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Designer: Ryan Brainard

Editor: Taylor Bradshaw
Art Director: Christopher Hill
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Cover Illustrator: Christopher Hill
Special Thanks: You, for reading this.
Playtesters: The Red Wagon Inn Cast

Cover art provided by – aka Christopher
Hill. All monster art design for this module comes from
RetroGradeMinis. Please support their website.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Ryan Brainard and published for creative usage by any who desire to use the work. This is a fan made project, and
I hope that you have as much fun with it as I did make it! Remember, this is for fun, feel free to change this module to suit your game as needed.

Credits .................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents.................................................................. 2
Midwinter .............................................................................. 3
The Master of Winter ....................................................................3
A Father Scorned .......................................................................... 4
The Fate of Midwinter ................................................................. 5
An Uninvited Guest ...................................................................... 6
A New Midwinter .......................................................................... 6
If the party falls in combat: .................................................. 6
If the party succeeds in combat ........................................... 7
Monsters and Stat blocks: ................................................... 8
Farfergris’ Legions ...................................................................... 8
Goblin Pawn ............................................................................. 8
Goblin Knight .......................................................................... 8
Orc Rook .................................................................................... 9
Goblin Bishop .......................................................................... 9
Farfergris .................................................................................10
Vadervald’s Toys ......................................................................... 11
Toy Pawn ................................................................................. 11
Toy Knight ............................................................................... 11
Toy Bishop ............................................................................... 12
Snow Rook ............................................................................... 12
Snow Queen ............................................................................. 13
Vadervald .................................................................................14
Other Creatures ............................................................................ 15
Sack Goblin .............................................................................. 15
Present Mimic ........................................................................ 15
Battle Map: ................................................................................... 16

MIDWINTER Eventually with the warmth of the fire thawing the frost
covering your clothes and hair, and a hot meal on the fire,
sleep finds your party, and is welcomed with open arms.
Midwinter is a time for celebration and merriment for all the


good children across the world. There are sweets to be baked,
games to be played, and most importantly, presents to be
The next morning comes after a well-earned night of sleep,
opened! Every single elf, orc, and tiefling alike can expect to and the party is eager to set back out on the road: it is finally
find a wonderful gift from the Master of Winter underneath the day of Midwinter and no one is keen to miss out on the
comforts of the holiday. The blizzard has died down, and you
their bedframe. The wicked and the sinister beings of the world
can now see the sun peer through the windows of the small
however can expect nothing but the harsh winds of winter home. With your gear packed and ready for another day of
howl at their door all night. long and cold travel, you peer from the windowsill to plot a
course for the day, as a shadow of a rather tall figure crosses
Whether it is a time with family of blood, or family made,
the window.
everyone wants to be home for the holiday. There is nothing The doorknob jostles as the wooden door moans open
quite like sitting by the hearth hearing tales of glorious heroes before an extremely tall white bearded man with green robes,
an antler adorned hood, and spectral white fingers seems to
from times long past. Your thoughts are filled with nothing but
glide his way into the home.
hot cocoa and roasted meats on the fire; however, these A DC 12 History Check will cause a player to recognize
comforts elude you this year. this being’s attire from legend – Vadervald, the Master of
Winter. Whether the players choose to believe in his
You and your party find yourselves wishing that you had left existence or not is entirely up to them, as many would
off for home far sooner in the year as the heavy winds of the believe that Vadervald is an old tale bards tell to entertain
children during the holidays.
blizzard bear down upon you. Your feet and hands yearn for
warmth, threating to be bitten by the frost if something does
not give way. The gust of snow and ice prevents you from
seeing more than 10 feet in front of your face, and your party
finally comes to the inevitable conclusion that you are in fact,
Just as hope seemed to leave your hearts entirely, you run
into a small wooden home with red clay roof shingles. It stands Vadervald will observe the party with a quizzical look on
his face before checking a scroll of parchment he has in his
alone in the snowstorm, or at least, as far as your vision allows
pocket and will continue to look at the note until the party
you to see. Through pure necessity, you all decide to stop for addresses him or tries to leave the home.
shelter at this location for the night, hoping to ask for If addressed directly: in a voice as old as time and as
calm as a breeze, Vadervald will question how the party
forgiveness from the home’s occupants instead of permission.
came to enter his village so far in the snowy north.
The circularly arched door is small, like a home for a “I didn’t think you lived anywhere near my home. Your
halfling, and green with a red tinseled wreath on its front with families are some 50 miles south of my village this winter are
they not?” Vadervald questions.
a brass doorknob that opens without resistance or any signs of
This is an opportune time for the party to
a lock. You pile into the door and slam it shut behind you as introduce themselves and explain how
silence finally envelopes you in stark contrast to the they came to be traveling with each
other. Prod them for further
wicked howling of the wind outside the door. information, and if they give it to you,
This tiny wooden home might fit a small family reply with affirmations, as if you were
confirming what you had already known.
of halflings at most, and is decorated heavily in
If the party reveals to you that they were
Midwinter festive garland, bright ornaments and lost, Vadervald will question them with
shiny silver bobbles. A stone hearth rests upon suspicion growing in his voice. A DC 13
Insight Check will reveal that
the northern wall of the home with stacks of
Vadervald is not quite trusting of the
freshly cut firewood next to the wall. party yet.
“Have you come as a host of the
A DC 15 Perception Check reveals Prideful Chieftain? Has Farfergris sent
several wooden puppets and toys lining a you!?” Vadervald’s voice seems to echo on
shelf on the wall, with a toymaker’s station next to the walls in the small wooden home, as a
the windows that give a vision of a bank of snow chill seems to come from behind the elder
growing on the windows. Cubby holes with red, being and run along your spine.
green, blue, and yellow outfits for these wooden toys
occupy an entire wall of the home.

