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The Victorian Age

The Victorian age is a very complex age. Queen Victoria became queen after the death of
William IV and reigned until his death in 1901. With industrialization, people who had to work
had to move countryside to the city. The class that benefited most was the middle class.
However, this change has also had negative consequences, such as many hygiene problems and
poverty. The poor lived in slums (slums), scary (horrible) neighborhoods. characterized by
squalor, sickness (disease) and crime. At first, poverty was seen as a crime, then it was seen as a
social problem. Living conditions were many very bad: there was a high mortality rate and poor
working conditions. Poor children they were separated from their families and forced to work in
factories, without interruptions, without school or time to play. Then the government passed a
law banning the employment of children under the age of nine and working hours limited to
eight days. Men, women and children worked there factories and coal mines, were paid low
wages and lived in unhealthy and overcrowded slums.

Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. He had an unhappy childhood.

His father was imprisoned for debts. Charles was put to work in the factory. By
1832 he had become a highly successful reporter of parliamentary debates in the
House of Commons and began working as a reporter for a newspaper. Following
the success of the Pickwick papers, Dickens began a full-fledged career as a
novelist. Olivier's breakthrough began in 1837.

Childhood in the Victorian age was cruel. Many poor children were forced to work
in factories and mines. Dickens presents children who are innocent or corrupted
by adults. The criminal world is described, including pickpockets and murderers.

Olivier twist is a poor boy, he is brought un ina workhouse in an inhuman way. He

is later sold to an undertake. after fleeing to london

he falls into the hands of a gang of young pickpockets. He is framed for a theft and
is eventually arrested

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