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Video #1: How to stop negative thinking

Negative thinking is a habit that we create unconsciously and It’s hard break a habit that we
have built for a long time and now it’s so deep in our mind, but it’s not impossible. The
solution for break with those negative thoughts is that we must stop of feed it and eventually
these disappear.

The idea is don’t put our energy in bad things and when this happens, we must stop and
become to do this question for yourself What can i be grateful for right now? And then ask

Whit this tip we don’t ignore the negative things but is a way for be more positively because
life can be really hard sometimes but there are always somethings to be grateful.

Video #2: Things to know BEFORE you go to Rome - Italy

Rome is capital of Italy is popular tourist place, because it's considered one of the oldest and
historic cities with some popular attraction and some of them are:

Trevi fountain, Colosseum, Vatican City, roman forum and Pisa tower etc.

The best time to travel or visit Rome is between April-May in the spring or September -
November when the weather is cooler because is fall. It’s not recommended travel to Italy in
summer on August because is extremely crowded.

The currency used in Rome is euro but a lot of restaurants accepts credit cards like Mastercard
or visa, however, it’s important that you carry on wallet some euros.

On the other hand, languages that you need to speak when travel to Rome is Italian or English
there are some touristic places where people speak in English but be handy learn some Italian
words like:

Ciao = Hi Buongiorno = Good morning Grazie = Thanks Non Capisco = I don’t understand

Mi scusi= Excuse me

One important and amazing information is there are free water in specifics fountains it is
completely clean and safe and every first Sunday of every month you can get in free to the

In general, there are many curious and important information that all people must to know
before travel to whatever place.

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