With the mention of the Prideful Chieftain, a see nothing but toys adorned in bright
DC 18 History Check will reveal information clothes, shiny knight’s armor, and
about Farfergris. A well-known orc chieftain snowmen as far as your eyes can see.
in the snowy north, celebrated for his skills in As you follow Vadervald towards the
combat, and generosity amongst his legion of great fern in the center of town, a vast
boars, goblins and orcs. pile of neatly wrapped gifts surrounds
A DC 15 Persuasion Check will convince the tree in every color imaginable.
Vadervald of the party’s lack of involvement with Vadervald stops nearby the tree next to
Farfergris. 4 large braziers in the corner of a 40
If the party is unable or otherwise chooses not to foot square with two large ice crystals
convince Vadervald of their lack of involvement with on the northern edge of the square.
Farfergris, Vadervald will tell the party to leave his village “It is here that I will prove the Prideful
to the south, and while leaving say- “My plans for Farfergris Chieftain a fool.” Vadervald says.
are not yet complete.” If this happens, skip to the A Father If questioned, he will say that all will be
Scorned section of this module. revealed with the arrival of Farfergris’ raiding party. He
Upon a successful persuasion of Vadervald that the party will ask that the adventuring party to not attack the
means him no harm, Vadervald will calm down, and Chieftain or his legion without his say so. If the party
warmth will return to the small home. The party may makes any indication that this will not be the case,
question Vadervald about Farfergris, and he will insult the Vadervald will give them a stern look, like a parent
orc chieftain calling him unwise, temperamental and a scolding their child to get them to take his request
drunkard. seriously.
Vadervald will then give the party sage advice, and a Vadervald stands at the center of the square as the 4 braziers
warning. suddenly come alive with roaring fires, and a dozen toys rush
“I would not head south and return to your homes just yet to his location shovels in hand. The toys begin shoveling snow
new friends. A raiding party this way comes, and I must escort out from the square, revealing a grid of cold marbled stone
them from my village before the road is safe once more.” with 8 rows wide and 8 rows high, roughly 5 feet across in
If the party insists that they will be safe, Vadervald will each grid.
be insistent that he will not let innocents die when they The party may question Vadervald on what the toys are
could have traveled free of trouble, but he will do nothing doing, but he does not respond to their questions without
to forcefully keep the party from leaving. If they do leave, them pushing for his attention. A DC 12 Intimidation or
skip to the A Father Scorned section of this module. Persuasion check will break the Master of Winter from his
If the party asks if they might help Vadervald against the current task of supervising the toys. Otherwise, he will
Prideful Chieftain, he will accept their aid, but tell them he simply tell the party that “All will be revealed shortly.”
thinks it will be hardly necessary with what he has If the party does get Vadervald’s attention, he will tell
planned. them that he plans to beat Farfergris in a game of intellect
The Master of Winter steps past the party towards the shelf and humiliate him in front of his followers to demoralize
of wooden toys and raises his left hand up towards the shelf. them and hopefully send them running back where they
The rattling of wood fills the small home as the toys spring to came from.
life and jump from the shelf and march in an orderly fashion A small sprinkling of snow begins to fall as the party
out from the small green wood door. talks with Vadervald. If a party member has a Passive
These toys resemble the toys your parents or family Perception of 15 or higher, they will begin to hear a
members might have been given you as a child with their black rumbling of earth coming from the south, otherwise the
charcoal moustaches and white fur beards. Clacking as they rumbling isn’t heard until Vadervald points it out.
walk, they are adorned with colorful outfits and toy weaponry Seeming to hear a noise coming from the south, Vadervald
suitable to entertain any adventure aspiring child. floats into the air before he can be heard murmuring,
If the party questions where the toys come from, “Checkmate you fool.”
Vadervald will admit to having been obsessed with making
them for several millennia. If the party asks about the
similarity between these toys and the ones they received as
If the party was sent away or otherwise left the presence of
children, Vadervald will give them a wink but say nothing.
Vadervald, the party begins to hear rumbling earth coming
Vadervald will leave the home and beckon for the party
from the south as they walk out into the cold white snow.
to follow.
Cresting over the snow coated hills that
Upon leaving the small home for the first time, you can
you traversed the previous night, a dozen
finally see what the blizzard obscured from your vision the
orcs and goblins crest the hilltop riding
previous night: an entire village crafted in the size of halflings
boars at breakneck speeds. What at first
painted with bright Midwinter festive colors. A great tall fern
appears to be dozens gives way to
tree stands at the center of the village with shiny baubles
hundreds of these riders, followed by
hanging from its limbs. Hundreds of small homes blot the
goblins and orcs on foot stomping
hillside between two large mountains, as the sun shines over
their way in a warpath headed
the white snow on the ground, nearly blinding your vision.
right towards you.
What must be thousands of wooden toys wander around the
A lone orc riding a great boar
village from home to home as you follow Vadervald towards
nearly twice the size of the others
the large tree in the center of town. While the Master of Winter
rides steadfast at the head of the
glides nimbly across the snow, you begin to suspect that he
must be the only living creature in this hidden village as you

