gun away, as if I had tried to kill her. - This is what happens
when you are more interested in aphrodisiac lizards than in your work, my mentor had
whispered to me, who had been given another nudge in the ribs. But somewhere he was not
wrong. I hadn't seen Asako arrive, I had made a mistake. And yet, believe me, you couldn't help
but notice it! She wore a gold top cut out to the middle of the chest paired with a black mini skirt
and stiletto heels. Her dark makeup emphasized her eyes and her puffy hairstyle made it look
like she was five feet tall. - But what is this outfit?! And where have you been?! Kiro indignantly
noticed (finally) her choice of dress. Asako crashed into a second late, busy as she was
devouring with her eyes my partner who, like me, felt the moral lesson coming and who, unlike
me, did not seem to want it. This dirty kid took advantage of the credulity of her grandparents to
wear make-up and go have fun dressed as a call girl. I was curious to see how she was going to
get out of there. - But, grandfather… We saw each other before I left. Don’t you remember? You
went downstairs to get a glass of whiskey behind Grandma's back and you wished me a good
evening! I had hated Asako the second I saw her. But I had to admit at that moment that I was
facing a world champion. Kiro had principles, but also a faulty memory, so very easy to
manipulate. When he scratched his head to recall a conversation that had never happened, I
knew his granddaughter had won the game with flying colors. By mentioning the fact that he
tended to drink in secret, she prevented him from talking about his habit to Aoki who, she, had
all by his balls. Winning by memory knockout, she gave Phoenix her prettiest smile and walked
towards him, rolling her hips with calculated slowness. - Oh, please! I cried, rolling my eyes and
heading for the exit. Bye, Kiro, see you next time. I didn't wait for the answer and took a deep
breath of fresh air before going to the car. The time to get rid of this leech, my driver would have
plenty of time to catch up with me. Tightening my coat, I walked forward, blowing my hands to
warm and calm myself. Jealousy did not burn me like our previous visit, but I still savored the
discomfiture of this tease when I saw myself threatening her with my gun. - You are impossible.
The owner of that amused voice opened my door for me and then joined me in the cabin. - I
don't like this girl's show off. She gets everything she wants by turning heads, she is arrogant
and futile. - Don't be jealous, Sam, Phoenix laughed. - Oh, start the engine and shut up!
Complying, he continued to laugh while turning on the radio on my favorite rap station… Tss…

* This time, it was I who lost our hearing patience contest and could not do it any longer, I
rushed to the car radio to change stations and listen to real music. Afterwards, I had shunned all
the way. I respected Talanus and Ysis, but from there to spending a Sunday in their company, it
was not necessary to exaggerate! Besides, in this villa full of sleeping vampires, I had no idea
how I was going to pass the time. What if one of them wakes up and decides to eat me raw? -
Everything will be fine, you'll see. My face had to bear the scars of the eternal anxiety that I was
for Phoenix to try to reassure me as well. - You don't understand, every time I see Talanus, I
want to run away calling my mother for help! I am pathetic! - Talanus has that effect on
everyone. Why do you think people respect you so much? - Uh… Because I saved your life last
year by covering myself in eternal glory? He burst out laughing. - Yes, but not only. You are one
of the few people who can stand his stare without blinking, and one of the rarer people he gets
along with. - You laugh?! He threatened to kill me several times! - Because you stood up to him,
but he likes you. - Whatever! You must have drunk a bag of stale blood earlier, you are
delirious. - I am very well and the blood I drank was very healthy, but maybe to be sure of my
health you could give me yours! His proposal would have made me laugh if his eyes, brighter
than normal, hadn't delivered a message other than his sarcastic smile. - Don't dream! But it
makes me think, what does it taste like? - Sorry? - Well, I drank your blood several times and
without wanting to offend you, I found it repulsive despite its curative effectiveness. I know that
on your side you particularly appreciate the A +, my blood type that you had the opportunity to
taste twice last year, and I have just realized that I never asked you if I was tasty. - That's a very
personal question, Sam. - Why? It's my blood, I'll call you back. Come on, and I want an honest
answer. Phoenix was concentrating on the road, obviously reluctant to give me satisfaction or
start another argument. He tightened and loosened the steering wheel so well that I wondered
how long it was going to take it before it twisted. - Do you want an honest answer? As you like,
but you might not like it… - Oh… I understand, I cut him off. Finally I don't want to hear how
disgusting I am, so let it go. - Are you going to let me speak?! he exploded. I never said you
were disgusting, on the contrary! You are too… attractive. Mute by this revelation, I waited for
the rest, feeling my stomach tighten. - I almost killed you the first time I bit you because I had
never tasted anything so good. After that, I vowed to myself never again to try to drink directly
from your veins, but circumstances decided otherwise and I had to proceed with the blood
exchange… This memory of our two bodies entangled in a passionate embrace and happily
dressed, made me blush. At the time, I couldn't stand to behave like a depraved nymphomaniac
and I threw my fist in the jaw of my boss. Looking back, I had to admit that I wish this moment
had continued and I blushed even more. - I never imagined losing control of myself like this. -
But you told Angela my blood didn't call you. - No, except when I drink it. I hate to kill you
without doing it on purpose. - That is sweet. I smiled, but I couldn't stop my hand from going to
my throat as if to protect me. Phoenix's confession about the effect of my blood on his will
troubled me. So there was one thing he liked about me… - I told you the truth wouldn't please
you. - Hm. We had just arrived in the secure area of our superiors, thus creating a salutary
diversion. The guards at the entrance to the huge property of Talanus and Ysis opened the
gates to us while greeting us as we passed and we reached the parking lot where a multitude of
cars were parked which were not there when we left. - A reception? I wondered. - Absolutely.
Our hosts love to entertain, and showing off in public at parties or events is a great way to get
political. - I see. The dawn approaching, we went through the service entrance to go faster and
on the way, we passed Ysis, sublime in black evening dress and tight. - Ah there you are, both
of us, we were wondering if something had happened to you. Her tone betrayed the real worry
she had felt, his gaze insisting heavily on me as if to verify that I was in one piece. "We're fine,"
Phoenix said calmly. - That's what I see, although you reek of smoke for three leagues around.
The sun will rise in a few minutes, we have prepared a room for you and a change of clothes.
It's the same as always, Phoenix. I twitched immediately. - Wait, have you made a room for us?
What does it mean? Ysis looked at me like I was the last of the idiots. - It means that all our
rooms are already occupied by our guests and the vampires passing through the region. But if
that doesn't suit you, you can also walk back! I was going to respond positively but instead gave
a groan of pain as the heel of my employer's shoe crushed my toes. - That's fine with us, thank
you, Ysis. I had waited for the Egyptian princess to disappear down a hallway to pour out a slew
of curses too infamous to repeat, while hopping around to pass the pain. - You could have been
sweeter! I'm sure you broke my foot. - Stop yelling and come over there. Going to talk, he
grabbed me by the arm and led me upstairs up the chicest marble staircase. Upstairs, we
walked through a huge hallway with many doors hiding large and beautiful bedrooms all with
bathrooms and comfortable sofas. At the very end, on one of them, was inscribed the number
eighteen and it is this that my guide pushed. - This is where I stay when I can't get back to
Scarborough, Phoenix simply said, leading me past him. It was a large and beautiful suite with
light parquet, decorated with sober but pretty paintings, midnight blue velvet curtains, a black
leather sofa identical to those in his castle, in front of which rested a large oriental carpet with
bluish patterns. highly sought after. The four-poster bed was majestic with its sheer sails that fell
casually around the mattress, and the crisp white sheets of it. As I walked towards one of the
windows with its tightly closed shutters, I noticed a low cabinet on the shelves of which were
stored books. I knelt down and looked at it: there were novels of all kinds, but I was immediately
drawn to one of the books, having already seen it on my boss's nightstand in Scarborough. -
You finally finished it? I asked, showing him his copy of Lord of the Rings. He went to pour
himself a glass of fresh blood from the mini-fridge near the door. - I took the time, but yes. I
appreciated. I smiled as I put this artwork back in its place and stretched out yawning. I hadn't
slept enough. I got up to walk over to the bed that had been arranged for our attention as
sleepwear and a change of clothes. - Does becoming a vampire one acquire an immoderate
taste for satin? I held in my hands a long ivory-colored nightie, Ava Gardner style. It was very
elegant, but I was not used to sleeping in this kind of fabric, I was always afraid to slip off the
bed and find myself on the floor. Fortunately, there was nothing exceptional about the daytime
outfit: black pants, an ivory satin blouse and matching underwear. Phoenix hadn't heard me
because he had already left in the bathroom. Shrugging, I grabbed the nightie and went to stand
in front of the large mirror near one of the windows to admire myself in retro mode. It was crazy
how clothes could alter your appearance… I couldn't wait to put this one on and imagine myself
as one of those pre-war movie actresses, so beautiful and so elegant in the face of the camera
that had been made icons. I had stopped staring at myself in the mirror when my employer
reappeared with his hair still wet, and wearing a fluid black pajama set that fit him like a glove. -
The place is free. No need to tell me twice. Damn it! This shower was a blessing! I thought,
relishing the soothing touch of water on my body. Between my sleepiness at a height of six
meters, the visit of a house in ruins, the sight of a charred corpse and the disguise of Asako's
tease, I was exhausted. Phoenix was right, if I had taken the wheel back to the castle, I would
have ended up in the aisle again, then in the hospital. After putting on my nightie and putting my
hair in order, I took a breath to give myself courage and dare to leave this room. I was nervous
even though basically there was nothing; Phoenix had already seen me arrive in his room in
undress and yet had refrained from pouncing on me. But at that moment, I was not myself and
the sexy aura I gave off was due to the effects of the imprint tormenting me. This memory was
etched in my mind. There, my eyes remained a deep black and no glowing stain disturbed the
tranquility of these two dark pearls. Okay, I wasn't going to spend the night in the bathroom and
given that Phoenix had already rejected me, I wasn't taking any chances, so as much as I'm
going for it. Straightening my chest, I pushed open the door and re-entered our room, trying to
look serene. Phoenix had taken a pillow and a blanket and had already appropriated the sofa he
was lying on with his eyes closed. - What are you doing? Slowly, he deigned to open his eyelids
and reluctantly turn his head to look me in the face, while I was planted in front of him, hands on
my hips, in a chic satin outfit. Noticing me like that, he bit his lower lip. - It seems obvious to me,
I leave you my bed. Now if you don't mind, I would like to sleep. The sun has risen. Although
this gallantry was appreciable, I considered it unfair for me to occupy a bed in which I would
only stay for a few hours. I wasn't going to stay in bed all day like he was, so it was up to me to
take the couch. - I will not sleep as much as you, it's fairer that it is me who uses the sofa. Get
away. A threatening growl escaped his throat, he had no intention of moving and I had no
intention of giving in. I crossed my arms over my chest. - You allowed me to rest on the tree, it's
your turn now, take the bed! - Sam, if you haven't gone to bed in two seconds, I will indeed get
up, but it will be to tie you up on this canopy while gagging you so as not to hear you utter
stupidities. It was the second time that he had promised to tie me to the bed to have peace and
with such threats, better not to discuss further. By day, Phoenix slept so soundly it looked like
he'd been put into an artificial coma (the joys of vampire life) so I couldn't see myself waiting
with a full bladder to explode. wakes up twelve hours later… - All right, the soft mattress and the
feather pillows mine! I concluded with a sigh. Good night, Phoenix. - Hm. As I slipped into my
covers, I suppressed a smile. Even secular vampires couldn't resist Morpheus' call.

* When I woke up, I had no more landmarks due to the surrounding darkness, other than
knowing that the sun had not set, otherwise I would not have been the only one to open my
eyes in this room. I got off the bed or rather I literally fell as I dreaded it, my beautiful satin
nightie slipped on the sheets of the same fabric, carrying me along in a fall as painful for my ego
as for my buttocks. Inwardly grumbling against my hosts' inordinate taste for bling bling and all
the trappings of wealth, I struggled to get up to get rid of the pillow that had crashed into my
head, and tried to grab my left cell phone. on the nightstand to get an idea of what time it was.
By pivoting on myself, I took a step forward at the same time that I immediately regretted: the
characteristic boom of a shock was heard dully in the room while I swallowed a curse and a cry
of pain as I felt it spread in my big toe. Damn it! Each time, it had tripled in size! Furious at this
imposed night, I glared in the supposed direction where my boss was to sleep, unfairly
reproaching him for not having insisted with Ysis to find me a single room where I could have
turned on the light without being afraid. to make him even more grumpy than he was naturally.
The pain subsided a little, I picked up my phone and quickly turned it on. Well, it was almost
noon (my stomach felt good to show its enthusiasm by learning the information), I had a few
hours ahead of me and a villa to explore. I might as well use my free time to visit the place
quietly, since on the vampire side, I normally had nothing to fear. There was always a crowd in
this place and I had never dared to ask Phoenix to play the guides there, let alone Talanus. I
could easily imagine the faces of visitors to Pompeii if the person who showed them the site was
a Roman general who could have witnessed the disaster two millennia before. No, it was
impossible… Not because Talanus had never been to Pompeii… but because when they saw
him arrive, the tourists would have hurried to leave in their air-conditioned coaches running, as if
a new fiery cloud was descending on them. slopes of Vesuvius… Hilarious! But let's move on! I
had better things to do than think of the frightening charisma of our area manager, I had to get
to the bathroom without tripping over a table or a rug and for that I had the tool he I needed.
When I saw the silly advertisements on TV to download even sillier ringtones or love messages
to mobiles, I told myself that there were only spotty teens to dial the numbers that scrolled on
the screen . What to honestly do with a prediction about the possibility that an ex is still thinking
of us when we know that before benefiting from the incredible precision of the medium waiting
to be of service to humanity on the other end of the phone, you have to pay several times the
price of a basic SMS? What also to do with a song interpreted by an ugly paunchy mole3
extolling its beauty, when listening to it, we only want to throw our phone out the window so as
not to have to bear it anymore? I thought it was all ridiculous…… until I downloaded one of
those bogus apps myself. Yes, I had sold my soul to the consumer society by getting the
flashlight function on my mobile. You will tell me: but why not have a torch directly in your bag?
I'm ashamed to admit it: it was bulky and certainly not aesthetic. But in the end, I was very
happy that day to have such a tool because thanks to the bright glow released by my screen, I
was able to navigate easily into the bedroom and reach the bathroom without damage. Phoenix
was really sleeping soundly because despite the noise and the light, he didn't move an inch
during the entire operation. And so it was that a few minutes later, ready for my expedition all
dressed in Chanel, I left him on tiptoe, closing door number eighteen on the rest of the angel of
the household. Fortunately, unlike our room, the hallway was dimly lit. I did not take any less
precautions not to fall and waited until I was on the ground floor to put on my shoes. I was about
to begin my exploration, but no sooner had I ventured into the great corridor leading to the great
hall where Talanus and Ysis were enthroned, when a threatening whistle sounded behind my
back, forcing me to mobilize all my reflexes learned in training. I wanted to grab my silver knives
hidden in my belt and concealed by my jacket, in order to defend myself against a possible
attack on my life. But as always with vampires, they were way too fast and the one who held my
arms behind my back while slamming a knife to my throat didn't give me time to turn around to
face the loyal one. If he wanted me dead, all he had to do was press the blade a little more
against my skin and it would be over. - What is the pretty human assistant doing to our beloved
angel walking through the corridors at odd hours? hissed an oriental voice warm as honey, but
with a deadly dangerous accent. I stiffened as I felt the pressure of the silver increase on my
neck to the point of beading a drop of blood. Why was he wasting his time asking questions if he
wanted to kill me? Did he only want it? I had to take advantage of this situation, on the one hand
to find out more about the intentions of my attacker, and on the other hand, to allow one of my
free hands to grab my gun to plant it. in the stomach. Since he had rested his chin on the crook
of my shoulder and was obviously waiting for me to answer him, hopefully he wouldn't notice the
maneuver. I had to distract him… - Shouldn't you be sleeping, night owl? The man tightened his
grip and I feared for a moment that he was sticking too close to me for me to carry out my plan. I
wanted to make him talk and let him believe that he was dominating me without betraying my
fear. Phoenix had been clear enough about vampire psychology: being kind often meant
painting a target on their back, and only those who displayed unwavering courage and strength
were respected. "Don't be sassy, human…" he whispered in my ear, triggering an involuntary
chill on my part. So? I wait for you to comply with my orders, the first being to tell me why, you
and your beating little heart, snoop around the villa when everyone is asleep. One more effort
and I would manage to grab the handle of my knife… - I wasn't nosing… I defended myself as I
felt a new drop of blood roll down my neck and stain my blouse. You didn't give me time! Unlike
everyone here, I live during the day and I did not intend to remain cloistered twelve hours in a
dark room with an angel who is as lovable when waking up as a prison guard. Excuse me if I
wanted to stretch my legs! - So you admit that you came to snoop! He was seriously starting to
get on my nerves, that one. - No, but what are you, a converted ex-SAVAK4 agent? (As the
blade jerked against my throat, I realized I had come closer to the truth) First, yes, I went
downstairs to explore and because I'm hungry. Second, no, I don't plan to take pictures of a
bunch of sleeping blood drinkers to put them on the Internet and third… - Third? the other
hissed, reducing the distance between us enough. - Third, you are the most retarded vampire
there is if you think you are giving me orders without me trying to cut a hole in your skin! As I
said these last words, I used my feet and my body weight to propel myself back, directly against
my assailant. The act itself was nothing fancy, except that in the meantime I had managed to
grab the handle of my silver knife and rotate the blade towards my attacker so that at the
slightest touch violent, she could get deep enough into him to weaken him and allow me to beat
him. Taken by surprise, the vampire reacted too late and cried out in pain as he felt the
poisoned metal tear his flesh, freeing me from its deadly embrace. The silver taking effect
immediately, I didn't take the time to watch him writhing in pain and threw myself on him, taking
advantage of his weakness. Obviously, compared to a human, his strength remained colossal,
except that now he was within my reach, thanks to the teaching of my mentor. To prevent him
from recovering too quickly, I gave a violent blow to the weapon protruding from his bruised
flesh with one hand, and with the other, sent a punch in his temple which made him fall
backwards. . Far from being stunned, he tripped me up which made me bite the dust and tried
to throw himself on me, all fangs out. Fortunately I had managed to take my second knife
because it rushed over me like a mad bull, ready to do battle. Although the shock stunned me
when he hit me head-on and I found myself lying on the floor again, I stabbed again the man
who was already getting up, and who looked at his wounds with a disgusted air. This is enough
for me to get back on my feet as well and to prepare myself for the unpleasant melee that was
looming. In the battle, this guy had given me a masterful slap whose landing site, namely my
cheek, swelled more and more, therefore I was determined to make him swallow his fangs
against the steps of the stairs. - Approach, you zealous moron! I'll teach you to underestimate
me! I spat angrily at him, fists raised. Suddenly his posture changed. He straightened up as he
looked at me, a satisfied smile on his face that I could now clearly detail. The accent had not
deceived me since the skin and the thirty-year-old face of my adversary exposed in broad
daylight its Middle Eastern origins, perhaps Persian. He had almond-shaped green eyes, thick
eyebrows but with a well-defined outline, and full lips open to a row of immaculate white teeth.
His shiny black hair cascaded down over broad shoulders covered by a white T-shirt, whose
very wide V-neck showed the beginning of the pecs, while his black jeans hugged it perfectly,
including in places intimates whose size and modesty would have required a larger fabric. I
suddenly turned pale when I realized, thanks to the tingling on the back of my neck, that one or
more of his little friends had just arrived. Ok, no matter how trained I was, I could not see how to
extricate myself from this bee-eater without the exceptional abilities of the living dead. Suffice to
say that I was ruined. Slowly, I swiveled so I could take a look at the new arrivals while keeping
my enemy in sight. Ah… Twelve vampires built like Olympic wrestlers stared at me relentlessly,
their closed and indecipherable expressions seeming to announce death to come. Among them,
I recognized two of the guards on the outer gate who always greeted me when we disembarked
with Phoenix; they must have had enough of being polite. Bah! You might as well die with
panache! - All that for me? I said, sitting up and sneering. It sounds like you're more afraid of
humans than you want to admit. In any case, I am not afraid of you. So? Who do I start with?
One of the guards I knew, Steve, stepped forward and stood in front of me. I imagined that all
my energy was pouring into my fists and that when the time came, I would land a blow worthy of
the Incredible Hulk on him. But a strange thing happened. - Peace, Miss Jones, we won't do
anything to you. Frowning, I stared at them all trying to predict who would come first because in
my opinion, they could not threaten me with a knife and try to knock me out by taking me out
after they did not want me of badness. What's the story?! The Persian vampire cautiously
walked around me to stand next to his counterpart and take the role of spokesperson: - My
name is Hedayat Javan, I am the security chief of Talanus and Ysis during the day. Failing to
meet you, Miss Jones, I must say I have heard a lot of good things from you. I just wanted to
see if your reputation was justified. - And you can not find anything better than to attack me in
traitor at the turn of a corridor? I bristled, furious. - Testing you loyally would not have been very
representative of our way of life. He said this to me in a paternalistic tone, as if it were a
question of excusing a little girl who had just said something stupid. However, I was far from
being stupid and I began to understand the politics of their species: - You could just as well test
the capacities of Phoenix through me and by noting my incompetence, you could have flaunted
his and aim for a position which, until now, was beyond your reach! By ridiculing me, you
intended to discredit him, that's it? My tirade caused a heavy silence to fall in the corridor where
we faced each other. I was so angry that I felt like an aura of fire was crackling around me and it
would only have taken a flick of my wrist to char all these beautiful people. However, I had to
take the wrong path because my listeners, especially Prince of Persia, seemed really shocked
by my reasoning. - You do not understand at all. We admire Phoenix, on the contrary, and
believe that he is the best angel Talanus has had in his service for hundreds of years. We would
never try to undermine its authority, even if at the beginning, the choice of a human assistant,
unprecedented in our history, left us skeptical. Afterward, we recognized that you command
respect despite your humanity, but we had to be sure. Our role is to ensure the safety of our
sector leaders when they are the most vulnerable, and if your loyalty had changed sides, you
could have, as you said, taken advantage of your free access to the compound to take photos to
post on the net, or to send to our enemies. If this was not the case, this episode will have served
to demonstrate that you are perfect for the function that has been assigned to you. Stunned by
this speech, I stared at each of the guards angrily, my cheek throbbing at me terribly, adding
more to a bad mood already at its height. Why did they decide to do this to me after a year?
Phoenix had already given me a test to end my trial period and I had overcome it, that should
have been enough for this bunch of… of… There were no words to express their stupidity and
even more how much they would regret being born. - You're nuts… Talanus is going to tear
your eyes out… - We are acting on his orders, he was afraid that you have softened since your
accident. I took the blow masterfully, showing nothing of the hurricane of fury that swept through
me at that moment. Thus, Talanus was afraid that Phoenix's judgment would be distorted by his
feelings towards me and that he could not see whether or not my recent accident had impaired
my combat effectiveness. Or, he sent me a subliminal message through this beating: I had no
place in their world. What energy wasted for nothing… - Talanus will be satisfied with your
action… All my audience showed an air of contentment by nodding their heads, until I finished
my sentence in a voice cut like a razor: -… we will not be able to not say the same of Phoenix.
And on the sudden fallout of atmosphere that followed, I made my way between them to access
a huge library that I never left until sunset.

* When Phoenix found me, I was leafing through a magazine full of gossip about current stars;
there was a whole bunch of them near the fireplace. No wonder these people like this kind of
reading, since they had the same lifestyle as the international jet set. It changed from the image
of the vampire alone in his dismal castle with, for only company, a bat and a coffin… - Good
evening, Sam. - Good evening, Phoenix. He came and sat down beside me, yawning openly. -
Slept poorly? I asked to be kind. - This leather sofa is stiff as concrete, and I dreamed without
tail or head. I hate that. - I don't mind, I'm used to it. And then, when I remember it, it makes me
laugh. - Frankly, Sam, it's not… He didn't finish his sentence because what I was dreading
happened. He straightened up, staring at my right cheek with an insistence that would have
embarrassed me under other circumstances. - Good God! But what is this?! he cried, horrified
as he saw the bruise spreading as a red-purple patch on my swollen skin. He grabbed my chin
to take a closer look, but I gently pulled away. - It looks like Talanus has a sense of humor. -
What? It is him who…? - No, according to Hedayat, he just wanted to make sure that my
accident did not have too much of an impact on my efficiency, so he thought that an ambush on
getting out of bed would be perfect as a test of 'aptitude. Obviously, Phoenix was struggling to
keep control of himself, but sadly, the bluish flashes that streaked his pupils indicated that his
anger was going to explode at any moment. I shrug my shoulders. - Did Hedayat run into you?
he hissed, baring his fangs. Talanus has gone mad, this guy is one of the best knife fighters in
the area. I felt a carnivorous smile appear on my face when I answered him: - Maybe, but I gave
him a good lesson. Putting his anger aside, Phoenix stared at me in amazement. - You defeated
him? - If he had been human, he would be dead dead by now. I did not miss it! The expression
had changed from amazement to disbelief, then to pride. - You will always surprise me, Sam. I
am very impressed. And without waiting for my reply, he cut his wrist with his fangs and poured
a few drops of blood into my empty glass. - It would be a shame if Professor Finnigan met you
with a cheek like that. Drink. I didn't like it much, but he was right. The interview with this
specialist in negotiating genealogies was important for our investigation and to give him
confidence, it was better to avoid disembarking as if I had just emerged from a bar fight. I took
the glass and emptied it in one gulp, trying to forget the metallic aftertaste of this infamous brew.
"That's better," Phoenix said, touching the area in question with the back of his hand. I took the
risk of pressing on it with my finger and sighed in relief when I saw that the pain was gone. My
employer made sure I was okay one last time, then stood up and walked to the library door. -
Where are you going? I asked, already knowing the answer. - Settle my accounts. Two options
were now open to me. Either I let Phoenix liquidate the head of day security, not giving a damn
that he only did his job and then go and explain himself with a Talanus who did not suffer any
questioning of his authority and who would not hesitate to pillory him for his insolence; or I
followed him and prevented him from claiming a duly deserved revenge. Tss… I thought as I
stood up and hurried to catch up with him. Of course, with my human legs I had no chance of
beating him in the sprint, but it was better for both of us that I gave it a shot. Fact, I ignored the
dumbfounded looks of the vampires I passed as I ran and focused my attention on the
silhouette of Phoenix heading hopelessly into the great hall. As if his anger seemed to crackle
around him, no one was crazy enough to stay in his way and we were stepping out of his way. I
would have liked it to be the same for me, but I had to elbows to reach my destination. -
Everyone come out, I must speak to the master! Phoenix hadn't needed to scream. His deadly
velvet voice and glowing eyes acted like a spur on those present who scampered off without
asking for their rest, outright throwing their champagne flutes on a nearby sideboard. Only a few
guards refused to leave their posts, although my boss's violent gaze made them tremble in their
boots. - If in three seconds you haven't cleared my sight, I swear to break your limbs one by one
until you beg me to cut off your head! A brief glance at Talanus who nodded in acquiescence,
and all of their protectors emptied the place, hugging their legs, the latter shutting the lead door
to ensure our privacy. Ysis, despite her apparent calm, could not help but turn her head towards
each other with a frown, which made me suspect her ignorance of her husband's test.
Considering how she hated me in general, it would certainly have displeased her. - What's
going on? she said, addressing Phoenix. Why are you showing up here dismissing our guests
with so little courtesy? My employer's eyes now seemed to flash blue. - Do you disapprove of
the way I behaved with your guests? And what about your companion's behavior towards my
assistant? As a leisure to allow her to enjoy her day, you put a knife to her throat before beating
her up! Ysis froze and turned her head in my direction. She scanned me up and down, looking
for any bruising or any apparent cut, then turned to Talanus: - Is he saying true? she asked in a
voice so icy that said person stiffened on his throne. - I did what was necessary to be sure of its
effectiveness after its accident. I hadn't really been able to do it until then, it was the perfect
opportunity. She passed the test with flying colors and anyway, it's my right as Sector Head to
verify the competence of my minions. - She's mine! roared Phoenix, fangs glistening with
relentless determination. You have no right to… Phoenix was going to continue, but Ysis raised
her hand to silence him, literally blasting her companion with her green gaze. She spoke again
in a deep voice, charged with reproach and contained anger. - I knew you were ruthless
Talanus, but not barbarian. Your attitude is hardly better than that of Attila and his Huns
disembarking in a village! You forget that being a sector manager does not give you all the
rights, like that of flouting the rules of hospitality. Just as you forget that there is a law that any
human servant unfairly treated by a vampire other than his master has the right to seek redress
through the latter. At those words, Talanus and Phoenix stared at each other, waiting for the
other's reaction. I could have dwelled on the property claim of which I was the object and which
left me perplexed (thus, by becoming the official "slave" of my boss, I had gained certain rights
which he had failed to accept. 'inform) but the situation deserved that I pass on this chapter.
Everyone seemed ready to pounce in a second, and Ysis, whose eyes had lit up with an intense
yellow light during her speech, was content to lean back in her seat awaiting the final decision. I
remembered the first time I had seen my mentor and his master fight in front of me: I had not
had time to understand what was happening that Phoenix had landed violently on his back,
lifted with one hand by a Talanus who did not appreciate his opinion being challenged. Even if
this time he would not let it be, his superior, with his two thousand years of experience,
benefited from a titanic force that he would use in a few seconds to break him. - Stop! I shouted,
placing myself between the two men. Aware of the precariousness of my situation, I decided to
hide my nervousness by attacking reason on instinct: - Talanus, you were wrong to go about it
this way to check my skills even if your intentions regard were not mean. As for you, Phoenix, I
appreciate your concern, but I see no point in a duel with your master on the pretext that he was
simply concerned about your reputation. Imagine if, through my fault, you were called weak and
blinded by your feelings towards an incompetent… I defeated Hedayat, I proved my worth.
Therefore, I decline to seek redress for injury that was not. To say that I forgave Talanus for his
utter lack of tact would have lacked sincerity, but I was willing to lie to prevent them from
jumping each other at each other's throats and thus breaching the respect and affection that
had been there. installed between them. I refused to be the cause, especially for a bruise on the
cheek. - Make peace, I concluded in a harsh voice, strafing them each with my sharp black
gaze. Somewhat taken aback by my tirade, they were still in a position of attack; my arms were
starting to hurt from staying planted between them with my hands up. Still, I didn't want to let my
guard down for fear of giving them an opening that I later regretted. Fortunately, after watching
each other warily for another minute, they nodded, sealing their reconciliation without a word
being exchanged. However, I waited until Talanus had joined Ysis in their royal seat to allow me
to relax my vigilance and my arms. A quick glance at the Egyptian princess warns me that if
Phoenix and I had passed, one person here hadn't done the same, far from it. When Talanus
ventured to point his hand towards his wife's, a threatening growl stopped him in his tracks and
made him backtrack, looking pitiful. Something told me that when Ysis got angry with Talanus,
her grudge could last for months… even years. I felt no pity for him, he really deserved it.
Somehow, seeing how he adored his wife, this proxy revenge would be much more effective
than a hand-to-hand fight… And I was savoring it. Suddenly, I jumped when I heard the doors
open, freeing access to the great hall for the curious who had gathered against them in the vain
hope of hearing bits of our conversation. As soon as the operation was over, Phoenix came
over to me and took my hand to lead me out, without even looking at his superiors. But we had
not taken ten steps before we came face to face with Hedayat Javan who, by his contrite
expression and his dark circles, seemed to want to apologize to my boss before going to bed. It
wasn't shaping up to be bad news as he clenched his jaws creakingly, his back muscles tensed
to the max in an attempt to keep his composure. The main corridor was packed, a fight would
inevitably have caused collateral damage of which I could have been part. Hedayat Javan
noticed nothing and bowed respectfully before us, his right hand on his heart in an attitude of
deference. The scene, somewhat original in decorum, aroused the curiosity of the people
around us and in a few moments, a circle formed around us, increasing the possible volume of
collateral damage. - I know we do not know each other well, angel, but know that I have for you
and your assistant the greatest respect. Although I acted on orders, I am a man of honor and I
feel a duty to apologize to both of you and beg your forgiveness for the implications of my
mission. I didn't feel any resentment against him and my boss understood it when he fixed his
blue gaze on mine. It remained to be seen if on his side, he would let him get away with it. -
Straighten up! he ordered him in a dry, authoritative tone. Complying, Hedayat could not
suppress a breath of relief seeing the relaxed posture of the angel facing him. It was bad for him
because barely a hundredth of a second later, the latter's fist fell on his temple at lightning
speed, leaving him stunned for good at our feet, lying like an old mop on the magnificent tiled
floor of our hosts. - You're forgiven! Phoenix hissed, taking my hand to follow him outside and
pushing out of his way anyone who had the foolishness to stop there. As we took off, impacting
that we had left without even reporting to Talanus on Seamus' death, I also understood that
when Hedayat woke up from his forced coma, he would have much to be relieved, because if
my boss was content to smash his skull, it was that indeed, he had forgiven him.

* - Where are we going? I cried to cover the sound of the wind lashing my face. We weren't
heading back to Scarborough and I had no idea where my flying driver was taking us. - We
return to the southern districts to question the neighborhood of Seamus. Tomorrow you will
break into the police computers and see all the reports related to this case. - I want to do that,
but you think people will open their doors to us? The police have surely already started the
investigations. - The police, yes, but not the FBI. - The FBI? Want to pass us off as federal
agents? I blurted out, incredulous. - Grab my wallet from my inside left pocket and look inside.
Raising my eyebrows, I did so quickly but not without difficulty, due to the electric blanket which
hampered my movements. I opened his property and found two official federal cards with both
of our photos on them and our names on them; at least the ones that Phoenix had invented for
us. So his name was John Winfield and I was Grace Terensford. - We can not say that you are
not prepared for every eventuality, you! - It's better, otherwise I'm good at changing careers. -
That's true! How long do you plan to continue this work? I mean ... You're not going to be in this
role all your life. I never thought to ask him what his plans for his retirement would be, if you
could qualify his resignation that way. Even though he would never get old, I thought after a
while he would eventually tire of being the angel of Talanus and Ysis, and aspire to something
else. Seeing his face, my reasoning had never crossed his mind. - Sam… I never considered
leaving my post. I love what I do and what's more, it has allowed me to become someone
important in my company. Being an angel does not allow us to leave the function as a human
would: first because it is an honor, and then… because in general, the person concerned is
killed before hoping for any retirement. This statement left me speechless. I knew Phoenix's job
was extremely dangerous having come close to death with him on multiple occasions, however,
I never imagined that by becoming an angel one would also sign his programmed death
warrant. - But it's impossible! There was indeed in your history an angel who did not end his
career tragically! - No, Sam, I'm sorry. I bit my lip. I had decided to leave to prevent the
closeness with my boss from continuing to torment me by reminding me that my love for him
was nothing but unrequited nonsense. But how would I react if I happened to learn by chance,
during a visit to my friends, that he had predeceased me? I would have asked Francois: -
What's up with vampires? Knowing him, he would have looked at me with a compassionate air,
would have placed a consoling hand on my shoulder, trying to determine when I would collapse,
then, with all the tact of his kind, would have said: - He is dead. Realizing that a pungent,
metallic taste was filling my mouth, I released the pressure of my teeth on my lips. An overly
sensitive human had no place alongside Phoenix, failing to have accepted it, I understood it.
Nevertheless, I was ready to lead a dreary and boring life away from him, not to live in a world
without him… Suddenly, the emptiness in me began to crack to let slip bits of suffering so
masterfully repressed. , these invading me and devouring me like a horde of hungry hyenas
fighting over a carrion. My heart, this organ so little present lately, suddenly raced in reaction to
the fire that consumed it from within and beat so hard it made me shiver from head to toe. No! I
thought. By a supreme effort of will, I succeeded in channeling the pain by applying myself to
drive from my mind the very idea of the definitive death of my employer. Phoenix was powerful,
the best from all I heard, and there was no reason for him to die prematurely. He would know
how to get out of all the dangers and would continue on his way for the good execution of the
Great Change. There you go, no need to panic. Breathe in ... breathe out ... With relief, I felt the
cracks close again, imprisoning the suffering again, like the Giants locked up by Zeus deep in
Tartarus to prevent them from surging down to Earth. I was there again. Empty. I realized that I
had closed my eyes to manage my stress by opening my eyelids to the image of my wearer,
whose worried gaze was on me. "I'm fine, it was just dizzy," I said in a smiling attempt at lying.
Phoenix must have heard the hubbub in my rib cage, so telling him I was in Olympic form would
have pointed out that lie as effectively as if I had been poking Pinocchio's nose instead of mine.
He knew my aversion to cloud travel, so I thought he would believe me. - We will not be long in
arriving, he assured me, looking in front of him again, without giving me the possibility of seeing
in him if he was fooled or not. So I imitated his demeanor and watched the hundreds of lights
from the metropolitan buildings stretching out below us, trying to imagine myself knocking on
Seamus O'Malley's neighbors' doors under the false identity of an agent. from the FBI. I didn't
know how many laws we were breaking by doing this, but in dire straits, great remedies, is not
it? Phoenix landed us in the tree on which we had waited for the police to leave the day before
and leaving me on the largest branch, jumped loosely to the ground. - Why didn't you land
directly on the ground? Do you want me dead or what?! He had ordered me to jump, but the
very thought of throwing myself into the void from this height froze my blood and giddy this time,
I clung desperately to the trunk of my large leafy support. , hoping my boss will pick me up soon.
- I was not going to risk landing in the open! Come on, don't be kidding and jump, I'll catch up
with you! - No way! Come get me! - Shit! Seeing the anger in his voice, Phoenix was starting to
grow impatient and knowing him, he would be able to give me time to go and question the
neighborhood; I had no choice. Closing my eyes in silent prayer, I moved slightly to the edge of
my branch to prepare for the plunge. You don't risk anything, you don't risk anything, you don't
risk anything ... I chanted throughout the maneuver. - Sam, I'm starting to find the time long!
Either you jump, or I shake this tree to dislodge you! That was really a low blow! Did he have no
mercy when I was completely terrified? Was he really going to knock me down to speed things
up? I was sure he would, and the evidence made me nervous. - Would it kill you to be
charitable?! Can't you see I'm dizzy, you heartless tyrant?! Phoenix burst out laughing. -
Technically, I remind you that I am already dead and that by definition, a tyrant has no heart. To
get me out of such unsophisticated insults is that you are indeed dizzy! As much as I have some
doubts for earlier, as much now, it is indisputable ... absolutely funny. - Do not make fun of me! I
scolded, shivering with anger. Ignoring my remark, he just scratched his chin as he stared at
me, in a perfect imitation of my first meeting with Karl Sarlsberg: a mixture of disdain and
sarcasm embodied on Adonis' face. Grrrr! - It's when you want! His unbearable behavior made
me hesitate between two options. A: Falling on him while arranging to kick him in the teeth
(sadistic, but totally ineffective), B: staying on my perch to enrage him further (satisfying, but in
the end it would backfire on me). These possibilities made me realize that I really had a very
bad temper. To do so would be childish and childish, and yet I would derive devious pleasure
from it mixed with infinite satisfaction for the vengeance accomplished. What was this way of
thinking? My parents, Betty and Warren Watkins, were both gentle as lambs and had never
raised their voices against me. I wondered where my volcanic temperament came from in the
family… Too bad there were no more living members to inform me. I really had to make an
effort to tame my bad sides and muzzle my scathing lines before they got into trouble by being
pitted against vampires far more powerful than me. - I'm taking root! cried my employer, who
had leaned against the trunk, mimicking the movement of a nail file in action. My blood heated
up and my muscles tensed to allow me to gaze at the rude as I prepared to shower it with acid
cues. The problem was that my left foot encountered as a support this damn slippery foam that
had almost knocked me down the first time. Although I tried to restore my balance with new and
oh so ugly spinners of the arms, gravity did not let me escape and made me topple into the void,
head first. Screaming at the top of my lungs, I widened my eyes when I saw the ground
approaching me so quickly and I didn't even have the time to see my life go by as I was caught
in the middle of the landing by powerful arms, pledges of salvation. However, rather than
breathing in relief, here is what came out of my mouth: - Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, put me down!
Help me! Help me! I always saw the blue colored and slightly soft ground studied to prevent the
children from injuring themselves in the event of a fall (not a fall from several meters, of course),
I could almost touch it with the tips of my fingers as I waved all over the place along with my
arms and legs. Damn it! What humiliation! Phoenix had caught up with me as best he could and
so I found myself upside down, feet in the air, tight against my savior who was crushing my
stomach, while his face was level with my bottom. My bag and its contents were strewn at her
feet, my hair swept the floor, and my pants were drawn up along my legs, which had turned
hopelessly white again after a summer when they had taken on an adorable honey color. In
short, total shame! My boss leaned forward while loosening his grip so that I could get back in
the right direction, except instead of doing so with grace and flexibility, I fell heavily on my butt,
letting out a little cry of pain. Behind the curtain of crazy hair that hid my view, I could still see
that Phoenix was putting all his energy to suppress the hilarity that was already shaking his
shoulders. They were only missing that ! I wanted to keep a minimum of dignity so in silence, I
took care to pick up all my equipment and put it in my bag, adopting an upright posture and an
imperturbable air, even when my employer no longer restrained himself and literally burst out
laughing with this reflex of wiping his corner eyes as if tears that could no longer flow had
managed to make their way there. Inside, I was mortified. Outwardly, uh… I was mortified too.
In a second, I had ruined all the flexibility gained from months and months of training. Instead of
jumping with the feline grace of a panther, I had fallen with the heaviness of an elephant
hanging from a rock. If it leaked out, I could say goodbye to the respect I had earned in
vampires. Good God! Phoenix was still laughing when he asked me if I was okay and it was his
laughter rather than his delay that kept me from responding to this just request. - We have work.
When you're done laughing your head off, maybe we can get started. He bowed respectfully to
show his consent, but also to mask a new smile, then followed me towards the pile of ruins left
by the fire that had ravaged Seamus and his house. Infuriated by the situation, I hugged my bag
a little more to my chest and with a disdainful snort, stepped out of that damn playground.
Better, for the one who immediately followed me, to stop laughing in seconds or I was going to
explode for good. Fortunately, he managed to control himself and when we reached the door of
one of the neighbors across from poor Seamus, he had regained his seriousness. - I'll leave you
the role of the good cop. You pissed me off so much that I might be rude if we run into the
village idiot. Phoenix's fangs glistened in the night. He was smiling. - Your bad temper is always
sweet music to my ears. He didn't give me time to reply because he rang the doorbell. A woman
in her sixties greeted us with suspicion at first, then warmly when my partner informed her of our
membership in the FBI, and despite the late hour, she invited us to sit in her living room to offer
us some tea. Taking Phoenix’s grimace for a nod, she happily rushed into her kitchen. During
this time, I observed the place, approving a light and refined decoration which created a
soothing whole for the bubbling guest that I was. "I hate tea," I heard my boss grumble. - Well,
you will make an effort not to upset this charming lady. After everything you've been through in
five hundred years, a little cup of tea isn't going to kill you. - Grumpf. A few minutes later, Mrs.
Caldwell, since that was her name, returned with a tray loaded with three steaming mugs and a
plate of homemade shortbread cookies. "Guess you've come to ask me about my late
neighbor," she said, sitting down and taking a sip of the liquid. - Absolutely, Ma'am. While our
questions won't change much from those of the police, we would like you to answer them as
accurately as possible. I had told our host and drank some of her lemon tea. Beyond an
excruciating burning of the tongue, I gagged on swallowing this infamous beverage. I wanted to
get rid of the taste by grabbing one of the shortbreads from the tray. It took all the strength of my
good education not to spit out the floury cookie on the ground. - Oh, I hope you like it, my little
one. These are my son's favorite cookies, Rupert. He even asks me to send some to him when
he is on a mission in Afghanistan. He's a very good soldier, you know. Noticing a pot of flowers
next to my chair, I was about to give in to the distress call of my teeth when this poor cook
spoke to me. For sure! There was only one serviceman, experienced with disgusting survival
rations, who could swallow that kind of evil food! With my mouth still full, I just smiled at her,
trying to hide as much as possible the nausea that was rising in me. Satisfied, she turned to
Phoenix who hastened to erase the amused look he had taken on when he saw me like this. -
So what do you want to know? Unable to hold it any longer, I spat it all into a paper towel that I
rolled into a ball before hiding it under the back of my seat. - Did you know Seamus O'Malley? -
Oh, not very well. He was a quiet man who spent most of his time at home. He rarely went out
and always at night. I would run into him sometimes when I walked my dog before going to bed.
He made me feel like a nice person, but not very smart. - Did you know what his profession
was? - He told me he was doing his dream job because he was being paid to test video games.
Phoenix and I exchanged a glance. This information was reassuring because as prior no one
had any doubts as to the true identity of their neighbor. As far as his profession was concerned,
he had just told them the truth, and he had been right. A no-life might have ended up worrying
local residents given the increase in shootings triggered by off-center people who still believed
themselves in their video games. But Seamus had said it was his job. He was therefore
someone integrated into society and who paid taxes despite his discretion. It took little people,
sometimes, to be reassured. Finally, in our case, it suited us well. - Did Seamus get a lot of
visitors? Mrs. Caldwell sat up in her seat and coughed. - I am a war widow living on the army
pension and the generosity of my son. I certainly have a lot of free time, but I don't spend it
spying on my neighbors! Her embarrassed look made me suspect the opposite, but her pride
risked making her silent. It was necessary to round off the angles. - Far be it from us, dear
madam, but you seem to be a woman attentive to the needs of others and a good Christian. We
just hope that in your concern to help your neighbor, you would have paid attention to what was
going on at Mr. O'Malley's. She looked up at me with a surprised look. - Seen like that…
Seamus received very few visitors. In fact, I often saw the same man pass by his house. While
walking my dog one evening I greeted them and he told me it was Phil, one of his co-workers.
This gentleman seemed very nice, but between us, be it said, he really had not invented the
powder, if you know what I mean… - Did you see anything the night of the fire? - Well… As I
told the police and the fire department, I'm sure this fire is due to an electrical problem. - What
do you mean? Phoenix and I said these words at the same time. We felt that the sequel would
be important. - The last time I saw Seamus, he was in a very bad mood because his television
and his computer were not working properly. Just before the tragedy, I saw a white van pull up
in front of his house. It seemed strange to me so I looked all the better… hum… for Christian
reasons of course… - Of course… cut off my employer. And? - Two men got out. They were
surely electricians to see their overalls and their tool cases. I thought they were coming to work
at Seamus. They came in and I got a call from my son. When I returned, they were already
gone. I told the firefighters that it must have been rookie work to start such a fire. Poor
Seamus… - Mrs. Caldwell, can you describe these men for us? I asked greedily. - I only saw
them from behind unfortunately. However, I can tell you that one of them was hewn from rock!
Although the description was not more complete, we were sure that the tattooed man I had met
at the beginning of this story was involved in it all. But who was the other? - Did you see a detail
that would allow them to be recognized? A name on the van, a license plate? Like me, Phoenix
was struggling to hide his excitement over the looming track. - Sorry, I did not see any company
name and the license plate was strangely damaged ... Our hopes dashed, my employer and I
squeezed together in our seats. Another failure. -… But I saw an acronym on the back door that
hit me. It was a black cobra about to bite another white cobra. It was the first time that I saw this
kind of drawing on a car. I raised my eyebrows. Cobras? Noticing Phoenix, I could tell from his
look that he was as puzzled as I was. It was a dead end… - Alright, Mrs. Caldwell, I think we
have wasted your time enough, he said getting up. I hastened to tell him immediately. - Thank
you for your help and your welcome. Our hostess will flush with pride. - Oh… but I only did my
duty. What modesty! I thought. For someone who spent her days spying on her neighbors,
being thanked by the FBI in this way would encourage her to stand at her window even more
often. She was waving to us again as we were about to ring another doorbell. I greeted her with
a smile while muttering to my employer: - Do not think of leaving here by flying, she will surely
call other little old idle women so that they stand at their window in order to follow us home.
trace. I was relieved when the owner of the house we were standing in front of let us in, thus
escaping the unhealthy curiosity of this brave citizen. Unfortunately, some time later, we were
forced to realize that Ms. Caldwell, with her bad habits, had been the most productive witness to
our investigation. Seamus' other neighbors, straightforward or not, weren't as concerned about
other people's lives as she did, and since they took Seamus for a harmless eccentric, they didn't
care. "We're back to square one," I said, walking up the street. Phoenix was looking for a quiet
place to take off without witnesses. - It depends. That acronym ... maybe it means something.
We would have to find out what that means. You might as well look for a needle in a haystack,
but you might as well start somewhere. - I can look on the internet to see if a company has
adopted this logo, although I doubt it, and also in the police database. If so, it represents a gang
or something. - Good idea. - The problem is, it'll take a while. - But you are less likely to lose
patience than I am. Indeed, facing a computer, Phoenix had a tendency to lose his means and
the slightest obstacle triggered violent and costly reactions in him. The last screen he had
thrown his fist into had cost me a small fortune, and had won him a shower of imprecations as
to his unbearable impatience. - Here it will be good. I hadn't paid attention to the landscape, so I
was surprised to find myself standing in front of a lovely park, lit by only a few lampposts. A tiny
stream snaked through it, above which a small wooden bridge had been installed. Useless,
since you could hop on the other side, but rather aesthetic. - The bride and groom must have
their picture taken here. I had thought out loud. I quickened my pace and distanced my
companion to go see it more closely, admiring, despite the darkness, the dreamlike atmosphere
that emanated from this place. If I had not been distracted by this enchanting vision, I would
have seen earlier the presence hidden behind the large trunk of the tree which, by its foliage,
prevented the light of the lamps from illuminating the small path leading to the bridge . They
grabbed me violently by the arm to pull me back and I found myself at the mercy of a blade
under my throat. My heart leapt in my chest when I realized that I had made the mistake of
throwing myself into a vampire's net. It couldn't be Mellindra's Circle since its members
preferred to attack by day or with a rifle (melee / human / vampire was not highly
recommended). As with my recent experience with Hedayat, I froze, as any sudden movements
would only galvanize my attacker, who must have been after Phoenix. - You know you're
beautiful, yeah? Not like others that I usually fuck. This voice broken by the cigarette as well as
the stamp of perversion which dripped from it made me understand that I was not dealing with a
vampire ... I felt the blade jerk on my neck at the same time as the excitement building in my
opponent, as he pressed me to him to make me feel through my coat, the bulge of his pants.
Where was Phoenix? I thought. - If you scream, I'll kill you, he said before licking my neck,
moving his hand feverishly on my left breast. Disgusted by this infamous contact, I couldn't
afford to wait for my boss to deign to show up. In addition, knowing him, he would have taken
the opportunity to submit me to a combat exercise and thus check my skills. - You're making a
huge mistake. He laughed, pressing me more against his excited pelvis. - It's you who made a
mistake by coming to risk yourself here, my beauty. Have you ever been told to avoid dark
corners in the middle of the night? - And you, we never told you that sooner or later you were
going to pay for all your crimes? Without giving him time to answer, I gave him a nudge in the
stomach that made him step back without dropping his weapon. I immediately turned around
and threw my fist in his face. Furious, he tried to stab me but I dodged him and knocked him
down, hitting my leg in his shins. I wanted to hurt him, to teach him what it meant to pick on a
woman. Another kick in the ribs made him cry out in pain that made me smile with all my teeth.
He was on the ground, at my mercy. Triumphantly, I wanted to put an end to the fight by giving
him my foot in the balls, as I had done a year before during my trial period, except that
everything did not go as planned. He managed to feign and my momentum knocked me off
balance. I found myself on the ground too, and only my reflexes saved my life. I rolled to the
side to escape his murderous blade successfully, however, as I stood up, I offered myself
somehow to his foot which he threw in my face. Stunned, I saw thirty-six candles as I finished
collapsing on the cold grass. The moment he threw himself on me, I thought that after all these
glorious victories against vampires, to have me stupidly killed by a scum of humanity was a
most pitiful end. As in slow motion, I saw his eyes drip all the hatred and perversion that this
madman felt towards women, then, being stopped dead in his tracks, stopped before landing by
invisible links, a bit like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. I had time to see the bewilderment
paint on his horrible face before he was pulled back away from me. A little lost and a little
nauseous, I hastened to get up to understand the situation. - You dared to attack my assistant
and although I've only been here for a short time, I have my idea about your intentions towards
her. You have five seconds to convince me not to kill you. If you can, I'll just make you swallow
your genitals. The owner of that terrifying velvet voice held my attacker in his hands and
squeezed his throat so tightly that I doubted any sound would come out. - Rrrrrraa… tuff… die…
ir… With deliberate slowness, Phoenix repeated himself, offering the sight of his victim, his
glowing eyes and sharp fangs. The guy just yelled "Bitch!" And urinate in his pants. The almost
tender smile and the softness of a velvet voice frightened me: - Wrong answer. I clearly heard
the crackle of the neck of my attacker when with a brief movement of the wrist, Phoenix turned
his head to the side. The corpse then fell with a dull thud to the ground. I stared at him open-
mouthed, then returned my attention to the impassive face of his assassin, who waited
motionless beside him, as if his proximity didn't affect him at all. He was waiting for my reaction.
Damn it! He had just killed a human in front of my eyes! My heart began to pound in my chest.
However, I had seen him commit monstrous acts that would have terrorized anyone without my
finding fault (Huan had indeed been reduced to shreds in front of me). But there ... His gaze was
on me, seeming to follow my thoughts as they unfolded in my mind. Yet an uncertain flash
passed through his eyes despite his facade mask and I understood that he was afraid; afraid I
would push him away because of what he had just done. But instead of rejecting it, I pulled my
cell phone out of my pocket and searched my phonebook for the number I wanted to dial. -
Hello? It's Samantha Jones. I need a team of cleaners in a southern neighborhood park. A
single corpse… human. Can you locate me? Yes. Ok, we don't move. I hung up. - They'll be
here in ten minutes. I saw a brief flash of relief in his irises, he still didn't move. - Are you hurt? I
touched my right cheek. - It's okay. I underestimated it and paid the price for it. That will teach
me. But what about you? Where have you been? His eyes lit up with anger. - You are not the
only one who made a mistake. I had the feeling that we were being followed so I left you to
check. I returned as soon as I heard the sounds of struggle. I should never have left you alone!
Phoenix blamed himself, it was obvious, yet he had trained me to face this kind of situation. -
Normally, you wouldn't have had to intervene. I was overconfident because he was a human, he
shouldn't have been able to defeat me. He fell silent. I gazed at the rapist's body. - Why did you
kill him? You let Bouffi and Vérolé live last year. My conscience worked on me as if it was I who
had broken his neck. I was feeling bad. - This guy was much more dangerous. And he dared to
touch you, I can feel it on you. I winced as I ran my hand around my neck. It was clear that I
would take a shower when I got home and put several layers of soap where that pig had licked
me. Phoenix didn't miss a beat, his tight lips telling me that his fury was just waiting to be
expressed again. - We could have handed him over to the police… - After what that scum did to
the other women he assaulted and what he almost did to you too, I have no remorse.
Remember I'm a vampire, Sam. Your scruples honor you, but they don't mean anything to me.
This man attacked you, he's dead. Period. I didn't quite agree with him, but in a way he was
right. Vampires had a different view of the world than humans, and the death of a repeat rapist
was unlikely to horrify them. In addition, my employer had somehow given my attacker a chance
to make it out alive, but the latter had not seized it, preferring to insult me again, signing his
death warrant. In fact, while I would have preferred to see this man in prison, I certainly
shouldn't mourn him. Phoenix had stood up for me when I risked losing my life; it was he who
had killed him, not me. My conscience calmed down. - I'm not judging you. Who knows? Maybe
soon I will find myself in a situation where I have to make the same choice as you. While waiting
for the cleaners, I was far from suspecting that this choice would present itself so quickly to me.
My employer had in a way given my attacker a chance to make it out alive, but the latter had not
seized it, preferring to insult me again, signing his death warrant. In fact, while I would have
preferred to see this man in prison, I certainly shouldn't mourn him.

