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The Mysterious Spiritual Meaning of

Ringing In Your Ears

When I began my spiritual development journey, I had many bizarre things happen to me. One of these things
was a periodic ringing in my right ear. It always happened right when I had a feeling of deja vu, or a!er long
meditation or intuitive reading session. I began to wonder, is this ringing in my ears a spiritual sign?

So, what is the spiritual meaning of ringing in your le! or right ear? The spiritual meaning of ringing in
your ears is a sign that you are energetically sensitive, and aware of the subtle energetic shi!s that
are happening in your physical and etheric bodies. It is o!en a sign that you have clairaudient or
clairsentient abilities, and are able to discern information from the energetic exchanges around you.

There are di"erent meanings of ringing in ears depending on which ear is ringing, the tone of the ringing, and
how o!en your ears are ringing. This article will discuss the various meanings of ringing in your ears so that
you can tell if the ringing in your ears is a spiritual sign.

Is The Ringing In Your Ears a Spiritual

There could be many reasons for ringing in your ears, ranging from medical reasons to a variety of spiritual
reasons. So how can you tell if the ringing in your ears is a spiritual sign?


The first way to tell is to visit your doctor and to get it checked out. The ringing in your ears could be an
underlying medical issue. You can check out this article on WebMD or this article on Healthline to determine if
the ringing in your ears may require medical attention.

If there are no underlying medical reasons for your ringing in your ears, and the ringing in your ears happens
only periodically and without pain or discomfort, it is more likely a spiritual sign.

Ringing in the ears is commonly reported by people who are highly sensitive to energies around them. These
people are o!en referred to as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), or are highly empathic and feel other people’s

Consequently, HSPs and empaths require consistent management of their energetic and spiritual health, so
they o!en pursue a lifestyle of spiritual growth and development. They o!en discover that their sensitivities
are a result of psychic abilities, such as clairaudience, clairsentience, or clairvoyance.

As they learn to control their energy and listen to the energetic signs around them, they realize that the
ringing in their ears is a sign of one of the following spiritual or energetic reasons:

A shi! in their energetic alignment, o!en stepping into a higher or lower vibrational state

A message from their spirit guide, such as an angel, loved one who’s passed, or a highly evolved being

The presence of a harmful energetic being in their space, causing a triggering of false belief systems and
chaotic energy

Emotional and energetic attachments to others via energetic cords


As you can see from this list, there are both positive and negative reasons why your ears are ringing; however,
your ears ringing are not negative in and of themselves — it is simply giving you information about what is
happening in your energetic space.

Knowing the signs and communication of your energetic system is a tool that you can use to navigate your
energetic, emotional and spiritual health.

Ringing in the Right Ear Only: What Does

It Mean?
From the experience of the clients who I have worked with and my own experience, ringing in the right ear is a
spiritual sign, and the pitch, volume, and frequency can give you clues as to why you are experiencing it.

So, what does ringing in the right ear mean? O!en times, ringing in the right ear is a sign that a spiritual
being is trying to communicate with you. The right ears are more receptive to external energies coming into
your energy field.

This could be in the form of an angel, a spirit guide, a loved one who has passed on, or a physical being that
you have a strong energetic attachment to. This could be a lover, a friend, an enemy or even a pet.

Below is a chart that gives a general breakdown of what the pitch and volume of the ringing in your ear

Sound in Meaning
Right Ear

High pitched ringing in the right ears is a sign of a spiritual being coming in on the energy of
High Pitched your crown chakra, or spiritual center. These are usually beings that are connected to
Source, such as angels and highly evolved beings of light.

Low pitched ringing in the right ears is a sign of an energetic being coming in on the energy
Low Pitched from your lower chakras, which are your survival centers. These are usually lower vibrational
beings that are coming in on stress and anxiety.

Buzzing or white noise is o!en a sign that you have a strong attachment to another physical
being, such as a romantic partner, a friend, a parent or a pet. The energetic chord is causing
a vibrational pull that sounds like so! buzzing.

A sudden and loud ring in the ears that lasts only for a short moment is o!en a way to get
Sudden and
your attention, usually from a spirit guide or an angel, telling you to pay attention. Usually
Loud Ringing
this is a warning, but it can also be something that excites your guides.


If you do experience ringing in your right ear, it is o!en a sign that you have heightened awareness of being
communicating in the spiritual realm, and you may be a gi!ed in clairaudience (the psychic ability to hear
spiritual messages) or clairsentience (the psychic ability to sense a spiritual presence).

Ringing in the Left Ear Only: What Does

It Mean?
Ringing in the le! ear, while slightly less common than ringing in the right ear, is a common spiritual sign. Just
like the right ear, the pitch, volume, and frequency can give you clues as to why you are experiencing it.

