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1. a b. «, 4, e. The followin, Ze folowing tonstae ae tned by satiied squamous HISTOLOGY The palatirte tonsil Lingual tonsil ‘Nasal tonsil Laryngeal tonsil Pharyngeal tonsil The latgest agranulocyte is: 2 db c. d. 8 ‘Normoblast Basophil Lymphocyte Macrophage Monooyte The expression of “Pericyte” can be related to: va Tb. Te Fd. Fe. a b. e: a e Astheroma in comparison of ‘Muscular capillary Fenestrated capillary Continuous capillary Small sized veins Elastic artery Cardiac Muscle: ‘Muscle triads are found at the junction between an A and bands Flores run in strict paral Each fibre is a mulktucleated synctium ‘The sacroplasm of cardiac myooytes is abundant and contains numerous large mitochondria The tubules of the T-System lie opposite the Z band formation 10. “The intima is infitrated with protein molecules The lumen of the arteries becomes enlarged and consequently leads to increased blood flow | The media is infiltrated with fat and elastic fibres | The intima is infiltrated with fat and collagen An artery weakened by artheroma may undergo dilation 11 or may even rupture. Has a distinctly Contains a much larger q Contains Jess amount of e! media ee > @. es 1 cartag umnar cells __- Respiratory bronchiole: : Respiratey Histo 20 C-shaped hyatr e164 col b 1020 a pseudstratled et amnar i net py short pseudostraied © ate jithelium. ? 2 Fhe amount or muscle than in the trachea 3 Isdevoid of mucovs giands.., ue: § The tongue pstance is made U Chie ‘of smooth muscle Rte muscle is ranged in bundles that Un In , " Jorse and longitudinal directions ‘ c tar epithelium is supported 0” = jayer of connective 4 sie fiform papillae are preset ‘mainly on its posterior ut Fhe fungiform papillae are the largest inded acini e concerning salivary 9 Their serous The serous-cel Their mucous cell There are many seromucous cells The secretions of all types contain protein-carbohyarate Co! 1us membrane of small intestine: testine jlands; . are usually arranged in rou! f vvili and pinocytatic vesicles in tubular forms er . of salivary secretory cells ymplexes onceming the muco Concerts considerable length ofthe in on cotanzed by numerous crcuar fol of he Tr © Sharacterized by the presence of numero. rongitudinal folds in the mucosa ae Mimerousfngerike projections called tne Wit Characterized by the presence of microvill nthe fiminal surfaces of the fining mucosa cel Pancreas: : / Pancreas xcerine paris inthe form of serous compound | tubulo-alveolar glands The pancreatic sets are most numerous in the fal | pancreas «The alpha cells secrete glucagons a «The deta cells produce gastrin and somatostatin ce tjocrine part secretes enzymes that play important ein and fats a ‘ole in digestion of carbohydrate, prot 167 4G. col 3 io component ~ Lacis for apparatus has 2 tis @ specialization of the jomerula «tthe eta goment glomerular afferent arteriole ie i e. Modified cells of the afferent arteriofe are called macula a. gensa eta je. . Urinary Bladder E its as both baroreceptor and chemoreceptor ene Tne wall of the urinary bladder Includes two muscular 3. . ‘Sencemin Neuromuscular Spindles: i ‘coats and a subt ee aa iproies sensory ae erreex odusimerts cf muse ucinal b nd omigosa shows a number of longitudinal folds that bWthas a moter component of genina refextoop = © Ne ou men ‘They are very few tovards te endinousinserion of @ 4. fheepithelium is a typical pseudo-stratiied tissue J. S| imam empty bladder, the mucous membrane is thrown a ui ae ‘chain component has a dilated central part ze into aaa : The primary sensory endings ae ofthe arge group A 49, The Urethra: 14. Classified as general eee oe he female urethra is much longer than the mate urethra a eee ee b the urethra is composed of mucous, b. us and muscular layers c « > urethra in male and female is lined by pseudo- 4. stratified epithelium e 4. The submucosa consists of dense regular CT. S The muscle layer consists of inner longitudinal and 16 The circular a Bipolar cell : Dy Rede ald con 20, Cells Population of the Pars distalis: Outer plexiform layer a. Somatotrophs constitute about §0% 5 Bivers membrana | B. Gonadotrophs constitute about 15% e— Amacrine cells c. __Corticotrophs constitute about 20% | 4 ‘Mammotrophs constitute about 25% 16. Distal convoluted tub | & Growth hormones constitute about 50% a Are involve | Z b. Are large with apical mic 21, Distribution of cells of the pars Anterior. ¢ Have prominent basa! anda pane Somalrophs are located mainly inthe lateral pars d. Have intensely ‘Bagophiiie o ee invaginations b. ‘Thyrotrophs are concentrated in ‘the anterior median pat a its lnige banisveste scooneas's 2 Gonticotrophs show preference for posterior median pat 5 ; | & ~ Gonadotrophs are scattered throughout 1. Juxtaglomerular Apparatus. | e. Mammotrophs are concentrated in the lateral part A a The JG cells are innervated by x ervated by unmyelinated adres ibres 22. Lysosomes: b The re a i | a ‘Contain enzymes like proteases, lipases. carbohydrates The JG cel and cul densa cells lie in close | Sad ace phosphatase on b They may fuse with pinaoytotic vests 168 They are present in mature erythrocytes . ans edian part ean party art he yee f i i ” 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 hydrolases © They are membrane bound vesicles Reticular fibres differ from collagen fibres as follows: They are uneven in thickness a b. They are much finer ¢. — They do not run in bundles 4 Trey contain more carbohydrate e. form essential component of all b Thay ofa yasement Neutrophils: 2. Contain abundant glycogen, which provides energy to ;. rae after leaving the blood stream y are attracted by chemotoxins produced by cells where there 2; is infection , oa ©. ‘Actin filaments in their cytoplasm determine their motility é. — Their number in blood is greatly increased in some tation basophils, e. > They have a functional correlation wi Concerning Osteoblasts: = 2 Theyare bone- removing b.- They are multinucleated c lis. ‘They are found living on the growing surfaces of-bone Their nuclei are ovoid i Overactivity of smooth muscle is responsible for: 2 Constriction of bronchi leading to asthma b+ Severe intestinal colic © Renal Colic Cirthosis of liver * @ __ Proliferation of myofibroblasts né of the esophagus: Mucous membra -veral longitudinal folds that disappear after a Shows se\ distention ‘The mucosa is lined by stratified columnar epithelium of some tubuio-alveolar mucous d lower ends nt in the Jower part — nthe upper part. ‘There are presence Gastroduodenal junction cardial sphincter is absent mone Rg ‘teases the calcium resorption 2 ubules between yembrane ¥ referred to as clear cells the memes ve or light celts. part of the gut poorly formed Ti re present Solitary nodules may fill the submucosa ‘Appendices epiploicae are present pulp: ike 2 sponge The pulps are rich in si T-Lymphocytes are the jinusoids predominant fic nodules with aggregation darteriles surround arteries. preg te 3 e. int of view, receptors are classed as: From a morphorogical Free nerve et Interoceptive receptors Cutaneous receptors Tactile corpuscles Lamellated corpuscles mong epithelial cells mechanoreceptor sponds to vibration responds to pressure Concerning muscle spindles: P ted in the striated 2. Theyare serisory ending organs loca muscle E a Sry and motor * 2 wiecorne ry : itis permeate as @ Ithas 4 marginal _ 3 es, ymph nodes Preset | se soit ent namie o Numets miomnacee a reso sound g centers ‘i corr macrophages found in the medul : & Numerous fibobasts presented in association with the Fru work ofthe reticular bres tp nuses and blood es fe. Endothelial cls lining both iymph si 5 oe s it is predorminantly epithelial vessels The thymus is avascul Te ee teristic Hassal corpuscle 438, Enlargement of lymph nade may result fom: TRetvation of the germinal center The cortex has @ a. b. _Lymphadenities € Carcinoma Lingual tonsil “ ¢. Blockage of the subcapsular sinus es itis amass present on the posterior wail of the @ _ Myaslhena gravis nasophrynx b. When the lingual tonsils become hypertrophied, they are called adenoids 37.* _Hstotogy of te lymph node presents a afferent lymph vessels on the concave surfa i c miigeent fuse ceed 5 eet costo oats he Stern esse thal ele ini an exter sive sutlcapsular ° : ete bey consti the oreo 4. Afferent vessels that enter the corte : ae eer eee ® Efferent vessel sine une thal ernebie Ronn ins Reaubs Renal cortex consists of: beret Renal columns Memon hc ees aE SP icnenietneriar epparshe locytas mn b z | ee Phocytes, macrophages, blood vege Oy, $ Revel copuscies sssels and bio : od : : ase He Lata a8. Epithe ial lining of the renal tubul ae are Simple eae j , Squam lit e ne i : ous Ii pars 5 Cuboidal cells line the ; He esc ing Tinh Proximal convulated tubules | C Columnar cells line th 2 dist stal convulated tubules : “6. 