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Exploring posture instability and motion sickness and the experiment.

short video/video games) 2 group (well/sick) postural (width stance)

Gaming systems that include console video games, such as the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii,

are popular. There have only been a few randomized controlled trials conducted with these

gaming systems. For this reason, we investigated the relationship between motion sickness and

body movement during video gameplay. We found a link between motion sickness and body

movement during gameplay. Traditionally, theories of motion sickness causation have been

based on the idea of sensory conflict, which is the premise that motion sickness situations are

characterized by patterns of perceptual stimulation that differ from patterns expected based on

previous experience. When people who later experienced motion sickness were exposed to

console video games compared to those who did not, the prediction of the motion sickness

postural instability theory was validated. A total of 67 percent of adults and 56 percent of

children complained of motion sickness, and these percentages remained constant throughout

the study. (Chih-Hui Chang, 01 January 2012)

In comparison to adults, children were more active as a group. It has been hypothesized that

motion sickness is caused by an inability to control one's body's alignment. That is known as the

postural instability hypothesis of motion sickness. The majority of stance research believes that

movement would increase due to instability; however, we do not concur with this premise.

(Wu-Wen Pan, 2012 Mar;)

When discussing postural stability and instability, we discuss the purposes of postural

regulation, such as supporting suprapostural tasks (Stoffregen, May 2008)). It has been
suggested by Riccio and Stoffregen (1991) that there are numerous approaches to define

postural instability.

Works Cited
Chih-Hui Chang, W.-W. P.-Y. (01 January 2012). Postural activity and motion sickness during video game
play in children and adults. Experimental Brain Research , pages299–309.

Stoffregen, T. (May 2008). Motion Sickness and Postural Sway in Console Video Games. Human Factors
The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society , 50(2), 322-31.

Wu-Wen Pan, L.-Y. T. (2012 Mar;). Postural activity and motion sickness during video game play in
children and adults. 217(2), 299-309.

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