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Good morning friends and sir, introduce me to sitta maulida and my colleague azma adirra sabilla,

here we will read the results of our discussion about a conversation between two people about
improving learning in elementary school. Let’s just get into the dialogue.

Sitta : hi azma, long time no see you

Azma : long time no see you to

Sitta : how are you?

Azma : I’m good, how about you

Sitta : I am also good, how did your lecture go well

Azma : yes thank god

Sitta : I want to ask for your time

Azma : okay

Sitta : I want to ask what do you think about improving students I elementary school?

Azma : umm, to improve the school itself, the main thing is to improve the quality of teachers,
maximize the right learning, choose the right learning method and use learning media.

Sitta : for subjects such as civics, what do you think to shape the students’ character?

Azma : be an example for students, be an appreciator for students, teach moral values in every
lesson, be honest and open to mistakes, teach manners, give students the opportunity to
learn to be leaders and share inspirational experiences. By sharing experiences, students are
inspired and can learn from the experiences of teachers. So that they do not become a
generation that is inferior, but the generation that continues to do goo…………………….

Sitta : so to improve learning in elementary school there must be many methods and we also
have to shape the character of students like that, azma?

Azma : yes, so that learning in elementary school will increase and students will be more active in

Sitta : yes oke, maybe that’s all ma thanks for your time

Azma : yes same” sitta

So many presentations from us, more or less sorry, thank you

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