raiding party, adorned in a bright red fur-lined coat, carrying would be ‘aving a toy to play with tomorrow morn’ instead of
a keg on his shoulder and wielding a tankard covered in spikes. a cry finkin’ they did some’in wrong!”
The orc seems to almost foam at the mouth in excitement and A DC 15 History Check allows the party to remember that
anger as he rides with a determined ferocity. the past few Midwinters had been filled with far fewer gifts
If you have yet to do so, describe the scene of the village than in previous years.
from the previous section of this module to the party so “Do you accept my challenge then? I
that they know what is to the north of them for the next believe your people will allow me to
descriptor. choose the method of my challenge and the
Instinctually, you back away and retreat to the north, field in which I will claim the battle.”
only to be greeted by the booming voice of the floating Vadervald challenges the chieftain
Master of Winter. confidently.
“Farfergris! I formally challenge you for the right of “Of course, I do, ain’t I boys!?” Farfergris
Chieftain of your legion!” Bellows the elder being in a tone bellows as he is met with a cheer from his horde.
that seems to shake the very mountains around you. Small “Very well, I choose here, in my arena with my 16
avalanches of snow can be seen near the peaks of the warriors against yours in a game of battle chess. Winner take
mountainsides surrounding you. all.” Vadervald says through a smirk.
You brace yourselves for impact as the hordes Farfergris accepts the Master of Winter’s challenge with
of orcs and goblins approach the village, but a proud declaration.
their advance seems to come to a grinding halt Farfergris will then try and convince the party to aid him
as the orc chieftain raises his hand into a fist in killing the Master of Winters and reclaim the glory of
and pulls his large boar to a halt. Farfergris steps Midwinter for the good people of this world.
off his mount and walks towards the party and Vadervald will urge the party not to suffer the ‘Prideful
Vadervald. Idiot’, and instead help him to defeat the chieftain in his
As Farfergris scratches an itch in his hindquarters, he challenge.
chuckles mockingly at the Master of Winter. Farfergris’ Depending on who the party chooses to offer the aide to
laughter is echoed by the ravenous horde at his rear. determines which side of the battle chess board they are on
“Why should I accept yerr challenge ye’ ol’ miser!” in the next section of the module.
Farfergris questions with a voice that assaults your ear like a
bucket full of gravel.
“You have come to question my honor have you not?” The
After the party decides who they will aide in the coming
Master of Winter replies. “Then it is I that will question yours
match of battle chess, Farfergris will ask what a game of
now. You approach a being, your elder, and raid his home
battle chess is, and how it is played.
without allowing him proper challenge? For shame.”
A DC 17 Perception Check reveals a hint of a smile
A loud murmuring can be heard from the legion behind the
behind Vadervald’s beard as he hears that the chieftain has
Prideful Chieftain. Anger begins to well up in the chieftain’s
not heard of the game before.
“It’s a simple game of my invention. Even one you might be
If the party asks how Vadervald’s honor is in question,
able to handle Chieftain.” Vadervald mocks.
the Chieftain will not give Vadervald a chance to speak and
Vadervald will then go on to explain the rules of battle-
will answer his question for them. Otherwise, he will
chess to both the party and the Orc Chieftain.
provide the information all the same.
The game is played just like a game of regular chess.
Farfergris will speak loudly and openly to his legion, as
Once the ‘king’ is defeated, the game is over. The 16
well as to the party, about how Vadervald did not bring the
warriors will fight just like pieces in a normal game of
Chieftain’s daughter a present last year. Farfergris will be
chess, but when a warrior overtakes another like they
adamant that she is an angel given orcish form, and that
would in a game of chess, the warrior is not thrown to the
she has done no wrong in her entire life. The large orc will
sidelines, but are instead slain.
even explain that when he DID bring her on a raid, and
Vadervald will explain that his magical arena will not
tried to get her to do some slaughtering, she was too gentle
allow cheating, and will hold the losing piece, or in this
a soul to harm anyone.
case warrior, in place for the winning warrior to slay the
Vadervald will claim that she was compliant and looked
other. Farfergris will object until he hears that he will get
up to a wicked father, and that makes her just as guilty as
to kill Vadervald if he wins, and then agree to the terms.
the chieftain that she worships.
From here, set up the map/board using the provided
Any insult given to the chieftain will be met with howls
map in the Battle Map section of this module. The 8x8 grid
of anger from his horde, and points in his claim that his
in the center of the map is made to mimic a regular chess
daughter was innocent will be met with cheers.
The party may interject at any time to try and
The creatures in this module are named to parallel the
ascertain more information from either
chess pieces that they mimic and can be found in the
Monsters and Stat section of this module. For example,
Farfergris will try and say that the Master of
when you are setting up the board, place goblin pawn’s
Winter has grown cynical and far too
where a normal pawn would be on Farfergris’ side of the
judgmental of the innocent in this world and
board, Toy Bishops on Vadervald’s side etc. The only
will claim that the Prideful Chieftain could do
exception to this rule is that Farfergris’ queen piece will
a far better job judging the people of the
not have an actual stat block, but instead be representing
world in his place.
by his ‘Big Boar’ mount from Farfergris’ stat block in the
“I’d judge da weak from da strong I would!
Monsters and Stat Blocks section of this module.
An’ poor lil’ innocents like my darling daughter

