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Define: liberal democracy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism.

Liberal Democracy:

Liberal democracy is a political system. It is a representative democracy in which the ability of

elected representatives to exercise decision-making power is limited by the rule of law and
usually moderated by a constitution that emphasizes the protection of individual rights and
freedoms and places restrictions on leaders and the extent to which the majority's will can be
used against minorities rights.


Individual freedom of thinking and behavior is valued over blind adherence to authority. In
government, authoritarianism refers to any political system in which power is concentrated in the
hands of a leader or a small elite who are not constitutionally accountable to the general public.
Authoritarian leaders frequently exert power unilaterally and without regard for existing legal
frameworks, and they are rarely replaced by citizens voting freely among competing candidates
in elections.


Individual freedom is theoretically prohibited under this style of governance, which strives to
subjugate all areas of individual life to the power of the state. In the early 1920s, Italian dictator
Benito Mussolini coined the term totalitario to describe the country's new fascist state, which he
defined as all within the state, none outside the state, none opposing the state. Totalitarian had
become synonymous with absolute and brutal single-party rule by the start of World War II.

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