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Activities at home during the pandemic covid-19

It's been almost 4 months people including me are at home due to the pandemic covid-19.
During the home a lot of The activities I do such as clean the house,cook,help my parents ,
attend online seminars,online lectures, tasks and others. Corona virus a lot of people
affected because of the economic decline. But,in addition to a bad impact,a pandemic virus
Corona also there is a positive impact of his,like home made I can be closer to family due to
the almost 24 hours we met. I also often learn to make some dishes that I can do at home .
Due to this virus also made me closer to God,because I am more actively doing obligations
compared with the previous. Activities at home are also sometimes made me
bored,because I usually often there are activities outside ,often to and fro,and must now be
at home for some time yet to be determined.

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