As you are moving to your side of the battle chess board, orcs considered allies and aide the players in fighting the other
and goblins of all kinds move to stand near Farfergris, group. The remaining units will function as they appear on
growling and howling to intimidate the Master of Winter. As their stat blocks in the Monsters and Stat Blocks section of
Vadervald places himself on the opposite end of the board, his the module.
toy soldiers join him, and the snowy terrain erupts as several If either leader is killed in battle before
large snowy abominations join Vadervald on the battlefield. the start of the third round, skip
The players may replace a single piece on the battlefield ahead to the A New Midwinter
for whoever’s side they have chosen. For example, if they section of this module. If not,
choose to fight for Vadervald, a player may replace a pawn continue the combat, but proceed
in the typical position of a chess board setup. to the next section of this
The players will have different movement options module.
available to them depending on their class and will mimic
a familiar chess piece according to the following Player
Class Chess Piece Conversion Table. For example, a
character playing a paladin would have the same
movement options on the board as a typical knight chess As the combat rages onward, a cackle can be heard coming
piece. from beneath the great fern tree in the center of the village. A
sudden eruption of golden light appears beneath the tree and a
goblin wielding a huge sack over its shoulder appears.
Chess Piece Player Class “Silly Master!” Shrieks the sack wielding goblin. “Big dumb
orc is right- you have gotten mean and judgmental, and I
Bishop bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
hates it!
Knight fighter, paladin, ranger The two warring leaders look at each other in confusion.
Rook artificer, barbarian, monk, rogue Vadervald looks as if he is about to say something in reply to
the goblin but is cut off.
Place Vadervald’s team on the edge of the board with the
“No! You both had your chance, but forgot what Midwinter
blue crystals, and Farfergris’ team on the edge on the side
is all about. Midwinter ‘tis the season for presents, and I have
opposite them. A game of battle chess will then commence
many to give. I learned from you master, I learned good. Now
between the players and you, the dungeon master. The
it’s my turn to bring the smiles. Go presents, get them all!”
players will control the pieces on the side for whom they
Suddenly the gift boxes beneath the tree spring to life with
choose to ally themselves, and you will control the other.
viciously sharp teeth and brightly colored eyes made of ribbons
Each turn in the game of chess, the players must rotate
and bows. A nearby goblin can be seen being chewed cleanly in
who chooses to make the moves for their side.
half by a particularly brightly colored present. The goblin with
While the NPC’s will die if their pieces are overtaken,
the large sack throws a half dozen presents on the ground near
with a few exceptions, if a player is defeated in this game
its feet and charges to join the fray.
of chess, they instead lose half of their maximum hit
Roll initiative and add a Sack Goblin to combat, along
points and are ejected to the side of the battlefield.
with 6 Present Mimics. These new additions to combat are
Vadervald will claim that there must be something wrong
hostile to everyone and will attack
with the magics in his battlefield but continue to battle
anything that is not another
onwards. The ejected player cannot interfere in the battle
present or the Sack Goblin.
in any way, and any efforts to do so will be met with a
Combat will continue until
magical forcefield around the battle area.
only one side out of the three
Once the game reaches a checkmate situation,
remains. The remaining side will
whichever side is the losing side, their ‘king’ will erupt in a
determine the ending to the module.
fit of anger, ending the game and initiating combat with

the remaining units.
If Vadervald loses: “I will not be bested by this imbecilic
fool and some happenstance heroes. Attack, my toys!”
Vadervald erupts in anger as he commands his units to break If the party falls in combat:
the truce.
The winning side will usher in a new midwinter for several
If Farfergris loses: “’Dis is a stupid game, and I won’t be
millennia to follow. You may decide the victor based on
losin’ to the likes of you! Fight me like a real man!” The
which side has the upper hand at the time of the party’s
Prideful Chieftain roars as he jumps on his Big Boar mount,
and his remaining units charge the
Describe how there are fights The Master of Winter’s cynical ways are never corrected, and
breaking out in the entire village his suspicions of the growing evil in the world are verified. He
between the Master of Winter’s refuses to give away his toys any longer and builds a vast army
toys, and the Legions of of toy soldiers. Eventually he creates and entirely new race of
Farfergris. For the battlefield in toy soldiers and becomes a major empire in the world and
front of you, have the party roll attempts to wage war on the naughty peoples to the south of
initiative. The remaining units his domain.
on the field and the players will
enter combat. The side that the
players played chess with will be

