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CTS Interview Questions for experienced (05/08/17)


1.Tell about yourself.

2.Explain about your project.

3.Write the syntax of cron expression in scheduleApex.

a) cronexpresion:- secs mins hrs day_month month_year day_week year
time at which the job has to fire

4.what is the best practice to use triggers.

a)Let us know if this will help you.
1) One Trigger Per Object. ...
2) Logic-less Triggers. ...
3) Context-Specific Handler Methods. ...
4) Bulkify your Code. ...
5) Avoid SOQL Queries or DML statements inside FOR Loops. ...
6) Using Collections, Streamlining Queries, and Efficient For Loops. ...
7) Querying Large Data Sets.

5.what are trigger events.

a) The events that will fire the triggers when DML is performed.
1.Before Insert
2.Before Update
3.Before delete.
4.After insert
5.After update
6.After Delete
7.After UNdelete

6.write the syntax of a trigger.

a)trigger triggername on sobject(triggerevents){
7.write the scenario(logic) using before insert trigger for any SObject.

a. while inserting the new list of records with fields like phone,email,---
ect duplicate records are to be finded.

b.if duplicate records are encountered they are not to be inserted.

8.What are governing limits.

a)in every transaction maximum no of soql statements = 100
in every transaction maximum no of dml statements = 150
in every transaction maximum no of records on which dml can be performed = 10000
in soql query can return maximum 50000 records
in every transaction maximum no of sosl statements = 20
in sosl query can return maximum 2000 records
in every transaction maximum no of future method = 50
in every transaction maximum no of queueable call = 50
in every transaction maximum no of call outs = 100
in every transaction maximum no of email invocation = 10

9.What is Batch Apex.Why we go for batch apex.

a) when you want to process largenumber of records on dailybasis or nightlybasis or
specific time of interval then there is a possibility of encountering the
to resolve the governing limits issue ,we will run the operation as asynchronous
operation using batchapex

10.I am writing a trigger with SOQL,then i faced a problem of 101 SOQL queries,how
you will resolve this problem, explain it briefly.
a) Avoid SOQL Queries or DML statements inside FOR Loops. ..
11.What is Standard page?Are you overriden any standard page in your project?if so
12.What are record types.what are the uses with record types.
13.What are profiles and roles.
a)profile:- Collection of Permissions to apps,tabs,objects,fields,record
types..etc,profile deals with CRED (create,edit,read,delete),
we can map only one profile for one user and without mapping tha profile we can not
create the user
Role:-role deals with authorization to access data

14.What is OWD and Sharing settings.why we go for sharing settings.

a) OWD:- it is the default access level on records for any object in salesforce
for custom objects we can see below access levels
1)private :- only owner and above hirachecy users can have read/write
2) public read only
3) public read/write
Sharing settings:-

15.What is process builder.

16.As you are working as a developer,how many sandboxes are there in your
organization,what are they.

17.How you deployed the code from sandbox to production.

18.What is action function,why we use it.

19.What is the difference between actionfunction and actionsupport.

20.What are Email Services.

21.What are test classes,why we go for test classes.

22.What is the use of System.AssertEquals() in test classes.
23.Through DataLoader how many records you are inserted.

24.What is the default size of DataLoader,how many records we can process at a time
in DataLoader.
a)min size 1,dafault size 200,maximum size 2000, total records in inserted in 5

25.What is CRM process.

26.What is Single sign on and OKTA.

27.How many MasterDetail relations we can have for a single object.

28.What is junction object explain with an example.
29.what are web service callouts and callins.
30.What is SOAP and REST API's ,where we use them.

31.What is externalid.

32.If you want to integrate salesforce with SAP for migrating data,how you will do

33.By using batch apex how many records we can process.

a) 50 millions

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