Ringing in the le! ear is a sign of internal energies that are shi!ing. The le! ear is more in tune with what is
going on at the core essence of your energy field. Usually, when you hear ringing in your le! ear, it is a
message from your higher self or a significant shi! in your vibrational field.


Below is a chart that gives a general breakdown of what the pitch and volume of the ringing in your ear

Sound in Meaning
Le! Ear

High pitched ringing in your le! ear is o!en a sign that you are in a “growth period.” This
High Pitched means that you are stepping into a higher vibration, and your energy is recalibrating to get
into a new alignment. This realignment o!en causes a high-pitched ringing.

Low pitched ringing in your le! ear is o!en a sign of stressors or negative energy that are
Low Pitched lowering your vibration. This causes your energy to be o"-balance, resulting in a temporary
low humming in your ear.

A so! buzzing or white noise static in your le! ear is a message from your higher self. This is
especially true if it is accompanied by a feeling of peace and trust in the flow of the universe.
It is a sign that the communication pathways between you and your higher self are opening,
and your intuitive language is developing. This should ease over time, the more comfortable
you feel listening to your intuition.

Sudden and A sudden or loud ringing in your le! ear is a warning from your higher self, and a signal to
Loud pay attention.

If you experience ringing in your le! ear frequently, doing daily meditations or increased wellness activities
can help balance your vibrational field, easing the ringing in your ears.


Does Ringing in Your Ears Mean Someone

Is Talking About You?

There is an old wives’ tale that says if your ears ring or burn, it means that someone is talking about you. Is
this true? Does ringing in your ears mean that someone is gossiping about you?


The answer is both yes and no. The buzzing in your ears is not caused by someone who is talking about you;
rather it is because the energy that they are sending to you via talking about you or thinking about you is
creating an energetic cord between you and them.

If you aren’t sure what an energetic cord is, here is a youtube video that helps explain it:

What Are Energy Cords? Why Cut Them?

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When strong energetic cords are connected between you and another person, you two are energetically
connected and a"ecting each other’s vibrations. This sometimes causes ringing in your ears, especially
ringing in your right ear. It can also sound like a so! buzzing, or white static noise.


If the ringing in your ear is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, depression or low energy, it may be a sign that
the energetic connection with that person is draining your energy field and dragging you down. You may be
highly empathic and are connecting to them to help heal them, but at the detriment to your own energetic

If you experience ringing in your ears, and can’t stop thinking about someone, it is most likely an energetic
cord between you and that person.

How do you get rid of energetic cords to ease

ringing in your ears?
Many energy workers will suggest that you cut the cords using visualization tools. However, in my experience,
this is only a temporary solution to the problem. When someone can energetically “cord” you, it means that
they have matching energy that is in resonance with some of your own energy.

In the world of energy healing and psychic knowledge, these are called matching pictures. Essentially, you
and the other person have equally resonating energy that can allow a connection to be established.

This could be the same energy resulting from similar belief systems or similar traumas that you both
experienced from relationships. Whatever the reason, energy will always find “like” energy to keep flowing:
that is the law of attraction and energetic movement.

In order to clear the energetic cords once and for all, you have to clear the matching energy that you have
with that person. This can bring up a lot of uncomfortable energy, so you should always seek out training or
get the help of a professional intuitive counselor/spiritual advisor; however, there are simple and gentle
techniques that you can do at home to get you started.

The easiest and most e"ective way to clear matching energy and release cords of attachment is to forgive
them and forgive yourself. Send them love, and ask that all cords between you and that person be released
and any matching energy be transmuted back to its original source into universal consciousness, in a way
that is gentle and releases slowly at your own pace.


Please remember to say “gentle and at my own pace.” When Spirit begins to move things around, it is
always helpful to set parameters and boundaries, as things can begin to happen fast, which can put you in a
healing crisis.

It is best to do this while meditating, and it may take multiple times for you to start noticing the di"erence.

If you keep doing these forgiveness techniques, your energy will start to shi!, and the cord will not be able to
reattach. As a result, the ringing in your ears will ease and should go away.

Use your best judgement and intuition when deciding if certain techniques are right for you.

Ears Ringing During Meditation

Another occasion where many people report having ringing in their ears is during or a!er a long meditation
session. More commonly, ringing in the ears can be a side e"ect of doing a meditation focused on Kundalini
energy and awakening.

Zo werkt 't!

So, why does ringing in the ears happen during and a!er meditation? The reason why ringing in the ears can
happen during and a!er meditation is due to your energy field being “tuned” to your highest essence and
inner wisdom.