The Prideful Chieftain celebrates his victory as he hangs The party now stands atop a field of toy soldier, orc, and goblin
Vadervald’s head on a spike outside the walls of the village. bodies covered in red snow.
Farfergris burns the great fern tree in the center of the village Farfergris will cheer howl wildly at the party in a fit of
and holds an immensely large bonfire celebration to honor his joy. The Prideful Chieftain will embrace the party in a
innocent daughter. Farfergris happily takes the duty of the new massive hug, and kiss each of them on the cheek in
Master of Winter and delivers crudely made toys to the excitement. When he lets the party down, he will offer the
innocent children of the world, and ale to the strong and party a drink from his personal keg of grog in a show of
stouthearted adults. Those he deems to be naughty have their appreciation.
homes raided on Midwinter night to create the bonfire A DC 15 Investigation Check on Vadervald’s body find
celebration in Farfergris’ new home during the next Vadervald’s Magical Quill, and his Naughty List scroll.
Midwinter. If the party reads the scroll, they will find their names
scrawled on the bottom of the list next to Farfergris. If they
THE SACK GOBLIN IS VICTORIOUS show the Prideful Chieftain, he will chuckle heartily and
The Sack Goblin feeds all the bodies from the battle to his claim that he is in great company.
present mimics as a prize for a job well done. He then goes Farfergris will thank the party once more before
about his business as usual for midwinter, delivering all the grabbing the sack off the dead Sack Goblin’s body. The
toys to the good children of the world. However, Prideful Chieftain will begin loading the toys into the sack,
this time, as his goblin standard for what a leaving the party with an open way out to return to their
toy is differs wildly from the previous families.
Master of Winter, the children are greeted If the party questions what Farfergris is doing, he will
with the remains of the fallen from the reply that he has a new job to do, and he has some children
battle inside the gnashing teeth of to make happy.
the present mimics. Children do “And I know jus’ the lil’ girl that deserves a toy.” The
all that they can to not end up on Prideful Chieftain smiles.
the Sack Goblin’s nice list in the
next year, and the world descends into chaos.


The party now stands atop a field of toy soldier, orc, and goblin
bodies covered in red snow.
Vadervald will thank them immensely for their efforts in
saving Midwinter from the hands of the dastardly
Farfergris. The Master of Winter will envelop them in a
large hug and show them his ‘Nice List’. The party will find
their names at the top of the list and Vadervald will then
give them a wink.
“I never doubted you for a second.” Vadervald smiles behind
his great white beard.
Congratulations on completing the Midwinter module! May
Midwinter is saved, and Vadervald allows the party to
you always remain on the nice list!
collect the spoils of the battle. Amongst which they find
2d12 x 100 gold pieces, and Farfergris’ Spiked Tankard.
Finally, have Vadervald explain that during the battle
when he was hit on the head by Farfergris, he came to his
senses. The Master of Winters realizes that he was being
too harsh on the innocent children of the world, now that
he has seen what real wickedness can do. He promises to
be more lenient in the future, and that next Midwinter will
have more presents than ever before!


Farfergris always thought quite highly of himself and
thought that if kings and queens could make knights, then
he should be able to as well! He chooses to call his goblin

boar riders his ‘Goblin Knights’. Truly, if they can hang on
long enough to a charging boar, let alone fight on top of
one, they have earned their title in Farfergris’ eyes.
GOBLIN PAWN These goblin knights are the most confident of
Farfergris’ goblin hoards, though not always the most
Foot soldiers of the mighty Farfergris, these goblins will
competent. Mostly the boars do the work. Whether it be the
follow strength above all else. Farfergris is the most
boar or the goblin that truly does the
renowned raider in the snowy north, and so commands a
damage, there is no denying the potency
small legion of goblins. With their lack of thought process
of these makeshift knights and their
that does not extend beyond killing whatever is directly in
killing potential. Not many survive a
front of them, these goblins are more cannon fodder than
stampede of Farfergris’ goblin
anything, but they do pack a nasty bite when they need to.
knights and live to tell the tale, the
knights included!

Medium humanoid (goblin), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (goblin), chaotic evil

Armor Class 11 Armor Class 13 (Unarmored Defense)

Hit Points 15 (3d6+3) Hit Points 36 (6d6+12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 50 ft.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +6 Skills Animal Handling + 6, Athletics +6

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Goblin Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Strength In Numbers. If a Goblin Pawn is within 5 feet of another Whole Hog. A Goblin Knight cannot be knocked prone or have
Goblin Pawn, it may attack twice. their movement speed reduced.

Rusty Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. A goblin knight makes two attacks, one with their
t Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage. rusty hatchet and one with their boar tusks.
Crude Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 60 ft., one Rusty Hatchet. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Boar Tusks. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (1d12+4) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

The most stalwart and hearty of Farfergris’ legion, his Orc Even the might Farfergris finds himself in the awe of the
Rooks are a terror on the battlefield. Wielding mighty axes, miracles that the gods can produce. More specifically, he
cudgels, and mauls, these orcs beat and bash any in their enjoys what their blessed artifacts can conjure for him.
path, cleaving lines of even the finest knights as they do Farfergris makes a point to save any piece of religious
their raiding. artifacts from whatever town or temple he is raiding and
Of course, the Orc Rooks’ might pale in comparison to give them to the wisest of his followers.
the mighty Farfergris, which is how they came upon their Farfergris calls the goblins he gifts with divine artifacts
name. Farfergris called them Rookies, claiming his bishops, those that he can call upon when he feels a
that they did not know battle like he did. need for divine blessings. He is even known to
Eventually, he could not be bothered bring some of his bishops along with him
even calling them Rookies, and into battle if they can find a suitable staff or
instead called them Rooks. These divine pendant. With how often Farfergris
mighty orcs took the name with raids, this is rarely an issue, and as such
pride, and now Farfergris’ Rooks thinks that the gods not only condone his
are nearly as renowned as the behavior but celebrate it!
Prideful Chieftain himself!

