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"Rosario School"

"Liberalism in the Russian Revolution"

Subject: History

Teacher: Romero; Samantha

Student / Author: Rodríguez Bonavía; Lautaro

Course: 4th Year

Division: "B"

Deadline for delivery: 09/10/2020


1) Reading and synthesis of chapter 5 (Already done in the previous activity)

2) Observation and note taking of the following documentary: (done in class)

The Russian Revolution (Encounter Channel)

3) From what has been worked, they must generate a Rehearsal (The rehearsal It is a
literary genre that is characterized by allowing a specific topic to be developed in a
free and personal way. Commonly, people write essays to express some opinion or
idea, and without having to worry about sticking to a rigid writing structure or
documenting it exhaustively) You must respect the historical variables. They can select
a theme that follows from theRussian Revolution (For example, they can be: The
Czars, Lenin, The Workers, The Peasants, The Women of the Revolution, The Concept
of Revolution, Trotsky, etc.)

It will be evaluated:

• The Veracity and the Application of the Historical Variables.

• The originality of the story.

• The ability to substantiate and argue your answer.

The so-called "Russian Revolution" occurred at the beginning of the 20th century (more

specifically in 1917 during the First World War) is known worldwide for a wide
range of aspects such as that: first, it managed to end a long series of
mistreatments and abuses, both political, economic and social, of the tsarist
regime in the Russian Empire, second, it caused the arrival of the United States
to the 1GM causing in turn that world domination went from being Euro-
centric to being Unitary in the hands of the United States and a third party that
collaborated in the formation of one of the largest imperialist states in all
history that was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). However, this
revolution, despite ending an imperial authoritarian regime, served to develop
a new string of governments of almost the same nature that also worsened the
situation of the largest state in the world in almost all aspects.

Having said all this, I will now go on to explain how, from my point of view,
to totally abandon the ideas of liberalism (and therefore capitalism).

To begin to show the arguments that justify my initial thesis, it is

necessary that first I, Lautaro Rodríguez Bonavía, explain what liberalism is and
in response to this I will say in a few words that liberalism is: "Unrestricted
respect for the life project of others "one, that is to say that what Liberalism
proposes, unlike the communist / socialist / Marxist ideas of the Bolsheviks for
example), is the superposition of freedom in every sense of the individual and
full and total equality before the law on equality (with the exception of with
respect to the law) and aspects such as "Social Justice", for which this
ideological trend is looking for each person to be free to do whatever they
want (whether to trade or associate for example), when want and how you
want as long as it does not attack individual freedoms or endanger them.
Having briefly clarified this question, I can present the first argument which is
that: starting from the phrase of liberalism explained, if a government of a true
liberal nature had been carried out,

one Phrase coined and used for the first time by the economist Alberto Benegas Lynch (h.)
social repressions where by expressing yourself differently you could be assassinated (since a

Totalitarian or Authoritarian Liberalism and is a total oxymoron), unlike the Marxist ideas that

ended up being implanted, which according to the words of his own Lenin They wanted to

create a Dictatorship of the Proletariat where the freedoms of the "exploiters and capitalists"

were restricted to the detriment of what the "workers" wanted, something that not only

generated all kinds of repressions against innocents that did not coincide with the extreme idea

of removing an authoritarian government (the tsarist) to put another equal or worse (the

socialist / communist) as his own Leon Trotsky, but also helped the power of the Union of

Soviet Socialist Republics to form a new oligarchic and one-party system that disguised under

the desire to "represent and help the workers" murdered millions of people and harmed more

those who claimed to defend in less than 50 years. This is coupled with many other atrocities

and impacts that this Marxist government had such as the death of many women in prisons

where they could not even go to the bathroom, the repression in concentration camps (the

famous “Gulags”) Or the armed slaughter of homosexuals that according to Yosef Stalin were

only“ the product of a decadent and bourgeois vice ”(the saddest thing is that later there are

homosexuals in favor of communism).

