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Educational Technology 1

Activity 2
By: Pearlyn Paiste Carser

A. Come up with your own listing (at least 5) on how technology can be a blessing or a
curse to mankind. Feel free to give examples drawn from life, not only from inside the
classroom. Use the table below.

Technology as Boon Technology as Bane

 Technology provides convenience  Technology maybe an avenue to

to human users. sexual crudeness and vulgarity.
 Technology helps in the  Technology, if abused, may cause
productivity without consuming bad effects to our health.
much time.  Technology makes human lazy in
 Technology helps maximize time some aspects.
because of its efficiency and wide  Technology, if abused, may be
scope of information. used in bullying and spread
 Technology brings us closer negativity in the virtual world.
together because we can easily  Technology sometimes may
communicate with each other. increase passivity of human
 Technology helps us in our physical activity.
business, homework, and even
simple everyday lives.

B. Explain the quote below:

“Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they
do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.
 This means that technology usage up to its user, whether they were using it for
good purpose or negative, its up to the user if she/he will be using the
technology in a right way or to harm someone.
C. Get a 1 or more quotation and explain its meaning.
1. “Technology or perish.” – John R. Pierce
 We need innovative alternatives for the future. Technology is how we discover new
things and make life easier. We need to explore things that would make us progress.

2. “All our technological progress, our very civilization is like the axe in the hand of
the pathological criminal.” Alber t Einstein
 Doing the right thing at the right time for the right cause develops the society. But
sometimes things are done to destroy the same. For a criminal to carry out his evil
intensions’ technology is an axe in his hand. It helps him to create his path to his
plans. It’s a threat that technology is not only for the good things but can be used in
bad things.

3. “If there is a technological advance without social advance, there is, almost au
tomatically, an increase in human misery.” – Michael Harrington
 When technology was not use in proper way, there would be no raise in progress.
People must know how to use the technology in the most efficient way.

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