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3/17/22, 11:19 PM Classification and Properties of Pronouns Flashcards | Quizlet

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Classification and Properties of Pronouns

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Terms in this set (23)

pronoun used in place of a noun

antecedent the one being replaced by a pronoun

personal, relative, what are the classification of pronouns

indefinite, interrogative,
reciprocal, compound

personal substitute for proper or common nouns

first person refers to the speaker

second person refers to the one spoken to

third person refers to the one spoken about

relative introduces a dependent clause

demonstrative and Properties ofoutPronouns
used to point specific person or thing 1/2
3/17/22, 11:19 PM Classification and Properties of Pronouns Flashcards | Quizlet

demonstrative shows which nouns perform or receive the action

indefinite used to show an unspecific number of nouns

interrogative used to ask questions

reciprocal shows an interchange of action

formed by adding self or selves to the personal

compound personal

intensive compound used to emphasize a noun

personal 2/2

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