* The next day, I occupied my day with Matthew, going through his adoption files again and
making phone calls to the departments concerned. The administrative task that awaited us was
exhausting, so we did not spare ourselves many breaks during our work. I had spent the
morning getting information on the net to see if in ten years, the steps to find his parents had
become a little easier. Reading the forums and the many official sites, it was not easy.
Especially since in Matthew's case, we were starting from scratch. No one knew where he was
from, and no witness had seen anyone drop the little boy he was in that dark alley. It was going
to take me months to find any clues, if not more, so I made the decision to take advantage of
Dennis Obson's scientific tools by bringing him my friend's DNA. I was going to have to cunning,
of course, since he wouldn't have understood if I had put a cotton swab in his mouth or if I had
drawn his blood with a syringe. So I came that day with two jars of caramel ice cream and two
new spoons. "To give us courage," I said, the greedy glow twinkling in his eyes reassuring me of
my chances of success. By the end of the afternoon, I had gone through all the documents in
the file, which unfortunately focused more on Danny's approach to making him his son rather
than his true origins. So I suggested that Matthew stop there for today and enjoy some well-
deserved ice cream, which he immediately hastened to accept. I returned to the sofa with the
desserts, the spoons stuck in them. - Ooh! I feel like my head will explode if I focus again. My
friend rubbed his eyes, then grabbed the bowl I handed him. He then turned on the television
and absently wrapped an arm around my shoulders. It was news time. - Here, I wonder if they
found these kids who disappeared, he said, swallowing the equivalent of a whole scoop of ice
cream. I returned my attention to the screen. - The robbers have taken a total of about sixty
thousand dollars. The two armed guards are currently hospitalized in serious condition after
trying to put up a fight with these armed assailants. - I hate guns, says Matthew. If it were not so
easy to get ahold of them here, there would certainly be fewer crimes and fewer accidents. I
with him. He continued: - I saw a report the other day. The journalists had followed a mother
completely crazy about guns. She had hidden them all over her house, and even one in her
bed! You really have to be crazy to do something like this. I was careful not to answer. Although
in theory I was on the same wavelength as him, in practice I was forced to hide weapons in the
mansion since many vampires surely dreamed of piercing the heart of whoever I was employed
to. Besides, my experience with Karl last year had proven that I was right. Now for average
American citizens, I was convinced that their children were more likely to accidentally shoot
themselves than to be directly threatened by an abuser in their backyard. - We come to the five
strange disappearances of children which took place a few days apart, in the same
neighborhood east of Kerington. Matthew growled. Like me, he couldn't stand hearing the
various facts about children. It turned me around so much in general that I preferred to change
the channel, but there, a kind of pang in my heart made me listen to the journalist. - ... No
ransom demand has been presented to parents who live in absolute anguish. The little ones
were taken from their room in the middle of the night, without any fingerprints, DNA traces, or
tampering marks having been found. The police do what they can and ask any possible
witnesses to contact them. Something in these statements made my heart beat faster, a heavy
foreboding arose in my mind. No fingerprint, no DNA, no break-in? My ice cream fell heavily to
the bottom of my stomach when I put a name on the anguish that had gripped my intestines
since the beginning of the report… “I have to go, Matthew,” I said, standing up abruptly. -
Already? You said your grandfather wouldn't need you before the sun went down. You still have
a little time… I had already grabbed my coat and I was hurrying to tie my scarf around my neck.
- I left my bag in the kitchen, will you go and get it for me please? Taking advantage of the fact
that he did so, I took the spoon he had used and quickly put it in an airtight bag before putting it
all in one of my pockets. - Well here it is. Are you sure you're okay? – Yes, Yes. I just
remembered that… I forgot some laundry in the washing machine! (Pitiful) If Peter finds it before
I do, he's going to want to put it away himself and might hurt his back! (Anything) - Oh, okay. I
kissed his quickly on the cheek and stormed off towards the castle. I had an hour left before
sunset, I had time to make arrangements. I began by cracking the computer network of the
police and unearth the investigation file on the disappearance of the children. They had to
reveal to the press only bits of information and I wanted to know the details to check if my
instincts were not deceiving me. Reading the reports of the various kidnappings, I realized that I
was right. The schedules, the absence of trace and the difficulty that the place presented for a
man to easily carry his burden without noise or witnesses left only one explanation. Vampires
were responsible. I printed the photos of the children as well as the investigation reports. The
sun would soon be setting, but I had no time to waste. I was unaware of the intentions of the
child thieves, but I suspected they were bad anyway, so I couldn't wait for my boss to wake up. I
jumped towards Candide and pulled him to activate the opening mechanism of Phoenix's secret
room. The last time I opened it in broad daylight, I almost broiled it so I was hoping the late
afternoon low light wouldn't hurt him. I was relieved that the light couldn't penetrate the room
enough to touch the bed he was sleeping in and rushed to his side to wake him up. - Phoenix!
Phoenix! I patted him on the shoulder, trying not to damage his eardrums, but seeing that it
wasn't working, I began to shake him more generously. In a flash I was grabbed by the neck,
lifted off the ground and thrown onto the bed, my arms then trapped in an iron hug above my
head, a silver knife to my throat, a vampire sitting on top of the rest of my body. All this without
having had a second to utter a cry of terror. - Shit? said a horrified voice, though imperfectly
awakened. The blade immediately moved away from my skin, my employer let go of me and sat
down next to me, a little surprised, a little furious. - Have you forgotten the lessons I taught
you?! You never surprise a vampire in his sleep! I almost killed you! I also sat down, massaging
my wrists. - It wouldn't have happened if you weren't asleep so heavy! He looked at his alarm
clock and then at the open door. - Obviously, the sun has not yet set! - I know it well, but there is
some urgency, you can imagine! Phoenix was a professional at heart. Hearing this, he got up,
helped me to do the same and went to close the door to grab some clothes from his cupboard
without being roasted. He wanted to be ready as soon as night fell. - I'm listening, he said
entering the bathroom, leaving the door open for me to talk to him while he took a shower. He
was already shirtless and seeing him about to take off his pants, I turned away quickly, my
mouth suddenly very dry. When I heard the shower turn on, and the characteristic noise of
someone soaping themselves up, I realized that I wouldn't be able to align two coherent
thoughts if I left this door open between us. It took me a good minute to stop imagining Phoenix
stroking his bare, wet skin and come to my senses. - Have you heard of the children who
disappeared shortly after, in the eastern quarters? No need to scream, his hyper sensitive
hearing allowed him to hear me as if I was next to him ... close enough to run my fingers over
his muscular chest, Gently following the line of his steel abs then lower towards… Ooooooh!!!
Where did I go astray again?! I wiped off the sweat that had suddenly beaded on my forehead
and resumed my explanation. - I'm sure it's the work of vampires. I checked the police reports,
there is a lot of disturbing evidence about the circumstances of their kidnapping. So I wondered
what use these kids would have for those like you and remembered a conversation we had last
year… about the taste of some blood. Maybe they take them for their youth and their innocence!
All the kidnappings took place in the eastern quarters, so we can ask Marroney if he knows
anything. Silence. - Phoenix? You hear me? - Give me my clothes, Sam, please. - What? - My
clothes… he repeated, somewhat annoyed by the slowness of my neurons. - Oh yes. I felt my
cheeks flare up as I handed him his outfit, though I closed my eyes so as not to risk licking my
lips just seeing him dressed in a towel. A minute later he joined me, ready and relentlessly
perfect. For a moment, I forgot the reason for my coming to his room. - Show me the police
reports. I handed them to him and said nothing while he looked at them. Anyway, I was far too
busy burying all the fantasies that had assailed me deep in my mind. He then took his phone. -
It's Phoenix. I want you to drop all your little things and order all your vampires to scour the East
End for any information on the kids who have been kidnapped recently. Yes… Tell them to
show the utmost discretion and especially not to intervene. As soon as you have anything new,
you call me. That's it… you start right away. I want the results before the end of the night. Yes ...
You heard me right. He hung up. - Do you really think he's gonna find these guys by the end of
the night? He's a boss, not a magician! - Marroney fears me enough to set his machine in
motion. The eastern districts are under his control and little escapes him. If vampires have set
up a business in his territory, he will know it. - But then, why not ask him to help us last year with
the blood trafficing? - We had to act with the utmost discretion to prevent too many vampires
being aware of the gravity of the situation. You noticed how curious he was when he mentioned
the Circle, so imagine if he had known that the Greats were in danger of falling on us at any
time, he would have shouted it from the rooftops. We were not dealing with a few isolated
kidnappings, it was a real industry that had been set up, very organized and above all, very
careful in view of their many trips. In this case, I would go for amateurs at the start of the course
who have chosen a perimeter of action close to their place of life. - How can we be sure that
they are amateurs? - They preyed on helpless children whose parents warned the police and
television. And instead of stirring in all areas of town to drown the fish, they stand out even more
by acting in one. - Ok, so what do we do? – Have you eaten? Puzzled by his question, I was
late to answer him. - No, the sun just went down (I had checked behind my back) and I had a
bowl of ice cream at Matthew's place before coming back here. I'm not hungry. “You should eat
something more than ice cream,” he said a little dryly. As soon as Marroney calls me back, we'll
be leaving. It doesn't matter if he really found something, we'll go for a walk in the eastern
quarters anyway and i don't know what time we'll be home, so i don't want to alert all the
vampires around when your stomach starts roaring louder than a hungry beast. - Hey! I was
offended. He just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going, I'm going," I growled. After a quick
sandwich and a yogurt, I went to change into clothes more appropriate to our nighttime
escapade. I choose simple black jeans, a beige sweater, and my boots without heels. Back
downstairs, I joined Phoenix in the office. He was busy leafing through Thomas Coltrane's
reports. I sat down next to him and reread the investigators' reports on the kidnappings of the
five small victims. I promised myself that if we got our hands on their captors,

* Marroney's men had conducted their investigation well. It was only three in the morning when
we received a phone call from him telling us that he had located the hideout of the kidnapping
vampires. Without wasting any time, Phoenix hugged me and, loaded with both guns and silver
knives, we settled on the roof of the warehouse opposite the one we were aiming at. While I
was checking my gear again, my flying driver went to peek through a skylight to get a feel for
what to expect once inside. - There is a dividing wall between the two parts of the hangar. There
was no light, but I clearly heard five heartbeats from the other side. - There were five
disappearances. That means they've kept them all alive, I said, relieved. - They must keep them
locked in this room between two punctures of fresh blood. I saw their material. Nothing to do
with Karl's traffic, they are amateurs who will soon regret being still on this earth. - Won't my
heartbeat betray our presence? - No, since they are not professionals, they will not differentiate
from those of children. Either way, we would have to concentrate and they don't expect our visit.
According to Marroney, once you knew what you were looking for, it was easy to find them.
There seem to be three of them, a master, his offspring, and another one at most hundred years
old. These guys have made mistake after mistake. It was only a matter of time before we
noticed their little business venture. The fact that they took the risk after what happened to Karl
and Ichimi last year shows that they are real fools. However, that does not mean that they are
not dangerous. - Understood. How are we going to do this? My employer did not answer me
because he suddenly stiffened, listening to a noise that I could not hear with my weak human
capabilities. "They're coming," he whispered. Indeed, a few minutes later, we could see, from
our observation post, the arrival of two vampires. After parking in front of the large warehouse
door, they got out of their van. Phoenix stiffened again, letting out a threatening hiss. What had
he seen? I returned my attention to the two men. One of them was carefully carrying something
and I had to squint to figure out what it was. In a flash, I felt my blood start to boil in my veins.
Fury broke out in me at the sight of the sleeping baby in the carrier that this monster carried at
arm's length. I was already ready for the murder, but there, the indescribable hatred that
enveloped me entirely on seeing this helpless little being at the mercy of these two barbarians
made me want to commit a real massacre. Basically, I was not a violent person and I was
against the death penalty. With one exception. You don't touch children. Phoenix knew it, I had
never hidden my positions from him. Fact, when I realized that Ichimi had been zealous in
dismantling the Circle of Mellindra by murdering the three teenagers whose parents had forced
them into it, I told him that if this bully was not already dead, I I would certainly have gone into
his cell to plant a big, big, silver stake in his heart myself. That's why Phoenix put a hand on my
shoulder which he squeezed to get my attention, until now busy imagining the worst tortures I
would inflict on these two torturers. - Keep your cool, Sam. If we go in there without showing a
little intelligence, they might destroy the evidence, namely the children. With a supreme effort of
will, I broke away from my bloodthirsty reverie. Far from being repressed, the rage I contained
seemed to swirl around me, ready to be poured into a torrent of molten lava that would destroy
everything in its path. - Just tell me what I need to do to eradicate this garbage. Was it the
sound of my voice, an icy, deadly growl that perfectly mimicked that of my boss when he was
about to execute an enemy, or the stiffness of my posture ready for attack that surprised him?
Still, he froze looking at me. "Finally, maybe you better stay back," he said, frowning worriedly. I
was a real ticking time bomb and what did Phoenix think of as a plan of attack? That I do not
participate? My lips curled up in an evil sneer. - If you leave me behind, I guarantee you it's you
I'm going to stab with a silver knife ... Knowing the friendship that binds us, Phoenix and me, an
untrained eye would have said I was bluffing. Except that it wasn't. And he was not mistaken.
Although my ultra-belligerent attitude surprised me, I was too enraged to wonder what could
happen to me. - Your eyes are red, Samantha. The shock of this revelation made the anger take
a back seat for a moment when I touched my eyelids; as if that could help me check it in the
absence of a mirror! It was weird, I hadn't drunk vampire blood… How could this strange
phenomenon have happened then? Whenever it took hold of me, I had not control, but now, I
was completely lucid apart from the incredible fury that now radiated from my body, demanding
to inflict on these child torturers the punishment they deserved for their crime. Bah! Knowing
that I had full control of my intellectual means was enough for me. I shrug my shoulders. - I'm
fine. Besides, I feel much stronger than when I left (as strange as it may be, that was the strict
truth). All I want is to save the kids and kill these guys before they even touch that baby. - They
are vampires, Sam. It is already dangerous enough for you usually, but now you are not even in
your normal state. - I tell you that I am perfectly lucid! You trained me, right? I know what I'm
risking and it doesn't scare me. Besides, Who told you that the others are not hidden in this
warehouse? Marroney's men could have been wrong about their numbers and if you landed
alone, what would stop an accomplice from going after the kids while you are busy with the
other two? I don't know about you, but I would never forgive myself if that happened. Phoenix
was silent, he was thinking about my arguments. - I have to say that compared to the other
times, you don't look like a furious nymphomaniac. - Thank you, that goes straight to my heart, I
squeaked, a bit annoyed. So, do you make up your mind? He sighed. - Okay, you come. But no
question of immediately confronting the kidnappers. There is another entrance behind. I'll create
a diversion while you get the kids out of there. If a vampire tries to run away, kill them. I offered
him my most beautiful carnivorous smile. - With pleasure. Phoenix stared at me for a few
seconds, probably wondering if he wasn't making a big mistake in allowing me to participate in
this rescue mission. - Let's go. My heartbeat quickened from the adrenaline rush. Phoenix
hugged me and placed me gently in front of the small door at the back of the building. - At the
signal. I nodded as I pulled my gun out of my bag. I was eager to enter. I didn't have to wait
long. Suddenly a huge crash echoed from the other side of the walls, accompanied by a
creaking noise suggesting that the large metal door must have been smashed down. No doubt,
it was the signal. Immediately I aimed at the lock in front of me and yanked it before kicking the
door hard. As the fight was already raging in the other room, I slipped quietly inside, senses
alert, in case another vampire had the idea of hiding here. A shelf hid my field of vision, but I
could clearly hear the children crying for help. They were terrified and their screams made my
blood run cold. Not having seen any vampiric presence in my perimeter, I ran towards them.
They were locked in a sort of large cage which, under other circumstances, might have been
used in a zoo, and they had only three gray mattresses to rest on. No toilets in sight, if it was not
a basin of stagnant water and another to make one's needs. They were all curled up against the
wall, against each other, some calling for their mother with such a tear in their voices that I
wondered if I would ever manage to forget those horrible sounds. The fact of seeing in what
conditions these children were held as well as the fact of imagining how much they would be
traumatized by this situation; if it was still possible, the rage which consumed me already
increased ten-fold. The four youngest, who must have been between three and five years old,
were pressed against the wall when I arrived. The oldest (nine years at the most) surprised me
by putting himself between them and me, as if to defend them. - Don't be afraid, I'll get you out
of here! I say to reassure them. - Are you a police officer? the elder asked me, hiding his fear
behind a mask of mistrust. - Not really, but I guarantee you can trust me and my friend. While he
deals with your captors, I'll take you to safety, I shouted to cover the noise on the other side. I
realized we didn't have a plan for these kids once we got rid of the vampires holding them back.
Phoenix didn't intend to leave them there while the police found them? Ready?… - Join the
others against the wall and cover your ears, I'm going to shoot the lock. The boy did so and
urged his companions to do the same. A shot later, they were free. I entered the cell and picked
up all the blankets that were lying on the floor. I had noticed that the children were still wearing
the pajamas from the night of their abduction and that they had no shoes. - Hold hands and
follow me. We are going to take shelter in another warehouse. I led them past me and
encouraged them to run, indicating the direction to take. I choose a warehouse across from this
one, close enough that I can follow the progress of the fight and far enough away that we are
safe if one of the kidnappers ever manages to escape. I finished the run breathless, with Cory
Meaney in my arms, who couldn't move on the frozen asphalt without tripping. Once inside, I
wrapped each boy in a blanket, rubbing them to rekindle their body heat. Phoenix needed to
hurry or they all risked hypothermia. Huddled together, they were shaking as much with fear as
with cold, and I had great difficulty in getting them to stop screaming. Fortunately, I received
unexpected support from Scott Taller, the courageous older boy who stood up for them when I
arrived. - Are you going to call the police, Ma’am? he asked me. How to tell him that if the police
showed up, this situation would take an even more serious turn than it already was, since it
would imply an endangering of the Secret? - The men who kidnapped you are very dangerous
and I prefer to be sure that my friend puts them out of harm's way before telling anyone. - But
he's all alone! Scott remarked. - Don't worry about him. Uh… He's a former military man, like GI.
Joe. - Whoa! Really? Curious as the mere mention of this fictional character had been enough
to reassure him about my boss's abilities. Obviously, I would have said "vampire", he wouldn't
have had those little stars in his eyes. And then, if GI. Joe had really existed, he would have
quickly run to take refuge in his mother's skirts when he saw who he was dealing with. But
hey ... It was a good diversion. - Tell me, you like GI. Joe? For a good ten minutes, I managed
to distract the children from their precarious situation by asking them questions about their
favorite heroes. They were still scared, but talking seemed to do them good. However, after a
while they started asking for their mom again and I was at a loss for the idea for what to do.
Plus, I was thinking about the baby. So I left them for a moment to go outside to see what was
going on in the warehouse opposite. There was indeed less noise than at the start of the fight,
which led me to assume that Phoenix must have taken out one of his opponents. I knew that by
going into this room with them I was in danger of becoming collateral damage, yet there was no
way I was abandoning this baby to her fate. "I have to go away," I said, returning to the children.
- But… are you leaving us? Scott stood up, livid, panic clearly showing on his young face. - Not
at all. There is a baby who was left behind. If I don't go, she may be injured or worse. I'll get her
and I'll be right back, I promise you. - You swear? - I swear. I stroked his cheek. - Take care of
others and stay together. I will be right back. I left calmly, but once barely outside, I ran until I
lost my breath towards the scene of the fight. I had no idea what or who I was going to stumble
upon, yet I was determined to achieve my goal. Although, when I got there, I repressed the
sudden urge that took me to backtrack at the sight of two blurring bodies which, with their
strength and speed of strike, devastated everything in their path. Everything was upside down.
My heart raced as the rational part of my mind whispered to me that if there had been a baby
here, it must be as bad as all the broken instruments and overturned shelves littering the floor.
Taking a deep breath, I started looking for the her. I positioned myself on all fours to avoid
taking on the things that the fighters sent in my face and I pushed out of my way the pieces of
glass that would have injured me. I searched everywhere as fast as possible, watching for the
slightest noise, but with the din produced by my boss and his opponent, I could not hear the
cries of the baby, if there was any cries. I was starting to despair when a sixth sense prompted
me to look to my left. I lifted some metal upright that rested precariously on the remains of a
cupboard, and saw the baby wrapped in a thick blanket. She didn't move. Panicked, I knelt over
her, ready to administer first aid. It was as if I had found myself in a bubble of silence. Nothing
existed except her and me when I pulled her warm blanket to check on her condition. The few
seconds that my exam lasted seemed endless to me, but I felt indescribable relief when I
realized that the baby was breathing normally and best of all, she was … quite simply just
sleeping. I now understood better the expression “sleep like a baby”. What luck! It was no longer
time to linger, especially as the wrestlers were approaching me. I took the baby and ran in the
opposite direction. The children had obeyed my directions and wrapped in their blankets, they
hadn't moved an inch. Seeing me arrive, two of them started to cry again, but Scott immediately
reassured them by hugging them. The coolness of this kid amazed me and really impressed
me. - Are you doing OK? he asked. As if I had to ask me! After all he had seen, he still found a
way to take care of others without allowing himself to fall apart. Unbelievable! - It's okay, I tell
him, handing him the baby very carefully. I'm gonna have to help my friend get the bad guys out
of the way, can you take care of them by the time I get back? It will not be long. Then I promise
you will see your parents again. - I have a two and a half month old little sister. My mom has let
me feed her a couple of times so I think I can hold it. The unfailing determination that entered
his gaze moved me. - You are a very brave boy. Your parents must be very proud of you. I am
very impressed. I couldn't help but smile when, at the compliment, Scott swelled with pride and
looked fierce. - You can count on me, ma'am. - Above all, don't move. I'll help my friend and
come back. - Okay. Without waiting, I turned on my heels and ran back into the warehouse
where the noise of the struggle had stopped. I was afraid for a moment that my boss hadn't
come out on top, so I grabbed one of my silver knives. Cautiously, I walked back into the room
and relaxed my muscles as I saw Phoenix holding his rival by the neck, a foot off the floor. -
Were there other vampires than you three at the head of this trafficking? Answer right away or
I'll spill your guts! Gulp! A human would not have survived the operation, but for a member of his
species, it represented torture that was not lethal, but excruciatingly painful. And then, what
rational person would like to see his intestines spill to the ground? - Nnn… No! the other hissed
hard, from the pressure on his throat. - Do not lie to me or I assure you that any member that I
cut you off to punish you, I will make you swallow it! Triple yuck! I knew Phoenix was ruthless,
but then it felt like the Silence of the Lambs! Where did he find such refined tortures? Ah yes…
We could thank Finn's centuries of practice, his teaching had borne fruit. Imagine them both
conversing quietly, between teacher and student, how best to dissect an enemy alive made me
shiver. - I do not lie! - Are there other buyers besides the ones you gave me? Slight silence. -
Aaaargh! Stop, stop ... stop! I am going to speak! Shaken like a plum tree, he didn't have much
of a solution if he didn't want his brain to keep banging all over the place in his skull. - Fael and
Norman, two young masterless vampires who live in the southern quarters. That's all, I swear!
We didn't have time to develop our clientele! Phoenix let go and he crashed to the ground. - And
you didn't say to yourself, my dear Henry, that after what happened last year, would building up
that kind of traffic be a very, very bad idea? - With George we needed money and we were fed
up with plastic bags full of blood pumped from sick people or old morons. We regret the good
old days when we were not accountable when we drew directly from the source! These words
filled me with disgust. This guy had no remorse and was blaming the Great Change for his own
deviations. - And don't you mind getting supplies by kidnapping innocent children ?! I said.
Henry forced himself to turn his head in my direction as if answering me wasn't worthy of him. -
They taste much better… Especially when they come out of the cradle! His perverse smile
triggered a thermonuclear reaction in me that manifested itself in the scarlet glow of my eyes.
His words revealed enough about his present and past actions for all my moral barriers to give
way to let my fury run free. As he jumped at the unearthly color of my pupils, I firmed my grip on
the handle of my knife. And before Phoenix, sensing what was about to happen, could help me,
I threw my arm towards the hated chest, into which I sank my blade to the hilt. A startled smirk
escaped him as he felt the silver pierce his heart, but what gave me the greatest satisfaction
was the fear that I read in his eyes, caused not by the prospect of death that awaited him, but by
my own face smiling beastly above his. - Think rather of the taste that you will have when you
will be eaten in Hell, you filthy rotten! With a sharp blow, I twisted the blade in his rib cage to
make him leave this earth for good. I then watched his body decompose to a small mound of
dust that I spat on. - Maybe I still had questions for him… began Phoenix. - With all the names
he gave you, I think that's enough people to torture. I won't apologize for killing him! He was
staring at me as if he was discovering another person. I certainly wouldn't apologize for that
either. - You will always amaze me, Sam… he said, the shadow of a smile on his lips. After your
remorse over that rapist, I didn't know you could be so ruthless. - We don't touch the children.
His scrutinizing gaze pierced me, making the silence between us last longer. Then: - He told me
that they had not bitten them, content to give them blood punctures using syringes and bags. It
is already that… But you are quite right. And if you hadn't stuck your knife through his heart, I
would have beheaded him within seconds. - Well you see that we agree! He gave a small laugh.
“I never thought our common ground would be to kill a recalcitrant vampire. Usually you are not
comfortable with this kind of spectacle. - I'm not a violent person and I don't like killing. But there
it was necessary to send this junk to roast in Hell. - Egire was right, you would make a very
good vampire ... Although with your glowing eyes which give you this extraordinary strength,
one might wonder if you are not already one. Thinking back to the kids waiting outside was a
distraction in my mind and I didn't hear that phrase. Rather, I left in the opposite direction, with a
light heart and happy for the task accomplished. On the way, I knew my eyes had returned to
their normal color. The time would come when I would have to understand the origin of this
phenomenon, and I had a feeling that the answer would not please me. I suspected that the
answer to the riddle of my pupils was in my veins, because their color was indisputable. They
were the color of blood.

Chapter VII: Confessions

* - There, there… Calm down, it's over, I said, kneeling down in front of the children to comfort
them. - The bad guys are dead? asked Kyle Lindon, a little blond four year old. I tried to smile at
him even though my eyes weren't smiling at all. - Yeah, Kyle. The bad guys are dead, they can
never hurt you again. Immediately, the latter burst into tears and threw himself into my arms.
Surprised, I almost backed away, but I regained my balance and hugged him, whispering
soothing words to him. - The cleaners are coming. Phoenix had just arrived, he put his cell
phone in his pocket. At the sight of him, the little ones curled up against each other, not daring
to make any sound. Phoenix definitely frightened everyone… Fortunately it wasn't Talanus in
front of them because there, the poor would have really been afraid of their lives. - How are we
going to do this? I asked. I wanted to talk about the children because having witnessed the true
nature of their kidnappers, their version of their kidnapping was likely to be talked about in the
police offices, not to be missed. I had not contributed to their rescue to see them be eliminated
for the preservation of the Big Secret, out of the question! - James will be there. - James? - You
don't know him, he's part of the cleaners. - And? - Let's say we call on them in the most
important cases, especially when our Secret is revealed. James is our master asset, he has the
gift of manipulating memory. I opened my mouth for an offended and rude remark, but I
swallowed my words to spare the innocent ears who were listening to us. I stood up and curtly
motioned for my boss to follow me aside. - When we first met, you told me vampires don't have
that kind of power! - It's the truth. James is the only vampire in the country, if not the continent,
to possess this quality. Talanus recruited him years ago and made sure that this skill didn't leak
out. Only Ysis, me and the two cleaners who follow him everywhere in his travels, know about it.
- And why? - If that happened, James would very quickly be solicited by other groups of
vampires, with or without his consent. That's why he's so loyal to Talanus. In return for his
services, he enjoys great freedom and a well-stocked bank account. - I see… vampires and
luxury… - Do you understand why I didn't tell you about it? - I understand… He will be able to
erase your existence from the minds of these children, could he also make them forget their
fears and their sufferings during their kidnapping? I don't want them to be traumatized for life.
Phoenix smiles sweetly at me. - I would have asked him anyway. I smiled back at him. - I knew
you were a nice monster ... The cleaners will be here soon. To be patient, I told stories to the
children. In my humble opinion, I really wasn't the ideal storyteller, however, my audience
appreciated this new diversion, which kept them from thinking too much about what they had
just experienced. Two black vans arrived with their headlights off. With my boss, we went out to
welcome them. From the first descended two large red-haired vampires whose faces left no
room for doubt, they were twins. Relaxed, they waved to us before going to get their overalls. -
Hi, Phoenix, it's been a while! The lesson you taught the blood traffickers last year went so well
that all the vamps are hanging out! I thought we were going to find ourselves in technical
unemployment! The two were laughing as if it was funny to go clean up the junk, namely the
corpses left by unscrupulous fellows with the Big Change. Fortunately, I did not have to put up
with their humor for long because they immediately set to work as soon as my boss had made
them the inventory of the damage. The third vampire took the opportunity to join us. It was
James. In human age he appeared to be only eighteen or nineteen, but when he was close
enough to me that I could detail him, I saw in his eyes that this young man was not. "I am two
hundred and three years old, Ma’am," he said by way of hello. To my raised eyebrow, he
replied: - Everyone asks the question the first time. - Ah. Phoenix intervened. - I asked you to
come because children are involved in the story. - I guess they saw the true nature of the jerks
who kidnapped them? - Indeed. Can you help them? - How many are they? - Five, I cut them
off. Five children aged three to nine and they are all traumatized. They deserve to return to their
parents, having certainly forgotten your existence, but also having forgotten the fear they felt.
James looked at my boss. Normally, it was not for me to give orders and in getting ahead of
Phoenix, I had not stayed in my place. Nevertheless, the psychological well-being of these kids
was more important to me than the hierarchy reigning in the world of the living dead. - Go
ahead, he said. - With five spirits, I will weaken. I'm going to need blood. - You're kidding! I
cried, imagining he was going to want to puncture the children again. If you touch them, I will kill
you! James was silent. Certainly, he must have wondered if I had all my head, threatening him
like that. The sweet and oh so dangerous voice of Phoenix was heard then. - Sam, I think he
had no intention of picking on the kids. Rather, I think he wanted to bite you ... The icy silence
that followed made me shiver from head to toe, much more than the prospect of a bite.
Although… I remembered it was extremely painful. - Don't you always have blood bags in your
vans? he resumed. - My associates forgot to refuel at Talanus and we noticed just before we
got here. Phoenix's eyes narrowed to the point where they were just two slits of light fatally
aimed at the cleaner who was starting to be downright uncomfortable at the way he rocked from
one foot to the other. - I'll check that while you take care of the little boys. If you lied, as soon as
you finish the job, I will drain you of half of your own blood and you will manage with your
"associates" to get you as quickly as possible to Talanus before ending up in dust. - But I'm
telling you the truth, James squealed as if this time he was really only eighteen. - We'll see. It
was time to get started, I couldn't wait to return these children to their parents. I took off my
jacket and sweater and quickly lifted my shirt to let the field of my arm free for the vampire's
fangs. - Come on, we don't have all night, I said, handing it to him and braving myself in the face
of the pain to come. - It won't do you good, he warned me. - It's okay, it's okay, I know. Hurry,
let's end it! Obediently, James immediately planted his fangs in my forearm, pulling out a cry of
pain that I had failed to suppress. He looked up questioningly at me, silently wondering if I was
going to be able to take this ordeal. As he sucked in my vital blood, a trickle of which slowly
dripped onto the ground, I felt my strength diminish, however, I was excluded from giving up.
"Carry on," I groaned, trying to stifle the tears that stung my eyes, the horrible pain that was now
spreading to my shoulder. Phoenix stood by my side, ready to receive me in the event of a fall. I
had to hold on, if only so as not to appear weak in the eyes of others. A minute later, the
puncture was over. I hadn't realized that I had closed my eyes, too focused that I was on the
stranglehold on my self-control. As I opened them, I noticed that James was licking his lips.
Yuck! - Mmmm… I've never tasted anything so good… I feel incredibly invigorated! Your
assistant is exquisite, Phoe… uh, forget what I just said. Fortunately he had not gone to the end
of his sentence because Phoenix had come forward, ready to tear his head off with his bare
hands. In the vampire world, I was supposed to “belong” to my employer and in theory I couldn't
be touched without their consent. Already he had given it reluctantly, so imagine his reaction
when James openly feasted on my blood in front of him. In my misfortune, I would at least have
had the satisfaction of learning that I was delicious. Like what, everything about me was not
ridiculous. - Uh… You should come inside with me to help me reassure the kids. James begged
me with a look, I had become his lifeline. Tss. - Not before I closed his wound, cut a velvet voice
with murderous accents. Phoenix slashed the palm of my hand and then passed it over the bite
marks. In just a second they were gone. - Thank you. Okay, James, go behind me. I don't want
them to run away when they see you. Ah, and wipe your mouth, I don't blame you for eating me,
but at least have the courtesy to clean up any leftovers from your meal! Complying, he followed
me towards the children. - Don't be afraid, I tell them. James is one of the good guys, he will
heal you with a painless technique. Isn't it, James? - Yes Yes. I'll just put my hands on your
head and you'll close your eyes. You won't hurt, I guarantee it. It's a magician's thing. The
younger ones seemed more confident thanks to his teenage smile. For my part, I knew of
course that you shouldn't trust it, but hey… - I heard you scream. I turned to Scott who was
staring at me suspiciously. Definitely, this kid was way too smart. He probably suspected that
something awkward was going on behind his back and I also suspected that seeing James
cleaning up his boyfriends' brains, he would not play the game. So he had to go first. . "It's
nothing," I reassured him. I slipped and fell on my butt. It was very painful, but it's okay now that
I know you all will be fine. - My daddy is a doctor and he never told me that you could cure
people just by putting your hands on their heads. Damn! The intelligence of this kid was starting
to annoy me finally. I would have had less difficulty with a fool. - It's because your daddy treats
visible injuries on the body. James heals fears and anxieties. A spark of interest shone in the
pupils of my little inquisitor. I was not wrong; beneath his courageous boy appearance hid a little
victim terrified by what he had suffered. The others were still very young and perhaps would
have recovered more easily. He was aware of everything. It wouldn't have been so easy to
resume a normal existence. - Trust me, Scott. After that, it will be as if nothing had happened.
And you will find your parents. He hesitated for a few moments, then nodded. He didn't want to
remember, it was good. It took about half an hour to alter the children's memories. James
implanted the memory of a dark room, but comfortable, with a few toys to keep the mind busy.
He erased all traces of their captors, total oblivion seeming to be the best solution to the
questions the police would invariably ask. Most of all, he erased their fears and anxieties,
promising me that the trauma they had suffered would go away at the same time. To avoid any
problems, James put them to sleep with a small painless injection. Another half hour later, his
teammates joined us, assuring us that the police might investigate the degradation of the
warehouse doors, but they would have nothing to test anyway. Everything had been perfectly
cleaned. - How do we deal with the children? I asked. We're not going to leave them there until
someone finds them. Phoenix thanked James' partners and invited them "gently" to get back
into their van while he dragged James aside to talk to him. I didn't hear their conversation, but I
saw James nod stiffly before joining his cronies and leaving us leaving his car. - What did you
tell him? - I asked him to lend us the van so that we can take care of the children. He accepted
without problem. - That's all? It seemed to me that I saw him on the defensive. - Oh, that… I just
forbade him to reveal to anyone that he had tasted your blood. Under the death penalty. - One
question, is it one of your favorite pastimes to threaten your fellows with death? Because if I had
to count all the times this happens, I wouldn't have enough fingers! - You better thank me
because in a way, I saved your life. - Ah? What was this story again? - I told you your blood
tastes delicious. I have somewhat distorted the truth. I flushed, shocked. - What? Am I
damaged? Phoenix rolled his eyes, unable to suppress an amused smile. - But no. Why do you
always have to stoop lower than the earth? I threatened James because he certainly felt the
same as I did when I first drank from you. Your blood is particularly heady and so good that it
becomes painful to stop, although I must admit, not without bitterness, that this two hundred
year old whipper fared much better than me. In short! I have also noted that besides the fact
that your blood satisfies my hunger, it also makes me stronger and more alert. Stunned, I took
the full measure of his revelations. - So if James is having fun screaming from the rooftops that
he's drunk from my veins and I'm as irresistible as a chocolate fondant… Phoenix finished my
sentence: - You can expect other vampires with less scruples decide to enjoy a free banquet at
your expense. I turn pale. - So why did you let him bite me? - His abilities are impressive, but
they quickly exhaust him. He really needed the blood and you didn't want him to take it from the
children. Besides, I didn't think your blood would have had the same effect on him as it did on
me. - But why? Phoenix frowned. - I lacked judgment. That's all. His answer, although a little
dry, is enough for me. Anyway, if I had been aware of this side effect, I would have done it
anyway, to be sure to preserve the future happiness of the children and then, I did not want to
dwell on the subject of my weirdness because that it unpleasantly reminded me of the dream
with Lethalée. - Ok. So what do we do now? - Did you write down the addresses of each boy? -
Yes, they are in my notebook. - Good. Let's go. Without giving me time to answer, he walked
back to the little ones, took one in each arm, and led them to the back of the van. Despite my
surprise, I quickly understood where he was going and grabbed Cory Meaney to have him sleep
with the others. Thanks to his super speed, Phoenix was already joining me with the last two
and the sleeping baby. As I helped him to lay down his burden, he placed the newborn in a
more comfortable position and checked to see if she had woken up. My heart clenched with
emotion at the sight of what the movies and books would have called a blood-drinking monster,
a monster who, at that moment, was smiling tenderly at the innocent little being nestled in the
crook of his arm, who choked a breath. yawn before falling back into a deep sleep. - Looks like
she likes you, I said, smiling blissfully. Phoenix must have understood the turn of my thoughts
because he suddenly tensed and with an embarrassed look, handed the child to me. – Hold it.
I'm going to have a hard time driving with it in my arms. I barely had time to secure my grip as
he was already rushing into the driver’s seat of our car and starting the engine. I settled down
next to him, suppressing any comment, and took out my notebook and my cell phone. Thanks to
Google magic, I was able to establish a quick and efficient route to each family. As we drove to
our first destination, Phoenix broke the silence. - You seem to have fallen in love with the baby,
you haven't taken your eyes off it since we left the industrial zone. - This is the first time that I
have held a newborn baby in my arms. My parents couldn't have another child after me, and I
never had a friend who had a baby. It was true. I was amazed by the innocence and the beauty
of this little being who slept soundly, rolled up in it’s blue blanket. I smile. - Motherhood would
suit you well, I saw you with those kids. You are good. As far back as I can remember I had
always wanted to have children. As a child, I imagined myself being kidnapped by a prince
charming, who would take me to live in his castle to accomplish the famous ending: "they were
happy and had many children". Growing up, and realizing my emotional desert, I quickly saw my
demands lower: a loving husband and two children not too turbulent would already be a miracle.
Things had changed after my meeting with my employer since the nightlife left me few
possibilities to meet someone stable and ready to make their life with someone in the service of
human blood lovers. Finally, it had gotten worse since I realized how much I loved the vampire
sitting next to me. First, I told myself that his nature would deprive us of the joy of having a
baby, but that his love would suffice to fill me; then, when he had rejected me, I understood that
no man would find favor in my eyes after him, and that consequently, I would have neither
husband nor children. - Did I say something wrong? His worried voice pulled me out of my bitter
thoughts. I hadn't realized that my face reflected my inner emotions, which it was crucial that
they remained hidden. - No no. Everything is fine, I just thought that with all these perverts and
bullies out there, having a baby is a very worrying process for someone as stressed out as me. -
I would have liked to have children… This simple and fleeting declaration hit me head-on. If only
we could have met five hundred years ago. I swallowed the bile that had risen to my throat, I
had to pull myself together or risk opening a breach in the armor that trapped my heart and the
terrible pain that inhabited it. - We'll soon be at Scott's. - I'll park in an alley and take him to his
place. No sooner said than done. - Stay here. He left just after. I heard the back doors slam and
saw him fly away in my outside mirror. He returned five minutes later. - And one, he said, while
operating the key. - How did you get in? - Out the window, like the kidnappers. I laid him back in
his bed, being careful not to wake his father. - His father? - Yes. The poor man fell asleep on the
carpet hugging one of his soft toys. Suffice to say that it will make him funny when he wakes up
to find his son as if nothing had happened. I did not dare imagine how the parents of these
children must be consumed with worry. At least these kidnappings would have a happy
outcome. For how many others it was not the case… - I can never thank you enough for all that.
- It's not necessary. I would have done it anyway. - I know. Phoenix looked at me as if he was
having a hard time understanding the trust I had in his loving kindness. But I didn't want to dwell
on this subject. We were close to Cory Meaney's home anyway. As with Scott, my boss chose a
dark and secluded place to park us, and put his precious package in his room. He did the same
with everyone else, leaving the baby in the care of the last family, relying on the police to find
the one he really belonged to.

