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8 Tips for Acing a Tough Job Interview 2. "Stress" Interviews

by Alyssa Goldman
You’re probably thinking, “Aren’t all interviews stressful”?
These are eight (8) curveball interview techniques you might But stress interviews are a different breed. They could
encounter, and the best way to ace each one. include an interviewer suddenly lobbing an oddball
question like, “If you were to get rid of one state in the U.S.,
1. Subtle Scare Tactics which would it be and why?”

It’s not just in your head: Your potential future boss did not Your interviewer might also start rapid-fire questioning or
smile at you. And if she's using intimidation techniques in adopt an aggressive or argumentative attitude. And the
an interview, she might wait a few beats after you answer a degree of stress applied will vary: A mildly stressful
question before responding to what you've said. question might be: “What makes you think you’re qualified
for this job when you’ve had minimal relevant experience?”
"These are all external distractions over which you have no In the most extreme versions, you might have to react to a
control," says Goldstein, "but what you can do is control how response like: "That's the worst answer to that question any
you react." candidate has given."

First, realize that she's trying to destabilize you, likely to see What to do? First, don’t just write off the interviewer as a
how you behave under pressure. To counteract her approach, total jerk. Consider that job candidates can predict most
anchor your feet to the floor and take a deep breath before interview questions and have a prepared response for each
you answer each question slowly and calmly. The goal is not one; by resorting to bizarre questions and comments like the
to let these scare tactics intimidate you, so beware that you're above, they want to see how the "real" you react to
not playing with your hair, fiddling with your jewelry or something.
shifting from foot to foot, all classic signs of anxiety.
And, perhaps more important than what you answer is the
Then, tune into your feelings, and ask yourself if you like the fact that you're being assessed on your creativity, your ability
environment or whether you could see yourself working at to think on your feet and your capacity for handling
the company (or for a boss who likes to keep you off- criticism. Your mantra? Grace under fire.
balance). Remember, job interviews are a two-way street–-
it’s also an opportunity to see if the company and the If you find yourself in this situation, relax. Consider it a
position would be a good fit for you. challenge—and a chance to impress your potential
employer. If you get choked up, take a deep breath and
collect your thoughts. It’s better to have a moment of silence

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than rush into an answer. And above all, don’t become 4. The Early-Onset Salary Question
defensive; instead, act professional. Your confidence and
composure are sure to impress. Usually the salary question comes later, but sometimes a
hiring manager will throw it at you in the first meeting. After
3. The Weakness Question all, their goal is to hire the best person they can who falls
within the position's prescribed budget.
“What’s your greatest weakness?” This is the classic old-
school interview question we know we'll be asked but How do you keep yourself in the running if the money
continue to dread. So, how do you answer it? question comes up early? There are two options you can try,
depending on the situation you're in: Either deflect the
Don’t give the cliché answers: “I’m too much of a question for another time, or name a number in the higher
perfectionist,” or “Frankly, I just work too hard.” Your range.
hiring manager could practically paper her office walls with
these oft-repeated replies and can see right through your For the first option, ask if you could wait until a later date to
rehearsed response. discuss salary. Say that you're incredibly interested in the
role, but would rather discuss compensation when you've
Your best bet is to be honest. The perfect compromise is to both determined that you’re the right candidate for the job.
put a positive spin on your weakness, without seeming too
perfect. "Explain your weakness and how you’ve been able However, says Goldstein, "your answer should reflect the
to manage it," suggests Goldstein. For example, you might flow of the interview." If possible, give a figure that’s on the
say that sometimes you tend to work too independently, so, higher end of your position’s stated salary range. Before you
to correct that, you now make a point of consulting your name your price, look up standard industry rates for similar
manager before making big decisions without input. Show positions.
that you’re a problem solver by going through the steps
you've taken to combat this flaw. And be sure to point out 5. "Imagine You ..." (The Hypothetical Situation)
how the quality also has a positive spin: In this example,
you're a leader who likes to take ownership of projects. Another hiring manager favorite? Asking an interviewee a
scenario-based question to see how they would handle a
One caveat: Just make sure you don’t try to explain how particular situation. For example:
you've improved on a flaw that makes you seem downright
incompetent, like trouble meeting deadlines, or a lack of • How would you react if a team member was not
judgment that's cost your company money. contributing to a project?

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• Imagine you have a deadline and you are running and the interviewee both enjoy table tennis or mountain
out of time. What would you do? climbing, that’s a common interest that can make you stand
Your technique in answering this type of question is
fourfold: First, know the job you're applying for, and the Just don’t be too enthusiastic. We know of a candidate who
skills that are required (or desired). Next, think of a time was passed over for a job because he seemed more excited
when you encountered a similar situation, even if not exactly about his side job than about the job he was interviewing for.
the same one being set up for you. Then, calmly walk your
interviewer through how you handled the situation, and what If you’re a mom, you may not have the luxury of “me time.”
your thinking was. You might be tempted to gush about your kids, but resist the
urge. "Leave your personal life out of your answer," says
For example, in response to the first question above, you Goldstein. Legally, employers are not supposed to
may try a reply like this: discriminate against you if you do have a spouse or children.
However, that doesn’t mean they won’t.
"Unfortunately, I have been in this situation before, and it
was detrimental to the whole team. First, I would try honest If asked what you like to do in your free time, do feel free to
communication. What I've found is that the more you ignore mention a hobby that is entirely separate from work, but
the problem, the worse it can get. Speaking with the shows your creativity (like photography) or persistence (like
employee in a nonconfrontational way is the best approach. running marathons).
Often the reason a team member isn't contributing comes
down to not understanding the work or what's expected of 7. “Do You Have Any Questions for Me?”
them. That way, I am at least able to find out the cause of the
problem and work toward a solution." Always, always have questions for your interviewer. And
yes, you will be judged on the amount of research you've
That way you're exhibiting both your prior experience and done about them and the company, as well as your
your problem-solving skills. thoughtfulness. A few good rules of thumb: Research your
interviewer, and the jobs they've held in the past. At a bare
6. Seemingly Innocuous Inquiries About Your Personal minimum, read up on any recent press releases the company
Life has written or new products they've launched. Then, stay
present and engaged throughout the interview so you have
“What are your hobbies?” It’s a seemingly innocent question relevant questions to ask at the end.
that allows insight into your personality and can help
determine if you’re company material. For instance, if you

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There are also some greatest-hits questions to bring. Ask

about the biggest challenges the company is currently facing,
Goldstein says. Their response will give you a sense of how
you could be part of the solution.

Other insightful questions include: “What do you consider

the best and worst features of this job?” and “How do you
imagine that this role will evolve over time?” Stay away
from questions that involve compensation, the time frame of
the interview process, and other applicants who may have

8. Speed Interviewing

A short interview does not signify a bad interview. Recently,

for example, Pizza Hut was conducting 140-second job

But why do quick interviews seem to be more common? It

could be that employers are really busy and don’t have the
luxury of chatting for an hour, Goldstein says.

Goldham, A., (2013, April 24). 8 tips for acing a tough job
interview. Retrieved from

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