4, 48, “The folowing are functions oF tne Urata w= go tacts as a stem cell > | b protects against the development of emphysema ¢ ‘secretion reduces surface tension & tprotects against harmful substances @ Iteonaitions air | Endoplasmic Reticulum: ‘eases the membrane forming the ER are studded with RNA ‘The lumen of both smooth and rough ER are continuous withthe perinuclear space c.__ Smooth ER is responsible for processing of proteins. Smooth ER is responsible for synthesis of lipids especially those of membrane phospholipids Rough ER is a prominent feature of cells processing lipids. Conceming Mitochondrial function: a. They contain enzymes that play an important role in * pebbero Enzymes that are associated with res; ated vith ebpratary chain and ATE production sre present onthe rior mien vnembrane t ee Esmee rth conven of ADP-AT are ested in 4 Theyeiian enzes fray sed matin he oe Thayhew enajnes ‘hes hva eyes ford syne he cuter Membrane tound vesicle incu Phagosomes Ke Peyftl esices Sof veces crt vesicles iyoeumes b. é 58 ‘Are usualy present in arge Have the Speticarangemnt of misono © Have dvenin motors tan AG 2° =~ ogy tempore = a ‘eguiating r * Reig anastomosis it e ves x tied by sensory Nel é ieee PP not penetrate the ski9 z Itreceives autonomic E09 SUPPY mis a never soe! 3 a. _Nerve bres sive plexuses regulate temperature & skin. cs bout the dermis: Facts ahi the superficial part of the b. Many. Merkel’s disks ae pe ea lany Mevjion destroyed by ble § ie ne ojed tubular glands are located in the dermis of + the thick skin : «. Both loose and dense connective tissues are found in the dermis ‘The following are the characteristic feature of the dermal papilla: Ze -. Loose connective tissue Pacinian corpuscie Meissner’s corpuscle Dense irregular connective tissue “Thick skin is composed of the following cells: Stratum lucidum: Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Stratum granulosum Stratum corneum & 62. poe a. e. N secretes esotrogen Eis Served from the graatan folce ater its rupture 's of the granulosa and theca interria are transforme into tuteum cetts. f The theca interna cells contain abundant SER ‘The fate of the corpus luteum depends on whether the ovum is fertilized or not. Hormones influencing ovulation and menstruation: a. b. c 4. Estrogen produced by theca interna Progesterone produced by graffia FSH stimblates the formation of fol LH helps te convert the ovarian fol luteum Oxytocin produced by the corpus luteum About the testis: ‘The testis is enclosed in a fibrous tissue called tunica albugin: ‘The testis consists of only two types of cells ~ the sertoli cells, the spermatogenic cells Meiosis occurs between the B-type spermatogonia and spermatocytes FSH initiates spermatogenesis Effects of LH on the sertoli cells lead to the secretion of the androgen, ‘Seminferous tubule houses the following cells: Ser Oogonium ‘Spermatogonium Leydig celis is devoid of glands The respiratory system: It can be divided into a conducting anc a respiratory portion is respiratory portion bronchi and branch nsists of the nzsoph: into the corpus “* 4. © Thecartiages of me ‘are C-shaped cn of asi fibre inthe respiratory The concent portion is inversely propor ional to tinat liste conaucting © tubule. On the conducting postion of the res; The inspired air is cleansed, moistened and warmed tory system: b. The mucesais fined with a specialized type of simple columnar epithelium c. _The lamina propria has a rich superficial vascular network 4. The inspiod oir is moistened to prevent dissication of the ° On the respiratory epithe a. b. The conducting portion contains litle or no goblet celis in the respiratory portion There is abundant goblet ce! G. _Immotile cilfa syndrome (kartagener syndrome) is. caused by deficiency of a protein called dynein Metapalasia occurs in smokers. type ‘ ine presence of ADH, hypertonic urine of he dista! convoluted tubule becomes hypotonic Cortical nephrons have short thin ascending limbs and, rio thick ascending limbs yhrons and renal arteries: the glameruils vith blood ‘about