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Primer ítem.

1. Stay in a hotel/ at a campsite/ with Friends.

2. Buy (Buy/ Bought/ Bought ) souvenirs.
3. Sunbathe on the beach.
4. Have (Have/ Had/ Had ) a good time.
5. Spend (Spend/ Spent/ Spent )money/ time.
6. Rent an apartment/ a bicycle/ skis.
7. Book (Book/ Booked/ Booked ) flights/ hotels online.

8. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) abroad.

9. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) away for the weekend.
10. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) by bus/ car/ plane/ train.
11. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) camping.
12. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) for a walk.
13. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) on vacation.
14. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) out at night.
15. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) sightseeing.
16. Go(Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) skiing/ walking/ biking.
17. Go (Go/ Went/ Gone (gan) ) swimming/ sailing/ surfing.

18. (Be/ Was, Were/ Been )

19. (Do/ Did/ Done)
20. (Sing/ Sang/ Sung )
21. (Take/ Took/ Taken )
22. (Drink/ Drank/ Drunk)
23. (Eat/ Ate/ Eaten)
24. (Fly/ Flew/ Flown)
25. (Pay/ Paid/ Paid)
26. (Make / Made/ Made)
27. ( Read (rid) / Read (red) / Read (red) )


1. How many / cuantas (os) ( relación a algo, cuantas fotos)

2. How much / cuánto dinero, etc (gastar)
3. How long / cuanto tiempo
4. Who (quien)
5. Where (donde)
6. What (que)
7. When (cuando
8. Who did you go, with?

Have/ has + sujeto + ever + verbo infinitivo (ed) + complemento + ?

Yes + sujeto + have/ has.

Have you ever had an accident ?

Have you ever visited Italy?


Sujeto + Is/ Are + adjetivo (ER) + than

1) Corto (ER) 1) Good (Bueno) -> Better (mejor).

2) Y (IER) 2) Bad (malo) -> Worse (Peor)
3) Largo (More) ( Base form) 3) Far ( lejos) -> Farther (mas lejos)
4) As( Base form) As


Sujeto + Is/ Are + THE + adjetivo (EST) + of all ( ovol)

1) Corto (Est) 1) Good -> The Best

2) Y (Iest) 2) Bad -> The Worst
3) Largo (The Most) ( base form) 3) Far -> The Farthest

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