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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Quarter: 1 Week: 6 SSLM No. __ CG CODE: HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIg-h-6.3

Ø Objectives: Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
practices, and related issues of Islam
Ø Topic: Islam

Let Us Discover


Islam is one of the fastest growing world religions today. It is the oldest recorded
monotheistic religion in the country. Revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad, those
who follow Islam are called Muslims. They believe that there is only one God – Allah.

Islam is the second most widespread religion, next to Christianity. Islam considers itself
as the final and definitive revelation in the history of humanity. It believes that there will be no
other revelation until the end of human history as it is described in the final chapters of the

Islam was founded by the prophet Mohammed, who was born in Mecca around A.D.
570 and settled in Medina around 622. ‘Islam’ means peace, submission and obedience. A
Muslim is defined by Islamic scholars as “one who believes in God and strives for the complete
transformation of his life according to God’s revealed guidance and the teachings of His

Muhammad (means ‘highly praised’), is the Prophet of Islam and he is often referred
to as ‘the Seal of Prophets’; he is the last prophet.

The Qur’an, is the sacred text of Islam. Muslims believe it to be the literal Word of
Allah. People who manage to memorize the book are held in high regard by the communities.
Since the Qur’an is written in Arabic, the language is respected by the Muslims. The Qur’an
emphasizes the doctrine of the Unity and Oneness of God. Allah is not a tribal or ethnic god
but the supreme Divine Principle in the Arabic language; Allah is translated to God.

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The Qur’an consists of 114 chapters or Surahs, each Surahs composed of verses or
Ayahs. The shorter chapters are called Meccan surahs because they are believed to have
been revealed to Muhammad in Mecca, while the longer ones are called Medinan chapters,
believed to have been revealed later when Muhammad was in Medina.

Five Pillars
The Five Pillars of Islam is the foundation of the faith of the Muslims. They follow and
practice these pillars. These are mentioned in the Qur’an.

1. Shahadah (Creed)
This creed summarizes the faith of a Muslim. “There is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is his messenger”. “It is the first sentence whispered into the ears
of a newborn infant; it is recited daily in prayer; and it is written in Arabic
everywhere inside the domes of mosques and over their doors.

2. Salat (Prayer)
Muslims pray five times a day. Before prayer, there is an individual cleansing
ritual with water, washing the hands, arms, face, neck and feet. Muslims pray
facing Mecca.

3. Zakat (Charity)
Muslims donate certain percentages of their wages to the poor.

4. Sawm (Fasting on Ramadan)

Ramadan is a period of shared fasting among Muslims. The purpose of fasting
is to discipline one’s self, to develop sympathy for the poor and hungry, and to
give to others what one would have eaten. Fasting is thought to be good for
individual spiritual growth.

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

Pilgrimage is a “religious journey by a believer to the sacred city of Islam.

Concept of Worship

• Islam does not teach or accept mere ritualism. Being a monotheistic religion, its
worship is focused on only one God.
• Islam emphasizes on good intention in parallel with good action. Prophet
Mohammed’s teaching is, that true wealth can only manifest with the good things we
do for other people.
• To worship Allah is to know Allah and to love Allah. Act upon Allah’s law in every
aspect of life; to always intend goodness and forbid wrongdoings and
oppression/cruelty; to practice charity and justice and to serve Allah by serving

Different Islamic Sects

1. Sunni Muslims - Sunni means “tradition” and Sunnis regard themselves as
those who follow the traditions of Muhammad and of the first two generations
of the community of Muslims that followed Muhammad. Includes 84%-90% of
all Muslims.

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2. Shi’ite Muslims - Comprises 10%-16% of all Muslims. Shi’ites are the “party
of Ali” who believed that Muhammad’s son-in-law was his designated as
successor. They believe that a Muslim community should be headed by a
designated descendant of Muhammad. Hence, the beginning of the deviation,
3. Sufis or Islamic Mystics - Sufis go beyond external requirements of Islamic
religion to seek a personal experience of God through forms of meditation
and spiritual growth. Some may even live far from communities and family.
4. Baha’is and Ahmadiyyas - These are 19th century offshoots or denomination
of Shi’ite and Sunni respectively.

Let Us Try

Identify Me!
Directions: Identify what is being described from the given sentences. Select your answer
from the box.

Medinan Surahs Ayahs

Meccan Qur’an

____________1. The Islamic word of chapters.

____________2. Longer chapters of Qur’an.
____________3. Sacred text in Islam.
____________4. Shorter chapters of Qur’an.
____________5. The other term of verses.

Let Us Do

Arrange Me!
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters given as your clue to figure out the correct word.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

____________1. AAKTZ – Muslims donate certain percentages of their wages to the poor.
____________2. DHAHAHSA – summarizes the faith of a Muslim.
____________3. AJHJ – pilgrimage to a sacred city.
____________4. TSAAL – Muslim pray five times a day.
____________5. WAMS – fasting on Ramadan.

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Let Us Apply

Do This!
Directions: Make a group consist of 5 individuals (can be members of your family). Write
your answers on a separate sheet with names of group members.

Ø Conduct a panel discussion on Muslim beliefs and practices (when possible invite a

1. What is your insight about their beliefs and practices?

2. What elements of Islam and your religion have in common? Explain your answer.
3. Do you now have a better understanding of Islam? Explain your answer

Scoring Rubric

Performance of the learners will be rated based on the following criteria

20 15 10 5 0
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Fair Good None
Content / thought
(ideas presented were
detailed and on-
Organization (ideas
presented were easily

4 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021


K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG

Retrieved from:

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Sheila Mae O. Dalupan
Language Editor: Mayeth B. Ramos
LR Evaluator:
Creative Arts Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Education Program Supervisor: Lito Adanza
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Answer Key

1. Surahs
2. Medinan
3. Qur'an
4. Meccan
5. Ayahs

1. Zakat
2. Shahadah
3. Hajj
4. Salat
5. Sawm


Answers will vary.

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