I only realized that we did not return to the castle once parked in one of the buildings used as a
garage for the ultra-sporty and ultra-sighted cars of the guests of Talanus and Ysis. - Again? I
grumbled; my voice chocked out. - The sun will rise soon. And then we have to give the van
back to the cleaners. - You always have good excuses... Phoenix chuckled before opening the
door to me in an effort of gallantry. Not! In fact, he did it because otherwise I would never have
gotten out of the car. "Come on, come on, we're not going to eat you. - Speak for yourself! Last
time, I was put in the blender just to see if I was better! Anyone who's supposed to have
preferred flowers or chocolates! - Stop saying nonsense! Come or I'll take you by force. Tss. I
performed with bad grace. A few vampires were still hanging out in the corridors at this late hour
and some took advantage of the fact that there were so few of them to fiddle around the
corners. - Go do it somewhere else! ordered my boss by passing a couple who had begun the
preliminaries. They didn't even protest, merely flaunting, giggling like kids. - These! I heard him
grumbling as we went up to the first floor. I was almost laughing when we got to his room. -
Frankly, you all scare me so much that it feels good to see vampires behaving like teenagers.
Phoenix frowned. - It's so childish of them. Javas and Cassie can never get enough, it seems.
They spend their time snuggling and caressing each other in front of everyone. It's very
embarrassing. And it's been going on for a hundred years. - To say that experts agree that
passion in humans lasts only about three years! We'd had to deal with these two lovers! - Oh,
they're not in love at all. "Oh, no? Yet if it lasts so long, it is because they must experience
Absolute Love. - Not at all. They are very liberated and have multiple partners, but everyone
agrees that, um... Phoenix suddenly seemed embarrassed. - What? - That the other is
unbeatable... Hum... sex issue. I burst out laughing when I saw him chewing his words. - Come
on, Phoenix! I'm sure if you could, you'd be blushing like a tomato right now. He growled. - It's
more for you that I was worried. But I see I was wrong. He sat on the couch and took off his
jacket. I joined him and imitated him by taking off his coat and sweater. "You think I'm a holy
nun?" I'm a virgin, not a fool! I had decided to sting him a little. It worked, he shuddered. - You
blush as soon as you are a little embarrassed! I wouldn't have imagined that you'd been so
loose! - That's it! Prude, then loose! You can say that you do not go by four ways to insult me! I
exclaimed, falsely offended. My employer looked at me, aghast. "Forgive me. I'm behaving like
a beast. -How can I forgive you? I say, fiddling with my chin. I know! You're leaving me the
couch! He growled again. - Out of the question! - Then I will never forgive you! "I think I'll survive
it," he said, sporting his ever-present smirk. I was going to answer, but an idea came to me.
There, there, there... He was going to push to get into the shower! If I went first, I would just
have to settle in his place when he took his! It was impossible for me to sleep in his bed again if
it was to find myself still with the four irons in the air when I woke up! - Whatever you want! I
threw, rushing joyfully towards the bathroom, catching the nightgown that Talanus's servants
had prepared for me when Phoenix had warned them of our coming. The hot wave made me
feel good and I laughed in advance of the turn I was going to play to my boss. Of course, I was
disillusioned when I unfolded what was to be my nightgown. More satin! But with lace and way
too short! - I'm sick of it, I cried. It was either that or go out naked. - Is everything okay? threw a
voice behind the door. I opened this one on the fly, me coming face to face with the owner of
that voice. - Of course not! Did it say Victoria's Secret on my forehead? Why do you all have to
want me to wear skimpy underwear? I'm not a vampire and I'm not sexy! For a second, Phoenix
found nothing to say, he remained frozen like a statue. Then: - I need to take a shower! He
pushed me aside unceremoniously and slammed the door behind him. A thirtieth of a second
later, I heard the water flow. To avoid straying into new fantasies, I went to get a blanket from a
closet, as well as a book and a pillow, before settling comfortably on the couch. Ten minutes
later, I still hadn't read a single line of the novel I had borrowed. It was horrid to be aware that
my love for Phoenix was impossible, but to be unable to control my body and my hormones in
his presence. This didn't get any better when he came out shirtless from the bathroom, the skin
still wet from his recent stay in the shower cubicle. I preferred to shift my attention to my book,
which I now held upside down. What an idiot! Fortunately, Phoenix didn't seem to notice. He
had crossed his arms and stared at me with a half amused, half annoyed look. - I was sure of it!
You're more stubborn than a mule! "Hey, hey! He stepped forward and stood before me. – Get
up! - Be nice! I like this sofa! The bed is too big and last time I fell off! - And you think you have
a better chance on the sofa? You make me laugh! He did not wait and grabbed the blanket and
threw it away. "Hey, hey! He then stooped down to grab me and throw me on his shoulder. -
Ahhh! Let me go, it's cheating! He laughed as he ran to the bed on which he threw me down. I
tried to get up, armed with a pillow that I had the firm intention of crushing on his head, but he
stopped my gesture, tipped me back, and collapsed on all of his weight to pin me on the
mattress. Even if I struggled to get out of his embrace, I had no chance of escaping him. With a
sigh of exasperation, which caused another laugh from him, I said to him: - That's fine, I'll leave
you the couch. Cheater. His hilarity, however, was too contagious for me to continue to pester. I
laughed with him, completely forgetting that with his weight, he prevented me from breathing
properly. We were dangerously glued to each other, his bare torso against the thin fabric of my
nightgown, my leg raised against his hip, the vibrations due to our laughter having triggered a
heat in me a little too localized to be honest. We separated abruptly. "Sorry," he said with
embarrassment, "I have crushed you." "No big deal," I murmured, trying to regain composure.
He returned to his "bed," while I put order on mine, and I lay down cursing the vampires with
their immoderate taste for slippery fabrics. Of course, when I woke up the next day, I forgot
where I was again and, wanting to turn-on my bedside lamp like in Scarborough, I went forward
and tumbled from my perch into a terrible crash. - Bed 2, Sam, 0. Phoenix said that I had woken
him up, but instead of yelling at me, he had just made a fool of me before he yawned and
started snoring again. Quite annoyed, I took the pillow which had cushioned my fall a little and
used my hands to direct me in the dark. On touching hair and a forehead, I knew I had reached
my destination. - Sam! Furious, I tried to knock him out with my improvised weapon, which he
deprived me of by using his superhuman strength to rip it off and put it under his head. I let out a
swear word and went into the bathroom. Although still irritated, I couldn't help but smile at the
memory of that hectic awakening. Phoenix may have been the terrifying angel of Kerington
County, but he was also a man with a sense of humor. He loved to rile me knowing that I walked
every time, and I never really blamed him, because it was just him. My recent resolutions came
back to me. If I didn't want to suffer, I had to be able to distance myself, on every point. But how
do you get there when he could be so pleasant, so charming? The prospect of my departure
ended up making me lose my smile and I finished my toilet completely depressed. I put on the
tight white dress and the varnished black pumps that I had been prepared without even thinking
of purring when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Anyway, the only person I would have liked to
please had gone to sleep like a great mass on the sofa and anyway, he had nothing to do with
what I was wearing, except when it came to being presentable in front of his chefs. I came out of
the room and went to the ground floor, it was noon. There were no vampires on the horizon, so I
headed to the garage. I was going to take advantage of my presence in Kerington to bring
Dennis Obson Matthew's DNA sample. I didn't know if he would be there, but I suspected that
one or more vampires would stand guard on the spot. They'd let me in. I took a key and pressed
it to find out which car it belonged to. Luckily, it wasn't one of those garish cars I hated, but a
black, elegant and discreet Porsche Cayenne SUV. Let's hope the owner wasn't looking at his
gas meter, I didn't want to explain the reasons for this loan. I went to the lab. A vampire guard
bared me at the opening of the elevator doors, but he relaxed when he saw who he was dealing
with. "Miss Jones," he said. He seemed surprised to find me there. - I have something to be
analyzed by Dennis Obson, can I go to his office? It's urgent, Phoenix wants him to work on it
as soon as he gets here. - He's still here. -Ah well? The guard looked up at the sky. - This guy is
an anomaly of nature; he sleeps only a few hours a day and spends his time here. To think he
likes not having a social life. I was not sure I appreciated the contemptuous tone of his remark. -
Fortunately, people like Mr. Obson don't spend their time doing drooling over their comrades. At
least he's for something. I didn't expect to be so harsh or even unfair, because after all, my
listener kept the scientific vampires working here safe, but I didn't like people who looked
superior and belittled others. A consequence of my being sidelined when I was a teenager...
The guard darkened under the affront, but I glared a menacing eye to him, so much so that he
dropped first. I hurried to Dennis' office and knocked on the door. I heard a muffled scream and
a sound of broken glass. – Mr. Obson? I said on entering to check that everything was fine. He
was crouched on the ground and picked up at prodigious speed the pieces of test tubes he had
dropped. - Miss Jones! I'm so happy to see you again! (He glanced behind me as if to check
that I was alone. Decidedly, Phoenix was terrorizing him) I'm with you right away, I jumped when
you knocked, and I dropped those new test tubes. He threw them all in the trash and then
walked up to me, reaching out to me. In doing so, he walked on his shoelace and collapsed face
down at my feet. I immediately helped him to get up, biting my lip so as not to chuckle with
laughter. I had never met a vampire so clumsy. Dennis was so clumsy all by himself. "Are you
all right?" - Damn laces! I keep tripping over them. What could I tell him? To buy a pair of
sneakers with Velcro, or to remember that as a vampire, his superhuman reflexes should have
prevented him from falling to the ground in the first place. I choose silence. - How can I help
you, Miss Jones? I handed him the bag containing Matthew's plastic spoon. - I would like you to
analyze this DNA. "To find out who it belongs to?" he asked, grabbing it, suddenly looking
serious and professional. "No, I already know that. I... (I couldn’t forget I was supposed to be
sent by Phoenix) We want you to find out if this person has a living family that we could
interview. - Couldn't you just ask him? he rightly remarked. I had no desire to reveal my cards in
front of Dennis. I had to make him forget any hope of satisfying his curiosity with me. I looked at
him. - I may not be Phoenix, but I certainly don't appreciate the tone with which you address me.
Oh! Dennis curled up on himself and gave me a look of apology. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm too
curious. - Phoenix is overwhelmed right now and has asked me to take charge of this case,
therefore you will contact me directly when you have the results. By day, preferably. - By day?
he was astonished. - From what I see, you're never in a hurry to go to bed so it won't be a
problem. I told you, Phoenix is overwhelmed and as his assistant, I am available. I'll deal with
this case in his sleep, after all, I don't have your super vampire powers to help me go faster with
the paperwork. He nodded, as if he saw what I was talking about. - I hate paperwork. - You
have something in common with Phoenix. Well, do we agree, Mr. Obson? - Uh... Yes, yes. Of
course, count on me. - Thank you. I was about to leave, but just as I was about to walk through
the door, I turned around. - By the way, have you finished studying the DNA samples from the
sheets you were given? - I need a little more time, but I'll send you the results as soon as
possible. – That would be good. Phoenix is getting impatient and he's in a dark mood right now.
I'll let you imagine the painting. He shudders. My little trick would certainly give him wings to
complete his task faster, though I actually told the truth. Phoenix was really getting impatient. -
Tell him that he will have them soon. - And what I asked you? -That's my priority. - Good, good,
good, I'll let you work. As I closed the door behind me, I saw him let go of a sigh of relief that
made me smile. How could I scare him too, when he was twenty times stronger than me? I went
back to the elevator, greeting the guard of earlier, who gave me my greeting with stiffness, but
also with a touch of extra respect. Strange... Yet I had insulted him. Coming back under the sky
of the living, I tell myself that decidedly, the vampire mentality would remain forever a mystery to
me. Oh boy! I shrugged and climbed into my car, heading for Harper Hill. This time I was going
to take advantage of the rest of my day to explore the villa of Talanus and Ysis without being
caught by surprise at the corner of a corridor to check my abilities in close combat. I didn't have
the right outfit or mood. I wandered, ignoring the hungry grumbles of my stomach, which cried
out it’s indignation at having been forgotten since the night before. This villa was huge. As the
rooms were located upstairs, I didn't care about the consequences of the easing of my curiosity
by opening all the doors that presented themselves to me. And I might as well say that I got my
money's worth! There was a pool room with a bar and chairs for spectators, a cinema room that
could accommodate fifteen people and whose chairs were particularly comfortable (obviously I
had tested them). A little further on was a gym with all the latest fitness equipment (as if these
ultra-powerful vampires needed them), the library in which I had taken refuge after my fight
against Hedayat, and the kitchen. I allowed myself to steal a packet of cookies that I nibbled on
while continuing my exploration, including going to see what was hidden in the basement. I
knew there were dungeons and the cold room on one side, but I had noticed, when we had
deposited Theodosora Callidge's body, that there were other doors much more welcoming than
those. It was dark despite the dim lights that lit up the corridors, but I wasn't afraid. If someone
had wanted to assault me, it would have been easy to do it upstairs. I entered a large room,
which I identified as a cloakroom, and was surprised to find several shelves with lots of different
swimsuits, for men and women. A private pool! Curious, I looked through the floor-to-ceiling
windows that separated the changing rooms from it. Wow! It looked like an Olympic pool
because it was so big! Sunbeds were all over the place, and I was dying when I saw the two hot
tubs that stood next to another bar behind the counter where there were two huge refrigerators.
Yuck! If I was thirsty, it wasn't that drink I'd drink! A desire titillated me to the point of no longer
being bearable. If I dared... After all, I was alone here, no one would notice me... I jumped to the
shelves in the bikinis and chose a simple red two-piece. Luckily, it fit like a glove and I kept
myself from jumping into the water like crazy person as the prospect of a swim. I began by
slipping a toe into it and was reassured that the water was heated to a temperature worthy of
tropical beaches. Then, after checking right and left that there was no one there, I took my
momentum and jumped into a very inelegant bomb that would have sprayed everyone around if
I had not been alone to enjoy the pool. What a joy! Like all the children in Kentwood, I had
learned to swim at the municipal pool, but it was always crowded and because of my shyness, I
had never dared to dive in front of other people. There, I gave myself to heart joy, plunging,
twirling, waving in the water imagining myself to be a desirable and oh so graceful mermaid.
After a few lengths that took me quite a while given the size of the pool, I decided to go relax in
a hot tub. I had never tried, and it promised to be very distracting. At first I uttered a little cry of
surprise when I felt the bubbles coming up in my back, but I quickly got started and then
enjoyed their caress, letting me go to a relaxation that I too often lacked at the moment.
Vampires loved luxury and bling-bling, but I was so good that I thanked them! It wasn't with my
little librarian's pay that I could have hoped one day to pay me a stay in a palace and enjoy all
their incredible services. I was literally purring with pleasure. " Am I bothering you? - Ahhh!
Phoenix had trained me well. My first instinct was to look for my knives... before I remember that
they would never have held in my swimsuit. "Is this what you're looking for?" said an amused
voice with a very familiar Persian accent. Hedayat Javan was standing in front of me, carelessly
holding my blades by their sleeves and looking at me with obvious satisfaction. He smiled all the
more when I realized who I was dealing with and that in front of his outfit (black V-neck T-shirt
tight collar and beige pants just as tight) and his impressive crotch thus highlighted by the non-
existent thickness of fabric, I could not help but blush by remaining eyes stupidly fixed on it. -
Miss Jones... I swallowed painfully, forcing my eyes to head to a more correct place of his
person: his face. He was smiling frankly now. Damn it! – Mr. Javan! - Call me Hedayat. - You
scared me! How did you know I was there? He pointed to a small object hanging on the wall a
little further. Of course, a surveillance camera. "I should have known, I said, displeased. - Rest
assured, there is not much happening here during the day and your aquatic exercises have had
the merit of distracting us in addition to having delighted our eyes ... Mortified, I imagined the
vampire security guards screaming with laughter at each of my dives. - In any case, the red
suits you very well. His allusion to my bathing suit reminded me that I was chatting quietly with
him half-naked, and the greedy expression in his eyes made me regret not leaving my clothes
with my towel nearby. - I'm going out, please turn around, please. - What a pity! A body like
yours is not meant to be hidden from the discerning eyes of those who know how to appreciate
its beauty. I got out of the hot tub in quickly and wrapped myself in my towel. "You had better
manners the last time we saw each other," I replied, acerbic. - Are you talking about the time I
attacked you by surprise? He, too, sported a smirk that bristled at me. - Yes, when you ended
up playing mop when Phoenix made you realize how much he appreciated your zeal! I had
wanted to be mean, but the opposite effect occurred. He burst out laughing. - Touched! I raised
my eyebrows. -Forgive me, Miss Jones, I didn't mean to sound mean to you. But you must have
noticed that our species was not used to becoming entangled in endless indirectness. I think
you're very beautiful, that's all. I felt blush. I curse myself. - Uh... Ok. But let me go change
quickly, I'll meet you outside. - As you wish. He left me, not without having made one of those
graceful oriental bows that when seen in the films all the women found elegant; me included. I
showered and put on my clothes at record speed, being careful to check that no camera would
film these operations, and then I dried my hair in the blow-dryer, regretting not having a brush to
at least untangle it. - Hedayat? I called, as I went out into the hallway. Will you allow me to
serve as your guide to complete the tour? He had regained his good manners and his affable
air, with no greedy glow in his eyes. - Okay, I'm not going to do that. So he resumed with me my
exploration of the villa by explaining to me the history and functionality of it. He told me that it
had been built in the 1920s, at a time when there were only wheat fields and grasslands around
the nascent Kerington as far as the eye could see, which explained the enormous land on which
it rested when their multi-millionaires of neighbors were to settle for only a third. At the time, the
city was already bustling with activity, but it had not taken off until the 1950s, when several
multinationals had established themselves there, enjoying cheaper living and more
advantageous taxes than in other metropolises of the country. Talanus and Ysis saw their
instincts rewarded with this success and their bank accounts also soared to the highest heights.
- But if they have been there for so many years, to count in the economic and worldly life of
Kerington, the political and police authorities have never had any suspicion as to their true
nature? Hedayat smiled. - This is one of the beauties of this city, Miss Jones, everything is
bought there. - I know Kerington has a bad reputation, but there are still honest police officers
who live there! - Sure, and so much the better! But they can investigate as much as they want,
the cases that Talanus and Ysis deal with are the most legal. - Human affairs, you mean! "Of
course! he scoffed. - No one has ever commented on the armed men standing guard in front of
the gates of the property. - Come on, Miss Jones, all the villas in Harper Hill are armed to the
teeth! You haven't seen the home of that crazy starlet who shaved her head a few years ago!
She's full of bodyguards recruited from the Navy Seals! Samantha. - I'm sorry? - Call me
Samantha. He offered me another toothpaste smile. - Samantha... The way he whispered my
first name gave me an involuntary shiver, as if each letter had caressed my skin, leaving a trail
of fire behind it, even in places still unexplored by no man. Aargh! The turn of this conversation
bothered me; it was time to change it. - Can I see your CCTV post? - Of course, this way. His
cold hand seized mine and he dragged me up the stairs to the west wing of the villa. I followed
him to a door on the second floor, behind which there was a large room full of control screens,
allowing to monitor every square inch of the villa. Four vampires were stationed in front, two of
them sipping very red and slimy cocktails. They greeted me courteously upon my arrival without
bothering to hide the complicit gaze they addressed to Hedayat, who entered behind me with a
merry "Look who I am bringing you!" One of them, the youngest, lingered a little too long for my
taste in the cleavage of my dress, which annoyed me to the highest extent. - If you care for your
eyes, I advise you to turn them back to your screens or I may take it badly! Confused, he
complied. "Oh, Miss Jones!" said someone behind my back. - Steve! Are you okay? Steve was
always on guard at the gate and every time we came with the car, he was the one who opened
it up. He had always been courteous to me, except when he had participated in my post-coma
examination in the corridors of the villa, but that was a thing of the past. - I'm fine, even though
Phoenix punished us by tripling our hours of work because of what we did to you. - Ah. Are you
mad at him? He shook his head. - No, it's a good war. Besides, you belong to him. I was
swallowing a proper denial. This so-called belonging had probably already saved my life so
there was no point in playing on words. - Still, I thought he had passed the bar! I saw Hedayat
massaging his head. His forgiveness had gone through a punch that would have beheaded any
human. "Don't worry," said Steve, who had also noticed the gesture of his superior. If he were
not so stubborn, he would not be so respected. -That's what I understand. I get calls from other
area managers who are trying to corrupt your area that it is rather appreciated by your
community. All the vampires present looked at me as if I were alienated. "He's the best angel of
all the continents together!" said one of them, a white-beak badly coiffed. If we take the Big
Ones, he's in the top 10 most extraordinary vampires, after Finn, Talanus and Ysis. I could have
taken him for a distraught admirer, but the serious faces around me tended to prove to me that it
was the truth. - He was chosen by Finn, the oldest vampire in existence with four thousand
years, to be his son, his heir! And as far as we know, he has never transformed anyone since. I
saw last year how much Finn cared about Phoenix. He had defied the Greats to save him, it
was not nothing. I also remembered the ease with which he had ripped off his silver chains
when for any other vampire, it should have been impossible. He was extremely powerful, and
this power, he had chosen to share it with one person, my boss. Steve went on: - Moreover,
since he became the angel of Talanus, the Kerington and Springfield areas are the safest in the
country for humans, and those that bring the most money for their vampire managers. Some of
our fellows would kill for the honor of working for him! Then... I interrupted him. - Don't say
anything! It was all funny when he finally decided to delegate a little by choosing a human to
assist him. When we met, I told Phoenix that he could have found a vampire assistant, but he
had dismissed this idea as dry. I never imagined that so many volunteers would jostle at the
gate. Why me? I asked myself again. - Don't take this the wrong way, but it's true that it
surprised many. However, you quickly proved yourself and today no one disputes his choice.
You are made for each other! He had to see my face decompose as he resumed: -
Professionally I mean! Uh... Of course! I forced myself to laugh, but it sounded devilishly wrong
in my ears. "Of course! Haha... Ha. Then, to dispel any embarrassment, I turned to Hedayat. -
Well, I see that the security of this area is in very good hands, I am reassured. Now I would like
to continue the visit, please. - No problem. He held the door for me and we went back to the
ground floor, in the last part of the villa that I had not yet seen. To say that in one year, Phoenix
had never had the idea to make me discover the place, nor me the guts to ask him! I was
stunned to discover a real disco. Everything was there: podiums, bar, VIP square, giant
speakers and noise-cancelling walls. - Wow! I bet even Paris Hilton would be green with
jealousy when entering here! - Will I serve you a drink? I'm a cocktail specialist. - To
hemoglobin? No thanks. And then it's a little early, isn't it? - The sun is about to set. - Already? I
was astonished when I looked at my watch. - Glad you didn't see time pass by my side. I kept
exploring the disco. It was much cleaner than the ones we attended with Phoenix last year. -
You should retrain as a tour guide, you are gifted. - I'll think about it. But I have other talents. He
came back to me with a drink in his hand. I didn't even see that he had been busy behind the
bar. - Taste it. - Is there alcohol in it? - I'm a Muslim, so no. Another practicing vampire? I
thought Francis was an exception... So I did, and soaked my lips in that dark red drink. -
Delicious... What's that for? - If I tell you, it will no longer be a secret. His wink made me smile,
although I was aware of his temptation. This guy had such a sex appeal that if my heart wasn't
already totally absorbed by someone else, I would have wanted him. The aura of sex he exuded
was difficult to bear, and if even if I, when he did not attract me, I felt it, I conclude that if he
wanted to, hundreds of women would be willing to throw themselves at him to rip off his clothes
and rape him on the spot. I bus to the last drop of this sweet drink to chase my salacious ideas
out of my mind. No doubt, Hedayat knew how to make cocktails. I complimented him again and
walked over to a striptease bar in the middle of the dance floor. I was trying to imagine what
incredible figures vampires were able to perform on when the music started. It was a
fashionable, rhythmic and heady song that mixed contemporary tempos with salsa. Hedayat
came out of the DJ booth and showed me the bar. - Try it. I'm blushing. "It's not okay, is it? -Are
you afraid? - Ridiculous, no, I'm used to it. But to break a leg, that's for sure! He approached
me, with a smile that triggered a new thrill. - I propose something less dangerous... Gulp! What
was he implying? Out of the question that we... - A dance? Wow! I was so relieved that he didn't
have the ideas as misplaced as I did that I let him take my hand and draw me to him. At first
uncomfortable, I quickly relaxed when I realized that my partner was not taking the opportunity
to try to fondle me. Hedayat had certainly stressed his attraction to me, but there was still
someone well-mannered, whose good manners had not been lost on the way to the world of the
night. I let myself be led by this skillful dancer, who gently but firmly guided me in my footsteps.
He was a very good teacher and he never argued with me when I walked on his feet. I had
always dreamed of knowing how to dance to the Latin rhythms that lend themselves to sensual
and elegant magic, but it was only a dream because I was far too clumsy to put one foot in front
of the other when it came to fidgeting. There, I savored with a smile this moment made pleasant
by the sympathy inspired by Hedayat and above all, the absence of an audience. At least, that
was what I thought. My partner suddenly froze, and as I looked at my feet to follow in his
footsteps, I reacted too late and went into it. I followed his gaze to the door, wondering what
might happen to him, when I realized that we were no longer alone. - Phoenix! Hedayat
cheerfully exclaimed, even though the tremor of his voice indicated to me that his sudden
cheerfulness was mixed with a beginning of panic. - I see you're having a good time. It was
impossible to determine what he had in mind when he uttered these words. He had impressive
control over himself. - Yes, Hedayat taught me how to dance salsa. - How kind of he is...
Striking like a razor, his voice alone could have sliced the man to whom it was addressed. The
man decomposed himself for a moment, then picked himself up and looked at me. "Well,
Samantha, I'm glad you liked the visit. It's time for me to go to sleep. Uh. Good night. He
staggered more than he walked towards the exit, being careful to leave a safe distance with
Phoenix, who stared at him with the air of wanting to peel him like a shrimp: to rip off the legs,
head, and skin of his back before planting his teeth. Anything! Hands on his hips, I stared at
him. - Do you have a problem? I asked him. He glared at me, seeming to look for any trace of
Hedayat's contact on my skin. - Should I have one? uttering slowly. - Well, to see your head and
your caveman manners, it looks like yes. -You weren't there when I woke up. Oh, I'm sorry I
didn't kiss your knees as you got out of bed, Sir. Ignoring my sarcasm, he went on: - I have
searched for you everywhere and I find you twirling like a teenager with the vampire who
recently attacked you... Indeed, there, he was scoring a point. - Look, I didn't want to worry you,
but I wanted to explore the villa. In one year, I've only seen a tenth! Hedayat offered to guide me
and his explanations were very interesting. "I've seen that. - Don't play the cheerleader, he was
just learning to dance. - You... - I know, I know, I belong to you! Blablabla! I cut it off. We weren't
doing anything wrong, so relax. A flash in his eyes made me fear an argument, I was not in the
mood. Now my worries dissipated when he sighed and held out his hand to me. - Come, I'll take
you somewhere. - Oh, I'd have to put on another outfit, this dress is not very suitable for hiding
knives. He was already dragging me down the stairs to the first floor. - You are dressed
properly. Tonight, you won't need a gun or a knife. "Ah? What for? - You'll see. He refused to tell
me any more despite my pressing questions, and I had to take my things to the room, without
knowing what he had planned for the evening. We then headed to the garage where he
selected a bright red Ferrari, all the most discreet. - Go upstairs. - Where are we going? I tried
again. Only silence and a mysterious smile answered me. We had just come out of Harper Hill
and onto the fast lane to the centre of Kerington when my curiosity threatened to engulf me. - I
don't want to do it anymore! Tell me where we're going, it's real torture! I exploded. Phoenix
chuckled. - You make me turn so drunk most of the time that this little revenge is a delight for
me. - What you can be petty! Me, making you run amok? You can't stand me being right, period!
- What was I saying? -Come on! All my entreaties did not change anything, I had to gnaw my
brakes until we arrived in the most upscale district of Kerington. I had a moment of distraction
when he turned on the radio, it was news time. - The police still can't believe it. This incredible
twist in the case of child abductions in Kerington's east end is also a conundrum for
investigators who still do not understand how such an outcome could have occurred. I had
rushed to the volume to put it stronger. - It must be said that from the memory of journalists or
police inspectors, we had never seen this! The children were all found by their parents in the
morning, comfortably in their beds, without appearing to have been mistreated. Apparently, they
have few memories of their conditions of confinement and have not been able to accurately
describe their abductors or the location of their confinement. The hospital spokesman said their
psychological condition was also positive. At present, it is impossible to say whether a
mysterious vigilante has brought them home, however, the rarity of the fact having to be
stressed, we can say that this issue is a happy end that will be remembered ... I turned off the
radio, no need to hear more. - I am so happy for these families! Phoenix nodded. - It was good
work. Indeed, we could be proud of ourselves, especially since as we were talking, the vampires
phoenix had sent to arrest those who had enlisted the services of these kidnappers were on
their way to bring them back to Harper Hill and make them suffer the joy of an expedited trial led
by Talanus. - You have heard, they believe that it is the work of an unknown vigilante. With your
gift, all you have to do is put on blue tights and a red cape and introduce yourself to the press as
the new Superman! He looked up at the sky. This vision of him in superhero costume was not to
satisfy him. - I doubt that when I see my fangs and the light of my eyes, they will welcome me
with open arms. It would be more of a general panic. - That would be funny! Besides, you don't
need kryptonite. - A silver stake is enough. - Or an intensive tanning program in the sun! "Let it
go," he sighed. Humans are not ready to know the truth about the reality of their world and I
doubt they will ever be. If it were to be known, they would only stop slaughtering us. - You are
too us. Besides, we don't have incredible super powers like you. - But you are more numerous
and very determined. I'm a realist, don't tell me otherwise. He was right, of course. If the
existence of vampires came to light, it was panic assured. We would surely see collective
suicides at the end of the world or militias of fanatics worse than the Mellindra Circle to form to
eradicate them, without worrying about the Great Change or whether the person in their sights
was a monster or someone civilized. I had had time to understand that most vampires aspired
only to a luxurious but quiet life. Others would not bother to try to get to know them before
cutting off their heads with bazooka. - It is hard to admit that your vision of humanity is not far
from the truth. We still have qualities, you know. - I know, I was human too. That's why all of us
are such fervent defenders of our Secret, Great Change or not. This discussion left me thinking.
So vampires were afraid of us? It was as if Phoenix was telling me that the wolf was being
terrorized by the lamb! He entered the city's most expensive avenue and stopped in front of the
Beaumarchais, the most popular gourmet restaurant in the region, where you had to book
months in advance to get a table. All of a sudden, I forgot about our previous conversation. A
young man came to the driver's side and Phoenix got out of the car and gave him the key.
Astonished, it took me a few seconds to figure out what he was getting into and get out of the
car. My employer reached out to me. - I know you love French cuisine. Lately has been a lot of
pain so I thought a break would do you good. I couldn't believe it! Not only did he take me to
dinner, but also to a place I had never dared to dream of eating there. The "Beaumarchais" was
renowned all over the world for the quality of its dishes as well as for the imagination of its chef,
Jean-Louis Roussignol. No respecting politician was able to pass through this illustrious
establishment during a trip to the region, and the biggest movie stars were not sure to be
photographed there. "I feel like I'm dressed to go to the market," I said, blushing at the thought
of being condemned to my dress. - You're perfect, don't worry. We arrived before the head of
the hall, a very elegant man, in his fifties, with the look of an eagle. Nothing was to escape him.
" Good evening, ma'am, sir, have you booked?" - We are invited by Mr and Mrs Romandria.
Obviously, the man knew more about these people than I did because he merged into excuses
and compliments on them by guiding us to our table, one of the best placed, in the middle of the
restaurant, near a magnificent aquarium. - Who are these Romandria? I asked, once installed,
the card under my eyes. - Talanus and Ysis. They had fun taking the name of their hometowns,
Rome and Alexandria, to make it an alias. Name well known and respected in this city, to the
point that this table is reserved for their exclusive use. - But finally, they don't eat anything! -
They don't, but the humans with whom they do business, yes. Money talks. - Well I don't need
that, I'm starving just by reading the list of dishes. - Glad to hear you say it. I hope you like this
surprise. - If I like it? I've always dreamed of coming here for dinner! Thank you, Phoenix. - I
also wanted us to talk about a somewhat thorny subject for both of us. The one you left. The
smile I was showing a second before was so dry. My stomach contracted. - This is not the ideal
time to discuss it, is it? - There will never be so many now. I was going to answer him, but a
waiter came to ask us if he could take our order and I had to execute myself by choosing a
starter based on lobster, a dish in the form of a salted mille-feuille and a crème brûlée with red
fruit glasses. I left it to my boss to choose the wine, and to justify his lack of appetite. The waiter
did not seem to formalize it, apparently, this table regularly hosted vampires who did not
consume the kind of products offered on his card. - Have you chosen a destination? No, no, no,
To tell you the truth, I have not looked at that yet. - Still not? Maybe you're hesitating. "No, no,
no, no, Phoenix frowned, I answered too quickly and too keenly. No, I had no right to hesitate,
otherwise I might one day find myself facing the woman of her life, and I would not bear it. - I
don't want to think about it at the moment, but this moment will come soon enough. - And what
will you do, once freed from our world? I sighed. We had already had this conversation, I was no
further ahead today. - I imagine I would try to find a job as a librarian in another high school or I
would radically change my profession... I've always loved cooking. Maybe I'd train to open a
restaurant. - And of course, you would devote yourself to tasting all the dishes. - I like to give of
my person for the things that are dear to my heart, so if I have to use my taste buds to give my
opinion, I will. - I'd like to see that! He had smiled, but that smile so beautiful on his perfect face
disappeared as quickly as he had come. Like me, he remembered that he could never grant this
wish since my departure from Scarborough also meant a definitive farewell to us. - I wish you
would find happiness in your new life, really. He wanted to be kind, but I knew him too well now.
He didn't really mean what he was saying, he hid the substance of his thought from me, just as I
hid from him that I didn't plan to be happy in my new life without him, because he wouldn't be
here anymore. "Thank you," I said simply. The waiter had the good idea to come back with my
input and I bless heaven to have something to chew that would prevent me from continuing on
this hot topic. In fact, as soon as the first bite swallowed, my world shrank so well that it was left
in my mind only my plate and my pleasure to eat. I completely forgot the rest. "It was prodigious!
I had leaned on my seat, repainted after my main course, curbing the temptation to pat my
stomach after my meal. I had taken the time to savour every bite, closing my eyes with every
burst of flavour in my mouth. It was so good that if I hadn't been in a Michelin-starred restaurant,
I would have licked my plate. Totally focused on my blissful gluttony, I had not taken care of my
companion and when at last I shifted my attention to him, he smiled. -That's what I understand.
Click! A noise next to me brought me back to my taste paradise for good. A man with a press
card pinned to his suit had just taken a picture of the restaurant, and admired the décor without
looking specifically at us, Phoenix or me. Phoenix didn't seem to want to jump at his throat to
take his camera so I relaxed. - I always believed that in this kind of establishment, one came out
as hungry as on arrival, yet I feel that I will not be able to swallow the dessert! He scoffed. - I
don't believe it for a second! I told him. - You're right! If I explode, it will be a joy to have eaten
so well! The good humour that had won us did not leave us again until we left the
"Beaumarchais". - What now? I said, while waiting for the valet and our Ferrari. - I have another
surprise for you. - I'm spoiled! What is it? - You should really take a look in the dictionary to
review the meaning of the word "surprise," Sam. -You're annoying, you know? - And you too
impatient. The Ferrari was already parked in front of us. Phoenix retrieved his keys and the valet
opened my door. In the cab, I asked him: - Who owns this car? I don't remember seeing her
before, at Talanus' house. - I don't know. -Ah well? - Those who go to the area manager know
that they are under his command and at his disposal when needed, as well as that of his angel.
I needed a car; I took this one. Here we go! Did his privileges include that his assistant also
benefit from it? Suddenly, I felt less guilty about the morning loan. - You could have chosen a
less showy one. - Would you have preferred one of Ysis's Rolls? - I would have been content
with a garbage can if it had allowed us not to be noticed in this way. You vampires are
contradictory! You fiercely preserve your Secret, but you lose all common sense as soon as you
are put in a luxury shop, a credit card in your hands! This analogy made him laugh. - We have
had centuries to amass wealth or objects that are worth thousands of dollars today. In addition,
over time, our species has perfected in the art of finance and we excel in stock trading. I believe
that poor vampires are a minority, and especially the youngest of us. - All this luxury is bound to
be envious. Aren't you afraid that your true nature will be revealed just to seize your wealth? -
Don't worry about that. We carefully select our business relationships by always investigating
their honesty. I cried immediately. - If I rephrase, you are looking for a few corpses in the closets
to wave under their noses if they ever come up with the idea of asking more questions about
your account. His menacing smile made me cold in the back. - Just right. I shrugged. "Well! As
long as you don't kill them. - Blackmail is more lucrative. - I know something about it... He
smiles. - We're coming. I peed around. A crowd crowded in front of a very chic 19th-century
building, waiting for the doors to open. When I looked up, I realized where we were. - You're
taking me to the Lazarus Theatre? Phoenix remained silent. I turned away from him to admire
again this elegant and imposing building, housing the largest and most beautiful theatre in the
whole region. When we parked and my boss came to open my door to me, I still couldn't believe
it. - What's going on tonight? His enigmatic smile stirred my curiosity even more than if he had
merely refused me an answer. He grabbeded my arm and took me to the entrance, ignoring the
line in which, once again, we should have engaged. He walked to one of the bouncers, who
widened his eyes at his sight and hurried to guide us to a side door to allow us to enter the
majestic hall of the building. The marble floor seemed to reflect us despite the dim light and I
couldn't help but blow with admiration in front of the double staircase leading to the great hall. I
knew this place from the pictures I had seen on the Internet, but I had never had the opportunity
to set foot there. My parents had managed to get tickets for a performance of Othello and had
gone out of their way to surprise me, but they had had their accident on the way back from work
that evening. In my mother's bag, I found a card for me, with the tickets in it. This memory
brought tears to my eyes, but I recovered quickly enough that my employer would not notice
anything. We were then guided to our seats, in an incredibly well-located private dressing room.
It had four seats in front of the stage plus four others behind them, as well as a dessert with
champagne and appetizers. Too bad I'm not hungry anymore, they looked very appetizing.
Finally, the hostess informed us that she would stay behind the door if needed. We were
pampered. Of course, the reason was simple. - I guess Talanus and Ysis have their entrances
here. - They are passionate about theatre, especially Talanus. - Let me guess, he loves Greek
tragedies! - More like contemporary theatre. I raised my eyebrows. I would have heard it all. -
So what's on the program? You can tell me now! He handed me a brochure. Obviously. I felt a
huge smile on my face. Candide! It was the key book that opened his room, and my favorite
author, Voltaire! - It's... I couldn't find the words. How did he want me to distance myself by
behaving so kindly with me? How can I hold my tusks around what was left of my heart if he
behaved like this? This whole evening was meant to relax after all these days of stress and
fatigue related to our intensive investigation of the Mellindra Circle. Nevertheless, I began to
wonder if it had another purpose. After all, Phoenix could have just offered me McD's and a
movie, it would have delighted me. But there he granted wishes that I had never expressed as
such. The "Beaumarchais" and the Lazarus Theatre had been mentioned in the conversation,
without me expressing the desire to go. My boss had chosen the program of the evening
according to my tastes and my unspoken dreams. It was more than I could have imagined. Did
he want to change my mind? This question was far too dangerous for me to keep thinking
about. If I stayed, I would be as unhappy, because the object of my desire, made even more
desirable by its inaccessibility, would wander under my nose with its aphrodisiac perfection
every day of the year. Can't stand it! I checked to see if the void that still inhabited me was
there... Yes. Anyway, it was that or the ugly white-hot blade whose burning would have even
made the Devil howl in pain deep in Hell. I could not afford to be moved by the proof of the
importance that my boss gave me. He should not have known that his friendships were not
enough for me, I could not blame him. So I made a good face while he served me a glass of
champagne, which I enjoyed when the room began to fill...

* The show lived up to my expectations and I stood up like the rest of the assembly to applaud
the actors who made the final salute on the front of the stage. Phoenix preferred to stay seated.
- Congratulations! It was perfect! I had said these words in French, raising my voice to drown
out the ambient noise. One of the actors closest to our dressing room must have heard me
because he smiled at me and threw a kiss in my direction. It was the actor who played the valet
Cacambo. According to the program, his name was Bastien Bajon… hence his happy air when
he heard me in his native language. When the curtain finally closed, again to the applause, I
turned to my neighbor, who was not at all interested in his surroundings, but rather what he had
right in front of him, namely me. I thought I saw something like regret in his expression, but he
recovered too quickly for me to be sure. - I'm glad you liked this piece. He stood up and handed
me another glass of champagne before going to ask our hostess to bring us our coats. - It was
really great. It's one thing to read a book, it's another to see it told on stage! I was still looking at
the great hall, its red armchairs, its balconies with golden balustrades like the great European
theaters. It was majestic. We knocked at the door. These were our coats. Phoenix helped me
put mine on then we got back to our car, pushing the curious people who had gathered around
drooling with envy a little. He then took the expressway to Scarborough. - We don't go back to
Talanus and Ysis to return the car? Its owner may be worried. - I'll bring it back tomorrow. At the
same time, I will take note of his complaints. I smile. - As if he was going to risk it! I turned on
the radio and leaned back in my seat. I was tired and had nothing against taking a nap to spare
myself the boredom of the drive to the castle, however, I still had one thing to do. - Thank you,
Phoenix, for a wonderful evening. He was looking at the road. His jaws tightened, but he
nodded. It was not his type to dwell on his good deeds so I contented myself with his silence
and closed my eyes. When I opened them, he was maneuvering to park in the garage. I
yawned. - I have the impression that I could sleep on the floor as I am so exhausted! "There are
blankets in the cupboard over there," he said, turning off the engine. - Gnagnagna. I followed
him and let him help me take off my coat, which he put away in the wardrobe in the hall. -
Thanks again, Phoenix. I… thank you. I was not good at big speeches, he knew that. So he
accepted my thanks and I took my leave of him, claiming exhaustion to escape as quickly as
possible the strange gleam of his eyes fixed on mine. In my bedroom, I took off my shoes and
then went to the bathroom to run the water on my face. I was about to take off my dress when I
remembered that I had left my phone in my jacket pocket. I didn't want it to fall and break so I
walked down the stairs and retrieved it from the closet. I was about to go back up the stairs
when music caught my attention. The sound coming from the desk was thin, but loud enough
that I recognized the voice of Freddy Mercury, the singer of the band Queen. I had already
noticed that my employer drummed in rhythm on his steering wheel as soon as he heard one of
their songs in the car, and I identified there the last notes of Under Pressure, their duet with
David Bowie. I was curious to know what he was doing with this music in the background. On
the other hand, I couldn't imagine Phoenix mistaking himself for David Bowie and pushing the
ditty into his office. But the moment I reached the doorframe and saw him from behind, looking
out the window outside, I froze. I instantly recognized the song that started. Originally, it was a
song that I found very beautiful and that I discovered while watching the Highlander series when
I was young. Who wants to live forever, at that precise moment, instead of moving me,
compress my chest because his words desperately echoed my present situation. We had no
chance, time was our enemy… Had I been given eternal life, without Phoenix and his love, I
wouldn't have accepted it. It is sometimes said that because our lives are shorter, we humans
love the person who shares them more. However, I, despite my inexperience in this area, was
nevertheless certain that if I lived a million years, I would like this vampire as much as today.
There would be only him. For ever. I didn't see Phoenix turn around, although I knew he had
sensed my presence.

* Two days had passed. It had already been dark for a few hours when Matthew dropped me off
in front of the castle gate. After another day spent in the adoption services offices in the city of
Kerington, consulting files and meeting people who still didn't teach us anything, my friend
suggested that I take a detour through the city center. to give us courage with a good dinner. He
chose a Mexican restaurant, the cuisine of which he loved, and impressed me throughout our
meal by displaying a good mood that I could not share until the end. It was obvious that I was
not going to find his parents in a snap, when he had spent more than three years there, without
success. However, a weird sort of foreboding gripped me as soon as I thought about it, as if
someone was trying to make me understand that I was on the right track. Anyway, for the
moment, we had nothing of interest, but I was counting on Dennis Obson to give me more
information with his DNA. You had to be patient ... So I put my apprehensions aside and ended
up enjoying these moments with Matthew, feasting on his jokes and his communicative smile. At
one point, he took my hand to thank me for having accompanied him to eat and I was surprised
to have left it in his grasp. His skin might have been softer than Phoenix's, but it was warm and
pleasantly human. Matthew could have pushed his advantage, but he didn't, and more
disturbingly, I almost regretted it. Since the other night with my boss, after the restaurant and
the theater, I felt incredibly alone, as if I had already lost him. It's all decided for us… These
words of the Queen song were not unrelated to it, of course… Fortunately, the presence of
Matthew had changed my ideas and his company was a balm that I really needed for me. keep
my dark thoughts from venting. He was definitely someone extraordinary, able to bring back a
smile to everyone he met. So I insisted on paying for dinner, but he gave me a look that made
me decide to take the charge while waiting for him to finish paying the bill with the manager, a
little bearded man with a more than pronounced accent. Not a cloud on the horizon, we could
clearly see the stars shining in this ink black sky. Even though it was cold, the air was pleasant
and before returning home, we had taken a little digestive walk in Kerington Park which adjoins
the restaurant. It was a lovely evening. When we got back, like a perfect gentleman, my driver
opened the door for me and gave me his hand to help me get out of the car. - Your Highness…
- Thank you, my good man. In the night light, Matthew's smile made his face glow and gave him
a serene look that I hadn't seen in days. He had shaved clean for our day and smelled like
cologne. Although dressed simply, with jeans and a black shirt tucked under a leather jacket of
the same color, I understood why all the women in Scarborough and the surrounding area were
chasing him. He was really a handsome man. Over 6 feet, with dark hair and hazel eyes, he
looked a bit like Hugh Jackman, without being as shaggy as in X-Men, thankfully. During our
recent outings in Kerington, I realized that the ladies had not failed to admire my friend from
head to toe (focusing on his butt) and they then sport a pout when they noticed me by his side. I
imagined their thoughts: What a pity that such an Adonis is not single, I would do him. And what
is he doing with this messy, awkward brunette? Phoenix would have said that I was still
devaluing myself… But the glow of envy that brightened the eyes of these ladies as we passed
left no doubt as to their opinion of me. At the same time, I couldn't fault them! Myself, I was
proud to be accompanied by this look-alike of a supermodel. It changed me from my unreal
good looking boss with a look too scary to hold for more than a hundredth of a second. Matthew
was the archetypal gentleman, and his kindness combined with the manly strength that
emanated from his muscular body was enough to capsize all female hearts for hundreds of
yards around. And as I was there with my thoughts, I realized that he was staring at me too, his
eyes twinkling with mischief, and something else that I didn't immediately recognize. - I still have
to thank you for this day, Samantha. Even if it was not really productive in terms of research, I
enjoyed your company, he said putting his hands on my shoulders which he rubbed gently as if
to warm me up. His maneuver set off an alarm signal in my head, but I have to say that I was so
much of his opinion of this shared moment, and his touch so warmed my heart, that I didn't
escape, simply offering him a smile. I didn't back down either when he then pulled me to him
and hugged me. I had felt like a soulless shell for so long that the feeling of well-being that
overwhelmed me during this embrace made me give it back to him. I liked Matthew a lot. He
had already hugged me several times in moments of friendship or while playing tennis against
his father and Angela (I admit that I usually only hit one in four balls and that it 'was he who did
all the work), but never before had I felt such a connection between us. It was so unsettling yet
so heartwarming that I surrendered to it completely, savoring the warmth of his chest and the
power of his arms. Lost in that moment, I had not thought about the consequences of my
actions and the meaning that my friend could give them. In fact, he broke the magic by gently
pulling me away from him without letting go of my shoulders. - Samantha, he whispered under
his breath. The tenderness and reluctance that I read in his eyes at that moment overwhelmed
me. He was looking at me like I had always dreamed of Phoenix looking at me, like a man about
to kiss the woman he loves. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation, I was unable to free
myself from Matthew and part of me, who had never dared to speak up before, did not want me
to do so. Deep down, I wanted Matthew to kiss me. Since the man I wanted was inaccessible to
me, why deny this kiss to my closest friend? He was handsome, tall, athletic, manly without
being macho, considerate of ladies, and loyal to his own. What more? All women would dream
of being in my place… I was still watching him, torn between my impulses and reason. Did I
really want to get into this relationship? My doubts were swept away by his right hand which
slowly reached my cheek to rest there in a caressing contact. My barriers gave way, my lips
cried out to be kissed. I closed my eyes and tilted my head a little to let him know my intentions,
and a moment later, I felt Matthew's breath at the doors of my mouth. Gentleman to the end,
and knowing my (false) romantic past, he still left me the choice to retract. And since I didn't
make a move to back away, he started. I had always been afraid of my first kiss because I was
afraid of being ridiculous by not knowing what to do. On Christmas Eve, when Phoenix had
given in to the tradition of the mistletoe ball, I hadn't really reacted, too appalled by the situation
to really take advantage of it. So I told myself that I was really not good at this exercise. Still,
kissing Matthew felt very easy, very natural, as if we were a perfect match to each other. His lips
had the softness of silk and their touch gave mine a feeling of slight warmth which then spread
throughout my body. Our movements were perfectly synchronized, which made this kiss much
longer and more pleasant than anything I could have imagined. It was intoxicating. So much so
that when Matthew pressed me more against him, I let out a small moan, quickly stifled by the
profit he had made of my half-open mouth; he slipped his tongue into it in a ruthless and
incredibly sensual exploration that completely messed me up. As I had never kissed anyone this
way, I tried to understand and assimilate the movements of his tongue around mine to
reproduce them. After some hesitation, I knew I had done it when it was Matthew's turn to
moan. It was so simple indeed… so easy to let go… I felt safe in his arms, and that embrace
was like a promise of the future we both could have. Because I knew… I knew what would
happen if I continued to kiss him. I knew deep down that with Matthew, I would have a normal
and happy life. He would never glare at me, scare me or hurt me, or abandon me. There I had,
at that precise moment, a chance to fulfill the dream I had cherished during my time in
Kentwood: a loving husband, a united family. Yet ... was this what I really wanted? It would be
so easy to go this way, to let Matthew love me and finally build a stable life with children, but
would that be fair? How I had changed since arriving in Scarborough! My meeting with Phoenix
had opened the doors to an admittedly dangerous, but oh so interesting existence. The days
followed one another without any routine, I got to know real historical figures who should have
died a few centuries earlier and who concealed within them an experience of life and a
knowledge that fascinated me. Even if I no longer wanted to serve as a vampire punching bag, I
had to admit that by leaving it, I would also leave this supernatural world which had curiously
welcomed me more warmly than mine, and which had allowed me to reveal myself to myself. I
was not fooled. I was going to leave him to find a healthier life less strewn with deadly dangers,
but I would miss this life and it was difficult for me to imagine myself seeing it resume its normal
course, pretending that everything I had done or seen for over a year had never existed. I
wasn't sure I could do it, let alone in Scarborough, so close to my old workplace… so close to
him. The dark face of Phoenix reflected in the library window after our argument came into my
mind in a flash, making me frown. I remembered how much I blamed myself for behaving so
badly with him. I remembered how his expression, sad and thoughtful, had silenced me when I
came to apologize. And I remembered above all how much I wanted him to hug me, where,
more than anything in the world, I felt at home. Only a few seconds had passed, my brain
seemed to be working at full speed. I felt vaguely self-conscious about all of these thoughts at
such an intimate moment, however, it was crucial that I brought them to fruition. For Matthew…
Matthew… As I relished our embrace the moment before, I could only realize that she was
certainly very nice, but that something was missing. The tenderness and gentleness were there,
the heat was there, the pleasure was there. Was that enough? No. Because I had experienced,
on my birthday, a sensation that swept them away like dust in the wind. I had felt the pressing
need for carnal contact, the electricity that runs through the body when our fingers finally rest on
the perfect skin of the person we cherish, this same lightning that pierces us when our lips run
through it tasting its divine aroma, to finally drink it desperately arrived at those of our partner,
for a kiss that transports you the soul to Paradise. I had felt it passionately, painfully, blindly…
with Phoenix. Not with Matthew. Suddenly I opened my eyes and ended our embrace by gently
pushing him back with both hands on his chest, and taking a step back. - What is it? he asked,
his breath a little lacking and his gaze shining with desire despite the glimmer of concern that
flushed through it. Knowing what I was going to say and the consequences it might have on our
friendship, anguish came over me, causing me to lose my words. - No. Matthew, I… no. I shook
my head to come to my senses and finish my speech. I had to do it. I couldn't play with
Matthew's feelings just to cheer up the subscribers absent since Phoenix had pushed me away.
Out of respect for my friend, I was not allowed to make him a second choice and use his heart
to put balm on mine, without any other consideration. I didn't like him and I just couldn't like him.
Even if he would suffer from it, he had to know the truth. I only hoped that he would forgive me
for this moment of bewilderment with disastrous consequences in view of the hopes it shattered.
I was determined to get my tirade out in one go, but barely had I opened my mouth when
Matthew put his index finger on it to silence me. - Hush. Don't tell me I'm going too fast. I've
been waiting to be able to kiss you since the moment I walked through the door of my father's
restaurant and saw you there, sitting at the counter, in the middle of a conversation with him.
This urge increased a second later, as soon as you smiled at me. I told you, I never felt that way
for anyone. I'm not used to being pushed back either, since without any pretension it is women
who come to me in general. So I let you imagine my frustration when you rejected me in
memory of your old love; and my jealousy when he reappeared after your accident. I was ready
to give up, I consoled myself by remaining your friend. Then he left, and I bided my time, waiting
for you to finally forget about Aydan. In the last few weeks, we've spent a lot of time together. I
know that your approach was motivated by friendship at the base, nevertheless, I found myself
hoping that it took another direction, for more tender feelings. This kiss fulfills my expectations,
Sam… Oh… I swallowed my tirade and the gall that had risen to my throat at the end of
Matthew's speech suddenly. I hadn't suspected the depth of his feelings against me, how could I
push him away after such a statement? If we had been in a movie, I should have kissed her
madly and heard the happy ending clap of any good self-respecting romantic comedy. They got
married and had a lot of children… My God… How could I have been so inconsistent? How do I
fix my mistake without breaking his heart beyond repair? I did not know what to say or what to
do. I was petrified by that happy smile and that look loaded with tenderness that I shouldn't have
encouraged. Horrified at my immobility, I saw him lean towards me, believing in an invitation to
another kiss. This time his lips tasted of my own bitterness. It was by a superhuman effort that I
managed to push him away again, breaking a contact and a misunderstanding that had lasted
too long. - Matthew! I said in a voice I wanted to be firm, I can't! I wanted to give him time to
assimilate my refusal before launching into my sinister explanations, but once again my friend
caught me off guard. - I know you will never forget Aydan and I am not asking you. I just want
you to accept my feelings without pushing back on the idea that they might be mutual one day.
Wow! He proposed for the role that I refused to give him, that of a comforting stopgap who
would only live our relationship while waiting for it to be shared one day. How awful! I couldn't
accept that, I wasn't that kind of woman. - Matthew, you don't understand… I didn't have time to
finish my sentence, I was again against him, prisoner against my will with his mouth and his
arms. Although I felt that my friend had finally grasped my intentions and was preventing me
from escaping from his desperate attempt not to hear the truth, I could not tolerate being forced
like this. It reminded me of when Huan had acted the same way a few months back, to remind
me of my status as a vulgar human. This memory more than the act of Matthew made me
struggle. - No! I managed to say despite the weight of his lips against mine. Was it the tone of
my voice, both angry and anguished, or that single word, that brought him back to reality, but
still I immediately felt the pressure in his body diminish. He was about to let go of me. A
nanosecond later, this pressure disappeared along with my friend. It no longer held me and had
disappeared from my field of vision. However, after the shock, I understood why I couldn't see
him anymore. In front of me and from behind stood Phoenix, whose position, for a trained eye
like mine, left no room for doubt. He was ready to kill. And his future victim, if I did not intervene
very quickly, would be none other than Matthew.

* - Don't you ever dare to put your hands on her again or I'll tear your guts out to expose them to
the sun! hissed Phoenix in his velvet voice with murderous accents, which he usually kept for
his worst enemies. His whole body was stiff with the tension that held him. It looked like a lion
about to pounce on its prey. Despite the shock, I stepped aside to check on Matthew's
condition. He was struggling to get up, three meters away, in the middle of the road he had
crashed into when my boss had pushed him. Obviously he was still stunned. - You… are you
mental?! And what are you doing here in the first place? roared my friend, finally getting to his
feet. - I'll teach you the meaning of the word "no", because it seems that you have forgotten it, if
you've ever learned it, you mindless barbarian! The scene was lit only by a few streetlights, but I
distinctly saw Matthew flush with rage at the wording of this accusation. - Who do you take me
for?! I would never hurt her! Phoenix snorted in disgust. - It's not the impression I got. If you
were truly her friend, you would have immediately backed away when she pushed you away,
instead of desperately clinging to your dream of seducing her. I'll make it easy for you, leave her
alone! he spat finally, with gall and anger in his voice that pinned me in place. - Ah yes?
Because she belongs to you?! After everything you've done to her?! You're just a weakling
paralyzed by commitment. If you really cared about Samantha, you would have stayed with her
instead of leaving to go to I don't know where; surely to earn even more money! She was
heartbroken by your fault and you dare to return here as if you were on conquered ground! God,
you have some nerve! You had your chance, now get out of her life! Somehow I admired
Matthew. Even though he had no idea who the person he was arguingming with really was, he
was brave. All humans who encountered Phoenix in general had difficulty expressing their ideas
clearly when under the fire of his icy blue gaze, yet he did quite well. Although the silence that
followed this retort terrified me more than one of those murderous sentences of which my
employer had the secret. At once, it seemed to me that the temperature had dropped another
five degrees and the surrounding air was to be cut with a knife, so heavy with threats it became.
No one had ever had to speak to him like that, let alone something so personal. Matthew
unknowingly threw all the resentment I felt in his face. Phoenix had really broken my heart, and
that was because he was incapable of feeling love for me, let alone embracing it. I didn't know if
he understood that I loved him. Either he was particularly blind, or he didn't want to hurt me by
pretending nothing. Still, he knew his attitude no longer suited me. And hearing it said by a man
he hated since the day they first met must have been hard to swallow. Still he had his pride. - I
shouldn't have withheld my strength and smashing you against one of those trees, over there…
This whisper triggered a real panic in my rib cage, especially since far from scaring Matthew, he
acted it's no big deal and stepped forward. As the distance between the two men narrowed,
clenching his fists, my brain was finally able to regain control of my body, forcing it out of its
stupor. - That's enough! I shouted, stepping around Phoenix to stand between them, arms
raised. Decidedly, it was becoming a habit to intervene to avoid a fight with my employer. - Stop
behaving like fools! It feels like a playground! Enough, have you seen each other?! - I'm not
going to let him insult me! Matthew intervened. If this guy didn't get the good beating he
deserves for treating you like a thing, I'll give it to him! - Because maybe you behaved better,
trying to force your tongue into her mouth?! Phoenix hissed. I couldn't get over the vulgarity with
which he spoke. Usually, even when he was about to behead one of his enemies, he was
always polite. But here we were beyond bad manners, Phoenix had just become rude.
Obviously, my friend's reaction was not long in coming. I barely had time to block his path,
preventing him with all my might from taking the few steps that still separated him from the one
he was aiming for and that he had no chance of taking. - Back off, Matthew! I forbid you from
fighting, do you hear me?! What would your father say if he saw you? The reference to Danny
had its effect, I had avoided the worst. My friend stopped in his tracks and just stared at my
boss with all the hatred he stirred in him. However, far from being satisfied, I felt an immense
anger, as much against one as the other. I just didn't want to see them anymore. - Go home,
please. - What?! I'm not going to leave you with this garbage! He's the one who should go
and… - Shut up! Your behavior was not the best either, he is right on this point! … Even if I was
absolutely not in danger! I resumed immediately to stop the contented throat clearing that was
heard behind me at these words. I had no mercy on Matthew's sad and guilty look after all, he
shouldn't have kissed me by force. However, out of empathy for the pain my rejection would
inflict upon him, I decided to smooth things over. - I know why you did it and I don't blame you.
We'll talk about it tomorrow if you don't mind. There, I really have to settle things once and for all
with Phoenix. A new silence fell over our trio. I crossed my fingers that he would obey reason
and finally make up his mind to get back into his car so that I could put an end to this fiasco. -
You are right. I better get out of here, he said, glaring at my boss before tormently looking back
at me. I apologize to you. Promise me you'll come by tomorrow. Despite my annoyance, I was
moved by the remorse heard in his voice. I would have my share of remorse, too, for causing
him so much pain, but at this point I had another problem to deal with. - I promise you. With this
promise, Matthew went to his car and drove off to return to Scarborough. Now it was just
Phoenix and me. "Let's not stay here," I said, passing resolutely in front of him to enter the
castle. Overwhelmed with anger, I was running more than I walked towards the front steps and
as I walked past the Camaro parked in the driveway, I suddenly wanted to grab my shoe and
scratch the entire body with my heel. I felt like I was shaking though I wasn't cold, my heartbeat
was racing, and the worst insults were spinning and backing in my mind, threatening to come
out if the vampire silently following me even dared to say one thing before I was ready to speak.
How could he have behaved like this?! He had certainly wanted to protect me, but his intentions
were not as pure as you might think, I knew him well enough for that. He had taken the
opportunity to assert his superiority over Matthew, fists being much more effective than words in
putting things in their place under certain circumstances. However, he had forgotten that it was
not a vampire he had attacked, but a simple human, a good man moreover, despite this mistake
to be blamed on loving spite. If I hadn't stopped my friend from rushing on him, who knows what
would have happened? Phoenix might have had five hundred years of cold-blooded experience
behind him, but his attitude on the streets was not what one should have expected of him. It
didn't sound like him, and he had better explain himself. - Can we tell which fly stung you? I
cried at the top of the stairs, turning sharply towards him. I couldn't wait to be comfortably
settled in the living room. I wanted a showdown now, taking advantage of the cold to keep some
semblance of calm. - I only protected you and that's how you thank me?! he called out sharply
in response. Obviously, Phoenix was in a bad mood as much as I was. He didn't seem to
understand why I was angry with him and that, more than the rest, pissed me off. - I can
manage very well on my own! In addition I already told you that I was not in danger! But by
intervening without thinking, you endangered your coverage! You were supposed to be gone
back to Seattle never to come back and what do you do?! you come out of nowhere to attack
my best friend! - What, I should have let him force your hand? Your mouth? or the rest maybe?!!
- Matthew is not that kind of man! I thought you were more clairvoyant, but I see that you can be
as good faith as a mafia! Have you lost your mind? You could have killed him! He glared at me
with a look streaked with blue light. - He didn't have to touch you! he growled. - It's none of your
business! I replied in the same tone. - You belong to me! This time his eyes were literally
ablaze. However, his anger could not compete with the genuine rage that surged in me at these
words. - You have no rights over me! I shouted, refraining from slapping him. I am not an object!
Dammnit, you still haven't figured it out! Humans are not vampires' toys, no matter if they have
powers that surpass them! It is not because I work for you that I am your property! - That's not
what I meant! - What did you mean, huh? You don't have to get involved in my love life, for the
little that exists! If I stayed with you, what would you do to my other potential suitors, scare them
away by threatening to throw them against a tree too, claiming that I belong to you? I might as
well enter a convent! I'm sure at least the nuns there aren't psycho-vampires sick on control and
unable to express their feelings clearly! - You're talking nonsense! I know how to express my
feelings perfectly and I am not trying to control you, just to protect you. That's my role and… -
YOU REJECTED ME!! It was too much. Phoenix had pushed me so over the edge that my
resentment had finally pushed its way out of my mouth in a near howl. In the silence that
followed, all you could hear was my breathing, getting stronger and more choppy with emotion.
Phoenix was petrified, his face impassive. - I offered myself to you… Even if I was not in my
normal state, I remember everything. I remember you didn't want to touch me, I remember the
way you pushed me away from you. I remember the words you used to push me away. You
never wanted me and you will never want me. In the absence of tact, it does not lack clarity.
Each syllable was torture to pronounce. I would never have talked about this awful episode
again if Phoenix had given me the choice. He might have taken my heart, but I would never
allow him or anyone else to take my freedom. That's why I resented him terribly for forcing me
to defend him using the very arguments that had hurt me so deeply. - If you ever had a right to
me, I continued, know that it is over. And if you want our relations to remain cordial until my
departure, don't you ever dare use your vampire pretensions to rule my life again. I made a
promise to Matthew and I intend to keep it without worrying about your ego in the slightest. And
if it takes me the urge to let him kiss me on the mouth or anywhere else, I guarantee you that it
is not you who will stop me! I uttered this last sentence more out of a desire to challenge him
than out of any real desire. I already knew, the moment I had pushed Matthew away for the first
time, that I would no longer give him false hope. Nevertheless, I savored the bluish glow that
appeared in the eyes of my employer in the face of this rebellion. However, it disappeared just
as quickly, leaving instead that deep and mysterious gaze that several times had overwhelmed
me. I could have remained a prisoner again if I had stayed here ... I could have perceived the
truth hidden behind a blue veil ... But I had turned on my heels, believing that this discussion
was definitely closed, and preferring to find the calm of my room to collapse in pain on my bed.
Everything has been said.

