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Nama : Azzufa Nurkamila Rohmad

Kelas : MPI D

NIM : 200106110055

TUGAS 2 Manj Kurikulum & Pembelajaran

( Asas Kurikulum di MA Hidayatut Thalibin Sumenep Madura )

A. Curriculum Principles (Asas Kurikulum)

The principles of the Education curriculum are the basis for the preparation of an
educational curriculum. Of course every curriculum has a foundation as the basis for the
establishment of the curriculum. The basic function or foundation provides the direction of
the goals to be achieved as well as the basis for the establishment of an educational
curriculum. The development of the Islamic religious education curriculum is a learning
process that is carried out by students with a series of activities that have been prepared to
perfect the main material from the previous material according to the principles of Islamic
teachings. This is also an effort to program the potential development of students through
potential learning experiences to achieve the vision, mission, goals of Islamic religious
education (Firman Sidik, 2016). In this case, the development of Islamic religious education
curriculum needs a strong foundation and foundation in order to maintain the characteristics
of the curriculum, so structured collaboration from teachers, students, guardians and related
parties is needed. Regarding the basis of curriculum development, namely there are four
main foundations, among others; 1) psychological foundations, 2) philosophical foundations,
3) science-technology foundations and 4) socio-cultural foundations.

1) Islamic Theology (Asas Teologi Islam)

The principle of Islamic theology means that the foundation on which it is
based is the teachings of the Islamic religion which are sourced from the Qur'an
and As-Sunnah. In Greek, the word "theology" is divided into two words, namely
"theology" refers to God, and logic refers to words or words. Therefore, if
combined briefly, the meaning of theology is all knowledge related to God.
Literally, theology is related to theory and research, while in practice it is related
to certain religious doctrines or doctrines.
Religion is determined based on the Qur'an and As-Sunnah with the
teachings of divine values, the two books are general, eternal and valid throughout
the ages ahead. In addition to these two sources, of course, Islamic education has
another source, namely ijtihad, the result of the decisions of the scholars. In
ijtihad it takes the form of ijma, qiyas, istihsan, istihsab, and urf (Didiyanto,
2017). The basis of religion should have the highest position in the educational
curriculum, especially the Islamic religion, because the Islamic education
curriculum must have goals that are in line with the teachings of Islam, following
An-Nahl: 64 explains.

َ ‫ك ْال ِك ٰت‬
ْ ‫ب اِ اَّل لِتُبَي َِّن لَهُ ُم الا ِذى‬
‫اختَلَفُ ْوا فِ ْي ِۙ ِه َوهُدًى او َرحْ َمةً لِّقَ ْو ٍم ي ُّْؤ ِمنُ ْو َن‬ َ ‫َو َمآ اَ ْنز َْلنَا َعلَ ْي‬
"And We have not sent down to you this Book (Al Quran), except that you may
explain to them what they dispute and be a guide and a mercy to a people who
believe" (64)
The Qur'an is the foremost place in taking educational resources. All
forms of educational concept activities must be based on the Qur'an. There are
several things that are useful in the Qur'an for the development of education,
including: scientific development, respect for human reason, maintaining human
needs and not against human nature (M. Akmansyah, 2015). It is fitting that the
main foundation of the Islamic religious education curriculum is Theology or
Tawhid. The values of Islamic religious teachings are sourced from the Qur'an
and As-Sunnah as well as several interpretations that can be used as references in
accordance with the principles of education in Indonesia. Of course, the aspect of
monotheism as the main basis emphasizes that in the Islamic education
curriculum the cultivation of Aqidah is very strong. After that, only the refraction
of worship and noble moral behavior.

2) Philosophical Principles (Asas Filosofi)

