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Shortly describe ‘feudal system.

Feudalism, also known as feudal system or feudality, and French féodalité, is a historical
construct that describes the social, economic, and political conditions in Western Europe
throughout the early middle ages, roughly from the 5th to the 12th centuries. Feudalism, as well
as the phrase feudal system were coined after the period to which they were applied. They allude
to what individuals who created them saw as the most important and distinguishing features of
the early and middle ages. Modern people frequently associate feudalism with King Arthur and
his Knights of the Round Table. The feudal legacy and its code of chivalry gave rise to medieval
Arthurian stories, which, as byproducts of the system, embody feudalism's principles. However,
the modern, Hollywood inspired idea of a powerful monarch uniting a close knit Camelot is not a
true representation of feudalism. In truth feudalism thrived as empires crumbled and rulers
became weak. Feudalism developed as a result of local decentralized informal decision making
among individuals in the absence of dominant authorities. Over ages, feudalism appeared to be
either evolving or devolving. It's difficult to say when true feudalism emerged as a distinct self
contained phenomena. However, the core of feudalism may be deduced from historical examples
in order to disclose the system's theory.

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