Chapter VIII: Attacks

* The next day, when I woke up, I felt as exhausted as if I hadn't slept in weeks. The recent
events had deeply shocked and bruised me, to the point that the empty and soulless shell of the
previous days had given way overnight to the now familiar sting that pierced me with howl in
pain. I had restrained myself, obviously, I hadn't wanted Phoenix to tumble into my room
hearing my cries of distress and not engage in a discussion that would certainly have ended me.
I had realized that since my conversation with Angela and my initial resolutions, I thought I had
been vaccinated against this destructive suffering replaced by the feeling of nothingness of the
soul that I hated just as much. I did not realize, all the times I got lost in the contemplation of my
boss's beauty, that this impression was in fact only a shell intended to preserve my mental and
emotional health from the white-hot blade, shell not always waterproof , Clearly. So I hadn't
closed my eyes for a good part of the night, which I had spent curled up on my bed, trying to
control the desperate gasps that came out of my mouth without anything being able to stop
them. Exhaustion must have taken over because I woke up around eight in the morning when
the last time I had glanced at my alarm clock, it was not yet five. I was relieved to see that the
feeling of emptiness had returned, something I would never have considered a few days before.
The pain was worse than any torture I had experienced. For nothing in the world I would have
liked to experience it again. With difficulty, I went to the bathroom to get a good clean. That
awful night had left its mark: my hair was still wet with sweat, as was my nightgown, and my
eyes were swollen from crying too much. I dreamed of a shower, and someone to talk to. I had
to exteriorize it all. Usually, I preferred to keep my torments to myself, but now I needed a
friendly ear, I needed Angela. Before I went to see her, however, I was going to have to clear
things up once and for all with Matthew, and the prospect made me a huge knot in my stomach.
What was I going to tell him? Just thinking about it, I was sick of it. After everything we've been
through together lately and our coming together since our research into his origins, I didn't want
to lose him. I always wanted to be his friend and help him find his birth parents. But maybe he
would decide otherwise. I sighed. After getting dressed and having eaten a very meager
breakfast (a plain toast), I took my courage in both hands and left for the center of Scarborough.
I made sure to park away from Danny's window that I didn't want to talk to at all, and rang my
friend's doorbell. I only waited a minute before he rushed to open the door for me. - Shit ! he
exclaimed, half relieved, half terrified. I was afraid you weren't coming. - I told you that I will
come, I say a little dryly. Mine a little broken by the freshness of my arrival, he let me walk past
him on the stairs leading to his living room. I was going to sit on the sofa, but he didn't give me
time. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it in his, his face wrinkled with anxiety. “Forgive me,
Sam." I sighed again, regaining my freedom to settle down on his couch. To think that if I had
not given in to my impulses as a neglected woman, all this would not have happened! - I don't
blame you, Matthew. He joined me, a little reassured, but still worried. - I love you, you know… -
I love you too, Sam. The fervor of her tone, more than the words, proved the truth. But I couldn't
let myself be softened any longer, not at the risk of hurting him more. -… but I don't love you as
you would like. His gaze is clouded, he took a deep breath before shaking his head to recover. -
Yet yesterday ... you gave me back my kiss, you can't deny it. You didn't want to accept it, but
there was always attraction between us, more than what two friends have the right to agree to.
He was still clinging to empty hopes, I had definitely made a huge mistake. We might as well
clarify our situation once and for all. - I do not deny it. The last few weeks we've spent a lot of
time together and I was indeed drawn to you, to the point that yesterday I really wanted to give it
a try and let you kiss me… Matthew had darkened . - But? -… but in doing so, I understood that
it was not enough. - Aydan? he breathed, displaying a pained look that broke my heart so much
it reminded me of mine. I recovered. - It has nothing to do with Aydan. It's ... It's impossible
between us, I told him yesterday. He's gone… for good. Matthew was staring at me with a
frown. - I don't believe you… the way he claimed you yesterday, as if you belonged to him… It
was my turn to take a deep breath, he was way too insightful. - It doesn't matter. You and me,
Matthew, that won't happen. I made a mistake in giving you false hope and I feel terribly guilty
for the pain you must be feeling, but I don't want to lie to you or to myself. I'm not in love with
you. I… I'm sorry. At the sight of the tears that rose in his eyes, I wanted to run away, however, I
remained stuck in place, unable to move. He swallowed with difficulty, trying to regain a
countenance and colors on his livid face, without success. I had just broken his heart. It was one
thing to understand this pain in order to experience it on a daily basis, it was quite another to
inflict it on a loved one. I felt good to throw in the garbage. Realizing that it would be better if I
left him alone, I got up. - I will always be your friend, no matter what you think of me and I really
want to help you find your family. When you're ready, call me. I will be there. Eyes vague, he did
not answer me. I took the opportunity to slip away, and get away as quickly as possible from
"Bon appétit chez Danny", running in the direction of Angela's bookstore where support was
more than vital. There was light inside, but the door was closed. I knocked several times to
make myself heard, cursing the thoughtlessness of my best friend who had neglected to fix her
broken doorbell. If she was in the reserve, I would wait a while in this freezing cold before
enjoying the warmth of the place. Phew! I saw her appear with a pile of large old dictionaries in
her arms. When she noticed my presence, she immediately came to open the door for me. -
Shit? It's very early, did you fall out of bed? she said, laughing. Her smile died on her lips as
soon as she saw my expression. - What happened? She locked her store again. Angela was the
sister I had never had, the one I could tell everything, confide everything in. She would listen to
me, regardless of the opening hours of her bookstore. - I need to talk to someone or I think I'll
explode. She took my hand and led me authoritatively to her apartment where she almost threw
me onto the sofa. - Coffee? - Please. I hated black coffee, except when my spirits were low.
Angela knew, which is why she returned a few minutes later with a coffeepot of hot liquid. She
grabbed a cup from a cabinet, poured my infamous drink in it before cutting it with brandy. -
Believe me, to see your face, you need a shock treatment! - Thank you. I huffed on it, enjoying
the heat its container was already spreading over my hands. Angela helped herself to the same
then sat down next to me. - Tell me. I took the time to settle more comfortably in the cushions
and took a sip of the precious liquid. The alcohol-caffeine mixture took effect immediately, and I
relaxed enough to relate to her the events of the night before. At the end of my story, retold in
one go, I glanced at my confidante for a reaction. Her silence was revealing. - I went to see
Matthew this morning. I got it right… definitely. She put her hand on mine. - How do you feel? I
let out a mirthless little laugh. - Poor. For everything. She squeezed harder. - I had already tried
to dissuade Matthew from pursuing you for his diligence, but he would not listen to me. He
believed that Phoenix, or Aydan rather, was gone, that he had a chance to hope. Of course, I
couldn't tell him the truth, but I tried to make him understand… Well… you did well, Sam. It's
better this way. - I didn't want to… behave so inconsistently, but… (my voice quavered) I felt
so… I didn't know how to phrase my distress. - I know, Sam, I know. - No, Angela, you don't
know. You don't know what it's like to wake up every morning saying to yourself that the person
you love and that you meet daily is inaccessible to you, you don't know what it is to have to give
up every day to hide your misfortune when you have only one desire, to scream at him that you
would give your life for him. (I shook my head) I try to stick to my resolutions, to keep my
distance to keep myself safe, but every time I get there he says or does something that speaks
deep inside me that I can't resist. (My voice had grown choppy, desperate) It's torture, Angela!
This time I couldn't stand it anymore, I collapsed in tears in her arms. She received me as best
as she could and hugged me. - I… I don't know what to say, Sam. Are you sure of yourself? His
reaction of possessiveness towards you, towards Matthew, is still strange. The violence of my
sobs prevented me from responding immediately. - It's because he's a vampire. In their world,
working for him makes me his exclusive property. - How awful! - As you say. I managed to
recover. Crying had freed me from much of the pressure I had accumulated since my birthday
night. I was still unhappy, but at least I felt a little better. - I feel so sorry for you. I sat up,
grabbing a handkerchief to wipe my eyes and nose. - I envy you, you know. She raised her
eyebrows. Surprise, like any other emotion, suited her well. She had an angelic face. - What? -
Your love life is maybe more complicated than normal people, but at least you have one, your
love is mutual. She blushed. - Do you know that I envy you too? It was my turn to raise my
eyebrows. - You live incredible adventures, you could flatten any bully who could attack you and
your courage saved my life last year, when you did not hesitate to face all those vampires to
save me. You are strong like I never will be. In astonishment, I stared at Angela with wide eyes.
Did she admire me? Me who could not put one foot in front of the other without tripping, nor
open my mouth without uttering an enormity?! I had misheard. - Whatever! You are beautiful to
death, François venerates the ground that you walk on, you are free and independent and I… I
only attract rapists or degenerate vampires who want to kill me, I love to die for someone who
would be ready to break everything at the mere mention of the possibility that he may
experience love, and I have just put my best friend lower than the earth, a real prince charming
that all women dream of marrying! You say you envy my courage, but you don't know how
terrified I am, how much everything I've seen or done has cost me. - And yet you are still
fighting today, Sam. You are suffering martyrdom by staying with Phoenix when it's impossible
between you. But you do it to save human lives. You sacrifice your peace of mind to help
others. It was you who brought the children who had been abducted back to their homes. I was
still staring at her with round eyes. “You don't have to be a genius to make the connection,” she
said. In short, you are a good person, you will not make me think otherwise. Stunned by her
vision of things, I said nothing. So, was that how she saw me? Me who believed that my
behavior was more than pathetic. Even though Phoenix had reproached me for my tendency to
devalue myself, I couldn't see my qualities above my too many flaws. Even now, after his tirade,
I couldn't believe it. - It's just that ... I feel like I'm never up to it. Angela patted me on the knee. -
You're really full of it.. You are hot, François is full of praise for you, Danny is desperate not to
match your pastry skills, Matthew fell in love with you knowing that he has always set the bar
very high in his relationships, hence their reduced number, and Phoenix… He is not very
talkative, but one day when you were looking for something in the kitchen I asked him what was
the best thing he had done in his long life as a vampire. Do you know what he answered me?
Obviously I didn't know that. - I hired Sam. He then retreated into silence and I couldn't ask him
for details because you were already coming back. Satisfied with its small effect, she let me
taste this revelation with a smile on my face. What should I think of it? That indeed, I was not a
bad assistant, or that her words concealed a hidden truth that escaped me. I shrug my
shoulders. Phoenix was definitely too complex an enigma to hope to unravel. All this thinking
would get me nowhere, as usual. - Talanus and Ysis appreciate my reports… I say, to divert the
conversation. - You see! I sighed. - You're right, I should stop devaluing myself. - The Coué5
method, that's all it is true. Her warmth and optimism reassured me. I finished my coffee with a
disgusted pout that made her laugh out loud, and stood up. - You are leaving already? - I'll let
you work. Anyway, I'm sure in an hour, Matthew will be showing up here to tell you how much I
broke his heart. She grimaced. - Don't worry about him. He is strong. - To say that he was
already depressed because of his mysterious origins… You could say that I drove the point
home. - You want my opinion, stop worrying about Matthew and go take your mind off at the
mall. It might not be your thing to shop, but trust me, it will make you forget your pain. I am
considering the merits of her proposal. I wasn't a shopaholic, but I had to admit that I enjoyed it.
If after lunch I combined that with a movie, I could face my employer again tonight without
having had time to ruminate before he woke up. - I can't dream of a better friend than you,
Angela. - I know, she laughed. I put on my coat and grabbed my bag. But before leaving: - By
the way, for François… - I will make him forget your coming by kissing him wildly. Her answer
caught me so off guard that I laughed too. Francois was so head over heels in love that she had
every chance of success. - Goodbye. - Goodbye, call me. With a final wave of my hand, I went
my car, and set off towards Pembroke, mind a little lighter, but my soul still as empty as usual.
* - This old wreck had better have a serious reason not to remember otherwise I will make him
swallow his glasses! Phoenix had left several messages on Kiro's answering machine, but the
days passed without Kiro bothering to call him back. I was scheduled to meet Dr. Finnigan the
next day, which gave us a chance to move our investigation forward, but he felt like he was
going around in circles that he called his informant back to scold him. Since our focus after
Matthew's kiss, my boss was not very good company. He moaned constantly, got angry at the
slightest annoyance and cursed Thomas Coltrane and his reports in all the languages he knew.
Nevertheless, for some reason, I was never the target of his bad temper. Fortunately, because it
would have been badly received. We hadn't talked about our argument again, it was pointless.
Still, I couldn't help but blame him for pushing me to the point where I had almost opened my
heart to him and blamed him for pushing me away the night of our blood exchange. I hadn't
meant to come to this, but his predatory instincts telling him that I was his property without any
other form of feeling towards me as well as his behavior towards Matthew had totally knocked
me off my hinges. And my bitterness had burst. I hadn't told him that I loved him, but it felt like it.
I did not know if he understood it ... On the one hand, I hoped that no, it would spare me his pity,
poor sensitive and crazy human that I was to be in love with a vampire like him! Still, the next
day and the following days, we acted as if nothing had happened. This discussion must have
been looping in our minds (at least in mine), but it would have gone nowhere to restart it. It was
better that way. However, I had to face the facts. If I had become an expert in the art of hiding
my pain from my boss, he, usually so difficult to decipher, expressed his displeasure very
openly. In these cases, I preferred to go away, waiting for the storm to pass. And tonight in
particular, Phoenix was in a terrible mood. - What is the use of bringing in humans too curious in
my service to spare them, if they do what they want! I heard him curse in his corner, by dialing
the mobile number of the Japanese herbalist. Kiro! I've been trying to reach you for four days!
he thundered into the receiver. You better pick up that damn phone or I guarantee you'll hear
from me! Kiro!! I watched his vituperations with boredom mixed with amusement. As if barking
like that was going to be enough for a sixth sense to warn Kiro that he'd better pick up his
phone. Phoenix hated that things were out of his control, let alone being obeyed by another of
his human "employees." He had enough to do with me and my habit of contradicting him at all
costs. - You know what, Kiro? Don't bother calling me back! I'm coming in person and you better
be there when I get there! He hung up abruptly. A moment, I even thought he was going to
throw his cell phone at the other end of the desk, but he didn't, he put it back in his jacket pocket
and got out. Vaguely worried about his intentions, I followed him. - You weren't serious? You
don't go to Drake Hill just to lecture Kiro, though! I asked seeing him put on his coat. - I want to
know where he is in his research. I don't like traveling for that, but since he doesn't answer my
calls, I don't really have a choice. - Kiro is seventy-five! You are not going to punish him! He
would risk a heart attack! Phoenix sneered. - I've known Kiro much longer than you have. This
Japanese is as stubborn as he is tough. I guarantee you that Death will not win anytime soon.
Anyway, I'm sure he's delaying the deadline so he doesn't have to put up with all of his
verbiage. One point for Phoenix, Kiro could be really unbearable. And if Death had the
misfortune to wear a garment that is even a little like a dress, this old pervert would be able to
go and see what was hidden below! At the idea, I laughed. All the same… - I'm coming with
you. I grabbed my coat from the closet, then the blanket full of tabs that I hated, but had the
merit of keeping me warm on my nocturnal journeys in the air. - It's useless and I… - I'm
coming, I cut off. Kiro might be an old coot, but he's also a reliable person. Maybe something
happened to him. Phoenix rolled his eyes and preceded me to the exit, mumbling. I only catch a
few words: "Fed up", "stubborn" and "stay in bed". It was difficult for me to keep my seriousness
by following in his footsteps. It took off in the air at such a speed that with gravity, I thought all
my organs had taken refuge in my lower body. If he slowed down a bit afterwards, we were
going at a speed high enough that I had to close my eyes, which kept crying from the biting
wind. Arriving near the store run by our Japanese friend, I had to put my hair in order. Left free,
he had not enjoyed the air transport and had thrown around my head so much that I looked like
a witch. I could easily imagine the scene: me, dressed all in black, with a big pointed hat
covering my crazy mane and a wart on my nose, giggling in the clouds, sitting on a broomstick
in Phoenix costume. Funny! In short! We had landed in a dark alley so as not to be seen by a
possible witness. My impatient boss gave me a curt wave to follow him and I had to give up my
futile attempt to untangle my hair. So I opted for a quick ponytail, thanks to a rubber band
trailing in my coat pocket, and caught it. “The shutters of the shop are open, I don't understand,”
he said as we crossed the road to our destination. Aoki would never leave her unprotected if
they had really been away. Indeed, no light illuminated the interior of the store. Drake Hill was
known for its shops, but also for the violence that reigned there, especially in the southern
districts. No sane trader would leave his storefront so vulnerable to stone throwing in his
absence. A curious presentiment came over me. I was not the only one. Outside the door,
Phoenix abruptly pulled his gun from his coat. - Stay well behind me, Sam. - What's going on? I
whispered, worried. - That smell… He didn't finish his sentence. Carefully, he pushed open the
door, which had been left strangely open as the sign above said "closed." When he entered, I
too had pulled out my gun, ready to defend myself in the event of an attack. In the surrounding
dim light, I couldn't even see my feet. My employer froze for a few moments, the time for me to
smell a strange metallic smell and frankly nauseating attacking my nostrils. "There's no beating
heart here," Phoenix said. I was about to ask him if a vampire could still be hiding there, but the
words died in my mouth as my right foot slipped on a viscous liquid and dropped me heavily on
my butt. I felt a sharp pain in my tailbone as well as a sudden urge to rail against Kiro and his
frog juice mixtures kept in jars full of weird liquid. One of them must have fallen and its contents
spilled on the floor. I certainly had plenty on my buttocks and my sticky fingers were stained with
it. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I was about to express my thoughts out loud when a memory caught me. I
remembered having opened one of the jars in question one day and hadn't felt that strange,
metallic smell then, which reminded me of something. Kiro's mixtures stank a lot more than that!
Yet I suddenly felt uncomfortable, a metaphorical icicle slipping down my spine to accentuate
the awful foreboding that had seized me seconds before. I didn't have to question myself
further. Phoenix turned on the light and what I saw almost made me pass out. Blood…
everywhere… I was bathing in it… literally. Panicked, my breathing changed to sudden, jerky
breaths, my heart thumped like mad in my chest, and unable to get up, I just watched, horrified,
my hands reddened by the viscous red liquid that stained them. Forcing my gaze away from it, I
could make out the bruised silhouettes of the three people lying on the ground within a yard of
me. Wide eyes, muscles paralyzed, I realized that these three bodies were none other than
Kiro, Aoki and Asako, who had been riddled with bullets and left to their fate. From their pallor
and the strong smell, I guessed that their deaths were several days old. From their posture and
the mask of pain and fear etched on their faces, I knew it had been horrible. Kiro was the one
who had taken the most projectiles, which made me suspect that he had been trying to shield
the two women behind him with his body. Useless, their assailant had to empty his magazine on
his victims, leaving them no chance. Ringing began to be heard in my ears and nausea was
gradually building up in me. I tried to chase them away by inhaling, but I could only breathe in
that dreadful smell of blood and death which made my stomach turn. It was then that I saw her
clearly. My attention was first drawn to Kiro who was closest to me, but seeing Asako better, I
felt myself faint. No matter how much I hated this girl, whom I had deemed futile and annoying,
to find her like this, her face half reduced to mush by the savagery of a man armed with a rifle,
made me lose all control. Shooting back up from my butt, I quickly stood up with the intention of
running out of this place. It was without counting the blood on the ground. I kept sliding and
falling in one place, further increasing my panic. I would have run off on all fours if Phoenix
hadn't picked me up in his arms and carried me into the back room to get away from this
carnage. He sat me down on a chair and tried to stem the violent tremors that shook me by
pressing my hands in his. I did not see him, my vision was focused on the memory of the
unrecognizable face of the young Asian. - Calm down, Sam. There is no more danger, you have
to calm down. I barely heard him, as occupied as I was in curbing my nausea and my desire to
sink into a beneficial unconsciousness. I was starting to chatter my teeth and this reaction to the
shock I had suffered bristled enough for me to come back to reality and realize what Phoenix
was trying to do. Unfortunately for him, his attempt failed definitively when my gaze fell on my
hands he still held, in fact smearing his with the blood of his friend. Bleaching, I jumped up,
tearing my hands off and wiping them on my thighs. I hadn't hit that my repeated falls had
literally sprayed me with hemoglobin and that by wanting to remove the traces on my fingers
with my clothes, I was only adding. The hysteria had blocked all my nerve endings and I was
furiously persisting in my illusory will. As if finding clean hands would make me forget the show I
had just attended! My boss, luckily, was more efficient. He began by hugging me to calm my
nervous breakdown by whispering soothing words to me. In the beginning, I couldn't hear him
and I continued to struggle, plagued by these demonic visions, but after a while his voice made
its way into my mind and I regained enough control over myself not to not scream. Finally, he
loosened his grip without letting go of me completely. - Sam, I need you to hang in there. I will
search every corner for any clue, but I won't be able to if I'm worried about you. Do you feel able
to sit here while I inspect the premises? Panicked, I squeezed his arm as hard as I could. -
Don't leave me alone, please! With infinite gentleness, he pulled away from me and covered me
with a look that was meant to be reassuring. - I'm not going anywhere except in the next room. It
is important that I collect all the elements that could lead me to trace the killer. - Why did this
vampire also slaughter Aoki and Asako? They had nothing to do with you! A strangely painful
gleam crossed his eyes. - Sam, he wasn't a vampire. Taken aback, I did not know what to
answer. - We don't have a monopoly on savagery… And then when I entered, I smelled the
same smell of perspiration and cologne as at Theodora Callidge's. - The Circle of Mellindra! I
hissed, shocked. - You did not pay attention, but the acronym was written in a puddle of blood. -
My God… - In any case, if He's looking at us, I hope he's as sickened as I am by all this
madness! If these people come to kill their own fellows because they approached us from near
or far… He let out a sigh then left me. During my forced loneliness, I kept looking at my watch,
watching for any sound indicating that Phoenix was coming back to get me out of here. In any
case, I would not have stood up to see where he was. First because I would have had to face
this bloody sight again (which would certainly haunt me all my life), second because my legs
would have been unable to carry me. So I waited a good two hours for my employer to finish
picking up any possible clues that would allow us to track down the killer of the Japanese
herbalist and his family. This wait was very tiring for my nerves. Phoenix had managed to stem
the fit of hysteria that had gripped me at the sight of the blood I was covered with, but I knew
that this lull was only temporary and that when the time came, I would crack again. Since
meeting this vampire, I had seen and done more than any mortal could have accomplished in a
lifetime. Extraordinary things… horrible things… After everything I had experienced, I had
naively believed that I had shielded myself against the violence reigning in these supernatural
beings. The episode with the children was a warning. How could I have thought that the straw
that would overflow the camel's back of my endurance would originate from the barbarity of
humans? Phoenix was right… My experiences with those of his race had made me forget how
cruel and savage we men can be. I had proof of it, however, every night, watching the television
news. You could criticize vampires, but we were more than able to compare; when a mentally ill,
whom society blinded by its own inconsistencies allows to walk around with an assault rifle,
goes to a school to massacre about twenty defenseless children ... when two brothers with
dubious claims tell each other that their message would be more widely disseminated by
detonating two bombs during a marathon ... And these are just two examples among millions of
others. I had already seen human corpses last year, when I had infiltrated the blood trafficking
operated by Karl and his accomplices on behalf of Ichimi and Kaiko. I had been close to death,
you could tell. Although touched and horrified, I hadn't been as devastated as I was tonight.
Perhaps because last year, I had not literally bathed in the blood of people I knew ... For two
hours, I tried to remain lucid, to keep my cool as much as possible to let my employer work. The
exertion made me tremble from head to toe, as my clothes stuck to my skin from the sweat
streaming from all his pores. If I were not yet a wreck, it would not be long ... Luckily, Phoenix
came back to me at the end of this second hour, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed
making me suspect that he had not gleaned any information that could. be useful to us. After
glancing in my direction to check on my condition, he picked up his cell phone and dialed a
number. - Travis. I need your full team of cleaners in Drake Hill, 45 16th Street, in the southern
quarters. Yes, three. Do what is necessary to believe that the owners have returned to Japan.
That's it. How long? Ok. Don't hang around. He hung up and then approached me. His brow
furrowed more as he noticed the conspicuous struggle I was having to keep my head on. -
They'll be here in twenty minutes. I shook my head sharply, all in my fight against the lingering
nausea. - As soon as they arrive, I'll take you away from here. The minutes passed so slowly in
my eyes that I had the impression that time was moving in slow motion just for the pleasure of
torturing me again and again in this appalling wait. I closed my eyes again to focus on one goal,
stay aware. Stretched out, I knew I was offering a sad spectacle, but I didn't care. It didn't matter
if he thought I was too emotional, my reaction at least proved that I had a compassionate heart.
I wouldn't have wished the fate of Kiro and his family on anyone. After a while, I heard the
doorbell ring. Someone was coming in. - Phoenix? - I'm here! he said, then for me alone: Don't
move, I won't be long. Although invisible to the vampire cleaners who had just entered, they
knew perfectly well, from my rushed heartbeat, that I was there. However, I allowed myself to be
rude by not wishing them good morning. - God! What a site! It'll take us all night to fix this mess!
Finally, I was very happy to be silent, what I had just heard could have made me rude. - It was
you who made this box? You must be a champion at Grand Theft Auto! Travis laughed, soon
followed by two more male voices. This time, I almost tumbled into the store despite my nausea
to tell these three awful people what I thought of their sense of humor. - Bunch of morons!
These people were friends of mine! And if you don't want your blood to spill out in a second
layer on the floor, I advise you to be more respectful! Just because they're humans doesn't
mean they're not worth your consideration! Phoenix got really upset. I couldn't see them, but I
easily suspected that Travis and his cronies were not going to lead off. “Sorry,” they mumbled
piteously. - Do your job. I heard footsteps, then my boss entered my field of vision again. He
held out his hand to me. - Come on, Sam. Without hesitation, I grabbed him and let him drag me
towards the exit. I had to keep my eyes open so as not to fall again, but I was careful not to let
my gaze wander anywhere. Unfortunately, just before arriving at the door, I made the mistake of
turning my head towards an old mirror that separated two cupboards filled with the herbalist's
decoctions. "Traitors". This word inscribed with the blood of the victims suddenly broke all my
defenses. Petrified, I faced my reflection, noticing with horror that with the prospect, the letters
appeared on my forehead, making me an abomination to those of my race. Suddenly, the
tremors that I had had so much trouble restraining started again, without this time I struggling to
regain control. Traitors… I was losing my footing. As I was grabbed by the arm to pull me
forcibly towards the exit, I let myself be dragged along without noticing what was happening.
The icy wind didn't affect me, not even when it intensified when Phoenix took off into the clouds.
I didn't even realize I was flying. Traitors… Kiro? Kiro was only an informant and worked
exclusively for my employer. Moreover, since last year, the latter had not resumed contact with
him. Phoenix had finally confided in me that Kiro had more than deserved his retirement and
that he wanted to let him end his life without fear of vampires. The Circle of Mellindra had
decided otherwise. If we hadn't gone to his house to ask him to help us find him, he would still
be alive today. We were responsible for his death… I was responsible… Lost in my thoughts, in
shock, I didn't realize that Phoenix had landed on the front steps of the castle, much less that he
took off my coat when I got there. inside. I felt vaguely shaken, I think someone was screaming
in my ears to come to myself. Traitors… Kiro and his family were dead because they were
helping us find the Circle. They were dead because they were human, and they were helping
vampires. They were dead, they who only frequented the night world from afar, knowing that
Asako did not even suspect his existence. They had died for nothing. I would have made a
better target… The man who had followed us after Seamus' death could not attack me directly
due to my boss being by my side, so he fell back on easier prey. . I could easily guess how he
would have loved it to be me, in front of his gun ... Me, the traitor. I would have made a better
target… I should have been the target… I should have died in their place. In the back of my
mind, my reason whispered to me that my reasoning wasn't logical, that I was in the grip of the
Survivor Complex, and that I couldn't feel guilty for something I wasn't in. nothing responsible.
However, my conscience might howl now that it was not my fault, I saw again and again the
slaughtered face of poor Asako, turned towards me as if to accuse me of having ended his short
life. I had a hunch that we were being watched at Phil and Seamus, my whole body had felt it;
and I hadn't said anything. All because I had been afraid of ridicule! If I had shared my
impressions with Phoenix, maybe he wouldn't have laughed at me! Maybe he would have
caught the killer and none of that would have happened? Suddenly I let out a loud cry. Drowned
in my guilt so far, I felt nothing. Except that there, all this cold water that froze my bones, I could
not ignore it. The nightmarish fog from my field of vision faded to allow me access to the real
world. Hurriedly, I looked up at the sky, believing it had suddenly started to rain. I frowned at the
realization that I wasn't outside, but in a shower. What was this circus? Looking down, I saw that
I was in my underwear. I didn't remember coming to my room, or getting undressed. What? I let
out another scream when I saw the two strong arms that circled my waist to keep me from
escaping the iron grip of the man who hugged me. I don't know why, the first thing that came to
my mind was that these belonged to the tattooed man, who was about to do me the worst abuse
to punish me for working with vampires. Even though my brain was still cloudy, my will to
survive was strong enough that I began to struggle furiously, punching my fists, kicking with the
rage of despair. Knocking again, a voice in my mind whispered to me that the tattooed man, if
he had wanted to kill me, wouldn't have embarrassed himself by making me take a shower and
just put a bullet in my head, but I I was so panicked that I pushed him away and redoubled my
efforts to free myself. - SHIT!! Another voice, masculine and exasperated this time, nearly burst
my left eardrum as a cleverly calculated pressure on my stomach took my breath away. The
surprise and pain instantly calmed me down, the effort I had put into my punches being
redirected to my lungs to force them to breathe again. I saw bright spots dancing in front of my
eyes, my legs threatened to give way under my weight. The tattooed man had won. - Excuse
me, but you gave me no choice! I've been trying to get you to come back here for an hour! The
shower was my last option before I had to slap you! Finally recognizing the owner of that
somewhat irritated velvet voice, I came back down to earth for good. I was in a shower that was
not mine, in undress, tight against my boss who I had kicked and punched. I turned my head
towards him and… Oh my God! He was wet of course, since he was holding me under the
stream of water, but he was also half naked! He held me in his arms and our nudity was only
hidden by boxer shorts and blue lace panties with my matching bra. Under other circumstances
I would have turned crimson, overcome with embarrassment and desire, and I would have had
only one desire, to take my legs around my neck. There, this situation, compared to what I had
just experienced, was so unexpected and ubiquitous that I started laughing, laughing so hard
that I cried. However, I was not having fun at all. My nerves strained since our visit to the
Japanese herbalist had suddenly relaxed and my laughter sounded horribly false and above all
horribly hysterical to my ears. All the pressure that had accumulated for several hours was
released out of me in this reaction as strong as it was short. Indeed, less than a minute later,
sobs replaced laughter and I didn't care about my appearance at all. I needed comfort. Phoenix
never fails. Beginning first by rocking against him, he then took the initiative to grab the
shampoo and massage my scalp. He knew that I loved above all that I had my hair massaged
with my fingers and with thoroughness and patience, he undertook this operation. I couldn't
resist it and gradually felt my muscles relax, although I still didn't stop crying. My boss then
decided to soap me from head to toe, providing me with each contact, waves of heat that
completed my relaxation. I didn't feel that longing that consumed me every time he touched me,
no. I just let myself go, like a rag doll. I finally surrender against him, letting him rinse me, touch
me, move me as he pleases. Finally, he stopped the benefactor wave and wrapped me in a
towel. He sat me down on the bed, making fun of dripping on his beautiful carpet, ordered me
not to move, and left time to go get me a nightgown. When he returned, I took it and locked
myself in the bathroom. Stripped of my wet underwear, as he waited outside the door, I put it on,
relishing the touch of the warm fabric on my clean skin. A few hours earlier, I would have
preferred to take a dip in a restaurant trash can than to believe that a shower with my employer
would do me so much good. When I came back to the room, I saw that I was alone. Panic
overwhelms me. Where was Phoenix? Wasn't he behind the door? Surprised and frightened by
the images of death that suddenly assailed me, I stepped back quickly and banged against the
wall. Overwhelmed by terror and the memory of blood, I slipped to the ground, shaking, and
brought my knees to my chest to rest my head. Inwardly, I hoped to chase these visions from
Asako's unrecognizable face by working to regain control of my breathing. - Sam… said a
sympathetic voice beside me, three minutes later. I felt an arm hug me and another slip under
my thighs, before being lifted off the ground. The soft touch of the mattress couldn't comfort me
as much as the owner of the arms that hugged me. - I forgot to bring you clean clothes for
tomorrow. I rushed into your room while you changed. I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough.
Distraught with relief, I clung to him as if my life depended on it. His touch in the shower had
allowed me to forget for a moment the nightmare we had been through, so I would have
attached myself to him if it allowed me to regain some semblance of calm. He had put on a pair
of black pajama pants that fitted him perfectly, giving me his equally perfect bare chest. It didn't
affect me, I was too upset to worry about the electric shock I felt when I felt him close to me.
Gradually, my involuntary twitching became less frequent and my heart rate stabilized at an
acceptable rate as my body realized that it was now safe. - I keep seeing them… all. And
Asako… his face… Phoenix stroked my hair. - You are shocked, it's normal. Anyone would
experience the same in such a bloodbath. - I… I want this to stop. I… I'm scared. I began to
chatter my teeth. Phoenix suddenly pulled away and stood up. Hurt, I thought he couldn't stand
to see me flaunt my human weakness, however, I realized he wasn't when I saw him pick up
another towel and a hairbrush from a closet. He sat down next to me. - Turn around a bit. Your
hair is dripping on your back, it must be dried. Even though I wasn't expecting so much, I was
only too happy to comply. It didn't matter that he pulled my hair without doing it on purpose, as
long as he stayed close to me. Contrary to what I feared, he was extremely gentle, whether with
the towel or with the brush. Not a knot escaped him without my feeling the slightest pain. It was
more than pleasant, it was calming. So once again, I surrendered to his care, tasting the
pleasure of feeling pampered, safe with this powerful, ruthless, yet so generous vampire. As my
eyelids closed on their own and I had more and more difficulty keeping my head from rolling
over my shoulders, Phoenix stopped styling my hair and gently rocked me into a lying position.
He then passed me under the covers and their warmth helped fuel the languor in which I was
standing. For a moment, I couldn't see anything, my strength abandoning me to let myself be
overwhelmed by the well-being in this cozy nest. My mind was already sailing towards the
restful haze of sleep, but there was one more thing missing for my body to finish relaxing to let
me fall into it. When Phoenix in turn stepped under the covers and leaned behind my back to
hug me in a reassuring embrace, he responded by turning to him. I hadn't decided anything, it
was like a reflex; as if all the cells that made up me knew where they would be safe, in their
place. So I could bury my face in his neck with my hands pressed against his powerful chest,
the heady scent of his perfume and the softness of his hand caressing my cheek finally
accompanying me in the calm of oblivion.

* When I woke up this time, I remembered perfectly why I was imprisoned again in the arms of
the one who was inaccessible to me. I feared for a moment that this situation, a response to an
episode marked with a red iron in my mind, would trigger a new storm of suffering in my ribcage.
Luckily, if you could tell, I was as empty as the day before, except that my reason and my body
were riding alone in their corner. The first remembered bitterly the last time I found myself in bed
with Phoenix and how it ended, the second, more relaxed than ever, seemed to want to stick
more against him, to marry the forms and to nest in them as if we were two parts of a normally
inseparable whole. I let go of a sigh, detailing the perfection of his features. His skin so soft, his
chin voluntary, his hair silky some strands fell softly on his eyes ... Sleep made him look like a
sleeping angel... Besides, that's what it was! an angel... otherwise, he would not have gone to
so much trouble to stop my nervous breakdown the day before. He had been so patient, so
caring, so reassuring... I knew I would never forget the horror of the massacre of Kiro and his
family. These people had not deserved to die like this. I thought that my life in the world of the
night had hardened me because I had recovered rather well from the horrific scenes I had
witnessed, including the murders of Melanie Aubry and the other victims of the blood trafficking
led by Karl and Ichimi. There, I knew those who had been killed by this maniac and somehow I
liked them. Good. Maybe not Asako, but I found this Japanese couple sympathetic if we put
aside Kiro's old obsessed leanings. Besides, Phoenix liked him... Seeing him so, peacefully
asleep, innocent, I could not think for a moment that he was a creature of evil. He was a good
man. After all we had gone through together, I was convinced of it, so that after my death I felt
ready to face St. Peter and God himself to convince them. I bit my lip and risked pushing one of
his rebellious locks behind his ear. He did not move an inch. - I love you. It was stronger than
me. These three little words, so difficult to pronounce in normal times from what I had seen in
the films, had crossed the threshold of my mouth without me expecting them, and in such a
natural way that they had resonated to my ears like sweet music. I realized that I had never said
them out loud and that I did not know that doing so would relieve me of a great weight. I sighed
again, more deeply. It was time for me to leave. I leaned over to Phoenix and brushed his lips
with mine to say goodbye; I didn't want to risk waking him up with more strong contact. He
shuddered. I held my breath, fearing his awakening, but a few seconds later he was still asleep.
Relieved, I gently pushed his arm down his body to free me from his embrace when, more bright
than lightning, he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it against his torso. - Sam... His murmur froze
as much as he made my blood boil. On the one hand, I was horrified by the prospect that he
had heard me say "I love you" and felt him kiss her, on the other, my body had reacted
instinctively to the sensuality tinged with sensuality from which he had pronounced my first
name. I was divided between the desire to run away, and the desire to rub my leg to hers. I
almost waited impatiently for him to open my eyes to allow me to breathe again, yet after a while
I had to admit that he would not do it. My head fell heavily on the pillow when I realized that I
was saved and I cursed myself inwardly of my immeasurable stupidity. I was determined to get
out of this room, but I still had an obstacle to overcome. Slowly, I lifted each of his fingers to
force him to let go of my wrist. When I got to the ring finger, I was going to allow myself a smile
of triumph when he pulled me together even more forcefully. Heck! I was going to have to start
all over again! -Don't go, Sam. I'm stiffening up. Oh no! - We haven't found the Mellindra Circle
yet, you haven't said goodbye to me... It took me a few moments to understand that these
worried words were not consciously formulated. Pfiouuu! Of all the vampires on earth, I had to
come across a sleeping specimen! At least he didn't realize anything. My heart was still close to
the scope of his words. He was afraid I'd leave him before our investigation was successful. -
Everything is fine. It's daylight, you're asleep. I'm not going anywhere except in my room to get
ready. I'll see you at sunset. Always closed, Phoenix gave me such a beautiful smile that I could
only foolishly imitate him. Why did it have to be so perfect? His grip relaxed and I immediately
returned to earth, taking advantage of the fact that he let me out to get out of the blankets and
get away from him. As I left, I looked at him one last time, before activating the closing
mechanism and savoring the warmth of a ray of sunshine, relentlessly reminding me of the gulf
between our two conditions. I took a quick shower trying to hide the events of the previous day
to be ready to be received by Dr. Finnigan. I wasn't early for my appointment at Kerington
University, so it was better for me to hurry. The journey went rather well thanks to my extreme
concentration as a driver and, above all, the radio broadcasts that prevented me from rehashing
Kiro's death. When I arrived on campus, I thought back to my own years of study, when I too
wandered through these alleys and buildings, naïve and ignorant of the reality of the world
around me. All these years spent studying French and English literature had certainly not
prepared me to live alongside a James Bond lover of human blood. Somehow, I envied the busy
students I met, concerned only with their classes and the evenings they would attend. To say
they had no idea how lucky they were! At the reception, I was directed to an old red-brick
building dating back to the seventies, inside which a secretary greeted me politely. - Mr Finnigan
will see you in a few minutes. Can I buy you a cup of coffee? Pouah, the last one had sufficed
for several years! " No, thank you. Stanley Finnigan appeared five minutes later, and when his
secretary named me as his next appointment, he looked at me with an appreciative and
somewhat nervous air. - Miss Jones, if you will pass by my office. "Thank you so much. He
closed the door behind me, and took the opportunity to look at my butt. It had to be said that I
had dressed for the occasion. The clothes Phoenix had provided me were far too classic. I had
identified this professor from the beginning of our telephone interview, an ambitious and image-
conscious being. I suspected that he would be more willing to speak if I presented myself to him
as a pretty filly who admired his work. So I opted for a red blouse with a very cropped neckline,
a thick belt highlighting my waist, and a high-waisted skirt so tight that I had blushed in front of
the mirror; all this with a pair of black patent pumps with vertiginous heels. I had let my hair
cascade over my shoulders to give the whole a less severe, sexier look, the latter being
accentuated by a dark and hypnotic makeup. From the looks and the few admiring hisses of the
male elements of the students crossed along the way, as well as the air of prepared peacock
that Finnigan had when sitting in front of me, I tell myself that it was mission accomplished.
"Remind me what I can do for you?" he asked, petting into the cut-out of my blouse. - I need
information about the Abarnikov family. - What exactly do you want to know? - Well, as I told
you on the phone, the people I interviewed really liked your book on the trade of the early
twentieth century, but they regret not knowing the continuation of the family saga of the
Abarnikovs and wonder if you could tell us what happened to them after the crash of 29.
Finnigan moved into his seat and took advantage of his position of strength, as a knowledge
holder, to allow a few seconds of silence to be weighed between us. I display a benevolent and
slightly silly smile to encourage him to tell me his story. - Irwin Abarnikov was the nephew of
Andrei Malovitch, another very wealthy merchant of the late 19th century. I was not really
interested in them because my research focuses on the 20th century and after 1905, we never
heard of him, or all those who bore his name. I stiffen myself, eager to know what's next. - You
know why? I knew the answer, but I wanted to know what he found. - No, I found a death
certificate in the name of a young girl, Mellindra Malovitch. It seems that after the death of his
daughter, Andrei was completely disinterested in business, as did the rest of his family, which
seems to have evaporated into the wild. - But not Irwin? - No, he took over his uncle's activities
and increased his profits exponentially by relying on tobacco to the point that by 1928 he had
become Kerington's most powerful and respected trader. Unfortunately, he trusted
unscrupulous bankers and the crash of 29 caused him to lose everything. He committed suicide.
- Do you know if he had any descendants? - Yes, two sons. One died in Omaha Beach during
World War II, the other became a lawyer. None wanted to take over from their father after his
death. Anyway, the family was ruined. There were no more traces of the Abarnikov family in the
Kerington area from the 1950s on. - You mean, you have absolutely no idea what happened to
them? -That's right. My voice undoubtedly betrays my immense disappointment. I had given a
lot of hopes in this interview, but in the end, like everything else, it had led to nothing. I grabbed
my face in my hands. Another sword in the water! - I have no idea what happened to them
because I wasn't interested in my research at all. I raised my head sharply. - I'm sorry? - As you
know, it was not good to be Russian in the sweet days of Maccarthysm. If the Abarnikovs
disappeared from the registers, it was not because they had disappeared physically... - But
because they had changed their name... I finished. Incredible! It was so obvious, though! - And
what is...? - Jefferson. That's all I know. Suddenly, a huge smile was born on my face. Finally, a
new track was looming! I got up abruptly and went to hug a surprised Stanley Finnigan. "Thank
you! - Uh of nothing... he said, adjusting his glasses. I grabbed my bag and coat, and was about
to leave. - Are we done yet? What about this museum, Miss Jones? What about our interview?
he interphrased me before I opened the door. what? Oh yes, I had forgotten that in order to get
an appointment, I had invented this story of interview and museum of the sea that was to bear
his name. He had not forgotten! - Oh, do you agree that the toura Amateur Historians' Club
should use your surname? - Well... He seemed to want to be desired. As if I was at a loss! "I'd
like to meet these people first, you see. Gulp! What was that new whim? Wasn't it enough for
him to be immortalized on the front of an imaginary museum? Besides, he wanted to talk to his
fans? I put out a fake smile before answering him most innocently: - Oh, of course, they'll be
delighted to finally see you in person. If you will, I will return to my diary and call them to pass on
your proposal. They'll contact you again. It was time to get out of here. - In which newspaper did
you say you were working? - Goodbye, Professor. I left him without further delay and went to
the city archives in search of all the elements concerning a Russian family that had decided, to
escape the prejudices of the Cold War, to call themselves Jefferson.

* I returned to the chateau in anger just before sunset. Not that the archives have taught me
nothing, on the contrary! There were so many Jeffersonians around that I would have had
forever sorting through this mess. I had spent the whole day with my nose in dusty registers
only to come back as early as when I arrived. We can say that the descendants of Irwin
Abarnikov knew how to blend in! In Kerington alone in the 1950s, there were no less than eighty
Jeffersons scattered around the city. What a pain! In addition, I should not forget the possibility
that these people had perhaps left the city, even the region, and I really did not feel inclined to
go through all the directories of all the states of this country. I definitely needed a pick-me-up!
Forgetting my principles of life, I grabbed a bottle of gin from the living room bar and poured it a
glass before turning on the television and collapsing into an armchair with my feet on the table. I
didn't realize I had dozed off until I felt someone trying to remove my glass from my hand. -
Mmmh… don't… don't. It was probably the pasty sound of my voice that brought me back to
reality and made me open my eyes. Phoenix towered over me, arms crossed, a half annoyed
half amused expression on his face. My mind still clouded, I wanted to sit up in my seat and in
doing so, I let out a hiccup with the hints of alcohol. Mmm… How many drinks had I had? Just
two if I remember correctly. - Do you run on gin now? Forgot the champagne? The sarcasm
should have made me angry. The penultimate time I had drunk champagne, I found myself with
a knife in my thigh, and an indecent nightie on my back a little later. - I had a bad day. - This is
no excuse to get drunk. - I only had two drinks! I rebelled. - In your case it is exactly the same
thing, seed of a drunkard. - Haha… He held out his hand and helped me up. The slight
giddiness that immediately took hold of me forced me not to let go. Well done! - Tell me why I
find you sleeping in my living room instead of being ready to work. - I worked, you imagine, I
went to see Stanley Finnigan at the University of Kerington. Phoenix immediately lost his caustic
air and flaunted his professional mask. - I'm listening to you. - Irwin Abarnikov was indeed
Mellindra Malovich's cousin. It seems that his business more than prospered after negotiating
the truce with the Greats, but his empire collapsed after the crash of 29. His descendants
preferred to change their name during the Cold War to avoid the wrath of dear Mac Carthy. I
went to the archives to try to find out more, but there are so many Jeffersons that it's going to
take me days to sort out who's who. - You still opened a new lead. If so, the descendants of this
Irwin Abarnikov have something to do with the Circle of Mellindra. We must find them. - But
we're not even sure they stayed in town. - Do you have another idea at the moment? I scowled.
Obviously I didn't have a better idea! And who was going to have to sort through all the family
trees of all the Jeffersons in town during the opening hours of the local archives? Me! - You
should really bless the day you met me because given your patience with Thomas Coltrane's
reports, I dare not imagine you as a bookworm in the municipal archives. I'm going to do all this
work alone and frankly, it relaxes me just thinking about it! - I knew, the day I offered you this
job, that I had bet on the right number. Bet won. I narrowed my eyes and pointed at him. - Don't
you even dare to laugh at me or I'll leave you to fend for yourself. He laughed. - I would not dare
! Come on, I trust you, I know you will succeed in record time! - Humpf! - Waiting, we are
summoned to Talanus and Ysis this evening. Milwaukee County Area Manager is to come and
discuss business and our services are required. - Mine as well? I would have thought this
meeting would be confidential. Besides, I don't want to attract the attention and curiosity of
vampires from other counties. - For that, it would have been necessary to let me die last year
and not to impress the Big ones by settling its account with a criminal vampire. - Huh? - Rumors
are rife in our world in part because we travel a lot. It is common knowledge that a human
accompanies me on my missions, human who has earned the respect of the most admired
sector leaders on the continent and the most powerful vampires on the planet, Finn included. I
felt my face turn crimson. So, was I a celebrity in the nightlife? I could have found it exciting, but
on the contrary, it scared me. It was never good to get the attention of so many people who
could tear you apart with one hand. - I don't know what to say… - Don't say anything and go
change. I stared at him, surprised by such a change of subject. - I look like a clown, do I? I say,
horrified. Phoenix let out a strange little laugh, his bluish-flashing eyes staring mercilessly at
mine. - Your strategy to put Mr. Finnigan and his oversized ego at ease has worked very well,
but I have to warn you that this outfit may distract our guest. I widened my eyes, my heart
skipping a beat. - Do I look like a prostitute? My boss rolled his eyes. - How can you can be so
naive! Suddenly the bluish flashes turned into a real iridescent glow that dazzled me, but not
enough that I missed the sight of his fangs stretching out as he leaned in to grab my chin and
looking up and down. My heartbeat raced as he still leaned over, brushing my cheek and
whispering. - Your mind still struggles to admit it, but your body has understood it. You have
changed, your gait is more assured, your movements are… much more sensual without
realizing it. You are desirable, Samantha Watkins… (I held my breath, my legs suddenly
threatened to no longer support my weight) and your innocence makes you even more
irresistible. (His lips were only an inch from my neck, I was on the verge of fainting) Carrick
Anderpool is an excellent sector manager, but also a lover of fresh flesh and if he sees you as I
see you at the moment ... in this outfit that sublimates your curves ... (His hand slipped from my
chin, to my neck, then following the collar of my blouse to the first button that I had not wanted
to close and that he pulled; I was starting to gasp at this sudden proximity and just the idea his
gaze plunged into my cleavage triggered an explosion of heat in my lower abdomen. God damn
it!) he will not be able to contain himself and will try to seduce you by all means ... and I will
have to kill him for having disrespected you. Frozen, I thought he was going to pull away quickly
and let me take it back, except he didn't, his body dangerously close to mine, his hand still
holding the collar of my blouse. Finally, he stepped back, slowly. Very slowly. Too slow. His
retreating cheek brushed mine as he left his hand there, and once in front of me, the contact
between our two skins not yet broken, I was seized by the luminous power of his eyes gazing at
me. The heat in my lower abdomen turned into a real fire consuming all the cells in my body.
Once again, the latter reacted far too quickly to contact with my employer and if I had let him do
it, I would have filled the few centimeters that separated us to jump on him. Phoenix spoke
again: - You see, your body betrays your inexperience. If you can't get rid of your
embarrassment and immediately dismiss Carrick, he will not let go of you until you fall into his
arms. It was as if I had been thrown under a huge cascade of icy water. Not content to catch me
off guard by unleashing an avalanche of unbridled hormones in my body, his little number of
"You Are Desirable Samantha Watkins" was only meant to throw in my face how many words
"virgin" and " old maid ”were branded on my forehead and how they attracted depraved
vampires like Carrick Anderpool, obviously, quite the opposite of him. I felt myself shudder with
rage, a murderous glow dawning in the fire of my gaze, which detailed the man in front of me as
if with the desire to peel him to the core. He frowned, a sign that he had felt the hurricane
brewing. - How dare you… Since our discussion the other night, I thought I was clear. I forbade
you to talk about my love life and what are you doing? You play this seducer game to test the
hormonal reactivity of a virginal thirty year old just to because you want to see how good you
are against the lust of depraved blood drinkers, all the while trying to prevent me from turning
my head in spite of myself of at a fellow too stupid to understand that I am your "property"! Only
you would be able to compliment and insult me at the same time! Congratulations! It's like
you're training in front of the mirror to hurt me! Phoenix seemed overwhelmed by these events.
Obviously, he hadn't thought that his little lesson would put me in such a rage. - I'll tell you! It
was obvious that my body would react to your touch, and it has nothing to do with my
inexperience, but rather with the fact that I am human, dark fool, and that compared to me you
have the affective and emotional capacity of a whelk! You just have to go alone to Talanus and
Ysis, like that, me and my "desirable" body, we will not risk ruining your oh so important
meeting! - Ysis ordered that you be present, he said in a blank voice. - Big deal! She can't let go
of me a bit, that one?! Oh very good! I'm not that close anyway. The evening started so well that
it would be regrettable not to continue this momentum! Since that's how it is, I'm going in this
outfit and we'll see if I'm unable to push Casanova away! You, go flying, I will meet you there
because there is no way I will spend an hour on the road next to such a rude man! I may be
"desirable", as you say, but for now, know that I have never found you so repulsive! Phoenix
staggered in affront. He may have been insulted in his life, but surely not for being ugly and
even less so for being rude, he who was so attached to politeness. - I'm not going to arrive
without you and… - I don't care! Go grab a bite to eat or hold! learn good manners! In the
meantime, I don't want to see you anymore! With those last words, I planted him there, took my
bag and the keys to the Camaro, and cursed him in every form.

* I was tired of all these arguments with my boss. Was he blind or stupid to play tricks on me like
that? His previous lesson in seduction had put me in such a rage that after more than an hour of
driving, I had arrived at the villa of Talanus and Ysis as foaming as in Scarborough. Phoenix
was waiting for me on the steps pacing up and down and when I joined him, I gave him a look
so clear about my mood that he dissuaded him from speaking to me. I followed him to his
masters' apartments, to the room where Talanus had received us after my televised appearance
as "Miss Miracle". I pulled out my notebook and pointedly looked away to show him that I didn't
want anything to do with him. - Samantha… I ignored her. - Sam, this is ridiculous! he insisted. -
Thanks to your little demonstration earlier, that's what I thought I understood, indeed. My sharp,
aggressive voice cracked like a whip in the silence of the room. - That's not what I meant. I just
wanted to warn you. - I know how to defend myself perfectly. And anyway, I will not use it, given
your determination to scare away all my suitors. - Carrick Anderpool is not a romantic and he is
far more opinionated than Matthew. He might even make a proposal to Talanus to redeem you
from me. My anger forgotten for a moment, I turned quickly to him. - What? But I am not for
sale! - Of course, not as far as we are concerned, Talanus, Ysis and me. However, for the rest
of our community, you belong to me, just like these, since they are my superiors. - I see that
despite the Great Change, humans still hold little value in your eyes. Yet, as much as you are,
you were like us before your transformation! - I know, but when you become a vampire, it's like
what we were before never existed. - It is precisely for this reason and all the others that I would
rather die than become like you! I had said this sentence without thinking, out of anger, but it
flew away immediately when I realized how hurtful it was for the one in front of me, looking
pained, and this other something in the look that I couldn't identify: regret? - Forgive me, I
shouldn't have said that. - But you think so. He was scrutinizing me so insistently that I lowered
my eyes. - I do not wish to walk this path, it does not mean that it is bad. I sighed. The surging
rage that had taken hold of me was gone, leaving only bitterness and shame in me. - Look, I'm
tired of all these arguments between us. We definitely don't have the same way of seeing
things. Let's bury the hatchet for what happened earlier and instead help me adopt the right
strategy to put off our guest as to his possible desire to seduce me. He stared at me for a few
seconds more, making me uncomfortable, then: - He hates vulgar and talkative women. I gave
him a thin smile, which was lost a moment later at the sight of the impressive Roman general
entering the room, holding the hand of his beautiful companion, which preceded another less
imposing vampire who radiated self-confidence. Of an athletic build specific to forties flourished
aware of their strengths, Carrick Anderpool was handsome without being an Adonis. His jet
black hair was graying around his temples, giving him a demure demeanor belied by the glint of
lust that lit up in his eyes as soon as he saw me. I stood up, imitating my employer. In doing so,
the new arrival detailed me from head to toe, focusing on my hips and of course, in my
cleavage. "Glad to see you again, Carrick," Phoenix said, stepping aside to hide me from the
latter's sight, reminding him of who I belonged to. - Me too, angel. So, still not tempted to put
you at my service? He had returned his attention to her, but I could tell from his repeated
glances in my direction that this guy didn't give a damn about my boss, who said he was happy
with his job here. - And this is my assistant, Samantha Jones. Unable to do otherwise, he
shifted to allow the presentations. Carrick didn't need to be asked and stopped in front of me, all
smiles. - I've heard so much about you, my dear. But I must say that the accounts I have been
told do not do enough justice to your beauty, you are superb! The lustful flame in his gaze was
the spur that allowed me to dare what happened next. - Hello! (I pretended to chew gum and
slapped him on the shoulder that made him gasp in amazement, just like his counterparts in the
room) So like that, are you also a sector manager? Wow! I'm too damn impressed, you're not as
old as I imagined! You remind me of Richard Gere in Pretty Woman, I love this movie! Not you?
In any case, your white hair looks very chic! For humans it may seem old-fashioned, but we
both know that with you vamps, the concept of time is not the same! So your business is going
well? I was just told that I had to take notes for tonight, I hope this deal with Talanus and Ysis
will be juicier for everyone, so I'll take this opportunity to ask Phoenix for a raise! Huh?! Humor!!!
Hahahaha!!! I slumped down on the sofa, sniffling loudly, before grabbing a handkerchief and
blowing my nose more than ostentatiously, while glancing sideways at the other occupants of
the room. My God… Anderpool was taken aback, Talanus, scarlet, Ysis, decomposed, and
Phoenix… Well he had discreetly turned around, but seeing his shoulders rise imperceptibly, I
understood that he was trying to suppress a giggle. - Uh… are you all right, Miss Jones? asked
me the first. - Very well, why? Do I look sick? My Aunt Hilda once caught a cold that tripled the
size of her nose, to the point where you could almost count the number of hairs inside her
nostrils. Hope that's not it, eh? Huh? Huh? Completely caught off guard, Anderpool didn't see
Phoenix motioning Talanus to calm down and silently tell him that I had not gone mad. - Your
nose… (I had just got up and showed him the inside of it) um… is normal. - Phew, you reassure
me! You are cool! I sat down heavily on the sofa, and took my notebook, whistling. My listeners
glanced at his hosts, but luckily they got into my game and just shrug their shoulders as if to
say, "What do you want!" Humans are dumb”. The discussion then began, without worrying
about my verbal diarrhea and I conscientiously accomplished my task. It was about negotiations
concerning the sale of several buildings belonging to Talanus and Ysis, in the sector managed
by Anderpool. The latter wanted to recover them to make offices. It seemed to him a lucrative
investment because his city was redeveloping the docks on which they were located to once
again attract businesses and individuals to the center being rehabilitated. For my part, I told
myself that this should not be the only reason. Talanus and Ysis owned a lot of real estate in the
country, which gave them additional financial strength, but also great drop-offs to find out what
was going on in neighboring areas. It seemed that my intuition was correct. - You've never been
versed in the art of real estate speculation Carrick, I know you much prefer the smuggling of
works of art. Your sudden interest in our buildings puzzles me, said Talanus coldly. Carrick
stiffened. - You are well informed, tell me. - You have as many spies here as I have at home, so
don't play the one who is outraged. - I'll give it to you, so let's put our cards on the table. The
rehabilitation of the center is a project that I support because it opens up new opportunities and
new markets if the target clientele returns to live there. I intend to take advantage of its wealth to
extend my influence there, but it will never be complete if your buildings stand in the middle of
my new playground. Well, that had the merit of being clear. Anderpool did not appreciate
walking on his flower beds. - What if I refused? The sweet, sweet tone of the General's voice
made my knees tremble. The cold, calculating laugh of his speaker interupted in the airiness. -
Come on, none of that between us, Talanus! I'm not threatening you let's see… I'm just saying
that it will be more complicated for both of you to do business with clients in my area… He
couldn't see it because he was turning his back on me, but his threat, since it was, was left
speechless. My gaze shifted from speaker to speaker, wondering when Talanus was going to
jump over the desk to gut his opponent. It was Ysis who broke the ambient tension. - Your
attempt at intimidation is ridiculous. I remind you that without the commissions you take on our
transactions in your sector, it would not be as prosperous as it is now. Besides, I am convinced
that you need us more than we need you. So if you want to cut ties, please do it. I saw
Anderpool's shoulders tighten to the limit, then sag into a defeatist stance. His bluff hadn't
worked. - Ok. I'll drop it. But you put me in a difficult position. My angel revealed to me that my
enemies were more numerous than I would have thought and I really need to establish my
authority definitively on my territory to crush them. If I want my zone to remain stable, I have to
put the shots back before someone tries to bring me down and an infighting erupts to take my
place. So, the underlying reason for this transaction was the need to regain a coat of arms that
was a little too tarnished to the tastes of other vampires in his sector and somewhere, this sale
would allow him to regain control while increasing his aura. An idea occurred to me. I scribbled
quickly in my notebook before lifting it up to the Egyptian princess to quietly get her attention.
Her green eyes finally met mine and I saw her frown at the word I had written. Then, as if the
links in the chain had all come together, her face lit up and she spoke again. - We also have an
interest in keeping these buildings under our control, Talanus and I follow very closely the
evolution of this district and have placed many hopes there, just like you. You will therefore
understand that it is out of the question that we give them to you. Anderpool let out an annoyed
sigh. - But we also have an interest in you continuing to hold your position as well as you have
done for years. So I am offering you a deal. The three men present sat up, attentive. - We let
everyone know that you are now the master of the place, that you will occupy and rehabilitate as
you see fit and at your expense, but you will pay us a monthly rental fixed according to the
income that this investment will generate for you. There was a reflective silence. Then: - If I
follow you well, apart from the people in this room, no one will know that the walls will still
belong to you? And I will take advantage of their use as I please? - And at your expense, added
the Egyptian princess. - You will be able to benefit from the new image of the district while
restoring yours, finished Talanus. It was my employer's turn to speak to Carrick. - Your angel
will be able to communicate to me the list of those who would like to bring you down and it will
be their turn to have some difficulties to invest in our sector. Anderpool found it hard to believe
his ears. - To think that I was sure by coming here to make me return the teeth in front… I am
not fooled, I know very well that you find your interest there, but I accept your offer and thank
you for it. - Phoenix, go find something to establish the contract. Miss Jones will take care of
typing everything on the computer. Ysis gave me a knowing wink while Talanus and his
counterpart were absorbed in the formulation of their agreement. The rest of the night was
devoted to drawing up two formal concrete contracts, one stipulating the sale of the buildings to
Carrick Anderpool which he would make public to regain his place, the other breaking the first
by explaining the reasons and the terms of the rental to come. At six in the morning, everyone
was delighted except me. I had been struggling with the sleep that threatened to overwhelm me
for a few hours and had a tendency to make more and more misspellings due to my eyesight
getting blurred as time went on. When it was all over, Anderpool was offered a spare room, who
almost offered to share it, I thought I understood, but he recovered, certainly because it would
have been very rude and unwelcome to Phoenix. , but also perhaps because the memory of my
talkative and vulgar attitude during our meeting reminded him that I had cooled him. So I settled
down definitely when he left the office, escorted by a vampire to the place of his daytime retreat.
“Once again, Miss Watkins, I don't know whether to congratulate you or wringe your neck. That
deep, authoritative voice woke me up completely, and I turned to a Talanus who was watching
me with a mixture of bewilderment, annoyance, and amusement. I just put on a sheepish look. -
I saw that it was you who had given the idea of the rental to Ysis (Phoenix raised his eyebrows
then nodded in a sign of contentment), but what was this entry in matters with Anderpool? I
blush intensely. "Phoenix made it clear to me that I was likely to get Anderpool's attention a little
too much and that once he had bitten the hook it was extremely difficult to get him off." So I
preferred to disgust him from the start to make sure he left me alone. There was silence, then
Talanus burst into a laugh that was even louder than when I had fallen into his arms after my
accident. He was soon joined by Ysis and Phoenix, although in a more discreet manner and
despite the fire ravaging my cheeks, I couldn't resist the humor of the situation. I laugh too. Well,
until Talanus slapped me on the back that nearly made my lung cough up. There, I had to make
an effort to find some semblance of breathing. The Roman general was still laughing when he
took his companion's hand and led her to their room, wishing us good night. I found myself
alone with Phoenix who came over to me and placed a light kiss on my forehead. - You are
extraordinary, Samantha Watkins.