Philosophical principles are the foundations that become the foundation
for thinking and compiling a series based on an investigation of the nature of the
cause, origin and law so that a wise decision is found. Humans who study
philosophy make humans understand and act wisely. To become a wise human
being as a human, it is necessary to have knowledge about it through systematic
and logical thinking. Another meaning of this thought can be interpreted as
thinking to its roots (Winarso, 2015). In philosophy there are schools that have
different backgrounds and concepts. Efforts to unite the conceptions of idealism
and realism in their opposition is the goal of the flow of essentialism.
The flow that is "progressive" is to return the past culture to the Middle
Ages to the present, namely the flow of perennialism. The flow that makes
freedom the main point and opposes all forms of authoritarianism is the flow of
progressiveism. The flow that emphasizes individual experience is the flow of
existentialism. Next is the flow that has the view that all symptoms lead to its
existence, namely the way humans are in the world is different from the existence
of other objects, namely the flow of reconstructionalism (Bahri, 2017).
The following describes the contents of the philosophical schools related to
curriculum development (Winarso, 2015). Among others:
 Aliran-Aliran Filsafat dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum
No. Aliran Karakter
01. Perenialisme Kekekalan, idealisme, dan keindahan berdasarkan
silsilah budaya dan pengaruh masyarakat. Manusia
beranggapan bahwa ilmu lebih kritis dan aktivitas
harian yang kurang diperhatikan. Pendidikan yang
menganut ideologi ini mengedepankan kebenaran
tidak terbatas, kebenaran umum yang tidak dibatasi
oleh ruang dan waktu. Arus informasi ini lebih
mengedepankan pada masa lampau.
02. Esensialisme Pentingnya warisan budaya dan karunia pengetahuan
dan keterampilan bagi siswa untuk menjadi anggota
masyarakat yang berguna. Manusia-manusia
beranggapan bahwa berhitung, fisika, dan mata
pelajaran lainnya adalah fondasi konten kurikulum
yang berharga bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Serupa
dengan penggunaan perenialisme, esensialisme juga
lebih berpandangan pada masa lalu.
03. Eksistensialisme Bahwa individu adalah asal muasal pengetahuan
mengenai kehidupan dan makna. Untuk kehidupan
sesemanusia yang dapat dipahami, sesemanusia
harus memahami dirinya sendiri.
04. Progressivisme Tingkat menyelesaikan perbedaan dalam
pengalaman dan proses belajar individu, berpusat
pada siswa, dan beragam. Progresivisme adalah
dasar untuk pembelajaran dan pengembangan aktif
05. Rekonstruksionisme Penjelasan rinci tingkat tinggi berdasarkan genre
progresif. Dalam rekonstruksionisme, peradaban
manusia masa depan sangat ditekankan. Selain
menekankan pada perbedaan individu, misalnya
dalam progresifisme, rekonstruksionisme juga
menekankan pada pemecahan masalah dan
pemikiran kritis. Pendukung tipe ini menekankan
pada hasil pembelajaran dalam proses

From the character of the flow above, it is adjusted in curriculum

development, philosophically, of course certain philosophical schools can be a
basic reference in the educational curriculum. This provides variations on the
concept of the circuit and the development of its implementation. The
philosophical schools of existentialism, perennialism, and essentialism are the
schools that underlie the development of a subject-academic curriculum,
namely a curriculum originating from classical education that focuses on
the content of education in the form of emphasizing the material presented by the
teacher. The philosophy of progressivism provides the basis for curriculum
development in the form of personal or humanistic education. This concept
prioritizes education for students in their learning and not only in the cognitive
domain, but also in the attitudes and emotions of students. Furthermore, this
philosophy is widely applied in curriculum development, namely
reconstructionism with an interactional model or an emphasis on communication,
namely creating an interactive learning atmosphere from both students and
teachers so as to create more communicative learning (Bahri, 2017).

3) Psychological Principles (Asas Psikologis)

