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Civil Litigation

1. Filing. This is the first step in civil litigation, where the plaintiff files a complaint with the
court. The complaint is a description of the damages/ injury, explaining how it was
caused, justifies courts, and asks for relief.
2. Serving the defendant. The defendant is served with a copy of the complaint.
3. Answer. The defendant is allowed a certain period to answer the complaint.
4. Response. The plaintiff may respond to the defendant's answers or counterclaims in some
5. Discovery. The step involves sharing information between defense and prosecution, such
as the witnesses and any documents that are related to the case. It may entail a deposition,
where a witness is needed to provide answers about the case before the trial. The
discovery step is essential in preparing for trial by assembling evidence and preparing
6. Expert witnesses. Support from expert witnesses may be needed for explaining technical
information or validating a claim.
7. Motion filing. The parties may file a motion before trial to ask the court to rule or act.
The ruling is based on discovered evidence or a trial proceeding.
8. Settlement. The parties may seek resolution of procedural disputes between the parties
through mediation, arbitration, or others as encouraged by the judge. It helps avoid the
expense and delay of having a trial.
9. Trial. Without a settlement, the case proceeds to trial. Parties may or may not waive their
right to a jury in the trial.
10. Closing. After the evidence is heard, the defense and prosecution sides give their closing
arguments. The ruling is then passed on whether the defendant is guilty or not.

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