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1. If I travel tomorrow, I won’t go to English class.

2. If Cielo sleeps in class, she won´t attend properly.
3. If Juan Enrique were famous, he would buy a porch.
4. If Melany traveled to space, she would like to visit Venus.
5. If Lourdes ate mushrooms every day, she would hate it in the future.
6. If Lucia Marivi doesn’t change her profile picture, we will think she likes so much llamas to
admire and eat.
7. If Pierina met One Direction, she would like to take a picture with each one of them.
8. If Nestor drank orange juice every day, he will find his better half soon.
9. I would like to travel to Brazil, if only I had money for plane tickets.
10. If my brother didn’t eat junk food every night, he would lose weight.

If I were an animal, I would like to be a fly to annoy everyone. I would like to cat because I
consider that they are free souls they are independent, adventurers, smart. They look for
their own food and bathe themselves.

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