* Three days passed. Matthew still hadn't given a sign of life and I didn't want to rush him. In
fact, I took advantage that Talanus and Ysis still needed my boss in Kerington to go as often as
possible to the archives in search of the slightest documentation allowing me to find the good
Jefferson family, the one with Russian origins. Phoenix had freed me from my role as a
nighttime assistant while I succeeded or failed in the goal I had set for myself so that when I
went to bed, it had usually only been a few hours. standing. We were just crossing paths.
However, this situation ceased on the third night because we had to get our hands on a vampire
that had been reported in the territory, although he had been banned several decades before. -
Who is it? I asked as we were on our way to one of the places where Talanus and Ysis'
informants said they saw him. - Victor Haggis, a former B team cleaner. He had decided to
increase his income by becoming a mercenary in his spare time. He worked on behalf of
vampires as well as humans, which was extremely badly taken by Talanus who deemed his
activity incompatible with the task that had been assigned to him as well as with the absolute
secrecy that goes with it. - Why was he not executed? Phoenix looked at me, surprised by my
question. I react immediately: - What! Isn't that how it works with you? He shrugged his
shoulders. - You are right. He was not executed for his record. The list of heads of sectors to
whom he had given satisfaction before Talanus and Ysis was long as my arm. - If he was so
popular, why risk his place and his life by playing double the game? - Money. He was earning a
lot, but we discovered that he was spending even more and that the list of his creditors was
much longer than a single arm… - I see. It's sad to end your career like this. - It's true, but don't
pity him. His side activities made him earn a lot of money, but he also lost all of his friends when
it was realized that he was selling to the highest bidder with little regard for the types of
contracts he was paid for. We discovered his true face at that moment… Someone without
scruples, and a very good actor when it comes to deceiving his world. - Did you know him
personally? - I knew him, but I didn't like him. Like a few others, I had realized his venal and
selfish character. - You told me when you met that these were recurring faults in your species. -
We love luxury and our freedom, that doesn't make us closed and self-centered like Victor. - I
know, I just wanted to tease you. He smiles. - I know. We arrived around midnight in the eastern
quarters. The informant who told us about Haggis' supposed hideout was one of Max
Marroney's men. It was quite paradoxical this zealous way he had to help Phoenix enforce
vampiric laws while he shamelessly flouted those of humans. - How are we going to do this? I
asked as he parked a few blocks from the targeted building. - Like with Bill Miller. I put it out of
harm's way and then call you to join me. - Understood. He opened the door. - Phoenix. He
turned to me. - Yes? - Be careful. A white flash passed through his azure eyes. - Do not be
afraid. He disappeared from my sight and I went into standby mode. I didn't know how long I
was going to have to stay there so I settled down comfortably in my seat and kept busy surfing
the net on my cell phone. I wasn't the patient type and hoped our client would show up soon so
we could get this sorted out quickly. Moreover, Phoenix had parked us on a deserted side street
where at least three streetlight bulbs had burned out, making the place look dark and dismal. In
theory, I was safe in this car since Marroney had spread the rumor, in the eastern
neighborhoods, that one of his counterparts and his assistant were driving a Camaro and that
he would be very angry if they came to disappear. And to make himself understood, he had
specified the nature of the anger in question: a slow death with as side entertainment for the
thief, the joy of being shown each finger and each toe torn from its original base. So I was
safe… In theory… My door was suddenly ripped off and sent crashing into the opposite wall and
before the very thought of screaming my fear crossed my mind, I was violently pulled from my
shelter to be ejected five meters away, the shock making me see thirty-six candles. Despite the
pain and panic, my brain immediately began to analyze the situation to preserve my life. I saw
my phone a few feet away from me, the glass scattered around it indicating that the screen had
shattered on the ground upon impact. Looking up, I identified my attacker: a vampire, obviously.
The man standing in front of me, dressed entirely in black, a cruel smile on his lips, stared at me
with an evil gleam in his eyes that made me shiver. It was clear that he was not there to discuss.
- Who are you? I said, getting up despite the stabbing pain in my left leg. I had to divert his
attention so that I could grab my weapon hidden in my coat. - Our date this evening was not
scheduled for three, I did not invite Phoenix. I lured him into this building so that we could both
have a little one-on-one. Marroney is so concerned to be seen well… A light flickered in my
mind. - Are you Victor Haggis? - Himself. If our mutual friend told you about me, you must know
why I'm here. Freezing cold crept down my spine. I swallow. - You came to kill me. - Exactly. I
hope you are not a believer because I have no intention of letting you say your prayers. - I do
not understand. He looked up to heaven. - You humans are all the same. Instead of preparing
yourself to die knowing that you have no chance of making it, you need to ask questions. He
was right on one point, I had to ask him his reasons, but this curiosity had nothing to do with the
prospect of dying. I couldn't grab my gun fast enough without him snatching it out of my hand,
but I could try to shift enough so that I could grab my phone and press the emergency key which
would alert my employer that I was in. danger of death. We had developed this technique
recently and until now I had not needed to use it. - Seeing that I'm having a good day and that I
left enough material in Phoenix so that he leaves us in peace the time that I take care of you, I
will answer you. Here! He threw a newspaper page at my feet. I bent down to pick it up, but my
legs buckled and I fell back heavily. - These humans! the other cursed, sure of his strength and
my insignificance. I remained seated and picked up the piece of paper. I was amazed to find an
article there on "Beaumarchais" and the quality of its cuisine. - What does that have to do with
me? - Take a good look at the photos. I focused on the three images at the bottom of the text
and despite the surrounding darkness, I recognized myself on one of them. It had been taken to
the side, a meter or two from our table, the night my boss took me to this restaurant to relax. I
remembered the click of the device as I finished my main course with unparalleled pleasure.
Besides, that's how I was represented; I closed my eyes, a blissful smile on my lips, as I held
my fork still close to my mouth, and Phoenix looked at me, smiling mysteriously. - The person
who paid me to kill you gave me this picture of you so that I could identify you at first glance. It is
true that it had been quite a few years since I had set foot in the area so I did not have the
pleasure of knowing you. - You mean there's a contract on my head? Who is the sponsor? -
There was a contract since I intend to execute it immediately. He drew his gun. - As for the
sponsor, that for sure, you damn it upset! Besides, I was asked to make the pleasure last by
torturing you a little before finishing you off (a big brick fell into my stomach), but I find you
rather sympathetic as a victim so we will go directly to the stage where I will kill. He might have
the overpowered speed of a vampire, I had anticipated his gesture. When he fired his first shot, I
had rolled to the side fast enough to hear the bullet whistling a few millimeters from my head. I
counterattacked. The projectile did not hit its primary target, namely his heart, but went to lodge
in his shoulder when he had shifted to dodge it. I did not wait for his reaction and emptied my
magazine on him because I knew that he might have lost his strength because of the silver, he
should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, he had managed to dodge all the shots by
protecting himself with a garbage can cover and now I was in the worst situation that could
happen to me with a member of his kind: having to face him in close combat. I unsheathed my
knives as he did the same, and I had just enough time to duck to avoid the first blade he had
sent to my chest. In doing so, I didn't react quickly enough when he threw himself at me and we
both rolled in the mud trying to inflict a killing blow on each other. I don't know how, his last knife
was thrown away from us and as he got up to retrieve it, I did the same in a desperate attempt
to stab him in the back, before he put his hand on his. well and eventually finish me off. As I
raised my arm to give power to my gesture, he took me by surprise by turning around.
Unbalanced by my momentum, I didn't back away fast enough to keep him from grabbing my
wrist, turning around with such savagery that I heard the echo of a crackle in the alley. I let go of
my blade and screamed as he dug his fangs into my neck to suck my life. The pain was such
that it cut off all my strength, which was mobilized to fuel my cries of horror. I felt my vital fluid
flowing out of my body, swallowed by my executioner who grunted contentedly with each gulp,
each time crushing my rib cage a little more that it squeezed terribly. Besides, if he had kept all
his strength, my bones would have exploded under the pressure. Suddenly, I saw a figure land
abruptly next to us and send its fist squarely in the face of my attacker, making him fly against a
wall from which several bricks came loose after the impact. I allowed myself a small sigh of
relief as I collapsed. Phoenix had already rushed on his opponent, who was fighting a desperate
fight to defend his life. He had no chance of defeating my boss because of the silver poisoning
his blood, but he scrambled like hell to back him up, knife in hand. Leaning against the wall,
sitting on the floor, blood flowing on the hand that I had pressed to the site of my injury, I
followed the fight by thanking Heaven for allowing me to call my employer to the rescue by
giving the change with my pseudo fall. Victor Haggis' arrogance had made him see nothing but
fire. I almost went there this time! Damn it! I had had enough of serving as a vampire punching
bag! At this thought, I remembered that Victor Haggis was only the armed wing doomed to my
doom and that he was the only person who knew who wanted to see me dead. I wanted to tell
my boss to keep him alive, but my cry came a second too late. He had just thrust his knife into
his chest, up to the hilt. The dust of my assassin was already dispersing on the ground when
Phoenix came back to me, thus destroying the possibility of tracing back to the originator of this
attack on me. Then my conscience allowed itself a moment of respite by taking refuge in the

* - Shit! My God, what has he done to you! In the fog in which I was sailing, I felt hands on me,
the feverishness of which during their auscultation of my wounds tickled me. It was enough to
make me open my eyes. - Phoenix? He looked at me, concern consuming his blue gaze. He
held me in his arms. - I took care of the superficial cuts, but you have serious internal injuries. In
addition, you have lost a large amount of blood. I couldn't really move, but I managed to tilt my
head enough to check my general condition. Whoa! My aching chest made me suspect that I
had harvested broken ribs again, and I realized almost with amusement that I had lost my shoes
in the battle. My clothes were soaked in my blood, especially at the base of the neck where
Victor had bitten me. This guy couldn't eat properly because the red sticky liquid had spread all
over my beige sweater. He was done! Hell, that was one of my favorites! Hmm… Wasn't I
pitying myself on textiles rather than my own health? I was derailed, really… ”He didn't miss that
one, ”I whispered weakly, sarcastically. Luckily you got here on time otherwise he would have
drained me to the last drop. At least I would have died if he had done his job properly. - Did
someone send him to kill you?! Who? I flinched as I saw the wild glow dancing in his irises. I
had a little trouble swallowing my saliva so much he scared me. - I… I don't know, I tried to
make him talk, but he didn't want to tell me. All I know is the person who paid him to kill me
doesn't like me very much. It's really frustrating, you know I'm pretty cool as a girl! Phoenix
didn't pick up on my poor attempt at humor. No need to try to defuse such a time bomb, we risk
leaving feathers there. - It's my fault. - Sorry? - I warned you when we first met that you might
be attacked just because you work for me. - But you also told me that I had earned the respect
of vampires by my actions. I thought that would deter anyone from trying to kill me for the sake
of bothering you! - It is true. And you are even stronger now ... Whoever orchestrated your
assault must really blame us both. But we can't know who it is since I had the good idea to
liquidate this junk before pulling the worms out of him. - You didn't really have a choice at the
same time. - It doesn't matter. I took away the only chance to get back to his client. It was a
mistake. We'll have to watch our backs more. - Bah! Might as well put that aside for now, we'll
have plenty of time to deal with it when they try to paint a target on my back again. It will only
add a little spice to our routine life, won't it? I say to relax the atmosphere. I wanted to make a
nonchalant wave of my hand, but in doing so, I squealed in surprise at the pain radiating from
my left arm. I widened my eyes, heart on the edge of my lips, seeing the odd angle of it. - You
have a broken arm, too. Of course, my attacker did not go dead hand. He had twisted my arm
so well that it was upside down. Uh… Suppressing sudden nausea, I closed my eyes, trying to
breathe in a deep gulp of air into my lungs. Well I took it because the result of the balance sheet
of my employer froze me. - I won't be able to heal you properly until I put the bones back in
place. I stared at him, scared at the obvious. - You want to twist my arm to put it in the right
direction? Looking sorry but determined, Phoenix looked at me intently. I understood. - Oh no…
It was one thing to be hurt by an enemy, another to have to accept being hurt by your savior. At
the same time, I was not going to stay like this, especially since the pain would soon be
unbearable. Besides… - You say you're going to heal me… Don't tell me… Phoenix didn't let
anything show when he anticipated my thoughts. - It must. Given the extent of the damage,
blood exchange is the only reasonable option. As I suspected, hearing him tell me that the only
solution to my recovery was what had put us in an incredibly awkward position the year before
horrified me. - Reasonable, you say? Do you remember the last time? I said, swallowing the bile
that had risen to my throat. Every time I thought back to the sensuality mixed with savagery of
that moment, I couldn't help but feel a bitterness of shame. After all, we had been hugging
under the influence of an almost narcotic phenomenon, both carried away by the exhilarating
and oh so embarrassing sensations of the exchange of blood. After my accident, I sometimes
imagined reliving that moment without the “astounding” consequences of its bite. I would have
liked him to embrace me again… It was impossible, I understood that. Hence the pungent flavor
that fills my mouth at the real prospect, this time, of being answered. I tried to probe Phoenix's
face for thoughts. Wasted effort. He was as impenetrable as a rock. - We don't have much
choice, he said. I knew it, however, fear made me repel the idea. - No! - Shit! he got angry.
You're not going to start playing a prude again! What happened last year was an unforeseen
and embarrassing side effect, but not fatal! We're not even sure it's going to happen again! Stop
pretending and let me heal you. You'll be leaving soon anyway, so you'll quickly be rid of all the
unwanted effects that living alongside a vampire can have. Then, you can have yourself
butchered by the surgeons of the hospital at your leisure if you like! I won't be around to make
you drink my blood anymore. While I was tempted to cut him off to defend myself, the end of his
speech horrified me so much that I preferred to keep quiet. It was the truth, in a while, my boss
would no longer be a part of my life, and I would no longer be able to rely on him in the event of
an injury. I would return to my dreary and insipid daily life, in regret for what I had lost, of what I
had chosen to give up… I almost wanted to cry. It was not the moment. - Alright, you win. But
not here, take me back to the castle. I turned my head away from the fire of his blue gaze fixed
on me. - Let's go. In one breath, Phoenix gently tightened its hold on me, then flew into the air.
Never has the prospect of returning to Scarborough scared me so much. There he put me on
the sofa. - You are ready? he asked, sitting on the side of my broken arm, preparing to give me
excruciating pain before forcing me to drink a liquid that would turn me into a depraved
nymphomaniac. - I looks like I'm ready?! I replied in a harsh tone that I immediately regretted.
After all, he was just trying to help me. - Sorry. - I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I'll be quick,
but it will be intense. Mouth dry, I nodded to give him the signal to go. In a few seconds, I was
going to go through hell. Better that I close my eyes. In the silence that followed, I felt two hands
move to my wrist and elbow. My breathing quickened, my heart raced, drops of cold sweat
beaded on my forehead. I pursed my lips as I waited for the operation, hoping to contain a
possible scream. Technically, I was ready. Everything exploded around me when a loud crack
was heard and especially when I felt it. For a moment, I opened my mouth to scream, but no
sound came out. Then nothing. Opening my eyes, the tears gushed out at the same time
without my being able to control them, so much the pain that I felt was abominable. Between
two powerful sobs, I realized that I was again pressed against the chest of Phoenix, who must
have received me when I passed out on top of him. Samantha Watkins, strong and courageous
human, respected by all the vampires of Kerington (minus those who wanted to kill me), pro-gun
and melee combat ... cried like a baby in the arms of her employer, unable to contain himself
because of a few broken bones. Pitiful. - It's going to be fine, Sam. It's going to be fine. Phoenix
held me like this for a few more minutes, before I could finally recover and sit up. My head was
spinning. - For this to stop, we must proceed to the exchange of blood. Now. My hesitation
earlier had completely disappeared. I was in too much pain to refuse to be treated. Too bad if
things turned sour, at least my arm would stop hurting me incredibly. - Ok. - Get up, he said,
helping me to do it. I felt weaker and weaker. Fortunately, he was supporting me. Phoenix
walked around me to position himself behind me. Docile, I let him part my hair from my neck, to
offer it to his fangs when he weakened. He then pulled up the right arm of his shirt before biting
into her flesh. - Drink, Sam. With my back resting against his chest and his other arm hugging
my waist, I didn't risk falling. Obediently, I put my lips to her skin, and inhaled. Again, the disgust
made me recoil involuntarily. - Drink, Sam, my savior ordered me again, his voice hoarse than
before. I did so and gradually felt my other senses wake up to hide the pain and leave room for
pleasure and pleasure. As every time I drank the blood of Phoenix at the source, a kind of heat
enveloped me in a cocoon of well-being and sensuality. At the same time, I did not know how, I
could feel the healing of my internal injuries. My bones were re-soldering properly, while my
organs were regenerating at a rate beyond comprehension. I don't know how long I was
drinking. I was lost in the whirlwind generated by the explosion of my senses, my skin tingling,
and I eagerly breathed in the scent of the man who held me in his arms. Its smell was the same
except that I managed to savor all the fragrances, noting a muskier scent than usual. My
tongue, occupied in drinking his blood, had not however obscured the softness as well as the
exquisite taste of his skin, causing a modification of his movement: the will to suck this fluid
gave way to that of sensually titillating each pore offered to my mouth, and this with success
when I felt Phoenix hug me closer, letting out a hoarse growl. This reaction intensified the fire
that gradually devoured my innards, threatening to turn into a real explosion at any moment. I
felt like I was losing my footing, yet I didn't have the strength to stop everything. The sensations
I was experiencing seemed to be reaching a climax already, but suddenly, it was nothing
compared to the storm that swept through me when Phoenix bit me too. How was it that I didn't
feel any pain? Victor might not have the gentleness of my boss, but fangs remained. I shouldn't
have liked it… I shouldn't have moaned with pleasure… I couldn't help it. With each suck, I let
out sounds that I knew I would blush forever when I fell back into the real world. My gasps were
only the tip of the iceberg, however. Within, a hurricane threatened. Literally ablaze with desire,
I raised my arms to encircle the neck of the one who was feeding on mine, preventing him from
claiming any retreat. When my body could no longer bear the voluptuous pressure exerted on
my most private parts, I uttered a cry of pure enjoyment, the fire that ravaged my lower
abdomen causing spasms that gave me the impression of being caught in the middle of an
earthquake. I bit my lip with blood, ecstasy breaking my restraint. I had gripped the arm that
held my waist and had sunk my fingernails so well that blood beaded. Without giving me time to
come down, Phoenix had me rotate in front of him, dazzling me with his luminous gaze, also
filled with an uncontrollable desire. Still under the effect of the exchange of blood, I marveled at
the perfection of his face. I loved that rebellious lock that always fell in front of his right eye and
his thin lips that made me want to taste them. In doing so, I licked my lower lip, brushing off the
drop of blood resulting from my orgasm. Following my gesture, Phoenix's pupils dilated before
lighting up with an intensity that I never knew them. A moment later, I found myself trapped in
his inquisitive tongue, breaking through the barrier of my lips in a ruthless and purely
pleasurable exploration of my mouth. After the shock, it only took a hundredth of a second
before I responded passionately to his kiss. My mind had no more control over my body as I
pressed myself against my boss to better feel his contact in and on me. He had slipped one
hand through my hair, the other weaving its way under my sweater and up my spine in a caress
that made me shiver from head to toe. Thus, tightly entwined, I could not hope to escape.
Anyway, had I wanted that my body would have categorically refused to end this embrace. He
wanted so much more. Heart pounding, and without stopping kissing him, I unbuttoned the first
buttons of Phoenix's shirt, spreading the sides to slide my fingers over his perfect chest. The
electric shock that pierced me at this simple contact also made me lose my mind and I only
wanted one thing, to remove the fabric that was blocking the thirst for exploration of my fingers.
More than anything, I wanted to run them across her satiny chest, brushing her pecs before
following the lines of hid abs as low as they could take me. At that thought, a new electric shock
told me that my desire was literally exploding in me and that I was in danger of consuming
myself any minute. Therefore, I let go of the softness and proceeded to finish the job by
removing all the damn buttons from that damn shirt. In my haste, and as I was about to faint
with delight in the face of my employer's expert tongue assault on my palate, I heard a
characteristic sound of torn fabric. Despite the fire that was burning me, I was still careful not to
damage the expensive garment that I had tried to unbutton to the end, so where did it come
from? I pulled away from Phoenix slightly to check this out as well as to catch a breath that was
about to fail me. Looking down, my heart leapt in my chest which was no longer hidden from
view except by my bra. A little lower down on the floor was my beige sweater in pieces. He had
only survived the attack of the vampire mercenary to end up in lint in the passionate claws of my
employer. I was going to say, "Oh! In amazement, but the latter didn't give me time. I was again
caught by the whirlwind of a new romantic impulse, my neck, my mouth and my throat showered
with a hundred kisses that made me dizzy. I completely forgot about my sweater, making
everything I received a hundredfold. When I felt my eyes take on that red hue heralding total
madness, I didn't care. Maybe I should have. Moments later, Phoenix's envy growing even
worse, I lifted a leg against his thigh, a signal he interpreted as I hoped. Seizing him as well as
the second, he lifted me in his arms in a more than equivocal position and began to run his lips
from my neck to the hollow of my breasts, never going further. In agony, I squirmed more
against him, the force of my impatience triggering a low, satisfied growl in him. I couldn't take it
anymore, my body was a real blaze, my mind turned to present and future pleasures had kicked
my reason out and my blood red eyes lit up more and more, a sign of thirst which had nothing to
do with the need to drink. Drinking… Something unfolded inside me so suddenly that I didn't
have time to think about my reaction before it happened. Fortunately, because even in the
euphoria in which I was, I would never have dared to do that. My God ... The sight of the back of
Phoenix's neck made my guts twitch and, in a flash, I pitched all teeth on it to pierce the flesh.
Without worrying about the hiccups with a start of surprise from the man who still held me in his
arms, I bit as hard as I could to make the hot, bubbling blood spurt out that had drawn me like a
magnet. Nothing could have stopped me. And nothing stopped me. Instead, Phoenix let out a
slight whimper and tightened his grip on me, running his hands from my waist to my butt,
kneading them unrestrainedly. Then he made us rock forward towards the ground. Lying on top
of me, he was again in a strong position. He kissed me feverishly to remove the trickle of blood
that still protruded from my lips, then, in a movement so fast that it seemed blurry to me, he
planted his canines on top of my right breast. The fleeting pain that assailed me was quickly
replaced by a puff of incredible pleasure that would have knocked me over if I wasn't already on
my back. All senses maddened by this sudden surge of desire, the only thing I was able to do,
apart from my frantic moans, was to gather my legs around my partner's hips, undulating under
him at the same rhythm as the waves of pleasure which ravaged my lower abdomen with each
suck. Although ... Phoenix would have done better to keep his shirt on ... As he hampered his
movements, he had removed it in a smooth and sexy gesture that my mouth had temporarily
dried out before it was working again. The sight of his sublime chest had given me such a
sudden urge to drool ... In short, the fabric was certainly too much for my eyesight, but it might
have protected the skin of my boss's back from being savagely plowed by my nails when I
couldn't stand it any longer, I screamed in ecstasy again after another sip on my breast, which
had not only to undergo the erotic pressure of my vampire's fangs, but also of his expert tongue
half a millennium. The tremors of pure enjoyment still shook me when the dream gave way to
the nightmare ... the fabric was certainly too much for my sight, but it might have protected the
skin of my boss's back from being savagely plowed by my fingernails when I couldn't stand it
anymore, I screamed in ecstasy again after another sip taken on my breast, which had to
undergo not only the erotic pressure of my vampire's fangs, but also of his expert tongue of half
a millennium. The tremors of pure enjoyment still shook me when the dream gave way to the
nightmare ... the fabric was admittedly too much for my eyesight, but it might have protected the
skin of my boss's back from being savagely plowed by my fingernails when I couldn't stand it
anymore, I screamed in ecstasy again after another sip taken on my breast, which had to
undergo not only the erotic pressure of my vampire's fangs, but also of his expert tongue of half
a millennium. The tremors of pure enjoyment still shook me when the dream gave way to the
nightmare ...

* - Shit! Is everything alright? Francois' voice, which had died down at the end of his sentence,
echoed in my ears even more effectively than if I had been placed under a shower of ice water.
My sanity had tripped up in my head and seemed to point the finger at me, chuckling heavily to
punish me for having sent him into oblivion during the blood exchange. Hmm, hmm, hmm, well
done for you, he said at the above my head. I risked an eye at Phoenix and saw from his half-
stunned, half-disappointed look that he too had returned to planet earth. His eyes were back to
normal, as were mine, I suspected, and they were staring at me with a bewilderment that was
nothing like mine. However, he managed to forge his customary mask of impassivity at a speed
that left me speechless. If he turned towards our musketeer friend to look him in the face, I was
not at the moment, absolutely not able. My God! What was he going to think of us again? I
feared. I already had to endure Angela's compassionate gaze and Matthew's bitter gaze. I didn't
need an extra pair of eyes on my relationship with Phoenix. I couldn't stand his remarks. An
even more terrifying thought put an end to these anxieties. What if he hadn't intervened? Trying
to push back the obvious, I hid my face in my hands. In fact, I could only hear the exchange that
followed. - I heard Sam scream, stammered Francois. I did not want to bother you. - It's not
what you think, my boss said in a harsh, brittle voice. - Uh… - It's not what you think, he said
threateningly, this time. The anger that pierced his voice made me tremble. Besides the
embarrassment of having been surprised like this, he must have blamed himself for having been
with a human he had never wanted ... Pain. It was the word that best suited me to that thought.
My first reaction to our friend's arrival was to feel mortified and ashamed that I had fallen for the
blood exchange again. Better to suffer martyrdom with this broken arm than to find myself
trapped in my sex hormones before being exposed in full action to the gaze of another person.
However, after this mortification, a more intense and implacable suffering had awakened in me.
Hitherto repressed, he had found the flaw that had allowed him to rise to the surface to pierce
me right through with his white-hot blade. With jerky breaths, my breathing became more and
more jerked. I could feel the crisis looming and I didn't want any of the vampires who were
aggressively facing each other to witness it. While trying to control myself, I slowly stood up,
leaning on the armrest of the sofa to support my wobbly legs. The tingling on the back of my
neck told me that the other two people present were following my every move. Maybe they were
afraid that I would collapse… They were right to worry. I had to struggle with all my might to take
the few steps that separated me from the living room door and to contain the powerful wave of
sobs that threatened to explode out of me if I stayed a minute longer in this room. She would
come out anyway, but I didn't need spectators for my personal tragedy. The trip to my room
seemed interminable, especially since I could clearly hear the argument that had started as
soon as I had closed the door behind me, and which grew louder as I approached my
destination. - An exchange of blood you say. Did you forget the last time? I've known you for
ages and never thought I'd see you driven to irresponsibility! - Maybe I should have let her die
on the filthy sidewalk of that dingy street where one of us tried to murder her! Don't come and
lecture me François, you weren't there! - Fortunately, I was there, on the contrary! I saw the
marks on his neck and his chest! No but, what were you thinking when biting her there?! You
know very well that our bite can be incredibly aphrodisiac in strategic places. Humans can't
resist it, it's up to us to be in control! - Stop repeating things I already know! - Don't you have
any respect for her for treating her in this way?! - Be careful what you say! You might be my
friend, but you're overstepping the line, my employer scolded fiercely. - And you? Maybe you
haven't passed them?! I only need to see the shreds of clothes on the floor to know the answer!
There was a slight silence, a sign of unease. - Everything was fine until I drank her blood. Then I
don't know… I lost my mind. It should never have happened! James and Victor bit her too, but
you've got to believe that it's only you that her blood makes lose control, it annoys me! - You
know as well as I do that the exchange of blood is unpredictable! Given the nature of your bond,
you should have let another vampire do it! - It was out of the question! To bring her back to this
state of weakness in Talanus was to stick a target on her back! - Isn't it because you can't stand
that someone else touches her? - If we hadn't known each other for so many years, I'll make
you swallow your words and your fangs with it! - What annoys you so much about my words?
You said yourself that it was yours! - I said that to protect her from the other vampires! She's a
human, damn it! - And who will protect her from you, eh? She's a human, of course, but also a
sensitive woman! And you, you are as uninviting as an iceberg! Do you have any idea how she
must be feeling right now? - And how do you think I'm feeling? I feel like I've behaved like the
last of the barbarians, I have surely ruined the last chance I have to convince Sam not to go
God knows where, and I have to undergo a sermon from the holy vampire who thinks he's my
mother! - What?! Are you saying Samantha wants to leave us? François burst out, anger
making him climb in the treble. I did not hear the rest of their discussion. I closed the door to my
room and locked it so as not to be disturbed. I had no desire to listen to Phoenix explain to
Francois the reasons for my decision to leave. I suspected that our friend would accuse him of
all the evils, that of not wanting to admit his feelings towards me, and Phoenix would answer
him again that he was making ideas about their nature. After the episode in the living room,
another word of rejection would only rekindle a suffering that was already tormenting me. It was
once again proof that I couldn't stay with Phoenix. Even if I had known how to hide what I felt for
him, there must have been a day when I needed his blood again and I no longer wanted to
experience the frustration of unrequited desire. I wanted Phoenix, entirely or not at all. This kind
of artificial embrace resulting from the euphoria of drug addicts high on hemoglobin was
unbearable because the return to reality did not fail to revive the one-sided aspect of my love,
and the excruciating pain accompanying this truth. I had to find Mellindra's Circle ASAP. Or I
would go crazy. Tired of fighting the tears that persisted in wanting to come out, I let them spill
in an infinite time down my cheeks, sitting on the ground, and curled up against the door that
separated me from the worst torture that could be imagined: the rejection of the loved one.

Chapter IX: From discovery to discovery

* Neither Phoenix nor François had tried to enter my room after their confrontation. Fortunately,
because once the pain subsided, I could get up and went to take a shower. I had preferred to
dodge the mirror; I didn't need to see my face to know that I had a messed-up face. I put on my
pajamas and slipped under the covers, trying to banish previous events from my mind. It turned
out to be extremely complicated, but eventually I did and fell asleep. The next day, since I had
no desire to see anyone, I decided to spend the day at the Pembroke Mall, applying Angela's
valuable advice on clearing her head and the bank account. The Camaro being unusable, I had
rented a small Ford to take me quietly there. No matter how much shopping I had done in this
immense space, I didn't have the heart to heat up my credit card. However, wandering around
the shelves allowed me to pass the time without thinking too much about the day before, or the
inevitable reunion with my boss. On the way back, I made a detour via Scarborough. The DVD
rental shop was far enough from Danny's restaurant and Angela's bookstore that I could do
some shopping without being disturbed. As romantic comedies made me frankly want to puke
lately (you know why), I had stopped at action movies. I especially didn't want a marshmallow or
a tragedy so I figured that muscles and bazookas would do the job perfectly to occupy my brain
without stimulating it too much. I was putting a fifth back on the shelf when a voice behind me
made me close my eyes in annoyance. - Sam… Couldn't they leave me in peace? At that
moment, I wish I had been able to put together a silly smile like Sookie Stackhouse, the kind too
silly to be questioned. I could have turned around and look Francois in the eye, assuring him
that I was perfectly fine. Useless. The damn Frenchman was far too insightful, and far too
determined. - If you come to comfort me by leaving me your salads on the feelings of Phoenix
towards me, I warn you, I'm not in the mood and you better leave me alone. Francois couldn't
help it if my boss didn't like me, but this habit of meddling in our relationship tended to make my
hair stand on end. - I didn't come to talk to you about Phoenix's feelings… Phew! I didn't want to
argue with him. He was smart after all. -… but rather yours. Or not. - Frankly, let it go, Francois.
- I'm your friend and I'm worried about you. Honestly, how do you put up with all of this? - I do
not see what you're talking about. - Don't be so stubborn! You know it very well. - And what will
it get you if I talk? You will tell him everything. - It's wrong. Even though I have known Phoenix
longer than you, I am no less loyal to you. - I've already told Angela everything. - She knew how
to hold her tongue, I had no idea your intention to leave. - I don't really have a choice. Your
world is not mine. - It is not our world that you flee, you knew perfectly well to find your place
here… but one of its inhabitants. “Phoenix doesn't need to know that,” I said through gritted
teeth. - Do not be afraid, your secret will be well kept with me. If I can give you my opinion…
Was he already deprived of it? I mentally huffed. - ... I think it's a waste. Even if both of you are
too stupid to admit it to yourself, it is obvious to everyone that you love each other. And because
of your silence, you make yourself miserable. An annoyed click of the tongue escaped me. -
Stop repeating the same thing. We're in the real world, not in one of those nutty romantic
comedies. Phoenix doesn't love me and I can't live with this indifference anymore, end of
discussion. As if he hadn't listened to me, François went on: - I'm sure it's because you're
human and he can't stand the idea of losing you. If it's just that, I offered to transform you
myself. - What?!! I cried, horrified to the point that I dropped the DVD I had just grabbed. You
are sick!! Despite everything I had endured, I had never considered becoming a vampire to
seduce my employer. On the one hand, I was not ready to give up my humanity or the
sweetness of the sun, on the other hand, I wanted him to love me as I was, with my
imperfections. To be transformed would be cheating already… and then just thinking about it, I
shuddered. I wasn't meant to drink hemoglobin cocktails. Ugh! Not for all the gold in the world. A
very annoying little voice whispered to me that the day before, I had rather liked it I thought. As I
stared at my friend with bulging eyes, I must have realized that my glow had caught the
attention of other customers in the shop. Embarrassed, I smirked and led him out. Outside and
without anyone in sight, I was fuming: - How dare you talk to him about this without even asking
my opinion? For your information, I have no intention of becoming one of you. Neither now nor
ever! - Yet that would be the best solution for everyone. Phoenix wouldn't have an excuse to
keep you away, and you could stay and live here. No matter how much I loved François like a
brother, he really crossed the line. This time, I couldn't contain myself. - So you can not accept
the fact that your friend does not want me? No but, what's your problem? Are you trying to
return the knife to the wound or what? You wanted me to recognize my feelings for him, there
you go! I admit, I love him more than anything in the world and much more than my own life!
(François raised his eyebrows in surprise at my vehemence) You wanted me to tell you how
unhappy I am that this love is not shared, yes!! I've been living in hell for weeks and it's not
going to get any better because just the idea of living away from him, from all of you, it makes
me want to put my head in the toilet bowl and to vomit endlessly. There! You are happy? I hope
you have had your dose of pathos and that you will finally leave me alone because there is no
question that I will let you stun my head with hopes that do not exist and that would risk me at
best hurt even more than the truth itself. Now leave me alone and if you care even a little about
our friendship, you'll never come back to the subject again. Furious, I left him there, daring him
with a murderous look to take the slightest step to follow me. He didn't, but I still felt the burn of
his compassionate gaze on my back as I walked away. I got back to my car at lightning speed
and made my way home in such anger that I set off a headache. Result, arrival at home, I
slammed the front door angrily before stuffing my things into the closet. Then, without stopping
the rage inside, I headed for the basement with one idea in mind, to evacuate my dark thoughts.
Thus, without having taken the trouble to change, I rushed directly on the punching bag that I
began to thrash with all the violence of my emotions. Between kicks and punches, I left it no
respite or me no break as I needed to let off steam. It wasn't until a while, when I was already
dripping with sweat, my aching muscles begging me to stop, that I realized I wasn't alone in the
room anymore. - Am I to understand that you are finally calmed down? my boss asked with his
smirk when I turned to him. - If you come to talk to me last night, it is very likely that my blood
pressure goes up to new heights, I warn him, the evil eye. - What do you suggest then? he said,
leaning back against the wall, his face turning completely serious again. - Nothing. We won't talk
about anything because it was nothing, right? Neither for you nor for me, although some say… -
I see… You too were entitled to Francis's little speech. He pissed me off so much yesterday that
I kicked him out. It was not very nice since the latter had taken my defense, but on the other
hand, he had also sought it. - I planted it in the middle of the street. Phoenix mysteriously
smiles. - He won't hold it against you. As for me, it's another story… He is mad at me… He
doesn't say more, it was useless. I had perfectly understood the allusion to my decision to
leave. "He'll get over it," I evaded, heading towards him to return to the stairs. As for the rest,
you will agree that it would be desirable for me to avoid drinking your blood again. I don't want
this annoying inconvenience to happen again and give you a bad conscience. The sour tone I
adopted came naturally to me. Until then, I had handled my moods surprisingly well and kept my
cool, but after all I had gone through, you couldn't achieve perfection either. Phoenix was not
mistaken. He grabbed me by the arm and forced me back to his height, his sharp gaze then
seeking to unravel my secrets. - You play the jaded woman, but I know you well. What
happened yesterday touched you. A red flash crossed my irises. I would have thought I was
dreaming if my boss had not flinched at his appearance. - And this is not normal perhaps? My
first kiss was given to me by a bully who had fun murdering an innocent girl in front of my eyes
(Huan), and on the sex side, after thirty years of abstinence, the opportunity arises with three
attempted rapes and a bloody orgy with my boss who turns into a nightmare. I don't know how
anybody would react in this situation and I know that on your side, you don't care, but I, indeed,
I am touched. Excuse me for the little. The pressure of his grip on my arm grew stronger. - Do
you think that doesn't affect me? - You have five hundred years more hindsight than me! Of
course it doesn't affect you so much! This time, it was the turn of my employer's pupils to be
streaked in white. - It's worse, on the contrary. In five hundred years, I have never been faced
with this kind of situation. I always knew how to keep my self-control, but since I know you, I
have the impression of walking on eggshells all the time. As soon as I feel like I have got your
back, you say or do something that gets me lost over and over again. It was already unsettling,
so imagine how I felt yesterday. You trigger reactions in me that frustrate me because of their
unpredictability and the embarrassment they generate. “Don't worry,” I said, tearing my arm off
violently, “you will soon be relieved of this burden. I was about to pass, but he blocked my way
by throwing his arm across the door. - You got it all wrong, Samantha. I was paying you a
compliment. - Funny way to express it. - What I meant is you still think vampires have no heart,
me in particular. This is not the case. I feel like I'm not much better than Karl and the two
garbage that attacked you last year. I feel… shabby. I stared at him with round eyes. His grave
and repentant expression was not played, his elusive gaze even less. He really must have had
zero morale. It was stronger than me, I couldn't bear to see him like that. - No need to worry.
We will do as we said, I will not drink your blood nor you mine and we will pretend nothing
happened. Anyway, in a sense, nothing happened. Still happy… I had whispered those last
words more to myself than to the man in front of me. - But if Francois ... I silenced him by
placing my index finger on his lips. An electric current passed between us, but I ignored it.
"Nothing happened," I say, pressing down on every syllable and looking Phoenix straight in the
eye. It was time to close this chapter and move on, at Mellindra Circle, when I left… fast.
Phoenix nodded. He agreed with me, this episode would pass over in silence. We had other fish
to fry, murders to stop. It had to be done, quickly.

* After this gloomy evening of February 2, I had the pleasant surprise of being awakened the
next day at eleven o'clock by a call from Matthew. It was brief, but this quick discussion put me
in a good mood. He asked me if I wanted to accompany him to Kerington for the day, because
he intended to return to the site of his abandonment to take stock. No mention of our emotional
situation had been made, so I assumed that things were clear, and that Matthew had decided to
maintain a friendship that was important to me. I hurried to get ready because he arrived half an
hour later in front of the castle gate. The last time we were together there, circumstances had
taken a catastrophic turn and I didn't fail to think about it as I settled into the passenger seat.
Fortunately, my friend was in a happy mood and had several CDs planned for our long trip to
distract us. I was careful not to tell him that he hadn't understood my eclectic musical tastes and
that just because I enjoyed listening to a rap song from time to time, didn't mean that I only
yearn to listen to the stuff completely to the last album of Dr Dré. After the recent events, I had
preferred to take my pain patiently and chomp on my brakes… Matthew knew me well, except
for that. Pff… Luckily, his brand-new car radio broke down after the sixth song. Matthew cursed
all the rest of the way against the unreliable new technologies that were circulating in the market
and on my side, even if I admitted that Dr Dré was good, I was glad it stopped. Rap was not my
thing. As we drove slowly, we had decided to stop for lunch at a restaurant before heading to
the Italian grocery store near which my friend had been found by Danny. We had agreed to
each devour a huge grilled steak with fries, as well as a slice of pecan pie, before heading back
to our destination. The grocery store in question had given way to a small sign selling computer
equipment, but the green, white and red colors of the Italian flag could still be seen on the
facade. - Danny told me he drank a little too much and didn't know where his car was parked.
He went in that direction. I looked in the direction indicated. It was a succession of alleys
separating warehouses of goods from each other. I followed him to one of them, a brick building
owned by a logistics company. - This is where he found me. Danny brought me here when I was
wondering where I was from when I was eighteen. The space was too tight for a car to drive
through and the few streetlights in place were all broken. - Who can leave a child in such a
place? I say to myself. - This is exactly the reflection I had thirteen years ago. I took his hand
and squeezed it. We walked around the building in silence, moving discreetly through the
space, as though in the idea of not wanting to awaken the ghosts of the past. Although… they
would have been very useful to us in revealing the origins of my friend. - Hey, Sir, Ma'am, don't
you have any change? Matthew and I turned around together. A homeless man stared at us, his
hand outstretched. For all clothes, he had only beige canvas pants, an old sweater with holes
and a coat that must have been black ten years earlier. Sitting on some old boxes, an equally
old dog beside him, the man must have been in his sixties, but the estimation of his age was
complicated to me by his features marked by disease and life in the street. I took out my wallet
and gave him everything I had, a hundred dollars. The stranger's eyes sparkled with gratitude
although he just nodded in my direction. Despite everything, the homeless man lost his
composure when Matthew unloaded his papers to then give him his coat. - I cannot accept ... he
began, flabbergasted. - You are not covered enough to spend the winter, I do not need this
coat, you do. The matter is settled. I stared at Matthew during the exchange with admiration but
no surprise. He was a generous man, quite the type to give his shirt away for the comfort of a
stranger. In fact, he was exceptional. - Can I do something for you in return? - It's useless and…
- In fact, I cut my friend off. What is your name? - My name is John. - Nice to meet you, John.
Were you already there thirty years ago? - I had settled a little further, over there. - What I am
going to ask you will surprise you, but here it is: did you witness, one evening, a little over thirty
years ago, a strange thing in the area? The man sneered. - If you only knew how many strange
things I witnessed! The cops wouldn't even dare to patrol the streets if they knew everything that
was going on in Kerington. I feared for a moment that he implied the existence of vampires, but I
reassured myself that there was enough violence and trafficking in town for it not to be
suspected. There was already a lot to do with human criminals. - My friend is looking for a clue
that would allow him to find his parents. They would have left him in that alley before they
vanished. John sincerely tried to recall his memories of thirty years ago but ended up shaking
his head in the negative. - I'm sorry, I can't help you. I just remember finding a puddle of blood a
little higher up, but I can't remember when it happened. Matthew and I exchanged a look, we
didn’t have luck on our side. I squeezed his hand, he shrugged defeatedly. - Goodbye, John,
good luck. After leaving it, we got back to the car quickly. It was less cold than at the beginning
of winter, but it was not a time to be outside without a coat. Matthew took one last look around,
then joined me in the cab. - I was lucky that Danny was there, otherwise I would be frozen to
death in that creepy alley. I wonder what my parents were thinking when they left me here,
maybe they wanted to get rid of me by letting nature take its course… I had made the same
thought, but I preferred to be silent. No need to turn the knife in the wound. - Danny is the best
thing that ever happened to me. I had already restarted and headed for Scarborough when he
said those words. There was fervor in his voice, which clearly indicated that he meant what he
said. Yet his eyes couldn't hide the bitterness and disappointment he felt deep within himself.
Our return was marked by a heavy silence, each lost in his darkest thoughts. Matthew was
giving up and would have to live without knowing his origins and I thought about the fact that
this already catastrophic start to the year was only getting worse, at the same time worsening
the sadness that had gripped me since waking up from the coma. Matthew deserved to be
happy, it was unfair to be deprived of happiness like this by being deprived of knowledge of his
past. I pitied him. I felt sorry for him, I sincerely wished I could help him more than that. I was
still waiting for Dennis Obson's DNA results and hoped for a happy ending to the mystery of his
origins; it was our last chance. After that, I would just have to try to appease his pain by praying
that one day that mischievous and optimistic glow would return that I had always seen in his
eyes and which seemed to have disappeared. All this knowing that my next departure, which
could only be associated with abandonment, would only overwhelm him while on my side,
besides the lack of Phoenix and the misfortune of my situation, he would overwhelm me under
the weight of guilt. - Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you a little longer? I said to
Matthew when we got to the castle gates. He smiled at me, although his smile hadn't
contaminated his eyes. - Thank you, but I think I prefer to be alone… to put an end to all that. - I
don't like to see you like this… - Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. This goodbye leaving a taste
of bile in my mouth, I rushed towards him and hugged him as hard as I could. - You can always
count on me! I really meant it. Despite the distance after my departure, I would always be ready
to help my friends when needed. - I know, he said, hugging me back. He then pulled me away
from him and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. - I'll call you back. Do not worry. And he
went away. - Sam, are you all right? - What? Lost in my gloom, I had joined Phoenix, forgetting
to put my coat in the closet in the hall. - Oh. I left quickly to correct my mistake, then I came
back to him. - You look elsewhere. Bad day? - I sat down on the sofa in front of him. He was
drinking a glass of blood, his newspaper laid casually beside him. - Yes. I tried to help Matthew
find his birth parents, but our joint efforts were unsuccessful. He gives up. Phoenix didn't
comment, surely feeling it was none of his business. Either way, his opinion would have been
misguided since he hated my friend. - And on your side? - I allow myself a little relaxation before
digging into Coltrane's reports again. I will eventually find the file concerning the Circle… one
day or another. - Hm. Both disappointed, we spent two quiet hours in the living room, reading
and sipping our favorite drinks. Although it was nice, I was about to tell my boss that I was
starting to get bored and wish I had done a workout, when my cell phone rang. - Miss Jones?
It's Dennis Obson. Phoenix was beside me in a flash. "I hope you have good news, Dennis," I
said, pushing away his hand, which wanted to snatch the receiver from mine. No need to let him
take the call and terrorize Obson to the point of making him lose his words. - I have the results
of the DNA taken from the sheets you brought me. Unfortunately, I am afraid that I cannot
provide you with information. The police database did not provide any results as to the identity
of its owner. Phoenix let out a curse in a language that was unknown to me. - Are you sure we
can't get anything out of this? I asked. - Without any other clue to help me, I can't do anything
more. A new expletive greeted this response then: - This whole thing is starting to get on my
nerves! I'm going out for some fresh air! No sooner said than done. My employer suddenly left
me to spend his nerves in the cold winter air. I made sure he was out anyway, then locked
myself in his room to make sure he wouldn't overhear the rest of my conversation with Dennis. -
Dennis? You are still here? - Uh ... yes, yes. He did not seem very reassured, maybe he had
been afraid that Phoenix would decide to come back to give him soap over the phone. - What
about the second sample I gave you? - Ah, the spoon… It's in progress, I think you will have the
results in two days. - Very well. Remember, you should only contact me. Phoenix is already on
edge as it is, he doesn't need another disappointment. - Oh, it's obvious! Anyway, I would much
rather talk with you than with him. It's silly, I know. Indeed, Dennis Obson could not boast of
extraordinary courage. Yet one couldn't blame him for being incompetent either. - But no. It has
that effect on a lot of people, don't worry. - Thank you, Miss Jones. - You're welcome. I expect
to hear from you in two days without fail. Okay? - Count on me. - Okay bye, Dennis. I didn't give
him time to answer and hung up. I left Phoenix's room checking that he wasn't around and
finally went looking for him. He was sitting on the front steps, lost in what seemed to be gloomy
thoughts. - Phoenix? I sat down next to him, immediately regretting that I hadn't taken my coat
on that cold night. - I'm starting to tell myself that we'll never see the end of this story. - Do not
despair, we will find them, we must. - How can you remain so optimistic when our stagnation
only hastens a possible return of the Greats? If there was one qualifier that could designate me
for some time, it was certainly not that of being optimistic. But hey… - As you said, it's a
possibility. There is no evidence that they will land in the coming weeks. We will eventually find
the Circle before that. - It's strange… On the one hand, I am furious that we are not making
progress in this research, and on the other, it almost relieves me because it pushes back the
deadline for your departure. I did not expect such a statement. I remained silent even when he
grabs my hand and squeezes it in his. - Your hand is so cold. (He advised my outfit that was not
suited to the outside temperature) You don't have a coat! (He shook his head) You'll be much
better away from it all. Come. He helped me up and led me behind him inside the walls. - I won't
need your services tonight, Sam. Enjoy your evening as you see fit. We don't have much else to
do anyway. His bitterness in the face of our repeated failures saddened me. He was right, right
now there wasn't much we could do about it. I didn't even want a workout anymore, all I wanted
was to put on my pajamas, turn off the light in my bedroom, and forget about it all.

