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What is the role of programming in a business management?

Today's businesses must be able to use technological advancements to their benefit.

Technology is helpful in every company department, from accounting to sales to procurement to

the front desk. To stay ahead of the competition, you must understand how the technology that

enables your company's multiple procedures works. When it comes to competing in today's

competitive business environment, programming is one of the best skills for business

management. According to Brodie, who is enthusiastic about assisting entrepreneurs in

developing websites, "learning to code" is one of the most effective ways for them to gain a

competitive advantage in today's tech-driven world. (Roy)

Various programming languages may be learned and specialized in, each with its own set

of pros and limitations. Each has a different level of demand in the gig economy (business

management). Starting with a language with a wide range of applications is a smart idea, but you

may also want to consider a "specialised" language that is best suited to your firm's demands.

JavaScript is used by more than half of all programmers in their careers, making it the most

frequently used programming language in the world. Also prevalent are HTML, CSS, and SQL,

all of which are used by many individuals. In addition to well-known programming languages

such as Python and Ruby that are easy to learn, emerging languages such as Rust are also worth
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investigating. There are advantages to learning each language, and if you master one, it will be

much simpler to study the others. You shouldn't be trapped into analytical paralysis because

there aren't many wrong answers here, and you can quickly switch gears if you find a language to

be too difficult or unpleasant. Because there is a low barrier to entry and a long list of benefits to

learning programming fundamentals, it is a worthy investment for virtually every business

management. (DAISYME)
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Works Cited

DAISYME, PETER. Should Entrepreneurs Know Programming Basics? January 17, 2022.


Roy, Pratibha. It's 2020: Every Manager Should Learn Programming to Grow. November 3,

2020. <>.

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