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test-english = pronouns to complete the following sentences. You have completed this test Correct answers: 10/10. Your score is 100%. Check your answers: °e What time can! call him @ ? © We use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) after the verb (call) or after a preposition. e He @ neverlistensto us @ «> We use subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) before the verb (listens). © We use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) after the verb or after a preposition (to us). SNe test-english = aaa oe ie Exercise 2 Replace the underlined words with the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns. You have completed this test Correct answers: 9/10. Your score is 90%. Check your answers: 8 | can't find my_keys. + | can't find Them @. © Keys is plural. For things, we use it/it in singular and they/them in. plural. Keys= they/them test-english = il zi a Exercise 3 Complete the sentences using the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns. You have completed this test. Correct answers: 10/10. Your score is 100%. Check your answers: 0 I'm not dangerous. Don't be afraid of Me| @ «> We use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) after the verb or after a preposition (of). e I don't like this music; It @ is boring. Can you stop It @? ©> This music= It.

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