* Two days later, no other vampire had made another assassination attempt against me for the
pay of an illustrious stranger. This question would remain a mystery if there was not another
attempt on my life, I was aware of it, and above all, in no hurry to get there. I spent the morning
with Matthew putting his adoption files in order. My friend was very depressed, determined that
he was to abandon our research for good in the face of the impossibility of going back to the
source of his origins. I didn't like seeing him like that, so I offered to help him, bringing him a
dozen blueberry muffins he'd loved, at his request. According to him, it was worth all the
therapies in the world. I smiled when I saw him swallowing half in a few minutes, slumped as we
were on his sofa, with two Coca Cola to cheer us up. - Where do you put all this? You have all
that muscle! - I'm lucky to be able to eat lots of junk food without ever gaining an ounce, so I'm
taking advantage of it. He swallowed another muffin after a sip of the sparkling drink. - Are you
treating my junk muffins? With his mouth full, he stopped chewing to bow down to me. - I would
never dare to utter such blasphemy! When you bake your muffins, your hand is guided by God,
it is obvious! Despite his mouth full, I understood the message and laughed. - I prefer that, but
don't overdo it anyway. He sat down next to me and stretched his legs out on the small living
room table. - Are you sure you want to give up? - We did everything we could, it's not working. I
couldn't tell him about the DNA analysis commissioned from Dennis Obson, which I was hoping
to hear from that evening, so I just cuddled up against his shoulder. He put his arm around me. -
I don't like to see you depressed. - You'll see, I'll go up the hill. I've been there before. - Did you
talk to Danny? - No, he would worry too much about me. I don't want to worry him. - He loves
you deeply, it's normal that he's worried about you. - That's why I don't want to tell him anything.
I couldn't have had a better father than Danny Robertson. I know this is what will help me get on
with my life. "I wish I had your strength of character," I whispered, thinking about my own
situation. I was clear-headed, I was running from Phoenix to ease my grief. It was not very
brave, but I had no choice. Matthew hugged me a little more, which reminded me of the night he
kissed me. To think that I refused a very real love and happiness because I had dedicated
myself to a chimera! I straightened up. - I have to go. - You don't want to have lunch with me? I
smile at him. - With everything we ate as a snack, I don't need lunch. And then I have to go to
Kerington for… an administrative task. I had better go now if I want to be back and take care of
Peter. - How's your grandfather? he said, following me to the door. A little truth wouldn't hurt,
lying to my friend all the time was starting to seriously weigh on me. However, it was out of the
question to share my secret with him, both to protect him and to protect us from his reaction.
Matthew was much less understanding than Angela, he risked hating vampires rather than
making the effort to understand them. - He is a little on edge now because some of his affairs
are taking a long time to settle. - I hope it gets better. "I hope so too," I whispered, realizing that
when this was over, I would have to say goodbye to my friend and try to find a plausible
explanation for my departure. With this bitter reflection, I left him to resume my research in the
Kerington archives. Phoenix had the now reusable Camaro repaired (much to my regret). For
hours, I went back in time, scanning birth, marriage and census registers, trying to find traces of
the ex-Abarnikovs who became Jeffersons and their descendants. I had had an incredible boost
from fate when I stumbled upon a card indicating the renaming of the Russian family in the
1950s, pointing me to a patriarch named Taylor Jefferson. No mention of the other members of
his lineage appeared there, so I pushed my research further in the various registers at my
disposal. At the end of the day, a huge smile was born on my face when I finally managed to
complete the genealogy of Irwin Abarnikov to his last known descendant. A strange feeling
gripped me as I had his name in front of me and I was sure he would help us trace the thread to
lead us to Mellindra's Circle. Delighted, I made the necessary photocopies before driving back
to Scarborough. I was eager to disclose my discovery to my boss, eager to see his sour air
disappear in favor of new hope. It was time. I had just stepped out of the fast lane when my cell
phone rang. Carefully, I parked on the side. - Hello? - Miss Jones? It's Dennis Obson. - Good
evening, Dennis, nice to hear from you. I guess you have something new for me. - Effectively. I
have finished analyzing the DNA sample you provided me and found a match with a person in
the police database. - Really? I am listening to you. I was all ears; my heart was already
panicking in my rib cage at the prospect of his future revelations. - However, there is something
puzzling about these results. (I stopped breathing, why was he making the suspense go on like
this?) I've done it twice to be sure, but there is no longer any doubt. - I'm impatient, Dennis. -
Excuse me. Here it is, the DNA on the spoon has a correspondence with a certain Emily Balder,
who disappeared thirty years ago without leaving a trace except a trail of her blood in a little-
used street in Kerington. It was a homeless man who reported her to the police station. A few
days earlier, his house had burned down and, according to the report, the firefighters took more
than twelve hours to stop the fire. Police believed the charred body remains found inside were
those of her husband, who allegedly committed suicide after killing her. Since neither of them
had a family that wanted to take their baby away, inspectors assumed he also perished in the
blaze, his body having been reduced to ashes by the heat of the flames. Rather, I would say
they didn't really dig any further because of all the murders and kidnappings that took place that
year. They were overwhelmed. The media had nicknamed it the “annus horribilis” as there were
so many criminal acts. In my opinion, this affair fell through the cracks and we looked for the
easy way to move on. In short, as I told you, I made a discovery that may interest you as much,
if not more. - By acquisition of conscience and by idleness - I had finished all my work and I did
not know what to do - I crossed these results with those of the sheets provided by Phoenix.
There is a concordance between the two DNAs. If Emily Balder was indeed the mother of the
first, the second was necessarily her father, Joachim. The police haven't solved anything, he's
still alive somewhere, and you proved it by bringing me these sheets. Throughout his
explanation, I stared at the landscape in front of me, the knuckles of my fingers white from
clinging to my phone, holding it somehow close to my ear. My heart seemed to have stopped
beating, my blood having flowed back to my lower body. I felt nauseous, like about to pass out.
The sky had just fallen on my head. - Miss Jones? You are there? I jumped. - Or yes. -
Everything is fine? I had to pull myself together, Dennis shouldn't be suspicious. - Yes, I… I'm
very happy with your job, that's all. I painfully swallowed my saliva. - I would like you to send me
all your results on my phone's mailbox, I'll give you the address… (What I did) Phoenix is too
overwhelmed with a new mission, he asked me to take charge alone of this case. If you find
anything else in the meantime, you will contact me directly. - I thought this case was more
important than the others. - Would you dare to interfere in the missions that Talanus gives to
Phoenix? I said with an aggressiveness triggered by the crowd of emotions that enveloped me
now. However, my attack seemed to dispel his doubts. He apologized flatly. - I will send you
everything I found immediately. - Very well. I hung up, dropping my phone in the passenger
seat, leaning back against mine, closing my eyes. My God… While waiting for the data to be
transferred to my laptop, I was horrified to take the full measure of the implications of the
revelations Dennis had given me. My confusion was so strong that my hands were shaking! My
God… Emily Balder was missing and her husband was suspected of having killed her before
committing suicide by setting herself on fire, taking her son with him to Death. Unfortunately,
due to a lack of time and resources, the police, caught up in the murderous storm of this “annus
horribilis”, had not given enough attention to their investigation and had rather quickly put it
away. In fact, no one had known that this affair was by no means a trivial family drama, but the
violent expression of hatred between vampires and humans. Emily Jefferson Balder, such as
her name had appeared to me this afternoon on the marriage register signed thirty-three years
earlier, was necessarily aware of the existence of the Circle and was certainly part of it. Perhaps
she was even the instigator if one referred to her genealogy… Joachim had followed her in her
war, and they had paid the price for it… She was dead, of that, I was in it certain after the
mention of the bloody trail (vampires knew perfectly well how to hide the corpses of their
victims, who, once injured, had no chance of escaping, especially if the assassin in question
had been Ichimi). Joachim Balder had finally managed to escape and mourned her, as today he
surely mourned the death of his new companion, Theodora Callidge, with which he had
reconstituted the Circle supposed to have been definitively eliminated three decades ago. This
reflection led me to my last hypothesis: even more than the tragic end of his wife, Joachim
Balder wanted to avenge that of his little boy, William. I knew his name even before I received
the files from Dennis Obson, having seen him in the same registers where the identities of his
parents appeared and having identified him as the last descendant of Irwin Abarnikov. I was the
only one who knew that this little boy hadn't died with his parents, and that to me he was all that
was more real. Because it was Matthew.

* Fortunately, I did not pick up this call while driving because I would certainly have ended up
hitting another car so much this revelation had shocked me. For days now I had been carrying
out two investigations that I thought were completely different when in fact they were linked to
each other. Matthew was the son of a declared enemy of the vampires, an enemy who would
not hesitate to assassinate Phoenix, the man of my life, if the opportunity presented itself. How
would they both react when they learned the truth? When would they know that their visceral
hatred was in fact justified by a common past about which until now, they knew nothing? Would
Matthew join the Circle in remembrance of his missing mother? Would Phoenix have to have to
execute all its limbs, including my friend? I would never forgive him and even end up hating him
if that were to happen. As for Danny, he would not survive the death of his adopted son, whom
he loved as if he were of his own blood. And Angela… She would know the truth and like me,
couldn't stand it; she would leave Francois, who would have all eternity to regret it. A terrible
decision was imposed on me. If I informed Phoenix tonight, he would immediately want to find
the members of the Circle to accomplish his mission, regardless of the new turn of events. If we
walked up to Joachim Balder's house and forced him to negotiate a truce he didn't want, I
suspected it would fail just as he would think we would lie to him about his son. On the other
hand, I saw Matthew's depressed face for a moment when he told me that he was quitting his
research. Any glimmer of hope had deserted its pupils. I could not leave him in the dark. It was
decided. I would put Matthew's happiness ahead of the Circle mission. I had to reunite father
and son, no matter what, even if I lost the esteem and trust Phoenix had placed in me. Who
knows ... Hopefully, by finding Balder and getting him to meet Matthew, I might be able to put
him in a good position to deal with me? Once convinced of my good faith, he would let me
contact Phoenix to allow negotiations. I had to convince his father to receive us. I already had to
find him ... But first, I had to manage to face my employer without him revealing any secret in
me. My disordered heartbeats at the slightest emotion tended to betray me, therefore I should
cement my acting game. My God… why did my life have to be so complicated? Determined to
quell my fears, I walked back to the castle mentally repeating the polite phrases, smiles, and
bogus apologies I was going to have to come up with to explain my utter lack of success in my
daytime research on the Circle of Mellindra. In front of the gate, I checked in my interior rear-
view mirror that my face did not let any show of the tumult that inhabited my mind. I was
surprised to see Angela's car in the driveway and as I walked in, I wondered what got us this
impromptu visit. When I arrived in the living room, I saw Francois and Phoenix finishing a game
of chess and my friend sipping fruit juice while leafing through a magazine. - Good evening,
Sam. Two male voices had risen to greet me without their owners even turning their heads in
my direction. They had heard my heartbeat. Angela rushed over to me and hugged me.
Somewhat surprised by this enthusiastic welcome, I asked him the reasons for his arrival. - Do
we necessarily need a special reason to visit our best friend? She was beaming with happiness,
and her smile at that moment was so beautiful it blinded me. Something had to happen. -
Francois is as dumb as a carp, but your friend has been wriggling so much since their arrival
that it seems to me that she is dying to tell you something. The first laughed at defeating the
King of Phoenix, the second glared at him. He just shrugged his shoulders. The two friends then
joined us, Francois placing a tenderly possessive hand on the hips of his sweetheart, my boss
contenting himself to place himself at my side. - While…? I didn't even have time to go further. -
We will get married!! cried Angela, hopping in place, holding out her hand for me to admire her
engagement ring. I said to myself at that moment that with the latest revelations to date, I no
longer missed being told that Santa Claus really existed to finish sawing my legs. My friend was
still holding out her hand to me and I vaguely told myself that I should have grabbed it,
screaming my joy and jealousy to see such a big stone shining on her ring finger. But I was so
in shock that I just stared at the two lovers in dismay. If I had hoped that my employer dispelled
the emerging unease with a few well-chosen congratulations, it was a failure. Like me, he froze,
no more sound coming out of his resolutely closed mouth. It was as if we had been stratified. -
Well, you're not saying anything. The piercing distress in Angela's voice moved me enough to
shake myself up and finally react to the news. - Sorry, but… I… Congratulations! I kissed each
of them, hugging them. Despite the difficulty digesting the information, I was ultimately
genuinely happy for my friends. After centuries of abstinence and waiting, Francis had finally
found his soul mate, who returned with as much ardor the admiration and devotion he had for
her. It was right that they live this happiness to the end. Marriage would be the symbol of their
passion. - Congratulations my friend. I almost caused a stiff neck by turning my head violently
towards the origin of this voice. Phoenix had finally made up his mind to react as well, but not in
the way I might have feared. He did not just shake hands with Francois, he took him squarely in
his arms, much to the latter's surprise. - Thanks, Phoenix. - I'm happy for both of you, really.
Moved, Angela and I shed a small tear at this demonstration of pure friendship. She let my boss
kiss her cheek, then I hugged her again. - This is such good news! We have to celebrate this!
Oh yes! After everything I had just experienced, I really needed a chair and a good swig of gin. -
Sam is right tonight we forget our worries and we only think of your coming union! Go get ready,
I'm going to call "Beaumarchais" to prepare a table for us. Round-eyed, everyone was staring at
Phoenix as if we had taken away our taciturn and ruthless angel and replaced him with his
opposite clone. As he was already leaving us to call the restaurant in the tranquility of his office,
Francois no longer restrained himself. - Did he fall on his head or what? I laughed. - He
considers you a brother, his mask of firmness had to be lowered one day or another. Wouldn't
you have preferred a moral lesson? He ran a hand through his hair, as he did every time
embarrassment took hold of him. - No, obviously. - Rejoice to have a friend like him. - I couldn't
ask for better. With these words, the interested party reappeared, glaring at us, reproaching us
with his dangerously sweet velvet voice for our immeasurable sluggishness. We jumped into
action, each rushing to our bags and coats in a merry hullabaloo, then got into the Camaro while
waiting for our driver, who joined us a few minutes later. During the trip and the evening, I was
happy that the discussion revolved around such happiness to come because it allowed me to
mask as well as possible the feeling of overwhelming that had held me since the discovery of
Dennis Obson and my decision to hide it from Phoenix. Despite the festive atmosphere of this
evening and the refinement of the dishes that were served to me, I had only a taste of ash in my
mouth, symbolic of two friendships ready to be devoured by the flames of adversity.

* A week later, I had succeeded in concealing with formidable efficiency the progress of my
research on the Circle of Mellindra from my employer, who was still looking for his part in
Thomas Coltrane's reports if anything was likely to 'help. He had assigned me to study closely
the symbolism of the black and white cobras on Seamus' assassin's van. He thought I was
stomping… The first few days only… I was disgusted. The blessed evening when I had finally
found THE track that would allow me to go back to the Circle and in fact, to Matthew's father, I
had recorded all the important information on a USB key that I then hid in my bra, before turning
off the computer on the pretext that apart from a gang of young people across the country, the
symbol sought was not referenced anywhere. Phoenix trusted me, he believed me. The next
day, I returned to his office to print the entire file and study it more quietly outside the castle. In
theory, I had to be alone until sunset, but I knew my boss had a remote control allowing him to
electrically operate the closing of all the shutters of the building so I didn't want to run the risk of
being surprised. In truth, I had benefited from a new computer miracle. I even thought to myself
that these significant advances in our investigation should not be the result of chance. Why not
Lethalée? Perhaps she had had enough of waiting for "the outcome of this quest" and had
perhaps started to rush things. As for God ... It couldn't be Him; after all, maybe I was going to
start a new wave of violence between vampires and humans, so ... Anyway, while digging
through several police databases, in the files of murder victims, I came across the photograph of
a man in his twenties, murdered as many years earlier. He had been found in a dark alley, his
throat open, his blood spilled on the floor. No DNA trace, no witness, nothing. Due to the young
man's already heavy criminal past, the inspectors had thought of settling scores between rival
gangs, especially because of a tattoo on his left arm representing two cobras, one black, the
other white, fighting against each other. There was no doubt that I had in front of me the exact
outline of the logo described by Mrs. Caldwell as appearing on the electricians' van coming to
Seamus O'Malley's. On his file it was written that his older brother, who lived with him, had
become the last surviving member of their family decimated by poverty and gangs. I had without
hesitation opened the page concerning him, he too was known to the police. As soon as his
picture appeared on the screen that night, I had done everything to control my emotions so that
my heartbeat did not betray the excitement mixed with fear that gripped me at that moment.
Phoenix had seen nothing. He hadn't seen the tattooed man. His name was Bruce Abard and
had been out of prison for two years. He had been suspected for a few thefts just after his
parole, but then he seemed to have settled down definitively and integrated into society thanks
to a providential meeting, that of his employer, a certain Richard Harding. It was not difficult for
me then to find the trace of the latter, his home and his place of activity. Harding had
established himself in Harrisonburg and ran a small electrical maintenance company that came
in at home when needed. His clientele was varied, from large firms based in Kerington to
penniless individuals. His website was the most informative on how to contact him, on the types
of intervention, on tariffs, and of course, on its employees. A nice family photo had been posted,
where all the employees posed with the manager in a professional and smiling attitude. I too
had been tempted to smile… it held them all. They were there in front of me. Bruce Abard,
Theodora Callidge, who was being held at the waist by the man who had the final say in the
whole story and on whom all my hopes rested ... a man who had chosen the pseudonym of an
entrepreneur to hide his true identity … A man whose features, to see them frequently in
Scarborough, were all too familiar… a man who was none other than Joachim Balder.

* I had wasted no time. As soon as I had known where to contact Joachim Balder / Richard
Harding, I had mentally prepared the arguments I was going to have to present to him to
convince him to meet Matthew in my presence. - Company Harding, Sondra listening to you? -
Hello, my name is Samantha Stratford and I wish to speak to Mr. Harding about a pressing
matter. - I'm sorry, Mr. Harding is in a meeting now, but I can ask him to call you back later.
Leave me your coordinates… - It's urgent, Ma'am, I cut her off. I must talk to him now, interrupt
this meeting if you must. - I'm sorry, I… - Tell him it's about his son, William. There was a
silence. I suspected she was weighing the pros and cons. Indeed, in general, when someone
called a father to tell him about his son, it had to be important. At the same time, Sondra must
have thought to herself that her boss had never told her about a child. - I'll see what I can do.
Two minutes later I heard an aggressive, strained male voice in the receiver. - Who is it? - Mr.
Harding? - Yes. - Samantha Stratford. I am calling you about your son. There was still silence. -
You are wrong, I have no son. Are you a detective? This attempt was rather a fail. If he really
didn't have a son and it was just a mistake, he wouldn't have left his meeting to talk to me. He
was trying to find out who he was dealing with, he who was known to the police as the murderer
of his family, and to me as responsible for the deaths of several innocent people. - No. I wanted
to help a friend to find his origins and by a combination of circumstances, my research led me to
you. It was the strict truth. - You must be mistaken. - You wouldn't say that if you saw my
friend's face. It looks exactly like the photo in the police files concerning a certain Joachim
Balder, except the eyes… There, they are rather those of Emily Balder… The silence that
followed and the perceptible tension in the other end of the line were overwhelming. I had just
put all my cards on the table. I still had to know if he was going to enter my game or not. - Who
are you? Fear could be heard in that deep voice, but his accent was more threatening than
frightened. I was faced with a tough man, who did not allow himself to be easily impressed. - I
told you, my name is Samantha Stratford and my goal is to make a man smile again who does
not know where he comes from. I'm not trying to harm you or stir up old sores for fun. I made a
promise ... I intend to keep it. - What's your friend's name? - Matthew Robertson, he lives in
Scarborough. It was adopted by the local restaurateur. I will show you his adoption file and the
DNA analyzes that led me to you to prove it. - I want to talk to him. - He doesn't yet know I've
found you. I intended to tell him that at the same time as your agreement to meet him. - Who
tells me that you are not from the police or that you do not give me a huge hoax? - If I were in
the police, I wouldn't have bothered to tell you about my intention to see you, I would have been
contented with having you in handcuffs. As for the hoax, I have better things to do with my time
than cheating on grieving fathers. He still hesitated. - I guess you'll ask me to meet in the middle
of the night… He was testing me to see if I was hanging out with vampires. He must have
expected an ambush. Oh no! If there was a trap, it was I who was going to rush straight into it. -
Sorry, but from Scarborough to Harrisonburg it's over an hour's drive. My friend and I would be
driving, and I would prefer to meet you at the beginning of the day. He didn't answer me
immediately, which left me guessing that my request had caught him off guard. He didn't expect
me to give him so much time before sunset and therefore before the night creatures rose. - I live
in a housing estate on the outskirts of the center. I'll meet you at my place tomorrow at ten
o'clock. He gave me the address, went to hang up, but changed his mind: - Miss Stratford? -
Yes? I said as I finished writing my destination in my notebook. - It better not be a joke. He had
wanted to threaten me, but this last year with Phoenix had brought me through so many events
and brought close to death so many times because of scary individuals as possible, that his
attempt made me neither hot nor cold. - We'll be there at ten o'clock. Goodbye. We hung up at
the same time. I leaned back in my seat, huffing, the first step of my plan being a success. I still
had to prepare the second. Taking a deep breath, I got into the Camaro heading for
* - Hi, Samantha, I wasn't expecting you today, is everything okay? Matthew had greeted me
with a smile, but his dark shadowed eyes betrayed his depressed state. It was time for him to
get the answers to the questions he had always asked himself. The price to pay didn't matter. - I
have something very important to tell you. I wasn't going to reveal my true identity to him, I
actually didn't have the courage. I knew that this meeting with his father would surely spell the
end of our friendship, therefore I wanted to push back the deadline and savor his confidence in
me. Matthew was very dear to me. I didn't want him to turn his back on me if I told him straight
out that his father was an assassin seeking revenge against vampires. Either way, he wouldn't
believe me. - You remember the ice cream that we shared here some time ago. - Yes. - Well, I
got your spoon and made my relations work to find a possible relative of yours still alive thanks
to a DNA analysis. He laughed at first, believing it to be a joke, but at my serious expression, his
smile died on his lips. - And? - The results are positive. - You… you mean that you found my
parents? His hands were shaking with nervous tremors. - You should sit down. - Tell me, he
ordered me, without paying attention to my advice. - Your DNA made it possible to establish an
indisputable connection between you and a woman named Emily Balder. Matthew couldn't
stand any longer. He fell into his chair. - My mother? I took another seat, settled myself across
from him, and took his hands. - She was killed in Kerington, her body was never found. My
friend's face suddenly turned upset, I feared he might feel uncomfortable. - How… do you know
she's dead? - There was a reported trail of blood identified as his near where Danny found you.
His shoulders slumped as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. - My
God… and my father? - The police quickly rushed the case because they were overwhelmed.
The evidence seemed to indicate that Joachim Balder was guilty and that out of desperation, he
had ended his life and those of his baby, by setting fire to his house. Upset, Matthew turned
greenish. "But I don't think that's what happened," I reassured him immediately. - What? - Think
about it, that doesn't hold water since you're still alive! And I conducted my little investigation on
your father, he did not have the profile of a man who kills his wife before being burned with his
child. - How can you be so sure? The police did not come to the same conclusions as you! “That
year there were so many murders and unexplained disappearances that she didn't know where
to turn. Remember what Danny told you, no matter how hard he went to the police station to try
to get you back to your parents, no one was asking for you and the investigators had no time for
him. - But then, can my mother still be alive too? I squeezed his hands a little more in mine. - I'm
afraid that is indisputable. Startled by these revelations, Matthew struggled to digest them,
staring at the ground, shaking his head in disbelief. It was understandable. And again… I hadn't
told him about vampires. It seemed to me that it was better to keep it from him if possible. He
was too down to earth to believe me if I ever made up my mind to tell him, and the result would
be that he would also question my earlier words, thinking I was not kidding him. He would have
kicked me out immediately. - There is something else you should know. - What? - I contacted
your father. - WHAT?! He nearly leaned back. - Joachim Balder is now called Richard Harding,
he runs an electrical maintenance business in Harrisonburg and is doing very well. He wants to
meet you. In shock, Matthew stood up so abruptly that he knocked his chair down. - You tell me
that you have found my parents, that my mother died murdered, perhaps by my father who was
supposed to have committed suicide with me. That's already a lot to swallow! But there, you tell
me that you found this last, that you spoke to him! That he wants to meet me! What if he really
was a psychopath? And why didn't he move heaven and earth to find me if he knew that I was
not dead? He was almost screaming. - Precisely, he thinks you are dead. - Believe me? - Let's
say he had some difficulty taking me seriously. - And he still wants to meet me? - I think he's
curious. - What if he was really an assassin? Certainly, he was. Several vampires had died by
his fault as well as Kiro and his family, but that, I could not tell him. I didn't want to involve
Matthew in the Circle of Mellindra. With that idea, the soft voice of my conscience reminded me
that this was exactly what I was about to do under the guise of good feelings. It reproached me
for living in Disneyland, foolishly believing that the founder of the Circle of Mellindra was going
to stop his violence just because I brought her son back to her in a gift wrap. It was true that I
had no gift wrapping. I mentally snorted. I had made a promise, I had to keep it. Matthew was
my friend; I had sworn to help him find his father and that was exactly what I was about to do;
bring them together. It didn't matter whether the latter was a masked avenger or the Pope
himself. Matthew had a right to know, had to know! - It's your father. If you want more answers
to your questions, don't you think this is the one you should ask? Still returned by our exchange,
Matthew nodded, nonetheless. If he wanted the account of the exact circumstances of his
abandonment, he was going to have to meet Richard Harding. Hoping that this one gives us the
chance to explain ourselves before torturing ourselves. Again, my conscience jumped in to
remind me that I was throwing Matthew in the mouth of the wolf, I thought. - You are right. If I
want answers about my past, I must confront the one who embodies it. - You're right. - When do
we meet? - Tomorrow, ten o'clock. He turns pale. This meeting that he had surely wanted since
he was old enough to understand that he had been adopted, he must now apprehend, because
of its short term. - I need to tell Danny. - I will leave you. I must get my papers in order anyway.
I'll pick you up tomorrow a little before nine o'clock. - Ok, he said blankly. He was still in shock, it
was obvious. - Do you want me to stay with you a little longer? He shook his head vigorously. -
No, don't worry about me. It will be fine. - Are you sure? – Yes, do not worry. I smiled at him and
started walking down the steps when he called out to me. - Yes? - Thank you, Sam, for
everything you've done for me. This time I gave him a slightly tense smile. I was afraid that once
the explanations with his father started, he's no longer inclined to thank me. - See you
tomorrow. I set off again in the direction of the castle, where I found Phoenix in the middle of a
session of formulating curses against Thomas Coltrane, whose file he had finally found
concerning his hunt for the First Circle, to which for once, for the only part which would have
been profitable to us, its author had devoted only a few paragraphs without much interest. The
rest of the evening, we had spent it in dead silence, putting away the boxes in the garage while
waiting to return them to Talanus and Ysis; him so as not to risk offending me with his bad
humor, me not to give in to the call of my reason which was screaming at me to reveal
everything to him. That is how my last night ended, before the hour of truth.

* Matthew was already waiting for me at his door when I came to pick him up a little before nine
o'clock. Everything about him betrayed the emotion and the tension that inhabited him. He was
pale, his eyes darkened (he mustn't have slept much, just like me), his features tight, his hands
sweaty. I bit my lip as I told him so. He wasn't like the cheerful, self-confident man I had met a
year ago. We hadn't spoken during the journey, the silence between us having been covered
only by the pop music from my car stereo. He did not make up his mind to open his mouth until I
had entered the lane leading out of the expressway which was signposted to serve
Harrisonburg. - Do you think he'll recognize me? My heart sank. He looked like a little boy
scared at the thought of displeasing his daddy. - You are his flesh. He will recognize you. We
hadn't said anything more until we entered the subdivision where Richard Harding had said he
resided. There, Matthew asked me to slow down so that I could see the numbers of the houses
that all looked alike: white walls, one story, a double garage, well-kept gardens. It was calm and
welcoming. - Here we are, he said suddenly, in a breath. I parked in front of the house, carefully
observing the surroundings. People must already be at work and the children at school. There
were very few cars parked on the street except where we were. Four Chevrolets were lined up
right in front of my Camaro. As I glanced at Richard Harding's, I saw that someone was
watching our arrival from the patio door facing the street. He was not our host. A committee was
therefore waiting for us. Restraining the sudden rush of adrenaline that took hold of me, I got out
of my car and urged Matthew to do the same. I held firmly in one hand the shirt in which I had
stored all the proofs of my statements, and in the other, my purse, containing a gun and a tape-
recorder. I had also hidden another weapon in my coat and my knives in my belt, hidden by the
length of my sweater. I rang the doorbell, Matthew standing behind me. A minute later, a woman
in her sixties opened the door for us. Immaculate white hair, she had everything of a nice lady if
it was not for the glow of eternal sorrow present in her pupils. As she gauged us both, I thought
it was good to make the introductions, but hardly had I said a word when she cut me off. - I
know who you are. Follow me. Matthew glanced at me, but I just shrug my shoulders.
Impossible to reverse. My heart pounding, I followed the woman down a hallway to the living
room, Matthew at my heels. I could tell her stress just by hearing her breathe. At first glance, he
was making great efforts to stay calm. "I'm a friend of Mr. Harding's," our guide said in response
to the question I hadn't asked. He's waiting for you in the living room. She then stood aside to let
us enter the room in question. Even though I suspected that we would be entitled to a collective
reception, I did not think that there would be so many people. About fifteen people got up when
we arrived, staring at us in a way that would have really given me goosebumps if I hadn't
prepared myself a little psychologically for this reaction. For Matthew, it was different. He wasn't
expecting this at all, and I saw him stiffen up beside me. He too must have felt the heaviness of
the atmosphere because like a perfect gentleman, he approached me as if to protect me from a
threat he could not conceive. I took a closer look at each face, looking for Richard Harding in the
lot. All were marked by anxiety and even aggression. All ages were represented: there was a
couple in their sixties (including the woman who welcomed us), another in their forties who hid
behind them two children who must not have been more than ten years old (my heart sank at
their sight), two young people in their twenties I would say, the others more in their fifties. The
majority were male. I was passing over a bearded, grizzled old man when my eyes met those of
the person I was looking for. "Mr. Harding," I greeted him, nodding my head. The person
concerned remained unperturbed despite the general shiver which crossed the room. Let's go! If
I was just a private investigator, I whould have done some research on him, starting with what
he looked like. This reaction proved to what extent the tension which inhabited these people
was at its maximum. I took a step forward, taking the precaution to bring my hands up against
my body. - I'm Samantha Stratford, we spoke on the phone. I came with Matthew Robertson…
your son. Another silence, still heavier than the previous one, fell into the room. Everyone was
waiting for Richard Harding to speak. While staring at me relentlessly, he went to meet me. - My
son is dead. He was staring at me, his blue eyes daring me to contradict him. An alarm started
ringing in my head, but I ignored it. No matter what happened to me, I had promised to find
Matthew's parents. The fact that her biological father was the leader of the new Circle of
Mellindra didn't change that. If I survived this day, Phoenix would surely want to kill me. But I
had made my choice. I shook my head in denial. “Your son was found in a dark alley in
Kerington by Scarborough resident Danny Robertson just over thirty years ago. The police were
overwhelmed at the time and no one made the connection with you or your wife. And since you
had changed your name in the meantime, the research carried out by both of my friends came
to nothing. - But you, you succeeded where they failed, he concluded sarcastically. - I have
proof. I showed him the folder containing the adoption file, the police file, and the DNA tests. -
When you have these kinds of resources and possibilities, it's easy to tamper with the evidence.
He was only looking at me. I knew why. He suspected who I really was, but I hoped that by
observing Matthew better, he would see his resemblance to him. It was so obvious! But
strangely, no one was paying attention to my friend, all eyes were on me. It was a bad start, but
luckily the tattooed man, the only one who had really seen me, was absent. Maybe I had a hope
of convincing them. - Can't you see how he looks like you? Matthew hadn't made a move.
Intelligent, he had sensed the tension that had skyrocketed since our arrival in the living room.
He didn't move either when his father stood in front of him and looked him over from head to
toe. I watched with satisfaction the sarcasm and disdain fade from his face to give way to doubt
as he inspected him. When he riveted his gaze on Matthew again, one of the muscles at the
corners of his lips twitched. - Hmm… The clearing of his throat that diverted his attention came
from behind a tall blond guy. I couldn't see the person who issued it. Richard Harding walked
over to him and I just heard his voice, reacting to the whispers of him. - Are you sure? Then he
came back to us, walked around us to position our backs to the newcomer. - It was well tried,
but know, miss, that if I fight today, it is to avenge the death of my wife and my son. I don't see
the finality of your plan, but since the sun is still high in the sky, you will explain all this to us
before your little friends come here to slaughter us. Everything had turned upside down. They
thought we were in the vampires' pay and that we were going to deliver them to them. They
were right about me, but they were wrong about the fact that I was going to condone their death.
Matthew was the first to pull himself together. - But what are you talking about?! Are you crazy?!
I came to look for my father and I come across an insane man who threatens me and the one
who helped me find him. If you are my parent, I'm glad I was adopted! Come on Sam, let's get
out of here! He had taken my hand to leave, but I knew it was unnecessary. Sure enough, he
didn't have time to turn around because the tattooed man had come behind him and knocked
him out with a cuff on the back of his neck. I only had time to close my eyes when his huge fist
shot straight at my face. After that, nothing more.

* My arms ached horribly, not to mention the pain that radiated all over the left side of my face.
The blood must have been running, I could feel it on my skin. When I managed to look around, I
found that my field of vision was greatly narrowed due to my swollen left eye. I was suspended
in the air, a rope tying me to the ceiling by my wrists, my legs too high to touch the floor. The
lack of natural light made me suspect that I had been locked in a cellar. - Matthew… I called
immediately, panicking not to see him near me. - I'm here, Sam. His voice behind me was a
mixture of fear and anger. Phew! He was still alive. We were tied back to back. - You're okay? -
Aside from a headache and the rage at feeling powerless to get us out of this, I'm fine. And
you? - I got a punch in the face again… I said that to myself. I’d had my face hit enough times in
my life. I was fed up. - Again, you say. - Forget it… Have you been awake for a long time? - A
few minutes. I haven't seen anyone since. What is this madhouse? Who are all these people? I
didn't have time to answer. The door swung open, revealing Richard Harding, followed by the
tattooed man and the sixty-year-old woman. - No need to continue this little game. You will tell
us why the vampires sent you to scout and quickly… I cannot afford the luxury of waiting for you
to be talkative, so my friend here will share his arguments with you. striking in order to convince
you to answer my questions. Striking arguments… I was tired of being hit… - If you touch her, I
swear I'll cut you to pieces! Matthew roared. - Precisely, I intended to start with our new friend.
After all, you are the best person to tell us what we want to know, right? - I don't know what you
mean, I hissed. I had betrayed my employer to allow Matthew to meet his biological father
before he got up to his neck in trouble. However, I had no intention of going any further. They
could torture me; I wouldn't say anything to them that could harm the man I loved. I didn't have
to wait long. - KIND OF… I prefer the silence here over the insults that Matthew uttered when I
received a punch in the stomach that took my breath away. -… You are attacking a woman, you
cowards! Leave her, leave her alone! While my friend struggled with his bonds, a monumental
slap made me see thirty-six candles as I felt the acrid taste of blood in my mouth. - You work for
them! Harding insisted. Tell me what your orders are! What's their plan for us? Overcoming the
pain, I found the strength to answer him: - I didn't come on anyone's orders, I only came to help
a friend find his origins. Another blow landed to my stomach. My breathing became difficult, I
saw little white lights dancing in front of my eyes. I focused on Matthew's screams so as not to
pass out. - GARBAGE!! - I'm telling you the truth… I articulated painfully. Bruce Abard slapped
me again. - Stop this drama! We know perfectly well who you are and who you work for! I
followed you and the angel. We know you are tracking us. How can you, a human, associate
with a vampire?! You betray your race! You disgust me! - You are seriously ill! Sam is a
caregiver and takes care of his grandfather full time! Me, I am a restaurateur! There are only
frosty people like you to think you spawn with creatures from horror movies! He Ho!!! Vampires
don't exist, you've understood, or you must be a bunch of… My companion couldn't finish his
tirade, the blow he took in the face was so violent that it made him tilt his head back, shocking
me in passing. However, it wasn't enough to knock him unconscious. - Is that all you got in your
stomach, big man? he laughed. You can hit me as much as you want, you and your bunch of
animals, you will always remain madmen who missed their connection to the nearest asylum!
The tattooed man was going to strike again, I knew that. I was ready for anything, but not to let
my friend get beaten up for wanting to play a knight. - Stop! Richard Harding made a movement
of the hand to indicate to his accomplice to suspend his gesture. Then he stared at me. - I am
waiting, he said simply. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. - I told you the
truth earlier. He raised his hand as if to slap me. - Wait! I have not finished! He lowered it. The
moment of truth had come. - Phoenix doesn't know I'm came here. I acted without his consent.
Matthew cut me off. - Phoenix? But what are you talking about? Why should you ask your ex-
fiancé's permission to meet my family? Do not play their game, we do not have to submit to this
madness! - Your ex-fiancé? Harding wondered. - That's what I told him. Everyone in
Scarborough thinks I live with my crippled grandfather whom I care for, and whom no one has
ever seen. And that the vampire angel I work for is an ex-boyfriend that I haven't quite cut ties
with. There was a heavy silence. - But what are you talking about ... There was disbelief and a
touch of distress in those few words. - I made friends with the inhabitants of this city, especially
with Mr. Robertson here. When I saw how tormented he was about his past, I promised to help
him resume the search using the means provided by my job. It is by researching the past that I
was able to find you. I never suspected any connection between you two, until a few days ago. I
could not bring myself to report this discovery to Phoenix. I had made a promise to a friend.
Richard Harding stared at me gravely, trying to disentangle the truth from what I had told him. -
You're don’t really believe her, do you?!? cried Bruce. She's trying to smoke us out to save time
so her vampire buddies will all come here and gut us! Let's kill them and let's go and hide
elsewhere! He still said nothing. I decided to push my advantage. - I saw the doubt in your eyes
earlier when you looked at Matthew. You cannot ignore what has happened. Your reason may
not admit it, but your heart was not mistaken, it recognized the flesh of your flesh. Harding
glanced behind me. - Look at him! You know I am telling the truth. - If you don't shut her up,
Joachim, I'll take care of it myself! She's trying to get us by using your weak spot! You should
never have allowed him to come here anyway! said his accomplice, joining him. - Shut up,
Bruce! I’m trying to think. He abandoned us to face my friend. - Look at me. Another silence
ensued. - Those eyes… I recognize them… - I won't let you get us killed, Joachim! cried the
tattooed man, preparing to charge his superior, like a raging bull in a Spanish arena. As he
darted forward with all the rage in him, I waited for him to pass within my reach and used all the
flexibility gained during the long hours of training with my boss to toss my legs in the air and
close around his huge neck. The woman screamed for help as she ran up the stairs, while
Richard Harding drew a knife from his belt without knowing what to do with it. Thighs tightened
to the maximum, I struggled like crazy to stay in position despite the rather brutal attempts of my
victim to escape. I had let the anger run through my veins to give myself the strength to achieve
my ends and after a while my efforts were rewarded. The one who had wanted to throw himself
on Harding ceased to struggle and the lack of breath ended up collapsing to the ground, lifeless,
when I felt I could safely let go. Looking up, I saw that the latter was looking at me with a
bewildered air, as if I was a demon returned from the flames of hell. I thought his eye sockets
were going to pop out of his head. - It's okay, I didn't kill him! I grumble. With all of this, I was still
going to have to try to convince him that I wasn't trying to slaughter them all. - Your eyes! he
yelped, stepping back and dropping his knife. Fuck! He was going to believe that I was indeed a
demon with this damn coloring of my pupils! It had to come at the worst time! - Do not be afraid,
I am very human. I just have a little problem with my eyes. It does that to me from time to time.
Upset, Harding picked up his knife and walked over to me. - Hey! I told you that you have
nothing to fear from me! I panicked. You’re making a huge mistake! I told you the truth! I
couldn't help but close my eyes as he brandished the blade. And opened them again when I
saw that he had not stabbed me, but that he was cutting the rope that held me prisoner. I
watched him do it, mute in amazement. Released, I waited until Matthew was the same before
asking him: - Why? - Your eyes. – What about my eyes? I can't help it; I don't know where it
comes from and anyway, I don't see the connection with our situation. - I do. - Well I'm all ears! -
What are your parent's names? And I want an honest answer, not a fake name borrowed from
vampires! - My parents never had anything to do with vampires, so leave them out of this! -
Answer! Please. A simple order, I would have laughed at him. But something told me I had to
obey him. - Betty and Warren Watkins. He closed his eyes, his shoulders slumped. A great
crash ensued; the other members of the Circle had come to the rescue with guns. - Don't touch
them! cried Harding. He's my son… Finally, he wanted to recognize him! -… and here is
Vanessa's daughter! - What?!

Chapter X: At the origins of the Circle…

* Everyone froze in the room. It was as if the course of time had stopped to let us savor this
moment. Except that I didn't savor it, quite the contrary. - But what are you talking about?
Richard Harding approached me and stared at me for a long time. This inspection made me
uncomfortable, especially after what he had just thrown in my face. - There is no doubt. Age, the
physical appearance, that fire in the eyes… Everything matches. I heard shocked whispers
behind me. I didn't understand what was going on, I was completely lost. Seeking some
support, I approached Matthew. - But who are you? he said pulling away, his eyes aching and
accusing. I had braced myself for this feeling of betrayal the very instant I learned of his
relationship to the leader of the Circle of Mellindra. I wanted him to find out as late as possible,
but I suspected that by confronting them both, my true identity would come to light… and that he
would hate me for lying to him. I had experienced this with Angela the year before. However, the
fact that I saved her life, that after that I had almost died and that incidentally I had been at the
origin of her meeting with her great love, had contributed to her forgiveness. I was not deluding
myself with Matthew, it would be more complicated since I preferred the vampire who had been
assigned the mission to hunt down the only survivor of his family. Still, I had hoped that my help
in his search for his origins would work in my favor. Looking at his face, I could easily tell that
regaining his confidence would be difficult, if not impossible. The lump that formed in my throat
silenced me. - I can answer that question ... My attention and that of my neighbor were again
focused on Richard Harding. - I was not aware of the existence of vampires until I met my wife.
One day she taught me that her ancestors, Russian traders, had decided to create an army that
would destroy them. Their name was chosen in memory of the one who had been murdered by
one of them, her death having started everything. You know who I'm talking about, don't you? I
nodded. - Mellindra Malovich. I glanced sideways at Matthew. He had shuddered when I
confessed my knowledge of a situation beyond him. I realized that part of him still hoped that
this was all a bad joke and that I was the Samantha Stratford who had become his friend a year
before. Poor… - As this war had caused many deaths on both sides, a truce had been
decided… I knew this part of the story, Harding was telling it for Matthew, who despite the
incongruity of these revelations, was all ears. -… especially thanks to the vampire leaders'
promise to impose a new mode of consumption of human blood which would definitively exclude
murders from the equation in countries sufficiently scientifically equipped to undermine the
secret of their existence. The Circle of Mellindra accepted these terms on condition that this
Great Change, as they called it, be applied with the greatest firmness. That was the case, until a
little over thirty years ago… He shook his head as if to push back the horrible memories that
had come to the surface. - Two years before the wave of disappearances that shook all of
Kerington, we had met a young woman. It was my turn to shudder; the course of history took on
an aspect which was unknown to me and which terrified me by what it supposed. - Her name
was Vanessa Kane, she had moved right next to us and had found a job as a switchboard
operator in a small box in the North Quarter. She didn't bond easily, but my wife, Emily (a smile
crossed her lips as she spoke her name), found the words. We have become friends. One day,
Emily complimented her on the beauty of her dark eyes, admiring their depth and above all, that
strange red tint that you could see when looking at her closely. Immediately, Vanessa got up
and ran away from the house, as if she had the devil on the trail… I had stiffened so much while
listening to this story that I felt my muscles protesting with indignation behind my back. I held my
breath, waiting for a second that I was sure would end in losing me in this nightmare. I felt on
my neck the gaze of my friend, who anything but stupid, had like me made the connection
between the eyes of this woman and mine. - Fearing that she had hurt her, Emily went to find
her. When she came home next, upset, I asked her if she was okay. She reassured me by
telling me that it was Vanessa's confidences that had turned her over. Indeed, she had ended
up confiding in her and had revealed to her that she was the last representative of a line that
should have been exterminated centuries before. Prior, two of her French ancestors living in the
Middle Ages had been transformed into vampires and something in their blood had made them
incredibly more powerful than their congeners. Power having gone to their heads, they wanted
to rule over the night world and staged a coup d'etat. I don't know exactly how many there are,
but I do know that the vampire leaders had to harness all their might and that of many of their
men to overcome it. So that this does not happen again, it was decided to annihilate all the heirs
of the traitors as well as all those having a tiny family tie with them. They thought they would
save themselves from the danger of a new generation, more powerful still, but what they did not
know was that their biological father, at the origin of this hereditary genetic anomaly, had had a
child out of wedlock. with one of his maids. The latter knew what had become of his two sons
and seeing the massacre of unexplained deaths in his family, he suspected what would happen.
He then told everything to his mistress and gave her something to escape and live comfortably
very far from here. She begged him to come with her, but he knew that by doing so, he would
only lead the vampires to his little girl. He therefore refused and perished like all those of his
family. This secret was passed on to each generation, each warning the next about the risks of
encountering even one vampire aware of their particularity. Some decided that it was better not
to have children in this crazy world and little by little the lineage died out. Vanessa knew she
was the last… The last in a line that stood out from the rest by the color of the eyes of its
members… Harding looked at me. - Eyes as dark as night, at the bottom of which a glowing fire
awaits only a spark of anger to set everything ablaze. Without saliva in my mouth, I couldn't
even swallow. I was on the verge of fainting. - In turn, we told her about the Circle of Mellindra
and its mission. It was as if we were introducing her to Santa Claus, Vanessa wanted to join her.
She was tired of living with fear in her stomach, she wanted to fight. Emily took fighting lessons.
But she preferred to stop when she found out that she was expecting our first child, a son.
Vanessa, on the contrary, was insatiable and her progress increased as her hatred towards
those who had made her life hell grew. Emily gave her a necklace which then became our
symbol: the moon in black, assailed by the invincible rays of the sun to symbolize the power of
light over shadow-creatures… - She met other people who had lost a loved one because of
drinkers of blood and convinced them to form a new Circle. Emily, who had been immersed in
these stories since her youth, fervently helped her. Vanessa was so obsessed with her desire
for revenge that she spared no efforts, even when she found out that she was pregnant. - Our
son, William, arrived just as the wave of killings began. Thanks to the records of Emily's parents,
we knew the signs, which let us know that the vampires were behind it all. We thought we were
big enough to face them, like vigilantes protecting humanity from a deadly threat. But we made
several mistakes which, after a few months, allowed them to trace our trail. When several of our
people were killed with their whole family in the fire in their house, we realized that we had been
discovered and that it would be little time before we were found and exterminated to the last. As
we were about to leave, Vanessa started having contractions. We couldn't risk taking her to the
hospital and Emily didn't want to abandon her. We asked the Collinses to help her deliver her
baby, both being doctors. I was afraid the vampires would find us before we could escape. It
was the case besides… An hour after the childbirth, Vanessa felt bad. In case, she returned
Emily the necklace she had been given. She asked the Collinses to take the child and go and
hide in a small town, under a false identity. She thought I was out of the room too when my wife
went to get some clean laundry, but I just went to William's room to check if he was still
sleeping. I heard her make them promise to raise her daughter like she was their blood,
protecting her from vampires. She knew she was dying. They swore to her to take care of the
child and in case she survived, revealed to her that they were planning to start their life over in
Pembroke, under the name Watkins… I was going to throw up, everything was revolving around
me! Blood was pounding against my temples, my head seemed about to explode. I didn't need
a mirror to know that my skin must have turned green at the end of his sentence, the nausea
that plagued me was proof enough. My hands were shaking without my having any control over
them and the cold that lived in me had nothing to do with the winter temperatures. The last
straw was to feel Matthew's hands on my shoulders, I hadn't heard him approach. - Shit? he
whispered. The worry in this request could have reassured me, he had not completely drawn
the line on our friendship, otherwise he would have let me collapse to the floor without lifting a
finger. But I was too bad to rejoice, too desperate, too… there were no words to say how
devastating these revelations were. Richard Harding saw my reaction, but continued: - The
Collins gone, we prepared for departure. When this racing car arrived just as we were getting
into the car, we knew it was too late. Vanessa, who was still on the steps, pulled out a gun and
yelled at us to run away before she started shooting. The last time I saw her, she was facing her
killer, gun in hand. I learned later that the remains of a charred corpse had been found in the
ashes of our burnt house ... My tears were streaming down my cheeks, my heart, crushed by
the images that formed in my head, was pierced with thousands of white-hot blades. - The
vampire then chased us on foot, Vanessa must have punctured his car tires with her bullets. No
matter how fast we were going, we couldn't shake it off. At one point, we haven't seen him
anymore. We knew it was a respite. I took Emily and William out into a dark, creepy alleyway as
a distraction. I drove for an hour and thought I was dying of joy when I saw that he was no
longer following me, but when I retraced my steps, there was no one there. I looked everywhere
and ended up finding a puddle of blood a little further down the alley. It didn't take a lot of my
imagination to guess what had happened. The vampire had lost interest in me to attack the
people who were dearest to me in the world. (He closed his eyes, his voice husked) So I did the
right thing, I disappeared to prepare my revenge. It worked, for the vampires and the police I
was dead with my family, for some executed, for others reduced to ashes in my house. There
was a silence, then he went on: - I don't know if Emily suffered, I prefer to say to myself that no.
And until now, I thought my William had accompanied her to Heaven. I never thought Vanessa
Kane's daughter would bring him back alive. He looked at me with emotion. - I've been looking
for you, Betty and Warren. I looked for you in Pembroke, but I couldn't find you. Where have you
been? In a blank voice, I replied: - To Kentwood. - Kentwood… So close… They did well, it's too
small a town to attract bloodsuckers. Needless to say that a crazy vampire named Engara lived
there in the days of slavery and that if she had known that I had unknowingly contributed to her
breakup with Phoenix, she would have killed me by the time that I was living there. But why was
I thinking of her at such a time? - I need some fresh air, I feel very bad… I said in a barely
audible whisper. I thought for a moment that our spectators were going to block my passage. It
was without counting on Richard Harding. - Let her pass. It's not every day that we learn that we
are working for those who murdered our mother… These words took effect immediately. I flew
more than I ran towards the garden, and after the first gulp of air, I rushed towards the hedge to
pour out all the contents of my stomach. I had come to allow Matthew to find meaning in his life
and what had I gained? The collapse of everything I believed in, everything that had forged me
as an individual. Everything I knew or thought I knew had been blown away in a minute and I
had nothing left… Phoenix wouldn't forgive me for failing to tell him about my discovery of the
Circle of Mellindra, Matthew was going to hate me for helping vampires to track down his father
and hide my true identity from him. But besides, who was I, in fact? I had so many names that
there was frankly something to get lost in. Samantha Jones, Samantha Stratford, Samantha
Watkins, Samantha Kane. The ones I took to be my parents, the ones who had taught me
everything, who had passed on all these values of kindness and honesty to me… actually had
more than one corpse in their closet. That of my real mother among others ... My mother ...
Betty Watkins was a sweet and caring woman who never failed to take advantage of her free
time to make me discover books, exhibitions, films that would open my mind and make of me a
cultivated person and interested in everything that surrounded me. My dad loved carrying me on
his shoulders when we all went to the Williamsburg Amusement Park on Sundays together.
They were adorable. But in light of what I had just heard, some pieces of the puzzle fell into
place and made me realize that some of their behaviors towards me were not normal. They
didn't like seeing me hanging out with other kids when I was little and as a teenager, my father
found every pretext to prevent me from going out after sunset. It was the main reason for my
lonely existence. I had never held it against them because I had always thought that being their
only child (born late since my mother was forty years old when I was born), they wanted to
make the most of their role as loving parents before I took over. my solo flight. Little did I know
that in reality they had done so to save me from a threat so terrible that they lived in fear of
being discovered every day. If they only knew! They had incubated me so well that I knew
nothing of my true origins and that by accident, I found myself working for those who dreamed
of murdering them, the last straw was that I had nothing better than to fall head over heels in
love with one of the members of this species. The story was that it was Ichimi who stalked my
birth mother, but it could very well have been Phoenix… My God… If it had been otherwise, I
would have loved my mother's murderer! Another spasm seized me and forced me to
regurgitate the little that remained in my stomach. I was living a horrible nightmare! Why did I
have to persist where Matthew had failed years ago? If I hadn't helped him, I might never have
known any of this! I knew moping like this was childish. Better to know the truth and accept it
than to live in ignorance of what was. My mother had sacrificed herself to save me from vampire
brutality. From up there, she must have hated me for having forged bonds of friendship with
them, love even for one of theirs, to the point that I had not hesitated to block my body with the
silver blade that should have kill him last year. My foster parents too must have been mortified
to see this turn of events, ruining all their efforts to protect me from a world they thought they
had fled forever. The stream of bitter tears didn't seem to want to dry up and I stood there,
dazed, kneeling before bushes and a puddle of vomit, in the sunny garden of the man who had
sworn revenge on the race that had everything to him. taken: his wife, his son, his friends,
starting with my own mother, whose only wrong to vampires had been to be born. I don't know
how long I lay prostrate in the green grass, nor when the crying had stopped. After a while, my
consciousness resurfaced to remind me that the hours were passing by and that I couldn't go on
forever in this position. Phoenix had to go to Talanus and wouldn't necessarily be waiting for me
at sunset, but not seeing me coming back, he would use satellite geo-location to find me using
my cell phone now that he understood how it worked. , and he would not fail to come here
where he was not at all welcome. My practical sense therefore managed to make its way
through the desolate landscape that my feelings had become and allowed me to stand up,
ready to once again face the Circle of Mellindra, as well as the secret finally discovered, of my

