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B. Read the introduction and the extract from a book. What does the writer do in
this extract?

Answer: c. Describe events and the characters' feelings

C. Read the text again and answer the following questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. From the text we understand that most of the people.

b. Didn’t like Prince John

2. The spectators at the jousting competition.

c. Supported the unknown knight.

3. How did Prince John feel about Ivanhoe’s victory?

c. He was unpleasantly surprised.

4. Why did Prince John tell his soldiers to remove Ivanhoe’s helmet?

a. Because Ivanhoe refused to do so.

5. How did Rawena feel when she saw Ivanhoe’s fase?

b. She was greatly surprised.

6. Why did Ivanhoe fall to the ground?

c. He was suffering from an injury.

D. Match the words highlighted in the text with their meanings.

1. Approached (D. went near)

2. Galloped (E. rode horses which were running fast)
3. Announced (A. made known)
4. Nodded (F. moved his head to show agreement)
5. Removed (B. took off)
6. Wounded (C. injured)

E. Discuss

1. Did you like the xtract?

I like it because this story tells how an honorable knight who has spent his life in war,
fighting for his homeland England, who is loyal to his ideals, at the same time this a
gentleman has a true love and what I like the most is the bravery and the fight of this
gentleman to recover his love putting his life in danger.
2. What do you think will probably happen next in history?

I hope that the knight Ivanhoe does not die because it would be a sad ending. I think that
knight ivanhoe will probably be imprisoned by prince John and the people will fight for
his freedom.

When the knight Ivanhoe is free, he will join the people to remove Prince John from
power and recover his beloved Rowena.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.
1. When someone does you a favour it is only polite to say thank you.
2. Ms Benz is teaching her kindergarten class how to say hello.
3. We were in the neighborhood and just decided to pop in and say so.
4. Most people find it really hard to tell the difference between the twins.
5. To tell the time, I think that Jerry was lying to us.
6. You can trust Martha; she would never tell a secret that she promised to keep.
7. If you don’t eat meat, just tell the truth and I’ll make you something else to eat.
8. Tom had just started to tell a story about ghosts when we heard a knock at the door.
9. I knew that Carla was telling a lie because she didn’t look me in the eyes.
10. ‘I apologize’ is a formal way of saying sorry.

Read the dialogue on page 24, underline all the examples of who, which and that and
complete the rules below
- Use Who or That to refer to people
- Use Which or That to refer to things of ideas

Practice: Join the sentences using who, which, where or whose

1. Coffee is a drink which many people like to drink in the morning.
2. Elizabeth Brown is giving a talk at our college, where she writes children's books.
3. My sister is moving to Australia, where she will work as a nurse there.
4. Mrs. Davis is my next door neighbor whose son won the lottery.
5. Vanessa is a friend of mine who is captain of the women's soccer team.
6. Math is a subject which many people find it difficult

How much do you Know about history ?

● I think the tower of London is the place where the crown jewels are kept.
● No, I think the Tower of London is where the weapons were stored during the
100 Years War.
● I think Louis XIV is the king whose wife is Marie Antoinette.
● No, I think that Louis XIV is the king who died on the guillotine like his wife
Marie Antoinette.
● I think the statue of liberty is a monument which the French gave to the
Americans as a symbol of their friendship.
● No, I think that the Statue of Liberty is a monument that the French gave to
the Americans to commemorate the 10 years of independence from the United
● I think Jane Austen is a novelist who wrote books about like in 19th century
● No, I think Jane Austen is a novelist who wrote the famous novel "Pride and
● I think the colosseum is a place where gladiators fought each other in ancient
● No, I think the coliseum is a place where different activities were carried out
such as fighting between gladiators, fighting beasts and even naval battles.
● I think Amelia Earheart is the first woman who flew alone across the atlantic.
● No, I think that Amelia Earheart is an aviator known for attempting the first
air voyage around the world over the equator.



1. If I travel tomorrow, I won’t go to English class.

2. If Cielo sleeps in class, she won't attend properly.
3. If Juan Enrique were famous, he would buy a porch.
4. If Melany traveled to space, she would like to visit Venus.
5. If Lourdes ate mushrooms every day, she would hate it in the future.
6. If Lucia Marivi doesn’t change her profile picture, we will think she likes so much
llamas to admire and eat.
7. If Pierina met One Direction, she would like to take a picture with each one of them.
8. If Nestor drank orange juice every day, he would find his better half soon.
9. I would like to travel to Brazil, if only I had money for plane tickets.
10. If my brother didn’t eat junk food every night, he would lose weight.


1. Read the texts A-D quickly and match them with the headings below.
1) I’m only a text message away (A)
2) A friend in need is a friend online (D)
3) Till work do us part (B)
4) Many tender instant messages (C)
2. Scanning for specific information. Read the texts A-D again and answer the
questions 1-10- Write A, B, C or D in the boxes.
1) Which people got to know each other through the Internet? (D)
2) Which people find it hard to have a relationship because they are in different
countries? (B)
3) Which people like to talk online because it’s easier to say important things?
(C )
4) Which people use a kind of technology that allows them to see each other?
5) Which people have difficulty living together because of their work? (B)
6) Which people use technology to communicate even when they are in the
same house? (A)
7) Which people feel that the internet improved their relationship? (D)
8) Sometimes feel awkward talking in person? (C)
9) Think they might be using technology too much? (B)
10) Lost contact with each other for some time? (D)

3. Discuss
a) I agree in the way and methods they use to communicate because many of
these methods we have applied them at some point in our lives and I think
this will continue for a long time as technology advances with us, we do not
know how we will communicate in the future but it will not be very different
from what we know now.

b) Yes, the way I communicate with my family and friends is similar, even if we
use different applications or programs we will always have the same intention
to communicate when we are far away from those people.

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