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Codice transazione Descrizione

MC40 BCO: analisi ABC valori di consumo

MC41 BCO: analisi ABC valori fabb.
MC44 BCO: Analisi rotazione magazzino
MC45 BCO: analisi valori di consumo

MC46 BCO: analisi articoli obsoleti

MC47 BCO: analisi valori fabbisogno

MC48 BCO: analisi valori stock att.
MC49 BCO: valori medi stock

MC50 BCO: analisi residui magazzino

J3RFLVMOBVED Riepilogo stock (Russia)

Slow moving items are the materials which are consumed less or not at all over a long period of time. The slow moving sto
difference of total usage value and the total valuated stock of table S031. Total usage will be totally planned and unplanne
consumption. Finding out the slow moving stocks and no moving stocks will be extremely useful in reducing the inventory
costs because you can determine which stocks are not required and, if necessary you can remove them.

Deadstock is the stock in the warehouse that has been not used for a long period of time. It is calculated by multiplying the
and the current price. If total usage is zero they are termed to be no moving rather dead materials. Dead stock is the obso
which you cannot use further.

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