Psychological principles are the foundation on which to base thinking
based on psychological theories related to human behavior and human
background conditions (Suminto, 2020). That the psychological condition is a
person as an individual with psycho-physical characteristics, which are expressed
in the form of behavior and various actions in interaction with their environment
(Fauzan et al., 2019). Syafruddin Nurdin argues, that basically education has
psychological elements that are the background of the educational process. The
educational process is something related to human behavior itself and educating
means providing learning so that there is a change in the behavior of students
reaching maturity. Therefore, in the learning process closely related to the theory
of child behavior. Nana argues that several things related to the theory of child
behavior include (Bahri, 2017):
 Teori Tingkah Laku Anak
No. Teori Karakter
1. Behavioristik Teori belajar behavioristik yaitu teori yang
membahas tingkah laku manusia pada proses
belajar melalui pendekatan yang sesuai
dengan keadaan sebenarnya, mekanistik
memiliki prosedur tersendiri, dan
materialistic. Perubahan tingkah laku melalui
upaya pengkondisian dapat terjadi pada diri
manusia dan keadaan masing-masing
manusia. Kegiatan behavioristik
dilatarbelakangi bahwa pada saat anak lahir
tidak mewarisi keserdasan, kemampuan dan
bakat. Teori behavior lebih menekankan kepada
pengamatan tingkah laku manusia, karena
prinsip dari perubahan manusia tentunya harus
dilakukan dengan pengamatan dan pengalaman
sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada tidaknya
perubahan tersebut.
2. Psikologi Daya Pada Teori ini kesiapan mental menjadi dasar dalam
perubahan tingkah laku manusia. Baik dalam
proses pembelajaran mental dari daya
mengamati, mengingat, menanggapi,
menghayal serta berfikir dimana hal tersebut
diperoleh melalui latihan. Teori ini
menekankan pada nilai formal, artinya setiap
materi apapun yang dipelajari sesemanusia
tidaklah signifikan apabila tidak adan
pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan daya-daya
3. Perkembangan Teori ini mengutamakan proses atau upaya guna
Kognitif memaksimalkan kecakapan rasional yang
dimiliki setiap manusia. Terdapat perbedaan
kognitif dengan behavioristic, yang lebih
menekankan pada aspek kemampuan
perilaku. Piaget memiliki pandangan bahwa
perkembangan kognitif merupakan suatu proses
genetic, yaitu proses yang didasarkan atas
mekanisme biologis perkembangan system
syaraf manusia.
4. Teori Gestalt Teori ini menekankan pada kita bahwa
dalam perkembangan haruslah melihat secara
keseluruhan. Dengan melihat secara
keseluruhan maka dapat ditemukanlah solusi
yang tepat. Contoh dalam melihat
permasalahan pendidikan pada masyarakat
multi kultur tentu teori ini sangat tepat dalam
mencari solusi. Masyarakat multikultur
dengan kultur yang berbeda-beda perlu
ditinjau dan dipelajari secara keselurah. Setelah
itu akan ditemukan dari berbagai perbedaan
cara yang tepat dalam memberikan formula
system pendidikan yang tepat
5. Teori Kepribadian 1) berdasarkan Hilgard & Marquis kepribadian
ialah nilai rangasangan sosial, potensi buat
menampilkan diri secara mengesankan, 2)
berdasarkan Stern kepribadian artinya
kehidupan semanusia secara keseluruhan,
individual, unik, kemampuannya bertahan,
serta memperoleh pengalaman, 3) dari
Allport kepribadian merupakan organisasi
dinamik yg berubah-ubah dalam sistem
psikofisiologik berkaitan mental dan perilaku
sesemanusia pada memilih contoh
penyesuaiannya yang unik dengan
lingkungannya, 4) berdasarkan Guilford
kepribadian merupakan sifat yang unik pada
diri sesmanusia. 5) dari Pervin kepribadian ialah
ciri semanusia yang menyeluruh sehingga
mengakibatkan pola menetap dalam
merespon suatu situasi, 6) menurut Maddy
atau Burt bahwa kepribadian
adalahkarakteristik tersusun dan stabil, yang
menentukan keumuman dan perbedaan
tingkah laku psikologi dalam waktu yang lama
dan tidak dapat dipahami secara sederhana
sebagai hasil dari tekanan sosial dan tekanan
biologik saat itu (Muhimmatul Hasanah, 2015)

The description above shows that the psychological principle has great
importance in the development of the educational curriculum. Children in the
form of curriculum targets in their implementation in education of course need a
psychological foundation so that the developmental period of children in the
education process already has the right formula in a set curriculum series. The
period of child development is widely studied in psychology, this is what
underlies psychology as part of the Curriculum Principles

4) Socio-Cultural Principles (Asas Sosial Budaya)