The human biofield is a complex system of energies and vibrations that all resonate with certain thoughts,
belief systems, physical ailments, and external energies. When someone undergoes a shi! in this biofield, the
frequency changes can sound like ringing in the ears.

Meditation is one way to connect to your core essence that rapidly shi!s these alignments.

As these energetic shi!s balance themselves out, the ringing in your ears should subside; however, to avoid a
sudden ringing in your ears, it is best to practice short smaller meditations instead of long intense meditation

Shorter daily meditations will decrease the chances of ringing in the ears, and contribute to a long-lasting
alignment that is tuned to your inner wisdom. 30 minutes of meditation every day is better than a 5-hour
meditation every month.

If you experience ringing in your ears every time you meditate, especially a!er an intense meditation such as
Kundalini practices, it may be helpful to use tuning forks to bring your energy back into alignment.

The most e"ective tuning forks for me have been 432 Hz, which brings your energy back to the steady energy
of your heart energies, and 136.1Hz tuning fork, which resonates with the OM frequency and has a very
grounding energy. These frequencies have a “reset” ability that can be helpful.


Many people that experience ringing in their ears are very sensitive to sounds and frequencies. While using
tuning forks for ringing in the ears seems counter-intuitive, they find that tuning forks can help a lot by
balancing the energy field.

To read more about using tuning forks to heal the body a!er meditation, I highly recommend this
book: Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy. Disclosure: These are a!iliate links.
To learn more about our a!iliates, click here.

Recommended Next Steps To Ease Ringing

In Your Ears

The best way to manage the ringing in your ears is to invest in your energetic and spiritual health, and learn
the cues that your energetic and etheric bodies are trying to communicate to you.


Once you recognize the messages that the ringing in your ears is giving you, you can begin to make
adjustments in your life that are more in alignment with your true and highest essence. Self-awareness and
empowerment through knowledge is the most powerful solution.

There are countless courses available online that provide in-depth training on spiritual development, so
browse around and look for courses that resonate with you.

If you are unsure where to start, here are a couple of my recommendations to get you started at home as soon
as today.

For those of you who spend a lot of time on the computer or on your phone, the best protective crystal to
keep near your workspace is Shungite. O!en times, ringing in the ears can be caused by too much exposure
to electronics and EMF, and the crystal shungite is a great way to protect you from overexposure.

Shungite is used to protect against harmful EMFs and transforms negative energy into neutral energy where it
is easier to release from the chakra centers.

To check out the best ways to use shungite in your energetic space and in your home, click here:
Recommended Energetic Protection Tools – Shungite.

Black Tourmaline is a crystal that o"ers energetic protection and is worn on or near the body to be used as a
shield against negative energies and psyching attacks or entities. These negative energies can o!en cause
ringing in the ears, particularly ringing in the right ear.


A great way to tell if the ringing in your ears is caused by negative external forces, the “tourmaline test” is
something worth trying. The tourmaline test is done by hovering a piece of black tourmaline around your
eyes, ears, sinuses, temples, and neck. If the ringing stops, it is a sign that there is psychic energy coming from
an external source causing the ringing in your ears. These are your telepathic channels, and where psychic
energy can get attached.

Similar to Shungite, it also o"ers protection against radiation and environmental toxins, and is helps
transform negative and destructive energy into neutral or positive energy.

Energy Healing Summit – In this course you’ll learn about your subtle body, learn about your energetic
anatomy, discover ways to tap into your body’s own intelligence to heal, learn di"erent healing techniques
such as Quantum-touch and the Emotional Freeing Technique (tapping), and much more. Learning these
techniques can help the ringing in your ears. This is an a!iliate link.

To view other recommended Energetic Protection courses, click here.

Every person has an intricate and unique energetic system, so determining the reason why your ears are
ringing is best to be done by you and your own intuition. If something resonates with you, I invite you to
explore it further. If not, disregard it and keep exploring. If you sit still and ask your higher self why your ears
are ringing, the answer will be provided.

If you want the ringing in your ears to stop, it is best to learn how to manage your energetic system, so that
you can begin to set boundaries with the external energies that are causing the ringing in your ears, as well as
to manage your own spiritual growth to ease the ringing.


Like all information on this site and on the internet, use your intuition when deciding if the ringing in your
ears is a spiritual sign and what it may mean.

Disclaimer: Information provided on this web site is the opinion of Crystal Clear Intuition at and may vary from the opinions of others, and should not be taken as fact. This
information is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information on this web site, including
information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes
only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments. As with any
information found on the internet, use your intuition to determine what is best for you.

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Rose Putnam
Rose is the owner and founder of Crystal Clear Intuition and the author of the blog.
She is a trained Intuitive Coach and does intuitive readings, coaching and
healings. She is passionate about meditation and is a meditation teacher and

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