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1- Bones of the upper limb.

2- Muscles of the upper limb.

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

3- Vesseles of the upper limb.
4- Nerves of the upper limb.
Royhaan FOLARIN 5- Joints of the upper limb.
Department of Anatomy,
Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu, Nigeria 2

The upper limb is regionally divided into… THE SHOULDER

• Consists of the scapula & the clavicle
1- The Shoulder
• The scapula articulates with the humerus & clavicle.
2- The axilla, pectoral region & breast
• The clavicle articulates with the sternum & the scapula.
3- The arm
4- The forearm
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

5- The hand

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• The ventral (costal) surface is

• A flat bone with concave & forms the
• 2 surfaces subscapular fossa.
(ventral & dorsal).
• The dorsal surface is convex &
• 3 angles
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

is divided by the spine of the

(superior, lateral& inferior).
scapula to 2 fossae:
• 3 borders
(medial, lateral & superior). • 1- a small supraspinous fossa.
• Has a spine , acromial • 2-a large infraspinous fossa.
process & coracoid process.

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• The spine of the scapula runs
superolaterally and widens to • The
form acromial process superior
• The acromial process articulates angle lies
with the lateral end of the opposite
the second

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

• At the lateral end of the
superior border is the coracoid rib
process. • The inferior
• The lateral angle forms the angle lies
glenoid cavity. opposite
the seventh
7 8

THE SCAPULA (Cond.) SCAPULA: Articulations

• There are 2 synovial & 2 fibrous joints.
• The • A-The synovial joints :
superior • 1. The shoulder joint, formed by the
angle lies glenoid cavity and the head of the
opposite • 2. The Acromio-clavicular joint
the second
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

• B- The fibrous joints :
rib • Coraco-clavicular joint (strong joint
• The inferior covered with strong ligament)
angle lies • coraco-acromial joint (strong joint
covered with strong ligament)
the seventh
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THE CLAVICLE: Functions THE CLAVICLE: Descriptions

• It has 2 important • Lies horizontally in the root of
functions: the neck.
• It overlies the flat 1st rib
• 1- To transmit forces from
• Its medial 2/3 are curved
the upper limb to the
forward to give room for the
bones of the axial passage of the large vessels &
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

skeleton (sternum) nerves which leave the neck &

• 2- To act as strut holding pass behind & below the
the arm free from the clavicle on their way to upper

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THE CLAVICLE : Descriptions (contd)
A long bone with one body 1-The subclavian artery &
& two ends: vein, and the trunk of
1- the sternal end brachial plexus pass behind
articulates with the the middle 1/3 of the
manubrium of the sternum clavicle.
forming the sterno- clavicular 2- The common carotid
artery lies behind the left

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

sternoclavicular joint .
2-The acromial end
3- the brachio-cephalic
articulates with the acromial artery divided to its 2
process of the scapula forming branches behind the right
the acromio- clavicular joint. sternoclavicular joint.
The body is convex in 4-The internal jugular vein
medial 2/3 concave in lateral lies a little laterally on
1/3. 15 either side. 16


A tubular long bone composed of: The upper end is formed by
upper end , 1- the head
body (shaft ) 2- the neck ( anatomical &surgical ) and
& lower end 3- the tubercles (greater & lesser )
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Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

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THE HUMERUS: Upper end (contd)

• The head :
• less than ½ sphere
• directed medially ,upward &posteriorly .
• It is separated from the greater & lesser
tuberosities by a shallow groove called the
anatomical neck .
• The greater tuberosity is a prominence
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

which projects posteriorly in rest position.

• The lesser tuberosity is a small prominence
which projects anteriorly.
• The greater & lesser tuberosities & the
head are separated from the shaft by the
surgical neck.
• There is small groove below them called
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the bicipital/intertubercular groove .


THE HUMERUS: Body (shaft)

• The upper ½ of the shaft is
cylindrical while the lower ½ is
like a prism.
• The lateral & medial borders of
the lower shaft continue below
to form the lateral & medial

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

supracondyler ridges (crests)
which end with the lateral &
medial epicondyles.
• In the middle of the shaft there is
deltoid tuberosity & the spiral
groove .

