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Now, let's take a closer look

on the personal selling process. As we already know it consists of

the following steps, the opening. Needs and problem identification. Presentation
and demonstration. Dealing with objections. Negotiation. Closing the sale. And
follow-up. First of all, the seller has to
establish contact with the consumer, enter into dialogue with him,
interest in the conversation. The common mistake which many retail
sales rep people do is to open dialogue with kind of help you reach new heights in
response, no, thank you, I'm just looking. A good seller has several prone proven
standard phrases to start a conversation with different categories of customers.
For instance, a good salesman could
say to the foundation customer, I have an exotic offer for you. Less refuses to
the conversation with salesman. The word exotic sparks a interest. The most
important step in the sales
process is identification of customer needs and problems. Sales people should avoid
the temptation
of making a sales presentation without finding out the needs of their customers.
The needs analysis approach suggests
that early in the sales process the salesperson should
adopt a question and listen posture in order to encourage the
buyer to discuss the problems and needs. Sales people tend to use open
rather than closed questions. A closed question on other hand, in
whites of one word or one phrase answer. This can be used to obtain
purely factual information, but excessive use can hinder and
lead to an abrupt type of conversation. In different sources, you can see different
types of
questions that you can apply in sales. We offer you 12 types of questions
that you can get to know in more detail in the presentation. In the presentation of
the Proposal
sellers often talk about the features and advantages of the product
over competitors. They forget that the main pin for
the buyer in the benefits he receives. The danger of selling features rather
than benefits is particularly common in industrial selling because of the highly
technical nature of many industrial products and tendency to point sales
engineers rather than salespeople. Benefits should be analyzed at two levels,
those benefits that can be obtained by purchase of a particular
type of product and those that can be obtained by purchasing
the product from a particular supplier. For example,
you sell a car class SUV or crossover. What is the benefit of consumer you can
demonstrate how you can sleep in the car if you go on holiday out of town. A
special feature here in the long
trunk of the station wagon car. The advantage of your car over its
competitors can be a flat surface when you fold the back seat and the length of
result in platform
allowing an adult to sleep. But if you demonstrate how you personally
lie down into car comfortably, this is more important than any numbers
and demonstrations of a flat surface. There are various ways to
deal with objections, but from the beginning you have to learn
the first two to listen and not interrupt. A green counter, this approach maintains
the respects
that the salesperson chose to the buyer. The salesperson first agrees the what
buyer is saying sensible and reasonable before then putting
forward an alternative point of view. In before takes the edge
of the objection and creates a climate of agreement
rather than conflict. For example, if buyer says, the problem
with your car that it costs more than your competitors, the salesperson should
reply, yes, the initial cost of the car is a little higher than the competitor's
model, but I would like to show you how, over the lifetime of the car,
ours works out to be far more economical. Thus, trade denial this method has
to be handled with a great deal of care since the danger is it will result
in exactly the kind of antagonism that the salesperson is vision to avoid. However,
it can be used when the buyer
is clearly sick and factual information. For example, if buyer says, I expect
that these upholstry will be difficult to clean, salesperson should reply,
no, Mr. Smith, absolutely not. This material is made from a newly
developed synthetic fibre that resists stains and allows marks to be
removed simply by using soap, water and a clean cloth. Question the objection.
Sometimes an objection is
raised with which is so general as to be difficult to counter. For example, a
customer might say they do
not like the appearance of the product or that the product is not good quality. In
this situation the salesperson should
question the nature of the objection in order to clarify the specific
problem at hand. Sometimes this results
in a major objection or the one which can be easily built. Buyer, I'm sorry but
I don't like the look of that car. Then the salesperson should
reply to that objection, could you tell me exactly what is that
you don't like about the look of? Your buyer says,
I don't like the car wheels' size. Then the salesperson for
an instance could imply that, well, in fact this model can be supplied with
a number of different wheels' size. Shall we have a look at the catalog to
see if there is a model of wheels to your liking? Forestall of the objection. With
this method, the salesperson not only
anticipates an objection and plans its counter but actually raises objection
as the part of the sales presentation. The salesperson may preamp
the objection in the following manner. My company smaller than most in the
industry which means that we respond more quickly to our customers' needs and try
that bit harder to make
sure our customers are happy. Turn the objection into a trial close. Usually if you
attempt it's after
the selling process is well underway and the salesperson judges that only one
objection remains under these conditions, they might say the following. If I can
satisfy you that
the fuel consumption of this car is no greater than that out of the BMW X5,
would you buy it? When dealing with the objections, the
salesperson should remember that heated arguments are unlikely to win sales by
from their friends not the enemies.

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