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Hi, I´m Maria Jose and this is the international news.

Today´s topic
is bullying.
Bullying, a reality that is destroying the lives of young people and
children. On February 16th of this year, the parents of the boy
Drayke Hardman made his story known through social networks.
Drayke, a twelve-year-old boy from the United States, took his own
life after suffering more than a year of bullying at his school in Utah.
His sisters found him on the floor after he had tried to choke on a
piece of clothing. Despite being rushed to the nearest hospital, the
boy died the next morning.
Unfortunately like this case there are many more around the world,
children and young people who can not stand bullying and the only
alternative they see to escape it is to take their own lives.
According to the first worldwide study carried out by the
International NGO Bullyin without borders, bullying cases have
increased explosively in the last two years.
The world bullying podium is occupied by Mexico, where seven out
of ten children and adolescents suffer every day from some kind of
Next is the United States and America with six out of ten children
and adolescents and very close is China where almost six young
people and children for every ten also suffer from bullying.
These figures are unfortunate and we must start taking measures
to stop all types of bullying in schools and colleges.

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