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Cancer Diet

1. Eliminate all meats except some wild fish and some organic chicken breast.
Meat makes your body acidic, a favorite environment to support the growth
of cancer, contains steroids & hormones that accelerate the growth of cancer
and contains antibiotics and chemicals that compromise your immune
2. Eliminate all sources of sugar, including fruits (except raspberries, they
contain a chemical helps prevent cancer from growing its blood supply) and
eliminate vegetables such as carrots, beets, corn & sweet potatoes.
3. Eliminate all sources of white carbs, i.e. bread, rice (brown and black are
better), potatoes (ok once in a while), and pasta (whole wheat once in a
while) because they get converted to sugar. Sugar is the favorite food of
cancer. Only dark rye and/or pumpernickel which have a low glycemic
4. No dairy products for the same reason as meats plus they have a chemical
that fosters the growth of cancer. Use unsweetened almond milk.
5. Eat lots of green vegetables, etc., to make your body alkaline, which helps to
stop cancer from progressing, according to this web site -
6. Low fat diet and little or no fried foods.
7. Drink at least 250 mg per day of straight pomegranate juice for the same
reason as the raspberries.
8. For protein, dried beans and whey protein isolate can be added to foods or in
a drink with pomegranate juice.
9. Drink lots of alkaline water to keep your body hydrated.
10. Keep your body alkaline, refer to chart covering all food and beverage

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