* When I entered Richard Harding's living room again, I put my emotions aside and asked to
see him. I had never been alone at any time. Throughout my painful introspection, I had been
watched by members of the Circle from a respectful distance. Returned inside, I refused to
speak to anyone, saving my strength to discuss my release with their leader. Anyway, no one
had tried to strike up the slightest conversation with me, all remaining grouped at the other end
of the room, far enough away so that I could not catch their words, without sparing the trouble of
hide, by their suspicious looks, that they concerned me. I waited another hour before someone
decided to go get the one, I was waiting for. I had seen the tension of my jailers increase as the
day waned and their furtive glances at the clock had not escaped me. Only, it was not relief that
I felt when the messenger returned from the room accompanied by another person, but
weariness and anger. Bruce Abard was facing me, his eyes still bloodshot from the treatment I
had given him, and all the muscles in his arms protruding, ready to use against me. - You! You
will pay for that! he roared, walking towards me. I was not tied up, I was no longer shocked by
the revelation of my origins, and I was in a bad mood. His behavior had made me certain that it
was he who must have murdered Kiro and his family. Harding hadn't had the courage to hurt me
with his knife in the cellar earlier, and the rest of the Circle seemed far too timid to commit such
a killing. My instinct was telling me that Bruce was the only one here whose hatred surpassed
the fear of vampires. It could only be him. He was going to pay it. My fight with Hedayat had
reassured me about my abilities in the face of a vampire so I was not afraid of this brute, even if
with his strength, he could have folded me in half without difficulty. He underestimated me, I
didn't. Fueled by his momentum, he didn't react quickly enough when I dodged him and gave
me an opportunity I wouldn't have let pass for in the world. With all my might, I slammed my fist
in his face, knowing full well that it wouldn't be enough to knock him unconscious, at most to
destabilize it. In doing so successfully, it was his turn to receive a cuff on the back of his neck,
which, perfectly performed, left him unconscious, slumped on the floor for good. More and more
irritated, I stepped over it without the slightest remorse to return to sit on the sofa. - I'm starting
to lose my patience. Where's your boss? I asked in a brittle and aggressive voice to the
paralyzed assembly which stared at me, speechless, without daring to take any action to punish
myself for having injured their companion. - I'm here. I turned around. I hadn't realized he was
there or Matthew was at his side, as they had entered the room through another door, behind
my back. The latter looked at me as if he saw me for the first time, a glimmer of disappointment
and fear in his hazel eyes. - We heard Bruce and we were afraid he would kill you. I see that
these apprehensions were unfounded. Still angry, I answered him, pointing to the waste at my
feet: - My employer taught me to defend myself. Sadly, our human friends he killed weren't so
lucky. - What are you talking about? he asked, genuinely surprised. - I'm talking about the three
innocent people he murdered with gunshots! Phoenix is right that vampires don't have a
monopoly on savagery! There was so much blood that it looked like a slaughterhouse! You say
you want to preserve humans, but how could you condone such a butchery? - I never allowed
Bruce to murder humans! he defended himself. - Well, you didn't make yourself understood!
They were two harmless septuagenarians and their twenty-two-year-old granddaughter, who
knew nothing about it! Horrified murmurs were heard behind my back. He seemed as shocked
as his companions. - I would never have condoned such an infamy… Suddenly, the anger
disappeared. It relieved me to learn that the Circle had not chosen barbarism to achieve its
ends. Maybe there was a real chance then… Matthew put on the somber look of someone who
had seen too much or heard too much as he stared at me. I did not allow myself the luxury of
dwelling on the opinion that my friend must have of me, I had to get out of here as soon as
possible. The sun was setting in a few minutes. - I have to go, I said, without transition. Richard
Harding raised his eyebrows, almost failing to laugh at the ineptitude I had dared to utter. - No
way. I had expected his refusal, but I was determined. - You prefer my boss to show up here in
the next hour? - If he comes, we'll have a hostage: you. This time it was my turn to laugh. -
Because you really think he cares so much about me, especially knowing that I betrayed him? -
William… well… Matthew taught me that there was surely more than a simple professional bond
between you two. I gave the person responsible for this accusation a dark look, which he
returned, squaring his shoulders. - Matthew is not entirely impartial and his emotions cloud his
judgment. Richard Harding watched each other during our silent encounter again. He must have
realized that he hadn't been told everything about the two of us, but he was enlightened enough
to change the subject. This one would get nowhere, as it always had been. - Okay, let's start
again. You understand that I cannot let you leave again at the risk that what I told you did not
open your eyes a little and that you would reveal everything about us to the one who has
wanted us all dead for thirty years. Although on a certain side, I would love to see this angel
come here so that we kill him faster than expected. Horrified, I cried out. - You want to kill him? -
Yes of course! Him and all his kind, those who have taken loved ones from us! - But Phoenix
has nothing to do with the one who killed your loved ones! Everyone fell silent in the room.
Harding gave me a piercing look. - And how can you find out? I took a deep breath. - I know
who it is. His name was Ichimi Ritsuye… - His name was? - He is dead. New whispers arose
behind me. The news had also struck him with a disappointed air which made me suspect him
of having long dreamed of how he would take revenge on him. - How? 'Or' What? - He was
executed by the Greats. - Do I have to pull the worms out of your nose? Tell me more! - Do you
remember the disappearances last year? - Yes, that's why I re-founded the Circle with Bruce
(he pointed to the human rug at my feet) and Theodora. He lost his brother, and she… (he
closed his eyes for a second at the memory of the second woman he had loved, also tragically
dead), his mother. We understood that it was starting again. - We were tasked with Phoenix to
end it, but because it was taking too long, the vampire leaders came in person to speed up the
process. My superiors almost left their heads there, but we ended up finding the culprit thanks to
a stroke of luck. He was the man who had been sent to settle the Circle issue thirty years ago. A
heavy silence settled in the room. I had to convince them to let me finish what I had committed
to before I found them. This war was in vain, vampires and humans could live side by side
without killing each other. Earlier in the garden, I had understood one thing. If my adoptive
parents hadn't moved to Pembroke and had chosen an insignificant little town like Kentwood, it
was that they didn't really want to be found by their old friends. They had done everything to
break away from their old existence, starting by changing their profession. I couldn't explain it,
but I was convinced at that moment that even before Ichimi's hunt against them, they had
wanted to give up this uncertain fight. - Did you contribute to his downfall? Although his question
surprised me, I nodded positively. It seemed that the fact that I, the daughter of his missing
friend, had allowed him to undergo the worst tortures before being beheaded, relieved him
somewhat. - Phoenix also tried to save Theodora when this vampire slit her throat. Harding
stared at me intently, his eye aching, but I had to be honest until the end. - This trap was pure
madness; your friend wasn't trained enough and that's what lost her. It was too late, his revenge
only ended with his own death. Faced with this accusation, he stood up, staring at me angrily. -
You say you want to join the vampires after everything I've told you about us? On your mother?
It didn't do anything to you. I chased away the pain as quickly as it appeared. Combining the
rejection of Phoenix, my departure from Scarborough and the truth about my parentage, I had
enough to suffer for the rest of my life and beyond, so nothing to play the righters of wrong! -
Say it again and I will take care of your case personally, without needing any vampire angel…
Matthew was stunned by the venomous and deadly dangerous tone I had used to threaten his
father, who betrayed real apprehension by wincing slightly. My pupils must have taken on that
dark red hue again, so disturbing and so uplifting to my state of mind. I wasn't kidding. - I've
always been honest with you. I don't want you to get slaughtered, but that's what will inevitably
happen if you don't let go of the one person standing up for you against the vampires. Stung to
the quick, Harding lifted his head. - We don't need your concern; we are better prepared than
last time. I sneered. - Ah yes? So how do you explain that I, a simple human, managed to get
my hands on you, knowing that acting on my own account, I did not have all the resources
available to those who are tracking you? You are kidding yourself exactly as you were thirty
years ago. It seems like it didn't serve as a lesson to you! It was his turn to lose his temper. Red
with anger, Harding brandished an accusing finger in my direction. - My mother knew exactly
what to expect when she started this business, just like your wife and my foster parents! Why do
you think they didn't settle in Pembroke, eh? They didn't want to start a new cycle of hate by
your side, they didn't want to take the life of a baby, me! in danger! You are all so blinded by the
desire for revenge that you don't even think about the collateral damage! I had turned to show
him the children barely ten years old who, terrified, clung to their parents. - You, you may not
consider it, but look at these people! (I pointed my finger at the silent assembly behind us) They
are scared because they know that you are no match against vampires! You may have
managed to eliminate three of them, but there is really nothing to claim victory! The first one
managed to cut your accomplice's throat before he died, the other two were poor guys who
wouldn't have hurt a fly and whom you only managed to kill while they slept. Those who are
going to chase you will be of a different caliber, you can believe me! You are headed for
massacre unless you come to your senses and accept my help! Shaken by the correctness of
my arguments, Harding looked in turn at each of his friends, seeking support in them he
shouldn't have begged for. All were there of their own free will. Still, he had to face the evidence
of the exhausted and worry-wracked faces… He looked at Matthew then. - What do you
suggest, Sam? the latter asked me in a sharp voice, but without hatred. - To negotiate. More
whispers were heard, but my attention was exclusively devoted to whoever would make that
decision. - Negotiate with these monsters? They will put us to sleep with nice words before
killing us until the last! - I told you that I convinced them otherwise! His stubbornness made me
impatient. - How you, a simple human, would have any influence with their leaders? - They are
not as bad as you think! They are ready to negotiate if it can restore the status quo. - I can't
believe it… His whisper betrayed his indecision. I had to push my advantage further. - Are you
not tired of living in fear, with death lurking at you every second? Don't you want to turn the
page and enjoy the happiness of having found your son without having to look behind you? -
The Circle of Mellindra has a noble mission! We cannot abandon it! I was gaining ground, his
determination faltering. - No one will ask you! The Greats are as concerned as you are about
stopping the murders of humans in order to keep their existence secret. Why not work together?
- Work with vampires?! You are going crazy! he rebelled. I had to find a way to convince him
definitively. - I'm not talking about an official partnership, but rather a strategic understanding.
You have the same goal, communicate to achieve a satisfactory result on both sides. If either
party breaks their word, you can always pick up this war where you left off. - The murders last
year… -… are dreadful and their perpetrators have been amply punished, I interrupted. But
these were only a minority of rebels who sought only power. Unfortunately, there will always be
some, so let's not hide the fact. Yet the vampires are already in charge of eliminating them to
meet the commitments established with the Great Change. - A Great Change which does not
apply everywhere in the world. - Rome was not built in a day! I replied. I'll be honest with you. I
am horrified by the violence and brutality that this species can engender, and I wish the death of
any vampire who attacks a human being… But they are not all monsters… The Greats try to
reform their society and even if the Great Change is not universal, at least it has the merit of
existing. And I know that many vampires firmly believe that they can cohabit peacefully with
men. It will be your role, as leader of the new Circle of Mellindra, to prove it. I finished my
feverish speech by grabbing his hands. - Betty and Warren Watkins not only raised and loved
me, they also taught me that there is no point in living resentful of what has been, and that it is
better to move on to forge the happiness of what will be. I don't know if it was my words or the
glance, he couldn't help but give Matthew that convinced him. As a lonely tear rolled down his
cheek, Richard Harding pulled me to him to hug me to his heart. Caught off guard, I did not
struggle and waited for the end of the embrace along with the verdict to come. - What do you
think, my son? he said into the crook of my shoulder. - As much as this is shocking to me (I
stiffen), I think you can trust her. Finally, as far as I'm concerned -- that's another story. No need
to paint me a picture, he was mad at me and let me know. Harding stepped aside to look at the
rest of the Circle. - And all of you? The sixty-year-old couple walked forward hand in hand, the
husband spoke. 'I've been living for forty years, waiting for the day when I will lay hands on the
one who killed my sister, Violetta. But I'm tired of inflicting my quest for revenge on my wife,
never being able to assure her that I am reaching my goal. If we negotiate with the vampires, do
you think justice can be done for our missing loved ones? I think about what to say. I didn't want
to lie to them. I was just a human assistant and my influence with Talanus was limited to the
somewhat twisted feelings I inspired in his mate (at the thought, something nagged at me that I
couldn't identify). As for the grown-ups, it was not because they had offered to work for them
that I should feel myself growing wings. For Egire and the others, I was just an object of
curiosity. However, if I presented it to them well, they could only see its good side; if the
vampires themselves were doing the humans justice by punishing those who would only
consider them traveling snacks, there would be no more to worry about a new war with the
Circle of Mellindra. And everyone would be happy. - There could only be advantages. I think
they would accept. The old man continued. - I want it to stop. I don't want to live like this
anymore. The other people in the room looked at each other, then the mother of the two little
ones stepped forward next to the old man. - We agree. Hatred has infected generations like this
enough. I've been watching the vampire world since I was fourteen, when my grandparents told
me that my ancestors had perished in the first Circle War. I don't want to do this to my kids. No
one wants it anymore… I only noticed that my heart was racing in my chest. I would have
thought I had to leave by force, I realized with amazement that my arguments had hit the mark
and that they were in fact only the echo of what these people had felt for a long time and that
they did not dared not admit to themselves. "Bruce will never agree to this deal," said a small
voice that I associated with that of the young woman in her twenties who had not yet spoken. I
looked at the man who was still lying unconscious at my feet. She was right, everything about
him, from his build to his tattoos and his demeanor, breathed anger and a desire for revenge.
He would do his best to put a damper on me. However, it was no longer my responsibility. - It
will be up to you to convince him. I have full confidence in my employer, I can guarantee you
that he will not do you any harm during the negotiations. However, he will not hesitate to defend
himself if he senses a trap or a threat coming. "We are taking Bruce away and we agree to give
you a chance to restore the peace," said Harding. But you understand that no matter how well
you have the best intentions, we can't be sure your superiors won't suddenly change their mind.
We will go into hiding. Hope I am not making a huge mistake in placing my trust in you. - I
understand, it's reasonable. But you can be sure of one thing, I will not betray you. It was true.
No matter how much I loved Phoenix more than anything, I was human first. These people had
had their bad luck and wanted to turn the page. I would rather die than take them to their doom.
- Very well. In this case, do what you have to do. He stepped aside to give me free access to
the door. On the porch, I turned around. - Matthew… - You have things to do, he interrupted me
sharply. As he turned his back to me so as not to see me, and before I rushed towards
Scarborough, I could only whisper these words to him: - I'm sorry.

* I had been on the road for about fifteen minutes, my foot pressed on the accelerator despite
the risk of meeting the police, and despite the little luck I had of finding my boss at home on my
return. He had been summoned to Kerington and would not return to the castle immediately. I
was going to have to take my pain patiently and take the opportunity to carefully determine what
words I was going to use to tell him what had happened to me. I had seen him in an
indescribable state of fury before and just thinking about his reaction when I heard that I had
betrayed him, I was already nauseous. I suspected that he would follow the logic of my
arguments and that he would try to convince Talanus and Ysis, who in their turn, should do the
same with the Greats. He seemed convinced that the war with the Circle of Mellindra had to
end. Still, I wondered what reaction he would have when I told him that if it had been otherwise,
I could have been a part of it. Indeed, If I hadn't been adopted by the Watkins, uh… Collins
(anyway!), I would have stayed with my mom or with the Balders. So many things would have
been turned upside down… I would have grown up with Matthew, I would never have met
Phoenix… unless it was to kill us. How would he react knowing that I was the daughter of a
woman who had sworn to prevent vampires from making her life hell, by murdering them? How
would he react knowing that through Vanessa Kane, I was the sole survivor of a cursed lineage,
eradicated because of the power concealed in a blood capable of threatening the balance of
power in everyone of the night? As I was immersed in these reflections, the same weird and
unpleasant feeling that had nagged at me at Joachim Balder / Richard Harding crept into my
mind, obscuring everything else. Why did the idea of my origins being known to my employer
suddenly make me so uncomfortable? After all, it would be a shock to Phoenix, but in
comparison, he would be more hurt if I had hidden my discovery of the Mellindra Circle from him
out of respect for Matthew. What was wrong with that? And then the light came on. Without
taking the time to think any longer, I made a U-turn so brutal that the car's tires once smoked on
the right side. I then stomped on the accelerator to set off with a bang for my destination,
Kerington, where the confrontation I was about to throw myself into with my head down could
cost me my life.

* Parked in front of one of the villas in the highly secure neighborhood in which the most
important vampire nest in the region was located, I walked as fast as my heels allowed me
towards the entrance gate where several of its members stood guard, gun in hand. I didn't need
to identify myself because I was recognized and immediately let through. I don't know if it was
because of the huge black eye that disfigured me or because of the apocalyptic aura of rage
that crackled around me that none of the guards, though usually gracious, no one stopped,
questioned, or tried to approach me. I had the impression of having bridged the two hundred
meters between the street and the villa in the blink of an eye, so much my furious step gave me
wings. Nothing existed around me except my goal, from which I would not let myself be diverted
under any circumstances. In fact, I ignored the dumbfounded looks of the vampires who strayed
from my path, pointing their fingers at me, just as I didn't bother to point out that by thus giving
me priority on the way to the room. hearing in Phoenix's absence was that they showed me a
consideration and respect that I never imagined before. I should have been happy, but I was too
upset to care. The distance from my goal was getting smaller and I wouldn't mind knocking out
anyone who got in my way. My heels clicked so well on the ground echoing my step, that all I
could hear was that, the other noises being reduced to irrelevant buzzes. My heart raced when I
finally made it to the double doors of the enormous lead doors of the courtroom, left open to
welcome all the vampires in the time Talanus and Ysis were willing to give them. Besides… -
YOU KNEW! My angry voice thundered throughout the room, silencing an older and more
powerful assembly than I ever would be. I had passed the line of those who were waiting to
voice their grievances to direct me towards the person on whom I had directed all the anger that
threatened to explode out of me at any moment. Talanus, as astonished as the rest of the
audience, was the first to recover and with all his frightening stature looked at me with a deadly
glint in his eyes. - How dare you, human, to present here without the slightest respect for
protocol and in a tone that I would not even accept from one of my brethren?! I felt behind my
back that everyone was shrinking. The devastating anger of this Roman general was
incomparable, it was known… until today. At that moment, I had nothing to envy him for the
aura of demonic fury. Without paying the slightest interest to him, or to Phoenix, the latter
already coming in my direction, I fixed again with a black gaze tinged with red, the one who was
staring at me without showing the slightest emotion. "I knew that moment would come," she said
calmly. She stood up, with all the presence and charisma of an Egyptian queen. - Follow me.
Without a word, I followed suit and followed her to a door that led to an anteroom giving access
to her apartments. - Not you. I didn't have to look behind to know that she had just slammed the
door in the face of my boss, whose presence I had sensed, and the blue eyes behind my back.
Ysis took me to one of her boudoirs and made sure no one was nearby before closing the
doors. I didn't wait for her permission to sit on the couch, but my total refusal to comply with
protocol or her authority didn't seem to formalize it. "Tell me what you know," she said, sitting
down on one of the chairs opposite. - I found out why my eyes were turning red with emotion. I
had been wondering what my problem was for quite a while since my parents had never worn
glasses and had hawkish eyesight. In fact, it was a hereditary problem, except that I could not
know it before since I believed that the people who had raised me were my true parents! Yep, I
was adopted. I can tell you that it shocked me to learn it… But that is nothing… Can you
imagine that I don't know anything about my father, however, my mother is very interesting from
all points of view. She descends from a line of humans whose blood, if transformed into a
vampire, has as many devastating properties as Attila the King of the Huns shot on dopamine!
Ysis could not hold back a smile, I had forgotten that she had known Attila. In short! - Suddenly,
she, like all those who preceded her, were persecuted and murdered so that such a scourge
never reappears on earth. And I, ignoring all this, I literally throw myself in the mouth of the wolf
by having me hired against my will by the very people who have sworn the loss of all those who
would be born with this blood in them, and therefore, who have sworn my loss! You said during
our meeting that you had already encountered eyes like mine. I know enough about your
practices to say that you did a little investigation of me and it didn't take you long to find out that
the Watkins weren't my real parents! The question I'm asking myself now is why you and the
Greats didn't kill me as soon as you realized who I was? I caught my breath, which brought a
new smile to the perfect lips of my listener. Her calm annoyed me tremendously. - I find it hard
to recognize the weak and fearful creature that Phoenix presented to us last year. You have
changed a lot. I must say that you impress me. I didn't care for her compliments, I wanted an
explanation and now. Seeing in my closed face that her words had no effect on me, she
continued: - Let me be clear, I don't know anything about your mother. I actually understood by
looking you in the eyes, when we met, that you were a descendant of those who had wanted to
use their extraordinary powers to bend the night world to their will. I got confirmation of this
when I read your mind as you remembered the change in color of your pupils, when Phoenix
healed your stomach injury. You should know that few of us know this part of our history and are
careful not to fan it. The Greats are an institution essential to the balance of our community so if
some are starting to think that they are vulnerable… In short, it started in France, in the Middle
Ages. I was on site for an assembly of sector heads chaired by the Greats in person, Talanus
was traveling to Spain. The De Castelcourt brothers were the sons of the lord of the same
name. They were transformed at the start of the Hundred Years War, but they did not accept to
live in hiding from humans. When they realized their incredible potential, they killed their master
and imposed themselves as tyrants in the region. Very quickly, their human subjects were no
longer sufficient for them and they wanted more. When they found out that those running the
vampire world were a few miles away, they stepped forward and attacked us. (Incredibly, Ysis
shudders, her eyes dark at the memories) I have seen remarkable things in my long existence,
Samantha Watkins, but their powers… and their ferocity… were beyond comprehension. The
guards were dropping like flies and some of the most powerful sector leaders of the day, who
could have become Greats in a few centuries, died there. It took us to a coordinated attack with
all the might of the Greats to overcome these two demons. And again… out of our ten leaders,
three died: one reduced to dust by the flames of hell which issued from the palms of the elder
brother, the others, beheaded by the younger, the most powerful, of his simple will. Telekinesis
is the most feared power among mine, it is so rare that we can count on the fingers of one hand
those who have had it since our creation. And they never lived long enough to enjoy it, as if they
were cursed ... Still, we had come close to disaster. In the emergency, three new Greats were
appointed, chosen from among the wisest vampires in the world, spreading the rumor that their
predecessors had abdicated to retire to a secret place. Everyone who witnessed this surge of
violence has taken an oath never to tell anyone. Even Talanus doesn't know. As for humans, it
was decided to eliminate all threats and put pressure on the population to hold their tongue as
well. It shocked them so much that they made no difficulty and banned this episode from
collective memory. Regarding your interview with the Greats last year, Egire is the one who
approached you closest, but he did not witness these events, which is why he did not report the
red tint in the depths of your eyes, he had never seen it. The red is less intense in your eyes,
you really have to look at them closely to see the flame behind them. Luckily, it sure saved your
life. She paused, waiting for some reaction from me. I was shocked. I only knew part of the story
and learning the ins and outs of it from the very mouth of someone who was there was enough
to upset anyone. - Why are you protecting me? Ysis had always been ambiguous in her
behavior towards me, showing herself alternately intractable or downright ultra-protective. She
had gotten into a rage when Phoenix left his mark on me and never allowed Talanus to punish
me for all my wrongdoing. Ysis gave me a benevolent smile. - Because of all, you were chosen.
This simple sentence, spoken without emphasis or frills, froze me. It was exactly what the voice
told me after my accident, when I was on the verge of death. - How? 'Or' What…? I stammered,
upset. I had confided in Phoenix about it, but I trusted him, I knew he would not repeat my
secret. Moreover, until this moment, I still harbored the hope that it was all a hallucination. That
it was taken up almost word for word by a prescient vampire was not a coincidence. - I only
know what the Night whispers to me. She told me that you were important even though I don't
know how, and that I had to make sure nothing happened to you. She also told me to let you
follow your path without interfering until you were ready to join her. - Join her? I will die? I cried,
horrified. - In a way, yes. - Huh? Seriously Ysis, I'm not in the mood to hear you speak in
riddles, so make an effort. - She wants you to join us. I remained dumbfounded. Lethalée
wanted me to become a vampire? I thought back to the horrible pain that had consumed me
when I fell asleep over the story of poor Joan of Arc. - No way! I said aggressively. - Don't you
want to bring down the last obstacle that separates you from Phoenix? And it was off again… -
What you're saying doesn't make sense. And then I don't want to become one of you in any
way. I care about life. - But you could be eternal… And live forever with the idea of not being
good enough for the man of my dreams? - I am not interested. Ysis raised his eyebrows. -
Strange… - Not that much considering that it was yours who destroyed my family and that you
and Talanus were responsible for my mother's death. I had said that without hate. Ysis looked
at me in amazement. - Sorry? - Thirty years ago, you ordered the destruction of the Second
Circle of Mellindra. Ichimi was happy to take on this task. He killed my mother before he burned
her body. There was a silence. Tense. - We didn't give this order out of heart, you can believe
me. But we had no choice, to preserve the balance. At the time, we did not consider the
possibility of another solution, I'm sorry. Before me was the woman who had ordered the killing
of a group of humans including my birth mother and adoptive parents. What would my life have
been if she had lived? Would she have enlisted me in her war or would she have taken me
away from all this violence to live happily? I would never know. Because my life had been stolen
... Twice. The first one, when I was entrusted to the Collinses to protect me from vampires, the
second, to make me work for them. I should have hated Talanus and Ysis and vampires in
general. But I couldn't. Too many events had happened, too many trials had brought us
together. Never before have I felt so respected and appreciated. Certainly I loved Phoenix,
which distorted my judgment, but Francois was like a big brother to me… although a little
intrusive at times. Dennis Obson and his incredible awkwardness made me laugh every time we
met, and even though it cost me to admit it, I admired this Egyptian princess who let me go
through my thoughts without showing the slightest sign of impatience. Ysis protected me as
much as she could and her benevolence did not only originate from the orders of the Night. She
liked me too, and didn't hesitate to express it. As I told Richard Harding, what happened thirty
years ago was awful. My mother had died regretting that she had gone into an absurd war for
which she was not sufficiently prepared. If the Circle of Mellindra hadn't gone underground, if its
members had continued to communicate with vampires instead of isolating themselves, if my
mother had known that the murders of humans that had motivated her action were so severely
condemned and repressed, perhaps she would not have committed. Maybe she would still be
alive… It was a lot of maybe… She was dead, I had contributed to the execution of his
murderer. I didn't need to go any further. This fight was not mine and I would be leaving the
vampire world soon enough to turn the page for good. - You did not know my mother and you
reacted to an assault. I will never condone this or forgive you for what happened to her ... But I
don't feel the need to take revenge on you. I don't want to make the same mistake as her and
let myself be dominated by hate. The look she gave me changed. Polite interest and
compassion followed assent and deep respect. This subject would never be discussed again
between us. - How did you discover your origins and how do you know that your mother
belonged to the second Circle of Mellindra? Her question and her suspicious look prompted me
to close the discussion and cut my visit short. I didn't want to tell her about my recent meeting
with the new Circle, not now. I had to talk to Phoenix first. Besides: - Did Phoenix know about
me? - No. I already knew the answer, but it was necessary for me to verify. I wanted to hear it in
person. - Where do you get all those bruises from? I got up and picked up my bag. - I'll talk to
you soon. Now, if you don't mind, it's been a rough day. I would love to go back to Scarborough
and rest. Ysis got up in turn. - Very well. Don't worry about Talanus, I'll take it upon myself to
invent a bogus excuse to explain your shattering entry earlier. I'm blushing. Indeed, after my
disrespectful outburst towards Talanus, luckily I had this vampire guardian angel or otherwise I
would only pass the villa gates with my feet in front… and the rest in trash bags. Brrr… - Thank
you, Ysis. I was about to leave through another door, but I turned around before she left for the
courtroom. - Ysis? - Yes? - Could you prevent Phoenix from joining me for a few hours? I need
to be alone. She gave me an enigmatic smile. - Consider it done.
* A throbbing pain on the left side of my face woke me up. I must have turned around in my
sleep and my bruise must not have liked being pressed on the pillow like this. Yawning
pointedly, I turned to the other side to grab my alarm clock. Two hours… I breathed mentally,
falling back on the pillow, an arm over my eyes. I hadn't rested much, but with the day I had just
experienced, it made sense that I had trouble sleeping. I had had a number of nightmares, all
revolving around my parents, adoptive and biological. Betty and Warren Watkins blamed me for
having ruined all their efforts to protect myself, Vanessa Kane was pointing fingers at me calling
me a blood traitor, and my father ... in fact, I only saw him from behind, black silhouette and
blurry moving away from a girl he had never wanted. I still had a cold sweat… I was brooding
over these awful dreams when suddenly, I felt that something was wrong. My heart accelerating
under the effect of anguish, I nevertheless controlled myself and remained motionless, on the
lookout, on the lookout for any suspicious noise. Only silence and the sound of my breathing
reigned in my room, but the shiver that shook me was enough for me to rush to my bedside
table lamp and press the switch button. A strangled scream made its way out of my mouth, but I
managed to keep my heart from springing from my chest. Phoenix was seated exactly as when
we met, in a designer suit with the jacket resting on the armrest of the chair he had positioned to
observe me better. He must have closed his eyes when I woke up, otherwise I would have
clearly seen their bluish glow relentlessly pointed in my direction. He looked very, very angry.
Gulp… - We have things to say to each other, it seems to me, he said, freezing. - How long
have you been here? I stammered. - Since Ysis felt she gave you enough time to allow me to
leave. Ouch, he knew. Ysis could still have been silent. - I needed to take stock. Alone. - The
point on your unexplained scandal that Ysis managed to excuse in a jiffy? - How did she do it? I
was really wondering. I had landed like a fury from the height of my five foot tall and had
trampled underfoot the famous protocol for which Talanus was ready to kill. I was curious as to
how she had managed to convince all witnesses to the scene that there was no need to execute
me for my insolence. “She told such a complicated story that everyone got lost in it, even
Talanus. Everyone knows that Ysis is… special, but also that she can be even more implacable
than her companion, especially if she is disrespected. Suddenly, everyone says to themselves
that if she did not rip your head off in public earlier, it is because indeed, she had assigned you
to a matter of the greatest importance. Talanus had doubts, but all it took was a languid glance
to make him forget your very existence. We can say that she knows how to achieve her goals.
But I know her well, and I can boast of knowing you even better… So you had better explain to
me what fly stung you earlier or it will be my turn to really get angry. Still in shock at Ysis' talent
for confusing her world, I did not react immediately. - Shit! Phoenix scolded to bring me back to
earth. I jumped, then looked at him. I could read the anger on his face, but also a fair amount of
worry. He was worried about me. Where to start? - Wait for me in the living room. My employer,
exasperated, let out a groan that made me shudder. - We will talk, here and now! I jumped out
of bed and stared at him, showing my outfit. - Certainly not in this nightie in which I feel terribly
uncomfortable in front of you! (His eyes widened at the sight of it, it was the night I tried to
seduce him… I caught the first one that passed in the dark and it was this one; pity) I will go
down as soon as I put on pants and a shirt! My tactic paid off. Phoenix stood up and walked to
the door. - Hurry up! he ordered as he left. - As if I had a choice! I growled in my newfound
solitude. If I didn't obey him, I suspected that he would come and get me by the skin of my back.
Suppressing another yawn, I dressed as quickly as possible, opting for black leggings and a
white T-shirt. Too bad for the bra I thought as I pulled on my slippers and down the stairs four at
a time. When I got downstairs, I regretted my choice as I walked past one of the mirrors. I hadn't
thought about the temperature, I should have put on a sweater. Pesting against my inescapable
stupidity, I was going to start again in the other direction when: - I wait! Tss. Was I only good at
making a fool of myself? I couldn't help but blush as I walked in, praying that Phoenix would
look me straight in the eye and blame my confusion on the discussion to come. Seeing the
quivering of his lips and the white flash that passed through his pupils, which no longer focused
on my eyes, I understood that it was missed. Oh, and hell! The good Lord did not make me born
with pretty breasts to be ashamed of it! Lifting my chin, I eyed the vampire in front of me, daring
him to comment. Fortunately, he had recovered almost immediately, and I had not had to
endure this inconvenience. - I listened. I took a deep breath before starting. - Have you heard of
the De Castelcourt brothers? For quite a long time, I explained to him the story Ysis had told
me. My story. He was amazed at the power of these two vampire brothers and in awe of the
extent of their powers. - Telekinesis ... he breathed, admiringly. Something that I appreciated
more was his reaction to the mention of the decision to annihilate all the same blood. He
regretted this choice, even if he understood why it had been made. Obviously, he had made the
connection between their particularity and mine. Our glowing eyes made us related. - But then…
why did Ysis not kill you as soon as she found out? He seemed torn between amazement over
Ysis' choice, and horror, over what fate should have been mine. It was cool of him. However, I
didn't want to talk to him about the plans that the mythical mother of her race would have
entrusted to her sector manager. I already had a hard time believing it myself… And then with
my will to distance myself forever from him and his fellows, I couldn't see how I could be
transformed into a vampire. As for me asking for it ... No, you couldn't dream! - You know how
she is… I evaded. It was common knowledge that his boss, undisturbed, was let's say…
special. Even Phoenix said it! I hoped that this argument would be enough to distract him from
this thorny subject. Anyway, there was so much more to say that he was spoiled for choice as to
what questions he should ask me. - How did you find out? Ah. We were there, at the heart of the
problem. No matter how careful I was with my speech, it would be painful for both of us. -
Hum… It was the head of the Mellindra Circle who told me. - WHAT?! Good game. I really had
to work on my beginnings, as a speaker, I was not gifted. Phoenix had jumped up and stared at
me like I was crazy. Torn between fury and disbelief, it became terrifying. Same for me. As it
approached like a predator poised to pounce on its prey, eyes gleaming with deadly threat, I felt
my knees collide and my jaw quiver. - Repeat that! His sharp gaze pierced me so well that I
shriveled in my seat, hoping to blend in and become invisible. I swallow hard. - I… I met the
members of the Circle. He exploded. Literally. - How did you… and when did…? he cried. Did
they save your life? AND WHY DIDN'T TELL ME?!? Gathering my courage and knowing that
what I was about to tell him would trigger the apocalypse in the living room of Scarborough
Castle, I said to myself, "Matthew." As usual, just at hearing his name, my boss stiffened and
adopted an even more aggressive posture. - What does he have to do with this one? he spat. -
All. He's the key. This time, the white-bluish glow of her irises completely dazzles me. - You
better explain yourself in a way that I can understand you or I feel like I will definitely lose my
temper! - It was by helping Matthew to find his origins that I discovered the new Circle of
Mellindra. When I found out, I couldn't bring myself to deliver them to you before my friend could
meet his biological father. So I contacted him and we went there. - You… you took your fiancé
to the mouth of the wolf just for a family celebration? Do you remember what they did to Kiro?!
Where was your head?! - I remember perfectly what happened to Kiro and his family! I got
carried away. These murders were an isolated case, it was not a group decision! - Ah yes?
Because you made friends with these people, maybe? And it is because they have welcomed
you with open arms that you come back here with your face swollen and your clothes full of
blood! Guess that's how dad showed you how grateful he was for finding his darling son! he
mocked. My cheeks flushed. It was true that I had acted stupid. I wanted so much that Matthew
regain the smile that I had put him in danger by exposing it without preamble to the gaze of
those who, for protection, could have barely killed us with the door closed behind us. - I had no
choice! If he hadn't been there, they would never have believed me and would have vanished
already. I had to take him, it's his father's portrait, with his mother's eyes! And Matthew is not my
fiance!! I concluded, exasperated. - It doesn't matter! You almost ruined everything by persisting
in hiding the truth from me! - I did what I felt was right! - YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME!! He
grabbed the small table that separated us and knocked it over. But with its strength, the latter
crashed against the fireplace where it fell to pieces. I loved this man with all my soul, but at that
exact moment I saw in him the bloodthirsty creature that the books portrayed. He scared me. - I
never wanted that ... I whispered, fighting back the sobs that threatened. An icy silence
answered me. Phoenix had turned his back on me and was staring blankly at the remains of the
table. I thought back to our argument in the office, to his reflection in the library glass when I
went to find him to apologize. My heart sank. I got up. - I'm sorry I lied to you. You can't know
how much. But… I had to. I had made a promise to a friend. Slowly, Phoenix whirled around to
face me, and his gaze, in which the deep wound I had inflicted on him was noticeable, crucified
me. - It's true… I had forgotten that you and I were only… colleagues. I'm the fool. I should have
remembered that I was no longer the weight in front of a "friend". His bitterness froze me. I didn't
know what to say or what to think. I sit down again. - This restored truth, we will be able to
resume the thread of your explanations to see if we can pick up the broken pieces. Contrary to
what you may think, I have no desire to slaughter these people, even if they have killed several
of us. If we can negotiate with them, I'm up for it. And then, good luck! You will go your way, and
I will go mine. I received his tirade like a stab. I always had the idea that we would part on good
terms, and that our goodbyes would be heartbreaking (especially for me). It comforted me to
know that Phoenix would miss me and I reassured myself that he would have fond memories of
me in a few centuries. I never imagined that he would happily sweep me out of his life, happy to
get rid of the one who had gradually reconciled him to humans before betraying him. I never
thought I had to live with the idea that my boss would be relieved to know that I was far away,
me that he had come to hate. Phoenix was of the same cloth as Mr. Darcy, and once his
esteem was lost, it was forever. I bit back my sobs. I didn't want to cry in front of him, at the risk
of pissing him off even more. Either way, I only got what I deserved. It was I who had decided to
distance myself from him, I who had chosen to lie to him for Matthew's benefit. And indeed, on
top of that, I could've messed up everything with the Circle of Mellindra. I could understand that
he didn't regret me, after everything I had done to him… I looked at my hands. They were
shaking. I dared to face Phoenix again, his face not showing the slightest emotion. It had closed
like an oyster, like at the beginning of our meeting. I had lost the right to access his thoughts
(the little that I had). - I'm waiting, he said simply, coldly, like the employer he was in front of his
assistant too slow to come to his senses. I quickly rested my hands flat on my knees to
immobilize them, and called on the last ounce of composure I had left to finish my story. - Their
leader is called Richard Harding, he is an entrepreneur in electricity. This is how with his
accomplice, he was able to get into Phil and Seamus's homes easily. They were eager to be
able to replay their video games and did not verify who they were dealing with. Harding is
actually called Joachim Balder and he was one of the leaders of the previous Circle of Mellindra.
Ichimi killed his wife and he believed he also killed his son. It was thanks to the DNA results that
I was able to understand everything, because Emily Balder was in the police database. It was
Matthew's mother. I continued to search and eventually found out where his father lived. I then
had a case of conscience. I preferred to look at my slippers at this time. “I figured I couldn't
deliver Harding to you until Matthew could meet him. On the other hand, I was hoping that
would put him in a good position to negotiate a truce. Of course, they didn't believe me and
when I arrived, the tattooed man recognized me. He was the one who had been watching us
from the start, the one who had killed Kiro and his family. They… um… tied us up in the
basement after knocking out Matthew and me. They… hit us. And then ... I stopped. After my
betrayal, Phoenix would bear all the more pain to learn that I, too, belonged in some way to the
Circle of Mellindra. Perhaps he would be disgusted to know that my mother was part of it, that
she was the craftsman and fiercest fighter, and that in other circumstances we should have
been enemies of each other. I couldn't stand it. - And then ? he insisted. - And then Richard
Harding finally realized that I was telling the truth. He untied us and we talked. I managed to
convince him, him and the other members, that this war had no place thanks to the Great
Change, and that both sides would benefit from communicating rather than fighting. They are
ready to negotiate. I refrained from smiling proudly at my prowess. This happy conclusion had
been too uncertain for me to throw flowers at myself. I had been extremely reckless,
recklessness that could have cost me my life, in addition to having already cost me the esteem
of two of the people who mattered most to me. - Are they ready to negotiate? Phoenix repeated,
amazed. - Yes. I will act as a go-between, they don't trust you. He thinks. It gave me time to
breathe. - What about Matthew? His question caught me off guard. - What about Matthew? -
What was his reaction when he found out that you were working for a species that was
supposed to exist only in books? I guess it shouldn't have made him happy to learn that his
friend was stalking his father on behalf of those who had killed his mother. Phoenix had carefully
chosen his words to hurt me, I knew that. However, my lucidity about his intentions did not
prevent me from being affected. He knew how to press where it hurt. - Matthew hates me. Like
you, I almost added. - We can not say that you took pains to tell him! I much preferred Phoenix's
anger to this kind of amused cruelty. I had heard enough for tonight. I had enough of the
impression of being less than nothing without needing to add fuel to the fire. I got up. "We're not
done," he said as I walked past him. - For sure. But I got my account for tonight. I returned to
my bed. That doesn't mean I fell asleep again.

* The following days passed without the atmosphere in the castle relaxing. Richard Harding
hadn't contacted me and Phoenix, who no longer spoke to me, had one more reason to hate
me. In fact, our investigation reduced to a standstill, he had decided altogether to avoid me by
leaving at sunset for Harper Hill, only to return until the approach of dawn. I felt so guilty that I
didn't think of anything else. Since everything I ate ended up in the toilet bowl, I was content
with water and a few pieces of bread. Result, in a week, I had lost 15 pounds. The lack of food
associated with stress and insomnia had caused me to pass out on several occasions,
something I was careful not to tell my boss. It wasn't hard to see that I was wrong though. I was
floating in my clothes, my pale face was emaciated, deep purplish circles stretched out under
my eyes, and I was constantly shaking. This is why I had decided to remain cloistered in the
castle rather than going to visit Angela and François. They would have been horrified if they had
seen me like this. I covered myself by saying that I was overworked, so I just made phone calls.
Angela told me that Matthew was strange right now, which confirmed to me that he had returned
home. According to her, he drowned in work and spoke little. She was surprised to have been
kicked out of his house when, with Francois, they wanted to offer him muffins to give him
courage. I couldn't tell her that even though I was the object of his anger, he was smart enough
to realize that his childhood friend was in the know about vampires and that she was dating one.
'One. Two. So I was acting ignorant… I was lying… again. Anyway, after the tenth day, I was
completely demoralized. I didn't even have the heart, nor the energy, to work on current files,
since my boss managed to finish them and leave me idle during my so called free time. I spent
my time in the library, where I was sure I would not be rejected, and I waited for the moment
when, tired of my presence and my uselessness, my employer would tell me to pack my bags.
But fortunately, in the afternoon of the next day, the unthinkable happened. My cell phone rang.
Not recognizing the number, I picked up using my assumed name. - Samantha Jones, who's
this phone? - It's Joachim Balder. I jumped when I heard his name. I had given him my cell
number before leaving home, but I was desperate that he would call. He explained to me that he
had waited to see if all the vampiric guard in the region were after him and since they were not
and that all his accomplices were safe, he had thought that the negotiations could to start. He
gave me a meeting place in Pembroke in an hour to give me a list of their demands to pass on
to the vampires. I shudder noting the address. It was the one from the hotel where I had caught
Phoenix in a room with a fiery brunette in a thong. I didn't take the time to change, grabbed my
keys and drove towards my date. The interview took place in the hotel lobby, and uninformed
observers could have told that we were chatting quietly over a cafe. However, I was literally
boiling with anguish that the negotiations would not succeed and with excitement at the thought
that soon, humans and vampires would jointly defend the cause of the Great Change, without
needing to gut each other. Balder / Harding was nervous and didn't want to go on forever. After
basically explaining their demands to me, he gave me a cell phone number so I could contact
him faster. As he left, he asked me: - I haven't called my son for three days. How is he? I gave
him a mirthless smile. - I don't know, he doesn't want to see me anymore. Harding looked at me
apologetically, but said nothing. It was up to Matthew to decide if he forgave me or not, his
father had nothing to do with our friendship. If friendship there remained. Back at the castle, I
waited for sunset to see my boss open the front of the door to his secret room. If I didn't, he
would walk away without saying a word. He was surprised to see me there, in front of him,
silent, my hand outstretched to give him the sheet with the demands of the Circle of Mellindra
written on it. He took it and glanced at it quickly, before returning his attention to me. As he did
so, he frowned as he looked me over from head to toe. I was not made up, which didn't help my
pale complexion and sickly look, my dull hair had been hastily gathered into a somewhat
messed up ponytail, and I had to tighten my belt two notches to fit my pants on my emaciated
hips. I was scary to see. Phoenix's eyes suddenly became brighter, as he pursed his lips at the
sight of my physical appearance. I looked really neglected, and he who was always dressed to
the nines had something to be infuriated about… besides the rest. - I'll take you to see Talanus
and Ysis. Put on your coat and get your things, we have no time to waste. Without another
word, he walked around me to wait outside. I had taken the time to arrange myself a little before
joining him, including putting some order in my hair and putting a little lipstick. For the rest, there
wasn't much to do. When he hugged me and flew to Harper Hill, I realized that I had been
dreaming of being close to him again for days. He hadn't forgiven me, but at least I would be
content with the illusion that he was hugging me to keep me close to his heart.

* As usual, our arrival at the Harper Hill villa did not go unnoticed. The problem was, this time,
we weren't focusing on the charismatic and dangerous beauty of my employer, but rather on my
sickly and badly combed appearance. The vampires were pointing fingers at me whispering in
their neighbors' ears and walking past a couple dressed in the latest fashions, I heard: - Looks
like she came straight out of a grave! Unfortunately, I was not the only one to whose ears this
remark reached. Phoenix stopped so abruptly to glare at them that I had to brake with all to
keep from bumping into him. The two curious people jumped realizing who they had become the
target of, before choosing to take the scampering as quickly as possible. My boss walked back
to the courtroom as if nothing had happened, but from his stiffness, I could tell he was boiling
inside. The heavy lead leaves of the front door were open to allow vampires who wished to
speak to their area leaders. There was a crowd that night. Phoenix dragged me with him to the
side, next to one of his masters' security guards. - Wait for me here. I'm going to wait until this
guy (he nodded at a big, bearded vampire who complained about paying Talanus and Ysis a lot
of taxes, knowing he already had to pay those of the humans) has finished talking and I'll go talk
to Talanus. Give me the list. I handed it to him and without paying me any more attention, he
approached his master's throne, waiting for the right moment to interrupt the assembly. - Hello,
Miss Jones. This surprising whisper came from the guard stationed near me. - Steve! I say in
the same tone. I didn't recognize you, are you no longer assigned to the entrance? Age-old
vampire as he was, Steve was smiling like a kid. - I got a promotion. - I am delighted for you, I
congratulated him sincerely. Steve had always been kind to me, he seemed to have a great
deal of emphasis on politeness towards women. 'If I may, you don't look good, Miss Jones. You
are sick? As I was about to answer, I felt a tingling on the back of my neck, a distinctive signal
from my body to inform me that I was being observed. I didn't have to look very far for the origin
of this feeling because Phoenix was staring furiously at us. Strangely, I could have sworn it was
mostly after Steve that he had it. Besides, I heard him swallow before coming to attention, being
careful not to look at me. In a way, I understood his mood swings, Steve didn't have to allow
himself a bit of a chat on duty. On the other hand, his aggressive behavior towards me was
starting to get on my nerves. I said nothing because I more than deserved his anger, but at
times he crossed the line. Frowning, I moved away from Steve and waited like a good student
for my presence. The bearded vampire kept moaning that he didn't have enough money in his
bank account to meet such expenses and persisted in whining like this, even when Ysis pointed
out to him that the good dozen of accounts he had in addition to this should be more than
enough for him to live comfortably. I was starting to find the time long, especially since I had
more and more difficulty standing. I blamed it on my heels, but when the characteristic buzzing
sounded in my head, I knew I was about to faint. It was the right time! So far I had managed to
hide the bruises I was getting when I fell under my clothes. Phoenix had seen nothing but fire.
But there, I was going to collapse in front of him as well as in front of a whole gathering of
powerful creatures who considered that humans were weak creatures too selfish to suspect the
existence of such predators right under their noses. To offer them this spectacle would only
confirm their prejudices. Quietly, I made my way to the exit, hoping to hold out until I reached an
empty room where I could lie down and close my eyes so I wouldn't see the world spinning over
and over again. I had passed the last guard on duty near the door when a vertigo stronger than
the others forced me to hold on to a wrought iron console on which rested a porcelain vase
surely overpriced. The room began to spin faster and faster and the vampires who noticed my
confusion seemed to me only as blurry spots in my swirling universe. A second later, I lost the
battle to stay conscious. I did not feel the shock of my body hitting the ground with all its weight,
nor did I hear the terrible crash of the pedistal that had followed me, taking with it the vase
which was going to shatter into a thousand pieces on the tiled floor. I simply sank.

* - Sam, can you hear me? I recognized that voice. But it couldn't be him, his voice should have
been hard and cold, not like that… hot… and worried… No, I was dreaming. I was sure of it
because I felt his soft hand caress my cheek in a tender touch. Phoenix hated me too much to
worry about me. Determined to take advantage of this sweet dream, I surrendered to the
pleasure of this caress by pressing my cheek against his palm. - Phoenix… I sighed blissfully. I
heard another sigh, sounding like relief, before I felt that soothing hand pull away, shattering my
dream. I opened my eyes and closed them immediately. The ceiling I had seen had begun to
spin, and it was only with closed eyelids that I managed to suppress the nausea that had
suddenly seized me. - What… what happened? My question struck me as a croak. I had a dry
throat and a horrible feeling of thirst. - That's exactly the question I'm asking myself! thundered
an enraged voice that had just entered the room. The door slammed violently. Ysis' entry
startled me and I forced myself to open my eyes again to understand the situation. Uh… I was
lying on one of the sofas in the waiting room of the princess apartments, Phoenix was facing the
latter, which radiated an endless fury. In two strides, she bridged the distance between us and
riveted on my boss a look without pity. - Pushes you! As she did so, she observed me intently
from head to toe, her nostrils dilating again and again as she inspected her. Suddenly, she
turned to her angel and barked: - What did you do to her again?!! Stunned, Phoenix had to try it
twice before he managed to make a sound. - Me? Again? But I didn't do anything to her! - For it
to put herself in this state, she is like this because you are responsible! She only has skin on her
bones! Haven't you noticed anything? An awkward silence followed this question. - I… I was too
busy, it's been several days that I spend my whole nights working. Ysis couldn't believe her
ears. It shows. - What are you talking about? Maybe you think I'll swallow this nonsense?!
You've been in a terrible mood for some time and you use your desk here, you who have hardly
ever set foot there! Are you kidding me?! Phoenix walled off in stubborn silence. For a moment,
I thought I saw a reddish aura crackling around the Egyptian princess who curled up, ready to
jump at her throat. - Do not tell me that you rejected her after having seduced her! - What?! But
no! Our two voices with shocked (for him) and hysterical (for me) accents had exclaimed at the
same time. Ysis still looked at Phoenix fiercely. - You will tell me what the hell is going on or I
promise you that you will regret that it is not Talanus who punishes you when I take care of your
case! From my boss's thrill, I realized that the Kerington Sector Chief wasn't kidding and could
indeed be tougher than her terrifying companion. It is to say! Yet he remained silent. It was only
when Ysis raised his hand to hit him, after overwhelming him with threats each more terrible
than the last, that I understood. - Tell him! I cried, trying to get up. They both turned to me. But
since Phoenix could not make up his mind to speak, I did so for him. - It's my fault ! I was stupid
and I did wrong. If anyone is to be punished, it's me! I wanted to take a step forward, but a new
dizziness made me collapse. However, for once, it was not in the arms of Phoenix that I
landed… but in those of Ysis. My God! I wanted to throw up so bad! I felt awfully bad, I should
never have stood up. Yet it was necessary. Even though Phoenix was furious with me, he
hadn't wanted me to be punished for making contact with the Circle of Mellindra without first
reporting to his superiors. Talanus was not known for his indulgence. But when his partner had
almost attacked my employer, I did not hesitate. I preferred to suffer the sanction of the Roman
general rather than to see him suffer in my place. - I found out where the leader of the Circle of
Mellindra was hiding, but I didn't say anything to Phoenix because… (I shouldn't say too much
about Matthew) I thought I could get him to negotiate. It was he who taught me about my
mother… I betrayed you. Ysis stared at me in amazement. I waited to read the disappointment
and fury on her gorgeous face, but nothing came. On the contrary, she wore an expression of
almost maternal gentleness that transfigured her as she brushed back a strand of my hair that
had fallen on my forehead. - If you're still with us after this interview, it's because they didn't hurt
you. Why? I took a deep breath to push away the stubborn nausea that gripped me. - They trust
me, I whispered, overtaken by the evidence. Harding had certainly taken precautions while
waiting so long before contacting me, but he would never have made it to this hotel if he thought
I was going to hand him over to the vampires. - So they agreed to negotiate, she concluded, still
smiling. - Yes. Ysis lifted me up as if I weighed no more than a feather and rested me gently on
the sofa. Then, without warning, she bit her wrist and handed it to me. - My blood is two
thousand years old, it will get you back on your feet quickly. This was the moment that Talanus
chose to appear. - By Jupiter! What is happening here? The general was stopped in his tracks
by the vision that presented itself to him. The woman of his (long) life was offering his blood to
an insignificant mortal whom he had thought was administering a good correction for daring to
interrupt their hearing, and his angel was watching this spectacle with eyes popping out of his
head. The surprise on that terrifying face should have been enough to distract me from
absorbing the millennial blood that was offered to me, but this drink, without being good or
aphrodisiac like that of Phoenix, gave me back the strength that I had since lost over the last ten
days, and even a little more. The world had stopped spinning, I felt my fatigue fly away and my
body remodeled to reach the proportions that were ideal for it. My hair had not only regained its
shine but seemed to glow brighter and I felt my cheeks blush as I warmed up. Whoa… Sated, I
took my mouth off my benefactor's wrist with a blissful sigh. Eyes still vague, I wasn't aware of
my surroundings, just the euphoria caused by my full stomach. - What are you doing? You
never allowed any human to drink your blood! Why today? Talanus asked, dumbfounded. - I
already told you, but you never listen to me! She is special! (Turning to my employer) And you!
You are just a fool and it's a shame that I understand humans better than you when I hardly
ever see them! She is consumed with remorse and you let her wither away without even caring
enough to notice! - My relationship with Samantha does not concern you! You don't have to get
involved in this! In addition, your reaction is incomprehensible and disproportionate. You protect
her against all odds when she betrayed us by going to the enemy without warning us! -
Precisely, the person here who should defend her against all odds, it's you! And because for the
first time since she has been in your service, she takes a wrong step, you condemn her to
indifference and contempt? Another, even more threatening growl was heard. - You don't know
anything about my feelings for her! - Your feelings? You have hidden them so well for centuries
that even a rock is more expressive than you! Your assistant is human and one of the most
emotional people I have ever met! If you treated her the way I suspected you did, no wonder
you saw her fall apart after everything she found out about her! Phoenix was going to get mad,
but he winced at the end of his sentence. - What are you talking about? Ysis rolled his eyes. -
I'm not even surprised that she preferred to hide it from you! She learned that she had been
adopted and that we had ordered her mother to be killed on the day she was born. Do you know
what it costs her to be there with us? Yet she chose to work alongside us to restore peace!
Phoenix stared at me with wide eyes. Still under the euphoric effect of Ysis's blood, I witnessed
the scene without understanding. Talanus did not seem to understand anything either… All
anger had deserted his face where only the most total confusion reigned now. He looked at his
mate as if wondering if she had become good at locking up. - I told you to take care of her until
it's time… - Time for what? - Don't worry about that. Take her back to Scarborough and get her
back on her feet. Forgive her and send her to deal with those in the Circle since they trust her.
You will come back tomorrow evening so that we can discuss this list of requirements more
calmly. She moved closer to him. - And I warn you, you had better fulfill your task with
enthusiasm, it is out of the question that you bring it back to me again in this state, you
understood me correctly? - I will do as you wish. The sharpness of his voice made me shudder,
but it took more to impress the Egyptian princess who, anyway, was in a strong position over
him. - Come, Talanus, I think we've been away too long. She had taken the direction of the exit,
grabbing her dazed companion by the arm, without paying us more attention. For her, obviously,
the question was settled. - You gave her your blood?! I heard all the same, from afar. -
Talanus… A door closed, Phoenix and I were alone again. Despite the euphoria of absorbing
Ysis's blood, I still felt the embarrassment come over me. After all, my boss had just passed on
the soap of the century just because he hadn't paid more attention to me. - I do not understand
anything. You surprise me! I thought. Being set on fire because of his steadfastness should not
be included in his employment contract. - Why… why is Ysis protecting you like this? I frowned.
I had no desire to tell him about Lethalée's so-called plans for me, which would have whispered
two or three words to his extra-lucid superior. Phoenix would think Ysis had definitely gone mad.
After all she had done for me, I owed it to her to preserve the esteem that my employer had for
her. So I preferred to remain silent and got up with the idea of going back to bed in my warm
bed. I had just opened the door. - Is that true, Sam? I froze, without turning to him, however. -
What? - Your mother… I sighed. - It's the truth. - Why didn't you say anything? - After what I had
just done, would you have listened to me? - You know it does. - It doesn't matter. I preferred
your anger to your disgust, so I shut up. - My disgust? I leaned against the doorframe and
closed my eyes. My legs suddenly felt very soft. - My mother is the one who reformed the Circle
thirty years ago. Under other circumstances, I should have worked against you. Don't tell me
you're thrilled by this news. There was a silence. - I don't like that, but not for what you think. I
feel sorry for you. I widened my eyes, turned around. - Why? - Because contrary to what Ysis
says, I care about you. I was very angry after you lied to me, but now I feel horribly guilty for
ignoring you like this. I know you well, you were not thinking wrong, I should have foreseen that
my behavior would make you suffer so much. But I felt so… whatever. I understand the
implications of the revelations that have been made to you and I admire the courage you show.
You could hate us, hate me… why don't you, though? - I don't believe that vampires and
humans cannot live together. Hate only breeds hatred, I want to move forward. Phoenix gave a
strange smile. - Many vampires would envy your wisdom and greatness of soul. - You
compliment me when ten minutes earlier, you hated me? He resumed a dark and mysterious
air. - I could never hate you. I was just… angry. - And now? After everything I've told you about
me? - I'm still angry… I lowered my eyes, unable to bear his resentment. -… against myself. I
looked up, surprised. - I was too hard on you, I realize, especially now that I know your origins
and what you had to endure when you found out about them. I'm glad Ysis gave his blood to
you to regain your strength, but the sight of your gaunt body through me will haunt me for
centuries. I beg your pardon. I cannot say how great my relief was. Phoenix knew the whole
truth and didn't seem to resent me for being born to a mother who hated her race more than
anything. He also apologized for making me pay with his contempt for the reckless risks I had
taken in going to the Circle with Matthew behind him. I couldn't feel any better, the icing on the
cake being that I had to loosen my belt when Ysis's blood had reshaped me to the body
proportions that were ideal for me. - As long as you forgive me too. - I forgave you the very
moment I opened the door to my room and saw you so weak and yet so determined to speak to
me. - It would have been nice to let me know, I said, releasing a small smile. - I know. He
stepped forward and held out a hand to me which I hastened to accept, before letting me lead to
my beloved Scarborough, her castle, and my bed.