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THE HUMERUS: lower end THE HUMERUS: lower end

The lower end is formed from the
following structures ( from medial
to lateral ) :
1- the anterior aspect :medial
epicondyle , trochlea, capitulum &
lateral epicondyle . With 2 fossae
(coronoid & radial ) .
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

2- the posterior aspect: medial
epicondyle , trochlea & lateral
le with one fossa (olecranon) .
The medial epicondyle is larger ,
more prominent & extend
downward more than the lateral .
24 It carries a shallow groove in the 25
posterior surface for the ulnar
nerve .


• The upper end consist of :
• 1- The head : which is disc like with
two articular surfaces :
 the upper surface for the capitulum of the
 the lateral surface for the radial notch of
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

the ulna .
• 2-The neck: constricted part below
the head.
• 3-The radial tuberosity: below the
• A long bone , consisting of medial part of the neck .
• a thin narrow upper end ,
• body 30 31
• & thick expanded lower end .


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Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

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• 1- the upper surface of the head
• The body of the radius receives the capitulum of the
humerus to form part of the elbow
has 3 surfaces, 3 borders
joint .
& a pronator tuberosity.
• 2- the circumference of the head
• The lower end is formed articulates with radial notch of the
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

by the styloid process ulna to form the superior radio-ulnar
laterally & ulnar notch joint .
medially . • Below:
• 1- the ulnar notch receives the head
of the ulna to form the inferior
radio-ulnar joint .
• 2- the inferior surface of the lower
end articulate with 2 carpal bones to
34 35
form the wrist( radio-carpal )joint


• It is along bone with upper end ,
body (shaft ) & lower end.
• The upper end consist of :
• 1- The olecranon process :the
upper part of the trochlear
fossa .
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

• 2- The coronoid process : the

lower part of the trochlear
fossa .
• 3- The ulnar tuberosity :below
the coronoid process on the
anterior surface .
• . 37


4-The trochlear fossa : is a
large deeply concave
articular surface which lies
between the olecranon &
coronoid processes.
5- The radial notch is a

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

concave surface in the
upper part of the lateral
side of the coronoid
process. It articulates
with the circumference of
the head of the radius
to form the superior
radio-ulnar joint. 38 39

THE ULNA The interosseous membrane :

The body (shaft) of the ulna is
• In addition to the sup. & inf.
Radio ulnar joints, the radius &
triangular in the upper ¾ & ulna are also joined by a
cylindrical in the lower ¼ . fibrous membrane which
The lower end consist of : stretches between the
1- the head : small rounded interosseous borders of the 2
articulating with the medial bones..
• It runs obliquely downwards
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

side of the lower end of the
radius forming the inferior radio &medially from radius to ulna.
– ulnar joint. • It is pierced by the
2- The styloid process : projects ant.interosseous Vv.
medially & below the head . • Its function is
• 1- increase the area of origin of
forearm muscles.
40 • 2- transmits forces received by 41
the lower end of radius to

The bones of the hand The bones of the hand

They consist of :carpus ,
metacarpus & phalanges
The carpus bones : they are 8
arrange in 2 rows ( proximal &
distal ).
From lateral to medial:
Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

1- the proximal row : scaphoid

,lunate , triquetral &
pisiform .
2- the distal row : trapezium ,
trapezoid , capitate & hamate .

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The bones of the hand

• The Metacarpal bones : are 5 . One for each finger .
• Each metacarpal bone has : base ,shaft & head .
• The phalanges : all the fingers have 3 phalanges ( proximal , middle &
distal ) except the thumb has only 2 (proximal & distal ).
• Each phalanx has base , shaft & head .

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Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

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The articulation of the carpal bones The articulation of the carpal bones
• The proximal row is convex toward the lower end of radius & ulna The bones of the distal row articulate with the base of the
• 1- The scaphoid & lunate articulate with the lower end of the metacarpals by
radius . 1- the trapezium articulate with the 1st metacarpal bone .
• 2- the triquetral articulates with the lower end of the ulna . 2- the trapazoid articulate with the 2nd metacarpal .
• The bones of the proximal row articulate with the bones of the 3- the capitate articulate with the 3rd metacarpal .
distal row in mid carpal (transverese carpal) joint. 4- the hamate articulate with the 4th & 5th metacarpals..
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Upper Limb Osteology...Folarin RO

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