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Descriptive Paper

“My favourite city,Barcelona”

Xhesika Cela
Composition 1
18th of January 2022

I couldn't take my eyes off the window of the plane. I was so excited because in a
few seconds I would be landing in Barcelona. You could see the whole metropolis
from above. What immediately caught my attention was the huge Sagrada Familia,
a spectacular church that stands in the middle of the city with its tall towers.

Paper 1
As soon as I landed ,I could not contain my excitement of being in Barcelona.i
could feel the difference ,it was a spectacular feeling, being there close to the sea
made me feel truly alive.
After leaving the airport, it took us about 30 minutes to reach the city centre
Once I got to the centre of the city I could feel a strange and chaotic atmosphere.

Logically, when you are used to a small capital such as Tirana and you are visiting
such a big city, you can feel a sense of confusion. However, it was a pleasant feel-
ing, I was not scared at all, but rather curious. The large boulevards, the heavy traf-
fic, the lights of the buildings surrounded me and made me feel part of that new
hectic space. "What a lively place,' I thought. It was late at night, but it seemed like
daytime because of the noise and the many people still awake talking loudly in the
local bars and restaurants. On the contrary, in the city where I live you cannot find
a living soul on the streets at night, unless it is Saturday.
While walking along Barcelona's most famous avenue, 'La Rambla', I was fasci-
nated by all the distractions along the way: there were many street performers, peo-
ple singing or playing an instrument.
At the end of the street I came across a huge statue of Colombus, behind which was
the port. When I reached it I realised that everything was still and the landscape
filled me with emotion. I could only see a few people, who were looking at the
other side of the city from the bridge. At that moment I heard nothing but the sound
of silence. And I would stay on the pier for hours, admiring the beautiful reflec-
tions in the water.

Paper 2

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