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A: What's up Bro!

Tell me, what's up with you?

B: I am trying to wrap my head around video editing, sound, vfx, effects and all.

I've been on it for hours but I just can't seem to get a hang of it.

Its output isn't what I expected.

A: What were you expecting?

B: Something cool and cinematic like that of Jake Blackman or JayMikee.

You know, color grading, slow mo, effects and all.

I mean I've been attending JayMikee's virtual class and binge watching

Other YouTube tutorials yet, It's still a struggle editing my videos.

Don't let us even go to my final output.

How can I hit a million views on my first upload within one week.

A: Whoa! Calm down Bro.

One step at a time.

Stop the comparison man.

They also started from the grassroots before reaching zenith.

Their years of experience gives them the edge and mind you,

The keep learning to improve their game.

B: But I have all the plugins and equipment they use.

I have it all! So why can't...?

A: Take it one project at a time Bro and in no time, you'll elevate.

And yeah, try seeking help from your friends ahead in the field whenever you feel stuck or drained.

B: Aite man.

Thanks for the encouragement; I really appreciate.

A: It's good bro. Have fun editing.

B: Yeah, yeah sure... subscribe to my channel though!


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