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Hello, my name is Jeinner Torres and I am from group 42 of English 4 and I am going to tell about

the significant changes in my life,

1) 2 years ago I was studying at college and now I have been studying at university since I

2) Before I played a lot with my younger sister but over time we have played less

3) I've been calmer lately but I used to get angry easily

4) Over the years I have grown and I argue less with my mother but before we argued daily

5) My dad has lived with us for the last 2 years but before he visited us a few times a month

6) Little by little I have started to see life differently before it was very childish

7) Before I didn't have a very good relationship with my dad, now we have started to improve it

8) I always had a good relationship with my mom but for a while we have been closer than ever

9) Before I had very few friends and lately I have made a lot of friends

10) I've had a girlfriend for a few months but never had anything serious before

11) We stopped talking to a good friend and now we've gotten back in touch

12) When I was in school, I studied almost nothing and now I have been studying for several weeks
in a row

13) I used to play video games a lot and lately I have started watching movies

14) I've been thinking about getting a job but a few months ago I was just thinking about having

15) Lately I have understood less mathematics but before I knew everything by heart

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