Chapter XI: Discussions

* When I woke up the next day, I had the impression that I had dreamed of everything that had
happened to me the day before that I rushed towards my mirror, not without tripping against the
sofa, and scrutinized myself from the head to toe. Wa-ouh! If I had known that Ysis's blood
would have this effect on me, I would have thrown myself on her a long time ago to swallow her
whole! My reflection had nothing to do with the skeleton in pants of the previous days, there it
was… I had no words. Besides the absence of bruises, I noticed the inhuman shine of my hair,
the silky touch of which gave the impression of brushing satin; my skin no longer seemed to
have the slightest imperfection, not the slightest redness or the slightest pimple on the horizon.
My teeth were so white that you might have thought I had bathed in fluoride at a dentist, while
my inky black eyes looked even more supernatural than the red glow that appeared in them.
occasionally, this time was perfectly visible up close, in the background, giving the illusion of a
flame biding its time to set fire to its hearth. As for my figure ... Undoubtedly, I had reached my
ideal weight before losing weight excruciatingly under the effect of stress. Phoenix workouts had
made me slimmer and more graceful, which made me come to terms with my appearance. I had
felt that the thousand-year-old blood of Ysis was reshaping me by making me regain the pounds
I had lost, but I would not have imagined that he sculpted me in such perfect proportions. Oh,
don't think I'm bragging! I did not find myself canon, I had not fallen into the throes of vanity. I
only realized that my body had transformed to become better, at the peak of what it could be. It
was an invaluable gift for me who had always had physical complexes, even more pronounced
when I was next to Angela. Far from competing with her (her beauty exceeded even the most
beautiful vampires I had come across), I was nonetheless happy to no longer envy her. I now
felt in harmony with this body that had long annoyed me. After that, I shook myself to go take a
shower, thinking about my boss's forgiveness. How relieved I was! Maybe the effects of Ysis'
blood wouldn't have been so effective if we hadn't reconciled. In short he had forgiven me, that
was the main thing, and despite the sad prospect of my imminent departure, accelerated by the
positive turn of events, I did not want to spoil this day by feeling sorry for myself, therefore, I put
on some sports clothes, and spent several hours training downstairs, trying to do the best I
could, raving about my newfound abilities, when, on a well-placed kick, I 'tore open the
sandbag, the contents of which spilled to the ground. After putting everything away, I had given
myself a well-deserved lunch break, then an afternoon on the TV, bundled up under a blanket
on the living room sofa. So, so well installed, I fell asleep in a recovering sleep, which only
ceased when the sensation of fingers running slowly along my cheek woke me. Opening my
eyes, I noticed Phoenix, sitting quietly with his newspaper in his hand, in the chair facing me.
Fortunately, I had not breathed happiness during my dream, otherwise he would surely have
asked me what was going on. No way he would know that the very thought of his fingers
running across my skin triggered irregular heart palpitations in me. - Your heart is racing
strangely. Did I scare you? Gulp! I felt an icy chill run through my spine. I sat down slowly to
regain composure and above all, to regain control of this traitor musician. - I didn't think I would
sleep so long. I didn't expect to find you there. - Nor me to find you hidden under a blanket. Did
you think I wouldn't find you? His eyes twinkled with mischief. I loved that look. I smile at him. -
The cat found the mouse. I yawned, then stretched. In doing so, the blanket fell from my knees.
I had forgotten that after my workout and my shower, I had put on a black fitted tank top and
leggings of the same color. I hadn't made any effort to dress, which might not please my boss.
His eyes widened at the sight of me. - Damn it, Sam! I grabbed the blanket, red with shame, to
hide with it, unfortunately Phoenix pulled on it and it slipped out of my hands. - Hey! I know I'm
not dressed properly, but still! He looked at me up and down, up and down, with a bewildered
expression. - I saw your body remodeling yesterday to take a suitable silhouette, but I did not
pay more attention than that ... He made me turn on myself. I started to blush again, but this
time I was more embarrassed than ashamed. He detailed the transformations made thanks to
the blood of his head of sector. - You are… You are… I would have liked him to go to the end of
his compliment, but when he suddenly raised his head and stared at me with his steely gaze
with mysterious intentions, I could no longer manage to. think. Slowly, I saw his eyes light up
and then ablaze to the point of dazzling me. I wanted to lower mine, but he held me back by
placing both hands on my cheeks. It did not take more for my heart to devote itself to its favorite
activity: to jump in all directions in defiance of the embarrassment caused by the hypersensitive
hearing of the angel facing me. - You are still the same, but it is as if this flame which burned in
you and which you had hidden so well, had finally decided to leave. You are… radiant. I blush. -
I didn't do anything, it's Ysis's blood which… - Which finally reveals you as you really are, he cut
me off. Maybe now, seeing your reflection in the mirror, you will definitely have confidence in
yourself. If I had been brave, I would have told him it was already done, and I would have stood
on tiptoe to kiss him. But I was terrified, I wanted him to let go of me. - Phoenix… He smiled at
me, his hands leaving my cheeks in a slow caress. Immediately I tensed. I recognized this
touch… It was the same as in my previous dream, and the same as on the tree, a fuzzy dream
that had come back to me recently, in which I was whispered "Sleep, my love" . What if I hadn't
dreamed? I shook my head and stepped back to escape him. It was not possible, I had to stop
flogging myself like an idiot with my bursts of hope. Better to cut the conversation short. - I'm
going to change, Talanus and Ysis will wait for us to talk about the Circle's list of requirements.
Phoenix understood that I was making a diversion, but he had the delicacy not to seek the
explanation. - I'll wait for you outside. I ran away without asking for my rest, cursing his overly
shifting attitudes as well as my inability to keep my heart from beating fast when it squeezed me
a little too tightly. I quickly put on a blue blouse, with my black straight skirt that reached my
knees, a large black belt and my pumps in the same varnished color. Talanus and Ysis had a
great deal of elegance so every time we went to Harper Hill I dressed accordingly. After a
cursory make-up, I went back downstairs, grabbed my coat and my bag, checking that the list
was there, then left. - I am ready. Phoenix wasted no time and wrapped me in a hundredth of a
second in the special "so I wouldn't die frozen in mid-air" blanket. "Let's go sort this out," he
said, rushing towards the sky. Later, he landed us directly in the gardens of the property. The
lookouts of the two heads of sector who were waiting for us had spotted us, but they did not
take care of us except to greet us quickly. They used to see their angel come out of heaven now
with a pelletized hot dog as an assistant. Inside, we passed several vampires who stepped
aside to let us pass. Thanks to Ysis' blood, my overpowered hearing caught a conversation
slipped discreetly behind our backs. - Did you see how she changed? Yesterday she seemed
straight out of a concentration camp, and there, she radiates an Olympic form! Or
supernatural… - Supernatural if you want my opinion… he said. To cause such an effect on
such a weakened organism, she had to ingest extremely powerful blood. At that point, it can't be
Phoenix… - The masters? cried the other, hissing in admiration. We continued to move forward,
but I knew that like me, their angel did not miss a beat of their words. I could see him by the
stiffness of his walk and the aura of growing aggressiveness that emanated from him. - I already
found it appetizing, but there, it has everything you need, where you need. This skirt fits her
perfectly. I stumbled. Cheeks crimson with embarrassment, I thanked my boss for catching up
with me at the last minute before I sprawled out on the floor, headfirst. I quickly looked away,
because his was about to burst into rage. The two idiots nevertheless continued to chatter
without suspecting the danger they were running. - She's funny this girl on top of that, she
doesn't stop tripping over the rugs even when there aren't any and she blushes at the slightest
opportunity. I spoke with Steve about security, he likes it. She looks nice. He also confided to
me that Hedayat was very fond of her and that he had already tried to seduce her. The two
laughed. Phoenix's eyes were shining like flashlights now and his walk had slowed
considerably. - It is not tomorrow the day before that he will grapple with it, not as long as it
belongs to our adored angel. He is jealous of his prerogatives from what I have been told. - Do
you think they're together? I was blushing so much this time that it felt like the fire had spread to
my whole body. - I do not believe. Phoenix isn't known to be sentimental, and he's not the type
to hang out with humans. If it had to happen, it would only be for sex. There, it was the last
straw that did worse than overflow the camel's back since it exploded under the pressure.
Suddenly an incredibly loud roar echoed beside me, causing me to jump to the side to go and
stick against a wall, taking a genuine panic. The next second, the man who had pushed him
rushed at a phenomenal speed in the direction of the two previous gossips and pounced on
them so much so that after receiving two fists sent directly in the face, they flew away. to crash
into the ground, ten meters away. Incapable of the slightest movement, terrified, I watched as a
helpless spectator the return of Phoenix, who dragged the two men with bloody faces by their
shirt collars. All the other people present had taken refuge like me against the walls or the
windows, not to attract the attention of their angel, and their expression proved to me that I was
not the only one to be afraid. Pupils fully illuminated, fangs exposed and the expression of a
murderous vampire, Phoenix threw both burdens at my feet, startling me with a gasp. "I'm
waiting for an apology," he ordered, giving them each a kick. - Rââââââ. The two men were
barely conscious and could not have opened their mouths, even if their lives depended on it.
That was without including Phoenix. He caught them by the collar, lifted them each in one hand
several inches off the ground and shook them with such force that I widened my eyes at the
sight, wondering how their limbs managed not to come loose from their bodies. Fortunately, the
treatment they had received had a positive effect: they woke up. - Excuses! thundered my boss,
in defiance of the crowd who now attended the scene. The noise had attracted vampires who
had moved into the various rooms on the ground floor. - De ... so ... le, angel, they articulated
painfully. - Not to me, to her. I stared at Phoenix in amazement, then with immeasurable
embarrassment, the audience around us. I felt myself blush again. But what was he playing? - I
think I was not clear enough. Anyone who insults my assistant insults me! - But ... A blow to the
stomach aborted the attempt to explain. Phoenix turned to the assembly. - It's valid for
everyone. I will not tolerate any misconduct or language against her, and I will punish with the
utmost severity those who try to challenge me. His posture, aggressive and impressive,
frightened me even more than his speech. The serious faces around us told me that the
message had passed. - I waited. Phoenix had turned his attention back to the two chatterboxes.
- We apologize to you, Miss Jones. Everyone was looking at me, I internally curse my boss for
what I was going to have to do. If I tossed in the towel like a good girl, I would come across as a
weakling who had survived only because of her protection. He had put me in an impossible
position, which I would only get out of by showing my worth. Feeling that it was better to play the
violence card to impress everyone and not appear weak to the vampires, I took my knives from
my belt and approached them. - Apologies accepted. In a flash, I thrust my blades into the
breasts presented to me, pretending to ignore the general gasp of amazement that shook the
audience. My targets collapsed, victims of the silver, and without a glance, I walked forward,
Phoenix by my side, towards Talanus and Ysis' apartments which communicated with the great
hall. The noise behind us told me that they were inquiring about the health of the two men, who
had obviously not ended up in dust, but rather with a good fright, since I had arranged for my
knives to strike. a few inches from the heart. For once, they would have enough to converse for
weeks; at least when they dare to speak in public again. Sheltered from prying ears, in the
anteroom of the apartments of the heads of sector, Phoenix was the first to break the silence we
had imposed on ourselves along the way. - Congratulations, Sam. You just showed everyone
that it is dangerous to underestimate yourself. Furious, I pushed him back. If he didn't move, he
was still puzzled at my reaction. - I can't believe what you forced me to do! - I didn't force you at
all! - Throwing them on my feet, it was as if you had a luminous sign ordering me to cripple them
copiously. My expression made him smile. - Oh! Stop giggling! I'm not like you, I need good
reasons to stab people! Their gossip was certainly not! You didn't have to get into such a rage!
Even I almost died of fear! Without losing his good humor, he contradicts me. - They knew
perfectly well that they were within earshot, or at least they should have known. In any case, I
knew it, you too thanks to Ysis' blood, as well as all the witnesses present. I had to react. It
allowed a focus at the same time. Whoever tried to kill you through Victor will think twice before
starting over, especially since your demonstration earlier. Sometimes you have to be ruthless to
keep your head, that's exactly what you did. I am proud of you. Still unhappy, I still let the logic
of his arguments convince me. I lived in a world where weakness announced death and I was
not ready to die. With that conclusion, Talanus opened the door to his apartments for us and
ushered us in.

* - Well, it looks like you two have caused some mayhem in the hallways again? Of course, he
had been informed immediately. Nothing of what was going on here escaped him anyway. - I
just reminded two idiots of the definition of the word respect. - They told me you stabbed them?
he asked for me. - Uh… well… I… - She passed a different kind of test. Talanus raised his
eyebrows. The allusion to his aptitude test conducted by Hedayat on me was crystal clear.
However, our Roman leader was not upset, on the contrary. - So much the better! I would hate
to know people whisper that my angel is softening because of a weak human. Keep it up, Miss
Jones, you're doing a good job. I wasn't sure I liked the turn of his compliment. Bah! - Speaking
of work, we have a list to consult. Ysis reminded us that we had an essential task to accomplish.
We each sat around the table that had been used to negotiate with Carrick Anderpool. - Richard
Harding chose me as the sole intermediary between the Circle and the vampires. He is
confident, but he wants to take precautions. When the time comes, he will agree to meet
Phoenix. - Does he speak for all the members of the Circle? asked Talanus. - Yes, I saw them,
they are not that many. They are tired of fighting and agree to the truce, but under certain
conditions. - Which ones, then? - First, the guarantee that they will not be worried about the
murders of Phil Heathborn and Seamus O'Malley, nor hunted down by Phoenix or any vampire
from another sector. - Our word is sacred. If they don't attack us anymore, we'll leave them
alone. - I told them, but it's good to hear it from you. Then, they do not wish to dissolve the
Circle. - What? But they will remain a threat! cried the Roman general. "Listen to her to the end,
Talanus," Ysis soothed. - If you communicate with each other enough so that there is no longer
any misunderstanding about the motives for human disappearances, you should be fine. Last
year, Harding believed that the Great Change had finally been abolished, hence the Circle's
reorganization as an armed militia. - You don't want us to share our secrets with these people! -
That's not what I'm asking you, Talanus. But maybe if you each put your prejudices aside to
uphold the Great Change together, there would be no more war between you. You don't have to
go your own way. By communicating your respective information, we could be more vigilant
about the temptation of some to drink blood at the source. You must be realistic; Phoenix can't
see everything. - Hm, reflects Talanus. Ysis said nothing, just wearing a strangely satisfied
expression. "Thus, the cause of the Circle of Mellindra would not be lost, on the contrary, it
would help protect humanity from bloodthirsty vampires, with the help of those who are not," I
continued. - What else? - We know that what has kept the Circle going through the decades is
revenge. Mellindra's family had created this group because justice had not been done. Richard
Harding asks that for every human whose death is confirmed to have been caused by a
vampire, a tribunal be called to try the criminal according to laws just as much for both sides.
"There are no such laws," Phoenix said. - There are many vampires among you who can write
them. I am sure that if you submit this idea to the Greats, they will approve it, because how
better to guard against a war against humans than to make allies of them in order to protect
them? - The Greats have in their ranks the best jurists that can exist, said Ysis. - If we come to
an agreement, nothing would prevent, after the start of the truce, to start the elaboration of
these new texts in collaboration with the members of the Circle. And as proof of your good faith,
you could start enforcing them by suing the assassins who caused their entry into this one. - All
in good time, Miss Watkins. It will already be difficult to get such a concept accepted, so its
immediate application…! - Think long term! Imagine that one day the Secret of your existence is
revealed. Public opinion would be much less frightened knowing the efforts you have made to
preserve humanity and its rights in the face of the power of yours. - Hopefully that day never
arrives, I do not want to relive the blessed days of the pyres and the witch hunts. Is there
anything else on this already well-stocked list? - This concerns the Great Change. There, it
could get stuck. I squirmed in my chair, uncomfortable. - Yes? Ysis encouraged me. - They want
a timetable to be established, until it is applied everywhere in the world. General stupor. Yes, I
suspected that this announcement would have its small effect. - They understand this decision
was the right one and that its application was certainly difficult to enforce, but they consider that
it is time to extend it to all the countries of the world. The excuse of poor development no longer
applies. It's time to eradicate the old ways that only make you murder-obsessed monsters. If
you want to live with humans without them suspecting your existence, you will have to stop
hunting them. - Do you realize what they are asking us? Of course, I realized it! What did they
believe? - I convinced them that it could only be done in the long term, because the immediate
extension of the Great Change on a planetary scale would risk causing a perilous civil war for
the Secret and the humans caught in the crossfire. However, it must be admitted that the
establishment of a timetable would facilitate things and remove the impression of current
stagnation of this project. Silence settled again. The vampires seemed to be having a hard time
digesting this news and yet I had yet to tell them of the enormity to come. - There is one last
thing… Everyone was listening to me. I was more than uncomfortable. - There, I told Richard
Harding that we must not fall into absurdity, but he did not want to give up. - To the point,
please, Miss Watkins, Talanus cut me off. I swallow. - They want you to do research to find a
solution to your need for human blood. (Everyone froze in the room, the temperature of which
seemed to drop a few degrees) I told him your diet could not be changed, but he laughed in my
face as he sent me back in the face only if the humans could do without meat, you could also do
without their vital fluid. I gave them a smile of apology for the ineptitude I had just uttered. That
smile died on my lips when I saw them glance at each other. - What? I asked. It was Phoenix
who answered me. - Do you remember the building where we visited Dennis Obson? - Yes. -
You remember that I told you not to take care of the other laboratories present. - Yes. - It's been
a few years since The Greats commissioned our greatest specialists to work on a synthetic
blood formula capable of nourishing us without altering our strength. I stared at them all with
round eyes. - Are you kidding! From the look Talanus gave me, I deduced no. - Does your
whole community know about it? Ysis spoke again. - No, only the heads of sector carefully
selected for the experience. Too many vampires are still fiercely attached to our old way of
consumption, they would risk attacking our facilities to destroy the fruit of our labor. - Why this
initiative? It seemed to me that your current consumption pattern was effective. - It is, for the
moment ... We are aware that our method will soon attract attention and one day, inevitably, this
dependence will betray us. If we are also anxious to preserve the Secret, Samantha, it is well to
avoid being cut off from the food in the literal sense, which would inevitably start a war between
our peoples, destroying everything that the Great have tried to do and 'accomplish for centuries.
This is why they came up with the idea to launch this research program, in the hope that in the
event that our existence is revealed, humans do not see us as a direct threat and act
accordingly. I couldn't believe it. I, who thought that Richard Harding's idea was going to ignite
the powder, I would never have imagined that he had actually touched on one of the best-kept
secrets of the dominant vampire gente; the creation of a new Tru Blood. - Should I tell the
members of the Circle? Talanus reflected as he settled back in his seat, Ysis closed his eyes.
Then: - Are you sure these people are honest? I felt myself shiver. Talanus asked me no more
and no less if I vouched for Richard Harding and his friends. In the event of treachery, I would
be held responsible and punished accordingly. - They will be if you are transparent on your side.
Too bad for me, it was necessary to restore the balance. - Very well, said Ysis, getting up,
immediately imitated by Talanus and Phoenix, and finally, myself. You can already contact the
Circle if Mellindra to express our agreement to them on the first points. For the rest, Talanus
and I will have to go directly to the Balkans to speak with the Greats. They alone will have the
end of the story. We will be leaving tomorrow. Stay close to your phone. The two heads of
sector left us to devote themselves to their travel preparations. Left alone in the study, Phoenix
and I were silent for a few moments. I had just sat down on the sofa, my head thrown back on
the headrest and my eyes closed, when he sat down next to me. - If the Greats accept, the war
against the Circle of Mellindra will no longer take place. On the other hand, if they refuse, what
will it be? - I'm afraid it will only be a matter of time before a new Circle is reformed. Bruce
Abard, the tattooed man who hit me in the nose a few weeks ago (I avoided telling him that he
was also the one who beat me up at Harding's), doesn't seem to me to be the same wavelength
as its leader. When he woke up, it must have heated severely between them. - His alarm clock?
I shrug my shoulders. - He looked for me, he found me. Phoenix laughed. - If this whole story
finds a favorable outcome, it will be thanks to you. You have much to be proud of. I shrug again,
there was no glory in trying to save lives on both sides. I was just following my conscience. -
Then you will leave me ... I stiffened. He had said it like he was talking to himself, without calling
for an answer. I do not provide it to him. I just cuddled up to him.

* The next day, February 25, I set up a meeting with Richard Harding at the same hotel in
Pembroke, to discuss my meeting with the vampire bosses in the area. Although the place
horrifies me because of the memory of the New Year, I did not seek to change it. It was about
three o'clock when I entered the great hall and asked reception if I was expected. I was
redirected to the restaurant which I had been assured was perfect for discussing business over
a good drink. I let myself be guided to my destination, an elegant dining room with twenty round
tables with white tablecloths, geometrically arranged to form a circle in the center of which stood
a bar and kitchen area. Indeed, the last chic during this period was to be able to see the
bartenders and the cooks preparing your cocktails and your meal in front of you. I detached
myself from the contemplation of my environment to concentrate on Harding, who was not
alone. Oh, oh. Matthew was with him. On the one hand, I was happy to see him again, on the
other, I was uncomfortable with the idea that he had not forgiven me. To see his face, it was
indeed the case. He was looking at me with a mixture of anger and disdain that stabbed me the
entire way I walked towards him. Harding walked past him to meet me, holding out his hand. -
Miss Stratford, or… What should I call you? I had had too many things on my mind so far to
have settled the question of my surname. - Watkins. Finally, the answer came out on its own.
Despite everything I had learned, I had not forgotten the people who raised me as their own
daughter. They had forged me to be the woman I am now and I thanked them. Vanessa Kane
had her place in my heart, but I hadn't had the chance to know her. The choice was therefore
easy. - But call me Samantha. - That's fine with me, he said before stepping aside to leave the
field free for his son's greetings. - Sam… The stiffness of his nod and the icy tone of his voice
saddened me, however, I couldn't help it. It was up to him to decide if he would forgive me one
day. - Hello, Matthew. Richard Harding looked at us both curiously, then suggested that we sit
down at a table, on which three cocktails were already arranged. - We have things to say to
each other ... I say by way of preamble. I recounted to him the conversation of the day before
without omitting anything, except the part on the conception already begun of a kind of Tru
Blood. - What about the last requirement? - My employers cannot make this decision. As with
the Big Change, they left this morning to request an audience with the leaders of the global
vampire community. It might take a little while. - I will not accept the truce until nothing is
decided on these points. - Be patient. They have the same goal, it's just that they see more in
the long run than you do. My employers will convince them to speed up the process. - Will they
come back with a legislator? - I don't know, that too could take time, and many interviews. I
hope you are ready to collaborate with them, because if you accept the truce you will have to
work together. Harding sighed. Matthew remained impassive. - I'll do whatever it takes to
protect humanity. If it must go through a collaboration with the vampires, I agree. - I think that's
the best attitude to adopt. By communicating with each other, we may be able to prevent further
bloodshed, on both sides. Both looked at me intently. - You go to great lengths to put an end to
this conflict and in a way, I pity you. You are caught in the crossfire. Stunned by his
consideration, I raised my eyebrows. It was true that until now, no one really cared how I
approached serving as a buffer zone between the two camps. – Mr. Harding, after everything I
have learned recently, I can say that my benchmarks have been shaken up a bit. However, if I
know one thing, it's that I'm human and that I want more than anything to protect lives as human
as well as vampires. Because for having fought their predatory nature, they deserve our respect
and even our friendship. - You are still very young to be so wise. - I've seen things that made
me age much faster than normal, and not all of them were vampire cruelty. Harding’s eyes
sparkled. - I know what you mean. It was time to change the subject. - For your part, were you
able to convince all the members of the Circle of the validity of this agreement? I guess the
people I saw in your house were not the whole group. - There are not many of us, but it is true
that a few others preferred to remain hidden when you came. They all want to conclude this
truce ... under good conditions. - That's not the impression Bruce gave me. Especially since it
has widened your field of action by punishing with death the humans having a relationship near
or far with his enemies. Harding frowned. - I would never have let him do it if I had known his
intentions. - Never mind, he's got the blood of innocents on his hands. This is what prompts me
to repeat my question, are you sure that you are all ready to make this agreement? Because in
case of betrayal, I can't stop the vampires from slaughtering you. With Matthew, they flinched.
However, when Harding looked at me again, his determination was unwavering. - Bruce won't
be a problem. He is isolated, the others only aspire for peace. I stared at him mercilessly,
seeking doubt in his attitude. There were none. - I trust you. He held out his hand to me. - Just
like I trust you. I squeezed it. He stood up, I hastened to imitate him, as did Matthew. - You have
my number, Samantha, contact me as soon as your sector heads have had the agreement we
hope for. He turned to his son. - Your friend hasn't finished her cocktail, it would be rude to
leave so soon. I'll wait for you in the car. Matthew's eyes sparkled in annoyance. His father had
just maneuvered to push us to discuss and settle our dispute. He quickly disappeared from the
dining room, leaving the two of us alone, both embarrassed by this crude trap, but so effective.
We sat down. He radiated ill-contained anger. - Are you… you are well? I began, timidly.
Immediately, my cheeks flared. Of course, it was wrong! He had just reunited with his biological
father after learning of his mother's assassination, the latter had welcomed him by beating him,
then revealing to him that he was tracking and killing vampires for revenge. Oh yes, not to
mention that her best friend had lied to him all along about her identity and her profession, even
going so far as to claim that her boss was a rejected ex-lover! As a question, no more, you die! -
In your opinion?! And wham! He had grabbed the outstretched pole, of course. - How's your ex?
he went on immediately, acerbic. He wanted to sting where it hurt. Hit! The venom of his words
touched me deeply. - Matthew… - Forget it, I know perfectly well that it's your boss and that you
were only doing your job. Our friendship too, it was wrong, I guess. - You know very well not! I
cried, outraged by his insinuation. I might have lied to him, but not on this point, he knew it. He
let out a short, dry laugh. - What a fool I was. To think that I confided in you my darkest secrets
while on your side, you reveled in leaving me in the dark! - You're unfair. If I lied to you, it was to
protect you from a world you had better not know existed. - For what it was useful! he cut me
off. - It is true. But I couldn't know it! Listen… (I breathed in to calm myself) I'm sorry I hid the
truth about my identity from you, I'm sorry I wasn't who you thought, however, I have never been
wrong with you. You are my friend! Why do you think I was originally from Phoenix before we
met your dad? - You told yourself that with me by your side, you would be in less danger! You
brought me as bait. I straightened up in my seat, as if struck in the stomach by a giant invisible
punch. The strength of his resentment stunned me even if I expected it a little. On the other
hand, what pained me was not being able to deny his accusations, because indeed, I had
hoped that his presence, during our first meeting with the Circle of Mellindra, would save our
lives. - I admit that my approach was not the smartest… (He folded his arms on his chest,
turning his head towards the window) but know that my primary motivation was to make you find
your origins. You have the right to hate me, Phoenix hated me too. (He tensed) I'm not proud of
myself, but I can at least take comfort in telling myself that I had the best of intentions. I'm sorry,
Matthew, you can't know how bad. A silence fell between us. Long. Interminable… Then: - It's
not enough. He stood up abruptly and headed for the exit. Before disappearing from my sight,
he said to me: - My father asked me to act as an intermediary for the next meetings. I will apply
myself to the task because these negotiations are a much bigger issue than your betrayal.
However, do not seek to repair our friendship, for him, there will be no lasting peace treaty. With
these words, he left me. I had made the trip back to Scarborough like a robot, my old friend's
speech spinning and turning in my head like an atrocious song that wouldn't want to come out.
When I got home, I called Angela to tell her what had happened, who was delighted with the
progress of the negotiations, while cursing Matthew's bad temper. I couldn't share his opinion,
after all, his anger towards me was justified, and his character… That was why we loved him so
much: for his honesty in every way. I then hung up before plunging into reading the elements
that I had been able to find via the computer on Vanessa Kane ... my mother. She had lost her
parents at a very young age and had no family. Her childhood had been difficult, but by dint of
will and work, she had ended up by finding a stable situation thanks to a job of switchboard
operator in a company. Harding had given me a photo of her during our first interview at the
Pembroke hotel. I had put it in my bag with all my things and I had not found the courage to
look. There, I took the time to detail it. She was posing with Emily Balder in the garden. The two
were smiling carelessly, taking advantage of the beautiful day for a well-deserved barbecue and
rest. Emily was pregnant. In any case, Matthew's father wasn't lying, our resemblance was
striking. Same hair, same smile, same mouth, same… eyes. I noticed that the black of mine was
much more pronounced than for her, which explained why in her pupils it was easier to make
out the strange red glow lurking there. What did she think of me up there? I was suddenly
surprised to see drops falling on the photo I was holding. I realized that I was shedding tears of
spite. To think that I would never know the woman who gave birth to me and that I had taken the
path she had sworn to fight! When Phoenix joined me in the kitchen that night, he almost
commented on the new plethora of dishes I had cooked up that I could never swallow.
Remembering that this was how I cleared my head and seeing my expression, he chose to
ignore the surrounding construction site to focus on my emotional state. His concern comforted
me enough that I managed to tell him the story of my meeting with the leader of the Circle of
Mellindra. I would have liked to omit the passage with Matthew, but his insight compelled me to
bring it to him. He could have insulted him, said he was the fool he always thought he was, but
he didn't. He just sat down next to me and offered me his shoulder to cry on.

* In the days that followed, I saw Matthew twice. Talanus had contacted Phoenix to tell him that
the Greag ones allowed us to reveal to the Circle of Mellindra the existence of a research
project on synthetic blood allowing vampires to do without human blood forever, which would
surely be relieved, if they learned of its existence, therefore less inclined to exterminate them.
When we first met, Matthew had had to digest the information before relaying it to his father.
Since he couldn't believe his ears, Harding wanted proof. I brought it to the second interview,
with a whole box of scientific files of results of experiments and reports of progress on the
project. Matthew knew a little bit about science and couldn't get over it when he understood its
scope. - Finally, not all vampires are liars and assassins. From the way he had looked at me, I
could tell he was implying that Phoenix was in that category. Furious, but nonetheless anxious
to preserve the status quo, I did not raise the spike. It was too childish to dwell on it, attesting
more to a still stubborn jealousy rather than a real aversion to the creatures of the Night. - And
for the global application of the Great Change? he asked, as if nothing had happened. I
clenched my teeth and said, "Our area leaders are still negotiating with the vampire leaders."
You are asking for something extremely difficult to achieve. - But not impossible ... Tell me,
"our" heads of sectors? Looks like you picked your side in the end. This time, I felt my blood
bubbling through my veins. - I don't have a "camp" and you know it. If I had one, it would be
peace. - I had forgotten how much you had the nature of an angel… Oh no, it's true! It's
Phoenix, the angel of Scarborough! What a shame! The gall in his voice made me bristle so
much that I dropped my resolutions and decided to fight back. - Look, Matthew. I really love you
and sincerely hope that one day I will be worthy of your friendship again. But here, you overstep
the line. You have no idea what Phoenix and I have been through, or what I have been through
for a year. You have the right to blame me, I deserved it. But your resentment doesn't give you
the right to insult me, or make me look like I'm not, just as it doesn't allow you to judge the man
who saved my life so many times , through the bitter veil of your jealousy. Goodbye. I left him
without remorse or looking back, only keeping in mind his expression shocked and troubled by
the truths I had just slammed in his face. That night, when Phoenix asked me how our interview
went, I didn't need his compassionate shoulder to console my lost friendship. The sense of duty
accomplished, and a clear conscience had taken hold and I was able to relate the facts to him
without any quavering in my voice. I felt indignant, it changed me from the emptiness of the
soul… It was necessary to wait a week for the return of Talanus and Ysis with the deadline so
hoped for by the Circle of Mellindra. I telephoned Richard Harding who revealed to me that he
had never really believed that this demand would succeed. He had done well to be greedy, in
the end, it had accelerated the decision of the Greats to widen the scope of the Great Change.
We arranged a meeting two days later, March 10, in a logistics hangar in the Drake Hill
industrial zone. He agreed to finally meet my boss, and to put him more in confidence, I
proposed to him to meet at the same time the best friend of his son, Angela, who was promised
to the best friend of Phoenix, François. I hoped that by seeing them and talking to them, his
prejudices about vampires and humans would definitely fall. Francois being the most virtuous
vampire on Earth and Angela the most generous woman, he could only love them… and sign
the treaty. My conscience amused myself remembering the thought that once again I was going
to put my friends in the front line to make my job easier. However, unlike last time, they were not
at risk. I calmed down therefore, especially since Matthew had already spoken to him about
them as well as the good, he thought of our French musketeer. Harding was happy to meet
them. With that, I hung up, confident in the outcome of a conflict that had dragged on for far too
long, and bitter about the conclusion of my adventure alongside the vampire angel of Kerington
County. If this interview resulted in the long-awaited truce, the risk of a new war with the Circle
of Mellindra would be definitively ruled out. The time would have come for me to keep my own
resolutions and leave behind everything that had made me happy for more than a year. I had
found a sister in Angela, a true friend in François, a father in Danny, and my double in his son. I
had reconstituted a family, the family I had longed for in Kentwood, even though it didn't really
look like the one in my dreams. There, it would never have occurred to me to count vampires
among the dearest to my heart. I never imagined being able to love a man so totally, so
unconditionally, so blindly. I had never been a blue flower, but like all women at one time or
another, I had dreamed of true love. You could have said that I was incredibly lucky to have
found it, to experience it… If only it had been reciprocated… It only remained for me to move
away from it and try to appease the suffering of my heart in his absence. Yet I was under no
illusions, I would never love the way I loved Phoenix again, I could not engage with someone
else. It wasn't a hollow assertion of a stuffed noodle to sentimental romances. It was the truth,
what I felt deep in my heart, in all my soul. Phoenix had been the first and the last man I would
have loved. And he would never know. Two evenings later, I was looking at the empty suitcase I
had opened on my bed. In half an hour we would be at the meeting place. Based on the
conclusion of this discussion, I would know whether I should complete it when I return or not.
The prospect made my blood run cold to the point where I almost wanted to delay the interview
to postpone the deadline. But my worries were no match for the peace between humans and
vampires. I had no choice. In whispering, I took my bag and left my room to join Phoenix on the
porch. I still had one thing to do before he took me to seal my fate. - Are you ready? I envied the
calm and the charisma that it radiated. - I still have one thing to do, I say, approaching and
grabbing his hand to slip his sister's necklace into it. When he saw it, his face expressed several
emotions: the nostalgia linked to the jewel, the understanding of my gesture, the bitterness it
triggered. Although I managed to fight back the tears that had naturally come to my eyes, my
voice hoarse as I spoke. - If this interview is successful and the threat of the Circle is over, I
have no more reason to delay my departure, so I prefer to return your necklace now. Phoenix
stared at me without a word, the hand still open with the jewelry inside. I was unable to
determine his thoughts, but his bright eyes were enough to express their turmoil. - Know that I
have absolutely nothing to regret. I even bless the night we met despite its turbulent
circumstances… Our differences have only separated us, but I want you to know that no one
has ever been more important than you in my life. I… I couldn't go on without telling him the
truth about my feelings, I better shut up. Anyway, I couldn't utter a single word as the emotion
overwhelmed me. I didn't need it. Phoenix didn't let me see his reaction to my speech as he
pulled me to him in a steel hug. We would never be closer than at this moment, united in the
pain of farewell. Never had he held me so tightly, as if he feared that I would vanish as soon as
he let go. I started to cry. His embrace upset me so much that I forgot all my resolutions. At that
moment, I wanted him to tell me to stay, to tell me that he loved me and would never stop loving
me. I wanted him to prove to me that I was wrong, that he had simply been afraid to confess his
true feelings to me and that by now he had understood that I meant too much in his life for him
to leave me. go. I would have given anything to hear those words come out of his mouth. But he
was content to hug me, hug me to suffocate me, as if he wanted me to merge into him. He didn't
say anything. - I don't want to leave… I say between sobs. Phoenix tightens his hold on me. -
So don't go… This insecure whisper in my ear almost revived a hope that I could not allow to
invade me before knowing more. If these words were not for him the value, I wanted them to
have, I might suffer another disappointment, more bitter than all the others. That's why I didn't
ask my question until I was sure that the armor around my heart had become inviolable again. -
Why? Everything was going to be decided according to his answer. I was ready to do anything
for him, if he gave me a good reason to stay by his side. His friendship was not enough for me, I
wanted more. He only had a few words to say to me… They never came. Phoenix stiffened, his
embrace becoming almost unbearable. Finally, he gently pushed me aside, displaying his
indecipherable air which broke me even more than what followed: - I do not have to influence
you. You are now free to make your own choices, I do not have the right, out of simple
selfishness, to deprive you of the happiness to which you aspire by staying by my side. You
deserve better than this. I wanted to scream, slap him, cry. All at the same time. But nothing that
I was feeling crossed my lips. My armor had worked. - If you say so. This sentence so banal and
so meaningless horrified me as I pronounced it, yet it was the only answer that seemed to suit
me to definitively close the chapter of our separation. He wouldn't fight for me. I was going to
have to learn to live without him.

Chapter XII: A Matter of Choice

* Everyone had been punctual. Richard Harding, Matthew, Angela, Francois, Phoenix and I
arrived at the meeting place at eleven o'clock. I held in a plastic folder the precious documents
attesting to the will of the Great to accelerate the expansion of the Great Change to the rest of
the planet and of the commitment made to ensure that it is respected with the greatest firmness,
in close collaboration with protectors of the human race. As an intermediary, I took care of the
introductions (passing quickly over Phoenix and Matthew for safety; the two had looked at each
other with the same fierce hatred when they arrived). Harding courteously greeted my boss,
somewhat intimidated by the aura of power and calm and deadly charisma that emanated from
him, who responded with a deep nod, a mark of deep respect for those familiar with vampiric
formalities. - So, are you our "guardian angel"? Phoenix nodded again. - It all depends on which
side of the law you are. I gritted my teeth. Could he not have avoided reminding Harding, who’s
supposed to sign a peace treaty, that he could dismember him if he did not respect his
commitments? Fortunately, that made Richard Harding laugh. - I think we'll come to an
agreement. He noticed the sleeve that I was holding preciously. - Can I? I handed it to him. We
waited a few minutes to give them time, with Matthew reading over his shoulder, to take note of
the proposed timeline. They raised their eyebrows at the same time. I suspected that they had
just read the passage where it was stated in how many years the Great Change should be
applied globally. It was true that the new emerging countries like China, India or Brazil would be
the first to be attached to it over a period of two years, but in the end, the overall process would
take a much longer time. - Sixty years? said Harding, half perplexed, half disappointed. "This is
the time the Greats are willing to give you," Phoenix said. Matthew stepped in, disgusteded. -
Do you realize how many humans are going to be murdered during this time? It is too long! The
discussion was likely to turn sour; it was better that I take over. Phoenix wasn't good at
smoothing corners, especially when his opponent was none other than Matthew. - If you read
the document correctly, you will see that it is a gradual process. Immediate application would
only trigger a civil war between vampires. There would inevitably be collateral human damage,
even more so if the Secret of their existence came to light. No one wants a war between our two
races because we have no idea how many casualties it would cause. Matthew fell silent,
considering my words. He was smart, I knew he could only match my reasoning. His father still
had to be convinced. - The first time we saw each other, I told you that Rome was not built in a
day. The stakes of the Great Change are even more important! The Circle of Mellindra must
preserve it to protect humanity. It is necessary to work together to guarantee its success and
make possible the peaceful coexistence between our two species. We're not that different… I
looked at Francois and Angela, Harding watched me. They were holding hands, bathing in an
aura of unconditional love that even he could sense. Despite the tension between us, the bond
between them was clearly visible. I saw the emotion take over Richard Harding's eyes, which I
took advantage of to silently implore Matthew to end his father's hesitation. He looked at me for
a long time, then at Phoenix. His face hardened, I was afraid it was all over. - It is time for the
Circle of Mellindra to reorient its way of protecting humanity… No longer by killing vampires, but
by helping prevent them from killing us. She's right, the Great Change is a cause worth fighting
for. Richard Harding pulled a pen out of his jacket. Among the elements that I had given him,
there was a sheet on which was written the agreement of the truce, pending the signature of a
true peace treaty. - It's time I took advantage of my son without worrying about whether he
would be torn from me again. He signed. All my nerves finally relaxed at the word of this
decision. We had come close to an open war between vampires and humans and no one could
know what would have happened if we had come to this. Who would have won? How many
deaths would there have been? Where would I have had my place? What a relief to know that
these questions would not arise! The Circle of Mellindra was not dissolved, it simply went to
sleep to preserve the status quo. He would continue to monitor vampire behavior in the regions
affected by the Great Change, but instead of carrying out assassinations on the first slip, this
time he could demand accountability and be heard without getting slaughtered. Many
negotiations were looming, but the main one was there, the war had been avoided. I glanced at
Angela and saw that she too was finally exhaling the breath she had been holding throughout
this meeting. Even though she didn't really know the vampire world, she knew enough to
understand that in the event of a conflict, Francois would not be able to escape; besides, he
never would have. As he was her soul mate, she had lived with a knot in her stomach as soon
as she found out about this matter. She could never bear to lose her great love… In fact, I
stared at Matthew with all the gratitude my gaze could express. I knew it was because of him
that we had managed to agree on a truce. From the moment he understood the terrible
implications of the perennial hatred between vampires and members of the Circle, he had
become the decisive actor in the ceasefire. Being the lost son of the chief of the latter's
members had played a considerable part in this direction. Richard Harding had lost his wife in
atrocious conditions, and he was convinced that his child had suffered the same fate. We could
easily sympathize with his grief and understand his desire for revenge ... The anger that I saw in
his eyes at our meeting had not entirely disappeared, of course, but the fact of having found his
son had allowed reason to to be heard again by this man. His friends had small children, he was
not allowed to expose them to open war like this. To perpetuate hatred on all generations was
unfair, these little ones deserved to be happy, far from all this violence. My adoptive parents had
made this decision for me thirty years ago… and I thanked them for it. While his father
questioned Phoenix about the upcoming organization, Matthew gazed into mine. All this time, I
wondered if he would ever forgive me for all the lies I had told him. He had been terribly angry
with me when he found out everything, especially knowing that his biological father, whom he
had been looking for for years, was the same one the vampires wanted to put out of harm's way
after being responsible for his mother's death, and that they had asked me to serve them on a
platter. I was in pain that he considered me a traitor. I couldn't blame him, yet his behavior
towards me the whole time had hurt me deeply. Enduring his coldness and his accusing gaze
when we met to act as intermediaries between the two camps was more than painful. However,
at that moment, I would have forgotten everything if Matthew had finally forgiven me. He
glanced briefly at Angela, whom I saw cheering him on with a smile, before returning his
attention to me. I couldn't hear my heart beating, nor the conversation between my boss and my
friend's father. All that mattered was the decision he was going to make now. Slowly, he nodded
positively. It was enough. I closed my eyes, as much relief as to fight back the tears of emotion
that threatened to surface, and exhaled at length. When I opened them again, I gave him a
frank smile which he returned more timidly. I would have thrown myself in his arms if it hadn't
been so formal. Angela had less restraint and wiped her eyes with a tissue, too happy to see
her best friends finally reconciled. Finally I was able to take an interest in the surrounding
discussion which was coming to an end. Richard Harding once again promised not to do
anything against the vampire community, at least until the signing of the official peace treaty,
and Phoenix assured him and his associates both freedom and life. This nightmare was about
to end, an end symbolized by the handshake that allowed each other. I thought this was the
perfect time to give Matthew a hug and I walked over to him when suddenly an alarm siren
roared through my mind, pinning me in place. Looking up, I saw movement on the scaffolding
above us, accessible from the outside through a broken window. I also saw the tip of a rifle
aimed at one of us. – WATCH OUT!! I yelled as I ran without thinking to stand in front of
Phoenix, whom I had identified at first glance as the shooter's target. Everything happened very
quickly. Matthew and his father plunged to the ground, as did Angela who hadn't really had a
choice since Francois had thrown himself on her to protect her. As for me, offered to the balls of
the tattooed man, I had not anticipated the speed of my boss's reflexes. As the bullets were
already hissing at my chest, he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me aside to receive
instead of me. From the concrete on which I had collapsed and as in a bad slow motion, I could
clearly see the impact followed by the fall of the one who had protected me. My God ... If I had
used my sanity instead of rushing headlong between bullets and Phoenix, this one, with his
powers, would have had time to avoid them. By pushing me out of the line of sight, he had
sacrificed himself. It was my fault. Everything collapsed around me. I did not hear Angela's cry
of fear nor those of the shooter who had not had time to escape François' super speed, who
had started by twisting the barrel of the rifle before firing a shot at him, fist that made him fly
away and crash to the ground. No. All I could see was Phoenix, lying down, blood slowly flowing
from his chest wound. I rushed over to kneel beside him and see the extent of the damage. He
was lying on the floor in a state of extreme weakness which I immediately associated with the
effect of the silver poisoning. He must have been in a lot of pain, but since the heart had not
been touched, in theory, there was no need to panic; a good swig of fresh blood and he'd be
okay. So why did I have get this bad feeling that assailed me as I took his hand? Why the
feeling that something horrible, insurmountable for me, was going to happen? Phoenix had a
pale complexion, and his eyes, expressing only pain on a mouth that remained hopelessly
silent, made me shiver. Why couldn't he speak? But with the cries of the tattooed man, I
wouldn't hear anything at all anyway! The latter's screams were caused by the pain of his
broken leg as well as the insults he was hurling at Richard, whom he accused of treason to his
kind. - You promised to help me avenge my brother by eradicating all vampires from this planet!
Now that you have found your son, you are forgetting your real friends! Shocked, the latter
nonetheless found the strength to retaliate. - I am not forgetting anyone and it is precisely to
protect you that I accepted this truce! I came to understand that all these years of living in
hatred and revenge have prevented us from mourning and paying homage to the dead by
finding a way to be happy in this life! We are all exhausted from hiding, our friends are afraid for
their children, and I am exhausted from living with Death all the time! If this angel guarantees
our safety, I do not see why we could not supervise their actions without declaring the war. The
Circle of Mellindra must not be intended to start a war that we humans are not sure we will win!
All our members agree with that, I thought you ended up accepting it, too! - You're just a traitor!
You are all traitors! yelled the other. If I have to die tonight, it will be with the satisfaction of
having killed one of these horrors! I used my most beautiful invention, a find that I reserved for a
vampire of a different caliber than the minuses we had when we woke up! Bullets containing
silver! Before long, he will die as he deserves! My blood froze. So that was it. The reason
Phoenix couldn't move… Slowly but surely the silver poison was making its way to his heart and
once there it would be over. With conventional bullets, the absorption of human blood would
have quickly expelled them from the body, but with liquid ... It took me a few seconds to
assimilate the information. Phoenix, die? It was impossible, he was an angel! Well not an angel
of God, obviously, but my own angel… I… no… he couldn't… The white-hot blade suddenly
remembered my fond memories, piercing me this time with incredible violence. I could take it all:
the fact that he didn't love me, my leaving Scarborough, his absence… I could take it all. But not
that he died. It was intolerable. If I had been born, I knew it now, it was good to love this man
and reconcile him to himself. It didn't matter that I couldn't live by his side if he was alive. I had
no place in this world if it was no longer a part of it. Even as this hideous reality made its way
through my shock and painful mind, the man was still chuckling. In a fraction of a second,
Francois towered over him, his eyes wild, his voice heavy with meaning. - I will immediately
grant your wish. The man closed his eyes with a triumphant smile as our musketeer already
bent down, fangs out, to pierce his throat. - Stop! This sharp command, despite the low volume
of the voice, came from Phoenix. He was trying hard to stay conscious. - If you kill him, all that
will have been for nothing and you will only accomplish his will. Leave him. Francois had
stopped and was looking at his friend with compassion and admiration. Richard Harding was
staring at him in disbelief. - He tried to kill you, and you let him save his life? - My life is less
important than restoring the status quo. We told each other everything. Matthew and you, take
this man and do what you want with him. My employers will contact you to draft the official
agreements of the peace treaty and its future implications. It was time for them to take their
leave, the message was clear. Phoenix was proud and he didn't want to lose his fight in front of
them. As Matthew took charge of carrying Bruce on his shoulder, who must have been knocked
out by Francis because he had started screaming again, Richard walked over to the door to
open it. But before crossing the threshold, he turned around. - You could have avoided these
bullets and let her die, but you intervened… Samantha was right, there is good in you. Phoenix
greeted the compliment with a low nod. His father out, Matthew looked at my tearful face and
looked at me with pity. - I can come back… I don't know how, but I want to help you. As I did not
answer, François took care of it. - There is nothing to do. Your best bet is to go home with your
dad and find a way to stop this guy from harming again. After a short silence, I heard Matthew: -
I'm sorry. He went. Only Angela, Francois and I remained, helpless as we were facing the
agony of Phoenix whose already pale complexion gradually took on an ashy tint. In a last effort,
he took my hand and put something in it. Astonishment quickly gave way to despair when I
realized that this little silver object was none other than Keira's necklace, that he gave me as a

* - I'll give him my blood! I say, talking the talk, making a large gash in my forearm. Phoenix had
just passed out. Just before, he had looked at me in a strange way. He had wanted to tell me
something, but I hadn't understood it, which frustrated me to the utmost. He had to come back
to me, which is why my hand didn't shake when I cut myself. Francois and Angela stood behind
me as I tried to get the man I loved to drink my vital fluid. My friend couldn't help but sob, which
annoyed me terribly as I knew she was considering the worst. For me that was out of the
question. We hadn't put Phoenix in my path, made him my mentor and dearest to me, to take it
back from me with stupid silver bullets. - Drink, Phoenix. Damn it! Drink! No matter what, he
couldn't swallow the liquid flowing in his mouth. Horrified, I saw his skin turn grayish as the silver
moved towards his heart. - François, that doesn't work! I implored my musketeer. He put a hand
on my shoulder. - It would take several liters of blood injected directly into the body. We have
nothing on hand and Phoenix cannot be transported. - What… what are you saying? "I'm afraid
there is nothing to do," he said in a quiet voice, his pain echoing mine. - No, there must be a
solution! I persisted. He cannot die! It's Phoenix! As if this argument would change anything!
After five hundred years on this earth, my boss vampire was simply not going to rise from the
ashes. He was going to disappear before my eyes, and I couldn't do anything about it. It was
this truth that had to be accepted. Under the weight of pain and the violence of my sobs, I
leaned forward and rested my head on his chest. I was going to lose my love when I never had
the courage to tell him how I felt for him. Had I done it that maybe I would have had less, at this
precise moment, this feeling of pure waste. - No… no… no… I whispered in a desperate litany. I
closed my eyes, trying to imagine myself living a nightmare from which I was going to wake up.
Even when Phoenix had rejected me, I hadn't felt so bad. I felt like I was ripping my soul to
shred it into confetti and burn what was left of it. Francois and Angela had stepped back to give
me some privacy. They knew my feelings and I thanked them for their silence. Nothing they
could have told me would have relieved my pain. I was going to have to live without him…
Suffice to say that I would spend the rest of my days in a perpetual night. A night…. At night…
Lethal… - When the boy began to perish dangerously, she didn't hesitate a second and slit her
throat to offer him her own blood. (…) - No more pressure. The carotid? These two memories
collided in my mind. The mother of all vampires had sacrificed herself for her son to live and last
year, when Karl knocked me out in my room with my jaw broken, Phoenix had made me drink
from his neck to facilitate the flow of blood. I straightened up and looked at him. At the gates of
death, his face had lost none of its charisma and beauty. He really looked like an angel from
heaven… I knew what to do. My knife in hand, I turned my head to the couple watching me,
showing an air of infinite compassion towards me. - Under no circumstances should you
intervene. Whatever the consequences, I forbid you to intervene, can you hear me? My voice
was more dry and brittle than I had wanted, however, it was no longer time for procrastination.
Shunning Francois' questioning eye, I looked for the last time at the man I loved. If I didn't
succeed, at least I would die with him. It was good like that… I raised my arm. - NO! I heard. My
musketeer friend understood the intention of my gesture, but it was too late. Angela's yelp and
then horrified scream reached me far away. I hadn't thought about how I was going to proceed, I
just trusted the sharp edge of my blade to do the job right. Blood was now flowing in torrents
from my open throat. Despite the shock, I knew I had a few seconds of consciousness left
before drifting to death so I placed my gaping wound over my employer's mouth, my hand under
his head, hoping for some reaction to occur. I didn't care if I died there as long as I could save
him. My vision was cloudy, my ears were ringing, which allowed me not to hear Angela begging
Francois to help me, and this one refuses it to him to respect my wishes. Slowly, I sank. My
eyelids grew heavier and heavier and after a while I thought to myself that there was no point in
wanting to keep them open. I was no longer cold. I felt better, actually. Physically, at least. Since
there was no evidence to the contrary, I suspected that Phoenix had failed to drink my blood. I
wouldn't save him so better that I never opened my eyes again. As I drifted like this, on the
verge of unconsciousness and death, I was abruptly brought back to real-world sensations
when my whole body remembered to inform me that the sudden pressure it was under was
unbearable. More than that, the incredible pain I felt in my neck, like sticking two hot needles
down my already injured throat, I would have screamed out if I had been able. From the torpor
in which I found myself, I understood. A vampire was killing me. Yet, far from being afraid, my
whole being was smiling. END OF VOLUME II

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