increase in blood oe C-shaped tye respiratory at Huse COHEN, y system maed and warmed ed type of simple ricial vascular wont aissication of the mle columnar pseudostratiied ain litle oF no ca within the ie els are larger and ending limbs and us with bioos recease in biood =f 68, 69, 70. The sertoli cells The major components of the: ined with simpie is an arteriolé with no distinct 1e male reproductive system include Spermatic cords Genital ducts Scrotum Testes Cells of the spermatogenic lineage are: b, Stacked in 2 layers The same as sertol cells Located in the space between the basa! lam ‘Are flat squamous cells b. « d e The Prosiate: a b ©. d fe. __ The lumori of prostate g'an Concer a b 73. 14, Columns: b. © © Poorly stained muck e pv epiumnar epithelial cols chyme from the mouth nymended stomach presents prominent Jongitudir folds called ruggae. «etal soerel hick wscous mcs jigestion starch starts Bieta ade re wed equal" 2t Pa? oftne Momach wall the dentine: The great 3 J equi rructure in the body the hardest 74 js secreted by odontoblasts c ‘sensitive to painful stimull d 1s fibres act as receptors The dentine is richly innervated. ‘The tongue: a jg'an osteomuscular organ” b ‘demarcates it into anterior one ‘and posterior two thirds © is composed of smooth muscles d * Soucosal layer of the upper surface is entirely “fe studded with papillae 5” Tinguat tonsils are present only on the inferior surface Concern a ted in the mouth b. Is c . Thes is predominantly mucous Gi: The Wherton’s duct empties near the 2 upper molar teeth Only the submandibular is a compound tubulo-acinar gland. to store a large quantity ofits hormones jense connective tissue The thyroid gland a. Has the capa —<$< 179 a 79. 80. 81. 82 83. About thyroid hormones: a. ‘The following may result from thyroi Thyroxine usually sti 1 y ly stimulates mitochondrial qe: an¢ oxidative phosphorylation ave Strongly basophilic col loid indicates a stage of metabolic activity in the follicle Be Sens. 2 Excess T; and T, “stimulate th id | synthesize more hormones. ee | cacslacel promotes bone resorption inomycin D may block the action in option a above. e, matfunctioning Myxedema Cretinism Grave's disease Exophthalmic goiter lodine deficiency goiter. m About the parathyroid glands: a b c 4. e. Every mammal has 5 small parathyroids: They are not essential for life Parathyroid hormone promotes osteogenesis They are usually stimulated by 2 decrease in blood >) 68. calcium Parathyroid hormone may reduce the concentration of phosphate in the blood. The following are examples of proprioceptors anced yeaogD s20 Golgi tendon organs Muscle spindle Vestibular apparatus 89. Krause end bulb Baroreceptors. he neuromuscular spindle: in knee jerk Itis present in all strated = , Nuclear bag fibres extend through the spindle i 8 80: itis innervated by eipha myelinated sensory nerves ‘oncemning the ear: itis a stato-acoustic system Sound waves are amplified by middle eat 2nly The specific sensory recep! the se Seet nn gonnents the external and middle ea! The following are present in internal ear: a. Membranous labyrinth b. _ Perilymphate fluid i cc. _ Geruminous glands 4. Organ of-corti ; e Saccule and utricle The paccinian corpuscles are abundant it Fingers External genitalia eaose “The folldwing are encapsulated receptor eeaosD Joint capsules. Mesenteries Wall of urinary bladder Free nerve endings Merkel endings Meissner's corpuscle Olfactory cells Paccinian corpuscles. Concerning adenohypophysis: a. b. ©. 4 e Consists of only pars cistalis Consists of pars distalis, pars intermedia and pars tubers E Secretes oxytocin and ADH i Contains chromophils and chromophobes Constitutes most of the hypophysis. Major accessory genital glanc'sinclude: eoes® ‘Sebaceous gland ‘Seminal vesicles Prostate “The bulbourethral glaraés ‘of the above The penis paces Consis's main! and wethra 3 ar ras of only 3 cptarcal masses erecle tissue of 3 ofincrical masses of e* “The corpora cavernosss are placed ventrally- ; ‘The corpus spongiosa surrounds (he urethra i The glans peris is lined win stratified ‘squamous Respiratory bronchioles: Intrapulmonary bronchus: Inter-alveolar septa (walls) | shaped Concerning respiratory € Cariitage is present along the posterior waw The external wall isthe serosa ‘The trachealis muscle les