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Script Speech: Seminar Session by Moderator

“Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please. Our seminar is about to begin.
Please have a nice seat. Thank you very much for preparing yourself to join our seminar.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb, Good morning Bapak Ibu.

Respectable examiner Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A./ the honorable advisors Prof. Bambang Yudi
Cahyono, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr Nur Mukminantien, M.Pd., and Ibu Francisca Maria Ivone, Ph.D./ and
beloved classmates of English Language Education batch 2020.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’m Devinta Puspita Ratri, the Moderator of today’s seminar proposal of Bu Okta Widiasuti with the
title The Use of Technology Enhanced-Speaking Tasks to Promote EFL Students’ Communicative
Performance with Online Audiences: Preparation, Performance, and Perception. We are going to
have 50 minutes for this session of seminar proposal/ Bu Okta will deliver her presentation for 10-15
minutes followed by comments, feedbacks, and questions from the board of examiners. Please
kindly reminded that each examiner has 10 minutes to give questions and deliver feedback.

Ladies and Gentlemen, without a further ado please welcome Bu Okta. Time is yours

………………………Presentation session by Bu Okta………………………….

“Thank you very much Bu Okta for such an interesting presentation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, now we come to question and answer session. I’d like to invite Prof. Dr. Yazid
Basthomi, M.A as examiner to have comments, feedbacks, and questions. Please.

………………………questions session by Prof Yazid………………………….

Thank you for the constructive feedback, Prof.

Well, ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to welcome Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, M.A., Ph.D., as the
first adviser, to provide feedback, comments, and questions. Please.

Thank you for the fruitful input, Pak Yudi

Well, ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to invite Prof. Dr Nur Mukminantien, M.Pd as the 2 nd advisor to
have comments, feedbacks, and questions. Please

Thank you for the insightful suggestion, Prof. Nur

Well, ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to welcome Francisca Maria Ivone, Ph.D as the 3 rd advisor to
provide comments, feedbacks, and questions. Please

Thank you Prof. Yazid for the constructive insights.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we finally come to the end of this seminar. Congratulations for the seminar
proposal Bu Okta. I’d like to thank so much to the board of examiners and to the audience.
Hopefully, the seminar will be beneficial for everybody. Amin.
Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.”

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