Socio-cultural principles are the foundation on which to think based on the
interests of community values and traditional norms attached to society. Socio-
culture that contains community values comes from humans with their work
through their reasoning so that they preserve and disseminate them. In education
there is also a process of interaction between humans so that humans become
cultured creatures. In this context, students are in a cultural phenomenon, it is
hoped that students can be nurtured and developed in sync with their cultural
values. The culture that students expect is a positive culture that has a beneficial
effect on humans and citizens (Halim, 2016).
Socio-cultural principles as the basis of the educational curriculum
certainly play a major role in underpinning how the curriculum can be
implemented by students to the community. The fact that there are diverse
cultures certainly affects the concept of the educational curriculum. The most
important aspect in socio-culture is the value system that regulates social life,
therefore the educational curriculum with socio-cultural principles is a solution
for assembling the right curriculum so that every cultural difference can be carried
out by students properly so that education is achieved according to socio-cultural
conditions, especially in Indonesia.
This principle describes the Islamic religious education curriculum that is
harmonized with social values that are characteristic of Islamic society and its
culture. This consists of the ethical side, knowledge, mindset, and traditions and
customs of the community according to the characteristics of their culture. The
Islamic religious education curriculum must be sustainable with existing
developments in society (Firman Sidik, 2016).
Socio-cultural principles for the Islamic religious education curriculum
will produce products that are in accordance with the needs of the community. In
particular, Indonesia, which has a diversity of cultures and traditions, will
certainly affect the education process in the future. In addition, geographical
factors in Indonesia also show how many different cultures exist in each place.
Social principles for the Islamic religious education curriculum are expected to
provide the right formula for students in carrying out the educational process so
that social values such as tolerance, mutual cooperation and social interaction
work well.
5) Principles of Science and Technology (Asas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi)
The principle of science and technology is the foundation on which to base
thinking based on a collection of ideas or discoveries that have been passed
through various scientific processes so as to produce a product, either goods or
guidelines that can be a source of development of other sciences as well as a tool
that makes it easier for humans to fulfill their daily needs. Science and technology
products are diverse and dynamic in nature, along with the development of the
times the progress of science and technology greatly affects its role in human life
so that science and technology has an effect as the foundation of the education
curriculum. Technology is basically the role of science and has a very significant
position in human development.
The work of humans gives birth to technology through a scientific process
in order to achieve the best goals of human life. Human means to more easily
provide and meet needs is also the meaning of Technology. The goal is to create
conditions that are efficient, effective, and related to patterns of human behavior.
One indication of the progress of human civilization is the progress of science and
technology. Technology has contributed in all aspects of human life. Technology
certainly plays a big role in facilitating the development of existing natural
resources for humans, but it often exceeds the limit without being done wisely so
that it often happens irregularly in its use (Camelia, 2020).
Knowledge comes from the root word "ilm" which means a symbol or
pointer so that it can be recognized and known. It's the same with ma'lam,
meaning road signs so that someone can guide themselves or someone else. In
addition, "Nature is also interpreted as a guide (Abidin, 2016).
Science can be interpreted as the direction of the wind, where the wind
makes it easier for humans to reach their destination in traveling. Likewise,
science for humans with human science can develop its potential according to
their respective fields of science. Science is often equated with the term science
and knowledge is equated as science. Science is an awareness of knowledge that
serves to investigate and examine a provisional finding. Science is also interpreted
as knowledge generated by the learning process from the experiences taken. In
another sense, science is the result of knowledge that has gone through the stage
of testing its truth.
The knowledge is still limited to the information that a person knows.
Gaining knowledge can be by way of experience gained and humans with the
information provided. However, in this case it cannot be called science if
knowledge has not been verified (Camelia, 2020). From this meaning it can be
seen that science is a process or effort in new discoveries in various forms such as
research, experimentation and observation so that new theories are found that are
mutually agreed upon.

B. Implementation of Principles in Curriculum Development (Implementasi Asas – asas

dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum)

From the various theories of the principles of curriculum development above, it

can be applied to be used in the development of Islamic religious education curriculum. If
we look at the facts contained in the "Minister of Religion Decree Number 183 of 2019
concerning Islamic Education Curriculum and Arabic Language in Madrasas" there are
four principles used as the foundation, namely philosophical, sociological,
psychopedagogical and juridical principles (Directorate, 2019). In this paper, it can be an
additional contribution proposal for the development of Islamic religious education
curriculum that can be applied by every educational institution in Indonesia. In the
decision of the minister of religion, the philosophical principle explains the important
function of PAI, teachers, students and Arabic in the curriculum. Sociological principles
express the curriculum according to the needs of the community.

The psychopedagogical principle explains that the PAI process and Arabic are the
process of maturation of students. The juridical or theoretical principle of the curriculum
designed based on standards-based education stipulates the existence of national
standards as the minimum quality of citizens which are detailed into content standards,
process standards, graduate competency standards, educators and education personnel
standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, financing
standards, and educational assessment standards. This description becomes material in
completing the foundation for the development of the PAI curriculum that is already in
The theory put forward by the researcher is that there are five principles that can
be manifested in the decision of the minister of religion regarding the PAI curriculum and
Arabic with the following details:

 Asas tentang kurikulum PAI dan Bahasa Arab

No. Asas - Asas Penerapan
1. Asas Teologi  Memunculkan ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an dan
beberapa Al-Hadits sebagai pondasi
disusunnya suatu kurikulum
 QS An-Nahl: 64 yang menjelaskan
kedudukan Al-Qur‟an sebagai sumber
 QS Al-Alaq:1-5 mekanisme dalam
menuntut ilmu
 QS Al-Hasr: 18 penting pengembangan
 Hadits riwayat sunan al-Tirmidzi no 2649
mengenai manfaat menuntut ilmu
2. Asas Filosofis Secara filosofis beberapa aliran dapat
digunakan pada setiap pengembangan
 Subjek-Akademis
 Humanistik atau kepribadian
 Interaksional
Ketika landasan tersebut dapat dijadikan satu
dalam penerapannya sehingga terdapat
3. Asas Psikologi  Behavioristik : Bahwa pendidikan dilalui
melalui proses jenjang yang berbeda,
sehingga perlu adanya penerapan yang
sesui dengan jenjangnya seperti kasus
pada peserta didik jenjang dasar pada
pembelajaran PAI masih banyak peserta
didik yang belum menguasai Al-Qur‟an
sehingga kesulitan dalam mengikuti
proses belajar maka teori ini dapat
menjadi solusi untuk mengidentifikasi
materi yang sesuai jenjangnya.
 Psikologi Daya : guna membentuk
kemandirian pada peserta didik, hendak
proses belajar tidak dominan pada guru
melainkan pada siswa yang belajar
mandiri shingga dapat dibentuk berupa
metode berlandaskan Mandiri Belajar.
 Teori Kognitif : dengan adanya
peningkatan pengetahuan berupak
tingkat kelas, tingkat kesulitas materi
dan kelas akselerasi maka atas landasan
tersebut peserta didik diberikan transfer
ilmu sesuai dengan kemapuan
 Teori Gestalt : pengembangan ilmu
tidak hanya focus pada satu acuan
melainkan keselurahan yang berkaitan
dengan ilmu tersebut sehingga hal ini
mengharuskan kurikulum memiliki
landasan psikologi dengan teori tersebut
 Teori Kepribadian : pengembangan
kurikulum bertujuan membantuk
kepribadian yang baik sehingga peserta
didik menjadi manusia yang dewasa serta
bijak mengambil keputusan
4. Asas Sosial-  Selain menyesuaikan kebutuhan
Budaya masyarak yang terpenting adalah
pengenalan budaya seperti menggunakan
atribut budaya pada masing-masing khas
daerah tersebut pada proses pendidikan
 Pembelajaran PAI dapat berkegiatan ke
taman budaya pada masing-masing
 Study banding yang sudah berjalan itu
sangatlah baik dalam pengenalan
 Terjalinnya komunikasi antar masyaraka-
pendidik-orang tua-sekolah-peserta didik
akan menciptakan korelasi yang baik
dalam menanamkan norma-norma sosial
bagi peserta didik.
5. Asas Ilmu  Menciptakan suatu karya ilmiah pada
Pengetahuan dan setiap jenjang yang sesuai dengan
Teknologi kemampuannya
 Strategi metode belajar dengan
memaksimalkan teknologi yang
 Media-media belajar mengunakan
 Standarisasi penggunaan teknologi pada
setiap instasn pendidikan yang ada di
Negara ini.
The explanation above can be a basis for the development of Islamic religious
education curriculum in the preparation of the PAI curriculum that can be standardized at
all educational institutions, both from the basic level and at the high level. In this writing,
basically there are still limitations in reviewing the verses of the Qur'an and Al-Hadith
used as the theological foundation in curriculum development. In principle, these two
guidelines are the main sources of foundation in the development of the theological
Islamic religious education curriculum so that the direction of the goals of achievement is
clear. However, with a theoretical review of the principles above, it can be a contribution
in applying the development of science and technology in the development of the PAI
curriculum so that schools, educators, and students can respond to technology.
Minister of Religion Decree Number 183 of 2019 concerning Islamic Education
Curriculum and Arabic Language in Madrasahs does not yet have the theological
principles and the principles of science and technology, therefore this research is a
complement to theoretically the implementation of these principles can be the basis for
the ministerial decision. religion and practically in the form of the application of
technology in the learning process in the form of PAI materials in collaboration with
technology development so that all components related to learning activities have a
technologically responsive character

C. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

Dari hasil pengamatan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat lima asas yang dapat
menjadi pondasi dalam pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam terdiri dari asas
teologi, asas filosofis, asas psikologi, asas sosial-budaya serta asas ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi. Implementasi asas tersebeut dalam pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan agama
Islam secara teoritis dan praktis dapat menjadi acuan bagi pihak wewenan dalam
mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam dari asas teologi menggunakan dua
sumber pokok Al-Qur‟an dan Al-Hadits, asas filosofis menggunakan konsep aliran dalam
mekanisme proses pembelajaran, asas psikologi mengidentifikasi kemampuan peserta
didik sesuai jenjang dan potensinya, asas sosial-budaya menggunakan atribut budaya
dalam pengenalannya, asas ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memaksimalkan
perkembangan teknologi dengan proses pembelajaran. Hal-hal tersebut dapat
menjadikan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam dapat diimplikaskan semua komponen
pendidikan saat ini dan seterusnya.

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