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By: Iñaki López, Diego Valderrama and Ethan

 A celebrity phobia is a phobia that a celebrity has.

 A phobia is an intense and irrational fear towards a person, a

situation or a place. Some phobias that we all know are
arachnophobia, claustrophobia, aerophobia...

 Some famous people are Martin Freeman, Tyra Banks, Billy

Bob Thornton, Nicole Kidman, Kyra Sedgwick and Channing
Tatum. Even though there are more celebrities with phobias,
these are the ones that we are going to talk about.
 Martin Freeman is a famous actor and comedian, he appeared
in Sherlock and The Hobbit. He has choking phobia. The choking
phobia is the fear of being choked when you are eating some
type of food like the fish bones, or the ham.
 But this actor has choking phobia with the avocados. In an
interview he spoke that when he eats avocados, he is frighten
that the stone is going to get stuck in his throat.
 Tyra Banks also known as BanX is a actress, cinema producer,
supermodel and tv presenter. She was really known for her
fashion show for Victoria Secret. She admited in an interview
made by Howard Stern having dolphin’s phobia and having
nightmares with this animal.
 This phobia is called Ictiophobia and is one of the strangest
phobias that a person can have.
 Billy Bob Thornton is an actor, film director and musician, he
achieved an Oscar for best adapted script in Sling Blade. Also
he got nominated for best supporting actor for his role in A
Simple Plan.
 He has explained his phobia many times. This phobia is about
that he can´t be around old stuff with lions carved in it.
 Nicole Kidman is an actrees, producer and singer. She has won
many awards such as Oscars, BAFTA, and six Golden Globes.

 She has butterfly phobia, also known as Lepidopterophobia.

She is afraid of butterflies since she was a child, she told in an
interview that she would do anything to avoid a butterfly or a
moth. Most people that are afraid of butterflies are also
afraid of moths.
 Kyra Sedgwick is an actrees who won a Golden Globe for her
role in the tv show The Closer. She also won an Emmy for her
role in a dramatic film. She has a phobia of talking food.

 Her husband, Kevin Bacon, said in an interview that his wife has
to leave the room everytime in a comercial appears talking
food. She turned down a contract for M&M because they are
food that talks.
 Channing Tatum is an actor, dancer and producer. He is known
for doing films such as Step Up produced in 2006.

 In 2014 he appeared in “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” in which

he explained that porcelain dolls look super freaky to him. He
also said that this phobia may have started when he watched
an episode of “Friday the 13th”. Futhermore, he thinks that the
doll is going to turn its head to watch him.

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