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Theory Improvement 1

1 Afif This is a good work. Please continue. What about speaking? Topic, level of
difficulty, perhaps.

Muvizu-PBL is not an approach, unless you have a sound theory. Please find out
the differences among approach, method, technique and strategies,
2 Dian Rahma (a) Make it clear how you integrate content-based instruction with
English Show Program. “Content based language instruction is based
on the theory that language acquisition is based on input that is
meaningful and understandable to the learners”.
(b) How do you relate the English show (how many times) with the
instruction which is organized around the content.
(c) How many minutes? Remember in public speaking, you must bring
something new.
(d) Do you collaborate with the content teacher?
(d) Do you consider need analysis and situational analysis?
3 Eko The quotation you put there is not stunning enough.
Please be focused.
How do you make the tutorial videos?
How do you consider the students’ motivation? Instrumental, integrative? What
are the components of motivation do you consider? E.g. activation, persistence
and intensity.
As this is pandemic, make it clear that you are using such-and-such technology
and how those videos can help you.
How do you develop the instructional videos? How many?
4 Imelda Way to write: Garrison et al. (2000). It is a good work. Improve your style. What
theory do you use for the collaborative learning. Do you know the steps of
collaborative learning that make it different from cooperative learning? How
about the steps you have adopted/adapted here? Ibu Imelda, your work is
similar to Bpk Zaini’s; please read my feedback to Bpk Zaini. Why do you think
the theory you adopt is the best to cope with the problem?
5 Zaini Yth. Bapak Zaini, your work is similar to Ibu Imelda’s. Please read my comment
for Ibu Imelda. How do you make your collaborative instruction with Edmodo is
doable. Also, in terms of content and language development, how can you call
your instruction innovative? They work collaboratively only for developing the
ideas? To develop ideas don’t they read as extensively as possible? Writing
involves so many components to develop. In what component, is collaborative
learning more useful?
6 Faizatul Dear Ibu Faizatul, what innovation on the instruction of syntax do you want to
share in this chapter? Do you start with the students’ problems in learning
syntax? What are their main problems in this pandemic? What theory do you
7 Khusnul Good. By the way, What are the main characteristics of extensive reading?
Khotimah What is the main goal of extensive reading in this course? Do you stick to
the standard main characteristics of extensive reading—e.g. enjoyment,
speed, fluence, etc.? How about the materials to read? How do you
innovatively develop your procedure/model in this extensive reading
course to attain the goal you want to achieve? How about the modality?
How about each feature of SCP for extensive reading? How can students
easily get the materials to read?
8 Fitriatul Ibu Fitriatul, please start with the problem to solve. The theory to adopt. The
situational analysis perhaps. What theory of Microteaching do you use? Then
why do you land on WA, GM and YouTube? Why do you call your procedure
9 Rida Ibu Rida, this is a good work. It will be interesting if you also show your idea in a
10 Deisyi Ibu Deisyi, have you dropped your output hypothesis?
11 Humairah Ibu Humairah, you use video in the speaking class. How can students make use
of the video for developing their speaking skills, e.g. fluency, vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation, content, etc.? What video for what? How do you
incorporate it to the interaction that you mention? Only for advance organizer?
12 Ima Ibu Ima, what kind of feedback are you going to give to your students? After
receiving feedback, what should the students do? Why do you call it innovative?
13 David Bpk. David, please show the simple steps to maximize the use of WhatsApp for
raising students’ motivation and engagement. By the way, for developing what
14 Istiqomah Foe developing what skills, Ibu Ustiqomah?

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