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40-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
Author: TELL ME
Created: 21.01.2009 23:47:54 Bombers / strike aircraft
: Modified 2010-08-26 17:22:57
Comments: 0 Fighters
Categories: AIR / Air-to-air missiles / R-40 (AA-6 ACRID) / Transport aircraft
Special and training aircraft
P-40 (prototype)
R-40R / R-40T (radar and IR-mod.) Products RD-46 / TD-46 or 84 - AA-6 ACRID Helicopters
R-40RD / R-40TD (radar and IR-mod. ) Products RGD-46 / TGD-46 (modified) - AA-6 ACRID-M (ACRID-D) BPLA
R-40RD1 / R-40TD1 Air-to-air missiles

The missile was developed at OKB-4 by MR Bisnovata. It was put into service as part of the MiG-25-40 air defense SNARS-250
complex in 1973. The modified modification (for the MiG-25PD) was put into service in 1978 (tested since 1975). Used G-300 Golden Eagle
from the APU-84-46 launcher. Storm (project)
K-5 / RS-1U - AA-1A ALKALI
Outdoor furniture-15
K-6 / K-6V
К-7 / К-75
K-8 / K-8M - AA-3 ANAB
K-9-51 / PR-38
Complex K-13 (AA-2 ATOLL)
Outdoor furniture-88
K-55 / P-55-AA-1C ALKALI
К-9 / К-9-155 - AA-4 AWL
X-155 (project)
K-80 / R-4R / R-4T - AA-5 ASH
Outdoor furniture-60
40-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
Outdoor furniture-44
R-23 / R-24 (AA-7 APEX)
Outdoor furniture-25
R-60 / R-60M - AA-8 APHID

AA-6 under the MiG-25P R-33 - AA-9 AMOS

K-5R / K-50
27-27 / P-27 - AA-10 ALAMO
R-73 / RVV-MD - AA-11 ARCHER
K-77 / R-77 / RVV-AE - AA-12
K-37 / R-37 / RVV-DB - AA-13
K-30 / K-MD / product 300
KS-172 / RVV-L / AAM-L
R-40 missiles for MiG-25P (Wings of the Motherland. No. 4/1990)
Product 810
Carriers: Air-to-surface missiles
- R-40R / T - MiG-25P (and its mod.), Su-15TM;
Aviation ATGM
- R-40T / TD - IC GSN Unguided rockets
- R-40R / RD - Aviation artillery systems
pA-radar seeker The activation of the pA-radar seeker occurs at a distance of 90 km to the target. Bombs
When launched at a distance exceeding the capture range of the seeker, radio correction of the missile's flight path is Aircraft radar and other equipment
Design - titanium alloys are used in the rocket design. WATER
Engine - solid propellant rocket with side nozzles
News & Updates
R-40R R-40T R-40RD R-40TD
Length (mm) 6290 5900 6230 5930
Case diameter (mm) 300 310 latest comments
Wingspan (mm) 1300 (1450)
P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
Weight (kg) 450 460 450 Strong Wrote: rambo54 Wrote: [img]
Warhead weight (kg) 38 - 100 Well, this is not a missile ...
Michael 2011-12-15 20:53
Flight speed (M) 2.2 - 4.5
Range (km) 30 - 50 24 - 25 50 - 80 25 - 30
P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
rambo54 Wrote: [img] Well, this is not
a missile ...
Prochnist 2011-12-15 05:50

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

rambo54 2011-12-15 02:16

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

Understood. Thanks a lot for the
advice. I downloaded the book, but
From left to right: on the ground - AA-9, AA-6 with IR seeker (R-40TD) and AA-10 (R-27R); under the MiG-31 - two
haven't read it yet.
AA-9 under the fuselage and two AA-8 under the wing (photo from the exhibition "Mosaeroshow - 1992", August 1992)
TELL ME 2010-08-28 21:15

Flight speed - 2.2 M (R-40R / T) - 2.3 M (R-40RD / TD)

Warhead type - high-explosive fragmentation P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
Fuse - combined radio-optical DIMMI, before going over the whole
Status : topic on B-B missiles, read one
USSR (Russia) - in 1995 in service. chapter from the book ...
Exports by 1987 - Algeria (presumably), Iraq, Libya. abl22 2010-08-28 20:21

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

Come on ... I have BB in my paper
(but now I don't need to scan)))) ...
Ah ...
TELL ME 2010-08-28 04:44

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

The same is Air-surface. Necessary?
Sierra 2010-08-28 04:41

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

Thank you very much ... very handy!
TELL ME 2010-08-28 04:40

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)

Sierra 2010-08-28 04:39

R-40T or TD suspension for MiG-31

P-40 (AA-6 ACRID)
Actually, there is an Exprint
handbook on Russian explosive
missiles, if necessary. Pretty fresh
Sierra 2010-08-28 04:27

Rocket R-40TD

R-40 training missiles

AA-6 rocket projections

Aviation exhibition on Khodynka (Moscow) in August 1989.
Gordon E., From the jet family. // Wings of the Motherland N 9 / 1991.
Gordon E., Birth of a long-liver. // Wings of the Motherland. NN 12/1992; 1,2,5 / 1993.
Gordon E., Rigmant V., "Fiddler" played his part. // Wings of the Motherland. N 5 / 1992.
Gordon E., "Heavy" "MiGs". // Wings of the Motherland. N 9 / 1992.
Ilyin V., "English Hound" with red stars. // Wings of the Motherland. N 2-3 / 1993.
Levin M., Let it go and forget. // Wings of the Motherland. N 1-2 / 1993.
Markovsky V., Perov K., The rocket finds the target. // Wings of the Motherland. N 9 / 1995.
Moroz S., Made in the USSR. // Avio. № 5 / 1996.
Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR (March 1988)
Real supersonic. Site , 2010
Nikiforov A., Under the wing of an airplane. // Airplane. N 3 / 1993.
Nikiforov A., That's what you need! // Airplane. N 2 / 1993.
Nikiforov A., Fedot, but not that one. // Airplane. N 4 / 1993.
Pstygo I., Tests. // Wings of the Motherland. N 2 / 1993.
Russian missile weapons 1943-1993, publishing house "PIKA", St. Petersburg, 1993
Soviet armed forces, 1988 (Tomsk)
Air fleet equipment. N 2 / 1990.
Equipment and weapons, N
3/1989 TsAGI. News of foreign science and technology. Series: aviation and rocketry. Technical information. N 3-4 /
Enciclopaedia of modern aircraft armament. (UK), 1988
Flieger Revue (ex-GDR), NN 2,3 / 1989
Interavia (Switzerland) NN
9/1988, 10/1989 Jonic publications, 1988, 1989
Aviation + Cosmonautics (Czechoslovakia), N 6/1989
US News & World Report (USA), N
18/1989 Worlds armament and disarmament, SIPRI Yearbook (Sweden), 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981


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