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Preliminary Examination
NAME: Isaig, Rogelyn B. SCORE: __________

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each direction carefully and answer the following

Direction: Discuss/define on your own word the word/phrase/sentences below.

A. Emergent Assessment (5pts)
Emergent assessment refers to the assessment which focuses on the result of
the assessment rather than outcomes of learning, this includes the intended and
unintended learning outcomes. Intended learning outcomes are the stated outcome while
the unintended outcomes are not planned by the instructor but occur on the lesson taught.
This kind of assessment considered the needs of the students more rather than the
traditional method.

B. Alternative Assessment (5pts)

Refers to the assessment that uses the nontraditional form of assessment to
determine and check students' learning unlike traditional assessment which is more on pen
and paper test, alternative assessment is by product and performance. The students need
to produce something like an essay and poem or they need to perform something like
dancing and experimentation as evidence of learning. This assessment can determine if
the learner understands the learning outcome in more authentic ways.

C. Developmental Assessment (5pts)

This refers to the progress of the students in developing their skill, abilities and
learning rather than evaluating the final result of the students output as a whole .This kind
of assessment uses a pretest and post test technique to determine what the students know
and for the teacher to be able to modify the instruction base on the learners needs. This
includes monitoring of students performance at the beginning of class to the to the end to
see if there is progress on the students performance

D. Authentic Assessment (5pts)

Refers to the abilities of the students to do the tasks assigned by the teacher
that are based on real world experience and scenario. This kind of assessment allows
students to show and test what they learn by creating a concrete product or by performing
and showing their learnings.

E. Using the given criteria in determining if an assessment task or activity is authentic or not,
choose a topic and design an activity. Discuss the details of the activity. (30pts)

Topic : Gravity
Activity: The Fall
Direction: Perform the Activity to be able to describe the gravity and answer the
following question. Write Your answer in the notebook.

Materials:Any handy object

1.Get any object near you.Raise the object at a certain height.
2.Quickly remove your hand,leaving the object on top.Observe what happened to the object.
3.Using the same object throws it upward. .Observe what happens to the object.
Answer the following question.
1.What happened to the object when the hand was removed?
2.What happened to the object after it was thrown upward?
3. What common thing happened to the object?
4.Why did the object behave that way?
5. Describe the gravity.

The topic I choose is gravity wherein my students will demonstrate how gravity
affects the motion of an object. This topic will definitely catches my students attention as
this will answer their curiosity about our planet. The activity I choose is experimentation
through demonstration as I want my students to experience the topic by hand through
this they will be able to experience what gravity is and by doing this activity we can see
if they know how to follow an instruction and perform a task assigned to them and aside
from just performing a task this require multi-task as they have to write and documents
their observation and share it with their classmates for them to be able to check, see and
evaluate each other's work.

F. Choose a topic (related to your major), create a plan considering the Educational Objectives
in Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. For each domain, provide a learning target,
description and the learning outcome related to the content.
Sample template
Title of Lesson: Action Word/Verb

Cognitive Domain Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning


Creating Action Word/ A student can Verbs are words At The end of
Verb construct a that show an action, the lesson
simple sentence occurrence or state students can
using the correct of being. construct
action word. simple
using correct
action words.

Evaluating Uses of Action A student can A verb is a word At the end of

Word/ Verb defend that a used to describe an the lesson a
word mentioned action, state or students can
or used in a occurrence. Verbs defend that a
sentence is an can be used to word is an
action word. describe an action, action word
that's doing

Analyzing Types of Action A student can Three types of At the end of

words distinguish the verbs: action verbs, the lesson the
action words linking verbs, and student can
from each other helping verbs distinguish the
different kinds
of verbs.

Applying Linking Verb A student can Linking verbs are At the end of
use linking verbs verbs that serve as the lesson the
correctly in a a connection student can use
conversation. between a subject linking verbs
and further correctly in a
information about sentence.
that subject

Understanding Helping Verbs A student can Helping verb is a At the end of

describe what is verb that comes the lesson the
an a helping verb before the main student is
verb (or lexical expected to
verb) in a sentence. describe what is
Together the a helping verb.
helping verb and
the main verb form
a verb phrase.

Remembering Importance of The student can Verbs are words At the end of
Action Word state the that show an action, the lesson the
importance of occurrence or state student is
using correct of being. expected to
action words in a state the
sentence. importance of
using action
words in a

Title of Lesson: Gravity

Affective Domain Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning

Receiving Define Gravity A student can gravity, also called At the end of
give the meaning gravitation, in the lesson the
of gravity. mechanics, the students
universal force of will be able
attraction acting to give the
between all matter meaning of
Responding Importance of A student can Gravity is very At the end of
Gravity discuss why important to us. We the lesson the
gravity is could not live on students will
important. Earth without it. The be able to
sun's gravity keeps discuss why
Earth in orbit gravity is
around it, keeping important to
us at a comfortable us..
distance to enjoy
the sun's light and
warmth. It holds
down our
atmosphere and the
air we need to
Valuing Factors affecting A student can Newton's law also At the end of
gravity differentiate the states that the the lesson the
different factors strength of gravity students will
affecting gravity between any two be able to
objects depends on differentiate
two factors: the the different
masses of the factors
objects and the
distance between

Organization Mass A student can Mass is the quantity At the end of

identify why of matter in a the lesson the
mass affect physical body. It is students will
gravity also a measure of be able to
the body's inertia, identify why
the resistance to mass affect
acceleration the gravity
(change of velocity)
when a net force is
Internalizing Acceleration A student can Acceleration, rate at At the end of
Values discriminate which velocity the lesson the
acceleration from changes with time, students will
mass. in terms of both be able to
speed and discriminate
direction. A point or acceleration
an object moving in from mass.
a straight line is
accelerated if it
speeds up or slows

Title of Lesson: Matter

PsychomotorDom Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning

ain Outcome
Perception Matter A student can matter, material At the end of
describe what is substance that the lesson the
matter. constitutes the students will
observable be able to
universe and, describe what
together with is matter.
energy, forms the
basis of all
Set Importantance of A student can Matter is important At the end of
matter explain the for us because it the lesson the
importance of has mass and it students will
matter. occupies space be able to
therefore all things explain the
that we can touch importance of
and see are part of matter.
Guided Response Components of A student can Matter consists of At the end of
Matter trace the atoms that are the lesson the
different divisible and students will
components of composed of be able to
matter. protons, neutrons trace the
and electrons. different
of matter.

Mechanism States of Matter A student can There are four At the end of
display the natural states of the lesson the
different state of matter: Solids, students will
matter. liquids, gases and be able to
plasma. The fifth display the
state is the man- different state
made Bose-Einstein of matter.
Complex Overt Atom A student can An atom is the At the end of
Response sketch the image basic building block the lesson the
of an atom.. of chemistry. It is students can
the smallest unit sketch the
into which matter image of an
can be divided atom.
without the release
of electrically
charged particles
Adaption Structure of The student can Atoms consist of .At the end of
Atom rearrange the three basic the lesson the
structure of particles: protons, students will
atoms. electrons, and be able to rea
neutrons. The
nucleus (center) of
the atom contains
the protons
(positively charged)
and the neutrons
(no charge).

G. Search for a performance assessment tool and check whether it is a good one or otherwise.
Paste the tool and write down your comments.

The performance assessment tool I chose is Kahoot. I believe this is a good one as this is
interactive which is entertaining for the students. Here we can make an activity as if it's like a
game and the result will be shown immediately. This is very applicable as we are on the
transition from traditional learning to online learning.

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