As a second argument, liberalism should have remained since the measures

of this ideology that were taken in the Tsarist Russian Empire during the 1GMtwo
They were the ones that began to make the weak economic and social situation begin
to improve, for example for the peasants and members of the proletariat since the
opening to the free market, the acceptance of foreign capital and the total abolition of
serfdom and vassalage helped Russia to It would not finish collapsing due to economic
problems in the middle of the war and could make it begin to put aside (without
violence) a practically feudal system of the Tsarist dynasties, while the total Marxist
government system that was later implanted and its protectionist economic measures
and interventionists, in addition to being inoperative in the long term (such as
Gradualism and expropriations) what they achieved was to make the economic
situation of the workers deteriorate even more than with the tsarist regime since, for
example,expropriations only generated lower productivity, a smaller amount of
incentive to produce and therefore periods where hunger and death by murder

two 1GM = World War I

reigned (reaching more than 3 million deaths only in the Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic).

As a third argument, I can mention that with the provisional government

liberal Kerensky and with the Dumas, there was greater justice in terms of the
Assemblies where discussions were held about how to deal with the situation
of instability by also including certain members of the Nobility and middle class
close to the Tsar as opposed to the Soviets where almost all the members were
of the same social class (the so-called worker). This argument is due to the fact
that no matter what has happened in the past, a social sector cannot be
discriminated or disintegrated with the excuse that due to the oppressions that
occurred before, discriminating now, discrimination will be fought and full
equality achieved. Class Consciousness, Social and Historical Justice, etc.).

As a result of this, it can also be presented as a fourth argument that liberal

measures, although they could be arduous or tedious to carry out in the beginning, were

more convenient because they were thought in the medium or long term, this means that

if Well in the present some of the changes such as economic openings and the

implantation of a parliamentary democratic government where the tsars were not

completely excluded regardless of the past, in the future (whether distant or not) would

end up benefiting to the broad bulk of the population of the former Russian Empire (being

the future look of the plans that are applied in a current currency in the liberal

governments, turning out quite well if we look for example at current powers such as the

United States or the United Kingdom) ;While the actions that the Bolsheviks' current (the

winner) sought to achieve were only measures that had a lot of emphasis on the present

and achieving everything at that time, but that did not look to the future and therefore

when they materialized they would leave without knowing what to do to the perpetrators

and would result in further actions of this kind that

they would end up only damaging the population in the long term (the greatest example

here is the Russian Revolution and the rise of the Bolsheviks to power because as soon as

Lenin's plan was completely completed, he had not the faintest idea of what to do, then

no He had thought about his long-term revolution, which is why he ended up taking or

allowing economic and political measures that led to the disaster and the death of millions

of people in less than a quarter century.

And as the fifth and last argument, it is only necessary to compare both the
It made the country adapt to the changes of the Second Industrial Revolution
and even made it not only not colonized by Imperialism as if it were countries
like China and India, but it also made it possible for it to emerge as a new
power that threatened the Europeans and Americans to the point of having
their own empire (which I do not defend anyway). Now, Russia implanted it for
a short time and things improved somewhat and if Japan, being a tiny island in
the middle of the Pacific, could with liberalism be a power, Russia with the
great variety of fertile soils and natural resources could have maintained the
liberal ideal. be today a world power on a par with the United States or

It is for these and many other reasons that I state and affirm that abandonment

Russia's total of liberal ideas that in the rest of the world worked almost perfectly
(because if we have to admit that liberalism is not perfect either) it ended up marking
a black destiny for what would later become the USSR and all the countries of the Bloc
Communist or Eastern and that if measures of the kind of which I am in favor had
been applied, Russia would have been able to save itself those multiple years of
recessions, repressions and setbacks in economic, political and social aspects (mainly)
and become (for least) one of the 5 most developed countries in the complete World
Historiography. But sadly, that could not happen and both Russia and the other
countries that make up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and
the later Eastern or Communist Bloc were forced to experience a setback and
backwardness in many aspects compared to countries of the Capitalist or Western
Bloc that, coincidentally, had a liberal predominance in their policies.

Table showing the economic decline of the USSR partly due to its
planned and interventionist economy

Ukrainian children suffering from the effects of the so-called

Holodomor or Ukrainian Genocide that killed more than 3 million individuals
Consulted Bibliography
Books consulted:

Alonso, ME (1994). History. The Contemporary World.Buenos Aires. Aique

Andújar, AN (2017) Argentine History and the World. The First Half of the 20th Century.
Buenos Aires. Santillana


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