Medium humanoid (goblin), chaotic evil

Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic neutral Armor Class 13 (Chain Shirt)

Hit Points 30 (6d6+6)
Armor Class 16 (Chain Mail) Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 50 (5d10+20)
10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
16 (+3) 10 (0) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 10 (0) Skills Arcana +3, Religion +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Skills Intimidation +4 Languages Common, Goblin
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Divine Artifact. As a bonus action, the goblin bishop can expend a
spell slot to grant a target creature advantage on their next attack
Stalwart. When this creature hits another creature with an attack, action.
the creature’s speed becomes 0 until the end of their next turn. Spellcasting. A goblin bishop is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
attacks). The harvest pumpkin has following wizard spells
Heavy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prepared:
target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, toll the dead
1st level (4 slots): bane, bless, guiding bolt, inflict wounds
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness
3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, mass healing word

Staff Whack. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

FARFERGRIS drinking until the day he dies, and then for his daughter to
carry on his work long after he is gone.
Some call him the Prideful Chieftain, and some call him Ol’
During the last Midwinter, Farfergris woke to find his
Jingle, for the sound that his enemy’s skulls make when he
daughter out in the freezing cold, crying out and
hits them. Whatever you may call him, Farfergris remains
apologizing to the Master of Winter- Vadervald. The
to be one of the most successful raiding boar riders in the
Master of Winter deemed his daughter to be Naughty, and
snowy north to have ever lived. He is both respected and
unworthy of his toys as a gift. Farfergris took this as a
feared for his great ferocity, and beloved by his people for
personal insult to his honor and has spent the better part
his exuberant generosity of the spoils from his raiding.
of the year planning a raid on Vadervald’s sanctuary in the
Adorned in a bright red fur lined coat, Farfergris stirs
icy north, to take over as the Master of Winter. ‘Tis finally
fear in the hearts of his enemies, as they can see him
the season for Farfergris to reclaim his honor and spill
coming from a mile away. He also causes his battle boars to
some toymaker blood.
go into fits of rage at the sight of his brightly colored red
clothing, making his
mounted riders some of
the fiercest in the
world. After
taming his
mount, Big Boar,
the only time
Farfergris can be seen
off of his great
beastly companion
is when he is
stopping to
pick up a
new keg of
Farfergris has only
ever known 3 loves, raiding,
drinking and his daughter. He
hopes to continue raiding and

Big Boar. Farfergris rides into battle on his trusted mount, Big Boar.
Medium humanoid (Orc), chaotic neutral When Farfergris reaches half of his maximum hit points or below, he
dismounts and sends his boar home to fight another day.
Armor Class 16 (Unarmored Defense), 18 (Mounted)
Hit Points 135 (10d12+60)
Speed 50 ft. (Mounted), 30 ft.
Multiattack. Farfergris makes two attacks, one with his Tankard Slam,
and one with his Sack of Spoils.
19 (+4) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Tankard Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
Saving Throws Str +8, Con +10 Sack of Spoils. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Skills Arcana +9, History +9, Insight +7, Hit: 11 (1d12+4) bludgeoning damage.
Damage Resistances Fire Boar Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Damage Vulnerabilities Psychic 29 (3d12+8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Condition Immunities Frightened on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Only usable
Senses passive Perception 11 while mounted on Big Boar.
Languages All Languages
Challenge 9 (4,000 XP)

Farfergris can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Vadervald fails a saving throw, it can
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only
choose to succeed instead.
at the end of another creature’s turn. Farfergris regains spent legendary
Prideful Chieftain. Farfergris has never been beaten in combat because actions at the start of their turn.
he fights to the very end. If Farfergris has less health than the creature he
Tankard Slam. Farfergris makes a Tankard Slam attack.
is targeting with an attack, his attacks are made with advantage.
Deck Your Halls. Farfergris punches a target creature right in the center
Ol’ Jingle. When Farfergris lands a killing blow on a creature, the sound
of their mass with a powerful blow. The target creature must succeed
of his kill inspires his allies to fight even harder! Until the start of
on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Farfergris’ next turn, his allies have advantage on all saving throws.
Personal Keg (Costs 2 Actions). Farfergris opens his personal keg and
drinks from its contents, healing himself for 13(1d12+6) hit points.

Vadervald has perfected the art of toymaking in his eons Unlike the Toy Pawns of Vadervald’s, these Toy
alone in solitude. Vadervald has gotten so good that his Knights are kitted with full armor sets! The
toys have quite literally taken on a life of their own! The armor comes courtesy of wandering soldiers who
magic that Vadervald uses to create these wooden dwell too far into Vadervald’s domain or try and
constructs is infused in every grain of wood, granting them steal from his toy supplies- earning them a
a limited form of sentience. All of Vadervald’s toys are still permanent place on his Naughty List!
subject to his will and follow his orders. These Toy Knights function as the
protectors of Vadervald’s toy civilization.
TOY PAWN Their weapons are sharp, and their armor
The Toy Pawns are the most basic of toys that Vadervald protects their more fragile wooden bodies. Even
crafts. These pawns function as ordinary citizens in his some of the winter wildlife around Vadervald’s
personal society. Carrying out the menial tasks of the home dare stray too close to these wooden sentries,
civilization, these pawns were made with basic woods and for fear of finding themselves victim to 100 tiny blades.
materials, and are the most often given gifts from
Vadervald to the good children of the world.
If it comes down to it, they might pick up
a wooden blade or a toy bow and arrow to
Medium construct, lawful neutral
help defend Vadervald’s homestead, but
the real tools of defense are left for the
Armor Class 19 (Plate Armor + Shield)
other toys in the Master of Winter’s
Hit Points 42 (6d8+12)
Speed 20 ft.