deep to the elastic membrane ‘The wall of the trachea consists of mucosa, hyaline carilage and serosa le terminates by Each distal respiratory bron branching into several alveolar ducts. ‘They are characterized by a direct connection wi ith the columnar in the Ind ‘appear in the wall of the respiratory ‘bronchioles as outpockets Elastic and smooth muscle fibres are present in the lamina propria accompanying blood vessels. ‘Could be identified by many C-shaped cartilages fo smaller bronchi with a decrease in the gpithelal eight and increase inthe amount ofcartlege ee ~ Bronchi with about 1mm in diameter lack cartilage Walls consist of mucosa, a narrow layer of smooth wvatela, submucosa with mixed glands, cartilage and ut from the trachealls men, adventt The smooth muscle spreading ©: forms a complete layer around the lu 100. ‘The alveoli are oval ‘jaeontaveol are characeristicaly equipped with ‘many aggregate lymphoid nodules orted by CT and other cols are feralveolar septum ing eround the'open ends ofthe Capilarios are close to simple squamous cells of adjacent alveoli in im: ines the superior fold of the larynx -d with POCE with Stratified squamous All of the conducting portions are I many goblet cel ‘The goblet cells are the most abundant Ciliated columnar The small grant 'ype are the same Reguiar bronchiole e Regular S Respiratory bronchiole. Mees ce in chronic smokers, alt ile le a He erage rom he reso Simone 1 sl : squamous is i bronchiectasis . . ‘ May fered epitnelium i 8s effective functionally & ttimpairs removal of ‘mucous Fi Jess than 0.3mm in diameter is very thin ima Is very ally smooth muscle cells | cartilages are elastic r’s syndrome a b. Tunica int Tunica media has pastes ina eno external elastic lamin ji ‘ Have important role in regulation of systematic blood pressure Concerning the respiratory tract Concern well bodies protect olfactory epithelium from j dessication 1g warm air by a counter-current system nature £ b. cc. . ; Larger laryngeal & | © Sinusitis is a component of Kartagen=y 8 ncreased alrway resistance results mainly from the dation of bronchi smooth muscle contraction. ‘About the respiratory system: “Type il collagen is abundant in lung fibrosis ( Emphysema results from reduction of the lungs lobules / sy diffusion of substance j lar dilation i a b. Type | squamous cells aid d. * Parasympathetic stimu! e In chronic smokers, respiratory epithe! squamous type. of simple ] rogenitor cel jor source of osteop! highly vascular mportant in the repair of fractures and the brush ce cells constitute the APUD cells. 182 ee 103. 104. Hon a b. c a e. rhird, down of a sleeve of bone 4%. production of spongy bone 8", formation of compact bone. ‘monal effects on bone development: Somatotropin acts directly on the epithelial cartitage * Excess of somatotropin causes dwarfis Excess somatotropin produces gigantism The following are true about the bone matrix: a, b. Osteoclasts: Saooe 80% ofits dry weight is inorganic matter Phosphorus combines with magnesium to form hydroxyapatite crystals ; ‘The hydration shel facilitates ion exchange Collagen is type 3 collagen ives a positive PA S reaction. They are large brénched non-m« Each may contain upto 46 nuclei They are involved in bone maintenance Parathyroid hormone increases their activity They are involved in bone resorption. About endochondral Ossification: ic cartilage provides the bone model All long bones develop by this process Chondrocytes form new bone cells The primary ossification center always appears in the diaphysis Bone + usually surrounds the epiphysis, ing tho epiphyseal cartilage: * The zone of hypertrophic cartilage contains latge in fhe resting zone lie in stacks Hydroxyapatite Is abundant in the proliferative zone Chondrocytes in the calcified cartilage zone actively “2. :vesian system wou ¢ present: Lacunae with canalicul Several osteoblasts “The folloviing are ‘examples of diarthrosis: Pubic symphysis. West joint Glenohumeral joint ‘Skull sutures « eacoe ing could result from calcium deficiency: a iokets b. _ Bowleggedness - c:Osteomalacia d e Prematurely closed epiphysis Myxedema fied epithelium can be found in: e. Superior concha Transitional epithelium: 2 a found exclusively in the excretory passeces of he

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