Medium construct, lawful neutral 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (+0)

Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) Skills Perception +2

Hit Points 28 (4d8+8) Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Speed 20 ft. Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 3 (700 XP)
12 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (+0)
Naughty List. Vadervald keeps a list of those who have wronged
Skills Perception +2 him. If a creature is on Vadervald’s naughty list, this creature has
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire advantage on all attacks and spells against that creature.
Senses passive Perception 12 Steel Shield. If the Toy Knight is still wielding a shield, it has
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak advantage on saving throws against Area of Effect attacks, spells,
Challenge 1 (200 XP) and abilities.

Naughty List. Vadervald keeps a list of those who have wronged

him. If a creature is on Vadervald’s naughty list, this creature has Scavenged Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
advantage on all attacks and spells against that creature. target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Wooden Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Toy Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6) piercing damage.

‘Tis a busy job watching over all the beings in the world, Some of Vadervald’s earliest toy prototypes involved snow
and so sometimes Vadervald doesn’t have the rather than carved wood. When Vadervald started giving
time to maintain the magical concentration his toys to the good little elves and goblins of the world,
required to keep his toy production up and snow turned out to be a less than ideal medium for the toys
running. Whenever he needs to focus his being delivered to the southern parts of the world.
mind on a particularly naughty being, Vadervald has since evolved his toy making technique, but
Vadervald has his Toy Bishops continue his he has a soft spot in his heart for his first creations, and so
work for him. These bishops perform many snowmen and snowwomen can be found in his
repairs and maintain the magical energy society. Truth be told, they resemble more snow monsters
within the toys that allow them to operate than anything you and I might call a gendered humanoid
with limited sentience. form- Vadervald has truly improved upon his original
Vadervald poured the most potent of his recipe for toy making.
magics into these bishops, and as such they maintain an Vadervald’s snow Rooks are so named for being his last
almost humanoid level of sentience. They may even cast a bastion to his former toy making style. These snowy
few spells of their own should the situation call abominations help to keep any stray toys from wandering
for drastic repairs, correction, or even from Vadervald’s civilization and serve as a last line of
punishment. defense against any intruding parties.
Vadervald poured far too much
magic into these creatures, and as
such they are quite fearsome,
Medium construct, lawful neutral though they only are made
of sticks, coal, and snow.
Armor Class 13 (Chain Shirt)
Hit Points 30 (6d8)
Speed 20 ft.
Medium construct, lawful neutral
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) Armor Class 8
Hit Points 66 (6d10+30)
Skills Arcana +6, Perception +5 Speed 20 ft.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Senses passive Perception 15
16 (+3) 6 (-2) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 8 (-1)
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Skills Intimidation +2
Naughty List. Vadervald keeps a list of those who have wronged Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
him. If a creature is on Vadervald’s naughty list, this creature has Damage Immunities Cold
advantage on all attacks and spells against that creature. Condition Immunities Frightened, Grappled, Stunned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Spellcasting. A toy bishop is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
attacks). The harvest pumpkin has following wizard spells
Snowball Fight. If a Snow Rook is hit by a ranged attack or ranged
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending spell attack, the Snow Rook may spend its reaction to attack with its
1st level (4 slots): bless, command, cure wounds, guiding bolt snowball attack at the creature who attacked it.
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration
3rd level (2 slots): mass healing word, remove curse
Snowball. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (1d12 + 3) cold damage.
Baton Bump. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

Vadervald’s first creation is the abominable Snow Queen.
Truly a consequence of a direct lack of planning or
preparation, the Snow Queen inherited far too much of
Vadervald’s magic and is nearly as powerful as the Master
of Winter himself. Her mercy is eclipsed only by her
immense beauty, which is to say, that she truly has neither
The great Snow Queen is a fierce and loyal protector of
Vadervald. Polar bears, yetis, frost giants, it matters not
to the Snow Queen- all will leave Vadervald’s
domain or be consumed by the giantess. With a
grin made of wicked sharp branches, the
Snow Queen’s bite far eclipses that of
her frosty presence.

Large construct, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 91 (7d12+42)
Speed 20 ft.


19 (+4) 6 (-2) 23 (+6) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 12 (+1)

Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +6

Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Damage Immunities Cold
Condition Immunities Frightened, Grappled, Stunned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak
Challenge 5 (700 XP)

Red Snow. If the Snow Queen kills a creature with her Branch Bite
attack, the blood from her kill freezes on contact with her icy form,
and her AC increases by 2 until she completes a long rest.

Multiattack. The Snow Queen makes two attacks with her Branch
Branch Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.

VADERVALD wrong. As such, most of his newly made toys each year
went to the good little orcs and elves of the world.
One of the original lifeforms, Vadervald is the Master of
As time went on and Vadervald’s isolation made him grow
Winter, and has been around for the founding and more cynical, smaller things started to make Vadervald
destruction of countless empires. He has seen what both become irritated. He started thinking that children were
mortals and immortals are capable of and not playing with his toys correctly and were becoming evil
chooses to remain amongst neither of the and wicked. So Vadervald began keeping a list of those
two. he deemed worthy of receiving his creations. It
Instead, Vadervald spends his time seemed that every year, his list grew shorter and
amongst his work and his toys. shorter, but his list of wicked folks, whom he
Making a nearly endless supply of called ‘Naughty’, was expanding. Those who
left on his Naughty List would receive nothing
toy soldiers, he lives in a society
but the harshest of cold winds coming from his
of his own creation, where no
northern home…
evil can be done, and he does
not have to suffer the
wickedness of those
outside his domain.
The eons spanned ever
onward, and Vadervald
eventually found himself
with far too many toys
in his newly created
society, and so, decided
to gift his creations to
those he deemed
worthy once a year,
during the time of
Midwinter. Vadervald
always had a soft spot in his heart
for children, as they were innocent
in his eyes and only rarely did

Spellcasting. Vadervald is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting

Medium humanoid, lawful neutral ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +9 to hit with spell attacks).
Vadervald has following wizard spells prepared:
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 62 (10d6+20) Cantrips (at will): friends, frostbite, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, ice knife, shield
Speed 30 ft.
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, mirror image, snilloc’s snowball swarm
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, sleet storm
7 (-2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+3) 13 (+1) 4th level (3 slots): dimension door, fabricate, ice storm
5th level (2 slots): animate objects, cone of cold, scrying
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +7
Skills Arcana +9, History +9, Insight +7,
Damage Immunities Psychic Quill Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3
Damage Resistances Cold (1d4) piercing damage.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Condition Immunities Charmed
Senses passive Perception 12 Vadervald can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Languages All Languages below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only
Challenge 8 (4,000 XP) at the end of another creature’s turn. Vadervald regains spent legendary
actions at the start of their turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Vadervald fails a saving throw, it can Cantrip. Vadervald casts a cantrip.
choose to succeed instead.
Naughty List. Vadervald adds a target to his Naughty list.
Elder Being. Vadervald has been around since the elemental planes
Toy Soldier (Costs 3 Actions). Vadervald summons a Toy Soldier (Pawn)
were first formed. This time has allowed him a keen understanding of
to fight under his control.
how lesser beings combat each other. Vadervald’s AC is increased by his
Intelligence Modifier.
Naughty List. Vadervald keeps a list of those who have wronged him. If
a creature is on Vadervald’s naughty list, he has advantage on all attacks
and spells against that creature.

Crafted by the Sack Goblin to mimic their master, these
SACK GOBLIN presents are interested in filling up their cardboard
Vadervald’s personal servant, and the only living creature exteriors and fanciful wrappings with the limbs of their
to reside with Vadervald in his icy domain- the Sack Goblin enemies. These mimics are eternally jealous of their
is tasked with delivering all the toys that Vadervald creates lifeless giftwrapping counterparts, desiring only to fill
to those that are deemed worthy of gifts by the Master of themselves with gifts that they find beautiful
Winter. The Sack goblin was granted a small sliver of for all the innocent children of the world.
Vadervald’s powers to be able to traverse the world in a The only problem with these mimics is that
single Midwinter night. With his mighty sack of infinite their fabrication was made of jealous
holding, the Sack Goblin stows the wrapped presents, and magics, and as such, they do not know right
drops them off one by one from a list provided by from wrong. The Sack Goblin has no desire
Vadervald. to change their wicked ways however and
The Sack Goblin has been working for Vadervald for wants only to use their sharp wrapping material to provide
nearly a century now and has begun to resent the way he as a nasty paper cut across the throats of Vadervald and the
treated by the Master of Winter. The small green goblin intruding raiding party of Farfergris.
creature is mocked for his lack of intelligence by
the elder being and belittled for his
inability to make toys- but this
year is when that will change! Medium monstrosity(shapechanger), neutral
The Sack Goblin has been
studying Vadervald in Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
secret, and has some Hit Points 30 (6d8)
presents of his own Speed 15 ft.
creation that he would
like to show the Master STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (0) 4 (-3) 11 (0) 15 (+2)
of Winter…

Skills deception +5, intimidation +5, stealth +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Medium humanoid (goblin), chaotic neutral Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 2 (2,000 XP)
Armor Class 15 (Leather Armor)
Hit Points 45 (9d6+9)
Sack of Infinite Holding. The present mimic can use its action to
Speed 40 ft.
polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form.
Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is
wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it
13 (+1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (0) 13 (+1)
Double Sided Tape (Object Form Only). The present mimic
Skills Acrobatics, +8, Stealth +8
adheres to anything that touches it. A huge or smaller creature
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 12). Ability
Languages Common, Goblin
checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.
Challenge 6 (2,000 XP)
False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the present mimic
Sack of Infinite Holding. The Sack Goblin may hide inside his remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a brightly
Sack of Infinite Holding to dodge particularly potent attacks. The wrapped present.
Sack Goblin has advantage on savings throws against area of Paper Cut. The wicked sharp paper on the teeth of the present
effect spells and abilities. mimic can sever limbs. If a paper mimic lands a critical hit with
Speedy Delivery. The sack Goblin may spend a bonus action to one of its attacks, the dice triple instead of double as with a
teleport up to 30 feet in any direction. normal critical hit.

Sack Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a large or (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. If the present mimic is in object form,
smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving this attack is an automatic critical hit.
throw or be stuffed into the sack of infinite holding. A creature
stuffed into a sack in this way is considered blinded, restrained
and suffocating, and it has total cover against attacks and other
effects outside of the sack. If the Sack Goblin is grappled or
restrained, another creature may reach into the sack to pull the
creature that has been stuffed into the sack free. If the Sack Goblin
dies, all creatures stuffed into the sack may exit freely.



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